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Embracing the Identity


Alor Setar, known as the tip of Malaysia, is one of the most unique cities in west cost of peninsular Malaysia due to its location,
rich history, natural features, and cultural and tangible heritage assets. By celebrating the most important and significant elements
of the city’s heritage the proposed concept aims to show a city which is “Embracing the Identity” of the city.

Identity of the City. Royalty, Nature, Culture & Livelihood


Due to the royal history of the city, it is home to several important buildings related to the royal and the daily life of its citizens.
From the palaces to the institutional buildings and monuments, they have served various purposes over the years which have
become part of their lineage and needs to be celebrated. Most of the Built Heritage related to the Royalty are located within a
small radius of about 250m and has ample open spaces around them which were also used for various functions related to the
royal history.

(Map showing the Royal Built Heritage Sites)

The area has the highest concentration of important category I heritage sites in the city, hence needs the most attention. The types
of buildings ant its functions vary from administrative, cultural, religious, socioeconomic and residential. All these functions, land
use and their interrelationship need to be studied and enhanced to ensure conservation strategies are effective and sustainable.


The Sungai Kedah and Sungai Raja run through the study area which played a significant role in the development of the city and
is a beautiful natural environmental asset of the city. The history of the culture of the c

The histories of many cultural landscapes in the national parks intersect with the rivers. Rivers have often been the "point of
beginning" of landscapes, giving rise to landforms, supporting vegetation and animals, and serving as the alighting point for
humans arriving by vessel. The rivers are recognized as significant natural and historic systems within cultural landscapes, and
their protection is vital to the continued health and preservation of the landscape.

The proposal aims to rejuvenate the river and the river basin and the connected natural systems around the river and the streams.


Kedah has its share of rich cultural traditions, songs and dances. Due to its close proximity to Thailand, some of these traditions
and cultures have been influenced or originated from Thailand, creating a unique vibrant culture of people. These cultural aspects
which have been a part of the city’s identity from the beginning is to be celebrated and conserved for the future.


Alor Setar has an array of shophouses which still retain its historical charm. The variety of architectural styles dating back to
120 years gives a lot of character to the town. Most of these are located in the China Town, Malay Town and Jalan Langgar,
which are some of the early settlement areas in the city.

These shophouses are a part of the city’s history and growth containing the people’s abodes and where they earn their living. The
buildings form, size and locality form the essence of their lives and how they carry it out.

The concept proposes to revitalise the 3 areas containing these invaluable cultural and built heritage elements.

(Map showing the location of the shophouses)

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