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anatomy ,,,,bifurcation of aorta at level ....level of ovarian artery ....

mastoid process absecnce in

fetus lead to injury of which structure in obstructed labour.....blood supply of lower third of rectum
....epithelium lining in lower end of urethra ....nerve arise near ant sup iliac spine below ing
ligament.....structure not invilved in lower abdominal cesarian section but involved in supra
umbilical....nerve supply of adductor muscle....36 week pregnant wz parathesia in lateral thigh what
nerve ....nerve supply of detrusor muscle .....nerve supplying medial thigh ....nerve passing in inguinal
canal.....‫ الخالصة ال‬nerve supply ‫بتاع ال‬pelvi‫ مهم جدا جدا جدا‬specially (genito femoral nerve ,ilioinguinal nerve
) and had many quetions......nerve supplying and their nerve roots ?? .....plexus supplying urinary
bladder ....lateral boundry of isciorectal fossa....muscles involved in mediolateral episiotomy....vestibule
can be defined as { area between labia majora-area between labia minora ....area closed by hymen }.....

lactation supresion drug


16..laparoscopy shows medial fold in anterior


17.bifurcation of aorta level?...

23.ureteric car uncle most common cause.

24.origin of vulvar carcinoma
25.secretery phase menstruation endometrial biopsy shows which type of epithelium

26.a 42 yr old lady wd completed family hx..husband having vasectomy presents wd 12 month
hx if regular heavy bleeding...treatment option...arrange for USG...transamic acid..endometrial

30..magnesium sulphate is excreted by..

31..common side effect of misoprostol is
32.terbutaline is wht type of drug..
33.carbaprost option exact?
34..atosiban is what type of drug...

.urinary diary ques

8.anaphylactic IG?
9.antibody in mucosal protection presents wd green frothy examination hallow cells wd desuqamtng epithelium
11.nesieria is why type of bacteria.?......

57...which drug causes premature closure of duct us arteriosis..indomethacin?

58.vincristine mechanism.if action
59..side effect of POP
60 most common side effect of north ester on implants is
61.. peecntage of ladyng cell tumor is malignant in female?

62..glucose is mostly absorb in

63..potassium is absorbed in
64...which of the following is radioresistant gut epithelium respiratory epithelium.. ovary bone
marrow..brain degeneration in pregnancy is due to
66..cystoscopy show malignant growth...which type of carcinoma is

70...pasomama body is composed of

71...ctg ques 1
ctg ques 2..
72...which enzyme causes gestational diabetes insipid us
73...which enzyme is responsible for nutrition transport across placenta...

79...why oxytocin is not given Italy

80...blood is transports from ryt to left atrium by...

81..most common antibiotics in pelvic inflammatory disease part um patient presents ws fever..tachycardia warm periphery n increase capillary refill
83...surgical wound contaminated wd bacteria is classified as..

81..most common antibiotics in pelvic inflammatory disease part um patient presents ws fever..tachycardia warm periphery n increase capillary refill
83...surgical wound contaminated wd bacteria is classified as..

84...androgen is releases by
85....what percentage if T4 is free
86..estrogen is bounded wd ..after shbg
87...2nd most common cause of CAH is

88...male infertility in cystic fibrosis is caused by..

89..anal canal above pectinate line is supplied by
90...motor supply if bladwr
91...sympathetic supply of bladder comes from
92...Gartner duct cyst is formed by...
97...lateral boundary of ischio rectal fossa
98...ques about sigmoid colon..

which structure support upryt position.. iliolumbar ligament...sacrotubrous..sacrospinus
102...ques in maternal mortality ratio..
103...most common nosocomial infection in UK is...

114...urea absorption thru placnta transport wd iodine is
116...a pt came 5 wks pregnancy USG show 6mm CRL n no heart beat management
117...a pt after surgery having difficulty in adduction if thigh...nerve involved...

35... a pt presntd wd breathlesnes..tachycardia..tsh decrease.. t3 increase...options grave

disease hoshimoto thyroiditis etc..
136...blood after donation is stored max shelf lyf is
137...epidural anesthesia is given at
138..chignon is formed at birth it shows?

139...a pt presentd wd irregular bleeding...increase hair growth...LH increase...testosterone normal...cause?..140...most common cause of post menupasual bleeding is atrophic
141....a pt wd 25 days cycle..wht is day of ovulation

35..yeast lyk fungus causes infection in prosthesic n catheter induce

36..MRI contraindication in a pt having aneurysm clip etc
37..hydralazine mechanism if action is
38.mebergalin(smthng lyk this..b3 receptor
39.drugs use for mrsa disease...

142...lithium causes wht anomaly in baby

143...after how many tyme anesthesia can b given after therapeutic lmw heparin..
144...ques on nominal?ordinal data smthng...
145...phase 3 of drug
146...ques on confidence interval

48.which nerve pases medial to anterior superior iliac supine

48..diff BTW external ilia vessel n femoral vessel
49...ilioinguinal n iliohypogestrc origin
50..inn embryonic lyf which two structures are cinnectd wd each other by vitiline duct..
51..midgut portion of embryo is supplied by which artery...

Recall September 2015 ..

_Musles involved in mediolateral episiotomy ?
_ niasseria gonorrhoea wich type of bacteria ?
_ first sign of puberty ?...

104..parathyroid are released from which cells

105...wchch technique is used for mRNA? which stage of cell cycle cells become quesnt
107...which phase precede mitosis
108...glycolisis take place in.....

Cytokertin test done for????

29..a pt wd lung carcinoma presntd wd polyuria..increase blood +++..n depression.. why

metabolic change occur....hypercalcemia..hypokalenia..hyperkalemia..

128...most common hov virus involves in can cervix..6-11-33-54

129...a pt is receiving bendroflurthiazide drug...ECG changes wll b
130...which vaccine is contraindicated in pregnancy..
131..a pt pregnant... when will we do gbs screening..if she has positv test in early
pregnancy...having previous baby wd gbs etc...
132...why percent of pt untreated ws syphild develop neurosyphilis...

41...catheter out after surgery..guidlin

42...a pt after pelvic surgery presentd wd perineal n valvur pain increase on sitting... cause
RMI of pt wd ca 125 is 80 menupausal...n solid multicistc unilateral...

43.ques on mode
44.ques on positv predict value
45.on sensitivity
46.when odd ratio n relatv risk well b equal
47...incision in supra pubic n supra umbilical..diff

118...metabolic disturbance in Conn's disease

119...a pt came after surgery wd vomiting..develop paralytic ileus...metabolic disturbance.?
120....ques on stats some tybl
121...Haldane effect
122...ques on type 1 error...

123...normal vaginal flora

124...a pt presntd wd vaginal dischagr fishy smell...organism.involvd is?
125...mobiluncus specie belongs to
126...which type of cell is necessary for viral infectd cells
127..during speematogenesis whch cells causes phagocytia of extra substance

Best IV ttt for PID :

Pulmonary type 2 cells store lecithin where ??
Option had lamellar body that I chose
Rest I don't remember

Antibody producing cells have which organelle more

Rough er

Renal blood flow increase by


% of medical management of ectopic that will finally need surgery

Pregnant women goes at altitude : respiratory alkalosis

nated bood
Urinary catheter post op
Cardiac anomoly in lithum

Yeast like fungus .....candida

Post op TAH, catheterize how long. I chose 24 hrs

Misopros. ..common side effect?

Regarding omphaloce is abnormal herniation of

A.foregut and youlk sac
B.midgut and youlk sac...

CS wound contaminated with bacteria fall under which category ?

A. Clean wound
B. Clean /contaminated
C. Contaminated...

Pregnant woman went for chest x Ray ,effect of radiation can occur for how many days ?

3 months ...
Antibiotic for MRSA resistent strains.

Obligate anarobic bacteria include:


What about Mg sulphate excretion?

The following are obligate intracellular pathogen except:


What % of untreated syphalitic patients will develop neurosyphilis ?

A. 15
C. 35...

Which organell store surfactant in type 2 pneomocytes ?

A. Lysosoms
B. Endosoms
C. Rough ER...

RMI of postmenopausal woman?

720 i did

A substance emitting isotopes placed in vagina for radiotherapy...brachytherapy

There was a Q about a young lady complains of chronic right illiac fossa pain for 3 months ,
she's previously recieved a treatment due to chlamydia .her US as follows :
Empty uterus ,ET 4 mm
Adnexa clear ..above the uterus & to the right there was a hypoechoic mass .left side clear &
little fluid found in douglas pouch. Diagnosis :

A. Hydrosalpenx...

Leads present to inferior wall of heart

A.lead 1,2, avf
B.lead 2,3, avf...

Most common cause of postmenopausal bleeding

Atrophic vaginitis
Endometrial polyp
Endometrial carcinoma
Endometrial hyperplasis

Lateral boundry of ischeorectal fossa formed by.... obturator membrane

St that pass through greater sciatic foramina...piriformis

Gartners duct develop frm

A.mesonephric duct
B.paramesonephtic duct
C.processus vaginalis

Whole blood expired after

A.3 wk
B.5 wk
C.7 wk

Cytokeratin use for immunostaining of which CA

17 years adolescent that received radiotherapy. which cell type is least

affected by the radiotherapy?
A. Intestinal epitheilium
B. Cerebral cortex
C. Respiratory epithelium

mRNA formed by

Which layer not involving suprapubic incision

A.ant rectus rectus sheath
C.parietal peritoneum

Phase 3 of drug testing ?

A. Adjust the dose

B. To follow the side effects
C. Effectivness of the drug

Woman complaining of milky white discharge with fishy odour. No history of itching. Most
likely diagnosis?
a) Bacterial vaginosis
b) Trichomoniasis
c) Candidiasis
d) Malignancy

Vestibule between
Labia majora
C.hymen n minora
D.area around hymen

After c/s altered sensation in thigh cutanous nerve

Endometrial hyperplasia like


There was a question first sign of puberty

Correct answer is Thelarche

Type 1 error ?

A. Rejecting the null hpothesis when there is a difference

B. Rejecting the null hypothesis when there is no difference

Nitrogenous base not present in dna ....thymine

Ejection fraction of 28% means ?

A.28 % of blood remains in the left ventricle

B. 72 % remains in the left ventricle


Siadh small cell ca?

Ovarian cyst with torsion ....dermoid

Hpv high risk types


Terbutaline act on which receptors

Which vaccine not given in preg

Women complain of menorragia 42 years old and her husband had vasoectomy and completed
her family ...ask about treatment

Kidney recieve wat percntage of blood at term 100 ml_kg

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