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Professors are normally found in university doing researches and lecturing when they appear

on Tv programs giving expert commentaries. They acquire reputation as authorities and

become aware of their ideas by viewers. Also the professor’s importance as scholars is
enhanced. But in the lecture said is not benefit to professors appear in Tv show because
normally that shows just looking for entertainment and superficial news and not educate the

Another point of view, the university receives positive publicity, improve its reputation, leads
to more donations and more applications from students. But there is disadvantages in these
because the professor loses time in travel to arrive the locations. Time they can use to teach or
continuing in their researches.

Finally, the people who are really benefit of this are viewers because they normally have not
contact with university professors. They have a chance to learn from experts and to be
exposed to new knowledge that never heard about. They get a taste of real expertise and
insight but in the lecture says that is not necessary a benefit with public because Tv network is
not serious sometimes. Tv shows is a medium to commentary superficial, not deep or
thoughtful for people. If they want to know about the researches they could to go the
professor’s important conferences or read papers about their research.

Living the life is an important thing we must to learn to do at the correct time. To know
manage your time is really hard but in my opinion young people enjoy the life better than the
older people because we have more energy, more free time and less responsibilities.

Firstly, when we are young our body is stronger and support very good the pain. Our muscles
and bones are resistant. They permit us to travel, walk, climb, run, swim in other words we can
do anything we want. In contrast, the older people have illness that not permit them to do the
same things and they prefer to stay in home with their pets or watch Tv. Activities that not
demand energy and effort.

Also, when you are growing up in your city you have more free time with your friends. you can
find many adventures and special moments with them. But when you grow, start to work and
use your time in many professional activities in order to pay your bills because your parents
will not do.

Finally, when you are young you have less responsibility than you are and adult. Being an adult
means to start a real life and looking for security and stability. Engaged with your family and
work. Things that a young does not think and worry. Being young is just worry about your
education and your future and also spend your time in games or dates. Is more funny being

In conclusion, young people enjoy the life better than adults because they have more energy
to do whatever they want, free time to enjoy with their friends or relatives also have many
unique adventures with them and finally less responsibility because they do not have to worry
about the bills of the job just the school.

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