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d30 Quick NPC Personality Generator By Christopher Stogdill (AKA the Frugal GM)

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Commmercial-ShareAlike 4-0 International Litense.

indicate a good-aligned NPC, two “bad/ evil” primary traits indicate an evil-aligned NPC, and any other combination results ina neutral-aliqned NPC.

Method 2: Roll 1d30 on the table below and then 1d30 for each of the charts as indicated in brackets [#]. The NPCs general alignment is indicated as well as two primary traits and one
secondary trait. If you require a specifically-aligned NPC, either switch around the character traits or roll 1d12 for good NPCs, 1d6+12 for neutral NPCs, and 1d12+18 for evil NPCs.
Roll Roll Roll Roll
1 Geed); Primary [1] & [2], Secondary [4] 7 Good: Primary 1] & [2], Secondary [4] 13 Neutral: Primary [4]& [5], Secondary [1| 19 Exail: Primary (6) & [7], Secendary [4| 25 Evil: Primary [6] & [7], Secondary [4]
2 Good: Primary [2] & 8]. Secondary 15] § Good: Primary |2] & [3], Secondary [5] 14 Neutral: Prinwry [4] & [5], Secondary [2] 20 Evil. Primary |7) & [8], Secondary {5} 26 Buk: Primary [7] & 18], Secondary [5]
3 Good: Primary [1] & |8), Secondary [4] 9 Good: Primary |1] & [3], Secondary [4] 15 Neutral: Primary [4] & [5]; Seceandary [3] 21 Gail: Primary 16) & [&}, Secondary [4] 27 Evil: Primary [6] & 18), Secondary [4]
4 Good: Primary [1] & [2], Secondary [5] 10 Good: Primary [1] & [2], Secondary [5] 16 Neutral: Primary [4)-S [5], Secondary [6| 22 Evil Primary }6] & [7], Secondary [5} 28 Evil: Primary [6] & [7], Secondary [5]
5 Good: Primary [2] & [3], Secondary [8] 11 Good: Primary [2] & (3), Secondary [6] 17 Neutral: Primary [4] & [5], Secondary [7] 23 Evil Primary [7] & [5], Secondary [1! 29 Evil: Primary [7] & [8], Secondary [2]
6 Good: Primary [1] & [8], Secondary [2] 12 Good: Primary [L] & [3], Secondary [2] 18 Neutral: Primary [4] & (5), Secondary [S| 24 Evil: Primary 6] & [8], Secondary [7] $0 Evi); Primary [6] & [8], Secondary [7]

“Good” Character Traits “Neutral” Character Traits “Bad/Evil” Character Traits

Tabie 1 Table 2 Table 3 Table 4 Table 5 Table 6 Table 7 Table 8
Koll Trait Roll Trait Roll Trait Roll Trait Roll Trait Roll Trait Roll Trait Roll Trait
1 Respectful TL Eamest 1s Empathic 1 Authoritarian dT Conservative A Sti 1 Tactless 1 Vindictive
2 SelF-Reliant 2 Considerate 2 Tidy 2 Preoccupied 2 Private 2 Ignorant 2 Narcissistic 2 Crude
3 Modest 3 Humorcus 3 Gente 3 Progressive 3 Noncompetitive 3 Superstitious 3 Conceited 3 Dogmatic
4 Honest 4) Discreet 4) Resourceful 4 Solemn 4 reverent 4 Disrespecttul 4 Resenthul 4 Insulting
Fair 3 Meticulous § Scholarhy & Restained 2 Impersonal 5 Amoral 5S Bhint § Submissive
G Dedicated 6G Sociable 6 Leaderh 6 Emotional 6 Ordinary 6 Secretive 6 Gullbe 6 Malicious
7 Leable 7 Helpful 7) Confident 7) Absentminded 7) Moralistic 7 Deceithul 7 Dependent 7) Apathetic
6 Loa 8 Adventurous 8 Dutiful 8 Contradictory 8 Solitary 8 Abrupt 8 Fanatical 8 lnitative
9 Polished 9 Articukte 9 Self-Critical 9 Predictable 9 Enignstic 9 Nihilistic 9 Repressed 9 Greedy
100 Idealistic 100 Friendly 10 Sophisticated 10 Stem 10 Intense 10 Foolish 10° Weak 100 Porerse
11) Persenable 110 Resporsibie 11 Balanced 11.) Nonconumittal 11) Deceptive 11 indecisive 11) Feesive 110 Esceentric
120 Vivacious 12 Directed 120 Magnanimous 120 Droll 12 Cerebral 120 [npatient 120 Sadistic 120 Obnoxious
130 Compassionate 130 Eloquent 13 Principled 13 Stubborn 13° Maternal 13 Prejudiced 13 Critical 130 Miserly
14 Stic 14 fncerruptible 14 Efficient 14) Proud 14 Piscid 14 Timid 14 osincere 14) Predatory
150 Generous 15 [imaginative 15° Conscientious 150 Old-Fashioned 15 Strict 15 Meddlesome 15 Lay 150 Demanding
160 Warm 16 Nenauthoritarian 16 Nea 16 Competitive 16° Quiet 160 Feartul 16 Intelerant 16 Thievish
17 Reliable 17 Deckive 17) Fur-Lewing 17) impressionable 17 Aggressive 17) Messy 17) Dishonest 17 Naive
18) Agreeable 18 Sericus 18 Logical 18 Steptical 18 Folley 18 Cautious 18 Assertive 18 Cowardly
19 Selfless 19 Persuasive 19) Alert 19°) Chumnw 19) Cacual 19 Paransid 19 Scheming 19) Compulsive
200 [nncwative 20 = Enthusiastic 200 Peytul 20° Hurried 20 = Mellow 200 Hedonistic 200 Arrogant 20> Fickle
21 Rational 21 Organized 210 Independent 21) Frugal 210 Tough 21° Devious 21° Calculbsting 21 inconsiderate
22 Benevolent 22 Foriving 22 Disciplined 22 Glamorous 22 Obedient 22 Morbid 22 Domineering 22 Dull
23 Skillful 22 Protective 223° Witty 23 Guileless 23 Dreanw 23 [mpukive 223 Destructive 23 = Neglectful
24 = Forthright 24 = Adaptable 24° Charismatic 24) Qutepoken 24 Political 24 Shy 240 Cruel 240 Treacherous
25 Observant 25 Objective 25 Practical 25 Paternalistic 25 Sarcastic 25 Forgetul 25 Disorderly 25° Weak-Willed
26 Creative 260 Tolevant 26 Self-Sulficent 260 Ambitious 26 Religious 26 Selfish 26 Neurotic 260 Frivolous
27 Insiohthul 27) Genuine 27> Gallant 27° Familial 27° Stylish 27 Crass 270 Argumentatve 27° Haughty
28 Hearty 28 Sharing 28 Responsive 28 Whimsical 28 Formal 28 Desperate 28 Opinionated 28 [mprectical
29 Kind 29° Understanding 29 Optimistic 29 Reserved 29 (Quwestioning 29 Obsessive 29 Conformist 29 Complacent
300 Patient 30 Capable 300 0 Passionate 30 Dominating 30 Determined 30 Rowdy 30 Disruptive 300 Moody

FPGMOS 1a: d30 Quick NPC Personality Generator

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