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Czarhyna Alitzandra P.


Culture, Society, Ideas, and Innovations


Bridging Borders: A Reflective Journey of Interviewing a Student Studying Abroad

Conducting an interview with a student studying abroad offered me a unique opportunity to

bridge geographical and cultural boundaries and gain valuable insights into the experiences, challenges,
and aspirations of individuals navigating unfamiliar territories. This reflective essay aims to capture the
profound impact of interviewing a student abroad, exploring the interplay of cross-cultural
communication, personal growth, and global understanding. Through this experience, I not only
broadened my knowledge but also deepened my appreciation for diverse perspectives, fostering empathy
and cultural sensitivity.

Studying abroad is a transformative experience that offers immense personal and academic
growth. By immersing yourself in a different culture, encountering diverse perspectives, and navigating
unfamiliar environments, I discovered new dimensions of people and the world around me. This essay
aims to encapsulate the transformative nature of studying abroad and highlight the invaluable lessons
and memories that shaped my experience, and traces my journey of preparing for, conducting, and
reflecting upon the interview, highlighting the transformative moments and lessons that have shaped my
understanding of the world and its inhabitants.

Before the interview, I recognized the importance of cultural sensitivity and conducted thorough
research on the student's background, cultural norms, and educational system. By familiarizing myself
with the student's country of origin, I aimed to create an environment of mutual respect and
understanding. I also sought to identify potential cultural barriers or differences in communication styles,
preparing appropriate questions that would facilitate open and honest dialogue. This initial research
phase deepened my appreciation for the diversity and complexity of human experiences, motivating me
to approach the interview with an open mind and a genuine desire to learn.

As the interview began, I quickly realized that effective cross-cultural communication requires
patience, active listening, and an open heart. The student's unique cultural background and language
proficiency posed occasional challenges, but I approached each obstacle as an opportunity for growth and
understanding. By attentively listening and allowing the student to share their experiences in their own
words, I cultivated an atmosphere of trust and authenticity. I acknowledged and respected cultural
differences, seeking clarification when needed and refraining from making assumptions or judgments.
This experience taught me the importance of non-verbal communication, such as gestures and facial
expressions, in fostering mutual understanding, transcending language barriers, and building connections.
Here is where my understanding deepened when it comes to the differences of my home country and the
interviewee’s culture/university. One of the key learnings is with the cultural Immersion and global
perspective. Studying abroad presented me with a unique opportunity to immerse yourself in a new
culture and gain a broader global perspective. Living in a different country, she was exposed to diverse
customs, traditions, and ways of life. Engaging with local communities, trying new cuisines, and
celebrating cultural festivals allowed her to embrace the richness and diversity of the host culture. By
navigating daily life in an unfamiliar environment, she developed a heightened sense of adaptability,
resilience, and open-mindedness. This exposure to different perspectives broadened her horizons and
nurtured a global mindset, enabling her to appreciate the interconnectedness of the world and embrace
cultural diversity.

Second is academic enrichment and learning opportunities. Studying abroad provided her with
unparalleled academic enrichment and learning opportunities. The privilege of attending prestigious
institutions and engaging with renowned professors and scholars in the field of study. This exposure
expands intellectual capacity and deepens the understanding of global issues. Interacting with
international classmates enriched classroom discussions, fostering a collaborative and cross-cultural
learning environment. The diverse academic resources, libraries, and research opportunities available
abroad broadens knowledge base and allows people to explore new areas of interest. Through
coursework and projects, one can gain a deeper appreciation for different educational systems and
approaches, which enhances academic versatility and adaptability.

Third is personal growth and self-discovery. Studying abroad pushes people outside of their
comfort zone and catalyzed significant personal growth and self-discovery. Being in an unfamiliar
environment, away from the support networks of family and friends, challenges them to become more
independent and self-reliant. Overcoming language barriers, navigating public transportation systems,
and adapting to different cultural norms fostered resilience and resourcefulness. They became more self-
aware as they confronted and embraced new experiences, beliefs, and values. These challenges allow
them to reassess their own identity, values, and goals, ultimately leading to personal transformation and
a greater sense of self-confidence.

Lastly, intercultural communication and global citizenship. One of the most profound lessons from
interviewing a person who is studying abroad was the development of intercultural communication skills
and the cultivation of global citizenship. Engaging with individuals from various backgrounds teaches the
importance of active listening, empathy, and understanding. Communicating across language barriers and
cultural differences required patience, adaptability, and a willingness to embrace diversity. They learned
to navigate cultural nuances, avoid stereotypes, and appreciate different perspectives. This intercultural
competency not only enhances personal relationships but also prepares people for future collaborations
and engagements in an increasingly interconnected world. I gained a deeper appreciation for the power
of cultural exchange in fostering mutual respect, harmony, and global cooperation.

Studying abroad has been a transformative journey that shapes perspective, expands knowledge,
and facilitates personal growth. The cultural immersion, academic enrichment, and intercultural
experiences offered invaluable lessons in adaptability, resilience, and global citizenship. Through
navigating unfamiliar environments, embracing diverse perspectives, and challenging people
academically and personally, people emerged with a newfound sense of self-confidence, open-
mindedness, and appreciation for cultural diversity. Studying abroad has not only enriched everyone’s
educational journey but also deepened the understanding of the world, fostering a global mindset and a
commitment to making a positive impact as a global citizen. The memories, experiences, and lessons from
studying abroad will continue to shape personal and professional path, inspiring to approach the world
with curiosity, empathy, and a deep appreciation for the transformative power of cross-cultural

The interview provided me with invaluable insights and perspectives that challenged my
preconceived notions and expanded my worldview. As the student shared their experiences, challenges,
and dreams, I gained a deeper understanding of the socio-cultural context from which they emerged. Her
story illuminated the complex interplay of history, societal norms, and personal aspirations, highlighting
the impact of cultural, economic factors on individual lives. This exposure to diverse narratives allowed
me to question and reassess my own biases, fostering empathy, and cultural sensitivity. I realized that
each person's experiences are shaped by their unique circumstances, and that recognizing and honoring
these differences is essential for fostering inclusivity and appreciation for the multiplicity of human
experiences. The interview process also facilitated personal growth, enhancing my capacity for empathy
and cultural sensitivity. By actively engaging with the student's narrative, I stepped outside my comfort
zone and embraced the vulnerability of navigating unfamiliar territory. This experience nurtured my ability
to listen without judgment, to empathize with experiences vastly different from my own, and to recognize
the power dynamics inherent in cross-cultural encounters. I became more aware of my own cultural biases,
acknowledging that my perspective was shaped by my upbringing, education, and environment. This
realization instilled a commitment to continuous learning, humility, and the pursuit of cultural
competence, not only in interviews but in all aspects of my life.

The interview with the student studying abroad reinforced my belief in the universality of human
experiences and the power of shared stories to bridge divides. Despite differences in language, culture,
and upbringing, we discovered common threads of hope, resilience, and dreams for a better future.
Through the interview, I developed a stronger sense of global connectedness and the interdependence of
our world. I recognized that our shared humanity transcends borders, and that embracing diversity is not
only enriching but necessary for building a more inclusive and harmonious global community.

Conducting an interview with a student studying abroad proved to be a transformative experience

that deepened my appreciation for cultural diversity, fostered empathy, and expanded my global
understanding. The process of preparing for, conducting, and reflecting upon the interview highlighted
the importance of cultural sensitivity, active listening, and open-mindedness in bridging geographical and
cultural divides. I discovered the power of shared narratives in fostering connections and challenging
preconceived notions, ultimately shaping my personal growth and commitment to cultural competence.
This experience reinforced the significance of embracing diversity and recognizing the universal aspects
of human experiences. As I continue my journey, I carry with me the lessons learned from this interview,
striving to foster empathy, understanding, and inclusivity in all my future interactions, both at home and

Connecting to our current lesson, internationalization is a dynamic process that transcends

borders, fostering global understanding, collaboration, and cultural exchange. It encourages individuals
and institutions to embrace diversity, challenge assumptions, and broaden perspectives. Reflecting on
internationalization, I am reminded of its transformative power to bridge divides, promote empathy, and
cultivate a sense of shared humanity. It is an essential component of our interconnected world, enabling
us to navigate complex global challenges and create a more inclusive and harmonious future. Embracing
internationalization opens doors to new opportunities, experiences, and insights, enriching our personal
and professional growth while fostering a more interconnected and understanding society.

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