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Mach’s Principle and a Variable Speed of Light

Alexander Unzicker
Pestalozzi-Gymnasium München
arXiv:gr-qc/0511038v4 6 Oct 2007

October 6, 2007

Ernst Mach (1838-1916) suggested that the origin of gravitational interaction could depend on the pres-
ence of all massesPin the universe. A corresponding hypothesis of Sciama (1953) on the gravitational
constant, c2 /G = mi /ri , is linked to Dicke’s (1957) proposal of an electromagnetic origin of gravitation,
a precursor of scalar-tensor-theories. In this an equivalent description in terms of a variable speed of light
(VSL) is given, and the agreement with the four classical tests of general relativity is shown. Moreover,
VSL opens the possibility to write the total energy of a particle as E = mc2 ; this necessarily leads to
the proportionality of inertial and gravitating mass, the equivalence principle. Furthermore, a formula for
c depending on the mass distribution is given that reproduces Newton’s law of gravitation.1 This mass
distribution allows to calculate a slightly variable term that corresponds to the ‘constant’ G. The present
proposal may also supply an alternative explanation to the flatness problem and the horizon problem in

1 Introduction Newton’s law of gravitation can be directly deduced

from a variable c. While this general approach has
1.1 Overview interesting consequences for the equivalence princi-
ple, in sec. 6 an explicit formula for c depending
After a brief motivation given in 1.2 I shall outline
on mass distributions is given that is in accordance
in sec. 2 how Mach’s principle can be realized as
with Mach’s principle. In sec. 7, consequences are
a quantitative statement, following Sciama (1953).
discussed with respect to observational data.
Before Sciama’s theory is related to a variable speed
of light, in sec. 3 general considerations on time and
length scales and a brief historical perspective of 1.2 Open questions in gravitational
VSL theories are given. A very similar approach of physics
describing gravity as an electromagnetic effect has
While the theory of general relativity (GR), at
been outlined in Dicke’s (1957) paper, a precursor
the time of its discovery, could predict the last
of the so-called scalar-tensor theory. Using similar
observation incompatible with Newtonian gravity,
arguments as Will (1986), sec. 4 repeats how the
the mercury perihelion, new riddles have shown up
respective experimental tests of general relativity
in gravitational physics in the past decades. Since
(GR) can alternatively be described by a variable
Zwicky’s observation of ‘missing mass’ in galaxy
c. While this is merely another viewpoint of classi-
clusters an overwhelming evidence for ‘dark matter’
cal physics, Sec. 5 describes as a new proposal how
has been collected, in particular the flat rotation
1 I do not uphold any longer the formula given here, and
curves of galaxies. Since 1998, the relatively faint
prefer the proposal outlined in arxiv:0708.3518 (2007a) which high-redshift supernovae are commonly explained
additionally matches Dirac’s large number hypothesis (1938).

as a manifestation of a new form of matter called approximation valid for m1 >> m2 . A slightly dif-
‘dark energy’. As Aguirre et al. (2001) comment, ferent mass dependence2 would remain undetected
these new discoveries have been achieved ”at the even by the most precise emphemeris and double
expense of simplicity”; it is quite disappointing that pulsar data, since in most cases just the product
no counterpart to these forms of matter has been GM is measured.
found in the laboratories yet. Thus in the view of In summary, there is quite a big gap between the
recent data the following comment of Binney and common belief in the universality of Newton’s law
Tremaine (1994), p. 635, is more than justified: of gravitation and the experimental evidence sup-
porting it.3 So far there is no evidence at all that it
‘It is worth remembering that all of still works for accelerations below 10−9 m/s2 .
the discussion so far has been based on
the premise that Newtonian gravity and
general relativity are correct on large 2 Mach’s principle
scales. In fact, there is little or no di-
rect evidence that conventional theories Besides the observational facts above, Newtonian
of gravity are correct on scales much gravity had to face theoretical problems, too. In his
larger than a parsec or so. Newtonian famous example of the rotating bucket filled with
gravity works extremely well on scales water, Newton deduced the existence of an abso-
of ∼ 1014 cm (the solar system). (...) It lute, nonrotating space from the observation of the
is principally the elegance of general rel- curved surface the water forms. Ernst Mach criti-
ativity and its success in solar system cized this ‘non observable’ concept of absolute space
tests that lead us to the bold extrap- as follows, suggesting that the water was rotating
olation that the gravitational interac- with respect to masses at large distance:
tion has the form GM/r2 on the scales
‘No one is competent to say how the
1021 − 1026 cm...’
experiment would turn out if the sides
In the meantime, the bold extrapolation seems of the vessel increased in thickness and
to have encountered new observational problems. mass till they were ultimately several...
The detection of an anomalous acceleration from [miles]... thick.’
the Pioneer missions (Anderson, Laing, Lau, Liu,
Mach’s principle is commonly known as follows: The
Nieto, and Turyshev 2002; Turyshev et al. 2005) in-
dicate that Newtonian gravity may not even be cor- reason for inertia is that a mass is accelerated with
respect to all other masses in the universe, and
rect at scales within the solar system. Interestingly,
therefore gravitational interaction would be impos-
this anomaly occurred at the same dynamic scale -
sible without the distant masses in the universe.
about 10−9 m/s2 - as many phenomena indicating
A possible solution to the ‘rotating bucket’ part
dark matter.
Furthermore, the scale 10−9 m/s2 is the scale of the problem where the distant masses instead of
absolute space define the physical framework has
that most of the precision measurements of G ap-
been given in a brilliant paper by Lynden-Bell and
proach - it is still discussed if the discrepancies
between the G measurements in the last decade Katz (1995).
However, from Mach’s principle it has been fur-
(Gundlach and Merkowitz 2000; Uzan 2003) have
ther deduced that the numerical value of the Gravi-
a systematic reason.
tational G constant must be determined by the mass
Besides the distance law, there is another lack of
distribution in the universe, while in Newton’s the-
experimental data regarding the mass dependence.
The Cavendish torsion balance uses masses of about ory it is just an arbitrary constant. Since the square
of the speed of light times the radius of the universe
1kg to determine the mass of the earth, since there
divided by the mass of the universe is approximately
is no precise independent geological measure. The
two-body treatment of Newtonian gravity tells us 2 See the interesting measurements by Holding et al.

that the relative acceleration a12 is proportional to (1986), Ander et. al. (1989) and Zumberge et. al. (1991).
3 A more detailed discussion is given in Unzicker (2007c).
m1 + m2 . It may well be that simple form is just an

equal to G, such speculations were first raised by Einstein in the years 1907- 1911. Contrarily to first
Dirac (1938), Sciama (1953) and Dicke (1957). intuition, this does not contradict the special theory
of relativity (SR). ‘Constancy’ of c, as far as SR is
2.1 Sciama’s implementation of concerned, refers to a limiting velocity with respect
to Lorentz transformations in one spacetime point;
Mach’s principle.
it does not mean c has to be a constant function in
Since Mach never gave a quantitative statement of spacetime. Ranada (2004) collected several citations
his idea, it has been implemented in various man- of Einstein that put into evidence that the principle
ners; the reader interested in an overview is referred of constancy (over spacetime) of the speed of light
to Bondi (1952), Barbour and Pfister (eds.) (1995) is not a necessary consequence of the principle of
and Graneau and Graneau (2003). An idea of a relativity.4 .
quantitative statement proposes the following func- Considering variable atomic length and fre-
tional dependence of Newton’s constant G (Sciama quency standards λ and f 5 does nothing else but in-
1953; Unzicker 2003): fluence our measurements of distances, i.e. the met-
ric of spacetime. A variable metric however mani-
c2 X mi
= =Φ (1) fests as curvature.6 It will be discussed in sec. 4,
G ri
i how the arising curvature can be brought in agree-
As in Sciama’s proposal, (1) may be included in the ment with the known tests of GR.
definition of the gravitational potential, thus yield-
ing X mi 3.2 Electromagnetic and Brans-
ϕ = −G = −GΦ = −c2 . (2) Dicke-theories
Shortly after GR was generally accepted, Wilson
Alternatively, one can apply the hypothesis (1)
(1921) reconsidered Einstein’s early attempts and
directly to Newton’s law. The potential instead can
deduced Newton’s law from a spacetime with a
then be brought to the form
X mi variable refractive index depending on the gravita-
ϕ = −c2 ln (3) tional field. This and related proposals like Rosen’s
ri (1940) remained quite unknown until Dicke’s paper
from which follows Newton’s law (1957) attracted much attention with the statement
P mi ~ri that gravitation could be of electromagnetic origin.
i ri3 X mi~ri While the second term in Dicke’s index of refraction
−∇ϕ = −c2 P mi =: −G(mi , ri ) . (4)
i ri i
ri3 (eqn. 5 there)
This was already developed by Unzicker (2003), ǫ=1+ (5)
though I do not support any more the further con- is related to the gravitational potential of the sun,
siderations following there. I prefer instead, as (2) Dicke was the first to raise the speculation on the
suggests, to relate the (necessarily varying) gravita- first term having ‘its origin in the remainder of
tional potential to a variable c. It seems that Sciama the matter in the universe’. While this implemen-
did not consider this possibility; an explicit form will tation of Mach’s principle was fascinating, in the
be given in sec. 6 which has however similarities with following, more technical development of the theory
(3). For systematic reasons however, we should an- (Brans and Dicke 1961), a new parameter ω was
alyze the consequences of a variable c at first. introduced that later failed to agree with a reason-
able experimental value (Reasenberg 1979). With-
3 A spacetime with variable c. out Mach’s principle, theories with a variable re-
fractive index, and therefore with a variable c, were
3.1 Early attempts of Einstein. developed as ‘polarisable vacuum models’ of GR.
4 Further comments are given in Unzicker (2007b).
Before further relating c to the gravitational poten- 5 Therefore λf = c is variable, too.
tial it is worth remembering that a possible influ- 6 A textbook example herefore is given by Feynman et al.

ence of the speed of light was already considered by (1963), chap. 42.

In particular, Puthoff (2002) showed a far-reaching lower in the gravitational field, seen from outside,
agreement with all experimental tests of GR known i.e. at a large distance from the field mass. Equally,
so far. frequency scales are lowered, and therefore, time
scales raised. That means time runs slower, if we
3.3 Recent VSL theories again observe from outside.
According to (7), we must assume c to be low-
Recently, Rañada (2004) considered a VSL in the ered by the double amount in the vicinity of masses,
context of the Pioneer anomalous acceleration. As if we perform measurements at large distances. This
an alternative to inflation models in cosmology, vari- point of view is not that common because we usu-
able speed of light (VSL) theories were developed ally do not consider the value of c at a distance,
by Moffat (1993; 2002) and Magueijo (2000; 2003). though we do consider λ and f (gravitational red-
These attempts had to face some criticism that shift!). For a detailed and elucidating discussion of
claimed that considering any variability of c is just this viewpoint in the context of the radar echo delay,
a trivial and obsolete transformation. Indeed, this see Will (1986), p. 111 ff.
criticism would be correct if spacetime were flat. The lowered c in the vicinity of masses is some-
A review article by Magueijo (2003) that focusses times called ‘non-proper speed of light, whereas the
on cosmological aspects gives a detailed answer to locally measured ‘proper’ speed of light is a univer-
that wrong argument (sec. 2). Unfortunately, a lot sal constant (Ranada 2004).
of controversial discussion on VSL theories recently
arose. Some clarifying comments on this topic were
given by Ellis and Uzan (2003). Since the present 4 Variable speed of light and
proposal refers to old established ideas of Einstein,
Dirac, Sciama and Dicke, I shall not like to enter
tests of GR.
the actual discussion. 4.1 Notation
3.4 Time and Length scales In order to fulfill (7) while analyzing variations of
c, we are seeking a simple notation. In first order,
The only reasonable way to define time and length all GR effects involve the relative change δx x of the
scales is by means of the frequency f and wave GM
quantity x of the amount − rc2 . δx = xg −x0 , where
length λ of a certain atomic transition, as it is x0 is the locally measured quantity and xg the quan-
done by the CODATA units. Thus by definition, tity in the gravitational field, measured from the ob-
c = f λ = 299792458 m s has a fixed value with re- server outside. We shall abbreviate a lowering in the
spect to the time and length scales that locally how- gravitational field as ↓, e.g. the well-known slower
ever may vary.7 To analyze such situations in the running clocks with δf GM
f = − rc2 as f ↓, and equally
following, we get from the definition, δλ
the shortening of rods λ = − GM rc2 as λ ↓. ↓↓ stands
dc = λdf + f dλ, (6) for the double amount − rc2 , and ↑ indicates a rel-
ative increase, etc.8 Eqn. (7) has to be fulfilled ev-
and erywhere. No change is indicated as x →. Only two
dc df dλ
= + , (7) hypotheses are needed for describing the following
c f λ
using the product rule. Since we are interested in
analyzing first-order effects, we will use (7) for finite In the gravitational field c ↓↓= f ↓ +λ ↓ holds.
differences δ as well.
During propagation, the frequency f does not
3.5 Spatial variation of c.
8 Equivalently, ↓ stands for a factor 1 − GM
. For factors
How can we reasonably speak of a variation of c ? close to 1, (1 − GM 2
) ≈ 1 − 2GM holds, corresponding to ↓↓.
rc2 rc2
Let’s start from eqn. (7). According to GR, λ is
7 Of course, such variation cannot be detected unless we

use spacetime curvature as indirect measurement.

4.2 The Hafele-Keating experiment. it keeps its (lowered) frequency. The photon does
not keep in mind, so to speak, that its origin was a
In 1972, two atomic clocks were transported in air-
cesium transition - in that case we would not note
crafts surrounding the earth eastwards and west-
a redshift at the photons arrival - but it maintains
wards in an experiment by Hafele and Keating. Be-
its frequency. Since this happens at a space posi-
sides the SR effect of moving clocks that could be
tion outside the gravitational field where c is higher
eliminated by the two flight directions, the results
by the double amount (see (7)), the photon has to
showed an impressive confirmation of the first-order
adjust its λ, and raise it with respect to the value
general relativistic time delay. We briefly describe
‘at home’. Since the adjustment to c overcompen-
the result by f ↓, since the slower rate at which
sates the originally lower λ, we detect the photon as
clocks run in a gravitational field was measured di-
gravitationally redshifted.
rectly. The accuracy was very much improved by
Vessot et. al. (1980). From this experiment alone
it does not follow yet c ↓↓ f ↓ λ ↓, because λ could 4.4 Radar echo delay and light de-
even remain unchanged. The following tests however flection.
leave no other possibility but the above mentioned.
The above results, linked to eqn. (7), already suggest
a relative change of the speed of light of the amount
4.3 Gravitational redshift and the c ↓↓ in the gravitational field. During propagation,
Pound-Rebka experiment. f again does not change. The first idea of measuring
this effect directly was launched by Shapiro (1964).
Photons leaving the gravitational field of the earth
Data of spectacular precision that agreed on the
show a slight decrease in frequency at distances of
level of 10−3 with the theoretical prediction were
about 20 m. This high-precision experiment became
collected by the Viking lander missions (Reasenberg
possible after the recoil-free emission of photons due
1979). Recently, the Cassini mission delivered a still
to the Mössbauer effect (Pound and Rebka 1960;
better agreement (Williams, Turyshev, and Boggs
Pound and Snider 1965). Since the experiment con-
sists in absorption of photons E = hf , this is a
Measuring the radar echo delay is only possible
true f requency measurement. Again, the frequency
because the photon maintains its frequency while
change f ↓ was verified. For this point of view it
travelling. Since c is lowered by the double amount
is important to remember the assumption that the
in the vicinity of the star c ↓↓, it has to shorten its
photon does not change its frequency while propa-
wave length accordingly, and while bypassing the
gating in space, but had a lowered rate f already at
the emission.
c ↓↓= λ ↓↓ f → (10)
The same effect, but measured as an optical
wavelength shift, was verified analyzing the emis- holds. There, the photon’s λ is even shorter than
sion spectra of the sun (Snider 1972). The situation λ of a photon produced at the star by the same
at the emission is: atomic transition (see above, λ ↓). Naturally, the
property which the photon has to leave at home for
c ↓↓= f ↓ +λ ↓ (8) sure, is ‘its’ c, otherwise it wouldn’t be considered
as light any more. As it is outlined by Will (1986),
During propagation f = const. holds, and the local p. 111, too, interpreting the radar echo delay as a
c at arrival remains per definition unchanged. Thus local modification of c is an uncommon, but correct
at the time of detection, interpretation of GR. All the tests are in agreement
with (7).
c →= f ↓ +λ ↑ (9)
A lower c in the vicinity of masses creates light
holds, what indeed is observed. In plain words, one deflection just as if one observes the bending of light
can imagine the process as follows: consider a pho- rays towards the thicker optical medium. Quantita-
ton travelling from its home star with huge gravita- tively, light deflection is equivalent to the radar echo
tion to the earth (with approximately zero gravity). delay. A detailed calculation for the total deflection
While travelling through different regions in space,

∆ϕ yields outside of the gravitational field. Consequently, the
4GM measurement of masses is influenced as well. Due to
δϕ = . (11)
rc2 (13), masses are proportional to reciprocal acceler-
Again the bending of light appears as curvature, ations and m ↑↑↑ holds.
therefore it is justified to describe GR by a spa- Similar considerations lead to v ↓↓ for veloci-
tial variation of c, as it was already pointed out by ties (as c), and l → for the angular momentum.
Einstein 1911: This last observation will turn out useful for keeping
Planck’s constant h spatially constant, since it has
‘From the proposition which has just 2
units kg ms . 9
been proved, that the velocity of light Table I gives an overview on the change of quan-
in the gravitational field is a function of tities. One ↓ abbreviates a relative decrease of the
the place, we may easily infer, by means quantity δx GM
x = − rc2 in the gravitational field, or a
of Huyghens’s principle, that light-rays GM
factor (1 − rc2 ).
propagated across a gravitational field
undergo deflexion’.
Quantity symbol unit rel. change
In the same article, Einstein obtained only the 1
Frequency f s ↓
half value for the light deflection, because he con- Time t s ↑
sidered c and f as subject to variation, but not λ. Length λ m ↓
Independently from describing GR by a VSL the- m
Velocity v s ↓↓
ory, in a given spacetime point there is only one rea- m
Acceleration a s2 ↓↓↓
sonable c, from whatever moving system one tries to Mass m kg ↑↑↑
measure. This, but not more is the content of SR, Force F N →
which is not affected by expressing GR by a variable Pot. energy Ep Nm ↓
c. kgm2
Ang. mom. l s →
Table I. Overview on the change of quantities.
4.5 Measuring masses and other
4.6 Advance of the perihelion of
Not only time and length but every quantity is mea- Mercury
sured in units we have to wonder about, once we
allow changes of the measuring rods. An interesting In the Kepler problem, the Lagrangian is given by
question is how to measure masses. Consider a large
m GM m
field mass M with gravitational field and at large L = (ṙ2 + r2 ϕ̇2 ) + , (14)
distance a test mass m. By Newton’s 3rd law 2 r
which after introducing the angular momentum
FM = −Fm (12) l = mr2 ϕ̇ transforms to

holds, thus the ‘force measured at a distance’ is al- 1 l2 GM m

ways of the same amount as the ‘local force’. How- L = mṙ2 + 2
+ . (15)
2 2mr r
ever, in
aM M = −am m (13) Now we have to consider the relative change of the
quantities as given above. m ↑↑↑ however refers to
am is measured with the unchanged scales, and aM a test particle at rest. The kinetic energy causes an
with the scales inside the gravitational field. The
additional, special relativistic mass increase ↑ (see
measurement of accelerations depends on time and
sec. 5.1 and 5.2 below in detail), thus in eq.(15),
length scales, and the unit sm2 corresponds to a three m ↑↑↑↑ holds, while r ↓ and l →. Hence, the middle
times lower value for the acceleration in gravita-
term changes as ↓↓ in total, which means that m is
tional fields, or a ↓↓↓ in the above notation. To re-
9 In agreement, Dicke (1957), p.366, and Puthoff (2002),
member, this holds if we observe the behavior of
an accelerated object at a large distance, i.e. from eqns. 8-13, with different arguments.

effectively multiplied by a factor (1 − 2GM
rc2 ).
The 5.2 Energy conservation.
arising − mr3 c2 represents the well-known correction A quite interesting consequence of the foregoing cal-
which leads to the secular shift culation arises if we consider the quantity E = mc2
6πGM of a test particle moving into a gravitational field.
∆φ = 2 2
, (16) Recall that time and length measurements influence
A(1 − ǫ )c 2
all quantities, thus δc 4GM 2
c2 = − rc2 or c ↓↓↓↓. This
A being the semimajor axis and ǫ the eccentricity of is partly compensated by m ↑↑↑ as outlined above.
the orbit. There is one relative increase of the amount GM rc2 left
- the part in eqn. (20) due to the increase in kinetic
5 Newton’s law from a vari- This means, the total energy E = mc2 of a test
able c. particle appears as a conserved quantity during the
motion in a gravitational field. In first order, we may
Since time and length measurement effects of GR write
can be described by a spatial variation of c, one δ(mc2 ) = c2 δm + mδ(c2 ) = 0. (21)
is tempted to try a description of all gravitational
Roughly speaking, the left term describes the in-
phenomena in the same framework. However, c ↓↓
crease in kinetic energy due to the relativistic δm
(see sect. 4.1) requires
and the right term the decrease of potential en-
4GM ergy in a region with smaller c2 . To be quantitative,
δ(c2 ) = 2cδc = − . (17) however, the change in m contributes to the change
in potential energy such that Ep ↓. The change in
This differs by a factor 4 from Sciama’s original idea of the right term, mδ(c2 ) amounts to − 4GM
rc2 , four
and suggests a Newtonian gravitational potential of times as much as needed to compensate dEk . Three
the form parts of it are compensated by an increase of m, ↑↑↑
ϕN ewton = c2 . (18) due to mass scales, the remaining 41 md(c2 ) is con-
verted into kinetic energy:
5.1 Kinetic energy. mc2 → m(c2 ↓↓↓↓) + c2 (m ↑↑↑) + Ek = Ep + Ek
As it is well-known from special relativity (SR), the (22)
mass increase due to relativistic velocities is, apply- In summary, there is nothing like a gravitational en-
ing Taylor series to the square root, ergy, just E = mc . Kinetic energy is related to a
change of m, and potential energy to a change of c2 .
δm = m(v) − m0 = (19) As it should be, photons do not behave differently,
m0  1v 2 since they conserve their energy hf as well during
m0 q − 1 ≈ m0 ( 2 ). propagation.
1 − vc2 2c

If we apply conventional energy conservation Ek =

5.3 Foundation of the equivalence
Ep and start at r = ∞, v = 0, with 21 v 2 = GM principle.
follows While GR provides most elegantly a formalism that
δm GM
= , (20) incorporates the equality of inertial and gravitating
m rc2
masses, the question as to the deeper reason of this
for the relative mass increase due to kinetic energy, outstanding property of matter (’I was utterly as-
corresponding to ↑. tonished about its validity’, Einstein 1930) is still
10 As one easily checks, the first and the last terms instead open. Why does the elementary property of mat-
do not need a correction. ter, inertial resistance to accelerations, act at the
same time as a ‘charge’ of a particular interaction ?
Or, equivalently: why does kinetic energy show the

same proportionality to m as potential energy in a 6.2 General considerations on the
gravitational field ? functional dependence of c.
If one supposes that the total energy of a particle
can always be written as E = mc2 , the differentia- We are therefore seeking a Machian formula which
tion in eqn. (21) shows that both terms have to be describes explicitly the dependence of c. The most
proportional to the test mass m. general form would be c(mi , ~ri , ~vi , ~ai , t), i indicat-
One fourth of the first term describes the (rel- ing a single mass point in the universe. Here I do
ativistic) increase of kinetic energy,11 which is usu- not give detailed reasons why I exclude anisotropy
ally approximated as 21 mv 2 . The remainder plus the and an explicit dependence on vi , ai and t.12 The
right term is the change in potential energy. Since resulting hypothesis
dm is proportional to m, both terms are obviously c2 = c20 f (mi , ri ), (23)
proportional to the mass m of the test particle.
c0 being the speed of light in some preferred condi-
There is no reason any more to wonder why inertial
tion of the universe, has however to face the problem
and gravitating mass are of the same nature. De-
how to make the argument dimensionless. Again, the
scribing gravity with a varying speed of light leads
only acceptable hypothesis seems to measure mi and
to the equivalence principle as a necessary conse-
ri either in multiples of mp , rp of elementary parti-
quence. The deeper reason for this is that gravita-
cles (here protons) or as fraction of the respective
tion is strictly speaking not an interaction between
quantities of the universe mu , ru . In both (or con-
particles but just a reaction on a changing c.
sidering combinations, even four) cases, simple al-
gebraic relations of mi and ri yield a very large or
6 Dependence of c on the mass very small number. For reasons that will become
clear later, I prefer the choice mp , rp . To avoid that
distribution in the universe f (mi , ri ) in (23) is of the order 1040 , one has to in-
troduce a function like ln.
6.1 Test masses and field masses.
While dealing with the equivalence principle, there 6.3 Proposal for the explicit depen-
is a subtle difference between test and field masses. dence of c.
The above derivation holds for the former only; all
spectacular tests of the EP, starting from Eötvös to Obviously, the mi should enter in an additive way,
recently proposed satellite missions, deal with test and the influence of eachPmass i should decay with
masses. ri . For these reasons, ln ri is likely to be a com-
An entirely new question is how matter does in- ponent of eqn. (23), as one could suspect immedi-
fluence c in its vicinity. Taking the proposal ϕ = 41 c2 ately from Sciama’s original proposal (1). Taking
seriously, there are no more masses creating fields, into account that c has to decrease in the vicinity of
because once you give up Newton’s F = GMm masses, one of the most simple possibilities13 is the
r2 ,
the force does not need to depend on a product formula
of masses. The modification of c could depend in- c2 c2
c2 (mi , ri ) = P 0mi rp =: 0 . (24)
stead on quantities which are approximately corre- ln r i mp ln Σ
lated to mass like the baryon number. Eötvös-like
experiments could not detect that, but there could
6.4 Recovery of Newton’s law
be material dependencies in torsion balance experi-
ments. For the acceleration of a test mass
P mi
11 3
of it are due to the mass increase m ↑↑↑. 1 2 c20 r2
|a| = | ∇c | = 2
P mii (25)
4 4(ln Σ) ri
12 This would be unusual, but not a priori senseless. Bar-

bour (2002) recently gave an interesting proposal for G de-

pending on vi .
13 The alternative c2 = −c2 ln Σ, while yielding similar re-
sults, appears less natural since it requires mu instead of mp .

holds, yielding the inverse-square law. The gravita- owing to the small effect of local irreg-
tional ‘constant’ can be expressed as ularities this coupling is practically con-
stant over the distances and times avail-
c20 1 c2 1 able to observation. Because of this con-
G= 2
P mi = P mi . (26)
4(ln Σ) ri 4 ln Σ ri stancy, local phenomena appear to be
isolated from the rest of the universe.’
which differs by a numerical factor 4 ln Σ from
Sciama’s proposal. It should be noted that the term
P mi 6.6 Taking away the mystery from
ri contained in G is approximately constant.
The contributions from earth, sun, and milky way, Mach
9.4 · 1017 , 1.33 · 1019 , and 7.5 · 1020 (in kg/m), are There is another satisfactory aspect of a gravita-
minute compared to the distant masses in the uni- tional potential of the form 14 c2 . A Machian depen-
verse that approximately14 amount to 1.3·1027. This dence of Newton’s constant G which is determined
was first observed by Sciama (1953), p. 39. Thus by the distribution of all masses in the universe
slight variations due to motions in the solar system is in a certain sense beautiful, but after all some-
are far below the accuracy of current absolute G what mysterious. How does a free falling apple feel
measurements (∆G/G = 1.5 · 10−4 ). the mass distribution of the universe ? According
to Sciama’s interpretation, its acceleration is much
6.5 Gravitational potential. slower because there are so many galaxies besides
the milky way.
The gravitational ϕ potential of classical mechanics On the other hand, assumed that the gravita-
arises in first order from eqn. (24). Taking the ex- tional potential is just 1 c2 , it has been our belief

ample ϕs = GM 4
R◦ of the sun, and let Σ be the sum in the universality of Newton’s law and the some-

as defined in (24) without the sun, then, ∆ denoting what naive extrapolation of the potential to P Gmi
i ri
a difference, that created so much surprise while rediscovering
1 1 eqn. (1).
∆c2 = c20 ( ′ − )= (27) Despite the fact that the potential
P Gmi
ln Σ ln Σ i ri
c0 ′ c 2
Σ a purely mathematical tool which cannot be ob-
′ (ln Σ − ln Σ ) = ′ ln = served directly, we have internalized it so much that
ln Σ ln Σ ln Σ Σ′
G seems to depend on the mass distribution. In fact,
ln(1 + α), if gravity depends just on c instead, G turns out as
ln Σ′ kind of an artifact.
holds, whereby α is defined as R◦
P mi . The Taylor


series of the ln, after applying (26), yields in first 7 Discussion of consequences
and observational facts
c2 4GM◦
∆c2 = α= = 2 c∆c =: 4ϕ1 , (28) In the meantime, the observational status of cos-
ln Σ′ R◦
mology has improved dramatically. Besides the un-
ϕ1 being the first-order approximation of the gravi- resolved problems sketched briefly in sec. 1.2, the
tational potential of the sun. increasing precision in measuring the mass of the
Though the present proposal differs from universe has revealed further riddles.
Sciama’s by a numerical factor, the comment on G
given on page 39 in the 1953 paper still applies: 7.1 Visible matter and flatness
‘... then, local phenomena are strongly The approximate coincidence cG ≈ m ru is usually

coupled to the universe as a whole, but expressed as critical density of the universe
14 Taking into account that all matter could be visible 3H02
(sec. 7.1), the universe term is still dominant (5.4 · 1024 ). ρc = . (29)

A universe with ρu > ρc is called closed, and open 7.3 Time evolution of G.
in the case ρc > ρu . An analysis of the evolution of
The increase of the number of mi is also necessary
the universe tells that if Ω := ρρuc is about the order
for compensating the increase of the ri . It is at the
of 1 at present, it must have been as close as 10−60 moment not excluded that G in (26) could meet the
to 1 at primordial times. For that, many cosmolo- quite restrictive observational evidence for Ġ ≈ 0
gists believe Ω has to be precisely 1, but a cogent (Uzan 2003).
theoretical reason is still missing. Moreover, obser-
vations clearly indicate that the fraction of visible
matter, Ωv is about 0.01, with a large uncertainty. 7.4 Temporal evolution of c.
From (26) and the assumption of an homoge- In sec. 4, a spatial variation of c was considered de-
neous universe, elementary
P mi integration over a spher-
scribing effects that occurred while ċ ≈ 0. As it can
ical volume yields ri ≈ 2ru , and therefore be deduced from Maxwell’s equations15 , in this case
a photon keeps its frequency f unchanged. On the
c2 ru
mu ≈ (30) other hand, if we assume ċ < 0 during cosmological
6G ln Σ evolution in an almost isotropic universe with van-
ishing gradients of c, Maxwell’s equations require a
holds. If one assumes rp = 1.2 · 10 m, mp =
constant λ during wave propagation, in the forego-
1.67 · 10−27 kg (the proton values), and taking the
ing notation c ↓↓= f ↓↓ λ →. Since a photon keeps
recent measurement of H0−1 = 13.7 Gyr that leads
its original λ, the wavelength appears longer with
to ru = 1.3 · 1026m, mu is in approximate agreement
respect to the measuring rods that evolve according
with the observations, and corresponds to the frac-
to c ↓↓= f ↓ λ ↓. Dicke (1957), p. 374, suspected this
tion of visible matter Ωv = 0.004. Moreover, there
result to be related to the cosmological redshift.
is no more reason to wonder about the approximate
coincidence (29), since it is a consequence of the
variable speed of light (24), if one uses ρ = 4πr 3 8 Outlook
and ru H0 ≈ c.
Newtonian gravity deduced from a variable Galileo’s F = mg, a formula that today could enter
speed of light can thus give an alternative expla- the elementary schools, has been a quite remarkable
nation for the flatness problem and may not need discovery, though describing effects on earth only.
dark forms of matter (DM, DE) to interprete cos- Newton’s generalizing of this formula and describ-
mological data. ing celestial mechanics of the solar system was even
more difficult.
7.2 The horizon problem I fear that the hierarchy of structures earth -
solar system - galaxy - cosmos may require a cor-
If we consider the sum in (24) for cosmological time responding hierarchy of physical laws that cannot
scales, we know very little about its time evolution. be substituted by introducing new parameters, data
In particular, we know about ri (t) only the momen- fitting and numerical simulations.
tary Hubble expansion ṙi (13.7Gyr). Due to satellite technique, improved telescopes
It is tempting however to speculate about an in- and the computer-induced revolution in image pro-
creasing number of mi dropping into the horizon, cessing we are collecting data of fantastic precision.
thus lowering c during the cosmological evolution. In At the moment it is unlikely that our theoretical un-
this picture, the big bang could happen at a hori- derstanding on the galactic or cosmologic scale can
zon of the size of an elementary particle (Σ = 1) match the amount of data.
with infinite c, the logarithmic dependence causing Though the range of the universe we know about
however a very rapid decrease to the almost con- since the discovery of GR has increased dramati-
stant actual value. A decreasing speed of light was cally, we usually extrapolate conventional theories
recently considered by Magueijo (2000) as an alter- of gravity to these scales. Physicists have learned
native scenario to inflation. 15 Of course, I do not distinguish between an electromag-
netic cEM and a spacetime cST , see Ellis and Uzan (2003).

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Brans, C. and R. H. Dicke (1961). Mach’s prin-
more from the ‘blunders’ of deep thinkers like Ein-
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