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Wise Fenl trope Madhauya

3 Charactes
Madhy is the CouTt esbev of King Dus hyanto|
s a Comical chanacte uo es his shaT t
to pro uide light-hearted Comic
Teliep rcm an othert Se
Serieu blot o 7 , Fe7, examble Madhatya's Teasoned
logica an d bracti cad opiiens abeut Kig Dushyowts's
feelimgs fer Shakunbala , moke the king Sentimental kin
Proclamations Seem humoreusky dramatic
We might See Madhaoye Tebresentatimg an early
mamPes tation o Wise Feol rchetybe Wihin this
orchebype, Madhaya Punctions to brouide Comic Telie
but also make So me ueT Serious o6seruatiems
abeut lieloveand humam mature
Madhap s shamta's Comstant
Cmpaomion and he is the ondycharacter to kmouw about
Shakuntal& He is depicted asai achb hunchbaek
th a Staf weak becee o the phys cad stai
the inhis hunts He is thus the
ofollouing kin
pexfert fo: to bhe handsem king Tole
the jester s mot limited b _prociding wrty
humeu at
thad higliqRks te Plaurs ofthe_pecple oreumd
him He is also Dushyomta's TPMd
Prier and confidet
He provdes a help fal ean to the king, oo wabur
umbu1donshimselP 6 Madhau Modha oa also gives
ddeicesand Selutions thethe king4
Prlen dship of Dushuomto md Madhau is So

close that Dskyanta., in his stead Sends Modhauya

o the Completiom of hs mother's Titual,

that Dus, hyanta eeals his
s to Madhov
and Pee lings Madhavya stotes
0 ,is Cruel play oPate Tedur ed to
astateof Such miseT nd hhy
be caise a theiend0ndConstont
Com pam i o Othe Kim he is obgse. obsessed
uith the chase
The uhat habprme d. 5 m luck
nuldhaut it he chanctdupan a beautíful
hermitqir-Shakwntala is the mame Frem t
momet Sirs the veidea o Tetumin to
Capital imd mo place hs houghks

Despite bein
beimg kimg'sPriend Madhaya does mot Shy
T bekimgfum at the lovesiek king
evem intervogaiing Dushyonta's desie Por Shaknbala
O Satitcally Temindin him ofhis dubies
to etample Madhauya comments m the follouing
dy o ushpta's loue Po the hermitgil

(Langhimg) ,you are like mam uho gets tired of

goed dakes am d ongs_lo Sou tamasind

AL thebearls of he balace are youS and
UJg nt this g i ,

Ths Madhavga provides Comie Te liep m the play that
wOuld otherwise become too ser H i s wordAs
shou his urtty humeu ich does mt disparae
Onyome Perhabs his is why Dushyonta , despite being-
the king is mdulgent ohisPripnd and doesmot mind
his humoous B basbs at himsetf amd ohers.

Due to Madhavya' asibyto offer


Soumd and rat&ca adoice Com covmngDushyanta?s

and Tomamtic Teladiom ship, he is
bersenal iPo
espe cte d deebly by Dushyanta, He is thenefore
pTesented_a3 a charactev uhose deep insigkt or
o1sdom stamd Comtrast to his Seemimgy lakt-hearted
professio a an nter tainer This s a key elemen
the Wise Fool trope in Madho a

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