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Business Research Methods

Assignment 3 – A case study on Deland Trucking Company

Submitted to – Prof. Smita Mukherjee
Done by – Amey Shinagare (20106A1023) & Cristine Daniel (20106B1023)

Question – What is the type of research? Explain with justification

Ans – This type of research is known as “Causal Research”. Causal

research can be defined as a research method that is used to determine
the cause-and-effect relationship between two variables. This research
is used mainly to identify the cause of the given behaviour.
In this case study, we are trying to understand the cause-and-effect
relationship between Deland trucking company and its recruitment
expenses problem. They are trying to identify the cause with the help of
James Garrett, a business research consultant. Hence this is a case of
Causal research.

Question – Define the research problems

Answer – Business research problem occurs when there is a difference

between current conditions and more preferable conditions. The
research problems here are –

1) Recruitment cost are high as a result of the orientation and hiring

session as the start of the year.

2) There is a 45% increase in trucker recruitment advertising cost.

Question – Write down the research objectives?

Answer – Research objectives describe concisely what the research is
trying to achieve. It summarizes the accomplishments a researcher
wishes to achieve through the research and provides direction to the
study. In the case of Deland Trucking Company, the objective is to find
the main reason for the high recruitment cost i.e., 45% increase in
trucker recruitment advertising cost and trucker turnover rate.

Question – Identify the variables

Answer – A variable is as an attribute of an object of study. It is defined

as anything that has a quantity or quality that varies.

Independent variable – These are the variables that do not change in

context of the research. Here, recruitment expenses are independent
Dependent variable – These are the variable that change in context of
research. Here, the orientation and advertising costs can be termed as
dependent variable.

Question – Determine the unit of analysis

Answer – The unit of analysis is the entity that frames what is being
looked at in a study or is the entity being studied as a whole. The unit of
analysis in this case could be the drivers themselves. As the entire study
is based on the driver’s selection and recruitment process and costs.

Question – Write down the hypothesis

Answer – A research hypothesis is a specific, clear and testable
proposition or predictive statement about the possible outcome of a
scientific research study.

Now coming to framing down the hypothesis of this study, the hypothesis
is –
1) Deland Trucking Company have been using the same recruitment
and orientation approach that the competitors have been using.
Yet, there is a skyrocketing increase in their recruitment expenses.

2) They have had to do a lot of orientation and hiring sessions since

the first of the year for the drivers.

3) The increasing recruitment expenses should be managed and

reduced without having to fire off any of the drivers hired by
Deland Trucking Company.

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