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User Stories for E-cart

 As a customer, I want to log in to E-cart app so that I can order the product.
 As a registered customer, I want to change my password so that I can keep it
 As a user, I want to give my credit card information to store in the App so that I
can make easy payments.

 As a Admin I want to get alerts whenever a customer give 1-star rating so that I
can take action on seller
 As a Admin I should have the access to block the seller account for poor quality
products so that customers can buy quality products from trusted sellers.
 As a system Admin I would like to know customer's purchase history so that I
can customize the products list based on his interests.

 As a vendor I want to get the order alerts from the customer so that I can
prepare the order as requested.
 As a vendor I want to see the feedback page so that I can improve my product
quality to make customers happy.
 As a vendor I should get a request message from the customer about the
package type (Normal or gift) so that I can pack accordingly.

 As a owner, I want to know the user traffic to the website so that I can improve
the features.
 As a owner, I should keep display advertisements on the main page for discounts
on special occasions so that the customer base increases.
 As a owner, I want to know the payment method selected by the customer so
that I give a secure payment gateway.
Chandra Sekhar

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