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Jul 9, 2021

Dear Jo,

I met you at the most unexpected moment in life; and now I

can't believe how deeply in love I am with you. I can't deny that I
miss you every time that I don't hear your voice and I'd be lying if
I said that I don't long for you, because I do. I long to touch you,
to hold you, to feel you and maybe even kiss you. But let's take
things slow. Let's take all the time in the world because I want to
be sure of this and I want to be sure of you. I want to be sure of

I did not fall in love with you because I was feeling lonely. I
did not look for you. I was not even searching for anything at all.
You just came into my life and the moment that we said our "hi"s and
"hello"s, I knew that it was you. You're the one that I want to be
with; and all the times that we had, the moment, the vibe, the
smiles, the stories we shared and the heaviest dramas in our lives,
suddenly became the sources of my joy. I don't care how shattered
your world can be at times. I want to be there with you. I want to
carry the same burden as yours. Because no matter how hard life can
be for us, I'm sure of one thing, we'll get through it all, together.

I know that we've been talking for almost a year, but I just
want to tell you that I want us to last. I don't want us to have a
few unforgettable months. I want us to live the best lives this world
will ever see. I want to love you, not more than I do myself, but
more than the bad days ahead of us. I don't want to be obsessed with
you. I want to love you more than the challenges and the arguments
that could come between us. I don't want some kind of infatuation. I
want to be deeply in love with you, that I will choose you over and
over again. So stick with me. and no matter how difficult things
would be for us, just take my hand, and together we'll figure it out.
I was scared and terrified of the things that could always break us
apart, but I knew deep in my heart that one possibility of loving you
for the rest of my life is better than a million chances of losing
you. I love you that much.

I used to be happy even when I was alone, but then you came and
you changed everything, turned my world upside down and now I can't
imagine life without you in it.

But then last night, I realized something. It was almost the same
reason my ex told me about when she chose to leave.

But this time, I didn’t get mad at you when you chose to. But
I do admit that I got hurt, so bad. It was a familiar feeling — the
pain that breaks my heart again into pieces. I wanted to beg you not
to leave me.

I wanted to tell you to stay.

I wanted to hold your hand and never let you go.

But I can’t.

Because it was not what your parents wanted.

I miss you. I wanted you back.

But all I can do is beg God to heal me and take away the hurt. I
wanted it to happen right away, so I’ll be okay again. But it will
not happen that way. It may be a painful process but I hope, someday
I will realize that it is for your own good.

So tonight, let me say thank you.

Thank you for leaving, even if it means breaking both our hearts,
because it’s what will fulfill your parents happiness.

Thank you for choosing to put them first, rather than compromising
with me.
It was sad that we met at the wrong time and that made us wrong
people for each other. It was supposed to be a love story, but we
ended up breaking each other’s heart.

So let this be my last letter to you..

You’ll always be someone I look up to & someone dear to me. I treasure

all our memories. I’m still glad our paths have crossed, even for a
short time.

No regrets at all.

I’m grateful that "us" happened.

Even if we don’t talk to each other anymore, I pray things will go

well for you. I pray for nothing but the best for you.

I’ll always support you even here from afar.

It was painful, but I know it’s all worth it.

Instead of saying I miss you, I'd rather say, I know that you
are gone, but even when you are, I will always love you and miss you
because in my heart, you live not a day or a week, a month or a
decade, but a lifetime.

Instead of saying I will always love you, I'd rather say no

matter how far we are from each other or how long it will take for
you to love me again, you can always come home to me, lie on my chest
and feel my heart still beating for you.

Instead of saying I love you, I want you to be my wife, if not

in this life then in another. Because it is you and will always be
you, the one who fits the void in my heart.

ー Z I G G Y

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