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Select The Blank

Question Inspection activity for semi finished & finished component should be ________ to reduce
muda of transport .
Correct Answer Decentralized
Your Answer Carry out in QA department

Question Concept of six sigma is not applicable for non manufacturing sectors.
Correct Answer False
Your Answer False

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

Question Few main steps to construct a Histogram after deciding classes, class width & class
boundaries are :-
Correct Answer Compute mid-point of the class (cell) & fill up the tally sheet determining the cell or class into
which each value falls , Count the tally marks i.e. frequency in each class & construct a
histogram by plotting a bar graph for each class , Analyze & conclude whether process is is
meeting the requirement or not & take connective actions if needed.
Your Answer Compute mid-point of the class (cell) & fill up the tally sheet determining the cell or class into
which each value falls , Count the tally marks i.e. frequency in each class & construct a
histogram by plotting a bar graph for each class , Analyze & conclude whether process is is
meeting the requirement or not & take connective actions if needed.

Multiple Choice Single Answer

Question A drive for people involved should start with the :-
Correct Answer Study of staff attitudes
Your Answer Staff empowerment

Multiple Choice Single Answer

Question Poka-yoke for employee not performing work as per established method is :-
Correct Answer Implement work standard
Your Answer Implement work standard

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

Question Implementation of TPM in Indian industries is difficult due to :-
Correct Answer Lack of knowledge of the TPM , Resistance to change , Fear to loss of job
Your Answer Lack of knowledge of the TPM , Resistance to change , Fear to loss of job
1. SMED 1. To eliminate MUDA of
2. VMI ( Vendor Management 2. To eliminate MUDA of
Inventory) system processing
3. Flow / string diagram 3. To eliminate MUDA of defect

4. Value analysis / value engineering 4. To eliminate MUDA of stock

5. To eliminate MUDA of over

6. To eliminate MUDA of office

1. Control chart is a 1. How much variability in the process is due

graphical method of to random causes & how much is due to
checking assignable causes
2. Control chart can be 2. As process monitoring tool
used to determine
3. Control chart is a chart 3. For quality monitoring
with UCL & LCL placed
4. Control chart can be 4. At 6 Sigma distance on either side of the
used process average
5. At 3 Sigma distance on either side of the
process average
6. Stability of the process

1. UCLp 1. n p + 3 ( sq.root( n p ( 1- p )))

2. LCLp 2. p + 3 ( sq.root( n p ( 1- p )))

3. UCLnp 3. p - 3 ( sq.root( n p( 1- p )))

4. LCLnp 4. p + 3 ( sq.root( p ( 1 - p ) / n ))

5. p - 3 ( sq.root( p ( 1- p ) / n))
6. n p - 3 ( sq.root( n p( 1- p )))
1. Histogram is a graphical display of 1. Tapering away on the both
distribution of measurements and sides from average value
2. Histogram is a diagrammatic 2. The frequency distribution of
presentation of defects in the process
3. The shape of histogram can 3. The frequency distribution of
a characteristics
4. Ideally the histogram will have a bell 4. Provide a clue about the
shape quality of the lot
5. Reveals the amount of
variation within the process
6. Provides the clue about the
process information

1. Shift begining & shift end / 1. Discussion for customer complaints

change meeting
2. Daily work management 2. Discussion on performance of sister
meeting company.
3. Weekly meeting 3. Discussion for capital expenditure &
customer outstanding.
4. Monthly meeting 4. Discussion on production in last shift &
plan for next shift
5. Discussion on Competitors progress
6. Discussion on gap analysis for
production maintenance, dispatch

1. World class benchmarking company in marketing 1. Ford

2. World class benchmarking company in quality 2. Motorola

3. World class benchmarking company in training 3. General Electric

4. World class benchmarking company in assembly 4. British airways

5. Microsoft
6. American

1. Early management 1. To achieve zero defect by ensuring

defect free equipment
2. Quality management 2. To achieve zero breakdown.
3. Safety, hygiene and 3. To improve product features
4. Planned maintenance 4. To achieve zero accident &zero
5. To ensure easy to manufacture product
6. To manage breakdown

The area enclosed under normal distribution curve between mean +3standard
15. deviation is :-

) 0.9545
c) 0.6826
d 1
37. If 'Annual saving in procurement expenses is managing point', then checking
points will be :-

Price revision
) Credit period
c) Transport expenses
d Productivity improvement
After finding out the solution & working on it, the
equally important job is
Prepare for the presentation of your work
Explain the progress by presentation to steering
Convince committee for your next project
Convince committee for financial help for running
the project

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