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Strategies to preserve the water

Think about how many times a day you consume water

and in what activities you need it. Can you imagine what
the world would be like if we didn´t have this resource?

Water is the most important element for the

preservation of life on our planet. Our body accumulates
between 70-80% of water. We are practically water.

Nowadays, human beings have forgotten how important

water is for us. And we are wasting it and every day that
passes there is less water in the world. So the question is:
What can we do to preserve water?

-Look for methods to conserve, purify and improve the

environment in coastal areas and marine terminals.

-Protect and restore water source areas.

-Conserve water reserves such as subway aquifers, rivers

and lakes. Strategies to prevent the global warming

These are some of the many strategies on how we can But preserving water is not the only problem that affects
preserve water on our planet. us. There is also global warming. But what is global
warming? Global warming is nothing more than the
gradual increase of the Earth's temperature. According to
studies, it is estimated that by 2100 the global
temperature of the earth will increase by 4º, an increase
that will undoubtedly bring a series of consequences for
life on Earth. So how can we help prevent this on a daily

-Use less your car and more public transport. If your

locality allows it, use the bicycle to reduce carbon dioxide

-Use energy-saving appliances. Turn them off when not in


-Use biodegradable products. This way, you avoid

pollution from plastics, pesticides or detergents that are
harmful to the environment.

With each of these strategies we can make our planet a

better world.

By José Daniel Hernández

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