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1. What are the units of heat energy? ________________

2. What instrument is used to measure temperature? _______________
3. What happens to the particles of a material when it is warmed up?


4. The three types of energy transfer are conduction, convection and

5. Conduction involves c_________________ between materials.
6. It is mainly possible in solids/liquids/gases/vacuum
7. A good conductor of heat is _______________________
8. Give a practical application of the above conductor.
9. A good insulator of heat is _______________________
10. Give a practical application of the above insulator
11. ____________________________________________________
12. How good or bad a conductor is depends on the _______________
13. Why is a quilt good at keeping warm?



14. Convection involves a change in _____________________

15. Convection is possible in ________________and ______________
16. Why is the heating element in a kettle placed at the bottom not at
the top?


17. Label the convection currents.

18. Why cannot convection take place in a vacuum?


19. Radiation is heat transfer in the form of _________________

20. The amount of heat radiated depends on two main things
___________________________and ________________________
21. Which colour is the best:
Absorber of heat ______________________________
Reflector of heat ______________________________
22. A vacuum flask is designed to reduce heat losses.
What feature reduces conduction?
What feature reduces convection?
What feature reduces radiation?
23. Define specific heat capacity.





24. What are the units of specific heat capacity? ______________

25. A can containing 2kg of water at 25°C is heated until the
temperature became 40°C. If the specific heat capacity of water is
4200J/kg°C, what heat is needed?



26. In reality, is more or less heated needed? Give a reason for your



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