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Now that I know what kind of peace I want, one thing I will do to get to that

vision is to spread and promote cultural diversity in just simple ways like interact with
people outside of my culture, being open-minded to listen and let go of judgment,
speaking out against anyone who is being culturally insensitive, accepting that
differences are beneficial and not harmful, not forcing my beliefs on people with
opposing views, reading literature and learn from different cultures, learning a new
language and communicate in a friend’s native language rather than my own. With
that simple things I am able to promote cultural diversity and with that also I have
widen my thought and perspectives, build strength of character, pride, confidence,
and also empathy. All of those small things will induce social friendship and fraternity
that will lead us to peace.

The world is filled with people who have different beliefs, religions, traditions,
and ways of living. It is within our differences that we can find beauty. Both in
educational and professional environments, cultural diversity benefits everyone. It
paves the way to better problem-solving, more empathy and compassion, deepened
learning, and approaches the world from various perspectives.

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