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Provide a balance scale and some Scoobie snack cookies (they are in bone shapes).
Give each child 5 or 6. Have them explore how the scale works with the cookies.

What happens when 1 cookie is on one side and 2 are on the other? Continue with
these types of questions and, of course, they can eat their cookies for snack!


Doggie Tac Toe

Make a Tic Tac Toe game board on paper. Give the children different sorters (perhaps
large and small dogs, different color dogs, etc.).

They take turns placing their dogs on the board trying to get 3 in a row. Or, they work
together making a pattern (still taking turns placing one dog on the board)

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There Was An Old Woman Who Lived In A Shoe Nursery Rhyme


There was an old woman who lived in a shoe.

She had so many children, she did not know what to do.

She gave them some broth without any bread.

She hugged them all soundly and tucked them in bed.


How Many Children?

Bring a large shoe or boot to circle with a dozen or so small little people. Count all the
children into the shoe after reciting this rhyme!

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Shoe Matching

Have the children take their shoes off. They place one in a big pile and hold the other.
Send a few children at a time to the pile to find their other shoe!

Practice teamwork by giving one shoe to a pair of children and they help each other
find the match.



In advance, make shoe and boot shapes out of construction paper and laminate them.
Hole punch holes around the edges. Provide the children with laces to practice lacing.

How Many Children?

Place old shoes on the floor with a number taped to each one. Provide toy people for
the children to count out the number of "children" they need to place in each shoe.

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This Little Piggy Nursery Rhyme Activities

This little piggy went to market.

This little piggy stayed home.

This little piggy had roast beef.

This little piggy had none.

And this little piggy when "wee, wee, wee" all the way home

OK, who is NOT thinking of the little Piggy GEICO commerical right now?!!!

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