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Research Methodology

Answer 1


New hires who are a mix of engineering and management majors are tasked with
coming up with possible training packages. Five more general management classes
will be made available to these new hires in addition to the job-specific training that
they will already be receiving. Let's see if we can locate and include the remaining five
modules listed below.

Conceptualization and Use

A) Establishing the scope of the study

It's the purpose of a study or research project to investigate a question. Is there a

specific problem or issue that will be dealt with via data analysis and interpretation in
the study's conclusion? It is common practise to formulate the research question in
such a way that it identifies not only the population and variables to be studied, but
also the problem that the study seeks to address.

The moniker "research question" comes from the fact that many of these inquiries are
based on actual study. Therefore, these questions are dynamic, allowing researchers
to revise and enhance them as they gather new information and build a foundation for
their research. When conducting a larger study, researchers may use a broader range
of research topics than those found in smaller studies.

Structuring the research question is critical since it narrows a broad topic into a
focused research area. Research questions and hypotheses can serve as a starting
point for investigation. These questions also reveal the study's borders, defining the
study's boundaries and ensuring its cohesion, as well.

Research questions might have a domino effect on other research questions. These
questions have a direct impact on the study design, sample size, data collection, and
data analysis.

B)As part of an issue audit, how would you go about it? Describe in detail how you
plan to do this.

The following are some of the steps in conducting an issue audit:

1. Conduct a thorough investigation of the issue at hand: Get to know the folks
you'll be auditing as much as you can. Last year, how well did the group do? Is
it necessary to look at any metrics? Who's in charge of this crew? Does the
narrator have a strong grasp of their "target audience?" No, they can't articulate
their clients' problems in the market.

2. Find out what is causing you the most pain.

3. Get a sense for the challenges the organisation is facing and how it intends to
address them. Do you have any specific goals for the year? How often do you
have to deal with back-office or process issues that frustrate you?

4. People are less likely to re-invent the wheel if they have access to the same

5. If the team isn't in sync, it's time to find out why The audit team should know
who they are looking at. The question is, who are these people? Are they still
employed by the company? Is this their first time on this team? Are they still
getting their feet wet in the office? Do you know if they've ever had an internal
audit done? Were they willing to listen to our ideas? Make sure your staff can
reinterpret the people they're working with to get to the next step.

6. In order to identify potential risks, evaluate steps to minimise those risks, and
test the controls correctly, you need increase the number of tests that you
execute. There are risks/controls they haven't thought of or that aren't operating
properly, or you can reassure them that the plans to achieve the objective are

7. Examine the design and operation of the controls.:

8. When conducting a control test, consider who is actually completing the work.
A few times a year, maybe more? What is the purpose of this product? Do they
find it difficult to carry out the task? The last point is particularly important. A
control can be simple, secure, and effective, but it can also take a long time to
set up and implement. Can you think of a way to solve this problem?

9. If you're inspecting a new region or activity and don't know where the barriers
are, consult your internal audit community. The firm may not be very helpful.

10. Apply the Framework for Solving Market Problems to Your Findings in this way:

11. Use the framework for addressing challenges to document your findings.

12. When a firm makes a change to the way it deals with customers, you should
conduct an audit to verify that the change was made. A well-executed and
successful alteration must be conceived and implemented before it can be

13. Start at the beginning: Explain and appraise their market issues at the
beginning of your closing meeting. You'll show your audience that you're more
than simply an audit report vendor if you make your dialogue relevant to them.
If there's a problem, they should get in touch with you.

C) What are the possible elements that might influence the investment decisions of
investors? Do theoretical frameworks have the ability to convey the same message?

1. Information pertaining to finances

2. Self-image and company image coincidentally
3. Recommendation number three
4. Financial demands of one's own
5. Information that is neither positive nor negative

Several of the elements that influence investors' judgments have been discussed
above. A theoretical framework might describe the same thing. The more accounting
knowledge a person has, the better his judgments will be. Just like when investing,
people take into account their own image, the suggestions of those with similar
viewpoints, and their own financial needs while making decisions about which
investments to make.

D) Outline your research goals and hypotheses.

The study's goal is to determine the degree to which management and engineering
graduates have divergent skill sets. We plan to further divide the issue areas into
smaller, more manageable chunks so that they can be easily tracked and fixed.

Hypothesis one

Because new hires lack prior work experience, their skill set will be lacking, and this
must be remedied in order to satisfy the hiring goals of the organisation.

In light of the second hypothesis,

Engineering and management students will receive distinct training because they
come from diverse technical backgrounds. Graduates in the engineering field may
require additional and distinct training from those in the business administration field.


We've come up with a few ideas to assist the firm deal with the issues we've discussed
above. All the steps necessary to conduct a problem audit and make necessary
corrections have been provided.

Answer 2


In response to the supplied question, we are expected to construct a questionnaire

detailing the current salary packages offered to workers of IT organisations, as well as
the growth and development options they have access to. We'll create a survey to see
what employees are ready to give up in terms of career advancement in exchange for
a more lucrative salary package. In the next section, we'll describe the average IT
employee, and we'll conclude with a recommendation for the IT study that follows. We
should follow suit.

Conceptualization and Use

Information technology can't exist without software and hardware (IT). Software has
become a big industry in the electronics industry. After a sluggish start in the 1970s,
forecasters and analysts began to realise the potential of computer software
applications in the mid-1980s.

The industry made enormous strides in the 1990s and is now one of India's most
important ones. The rapid growth of the software sector in India is largely due to the
country's enormous pool of highly-skilled workers. Between 1991 and 1996, India's
software sector grew at a rate roughly twice that of the world's leading U.S. software

More than 500 software firms and a further 1,000 start-ups presently exist in the
country at a critical mass. When it comes to software development, India is among a
handful of nations that are able to offer cost-effectiveness and excellent quality as well
as speedy delivery and, most significantly, cutting-edge technology.


Compensatory plans in the IT industry sometimes include non-standard components

that are a byproduct of traditional sectors. Rather from just paying employees a flat
salary, companies in the so-called "new economy" go out of their way to offer
incentives such variable remuneration and performance-based bonuses. For many IT
workers, good pay and attractive bonuses and benefits are the norm because of the
industry's excellent image.


First launched in the IT industry, ESOPs (employee stock option plans) are a
technique to encourage workers to take greater ownership and responsibility for their
work. Employees who feel like they have a stake in the company they work for are
more likely to perform at a high level because of the enhanced motivation and
satisfaction that stock options provide. A significant demand for IT companies that
provide Employee Stock Ownership Plans (ESOPs), given the fact that most IT stocks
rise in value once the IPO is announced and retain their values throughout the life of
the organisation

Additional Benefits & Advantages

In the IT industry, travel, medical perks, and stipends for furnishing one's house are
all provided. Rather to merely paying the bare minimum, IT companies ensure that
their employees are appropriately cared for by concentrating on all-around wellbeing.
A lot of IT companies are rather liberal when it comes to insuring their employees and
their families under group medical insurance, which provides sufficient coverage for
employees and their families in the case of illness, surgery or other unanticipated
circumstances.. To ensure that their employees' vacation expenses are met, several
IT companies also provide leisure allowances.

When it comes to career advancement, the majority of employees choose a
competitive salary and benefits package that allows them to maintain a healthy work-
life balance. When it comes to employment opportunities, most employees would
rather have a job that is closer to home, with a predetermined check-in/check-out time
and a generous salary package, than a position that requires you to put in lengthy
hours away from your family.


The typical IT employee would be a recent college grad in one of the technical fields,
such as electronics, mechanics, or electrical engineering. In order to work in the IT
business, these graduates would need to be educated in the field.


Based on this study, we can see that the IT business, which is still a relatively new
and fast-growing one, has a lot of job chances for people from all backgrounds. As a
result, the typical person gets a bigger paycheck because of the constant need for
new workers.


1. Are there any fresh growth prospects in the IT business in today's globalised
2. Once the urgent need is addressed, will the IT industry have openings and
lucrative pay packages for qualified candidates.
3. Employees' willingness to travel large distances is a factor in whether or not
they are prepared to accept a lower wage in exchange for working closer to
4. In order to recruit and retain top talent, companies must provide appealing
remuneration packages.
5. What is the average IT graduate's level of education and training.


Because of COVID and the need for remote management, the IT industry has grown
significantly in recent years. AR/VR, web3, and other next-generation technologies are
being developed by an increasing number of individuals. In other words, by completing
the aforementioned survey, businesses may assess their progress in the IT sector.

Answer 3a


Nominal, Ordinal, Interval, and Ratio are the four basic measuring scales used to
capture data in surveys and questionnaires, each of which is a multiple choice

Four levels of variable assessment are the basis for all survey question scales,
including Likert, Semantic Differential, and others. First, let's take a quick look at what
these four levels of measuring scales mean before we get into more detail with
instances of each.

Conceptualization and Use

When dividing variables into groups, researchers often use a scale known as the
nominal scale, which is also known as the category variable scale. This is the simplest
of the four changeable scales. Because these variables have no numerical value, all
calculations on them will be pointless.

As a means of categorization, this scale may be used to assign numerical values to

variables associated to the scale's variables. Using these figures to do calculations is
a waste of time because they lack quantitative significance.

In the event that someone asks you a question like:

Do you have a laptop?

1- Macbook Pro S2
2- Intel
3- Windows

When just the variable labels are important, researchers typically use the nominal
scale in surveys and questionnaires.

When comparing two variables, ordinal scales are used to highlight the order in which
they differ rather than their differences. Frequency, pleasure, and happiness are just
a few of the non-mathematical ideas that these scales are typically employed to depict.
'Ordinal' sounds a lot like 'Order,' which is what this scale is all about, so it's easy to
recall the scale's implementation.

Product quality order, agreement or satisfaction rank among other variables that
ordinal Scales are used to measure. When doing market research, these scales are
often used to gather and analyse relative feedback on product satisfaction, changes
in customer perceptions due to product upgrades, and so on.

To use the phrase "interval scale," you must know the sequence of your variables and
how much variance there is in each one. To categorise variables with predictable,
consistent, and quantifiable difference intervals, the interval scale is utilised. Interval,
which meaning 'distance between two entities,' is exactly what the Interval scale is
designed to help you do.

The following questions fall under the Interval Scale category:

Do you and your family have a lot of money?

In your town, how's the weather right now?

In addition to determining the order in which the variables are arranged, a ratio scale
provides information about the true zero value. If the difference between two variables
is the same and the alternatives are in a specific order, then this formula may be

Among the Ratio Scale questions are the following:

What is your son’s current height?

Both sites are within a 5-foot radius of each other.
A height of 5 feet, 1 inch 5 centimetres in height
A height range ranging from 5-6 feet 6 inches
6 ft. and above


The four different scale types and examples may be found in the paragraphs above.
The data we're working with and the results we hope to get from utilising the scale
determine the scale we should employ. To sum up, we may say that scales are used
in accordance with the task at hand.

Answer 3b


The Spearman's rank coefficient of correlation is a nonparametric rank correlation

measure. The Greek letter " (rho) is usually used to represent it, and it is most
commonly employed for data analysis. In honour of Charles Spearman, it was

It examines the link between two ranking factors in terms of their magnitude and
direction. We must first understand Pearson's correlation before discussing
Spearman's correlation coefficient. Correlation between two pieces of data is
determined by using a Pearson correlation measure.

Conceptualization and Use

A )Which two judges have the most in common when it comes to their assessment of
these artists?
B) Among the judges, who has a dissenting view on these artists?

Rank Correlation of x and y

x y Rx Ry d=Rx-Ry d2
5 4 6 7 -1 1
7 8 4 3 1 1
4 3 7 8 -1 1
1 2 10 9 1 1
3 7 8 4 4 16
2 1 9 10 -1 1
9 10 2 1 1 1
8 6 3 5 -2 4
10 9 1 2 -1 1
6 5 5 6 -1 1
--- --- --- --- --- ---
-- -- -- -- -- 28


=> 1-[6⋅28/10⋅(102-1)]

=> 0.8303

Rank Correlation of y and z

y Z Ry Rz d=Ry-Rz d2
4 8 7 3 4 16
8 6 3 5 -2 4
3 2 8 9 -1 1
2 10 9 1 8 64
7 4 4 7 -3 9
1 1 10 10 0 0
10 3 1 8 -7 49
6 9 5 2 3 9
9 5 2 6 -4 16
5 7 6 4 2 4
--- --- --- --- --- ---
-- -- -- -- -- 172
r2=> 1-[(6∑d2)/n(n2-1)]

=> 1-[6⋅172/10⋅(102-1)]

=> -0.0424

Rank Correlation of z and x

z x Rz Rx d=Rz-Rx d2
8 5 3 6 -3 9
6 7 5 4 1 1
2 4 9 7 2 4
10 1 1 10 -9 81
4 3 7 8 -1 1
1 2 10 9 1 1
3 9 8 2 6 36
9 8 2 3 -1 1
5 10 6 1 5 25
7 6 4 5 -1 1
--- --- --- --- --- ---
-- -- -- -- -- 160


r1=> 0.8303,
r2=> -0.0424,
r3=> 0.0303
In light of the foregoing findings, we may infer that Judge B and C are the most similar
in their views of the artists, while Judge A and B are the most divergent.

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