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Se v e n St e p s t o Ge n i u s
Ev e r y Da y
How to Think Like Leonardo da Vinci - Page 1

Leonardo da Vinci was the ultimate high achiever -- with simultaneous careers as a world-class artist, architect, scientist, inventor
and engineer. In his spare time, he was also an accomplished cook and played musical instruments to a professional level.
Therefore, if anybody can exemplify how to apply creativity and learning skills productively, da Vinci is the consummate role model.
While it is true that Leonardo da Vinci was a genius, it is also true that most people typically use only a fraction of their potential
brain-power. Therefore, by analyzing how da Vinci achieved so much, a system for personal and professional achievement can
be developed. In essence, this system has seven key principles, detailed below.
By learning through imitation of the system da Vinci used to achieve so much, you are following a role model that embodies a very
practical and down-to-earth approach to applied genius. This system also provides proven techniques for sharpening the mind,
liberating intelligence, creative thinking and expansive self-expression.
Leonardo da Vinci lived through one of the most remarkably creative periods in history -- the Renaissance. Notable developments
of this era include the printing press, pencils, inexpensive paper, the magnetic compass, the large sailing ship, the long-range
cannon and the mechanical clock -- inventions that would alter the course of human history. Like the Renaissance, the modern
era is characterized by technology, and the release of newer versions of consumer products and technologies. Therefore, it is
altogether appropriate to look to the Renaissance for hints and clues on how to manage change creatively and productively. Da
Vinci’s approach to life and his careers provides just such guidance and inspiration.
In the final analysis, Leonardo da Vinci could well serve as the patron saint of independent thinkers, and the ultimate model of what
the human spirit is capable of achieving.

Principle #1 -- Curiosita -- The Quest for Continuous Learning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 2

Everyone actually has quite a keen sense of curiosity. The challenge, however, lies in refining and
developing this trait over the course of an entire career. That requires that you continue to ask ‘‘great
questions’’ on a regular basis -- and then search intensely to find the answers to those great questions.

Principle #2 -- Dimostrazione -- Test Knowledge Through Practical Experience . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 3

First-hand experience is the best source of wisdom and know-how. And the best, most practical way to
create added value through experience is to use it to test and improve what you are actually working on.
Real-world experience (including disasters, failures and mistakes) will teach far more than any teacher
ever can.

Principle #3 -- Sensazione -- Constantly Sharpen the Senses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 4

The five senses -- sight, sound, touch, taste and smell -- are the keys to creating added value in any kind
of activity. Therefore, by refining and improving the senses, you increase both your intelligence and your
ability to learn from the world around you.

Principle #4 -- Sfumato -- Be Comfortable With Ambiguity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 5

Creativity flourishes if you can keep your mind open in the face of uncertainty. The ability to embrace
uncertainty and function productively in the face of ambiguity with relish is a characteristic of genius --
and a worthwhile trait in a rapidly changing world.

Principle #5 -- Arte / Scienza -- Balance Science and Art, Logic and Imagination . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 6
The concept of being left-brained (logical) or right-brained (artistic) is now well known. Leonardo da Vinci’s
life, however, showed what can be achieved when both sides of the brain are harnessed. The dynamic
between the two sides of the brain generates substantial capacity for achievement.

Principle #6 -- Corporalita -- Develop Poise -- the Balance of Body and Mind . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 7
In addition to cultivating an ability to think clearly, logically and creatively, da Vinci was in exceptionally
good physical health. He taught (and exemplified) the idea that smart people should also take good care
of their physical health and well-being if they expect to remain productive throughout their lives.

Principle #7 -- Connessione -- Maintain a Big Picture Perspective . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 8

Despite the fact we live in an age of specialization, maintaining an accurate visualization of the grander
scheme of things can be particularly worthwhile. The greatest success (and most inner happiness) will
come to those who understand that all actions, patterns and relationships are part of the totality that
envelopes the human race.
How to Think Like Leonardo da Vinci - Page 2

Principle #1 -- Curiosita Next, develop 10 questions from your professional field,

The Quest for Continuous Learning about your career or some other aspect of your professional
life. Don’t be afraid to ask the simple questions -- they’re often
Main Idea the most profound:
Everyone actually has quite a keen sense of curiosity. The When did this start?
challenge, however, lies in refining and developing this trait over Who is affected by this issue?
the course of an entire career. That requires that you continue How does this occur -- from different perspectives?
to ask ‘‘great questions’’ on a regular basis -- and then search
Where else does this occur?
intensely to find the answers to those great questions.
Why is this issue important -- and to whom?
Supporting Ideas
3. Work on a theme.
Curiosity is an intense desire to learn more -- an unquenchable
thirst for more and more knowledge. The mechanism by which Choose a theme for the day, and write down in your notebook
curiosity functions is through seeking answers to questions. everything you observe that day -- including your thoughts --
Therefore, it is quite logical that the key to expanding a sense of that ties in with that theme. Reward yourself appropriately for
curiosity is to ask good questions. what you come up with.
In fact, the greatest minds in business and history have always 4. Set aside uninterrupted time to contemplate.
focused on ‘‘great questions’’. What is a great question? It’s a Many people are so busy doing they fail to stop and think
question that strikes precisely to the heart of an important quality about what it is they should be doing. Offset that tendency
of life issue. by setting aside quality contemplation time -- just you and
How can a sense of curiosity be refined and enhanced, and your notebook. Set a goal for how much time you allocate to
some of those great questions formulated? Leonardo da Vinci’s this activity each day.
example suggest these practical steps: 5. Stream of consciousness writing.
1. Keep a journal or notebook. For a 10-minute period, write down every thought that comes
Leonardo da Vinci kept about 7,000 pages of notes recording to you on a subject. Don’t stop to censor -- just keep writing
his thoughts during his lifetime, and most scholars believe whatever comes to mind. You might come up with some
that was only one-half of what he actually wrote. He jotted gibberish, but there may also be some rather profound
down ideas, thoughts, sketches and impressions whenever insights in what you come up with as well.
they came to him. Leonardo da Vinci’s life was actually one long exercise in
In November 1994, Bill Gates purchased 18 sheets of creative problem solving with a high degree of originality. It was
Leonardo da Vinci’s notebooks for $30.8 million. da Vinci’s based on his intense curiosity and an open mind posing
notebooks included original plans and ideas for a flying questions from different perspectives. He always focused on
machine, a helicopter, a parachute, the extendible ladder, asking the right question instead of seeking the right answer to
three-speed gear shift, the bicycle, adjustable spanners, the the wrong question.
snorkel, hydraulic jacks, locks for canal systems, folding Key Thoughts
furniture, a water-powered alarm clock and the world’s first
revolving stage. ‘‘Most business inventions are inspired by the question, "What
if...?" The multi-billion dollar economy of Silicon Valley was
2. Use questions to guide and structure thinking.
largely inspired by the question, "What if we shrunk the size of
Try and make a list of the 100 questions that are most computer chips?" The craze for offering rebates as a sales
important to you in one sitting. Then, go back through that incentive was born from the question, "What if we paid our
list and look for themes. What are most of your questions consumers to buy it?" What if... questions stimulate your
actually about? imagination and shake up your perspective. Consider any
Now, choose 10 questions that are most important to you, product or service you might offer, and ask, what if I: shrunk it;
and rank them in importance. These questions should relate enlarged it; made it lighter; made it heavier; changed its shape;
to your broad quality of life. Some sample questions: reversed it; tightened it; loosened it; added something;
subtracted something; interchanged parts; stayed open for
Which activities allow me to best feel like I am expressing
24-hours; guaranteed it; changed its name; made it recyclable,
my natural character traits?
stronger, weaker, softer, harder, portable, immovable, doubled
What is the one thing I could start -- or stop -- doing today the price or paid customers to take it. The happiest people in the
that would most improve my quality of life? world ask, "What if I could find some way to get paid for doing
What is my greatest personal talent? what I love?"’’
How can I get paid for doing what I love to do? -- Michael Gelb
Who are my most inspiring role models? ‘‘I roamed the countryside searching for answers to things I did
How can I best be of service to others? not understand. These questions and other strange phenomena
engage my thought throughout my life.’’
What is my heart’s deepest desire?
-- Leonardo da Vinci
How am I perceived by: my best friend; my worst enemy;
my boss; my children; my spouse? ‘‘Undoubtedly the most curios man who ever lived. He wouldn’t
take Yes for an answer.
What are my blessings in life?
-- Kenneth Clark on Leonardo da Vinci
What legacy would I most like to leave?
How to Think Like Leonardo da Vinci - Page 3

Principle #2 -- Dimostrazione 4. Develop a healthy attitude to mistakes and adversity.

Test Knowledge Through Practical Experience Most people see mistakes as major problems. Smart,
creative people view them only as something to learn from
Main Idea -- and indicators that genuine effort is being put in.
First-hand experience is the best source of wisdom and Contemplate and record your observations about:
know-how. And the best, most practical way to create added What role does the fear of making mistakes play in your
value through experience is to use it to test and improve what life at the present time.
you are actually working on. Real-world experience (including
What would your life be like if you adjusted your
disasters, failures and mistakes) will teach far more than any
perspective to welcome rather than shun mistakes?
teacher ever can.
In your business career, are you more likely to make
Supporting Ideas
mistakes of commission (doing the wrong thing) or
The ability to learn from mistakes and a willingness to test omission (failing to do the right thing)?
opinions in the crucible of actual experience are the basis for
5. Create positive affirmations.
developing good judgment and sound reasoning abilities.
Without this, a person will be held captive by his preconceptions Resilience in the face of adversity is a highly desirable
and the limited knowledge that passes for prevailing wisdom. character trait, which can be enhanced by developing and
contemplating written affirmations.
Only against a wealth of first-hand experience can a person
develop originality and independence of thought. And that will In your notebook, make a list of affirmation which describe
require learning from mistakes just as thoroughly as learning how you want to feel. For example:
from what does succeed. I feel curious about how to solve this problem.
The practical steps required to learn from actual experience are: I feel willing to create a business entity that will serve
1. Become aware of how experience has molded perceptions. others by adding to their quality of life.
Take your notebook and: I feel worthy of enjoying everything I’ve worked for in life.
List 5 - 7 of the most influential experiences of your life. I feel curios about how to make a positive contribution to
the world in which I live.
Summarize what you learned from each experience.
6. Learn from the mistakes of others.
Select your one most influential experience. Consider
how this has shaped and colored all your attitudes. Ideally, if you can learn from observing the mistakes of
others, you can become more efficient.
Finally, ask how things would differ in your life or career
if you rethought some of the conclusions you’ve drawn. Try making a list in your notebook of three people who have
made mistakes you’d like to avoid -- and what you have
This exercise will help you understand the direct link between
learned from their experience.
past experience and current or future perceptions -- and the
power you have to shape those perceptions. The ability and willingness to learn from experience is a key to
making progress and moving ahead.
2. Analyze your beliefs and their sources.
Key Thoughts
Most people never stop to look carefully at what the source
of their information is. Try this exercise: ‘‘Experience never errs; it is only your judgment that errs in
Choose two or three general topics. promising itself results as are not caused by your experiments.’’
-- Leonardo da Vinci
Write down your three main ideas, assumptions or beliefs
in each of those topics. ‘‘In the business world, senior executives overwhelmingly point
Now ask yourself where did your personal beliefs come to a failure to heed their own experience as the prime cause of
from, and what is required to change those beliefs. their worst decisions. Too often business people allow their
Through reflection, you will come to understand how your better judgment, based on experience, to be overruled by
most influential ideas have been delivered to you, and analysts, attorneys and academic authorities. The best leaders
whether or not they have been subjected to testing in the and managers know, as Leonardo did, that experience is the
real-world. heart of wisdom.’’
-- Michael Gelb
3. Put in place a mental self-defense mechanism.
Whenever you’re faced with a commercial advertisement: ‘‘A masters in business can sometimes block an ability to master
experience. Many of the M.B.A.s we hired were either
Analyze the strategy and tactics the advertiser is congenitally naive or victims of their own business training. The
attempting to use to influence your buying pattern. result was a kind of real-life learning disability -- a failure to read
Make a list of the three (or five) best advertisements you people properly or to size up situations and an uncanny knack
can remember. What was it about them you liked? for forming the wrong perceptions.’’
Look at 10 recent purchases you’ve made. To what -- Mark McCormack
degree were your actions influenced by advertising?
‘‘To me it seems those sciences are vain and full of error which
If you can remain impartial, you can better arm yourself to are not born of experience, mother of all certainty, first hand
think and act independently. experience which in its origin or means or end has passed
through one of the five senses.’’
-- Leonardo da Vinci
How to Think Like Leonardo da Vinci - Page 4

Principle #3 -- Sensazione Go to a fragrance shop and make your own perfume. or

Constantly Sharpen the Senses cologne.
Study aromatherapy -- the treatment of physical ailments
Main Idea through different smells.
The five senses -- sight, sound, touch, taste and smell -- are the 6. Synesthesia -- the merging of the senses.
keys to creating added value in any kind of activity. Therefore, When the sense are merged together, great artistic and
by refining and improving the senses, you increase both your scientific genius can be created.
intelligence and your ability to learn from the world around you.
Try drawing the shapes and colors that come to mind
Supporting Ideas when listening to your favorite piece of music.
By increasing the amount and quality of sensory information you Try transposing your favorite artists or scientists. For
take in each day, you refine your intelligence and increase the example, if Mozart were a painter, who would he be like,
quality of your own life. and what would Mozart’s paintings have looked like.
To focus and sharpen the senses: Solve a synthetic problem, using each of the five senses
1. Vision -- the difference between looking and seeing. as a part of the solution. Write your answer in your
Write a description of a sunrise in your notebook. notebook, along with the reasons why.

Practice focusing on near and distant objects often. Create a specific workplace where creative problem
solving is the sole activity. Remove all distractions and
Place your index fingers together at eye level in front of add the tools that enhance creative thinking -- good
your face and move them apart while looking straight lighting, a sound system, inspiring art, comfortable
ahead. (This sharpens peripheral vision). furnishings, pleasant aromas, etc. The environment
Increase the amount of time you spend visualizing should provide accessories that are designed to enhance
positive outcomes. and strengthen the senses.
Learn to draw or paint. Key Thoughts
2. Sound -- the difference between listening and hearing. ‘‘All of our knowledge has its origin in our perceptions.’’
Listen to the sounds that surround you. Separate them -- Leonardo da Vinci
into layers -- the loudest, the more subtle, the rare, etc.
‘‘The eye encompasses the beauty of the whole world. Who
Listen for total silence -- the complete absence of sound.
would believe that so small a space could contain the images of
Study the lives and work of composers and artists. Listen the entire universe.’’
for the patterns they use time and again. Listen to each -- Leonardo da Vinci
individual component of the music, and identify how that
element contributes to the whole. ‘‘The average human looks without seeing, listens without
hearing, touches without feeling, eats without tasting, moves
Develop your own personal all-time top 10 list of music.
without physical awareness, inhales without awareness of odor
3. Touching -- the difference between contact and feeling. or fragrance and talks without thinking.’’
Look at a fine painting. Ponder the delicate touch required -- Leonardo da Vinci
to produce an effect like that.
‘‘The five senses are the ministers of the soul.’’
Go outside and touch some of the patterns that occur in -- Leonardo da Vinci
nature, feeling for texture and form.
Spend an entire day focusing solely on how things feel. ‘‘just as an athlete develops his muscles, Leonardo trained his
senses, educating his observant faculties. We know from his
4. Taste. notebooks the kind of mental gymnastics he put himself
When eating, avoid distractions and focus on how the through.’’
food tastes. Experience all the flavors available. -- Serge Bramly
Buy three kinds of the same food and write down in your
‘‘The idea or the faculty of imagination serves as both rudder and
notebook the differences in taste between the three.
bridle to the senses, inasmuch as the thing imagined moves the
Get involved in groups that offer a broad experience of sense.’’
new and different taste sensations -- such as a regular -- Leonardo da Vinci
dinner group or some other special interest group.
‘‘I have found in my own experience that it is of no small benefit
5. Smell.
when you lie in bed in the dark to go over again in the imagination
Write in your notebook what you smell when visiting the outlines of the forms you have been studying or of other
various places in your day. noteworthy things conceived by subtle speculation; and this is
Spend one complete day being totally aware of the smells certainly a praiseworthy exercise and useful in impressing things
and aromas that you come into contact with. on the memory.’’
Broaden your vocabulary past a simple ‘‘It stinks’’ or ‘‘It -- Leonardo da Vinci
smells nice’’. Add floral (roses), minty (peppermint),
musky (musk), ethereal (pears), resinous (camphor), foul
(rotten eggs) and acrid (vinegar) to your vocabulary.
How to Think Like Leonardo da Vinci - Page 5

Principle #4 -- Sfumato Refresh your perspective by taking a complete break on

Be Comfortable With Ambiguity a regular basis. Try and take a 10-minute break doing
something different after an hour of intense study. You will
Main Idea come back with a better perspective on whatever you’re
concentrating on.
Creativity flourishes if you can keep your mind open in the face
of uncertainty. The ability to embrace uncertainty and function 5. Trust your gut instincts.
productively in the face of ambiguity with relish is a characteristic Try writing down your hunches in your notebook as they
of genius -- and a worthwhile trait in a rapidly changing world. occur to you. Checks their accuracy. Teach yourself how
Supporting Ideas to hone and enhance your instinctive abilities.

Poise means to remain balanced and calm despite the efforts of Try writing down your feelings about a particular subject.
external forces. A person with a high tolerance for ambiguity can Identify which part of your anatomy receives those signals
retain their poise and work effectively, while others with less most unerringly -- and then watch for repeat occurrences.
tolerance will become upset by the lack of certainty. Keep it simple:
To increase your tolerance for uncertainty: - Enjoy a few deep exhalations.
- Soften your belly.
1. Go back to your notebook. - Be receptive to what your instincts are trying to say.
Look at your list of 10 most important lifetime questions. Key Thoughts
Which one makes you feel most uncertain. Write down
the ambiguities involved in that specific area. Try ‘‘In the 1980s, the American Management Association published
sketching an answer. Choose specific music to associate a study concluding that the most successful managers were
with thinking about this area. distinguished by "high tolerance for ambiguity and intuitive
Take some steps forward in confronting ambiguity head on. decision-making skill". Now, as the pace of change accelerates.
"tolerance" for ambiguity is no longer sufficient; ambiguity must
2. Welcome and embrace ambiguity. be embraced and enjoyed. As we begin the twenty-first century,
In your notebook, list three situation with ambiguous information threatens to overwhelm us with sheer volume.
possibilities from your life. describe how you felt at that Intuition is more important than ever. The bottom line: Embrace
time -- where did the ambiguity hit you? ambiguity and trust your gut.’’
By becoming aware of how you automatically coped with -- Michael Gelb
ambiguity in the past, you can watch for its presence in the
‘‘The highest happiness becomes the cause of unhappiness.’’
future -- and develop an enhanced ability to deal with it better.
-- Leonardo da Vinci
Once you’re thus forewarned, you’ll look forward to
experiencing the feelings ambiguity can generate. ‘‘Constancy may be symbolized by the phoenix which, knowing
3. Cultivate your ability to endure confusion. that by nature it must be resuscitated, has the constancy to
endure the burning flames which consume it, and then it rises
Contemplate paradox and creative confusion in your life:
Write down when you were the happiest and the saddest. -- Leonardo da Vinci
Is there any connection between the two?
List three of your greatest strengths and three of your ‘‘The painter must be solitary. For if you are alone, you are
greatest weaknesses. How are the lists related? completely yourself, but if you are accompanied by a single
companion you are half yourself.’’
List three things that have really changed in your lifetime, -- Leonardo da Vinci
and three things that have not. Compare the two lists.
Evaluate whether the greatest joy in life comes from being ‘‘The greatest geniuses sometimes accomplish more when they
100-percent committed to clear goals, or in achieving a work less.’’
high quality of life. -- Leonardo da Vinci
These sorts of mental exercises and self-analysis will ‘‘It is well that you should often leave off work and take a little
prepare one for confusing situations which may arise. relaxation because when you come back to it you are a better
4. Allow time for ideas to incubate and for intuition to make itself judge.’’
heard. -- Leonardo da Vinci
Incubation is most effective if periods of intense activity can ‘‘The blurred outline and mellowed colors allow one form to
be alternated with periods of rest. At times, this will produce merge with another always leaving something to our
an Aha! style breakthrough thought, while at other times imagination. Everyone who has ever tried to draw or scribble a
intuition will bubble gently to the surface unaided, subtle and face knows that what we call its expression rests mainly in two
easy to overlook. features: the corners of the mouth and the corners of the eyes.
Therefore, to do your best work: Now it is precisely those parts which Leonardo has left
deliberately indistinct, by letting them merge into a soft shadow.
Ponder the question; ‘‘When, in the past, have you
That is why we are never really quite certain in what mood Mona
produced your best ideas?’’ And then replicate those
Lisa is really looking at us.’’
circumstances again and again.
-- E.H. Gombrich on Leonardo da Vinci’s Mona Lisa
Many people do their best thinking when alone. If that’s
your style, schedule long periods free of interruptions at
least once or twice a week.
How to Think Like Leonardo da Vinci - Page 6

Principle #5 -- Arte / Scienza Leonardo da Vinci used the concepts of mind maps quite
Balance Science and Art, Logic and Imagination extensively. Da Vinci was a successful artist, inventor, scientist
and military engineer:
Main Idea As an artist, he painted the Mona Lisa and the Last Supper --
The concept of being left-brained (logical) or right-brained two of the greatest paintings ever produced, along with a
(artistic) is now well known. Leonardo da Vinci’s life, however, number of other great works. He transformed the direction of
showed what can be achieved when both sides of the brain are the art, pioneered the use of oil paints and introduced a host
harnessed. The dynamic between the two sides of the brain of innovative methods and techniques. Da Vinci was also a
generates substantial capacity for achievement. renowned architect and sculptor.
Supporting Ideas As an inventor, da Vinci envisaged a vast array of devices
including helicopters, parachutes, hydraulic equipment and
Da Vinci gave birth to the modern ideas of ‘‘brainstorming’’ and much more. He also pioneered the concept of automation
‘‘creative thinking’’. He also developed a method of problem around which the Industrial Revolution was built.
solving, called mind mapping.
As a military engineer, da Vinci conceived the tank, machine
To create a mind map: gun, guided missile and submarine -- but never wanted any
1. Take a blank piece of paper, and write the question you are of these devices to be built.
considering at the top. As a scientist, da Vinci made significant contributions to the
2. In the center of the page, draw a symbol which represents fields of anatomy, botany, geology and physics. He was, in
both the left- and right-sides of the brain. essence, the father of comparative anatomy, botanical
3. Next, print key words which come to mind on lines that science, hydrostatics, optics and mechanics. He also
radiate out from the central image. Print one key word per discovered the sun did not move 40-years before Copernicus,
line, with each line being the same length as each key word. developed the concept of the telescope Galileo would use
60-years later to make his breakthroughs, wrote about the
4. For each key word that you have drawn, draw lines out from
theory of gravitation 200-years before Newton and suggested
there, listing the ideas that flow from that key word. Give each
the basic theory of evolution approx. 400 years before Darwin.
of these second-generation words their own line, going
outwards from the parent key word. In summary, Leonardo da Vinci set the stage for modern
scientific thinking to become established. Pretty impressive
5. Keep going without censoring what you’re doing. Write down
achievements for someone who was born in 1452 and died at
whatever comes to mind for each of the key words.
age 67 in 1519.
6. Once you’ve generated enough material, stop and look at
Key Thoughts
your map. Look for major themes -- ideas that have been
expressed in a few different variations. Number the themes ‘‘These rules are intended to help you to a free and good
you can identify. judgment : for good judgmen t proceed s from good
7. Connect ideas that are related with arrows, or use colors to understanding, and good understanding comes from reason
connect these different themes. trained by good rules, and good rules are the children of sound
experience, which is the common mother of all the sciences and
8. Now redraw the mind map, with every theme grouped
together. Keep refining it until you feel you’ve completely the arts.’’
exhausted the subject. -- Leonardo da Vinci

Mind mapping is a technique by which you can generate a lot of ‘‘Everything is connected to everything else.’’
ideas on how to solve problems. It is equally useful for fun -- Leonardo da Vinci
exercises or something that is of critical importance. For
example, you might: ‘‘Leonardo took an artist’s vision into science. He understood that
science, as much as painting, has to find the design of nature in
Make a mind map of what you can do on your next day off. her detail. He gave science what is most needed, the artist’s
Make a mind map of your dream vacation. sense that the detail of nature is significant. Until science had
Make a mind map of how to spend a perfect evening with a this sense, no one could care -- or could think that it mattered --
close friend or other associate. how fast two unequal masses fall and whether the orbits of
planets are accurately circles or ellipses.’’
Make a mind map of all the possible uses for mind mapping.
-- George Sarton
(Try coming up with 20 different applications that would be
useful for you). ‘‘Those who become enamored of the art, without having
Make a mind map of something you want to memorize, using previously applied to the diligent study of the scientific part of it,
vivid images and other materials. may be compared to mariners who put to sea in a ship without
a rudder or compass and therefore cannot be certain of arriving
Enhance your mind maps creatively with drawings, sketches,
at the wished for port.’’
pictures, etc. All of these attachments will improve your
-- Leonardo da Vinci
memory and recall of that subject.
Use a mind map to do some creative thinking.
And don’t forget to include a break for ideas to incubate. Go do
something else for a while, and then come back and draw a
revised version of your mind map. You’ll find plenty of new
material will come to mind.
How to Think Like Leonardo da Vinci - Page 7

Principle #6 -- Corporalita It is important that while you rest in that position, you let
Develop Poise -- the Balance of Body and Mind your neck move freely. You should almost be able to feel
your body lengthening as your spine reverts to its natural
Main Idea shape while you rest.
In addition to cultivating an ability to think clearly, logically and Arise slowly, with your head leading the movement
creatively, da Vinci was in exceptionally good physical health. forward. Get up in a smooth, flowing transition, easing
He taught (and exemplified) the idea that smart people should yourself into a crawling position before you stand up
also take good care of their physical health and well-being if they again.
expect to remain productive throughout their lives. Pay particular attention to your senses. You should
Supporting Ideas almost feel a little taller. Now visualize moving with grace
and poise through your normal daily activities.
In business, the state of your physical body influences your mind
and your performance. The essential idea is that you can For best results, try and repeat this exercise twice each
improve the quality of your life dramatically by cultivating fitness day -- when you arise in the morning and when you get
and better coordination of mind and body. To do this: home at the conclusion of your work day.

1. Develop a regular fitness program. 4. Cultivate ambidexterity.

A balanced fitness program will have three elements: Physical ambidexterity will enhance your ability to use both
sides of your brain to solve problems. Try these ideas:
Aerobic conditioning -- at least four 20-minute sessions
per week of brisk walking, running, dancing, swimming, Practice using your non-dominant hand each morning, or
rowing or other activities. for a part of each day, to do simple tasks initially and stay
with it until you can achieve more and more.
Strength training -- using weights. Strengthens muscles
and promotes the resilience of connective tissue and Try signing your name with your other hand. Try writing
bones. out the alphabet. Practice writing with your non-dominant
hand a little every day.
Flexibility exercises -- stretching exercises involving all
the major muscle groups. Try writing with both hands at once. Your dominant hand
will then be training your non-dominant hand.
Seek expert advice on each of these elements and develop
a program that is suited to your physical condition. Experiment with mirror writing. Leonardo da Vinci wrote
his notes so they could only be read in a mirror. Try and
2. Study practical anatomy. develop the same skill, using your non-dominant hand.
A constructive approach to general fitness is to develop your 5. Learn how to juggle.
kinesthetic sense -- a sense of your weight, position and
movement. It will help you improve your ambidexterity, balance and
mind-body coordination.
Draw a map of your own anatomy, based on observing
yourself closely in a mirror. Where do you feel most alive? Key Thoughts
Where do you feel stiffness? Are all joints working properly? ‘‘To keep in health these rules are wise:
Your body map will guide you in seeking corrective exercise - Beware of anger and avoid grievous moods.
programs, stretching routines and so forth. Make a note of - Rest your head and keep your mind cheerful.
the practical information you gather on this topic, and - Be covered well at night.
integrate this into your overall exercise routine. - exercise moderately.
3. Use the Alexander Technique to relearn poise. - Shun wantonness, and pay attention to diet.
- Eat only when you want and sup light.
F. Matthias Alexander was a Shakespearean actor who
- Keep upright when you rise from the dining table.
developed an important relaxation technique. To follow this
- Do not be with the belly upwards or the head lowered.
procedure, do this:
- Let your wine be mixed with water, taken a little at a time, not
This exercise is designed to assist the spine to be properly between meals and not on an empty stomach.
aligned and to enhance general balance and poise. - Eat simple (i.e. vegetarian) food.
Start by placing some paperback books on the floor about - Chew well.
your body’s length away from you. Stand with your feet - Go to the toilet regularly!’’
shoulder width apart, and relax. -- Leonardo da Vinci
Regulate your breathing so it is easy and smooth. Be alert ‘‘The state of your body influences your mind. If your body is stiff
and focused on straightening the spine. and rigid, or collapsed and limp, your mind will often follow suit.
Sit on the floor with your hands behind you, feet flat on In many meetings and brainstorming sessions, for example,
the floor and knees bent. people sit around for hours, in more or less the same position,
Now lie backwards, effectively rolling your spine along the trying to generate new ideas and solve problems. And then they
floor, until your head is resting on the paperback books. wonder, "Why are we stuck?" Many organizations are
Add or take away books until you feel a gentle lengthening introducing brief sitting massage sessions, yoga and aikido
and realignment of your spine. Your knees should still be classes to help their people discover greater physical and mental
bent and your feet flat on the floor. flexibility.’’
-- Michael Gelb
Rest in that position for 10- to 20-minutes to allow gravity
to do its work naturally. Don’t fall asleep.
How to Think Like Leonardo da Vinci - Page 8

Principle #7 -- Connessione Then, change your viewpoint to a macrocosmic one by

Maintain a Big Picture Perspective looking at how the system fits into the society or economic
network as a whole. How does this system create value, and
Main Idea how does that value flow to other parts of the system.
Despite the fact we live in an age of specialization, maintaining By thinking on a micro- and macro- level, you gain a much
an accurate visualization of the grander scheme of things can broader and more detailed perspective.
be particularly worthwhile. The greatest success in business (as 7. Develop time lines.
well as the most inner happiness) will come to those who A time line of significant events definitely provides a big
understand that all actions, patterns and relationships are part picture perspective. It also enables you to define the
of the totality that envelopes the human race. decisions taken, the options not pursued and the relationship
Supporting Ideas between an action and its consequences.
To develop a healthy perspective of some of the larger picture Try visualizing any timeline as flowing from a source to a
issues: destination. If you can do this vividly enough, you start
1. Contemplate the concept of wholeness. refining your predictive powers and fine-tuning your intuition.
Write down in your notebook your concept of wholeness. 8. Make a master mind map of your life, your career, your
What, precisely, does it mean to you? How can it be company or your product.
expressed most accurately? What is its opposite? What Take the time to comprehensively set out -- in mind map
about conflicts that may occur? format -- precisely what you expect to achieve during your
2. Study the system dynamics of your organization. lifetime. The same exercise can also be used effectively to
develop a broader perspective on your career, your
Ponder the dynamics of any organization. What are the roles businesses entity or even for a specific product.
people are called on to play? What happens when stress
becomes involved? How have the roles changed over the This exercise will allow you to craft a vision, develop specific
years? Try drawing a diagram that represents the entire goals and select effective strategies. It will also allow blind
organization from different perspectives. spots to be highlighted, roadblocks to be avoided and
missing elements to be addressed.
Use the metaphor of a human body. How does that help you
gain some insights into the dynamics at work in the system? This exercise may take several days to allow ideas to
percolate to the surface:
3. Make some mutant combinations.
Day 1 -- Develop a logo that presents an image of whatever
Take some completely unrelated items and visualize them is most important to you.
being combined. What would such a mutant object look and
act like? What would be its advantages? Its disadvantages? Day 2 -- Develop specific written goals, moving outwards
from the logo.
Try and use this to your advantage by developing creative
variations to long-established and familiar systems. Day 3 -- Clarify your core values, and the reasons why your
goals are so important.
4. Talk with an imaginary role model.
Day 4 -- Try and specify a central purpose, something around
Actually having an imaginary conversation with a role model which the entire entity is built.
is often an excellent way to develop perspective and insight
into any situation facing you. If nothing else, it will most Day 5 -- Assess your current realities. Where are you now.
certainly stimulate your creative abilities and may provide What actions are required to get where you want to be.
additional inspiration to action. Day 6 -- Look for connections, common themes, priorities
5. Ponder the origins of things you commonly use. and how current actions interact with all these.
This exercise makes you stop taking everyday things for Day 7 -- Develop change strategies -- what you want to do
granted and sharpens your awareness of the present differently in the future to achieve different objectives
moment. Take any object you use and think about what was Key Thoughts
involved in bringing that product to you. There are an infinite
variety of topics you can think about along these lines, ‘‘Everything comes from everything, and everything is made out
includin g the developmen t of the materials and of everything, and everything returns into everything.’’
manufacturing processes, the economic and social forces -- Leonardo da Vinci
related to the manufacturing process, the cultural results of ‘‘What happens to your brain as you get older? Many people
those forces and so on. assume that mental and physical abilities necessarily decline
6. Think micro / macro. with age; that we are, after age twenty-five, losing significant
Microcosmic thinking requires that you focus on the small brain capacity on a daily basis. Actually, the average brain can
level -- right down to the cellular or molecular level even. improve with age. Our neurons are capable of making
Create an image in your mind of all the minute systems and increasingly complex new connections throughout our lives.
subsystems that work beneath the surface to create the And, our neuronal endowment is so great that even if we lost a
larger system. thousand brain cells every day for the rest of our lives, it would
still be less than 1-percent of our total. (Of course, it’s important
not to lose the 1-percent that you actually use).
-- Michael Gelb

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