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Digestive System

I. Fill in the blanks -

1) The process of breakdown of food to produce nutrients and energy is called___________.

2) Digested food is absorbed through _____________.
3) Fats breaks into _____________.
4) The main digestion takes place in _____________.
5) The involuntary wave like contraction by which food is moved through alimentary canal is
called _________________.

6) Enzymes are ________________ which speed up chemical reactions.

7) The large intestine absorbs __________ and stores unused food until it leaves the body.

8) Which two organs are very important in digestion, but the food does not pass through them?
___________and ____________.

II Answer the questions briefly-

1) In which organ does the absorption of nutrients take place?

2) Where begins and where ends the process of digestion?

3) Describe the function of liver in human digestive system?

4) Write the function of saliva in digestive system. Also name the gland secreting it?

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