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IS : US!» ( Part 3 ) - 1984

( Superseding IS : 5482-1969)
( Reaffirmed 2005 )
Indian Standard (Reaffirmed!2015)!


( First Revision)

First Reprint DECEMBER 1989

UDC 693.5:691.327.332-437

@ Copyri,he 1985


NEW DELHI 110(.02

Gr. March 1985

Free Standard provided by BIS via BSB Edge Private Limited to Jaydip Alagiya -
Surat( [for non-commercial use only].

IS I ~115 (Part 3) - 11M

( . .pen..... JS : 5t82-1te>

Indian Standard

( First Revision)

Cement and Concrete Sectional Committee, BDC 2

a..u- Rt",'smtilf,
DR H. C. VISVD'fA.AY~ Cemellt lleeearc:h IJDtitute of Iodia, New' Delhi

ADPI'l'J01U.L Dm.aroa, ST ....D"JlD. Retean:h, Design, & Standard. Organization
(B 6. S ) . ( Ministry of Railway.), LllCkuow
(B&S) (~)
SKlII K . P. Runm.JEl'! Larsen & TOlibro Ltd, Bombay,
SlUt! HARISJf N. MALANI (Alt"I1I11,)
SJDtI S. K. BUER.JJI:); NatioDal Teat Houae, Calcutta,
DR N. S. BIl.4.L Structural Eogineering Re.earch Centre (CSIR),
SRRl V . K. GHA~mr.~R (Altmtal,l .
SHllI S . P. C}lAlreABO"'l"I Roads WiDe, Miaistry 01· SbippiDg .andTralllport,
New Delhi
Siun N. SBIYAGUJlU (.All."..,.)
CHID' Blrom... (BD) ~aJ Dpsigns Organization, Nangal To"nship
SJDn J. C. Buva (.AI,.".,,)
C~ bronrmm (DaJon) eemral Public Works D('partment, New Delhi
ES.Cl1TIYJl E.GI • • • •
( DF.8IUlfS) III (AltnuU)
CRID E~Gnr.BB (R..A.eK)- Irrisation Department, Govemme'l1t of Punjab,
Cux-DIaBCTOJl . Chandigarh
RDE.t.:acB O . .IC. (IPRI) (.All."..,.)
1>5 s. K. CJl~ Cement Raearch Institute of India, New Delhi
DIl A. K. MULLICX ( .4lI"..u )

( t:.IitIutl .. /M" 2 )

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IS I 2185 ( Part 3 ) • 1.~

MMrtIwrs JUtwISlllliat
DIUOTOB A. P. Eagineeriq Research Laboratories,
DJBBCTOR Central Soil at Materiab Research Station.
New Delhi . '.
DnUTY DUU:OTOB (Alt"lI4U) . .
DJBEOTOB ( C " MDD-I ) Ceatral Water Camm_ion, New Delhi
DBPlTTY Dnnr:OTOB ( C at MDD-I) (~,) . . . .
SBlLI T. A. E. D'SA The Concrete AuOCiation of India, Bombay
SaBI N. C. DUG GAL (AlImuJI,) .
SHRI A. V. GoKA~ Cement Controller (Ministry of IDdustry)
SURI S. S. MIGLANI ( Alt"..,,)
SURI A. K. GUPTA Hyderabad AabeatosCement Product Ltd,
SURI P.]. JAGUS The Associated Cement Companies Ltd, Bombay
SURI M . R. VINAYAKA (Altmuzt,)
SHRI N. G.J08HI . Indian Hume Pipes Company Ltd, Bombay
SURI S. R. KULKARNI M. N. Dutur" Co. Pvt Ltd, Bombay
SURI S. K. LAUA The Institution ofEngineen (InOia), Calcutta
SURI B. T. UNWALLA (Altemal,)
SHill G. K. MA.1UKDAB Hindustan Prefab Ltd, New Delhi
SHRI H. S. PASRIOHA ( Altemal,)
SlIRI K. K. NAHBIAR In Personal Capacity ('&u-tUqa' 11 FiTst
.C r_t Ptsrk RMd, ~, otftf1crr, MiItIrct)
SHRI Y. R. PauLL Indian Roads Congrea, New Delhi
SURI Y. R. PaULL Central Road Research Institute ( CSIR ),
New Delhi
S Jl]U K. L. SnHI (Alt_t, It )
DR MaliAN RAI Central' Building Research Institute (CSIR),
DB S. S. REllSI (Alt".nal,)
SRln A. V. RAKANA Dalmia Cement ( Bharat) Ltd, New Delhi
DR K. C. NAB.\NG ( Altmtlll.)
DR M. RAM.UAH Structural Engineering Research Centre, (CSIR),
D\I. A. G. MADHAVA RAO ( All".,.,. )
SHIll G . RAKDAS Directorate General of Supplies and Diapoaal.,
New Delhi
DR A. V. R.RAO National BulldiDp Organization, New Delhi
SHBI R. V , CaALA'ATBI RAo GeoIcJ«ical SW"Yey or Iadia, c.Icutta
SHRI S. Roy ( Altmuzt,)
SBRI T. N. S. R.&.o Gammon India Ltd, Bombay
SKJU S. A. R.m>D:t ( .4ll-.u )
SBRI MoTUN RIoTHSINGHANI Cement Co~ of IDdia Ltd, New Delhi
SHBI C. S. SH.&.BKA (Alt"""e )
SHIIH.S.SATYANABAY.&.RA Engineer-in-Chier'. Branch, Army Headquarten,
New Delhi
SBRI V. R. KOTNU (Altmaau)
S.CRETARY Central Board or Irritatioa aDd Power, New Delhi
SBRI K. R . SAXENA (Altll'7l4tl)

(c..a-III .. ;.,. 15)

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IS a 2185 ( Part 3) - 1'"

Indian Standard

( First Revision)
0.1 This Indian Standard ( Part 3) (Firat Reviaion ) was adopted by the
Indian Standards Institution on 30 April 1984, after the draft finalized by
the Cement and Concrete "Sectional Committee had been approved by the
Civil Engineering Division .Council. .

0.2 A series of National Standards oil the cellular concrete has been
formulated 10 as to provide standard products for the construction
of buildings. Cellular concrete is a class of material which has been
developed commercially abroad and is coming in vogue in this country
also. This specification is intended for cellular ( aerated) concrete blocks
and its manufacture using the method of generation of gas by chemical
action, the details of which are broadly indicated iu Appendix A. The
Sectional <.:!ommittee responsibl.·forthe preparation of this standard has,
however, no intention··to freeze the method of manufacture to anyone
particular method.

0.3 Concrete malC?Dry, already extensively used in building construction

abroad, is likely to make very consider"ble headway in this country
becawre of the many advantages, such as durability, strength and
structural stability, fire resistance, insulation, and sound absorption it
pouesses. Concrete masonry construction is also economical because of
the following aspects:
a) .The UBitl are relatively laree...and true in size and .hape. This
eDJUres rapid c;9DstrUction so that more wall i. laid'per man-hour
than in other ~ of wall cODltruction;
b) Fewer jointa result in CODSiderable saving in mortar as compared
to DOnnal masonry cODItrUction, and also in increasing the
strengtll ofth~ wall; and
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IS : .2185 ( Part 3 ) - I,..

c) The true plane IUrf~cel obtained obviate nec:euity of plalter for
unimportant buildings lituated in low rainfall areas; even when
plaster is used fur any reason, the · quantity required for
satisfactory coverage is significantly small.

0.3.1 Concrete masonry has an attractive appearance and is readily

adaptable to any Ityle of architecture. It lencla itself to a Wide variety of
lurface finishes for both exterior and i.8terior walla. It ma.y also be
finished with cement plaster. gauged with lime or a plalticizer. Concrete
masonry units provide a atFOllg mechanical key. uniting the concrete
masonry backing and the plaster finish in a strong permanent bond.

0.3.2 Autoclaved cellular (aerated) concrete' blocka are .used for both
load bearing and. non-load bearing internal walls. partition and panel
walls, inner leaf of cavity walll or as backing to brick muonry and for
external load-bearing walls a' well as panel \Valli in steel or reinforced
concrete frame construction when protected from weather by rendering
or by some other efficient treatment.

0•• This standard was first published in 1969 as "IS: 5482-1969

Specifi.eation for autoclaved cellular concrete blocks" • . Thil first revision
is being issued as IS ; 2185 (Part 3 }-1984 under the modified title
"Specificationfor concrete masonry units: Part 3 Autoc:laved cellular
( aerated) concrete blocla" and supenedea the former standard
IS: 5482·1969 • .Part t of this standard Covera bollow aad IOlid concrete
bloc:ka of normal weight and Part 2 Covers hollow and IOlid light weight
concrete blocks. This modification in title is inteDded for facilitating the
eo-ordination of requirements of various types of concrete masonry units.
covered under various Indian Standards.

O.f.l This standard incorporates significant modifications specially with

regard to materials and physical requirements such as dimensions, surface
finish and texture. Requirement of fire resistance haa heeD omitted from
this revision and thermal conductivity has been retained. A clause on
terminology haa been added in this revision.

0.5 For the purpose of deciding whether a particular requirement of

this standard is complied with. the final value. oblerved Or calCulated,
expressing the result of a . test or analysis, shall be · rounded oft' in
accordance with IS: 2-1~. The number of significant rlaces retained
in the rounded oft' value Ihould be the same as that o · the specified
value in this standard.

-Rules for roUDdiDc ofFnumerieal values (rrWu~).

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1$ : 2185 ( Part 3 ) • 1_

1.1 This. standard (Part 3) coven the requirementa of autoclaved cellular -
(aerated) COIlCt'ete block. having density up to 1 000 kg, m'.
2.0 For the purpose of this standard, the following definitions shall

2.1 A.toe.'" - Steam curing of concrete products, sandJime bricks,

asbestos cement products, hydrous calcium silicate insul.tioD prcducts, or.
cement in an autoclave at malUDlum ambient temperatures generally
betweell 170 and 215OC. .
2.2 Block - A conc:rete masoDry unit, anyone of the external dimeDsiou
of which is greater than the corresponding dimension of a brick as
specified in IS: 3952·197~.and of such size and mass as to permit it to
be handled by ODe man. Furthermore, to ·avoid (.-onfuslon with slabs and
panels, the height. of the block shall not exceed either its length or six
times ita width.

2.3 Block Deasity ~ The .density calculated by dividing the mass of a

block by the overall volume, including holes or cavities and end recesses .

. 2., .DryiJag Shrbtkage - The difference between the length of specimen

which bas been immersed in water and then subsequently dried to
constant length. all under ~d conditions; expTeased as a percentage
of the dry length oCthe apecamen.

2.5 G....s Area - The total area occupied by a block on its JJedding
face, including areas of the cavities and end recesses.

2.& H~I"t - The vertical dimension of the exposed face of a b1oc:k,

excluding any tongue or other device designed to provide mechanical

2.7 J.eaatIa - The horizolltal dimension of the exposed face of a block,

excluding any tongue or other device designed to provide meelIiDical

:us WWtla -·The external dimeDlion at a bloCk at the beddingp181le t

DTeuured at right angles to the length and height of the bl~k.

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IS : 2185 ( Part 3) - 1984

3.1 Concrete masonry building units shall be made in sizes and shapes to
fit different construction needs. They include stretcher, corner, double
corner or pier, jamb, header, bull nose, and partition block. and concrete
floor units.
3.2 eoncrete Block - Concrete block shall be referred to by its nominal
dimensions. The term 'nominal' means that the dimewion includes' the
thicknei$ of the mortar joint. Actual dimensions shall be 10 mm short of
the no~.nal dimensions (or 6 mm short in special cases \vhere finer
jointing iJ specified).
3.2.1 The nominal dimensions of the concrete block shall be as foHows:
Length 400. 500 or 60() mm
Height 200, 2500r 3OO-mm
Width 100, 150, 200 or 250 mm
In addition, block shall be manufactured in half lengths of 200, 250
or 300 mm to correspond to the full lengths.
The nominal dimensions of the units ~re so designed that taking
account of the thickness of mortar jOints, they will prOduce wall lengths
and heights which will coonform to the principles of IQOdular co-ord~ation.
3.2.2 Blocks of sizes .other than those specified in 3.2.1 may also be used
if so specified. In the case of special concr.e masonry unit8auch as jallie
or SCF"n wall block and ornamental blOd. the specified sizes may not
necessarily apply.
3.2.3 The maximum variation in the length of the units shall not be
more than ± 5 mm and the maximum variation in the height and width
of unit, not more than ± 3 mm (HI Fig 1 for mode of measurement).

3.3 Subject to the tolerances specified in 3.2.3 and the provisions of 3.4
the faces. of masonry units shall be flat and rectangUlar. opposite faces
thall be ~lel. and all arises shall be Iquare. Tpe
bedding surfaces
shall be at nght angles to the faces of the blocks. .

3.4 Bloeb with Spec:ial Fac" - Blocks with special facts shall be
manufactured and supplied if so specified.

.,1 The autoclaved cellula!' coocrete blocka, shall be · clNai6ed in two
grades according to their compressive strengths as indicated in Table 1.

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IS: 2185 ( Part 3). 19M

(a) Four Poaitiona for Checldng Length of Whole

Bloch and for Measuring LeDgth of Cut

(b) S~ POIitiQDSfor Checking Height of Whole


(c) Seven Measurements of ThicltDess



l CWuu 4.1,8:3. 8.4, 8.5. 1I~2, 1I.3111Ui 11.4)


,------""'--------. ColfDITION
Grade 1 Grade 2
(1 ) (2) (S) (4) (5)
kg/ml N/mml N/mmt W/m.k
i) 451 to 550 2'0 l'S 0-21
ii) 551 to 650 4'0 S-o 0"24
WJ 651 to 75q 5'0 4-0 . 0'90
jy) 751 to 850 6-0 5-0 0-37
v) Ml to 1000 7'0 6'0 0"42

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UI 2115 (Part') - 19M

5.1 (I _ _t : - Cement comp~: aayof the CoDowiDg Indian
Staadarcla may be UIed at tbe· • of the manufacturer:
IS: 269-1976 Specification for ordinary aad low heat Portland
cement (third M1isima).
IS: 455-1976 Speci&cation for Ponland alaI cemeat ( third , . , . )
IS: 1-189-1976 S~ for Portland pozzoIana cement
( IHMil r..uw,,) .
IS: 69()9.197S Specification for mpel'lUlpbated cemeDt
IS : 8041-1978 Specification for rapid hardeninl Portland cement
(first "uisiM.) .
IS: 8M2-1978 Spec:i&catioll for white PortlaDd cement (./irII
IS : 8043-1978 Speci&cation for bydrophobic Portland cement
(first "lIisitm )
S.Ll U.. of 8y uh 'to IS: 3812-1981. may be perJDitted to
a limit of 20 pereeDt in cement conlorminc to IS: 269-1976t. However.
it shall be ensUred tbat blending of 8y ash with celJleDt • as intimate as
possible, to achieve maximum ullilonnity.
5.2 Lime - The lime ,ball latiafy the requiremenu for Class Clime
Specified ill IS: 7l2-1973t.
5.3 Aa*eaate - The aggrega~e uled for the manufacture of cellular
concrete blocb ,hall coafonn to tbe following requirements:
a) Sad-Conforming to IS: 383-19'70§ except for the Irading
which may be made to suit the product and the .ilica content
Iball DOt be .... than 80 percent.
b) FlJ AsA - Conforming to IS: 3812-1981* with 1011 on ignition
not more than 6 perce:Dt.
c) Gr.".."ti Bltlll ~ S14,- Generally cooforming to Notel I
and 20(4.2 orIS: 455-1 976ft may be UNd.

·Speci&catioo for fill ala for \lie as pouolau aDd admi&tUJ'O (Jn$ ...... ).
tspec:j6eatioll for ordiaur aacllow beat Portlaacl cemaat ( IIMl,..,.,. ).
:Spec:i6cuioa for builen.. u-. ( UIIfIIIIl r""" ).
ISP-ri'icltioa for c:oane aacl fi8e .......tea (rom utanl aomee. (or coacrete
ISpeciIcation for Ponlaad alaccemeDt (tJrd raUiM ).

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D • 2115 (Part 3) • 1_
5.. Water,: -1.'he water uted in the manufacture of CODcrete matODry
UIIia Ihall be ·rre. f'ioom matter barmfal to concrete or reiaf~ or' .
JDatIer' like!)' to 'caIIIe efBoreteeftce in the tmita and .haIl 'meet tIae
requiremeDb of IS:~l97~. . ' .

5.5·.. or A~ - Additiv.. or adDiixttltes · may be

added either as additives to .the cement durillJ ma-.uffCtW'e. or Il$
admixtures to the concrete mix. Additives ot admixtures used in the'
maau&ctwe of coacrete muoary unitJ lIlAY '*
a} accelerating, walier-redoCiDs and air-entraining' admixtutet
CODformiDs to IS: 9103-19791". , ., .
b) waterproofing agents conforming to IS: 264S-1975:.and
c) colouriDJ pigments.
Where no Indian Standards apply. the additive. or admixtures
.han be shown by teat or .experience, to be not , detrimental to the
durability or the concrete. .

' .. ..1 The aerated structure or the celb. the cellular ~ete ,plocks .hall
"", be formed by generation of a gas by chemical action, With the"nux, priOl"
to hardening with the aid of suitable chemical foaming.aa-u and
mixing devices. The cells in the block shall be distributed evenly
throughout its volume. Broad principleS for the manufacture of the
autoclaved cellular concrete blocks are given in Appendix A for guidance
7.1 Concrete ·masonry units can . be given a variety 'of surface .textures
ranciDg from a very -fine clole texture to a coarSe open texture by the
proper .lection, grading, and proportioning of aggregates at the time of
manufacture. Textures may abo he developed by treatiDg the face orthe
UDitI whiIe ' ltill green by wire brushing or combing, by ilighdy erodiDg.
the lUl'face by playing a fine spray of water upon it, aDd by SPIittN
(aplit bJock). Colour may be introduced by incorporating non-fading
mineral pigmeDII in the facing concrete, or by applying a coloured
cement SJ"out or paint to the race of the units soon after they are "'moved
from the mou1~. Selected coloured aggtegatesmay al~. be used, .in ~
facing and expol8d by wa.hing with w..- ordilute hyclrOcllloricacid.

-code or practice for plain and reinforced coacrete ( I/Wd .rnisiM ) •

tSpeci&cadoll ror admixtures Cor cOIICrete.
~ficatioa ror iatepal ce_t watel' J)I'OOfiDc compoullda (Jrst "uis_).

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IS ,.2115 {Part 3) • 11M
7.2WeJ) made ccmcrete ~ . may .~ require plaater in caR of
Wlimportaat buiJdiDgI ill low rainfall. areas; two or tru. c:oatJ of a cement
. . paint being sufficient to render it resistantlD rain water. If, bpwever~itis
intended to plaKer CODcrete masonry, the block ahall have a ~cieDt1y
rough surface to afford a good key to the plaster. Waterproofing
admixtures ~y he used for .preparing the plaster_

8.1 Geaeral - All units .hallbe Sound and free of cracka or other defects
which interfere with the proper placing of unit or impair the strength or
performance of the con.truction. Minor chipping resultinB frO.Ql the
customary method. of handling during delivery, shall not be deemed
pound. for rejeetion. '.
8.1.1 Where units are to be used in exposed wall construction, the face
or face. that are to be exposed shall be free of chips, cracks, or other
imperfections, estept that if not more than 5 Percent of a ccmsiaJnment
containJ slight craw or IDlall chippings not larger dIan 25 mm, this: shall
not be deemed Brounds for rejection. ••

8.2 D_e. .io. . - The overall dimensions of the units when measured
as given in 3.2.3 shan be in accordance with S.2.1 subject to the to1erllnces
mentioned iD 3.2.3•
.., Block Detuit)' - The block density .hall. conform to tile requi~e­
m~nts specified in Table 1 when tested in aCC9rdan~ with 9.1.

Lt S .......... - The muumum compresiive strength,

~ing the average of twelve uiaits, shall be as prescribed in Table 1
when tested in accordance with 9.2.
8.5 Thermal Coacluctivit), --- The thermal conductivity shall not
esceed the values specifiediD Table I when tested in accordance
with 9.'.
U Dl"Ymc SIuiaka&e - The drying shrinkage shall be not more than
0"05 percent tor Grade 1 bloc:ka and 0-10 percent for GS"ade 2 blocks when
tested in accordance with 9.4.
9".1 Block DeJdity - The block density. shall be detern'lined in the
manner described in IS : 6441 (Part 1 )-1972*.

-Methods of test for autoclaved cellular CODCftte p~ueta : Part I DecermiDatioD of

UDit weight or bulk demity aDd moittUn CODteDt. .

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IS: 21U ( Part S ) - 1.4

'.2 COmp....ive Streaida - The compressive strength shan be

determined in accordanee with IS: 644 t( Part 5 )-1972*.
9.3 Tt.ermal -Coad~tivlty - The thermal Conductivity shan .b~
determined in iccordance with IS :- 3346-1980t.

9.4 Dryiag Shriakage . -- The drying shrinkage' &hall be determined :in

the manner described in IS: 6441 (Part 2 )-1972:.

10.1 Lot - In any consignment, all the blocks of the same size and from
the same batch of manufacture shall be grouped together into a minimum
number of groups of 10 000 blocks or less. Each such group shall
constitute a lot.
10.2 From each lot a sample of 24 blocb shall be selected at random.
- In order to ensure randomness of selection, all the blocksjn the lot may
be arranged in a serial order. Starting from any random block every rth
block may be selected till the requisite number is obtained, r heing the
integral part of Ni24, wltere.N is the lot size.
10.3 The required number of blocks shall be taken at regular intervals
during the loading of the vehicle or the u·nloading of the vehicle "depend-
ing on whether sample is"to be taken before delivery or after delivery.
When this is not practicable, the sample shan be taken from the stack in
WP..jCJl case the required numJ:?er of blocks shall ,be taken at ra...Y1dom
from across the top of the stacks, the sides accessible <\nd from the
interior of the stacks by opening trenches from the top.
10.4 The sample of blocks shall be marked for fliture identification of the
consignment it represents. The· bloc~s shalt he kept under cover and
protected from extreme conditions of temperature. relative humidity and
wind until" they are required for test. The tests shall be undertaken as
soon as practicable after the sample has been taken.

]0.5 NalDber of Tests

10.5.1 All the 24 blocks shall be checked for dimensions and inspected
for visual defects.

• Methods of test fl)r ":utOclav"d cellular concrete product$! Part 5 O.,termination of

<.ompressive strength.
'Methods for the d.-termination· of Ih.-rmal conductivity of thp.rmal insulation
YR:&teriah ( two $lab.~!nd.·,i hnt~i'late met~od ) (_lirst ,ftII!;Q ).
tM.,thods of teat for aucoclavtod cellular concrete products: Part 2 Oetermination
of Ilryinc shrinkace.

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IS : 21., ( Part' 3) • 11M

18.5;.2 Out of the
24 blocks, 12 bloc:ks shall be llubjecte4 lo&he test for
compreaivestreQsth. 3 bloc:b to the test for de.ity, 3 blocb totbe test for
thermal conductivity. and 3 blocks to the test for drying shrinkage. The
remaining 3 bloch shan be reserved for re-teat for drying shrinkapif a
need arises.


11.1 The number of blocks with dimensions outside the tolerance limit
and or with visual defects, among those inspected, shall not be more than
11.2 For denaity,the mean value shall be within the range specified in
Table 1.
11.3 For compressive strength, the mean value, say X shall be deter-
mined. The test results shall be grouped into groups of 4 and individual
values of ranges shall be determined and the average· range It calculated
from these values and shall satisfy the following condition:
X - 0'6 R ;> minimum value specified in Table I.

11.4 For thennal conducth,jty, the mean value shall be equal to or less
than the value specified in Table 1.

11.5 for drying shrinkage, all the teat specimens shan satisfy the
requirements of the test. If one or more specimens rail to satisfy the
requirements, the remaining 3 blocks shall be subjected to these tests. All
these blocks shaH satisfy the requirements.


12.1 The manufacturer shall satilfy himself that the masonry units
conform to the requirements of this apecific:adon and, if requested, shall
supply a certificate to this effect to the purchaser or his representative.


13.1 If the purchater or his representative requires independent testa, the

samplea shall be taken before or immediately after delivery, at the optiQn
of the purchuer or his representative and the teitS shall be carried out in
accordaDce with this specification.

13.2 The manufacturer .ballsuppiy free of charge the units required for

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IS : 2115 ( Part 3 ) ~ 19&1

14.1 General requirements of storage of autOGlav.ed cellulM (aerated) ,
concrete block••hall be as described in IS: 4082-1m-.

15. MA.lUUNG
15.1 Each lot of concrete masonry units manufactured in accordance
With thiI apecificaticm shall be suitably marked with the following
a) The Identification of the manufacture;
b) The grade and block density of the unit; and
c:) The month and year of manufacture.
15.1.1 Each block may also be marked with the lSI Certification
NOT. -Tlae _ oC the lSI Certification Marlc, is pnmed by the prorili01U 'of
,b~ Indian StaDdatds lnaticution (Certification MarJea) . Act and the Rules. and
.RecWatiOlll made diereUDder. The lSI Mad: on prociuea covered by an Indiaa
ScUclatd COIlftyadie .uuraiKe tbat they bave been produced to comply with the
requirelllerlbotthat standard und~ a well-defint.'<i syatem oCimpcclion, testins and
quality c:oatrol which is devitcd and lupel'YiJed by lSI and operated by the producer.
lSI madted procluets. are alsO' continuously checked by lSI Cor cODformity to tbat
,taodard as a further safeJUard. Detail. of conditions under which a licence eM the
lise of the lSI Cenification Mark may be craated to manufacturen or proc_ra.
may be obtained from the Indian Standards Institution.

( Clause 6.1 )
A-I. Cellular concrete blocks involve the use of aerated concrete which
is made by introducing air or other gas into a slurry composed of cement
(su 5.1) or lime (ue S.l) and a siliceous filler (see 5.3) so that when the
mixture sets hard after autocla\·ing. a uniform cellular structure is
obtained. There are several ways in which air-cells or other voids may

.RecommendatiOlU OD .tacking and storage of cOnJtruction material. at lite

(fo$ trnUieft ).
13. ~
Free Standard provided by BIS via BSB Edge Private Limited to Jaydip Alagiya -
Surat( [for non-commercial use only].
IS,,I 2115 ( ~art 3 ) - 1*
be formed in the slurry as to result in a cellular structurea fter auto<:laving,
the principal ones of which are the following:
a) By the formation of gas by chemical reaction within the mass
during the liquid or plastic stage, in the same way as carbon,
dioxide is formed and used in aerating bread and hafted ·
products; and '
b) By introducing air from without, either by adding to thesiurr:y
in the mixer a preformed stable foam such as is used infite-
fighting or by incorporating air by whipping (with the aid of
an air-entraining agent ), in the manner in which eggo;white may
be whipped to a light cream or foam.

A-2. Suitable steam-curing i. practically unavoidable in making cellul.r

concrete blocks with cement as binder and the same is absolutely essential
when lime is used. Generally, auto claving is done for about 14 to
18 hours at about 700 kPa and about 185°C, the heating and raising
of preasure or cooling and lowering of pressure being generally gradual
over a period of few houra.

A-3. Although simple in principle, the commercial production of

autocla~ed cellular concrete blocks is quite elaborate in practice. The
sand or other siliceous material is generally ground in ballmills to their
required desree of fineness which is usually comparable with the fineness "
of ordinary Portland cement.

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Surat( [for non-commercial use only].
IS : 2185 ( Part' ) - I • •
( CMIlinued from pale 2 )

MemlJers Repre.<entin,
-SSRI K. A. SUBRAXANIA:\I The India Cement Ltd, Madras
SUBI P. S. RA3U.OHA:{URAN (Jltlmill4)
S U. 'P B R I N or E ND I ~ G Public Works Department. Government of
,(. DF.5IGNS) Tamil Nadll, Madras
ExlWUTIVB ENG~~l!:"';lt (SM & R
, DIVIIIIO~) (AlterlUlte )
SIIKI L. SWAROOl'. Orissa Cement Ltd, New Delhi
SURI D. S. BrrA!fJ>ARI ( Altemate )
Snltl C.RA:'IAN, Director Gf'npral, lSI ( li4t-~ Memb,,-)
Director (Civ Engg)
D"puty Dir~ctor (Civ Engg), lSI

Precast Concrete Products Subcommittee, BDC 2 9

SHIn G. K. MAJUlID.'R Hindll~tan Prefab Ltd, New Delhi

l)Jo;PUTY DIRECTOll, S'i'.\NPARIlS Research, Designs 8t Standards Organization,
(B8tS) lVlinistry of Railways, Lucknow
STANDARJ>S ( B & S )-11
( Alternale )
SHnl C. G. Vl'rHAL RAO (Altertwte)
DIRECTOR Central Soil and Materials Research Station,
New Delhi
SHRI Z. GEORGE Structural J;.nginl'ering Re.earch Centre
(CSIR), Madra5
DR A. G. MADJIAVA RAO ( Alterllate)
SHiU V. G. GoltHALE Bombay Chemicals Pvt Ltd, Bombay
SUIt! B. K. JINDAL Central Building Research Institute (CSIR.),
D. S. S. bRBI (Alternlltl)
SaRI L. C. LA! In perlonal capacity (B! 17, West Ettd, N.w D.lhi )
SHRI S. NAHABOY Engineering Construction Corporation Ltd,
SRlU D. B. NAIll: Engineer-in-ChieCs Branch Army HeadquarteR,
New Delhi
SSRI SUClU, SINGS (Alt,rnate)
SHIt! K. K. NAlIBI.AR In personal capacity ( 'RillnatllllY4' 11 rarst Cr,scmt
Park RNil. Gmdhm.,flr, .4~" Madra)
SJIlU B. V. B. PAl The Concr<'te Association of India, Bombay
SHItI P. SBINIVAS.4.N (.illtrnntt )

(C.,.,.,. _,.,. 16)

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Surat( [for non-commercial use only].

IS • 211S ( P.rt 3 ) - 1184

M_m A"w,1IIin,
SlIBtH. s. P.uJllCHA Hmduatan Pl"efab Ltd, New Delhi
DB N. RAGRAVlIINJ>RA Cement Rt'It'arch Institut.. of ladia, New Delhi
SBRI V. RAJlALlNlJAX NeyveJi Lignite Corporatioll Ltd, Neyveli
SMaI K. A. RAIUB.Al>.~ (.All".,..,.)
DB A. V. R. RAO National Buildinp OrganizatiOll, New Delhi
SURI J. Sm. GunA (.Alt'rn.te)
SBBI B. G. SJW~K.l'l B. G. Shirke &t Co Ltd, Pune
SHIll R. T. P.\WAR (.All_I,)
5••1 c. N. SJUlnVA8~ MIl C. R. Narayana Rao, Madru
S ••I C. N. RAGBAV_D1UN (..4".,,,.,,) .
S,"_IN'l'l:NDL~1J EKOJlf)l:ER ( P & S ) Tamil Nadu Housing Board, Madras
PROJKCT Onlcma (AlurIUltl)
SU7BaDTDlDJJUJ SURYZTOB 01" , Central Public WorJu Department, New Delb~
SU."YZTOB 0 .. WORn (NZ) (.All,,.,..,, )

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Surat( [for non-commercial use only].
Headquarte 's:
Manak Bhavan. 9 Bahadur Shah Zatar Marg. NEW DELHI 110002
Telephones: 331 01 31. 3311375 Telegrams: Manaksanstha
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Maniktola, CALCUTTA 700054
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Plot No. 82/83. Lewis Road. BHUBANESHWAR 751002 5 3627
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Inspection Offices ( With Sale Point ,:
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PUNE 411005
·Sale. Office in Calcutta is at 5 Chowringh.e Approach, P. O. Princep 27 8800 Calcutla 700072
tSales Office in Bombay i. at Novelty Chamber.. Grant Road. 8$ 86 28
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tSales Otlice in Bangaloreis at unity Building. Narasimharajl Squara. 22 36 71
Bangalore 560002 !.
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