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Chapter 1 RESEARCH

Research is a systematic, scientific, organized, data based approach of investigating subject matter,
issue or phenomena specially to identify the problems and to recommend possible solution of the
problem. Research is a fact finding process which supports to obtain the information inputs which are
essential to make right decision, strategy and policies in the organization. Following function can be
outline under the research:

1)Description (Describing the phenomena)

2)Explanation (Reasons behind existence due to various variable)

3Prediction- (Research support to predict the future)

4)Control- (It supports to change according to environment)

#Scientific Research
If we talk about the research it must be scientific. Scientific research is a process of finding the facts by
following specific method, procedure and guidelines. In other words, every research must be
Conducted by using the systematic process to make it reliable, valid and acceptable. As we know that,
research is a fact finding process and if research is conducted scientifically or systematically it will be
acceptable and less questionable in the academic field. As we know that, research is a logical,
organized and databased approach of investigation to identify the fact and generate the knowledge in
a particular issue or Subject matter. It must be carried out scientifically to generalize the research

#Features of scientific research

1)Purposive-(Every research should be conducted to meet specific objective or purpose)

2)It must be unbiased (Research must be unbiased to lead the society if it is dominated by personal,
interest and opinion rather than the fact it is difficult to draw appropriate or correct findings of

3)It must be systematic [It Should be conducted by using defined principle, method, procedure and

4)Objectivity must be maintained in the research=The finding of the research must be expressed in
qualitative term to develop same understanding among the audience. There is no place for abstract or
opinion based explanation.

5)Replicable/Replicability- (Generally, if research is conducted in same issue by using same

methodology concentrating similar sample in different point of the time but somehow research
finding should be similar which is called replicability feature of the research.

6)Empirical-Every research must be based on logic, fact and evidences. If research is based on
researcher point of view and opinion rather than the fact we cannot say the research is scientific.

7)It must be reliable and valid. (Reliability and validity)

8)The findings of the research must be generalized =

Generally, research is conducted by using the sample but the finding must represent the
characteristics of population or finding of the population.



#Process of scientific research

1)Problem identification

2)Setting the objectives

3)Review of literature

4)Developing the theoretical framework

5)Develop the research hypothesis

6)Research methodology

i)Research design

ii) Population and sample

iii)Source of Sampling method

iv) Source of data (primary vs secondary)

v) Data collection instrument

vi) Tools for data analysis

7)Data collection and analysis

8)Draw the research finding and conclusion

9)Generalize the research findings

#Types of Research
Generally, research can be classified into basic research and applied research. This can be
differentiated on the basis of:

a) Objectives of conducting research

b) Nature of research issue

c)Scope of research

d)Urgency of conducting the research

e) Sample size
f) Possibility of generalizing the research findings

Basic research is a theory building process which is conducted either to develop the new theory or to
modify the existing theory. Majority of academic research are basic research which are conducted
scientifically and systematically.

Applied research is conducted concentrating on specific problem of specific organization or individual.

The purpose of conducting applied research is to get the immediate solution, a particular issue or
problem associated to organization or individual. This research has a small scope and use a small
sample size. Therefore, research findings cannot be generalised.

Imp -Difference between Applied research and basic research

Applied research

1.Solutions for specific problems


3.Practical- oriented

④Action-oriented and synthetic

5. Objective method

⑥Does it work? (key qns)

7. More specific scope

8Tight time scales

Basic research

1. Expand knowledge in the field of study

2. Knowledge specific

3. Theory oriented

4. Explanatory and analytical

5. Subjective

6. Is it true? (key qns)

7. Wider scope

⑧ Flexible time scales

#Problem identification and setting the research objectives

Every research should be conducted in particular issue, event and problem because the basic purpose
of research is to identify the problem and getting the solution of the problem. Defining the problem is
a difficult task of researcher. Generally, problem indicates difference between ideal situation or
theory (what should be?) and what is happening. Similarly, researcher should differentiate the
problems and symptoms. Generally, problems can consider as possible reasons behind observing the
Situation or issue. Therefore, what researcher observe directly it is a symptom.

In research, there might be a series of problem related to particular issue and if is essential to narrow-
down it developing the research questions. Assuming that a single research cannot solve the entire
problem of any issue.

For example → it may be

→what are the factors affecting employee performance?

→What is the relationship between compensation and employee performance?

→what is the relationship between T and D and employee performance?

→What is the impact of compensation T and D on employee performance?

After developing research question, research objectives can be set. Research objectives indicates
research intention. It provides clear Guidelines to conduct the research because it mentions research
variables and its association. Generally, research objectives are expressed by using the action verb.
For ex-

-to identify the factors affecting employee performance

-to examine the relationship between compensation and employee performance

-to examine the relationship between T & D and employee performance

# business research method &management research

Business research and management research are two closely related fields that plays a critical role in
the success and growth of organization. While they share common goals of improving decision making
and performance, they have distinct focuses and methodologies.

Business research encompasses a wide range of activities aimed at understanding various aspects of
the business environment. Its primary objectives include market analysis, competitor assessment,
consumer behavior studies and product development.

Management research focuses on the internal aspects of organizations with the aim of enhancing
efficiency, effectiveness and overall performance. It is concerned with the processes, structures and
strategies within a company. Its key elements include- organizational structure, leadership and
management, strategic planning, human resource management, operations management. Its
importance are -

1. Informed- decision making

2. Innovation and adaptation
3. Problem solving
4. Performance improvement
5. Risk management
6. Resource management
7. Employee engagement
8. Stakeholder satisfaction
9. Continuous improvement
10. Academic advancement-It provides the knowledge and tools needed to make informed
decisions, solve problems and achieve long term success.

#qualitative research
-aims to understand the underlying reasons, motivations of human behavior

-it relies on non- numerical data, such as interviews, observation and open ended surveys, to gather
rich descriptive information

-researcher often use techniques like content analysis to identify patterns and themes in qualitative

-it is exploratory and provides in-depth insights, but it may lack statistical generalizability.

For ex - in- depth interviews, focus groups, observational research, content analysis and so on.

#quantitative research
-focuses on collecting numerical data and analyzing it using statistical methods.

-seeks to quantify relationships, test hypothesis and draw generalizable conclusions from a
representative sample.

-common data collection methods include surveys, experiments and structured observation.

-statistical tools like regression analysis and correlation are used to analyze quantitative data.

-it is highly structured and allows for statistical validation, but it may miss depth of understandable
offered by qualitative research.

For ex- surveys, experiments, statistical analysis and weaknesses and so on.

#Ethical issues in research (v v imp)

Ethics simply refers code of conduct or rules must be followed by researcher, surveyor and
respondent while conducting the research. Generally, we highlight ethical issues associated to
researcher to make the research findings acceptable, reliable and less questionable. Similarly,
respondance must be honest while collecting the response from wide scatter respondence or sample.

#following ethical issues should be incorporated or concern while conducting the research possible
ethical issues can be arised during the research work.

1. No manupulation of data

2. Researcher can t be biased while selecting the respondence

3. Researcher cannot create the pressure to provide repsonse

4. cant offer financial benefits to receive the response

5. It is essential to maintain the secrecy of respondant

6. Researcher cannot used collective response for other purpose rather than researcher objectives

7. It is essential to respect individual, social, religious and cultural, value of respondant

8. Researcher cannot be responsible towards surveyor

9. Surveyor must be responsible towards researcher and respondence

10. Researcher cannot select the researcher issue which is controversial and can divide the society

11. Researcher cannot publish the research findings without conscent of sponsor.

12. Researcher should reflect honest behaviour to follow each and every steps of research activities.

13. It is essential to mention the sources while putting the already published data or fact or

Chapter 2 Review of literature

Literature review is the combination of two words; one id literature and another is review. Literature
simply refers various sources (books, research papers, articles, reports or documents) related to
undertaken researcher issue or topic. Literature can be published or unpublished documents.
Whereas, review is a process of approaching and studying the literature with the purpose of
developing understanding about subject matter or researcher issue.

Literature review is a systematic process of identifying the source of literature, collecting, organizing,
and finally writing in a summarized form. Literature review is a backbone of academic research
because it serves as a reference to carry research activities. Similarly, it helps to claim the work is a
original. In addition to this, the primary purpose of literature review is to identify the research gap ( to
what extend the research ) is new with the compensation to previously conducted researches in a
particular issue or topic. Researcher gap can be in terms of variables, methodology, context, time and
so on. Most importantly, literature review helps to develop theoretical framework (graphical
representation lf variables depending on theory.)

# importance of literature review

1. Establishes context

2. Identifying gaps- helping to refine the research questions

3. Methodology- highlighting what has been done before and what methods are successful

4. Avoiding duplication- what has already have been studied and published

5. Supporting hypothesis

6. Credibility
7. Theory development (by synthesizing and analyzing existing theories and findings)

8. Critical thinking-by evaluating strengths and weaknesses of previous research fostering a deeper
understanding of the topic

9. Broadening perspectives

# theoretical framework
It is a graphical representation of the relationship of variables. It is the backbone of research which is
developed on the basis of existing theories and literature review. Theoretical framework gives the
direction of relationship among variables which facilitates to develop research hypothesis. for ex-

Price(independent)》purchase decision(dependent)》 gender, age group, income


1. it organizes the research work making it more specific.

2. It carries previous theories so that research work will be less questionable.

3. It is a foundation of academic research.

4. It helps to develop research hypothesis.

5. It supports to select appropriate research methodologies (selection of research design and

analytical tool)

variables can ne the event, person or phenomena which can be measured by using different
approaches or methodologies. As we know that variable is a major concern of researcher because
every research has intention to establish and predict the relationship or association of variables. The
value of the variable will be varied/different according to context and environment. Generally,
variables can be categorized as quantitative and qualitative.

From the research perspective researcher should know and explain the following variables:

1. Independent variables

2. Dependent "

3. Moderating "

4. Intervening "

1. Intervening variables

Generally, affecting variable is independent variable whereas affected variable is called dependent
variable. Dependent variable is a concerned variable research because research finding explains the
status of dependent variables. In other words, researcher concentrates on understanding or
identifying what could be the change in dependent variable due to certain or specific change in
independent variable.

Independent (salary)》dependent (motivation)

Independent (product quality) 》dependent (consumer purchase)

2. Moderating/control variable

They are similar to independent variables which change the original relationship between
independent and dependent variables. Generally, moderating variable are categorical in nature which
supports to compare the differences and similarities between various categories associated to IV
(independent variable) and DV (DEPENDENT variable), moderating and demographic variables.

Training and development 》productivity 》gender, age group, education level, income level

3. Intervening variables

It complete the relationship between dependent and independent variables. Intervening variables is
essential to explain the relationship between DV &IV.FOR EX-

training and development》 productivity 》 effective, understandable, interesting

It simply refers the proposed statement of relationship among the variables but it is to tested by using
various statistical tools. Hypothesis are developed depending on previous theories, literature, review
and theoretical framework. Sometimes, tentative hypothesis can be developed through observation.
While talking about the academic research, hypothesis are developed by using theory or literature
review. Hypothesis can be categorized as:

1. Descriptive hypothesis

2. Relational "

3. Directional and non- directional "

4. Null and alternative hypothesis

1. Descriptive hypothesis describes the phenomena rather than relationship. For ex-the distance
between KTM and Pokhara is 200 km. Nepalese people are migrating from nepal and so on.

2. Relational hypothesis refers if the hypothesis express the relationship of variable. For ex there is
significant relationship between promotion and promotion and purchase decision.

There is significant relationship between team work and performance.

3. Non- directional hypothesis expresses the relationship between two variables that doesnt provide
the direction of the relationship. For ex- there is significant relationship between team work and
Directional hypothesis expresses the relationship between variable with the direction of relationship.
For ex- there is +ve and significant relationship between team work and performance.


null hypothesis can be developed or written in negative term whereas alternative hypothesis is
written in +ve term.

For ex- Null》 there is no significant relationship between training & development and productivity

alternative 》there is significant relationship between training & development and productivity



They are closely related each other. Generally, theories can be developed by conducting the research
and researches are based on existing theories and evidences. Therefore, it can be said that there is
reciprocal or supportive relationship between theory and research. To explain the relationship
between theory and research following two approach can be used:

1. Deductive reasoning approach (top-down approach)

2.inductive reasoning approach (bottom-up approach)

Inductive approach

Tentitive hypothesis 》General conclusion 》pattern recognition 》 specific observation


Existing theory 》formulate hypothesis》 collect data 》 analyze data》 do / dont reject hypothesis


In research, various types of literature can be used to gather information and support scholarly work.
Some common types of literature in research include:

1. Primary literature (original)

It includes original research articles, reports and publications that present new and first research
findings. For ex- peer- reviewed journal articles and conference papers.

2. Secondary literature- It consists of sources that analyze, review or summarize primary research.
This can include literature reviews, books, encyclopedias and review articles.
3. Tertiary literature- It provides background information, context, and overviews .for ex-textbooks,
dictionaries ,and reference materials like encyclopedias.

4. Grey literature- It encompasses non- traditional sources such as reports, thesis, dissertations,
government documents and conference abstracts. These sources may not be formally published but
can be valuable in research

5. Popular literature- Although not typically used as primary sources in academic research, popular
literature like newspapers, magazines and websites can provide context and current events related to
a research topic.

6. Historical literature- Historical documents, archives and records can be valuable for historical and
archival research. these sources offer insights into past events, cultures and societies.


1. Access to a vast repository of information (internet provides researchers witj access to an extensive
data base of academic journals, articles, book and other scholarly materials)

2. Efficient searching (online search engines and databases allow researchers to quickly and efficiently
search for key words and phrases related to their research topics.)

3. Remote access (researchers can access literature from anywhere with an internet connection,
making it convenient for those working in different locations or needing access to resources from
various institutions.)

4. Timeliness

5. Multimedia resources

6. Collaboration and sharing

7. Alerts and notifications (to researcher for allowing them to stay uploaded on new publications on
their field of interest)

8. Open access resources

It simply refers to the process of mentioning the source of literature in the main content or part of
research. It is written in short form. Whereas, reference or bibliography is a detail of citation which is
prepared at the end of research work. It is based on APA format (American

Psychological Association). for ex-

-Nepalese young entrepreneurs are interested to take risk, if sufficient government support is

-Smith, J.(2020) the art of writing, ABC Publishing, New Delhi

-HBL (2079/80 to 2080/81) .annual report.

You sent

Himalayan bank ltd. Ktm


Research design is a part of research methodology which highlights various methods, procedures,
process and approaches which are required to conduct the research systematically, effectively and
efficiently. There are various research designs can be used to conduct the research the selection of
research issue and research objectives. RESEARCH is all about research design, therefore the quality of
research mostly depends on quality of research design.

Research design simply refers research plan and framework to structure the entire research work. It
provides guidelines, instructions and framework to perform various activities associated to research
work. It incorporates various task as selection of appropriate research design, defining the sources of
data and data collection instruments and finally tools for data analysis. These all activities must be
defined with justification and logic. Researchers should make research design less questionable,
reliable and valid to make it effective and qualitative. Therefore, researcher should follow or try to
maintain following criteria or qualities for good research design.

V.v.imp Requirement for good research

1. Must be purposive.

2.must be unbiased.

3. Must be objectivity(feature must be maintained in research design)

4. Must be reliable

5. Must be valided.

6. Replicable

7. Flexible (Research design must be adjusted as per changing environment. Rigid research design can
create the problem to proceed the research work.)

8. It must be economic. (the researcher are always limited therefore, research design should be
affordable from financial and other resource perspective.)

9. Research design should generalize the research findings.

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