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1. A cause and effect paragraph is a paragraph that a writer develops his / her paragraph
by analyzing the causes of something and / or the effects of something.

2. Common relationship in paragraph writing

 The causes of something ----------------- one effect has some causes
 The effects of something----------------- one cause has some effects

3. In writing a cause and effect paragraph, you have 3 options:

 You may discuss “the causes” only;
 You may discuss “the effects” only; or
 You may discuss both “the causes and also the effects”.
 But, it is suggested to you to focus on discussing the causes only or the effects only

4. Take for example, your topic is “Poverty”. You are suggested to focus on writing “the
causes of poverty” or “the effects of poverty”

The Causes of Poverty ------------------------ The title

Poverty is caused by some factors ----------- The topic sentence
A. High Population Growth Rate
B. High Unemployment Rate
C. Low Education Level
D. Low Welfare Level
E. Disaster

The Effects of Poverty ------------------------ The title

Poverty has some effects --------------------- The topic sentence
A. Increase Criminalities
B. Increase Death Rate
C. Decrease Education Access
D. Increase Unemployment Rate
E. Increase Social Conflict
5. Some Common Topics of a Cause and Effect Paragraph
Stress Rate Rising Divorce
Crime Juvenile Delinquency
Drugs Discrimination
Disease Teror
Success Poverty
Cheating Iilaterate
Pollution Failure
Urbanization Bad Habit
Transmigration Refugee Problem
Smoking Increasing Life Expectancy

6. An Example of a cause and effect paragraph

The Effects of Covid 19

I. Covid 19 gives some effects to human life
II. A. People face economical problem
B. People face psychological problem
C. People face criminal problem
III. In conclusion, economical, psychological, and criminal problems are the effects
of Covid 19.

The Effects of Covid 19

The pandemic of Corona Virus Disease (Covid 19), which spreads out easily among
people in the world, gives some effects to human life. First, Covid 19 gives economical
effect. In order to limit the spread of Covid 19, the government gives order to all citizens to
stay at home. People are permitted to go out from home if they have urgent necessities.
Mostly of the days, people have to stay at home and they become not productive anymore.
Consequently, some people face termination of employment relationship. It means that many
people lose their jobs, so they cannot work anymore. In this situation, many sellers also get
difficulties to sell their goods. Many people lose their income to earn their living. They are
unable to fulfill their needs. Therefore, many people face economical problem. Second,
Covid 19 gives psychological effect. When pople face economical problem, when people
have to stay at home most of the time, and when people have to keep social distancing most
of the time, they may become stress. They get dizzy because they do not know when this
situation will end. They cannot plan the future because they do not know when Covid 19 will
end. In shorts, people do not know when the situation and condition will become normal
again. Therefore, people face pshycological problem. At last, because of Covid 19, people
face criminal problem. Today, criminality increases from time to time. We often hear from
the news that street crime, pickpocket, hijacking, and robbery can happen anywhere,
anytime, and to whoever. They become criminal offenders to act criminality to people
because of some reasons. One of those reasons is caused as the side effect of Covid 19. In
conclusion, economical, psychological, and criminal problems are the effects of Covid 19.

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