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Deadline for submission: on or before 9am of Tuesday 25th May,2021

1)Submit word file of all answers-Individual Submission in LMS-

Please answer all questions

1. What is business research? Why should there be any question about the
definition of research? (05 Marks)

Ans. Business research is a systematic inquiry that provides information to guide

managerial decisions. In other words, it is a process of planning, acquiring, analyzing,
and disseminating relevant data, information, and insights to decision makers in ways
that mobilize the organization to take appropriate actions that, in turn, maximize
performance. It is also responsible for the profit maximization and wealth
maximization of a company if the research conducted gives an expected result in
favor of that business.

Management must understand the nature of their organization, and solving problems
with purpose that create value .Business research is the foundation for managerial
decision-making and is crucial in high-risk decisions. The definition of research may
lie within the business environment, and/or method of research. That is why a
question arises when it comes to the definition of business research.

2. What is the difference between applied research and basic or pure research? Use
a decision about how a salesperson is to be paid, by commission or salary, and
describe the question that would guide applied research versus the question that
would guide pure research. (05 Marks)

Ans. Applied research has a practical problem-solving emphasis. Whereas Basic or pure
research aims to solve puzzling questions or obtain new knowledge of an
experimental or theoretical nature that has little direct or immediate impact on action,
performance, or policy decisions.

For applied, we may ask: “In retail sales at Byjus, how would salary compensation
affect monthly revenues?” For the pure research question, “What compensation

factors influence motivation to acquire sales leads, initiate contacts, close sales, and
continue post-sale service?”

3. Distinguish between an explanatory and predictive research study. (02 Marks)

 An explanatory study goes beyond description and attempts to explain the reasons
for the phenomenon that the descriptive study only observed. The researcher uses
theories or at least hypotheses to account for the forces that caused a certain
phenomenon to occur.
 A predictive study, is rooted in theory like explanation. In business research,
prediction is found in studies conducted to evaluate specific courses of action or
to forecast current and future values. Control is a logical outcome of prediction.

4. Distinguish between a reporting study and a descriptive study. (02 Marks)

 A reporting study provides a summation of data, often recasting data to achieve a
deeper understanding or to generate statistics for comparison. A reporting study
calls for knowledge and skill with information sources and gatekeepers of
information sources. Such a study usually requires little inference or conclusion
 A descriptive study tries to discover answers to the questions who, what, when,
where, and, sometimes, how. The researcher attempts to describe or define a
subject, often by creating a profile of a group of problems, people, or events. The
descriptive study is popular in research because of its versatility across
management disciplines.

5. A sales force manager needs to have information in order to decide whether to

create a custom motivation program or purchase one offered by a consulting firm.
What are the dilemmas the manager faces in selecting either of these alternatives?
(05 Marks)

To choose either option, the sales manager must first determine the goals of the
motivation program, in terms of desired attitudes and behavior. He/she needs to know
the current motivation level of the employees, and the incentives or penalties that
would motivate them to adopt desired attitudes and behavior. If the existing program
can achieve the desired results, it would be the right choice. However, if it only meets
some of the requirements, the manager would have to weigh such things as total
benefits, cost, ease of administering the training, implementation time, cost and
development time of a custom program, and so on.
6. Toyota had a major problem with unexplained acceleration in several of its top
models in 2010. It closed down production and stopped sales of multiple models.
What types of research might Toyota have conducted to make these decisions?
(05 Marks)

Ans. Toyota once stepped the extra mine by stopping everything to determine what the
problem was. The best and brightest engineers, NASA and anyone we can think of tried
to resolve the problem. And not one case was it determined that the parts for the cause of
the unintended acceleration but rather it was due to driver's fault. As per the reports, there
was a potential for the formats to catch the accelerator pedal and the corrected that
problem but the actual accelerator pedals themselves electronically could not be
determined to be faulty. This was never reported in the news however and most people
didn't know that.

7. You have received a business research report done by a consultant for your firm,
a life insurance company. The study is a survey of customer satisfaction based
on a sample of 600. You are asked to comment on its quality. What will you look
for? (05 Marks)

This question relates to commenting on the quality of a report submitted
by a consultant of a firm related to a study on survey of customer
satisfaction based on a sample of 600. The most important part is to
analyze each and every aspect of the report. Starting with finding out if
the purpose of the research had been clearly defined or not. Another
aspect which needs to take care while reading the report is the research
process. It is very important that researcher give detail description of the
research process in the beginning of research report. Every research has
some limitations and it is the duty of the researcher to reveal all the
limitations of the research. I will go through, all the limitations of the
research and then will analyze it impact on the conclusion of the report.
The conclusion of the report should be justified. Addition to this, all the
findings should be unambiguous and easy to understand. Lastly,
understanding and identifying how the samples have been collected.

8. As area sales manager for a company manufacturing and marketing outboard

engines, you have been assigned the responsibility of conducting a research
study to estimate the sales potential of your products in the domestic market.
Discuss key issues and concerns arising from the fact that you, the manager, are
also the researcher. (05 Marks)
Ans. As the area sales manager I will conduct a predictive study. I understand why the
decision for the information is needed for this research and the desired goals of the
research. I understand that the desired outcome for the company is to estimate the sales
potential of our product, the outboard engines, in the domestic market.

Further, in order to conduct a quality research, I must have knowledge of market

research and be able to interpret the results. Not being knowledgeable of market
research could result in poor planning and interpretation of the research results
(Marketing Research, 2012). This is sometimes a problem when managers of a
company are given the responsibility to do research.

In order to be successful in this research I must: a. identify and define opportunities

and problems b. define, monitor, and refine strategies c. define, monitor, and refine
tactics d. improve my understanding of the various fields of management
As the area sales manager, I am knowledgeable of the product, and familiar with its
This will be a top tier research; all decisions will be guided by the research. Our goal
is to obtain deep insights of what our sales potential will be in the domestic market

9. Distinguish among the following sets of items, and suggest the significance of each in
a research context. (12 Marks)
i. Concept and construct
ii. Deduction and induction
iii. Operational definition and dictionary definition
iv. Concept and variable
v. Hypothesis and proposition
vi. Theory and model

I. Concepts are particular ideas that give meaning to an abstract notion, situation,
common understanding, or accepted beliefs. They are tools that help us to
communicate a particular experience without the need to define them
specifically. e.g. morality, good and evil are concepts of ethics.
Abstract ideas that can't be simply visualized are grouped as constructs.
Constructs consist of various concepts that can be termed together to
communicate a specific idea. e.g. a construct employee happiness contains
various concepts such as the amount of workload, work timings, and
compensation to envision accurately

Concepts are measurable factors that can aid as building blocks to define a
larger construct. They can be measured separately using techniques such as
surveys, quantitative and qualitative studies to define a construct. Several
constructs together can be analyzed to provide reasoning to a research
objective. eg. employee happiness and employee productiveness together can
identify the effectiveness of organization human resource policies

I. A deduction is an inference derived from other premises that serve as reasons

for the conclusion. These reasons are general and believed to be accurately
known, but the deduction formed is specific to the case. Hence it is a specific
conclusion. e.g. finding a general pattern and testing it for a specific case.
Induction arguments don't have any associations between reasons and
conclusions. These arguments are developed from a specific case and can be
used to form a generalized conclusion. e.g. observing a pattern and extending
it to other cases as a conjecture.

Deductive arguments are always true if the reasons or premise is true. They
are false even if any premise is false. Inductive arguments might or might not
be true even if the premises are true. Even if all the premises are true, the
inductive argument derived might not be correct

II. Operational definitions are defined by researchers that include specific

measurable procedures to quantitatively define a particular variable. This
definition clearly explains the variable without any ambiguity. e.g. low-
income group: group earning less than 3 lakhs annually.
Dictionary definitions are often vague explanations to a variable that cannot
be used in a research study. They are to provide a general understanding. e.g.
low-income group: a group of people earning less than normal income.

Operation definitions contain clearly defined criteria that can be modified by

the researcher based on his requirements but its interpretation cannot be
changed by the reader. Dictionary definitions contain general concepts and
can be interpreted differently as required by the reader

III. Concepts are a way of symbolic attachment to common ideas, abstract

notions, and occurrences that help us define ideas without the need to explain
them. They help in the mental imaging of perceptions and ideas
A researcher needs to operationalise certain concepts as measurable quantities
to use them as indicators. The values of such quantities can change throughout
the research based on certain observations. Such varying quantities are known
as variables.

Concepts are individual objects that help researchers to communicate a

particular happening. Several concepts are used together by researchers to
create a logical construct. Variables are placeholder constructs to which we
can assign specific values and whose values can vary throughout the research
based on logical conditions
IV. A proposition is a declaration regarding certain concepts that can be either
correct or incorrect. It states the theoretical relationship between certain
concepts together as a statement.
A proposition that can be modified into a scientific test case using measurable
variables to check its validity is known as a hypothesis. A hypothesis can be
verified via empirical testing and proved either true or false.

Propositions are ideas that cannot be tested scientifically. They have abstract
relationships that cannot be tested empirically. A hypothesis is logical
relationships between constructs and variables that can be measured using
quantitative techniques to prove true or false.

V. For a researcher, a theory is often a representation of facts that define

relationships between several variables with each other. Theory helps
researchers to connect several variables to define a scientific construct as a
Models are used to represent a system or a specific part of the system that has
been build to understand a logical structure. They help in depicting the theory
by applying it to certain operational example.

Theory is basic ideas that are used by researchers to build upon there studies
together with facts to create a logical basis. Models are used to illustrate the
flow of ideas in a system through visual representations. Models are useful in
connecting different theories as an analogy in real-world scenarios.

10. Describe the characteristics of the scientific method. (05 Marks)

The scientific method is the system used by scientists to explore data, generate and test
hypothesis, develop new theories and confirm or reject earlier results. The exact
methods used in the different Sciences vary, they share some fundamental attributes
that may be called characteristics of the scientific method.

Empirical observation
The scientific method is empirical. That is, it relies on direct observation of the world,
and disdains hypothesis that run counter to observable fact. This constrats with
methods that rely on pure reason and with methods that rely on emotional or other
subjective factors.

Replicable experiments
Scientific experiments are replicable. That is if another person duplicates the
experiment, he or she will get the same results. Scientists are supposed to publish
enough of their method so that another person, with appropriate training, could
replicate the results. This constrats with methods that rely on experiences that are
unique to a particular individual or a small group of individuals.
Provisional results
Results obtained through the scientific method are provisional; they are open to
question and debate. If new data arise that contradict a theory, that theory must be
modified. For example, the phlogiston theory of fire and combustion was rejected
when evidence against it arose.

Objective approach
The scientific method is objective. Nice on facts and on the world as it is, Dan on
believes, wishes or desires. Scientists attempt to remove their biases when making

Systematic observation
Strictly speaking, the scientific method is a systematic; that is, Reliance on carefully
planned studies rather than on random or haphazard observation. Nevertheless,
Science can begin from some random observation. Issac Asimov said that the most
exciting phrase to hear in science is not "Eureka"! but "That's funny." after the
scientist notices something funny, he or she proceeds to investigate it systematically.

11. Below are some terms commonly found in a management setting. Are they concepts
or constructs? Give two different operational definitions for each.
i) First-line supervisor v) Line management
ii) Employee morale vi) Leadership
iii) Assembly line vii) Overdue account
iv) Ethical standards

A. First Line Supervisor (construct)
1. For purposes of a given study a first line supervisor is anyone who is on the
company roster with a job level of ‘‘M-1.”
2. An individual working in a line function supervising at least five employees of
category “N-1.”
B. Employee Morale (construct)
1. Degree of mental satisfaction among employees as represented by their score
on the XYZ morale inventory.
2. Mental satisfaction measured as an equally weighted self-report on seven
point scales:
Mental satisfaction at home: Excellent (1) Average (4) Poor (7)
Mental satisfaction at work: Excellent (1) Average (4) Poor (7)
C. Assembly Line (concept)
1. An assembly line is any work arrangement that meets the following tests:
 The work consists of performing specific tasks in a fixed sequence of
successive workstations.
 The work at a given station is repetitive.
 Materials upon which work is performed moved through the sequence to
various workstations rather than machines or workers moving to the
2. An assembly line is any process on the production floor of building A where
the process leads to a gross value addition to the product.
D. Ethical Standards (construct)
1. The ethical standard of the participant is measured by his or her score on the
SEST (Student’s Ethical Standard Test).
2. The ethical standard is judged by the number of violations by the participant
in the last five years.
E. Line Management (construct)
1. Line management consists of all supervisors listed in Company A’s
organization tables who are in the direct chain of command between the
company’s president and the production worker, sales worker, or finance
worker. Supervisors in units whose major functions are to assist other
organization units in their performance are not line management.
All personnel (1) assigned annual outcome targets in the Detailed Assignment
and Accountability Statement, of the Annual Plan 1998-1999 (2) excluding all
personnel whose employment classification is “Miscellaneous support
services” in the Human Resources roster.
F. Leadership (construct)
1. An act of leadership shall be recorded when any member of the small groups
under observation is:
1. Recognized by group members as their leader by their submission to
his/her assignments to specific roles in one of the exercises, or
2. Agrees to his/her suggestion as to how to proceed in making assignments.
2. The degree of leadership embodied in a manager would be measured by:
1. The number of executives of rank K, and above, reporting to the executive
directly or indirectly
2. The increase in the number of executives of rank K and above, reporting
to the manager directly or indirectly, over the last three years
In keeping with management perceptions of weight to be assigned to various
factors, (1) could be assigned a weight of 60% and (2) 40%, leading to an
index of leadership. Personnel may be ranked on this basis.

G. Overdue account (construct)

1. All accounts receivable that remain unpaid by the 5th day after the invoice
2. All accounts payable that are overdue from the due date of payment, as
applicable, based on terms of credit allowed to the vendor.

12. Assume that in your company’s Management Development Program (MDP), there
was a heated discussion between some people who claimed, “Theory is
impractical and thus no good,” and others who claimed, “Good theory is the
most practical approach to problems.” What position would you take and why?
(10 Marks)

The statement that “theory is impractical and thus no good” illustrates a
misconception of the true meaning of theory. The second quotation is more to the
point: there is nothing so practical as a good theory (Kurt Lewin) because of the
power it gives us to explain and predict the target phenomenon.

We use theory constantly as we explain why certain events occur or why one
procedure succeeds and another does not. Theory represents an identification of key
causal relationships, which explain outcomes in a variety of situations. It is an effort
to extract the essence of relationships, ignoring less important contextual factors. The
adequacy of a theory comes from its capacity to explain phenomenon in a variety of
contexts and situations and this is referred to as its capacity to “travel.” Often,
theories are too simplistic, and therefore lack explanatory power across situations.
The solution lies in improving the theory, possibly introducing more variables, rather
than rejecting the central concept.

13. An automobile manufacturer observes the demand for its brand increasing as per
capita income increases. Sales increases also follow low interest rates, which ease
credit conditions. Buyer purchase behavior is seen to be dependent on age and
gender. Other factors influencing sales appear to fluctuate almost randomly
(competitor advertising, competitor dealer discounts, introductions of new
competitive models). (10 Marks)
a) If sales and per capita income are positively related, classify all variables as
dependent, independent, moderating, extraneous, or intervening.
b) Comment on the utility of a model based on the hypothesis.
. One scheme for assessing the variables:
Car Sales (DV) Buyer gender - EV
Per Capita Income (IV) Competitor advertising - MV
Ease of credit access (EV) Competitor dealer discounts - MV
low interest rates - MV Introduction of competitor models - MV
Buyer age - EV

Car Sales (DV) will increase as per capita income increases (IV), as long as low
interest (IVV) increase ease of access to credit among younger (EV) men (EV) and
competitors do not introduce more attractive models (EV), increase advertising (EV),
or increase their discounts (EV).
B. Given that buyer behavior is fickle with respect to ego-involved purchases
(e.g. car), and given the number of uncontrollable extraneous variables, a
model based on the above theory is unlikely to be relevant for any about of

14. You observe the following condition: “Our female sales representatives have lower
customer defections than do our male sales representatives.”
a) Propose the concepts and constructs you might use to study this
b) How might any of these concepts and/or constructs be related to explanatory
hypotheses? (10 Marks)

A. Concepts—sales representative, male, female
Constructs—customer defection.
B. Female sales representatives who are more culturally supported in establishing
and maintaining relationships extend that personal behavior into the work place.
Lower customer defections = fewer current customers lost at time of contract
renewal resulting in a smaller customer defection percentage.
Customer defection percentage = the number of customers who do not renew
their contract during the measurement period divided by the total number of
customers at the start of the measurement period.
Clarifying the research question
Discover the management Dilemma
15. Indicate the Research Process Steps. (05 Marks)
Define the management question
Define the research question(s)
Refine the research question(s)
Refine the research
exploration exploration


Research design strategy

(type, purpose, time frame, scope,

Data collection Sampling

design design

Instrumental development
&pilot testing

Data collection and preparation

Data analysis & interpretation

Research reporting

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