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March Edition

GITAM School of Technology,

GITAM Deemed to be University
Bengaluru Campus.
Assignment - 2 Problem Statements
Solve Using Any Programing Language

1. Micro and Array Update

Micro purchased an array A having N integer values. After playing it for a while, he got
bored of it and decided to update value of its element. In one second he can increase
value of each array element by 1. He wants each array element's value to become greater
than or equal to K. Please help Micro to find out the minimum amount of time it will take,
for him to do so.

First line consists of a single integer, T, denoting the number of test cases.
First line of each test case consists of two space separated integers denoting N and K.
Second line of each test case consists of N space separated integers denoting the array

For each test case, print the minimum time in which all array elements will become
greater than or equal to K. Print a new line after each test case.

2. Hamiltonian and Lagrangian
Students have become secret admirers of SEGP. They find the course exciting and the
professors amusing. After a superb Mid Semester examination, it’s now time for the
results. The TAs have released the marks of students in the form of an array, where arr[i]
represents the marks of the ith student.

Since you are a curious kid, you want to find all the marks that are not smaller than those
on its right side in the array.

Input Format
The first line of input will contain a single integer n denoting the number of students.
The next line will contain n space separated integers representing the marks of students.

Output Format
Output all the integers separated in the array from left to right that are not smaller than
those on its right side.

1 <= n <= 1000000
0 <= arr[i] <= 10000

3. Frustrated coders
There are N frustrated coders standing in a circle with a gun in their hands. Each coder
has a skill value S[ i ] and he can only kill those coders that have strictly less skill than
him. One more thing, all the guns have only 1 bullet. This roulette can take place in
any random order. Fortunately, you have the time stone (haaan wo harre wala) and
you can see all possible outcomes of this scenario. Find the outcome where the total
sum of the remaining coder's skill is minimum. Print this sum.

Input Format
The first line contains N the no. of coders
The next line contains N elements where the ith element is theS[ i ] of ith coder.

Output Format
Print a single line containing the minimum sum.

1<= N <= 1000000
1<=S[ i ]<=1000

4. Pink Floyd and Happiness
Pink is sad because of some reasons, he wants to cheer up by listening to some songs
from his favorite band, Pink Floyd.

There are N records and Pink will be happy if he listens to them in the ascending
order, i.e., first the song No. 1, then No.2 and so on (He has to listen to all the N songs
to become Happy).

Pink is delivered his records in some given order, he can either add the record to the
Playlist in the delivered order or put some on another table. After being put on the
table only the topmost record can be added to the playlist at any time.

Print whether Pink will be sad or happy after the delivery of the records.

Input Format
N - Number of records followed by
N numbers- order of records.

Output Format
Print "Happy" if the playlist has songs from 1 to N in order else "Sad".

The array consists of 1-N distinct numbers.

5. Hacker and traffic lights
Zolo is stuck in a traffic due to dysfunctional traffic light. Zolo is a professional hacker
and he can get into the system and change the state of the light. His planet has
different types of traffic lights such that there are N bulbs on the traffic board and
only when all of them are green(G) the cars can pass. there are 2 other states also
which the bulb can show; i.e. Red(R) & Yellow(Y). Note that the lights are designed
such that they follow a state change cyclic pattern as follows:

R >Y >G >R

Once Zolo gets into the system he can select any position i and update all elements
between i to min(N, i + K - 1) by increasing their state by 1.This whole process takes
1 sec and he can repeat this process any no. of times until he gets all lights = G . Find
the minimum time to do the process as Zolo is getting late for work.

Input Format
The first line contains N K
The second line describes the current status of each bulb as an array whose each
element can either be G or Y or R.

Output Format
Print the minimum amount of time required to clear the traffic jam".

1<=N, K<=100000.

6. Remove Friends
After getting her PhD, Christie has become a celebrity at her university, and her
Facebook profile is full of friend requests. Being the nice girl, she is, Christie has
accepted all the requests.

Now Kuldeep is jealous of all the attention she is getting from other guys, so he asks
her to delete some of the guys from her friend list.

To avoid a 'scene', Christie decides to remove some friends from her friend list, since
she knows the popularity of each of the friend she has, she uses the following
algorithm to delete a friend.

Algorithm Delete(Friend):
for i = 1 to Friend.length-1
if (Friend[i].popularity < Friend[i+1].popularity)
delete i th friend
if(DeleteFriend == false)
delete the last friend.

Input Format
First line contains T number of test cases. First line of each test case contains N, the
number of friends Christie currently has and K ,the number of friends Christie decides
to delete. Next lines contains popularity of her friends separated by space.

Output Format
For each test case print N-K numbers which represent popularity of Christie friend's
after deleting K friends.

0<=K< N

Order of friends after deleting exactly K friends should be maintained as given in

7. Largest cycle in a tree
You are given a tree of N nodes and N-1 edges. Now you need to select two nodes a
and b in the tree such that the cycle that will be formed after adding an edge between
the two nodes a and b, its length should be maximum. If there are more than one
possible answer, you can output any of them.

Input Format
The first line contains an integer as N input. Next N-1 lines contain a pair of integers
(a, b) that denote there is an edge between the two nodes a and b in the tree.

Output Format
In the output, you need to print two integers separated by space which denote the
nodes between which you can add the edge so as to maximize the length of the cycle
in the tree.


8. Monk watching fight
Once Monk was watching a fight between an array and a tree, of being better. Tree
got frustrated and converted that array into a Binary Search Tree by inserting the
elements as nodes in BST, processing elements in the given order in the array. Now
Monk wants to know the height of the created Binary Search Tree.

Help Monk for the same.

1) In Binary Search Tree, the left sub-tree contains only nodes with values less than
or equal to the parent node; the right sub-tree contains only nodes with values
greater than the parent node.
2) Binary Search Tree with one node, has height equal to 1.

Input Format
The first line will consist of 1 integer N, denoting the number of elements in the array.
In next line, there will be N space separated integers, A[i], where 1 ≤ I ≤ N, denoting
the elements of array.

Output Format
Print the height of the created Binary Search Tree.


9. Yatin plays PUBG
Yatin is playing PUBG and he has reached a place with a large staircase in front of him.
And there is an enemy at each landing of the staircase.

The staircase is analogous to a binary tree with each of its nodes as a landing of the
staircase and each of its edges as stairs from one landing to another.

Yatin wants to kill the maximum possible number of enemies. He can kill every person
he can see from his position with his suppressed sniper gun. But he can see only the
persons at the leftmost standing at each level and cannot see the rest.

Before starting shooting them, he wants to know how many persons he can kill. He is
busy keeping an eye on the enemies. So he wants you to find out the maximum
number of people he can kill from that location by providing you with the analogous
a binary search tree.

[ Note: Players do not change their position after one player has died, i.e. the leftmost
node remains the same even after player on that node has died. Or we can say that
the nodes are not removed after the player on that node has died.]

Input Format
The first line of input contains a number t denoting the number of test cases.
The first line of each test case contains n, the number of nodes in the tree.
The second line of each test case contains n space separated integers (unique) ai
denoting the value at each node of the BST.

Output Format
Print the answer for each test case on a new line.

1 <= t <= 20
1 <= n <= 1000
1 <= ai <= 1000000000

10. Haunted
The king of ghosts is really disappointed when he sees that all the human beings on
Planet Earth have stopped fearing the ghost race. He knows the reason for this. The
existing ghost race has become really lazy and has stopped visiting Planet Earth to
scare the human race. Hence, he decides to encourage the entire ghost race into
scaring the humans by holding a competition. The king, however, never visits Planet

This competition will go on for N days. Currently, there are a total of M ghosts (apart
from the king) existing in the ghost race such that :
- The youngest ghost is 1 year old.
- The oldest ghost is M years old.
- No two ghosts have the same age.
- The age of each and every ghost is a positive integer.

On each day of the competition, ghosts have to visit Planet Earth to scare people. At
the end of each day, a "Ghost of the Day" title is awarded to the ghost who scares the
greatest number of humans on that particular day. However, the king of ghosts
believes in consistency. Once this title has been given, the ghost who has won the
greatest number of such titles until that particular moment is presented with a
"Consistency Trophy". If there are many such ghosts, the oldest among them is
given the trophy. Note that this "Title Giving" and "Trophy Giving" happens at the
end of each day of the competition.

You will be given the age of the ghost who won the "Ghost of the Day" title on each
day of the competition. Your job is to find out the age of the ghost who was awarded
with the "Consistency Trophy" on each day of the competition.

Input Format
The first line consists of 2 space separated integers N and M. The next line consists of
N space separated integers such that the ith integer denotes the age of the ghost who
was awarded with the "Ghost of the Day" title on the ith day of the competition.

Output Format
Print N lines. The ith line should contain 2 space separated integers such that the first
integer denotes the age of the ghost who was awarded with the "Consistency Trophy"

on the ith day and the second integer denotes the number of "Ghost of the Day"
titles won by this ghost until the end of the ith day of the competition.


11. Matrix Interchange

Working with 2D arrays is quite important. Here we will do swapping of column in a 2D

array. You are given a matrix M or r rows and c columns. You need to swap the first
column with the last column.

Input Format
The first line of input contains T, the number of testcases. T testcases follow. Each
testcase contains two lines of input. The first line contains r and c, separated by a
space. The next line contains r*c elements of the matrix, separated by spaces.

Output Format
For each testcase, in a new line, print the modified matrix.

Your Task: Since this is a function problem, you don't need to take any input. Just
complete the provided function interchange (int, int, int) that take matrix, rows and
columns as parameters.

1 <= T <= 100
1 <= r, c <= 100




12. First Repeating Element

Given an array arr[] of size N. The task is to find the first repeating element in an array
of integers, i.e., an element that occurs more than once and whose index of first
occurrence is smallest.

Input Format
The first line contains an integer T denoting the total number of test cases. In each test
cases, first line is number of elements in array N and second its values.

Output Format
In each separate line print the index of first repeating element, if there is not any
repeating element then print “-1” (without quotes). Use 1 Based Indexing.

1 <= T <= 500
1 <= N <= 106
0 <= Ai <= 106



Testcase 1: 5 is appearing twice and its first appearance is at index 2 which is less than
3 whose first occurring index is 3.

13. Sorting Elements of an Array by Frequency

Given an array A[] of integers, sort the array according to frequency of elements. That
is elements that have higher frequency come first. If frequencies of two elements are
same, then smaller number comes first.

Input Format
The first line of input contains an integer T denoting the number of test cases. The
description of T test cases follows. The first line of each test case contains a single
integer N denoting the size of array. The second line contains N space-separated
integers A1, A2, ..., AN denoting the elements of the array.

Output Format
For each testcase, in a new line, print each sorted array in a separate line. For each
array its numbers should be separated by space.

1 ≤ T ≤ 70
30 ≤ N ≤ 130
1 ≤ Ai ≤ 60



Testcase1: The highest frequency here is 2. Both 5 and 4 have that frequency. Now
since the frequencies are same then smaller element comes first. So 4 4 comes first
then comes 5 5. Finally comes 6.
The output is 4 4 5 5 6.
Testcase2: The highest frequency here is 3. The element 9 has the highest frequency.
So 9 9 9 comes first. Now both 2 and 5 have same frequency. So we print smaller
element first.
The output is 9 9 9 2 5.
14. Search in a matrix
Given a matrix mat [] of size n x m, where every row and column is sorted in increasing
order, and a number x is given. The task is to find whether element x is present in the
matrix or not.
Expected Time Complexity: O (m + n)

Input Format
The first line of input contains a single integer T denoting the number of test cases.
Then T test cases follow. Each test case consists of three lines. First line of each test
case consists of two space separated integers N and M, denoting the number of
elements in a row and column respectively. Second line of each test case consists of
N*M space separated integers denoting the elements in the matrix in row major
order. Third line of each test case contains a single integer x, the element to be

Output Format
Corresponding to each test case, print in a new line, 1 if the element x is present in the
matrix, otherwise simply print 0.

1 <= T <= 200
1 <= N, M <= 30
1 <= mat [][] <= 100
1<= X <= 100

3 30 38 44 52 54 57 60 69
18 21 27 38 55 67


Testcase 1: 62 is not present in the matrix, so output is 0.
Testcase 2: 55 is present in the matrix at 5th cell.
15.Power of 2

Given a positive integer N. The task is to check if N is a power of 2. That is N is 2x for

some x.

Input Format
The first line contains T denoting the number of test cases. Each test case contains a
single positive integer N.

Output Format
Print "YES" if it is a power of 2 else "NO" (Without the double quotes).

1 <= T <= 100
0 <= N <= 1018



Testcase 1: 1 is equal to 2 raised to 0 (20 == 1).

16. Parenthesis Checker

Given an expression string exp. Examine whether the pairs and the orders of “{“,”}”,”
(“,”)”,” [“,”]” are correct in exp. For example, the program should print 'balanced' for
exp = “[()] {} {[() ()] ()}” and 'not balanced' for exp = “[(])”

Input Format
The first line of input contains an integer T denoting the number of test cases. Each
test case consists of a string of expression, in a separate line.

Output Format
Print 'balanced' without quotes if the pair of parentheses is balanced else print 'not
balanced' in a separate line.

1 ≤ T ≤ 100
1 ≤ |s| ≤ 105


not balanced


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