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1. What are the different types of research that can be conducted by a researcher? Discuss with

Ans-1. As we know that each and every research is unique in its research. Researches that are

conducted may be for the entirely academic purposes and it also may be only for to know the

real analysis on any particular topic. For Example: If we want to know the working hours of

the working class of any particular business domain then we have to conduct the research for

the same.

There are different types of research that are conducted by the researchers that are as follows:

(i) Exploratory Research

By the name we can get to know that this type of research is conducted to gain the deeper

knowledge of any particular topic. It helps in solving the difficult problems for the decision

maker so it is easy for them to take further decisions easily.

For Example: If we want to know that what type of cars generally preferred by the common

public then we have to go with this type of research.

If we talk about the nature of the exploratory research then we came to know that it is not a

structured research, it is much flexible in studies, and sometimes it often leads to the some

sort of hypothesis.

(ii) Conclusive Research

This type of research is conducted when we have to test the validation of any particular

hypothesis. If we talk about the nature of this research then we came to know that it is much

structured and definite in the process of studies than the exploratory research. We can also see

clearly the variable and constructs in the particular research as it more definite in nature. In this

type of research process the time limit of the particular studies and the respondent selection is

much formal and representative in nature. For Example: If we have to find the satisfaction level

of KFC consumers then we have to go for the KFC menu for the same and on the other hand we

have to also do the identification of the heavy consumers.

The conclusive research is further divided into the two research that is based on the nature of the

particular investigation required that are as follows:

(i) Descriptive Research

Under this research process, we studies the data more in the descriptive nature and also helps

to know the characteristics of that particular data. The annual census which is conducted by

the Government of India is the best example of the descriptive research. For Example: The

descriptive can be useful to know preference of the customers and distinguish between them

who buys the petrol and who buys the diesel.

(ii) Casual Research

This research is much helpful to use know the effect of one thing on the other thing more

effectively. This type of research is more structured and rigid in nature. This type of research

is taken effectively in the field of pure sciences, experiment is also conducted for the establish-

-ment of the casuality. For Example: If the momos seller started to sell the vegetables then what
will be the effect on its momos selling then we have to use this type of the research to know

the effect of the same.

2. What are the steps involved in writing research the proposal? Give examples. Discuss different
kinds of research proposals that can be formulated.

Ans-2. There are steps that are involved in writing research the proposal are as follows:

Executive summary

Under this heading we provides the overall overview of the aims of the study as well as the

objectives too. Here we raise the academic concern as well. In other words we can say that

the research provides the summary of that particular study.

Background of the problem

In this section we considers that what is the background of that particular problem and for the

same the researchers conducts the several research questions to know the clear view of the

problems and from those they also concludes why these studies is compulsory to be done.

Under this section, the researchers are able to solve the problems with different types of

methods and they are also in a state of answering the managements dilemma.

Problem statement and research objectives

When we broke the problem into particular objectives that it is came under the next step.

This section is short in nature and it provides to the point answers and it always starts with

the main concern area of the study.

Research design

This section is known as the working section of the proposal where the things are kept in a

logical as well as in a systematic manner in order to achieve the concerned objectives.

Scheduling the research

We have to do the study in a given time frame and we have present the important phases of
the research as well and this can be achieved through the CPM/GANTT/PERT charts. It provides

the clear view for the monitoring process as well as it helps in managing the task effectively.

Results and outcomes of the research

Under this section we have to clearly spell out each and every thing related to the contract and

the expected outcomes. It is also became important in the academic research as well.

Costing and budgeting the research

Either it is external research or it is the internal research the cost and the budget of the research

is the most important thing.

The three types of research proposals that are formulated are as follows:

Academic research proposal

This type of research proposal is generally conducted by the students or by the renowned

academicians for the study of fundamentals of the particular academic research. Under this

If we have to study the result of the board classes of the current year then we have to first study

the past trends of the results of board classes too.

Internal organizational proposal

This type of research proposal is conducted within an organization and the reports are submitted

to the management and take the permission for the funding. They are so much focused in their

nature and are able to solve the immediate problems which occurs within an organization. For

Example: If any pharmaceutical company launched his product but there is problem exists in

the cap of that particular product so it will be solved first and immediately. From this example

we can conclude that the solutions are provides in a limited time frame as well as it is only

applicable for that particular product only.

External organizational proposals

The base of this type of research proposals exists within the company but when we talk about the

nature of the study than it is considered as the most structured and objective research. For
Example: If any company want to sell his product worldwide than that particular company have

to analyse the market properly and it can be done only through this type of proposal.

3. How would you define research designs? What are three principals to be taken care of when
selecting a research design? Discuss Exploratory and Descriptive design with example.

Ans-3. Research design is defined as a proper planning, plan of proper structure, and it is also

considered as the strategy for investigation in order to get the answers of the particular research

problem or questions.

The three basic principles which helps in the formulation of the research designs are as follows:

(i) Firstly we have to convert the questions of the particular research as well as the said

assumptions or hypothesis in the form of the variables.

(ii) Then we have to specify the above process in order to complete the above task.

(iii) We have to also do the specification of the control mechanisms so the effect of the particular

variable could affect the outcome of the particular study that has been controlled.

Exploratory Research Designs

These types of designs are the most simplest one as well as these designs are structured loosely.

As we clearly understands with the name that it explores and obtains the clear point of view of

the problem design. This research design is much flexible in its process and it also involves the

quality investigation. Under this section the sample sizes are not representative in nature and it

conducts the unstructured interviews with different subject experts. For Example: A school

teacher decided to explore weak students of each section in the subject of Maths than he/she

will use this type of research design.

Descriptive Research Designs

As we already knew that the major objective of this research design is that to do the research

studies in the form of more comprehensive and more in the descriptive manner. It provides the

detailed report of analysis of the population which is studied in a descriptive manner.

Descriptive Research is considered as the conclusive study of any particular subject. For

Example: If any company want to launch his new product in the market than they have to

analyze the market in a descriptive manner in order to achieve the success for that particular


Assignment Set- 2


4. Distinguish between secondary and primary methods of data collection. How can secondary
data be classified? Elaborate on each type with suitable examples.

Ans-4. Primary Data

(i) The primary data is collected for the purpose to keep the problem at your hands.

(ii) The collection process of primary data is a type of involved process.

(iii) The collection cost of primary data is very high.

(iv) The time of the collection of the primary data is very long.

(v) Under the collection of primary data one can keep its accuracy according his/her potential.

(vi) The primary data is always have complete control.

(vii) The primary data is always up to date.

Secondary Data

(i) The secondary data is collected for the other problems which are existed.

(ii) The collection of secondary data is very rapid and easy to collect.

(iii) The collection cost of secondary data is very low in comparison to the primary


(iv) The collection time of the secondary data is too short.

(v) The accuracy level is not known at the time of the secondary data.

(vi) There is no control in the process secondary data collection.

(vii) The secondary data is dated data it is not an up to data like the primary data.

The secondary data can be classified in two ways that are as follows:

Internal sources of data

(i) Company records: Under the company records, there are records of vision and mission

statements of the company, there are the records of infrastructure of the company,

records of the manufacturing and sales of the company as well as it also records the historical

events of the company.

(ii) Employee records: Under this record section the company keeps the records of the

employees either they are on the regular basis or on the part-time basis.

(iii) Sales data: This data can take many forms:

Cash register receipt

(i) Salespersons’ call records: This record is compulsory for the salesperson to update it on

the regular basis.

(ii) Sales invoices: Under this we have to kept the complete record of the customer which

includes the order size, current location, price by unit, terms and condition of the sale, and the

shipment details too if it mentioned there.

External Data Sources

(i) Published data: Under this section we can see two different types of published data one

that is we obtained from official records or the government sources and the second that is

obtained from the private or individual agencies.

(ii) Government sources: The Government of India publish the lots of documents such as the

census data that is conducted every ten year, Statistical Abstract India Annually etc. are some of

the examples of the government sources.

(iii) Other data sources: There are some other sources as well and those sources are volume

rich and are used in many research studies too. For Example: Industry guides, Directories and
Indices, etc.

5. What are the steps involved in the questionnaire design? Explain in detail the questionnaire
design process.

Ans-5. The steps that are involved in the questionnaire process are as follows:

1. Convert the research objectives into information areas

The very first step is that we have design the process effectively. Till this time the researcher

is clear on the points of the research questions, research objectives, variables that we have to be

studied, the information of the research as well as the characteristics of the particular population

which have been studied.

2. Method Administration

As the researcher is able to identify the area related to the information and then after that the

researcher can plan out the way for the collection of information.

3. Content of the questionnaire

In this stage we decide the content which should be kept in the form of questions and considers

it as a measure.

4. Motivating the respondent to answer

One must design the questionnaire in such a manner that it includes the respondent as well as

motivate him to answer the following questions.

5. Determining the Type of Questions

Open-ended questions

Under this the respondent gives the answers in his/her own words. They are also considered as

the unstructured questions or free-response questions as well.

Close-ended questions

Under this system both the formats of the questions and the responses are well structured and

also well defined.

(i) Dichotomous questions: These type of questions have restricted alternatives to answer with

respondents. In this the respondents have only options to answer either yes or no.

(ii) Multiple-choice questions: Here, the respondents are equipped with the multiple answers.

There may be 4-6 options are given to respondents to choose one from them which is the most

appropriate one.

6. What are the guidelines for effective report writing? Illustrate with suitable examples.

Ans-6. Let us different types of report writings and the way in which it is written are as


Brief Reports

The brief reports are not structured properly and they are usually too short. It generally remains

within four to five pages only. The information which is provided under this report is generally

limited in nature. These reports can be further designed in the several ways that are as follows:

Working papers or basic reports are always recorded in the written form to know the process

which is carried out at that point of time and it also helps to know the scope of the particular


Survey reports these reports are made for the academic purposes as well as for the other

purposes too. This report is mainly made for the easy understanding of topic which also have

figures and tables in it. The biggest advantage of these type of report is that it is very simple

and easy to understand the topic and we can further use it too for our study purposes.

Detailed reports

(i) Technical reports: These are the most important documents which considers all the

aspects of the basic report apart from that it also considers the interpretations and conclusions

which we got from the result of the basic report. It also includes the past studies of the data in

its report if it is required in order to assess the result in a more effective manner.

(ii) Business reports: Under this report we mention the end results which are obtained by the
business manager. The figures and tables which we considered for our study in the above

report but now it is going to take the look of pictorial presentations such as in the form of

bar graphs and pie charts. Now the reporting tone is going to take place more in the form

of business terms. We can also add the data in the tabular form in the appendix.

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