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Melanie Cardenas

Class Rules Rationale Consequences Rewards

1.Respect and listen to your 1. Respecting each other 1. Verbal warning 1. Special Privileges
classmates can lead to team
building and safety 2. Deduction of grade by 2. You will receive
2. Turn in materials to class in 5 points for every late bonuses for early
a timely matter and be on 2. You will receive a high assignment. Call to turning in.
time. grade with all materials parent for more than 2
being received on time tardies.
and you will never miss
out on fun activities for
3. I will provide pencil
3. Be prepared for class 3. If you are on time, you and paper for the first 3. You will be able to
will get in the habit of time you do not have participate in fun
being a successful it. After that, I will activities if you are
person. deduct 2 points from ready to take on the
your grade. day!
4. Be honest and obey 4. If you are honest with
classroom rules. yourself, then people 4. Call to parent. 4. Special privileges.
will be honest, too.

5. Actively participate in class 5. You will be able to 5. Restitution 5. Treat for being active
learn more and have in participating.
more fun in class.
Melanie Cardenas

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