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How do I attach a MSSQL 2000 database with only an MDF file

12 years, 8 months ago Active
6 years, 7 months ago Viewed
13k times

I have an old server with a defunct evaluation version of SQL 2000 on it (from 2006), and two
databases which were sitting on it.
For some unknown reason, the LDF log files are missing. Presumed deleted.

I have the mdf files (and in one case an ndf file too) for the databases which used to exist on
that server, and I am trying to get them up and running on another SQL 2000 box I have
sitting around.

sp_attach_db complains that the logfile is missing, and will not attach the database. Attempts
to fool it by using a logfile from a database with the same name failed miserably.
sp_attach_single_file_db will not work either. The mdf files have obviously not been cleanly

How do I get the databases attached and readable?

sql-server database recovery

Share Improve this question edited Oct 8 '08 at 15:52 asked Sep 24 '08 at 11:29
Follow ConcernedOfTunbridge Jonathan
Wells 23.5k 12 62 81
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2 Answers Active Oldest Votes

¿No encuentras la respuesta? Pregunta en Stack Overflow en español.

I found this answer, which worked with my SQL 2000 machines:

6 How to attach a database with a non-cleanly detached MDF file.

Step 1: Make a new database with same name, and which uses the same files as the old one
on the new server.

Step 2: Stop SQL server, and move your mdf files (and any ndf files you have) over the top of
the new ones you just created. Delete any log files.

Step 3: Start SQL and run this to put the DB in emergency mode.
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sp_configure 'allow updates', 1


reconfigure with override


update sysdatabases set status = 32768 where name = 'TestDB'


sp_configure 'allow updates', 0


reconfigure with override


Step 4: Restart SQL server and observe that the DB is successfully in emergency mode.

Step 5: Run this undocumented dbcc option to rebuild the log file (in the correct place)


Step 6: You might need to reset the status. Even if you don't, it won't do any harm to do so.

exec sp_resetstatus TestDB

Step 7: Stop and start SQL to see your newly restored database.

Share Improve this answer Follow answered Sep 24 '08 at 11:38

23.5k 12 62 81

1 I also had to set it back to multi user mode afterwards as for some reason it ended up in restricted user
– ChrisWue
Mar 22 '13 at 8:13

In Enterprise Manager, right-click the server and choose Attach Database. Select the MDF file
and click Ok. It will then ask you if you want to create a new log file or not. Say Yes.
Share Improve this answer Follow answered Sep 24 '08 at 11:39
821 8 14

Sadly, it still complains that "the physical file name blah.ldf may be incorrect." when I try this with a
badly detached mdf.
–  Jonathan
Sep 24 '08 at 11:50

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