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You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

Write about the following topic:

It is often said, “when in Rome, do as the Romans do”. Do you think people should adapt and
accept the culture of the country they visit? Also, do you think it is possible to learn a culture
without learning the language?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or
Write at least 250 words.

"When in Rome, do as the Romans" do means that when you are visiting different country, you
should follow customs of the native people living there. I believe that accepting and adapting the
mores of a host-state makes the journey far more joyful as well as I am of the opinion that devoid of
speech awareness is a great barrier to explore the culture of the destination.

I agree to certain extent that if a person plan to immigrates to another country, the visitor should
be well versed with the culture of the native people, and must have basic understanding of local
languages spoken there. It is favourable as more the person tries to blend in the community, its
more likely the visitor will be accepted socially. For example, scientists who conduct research in
foreign lands are more successful when they fully understand the culture of native people.
Additionally, such people would also have enriching experiences of learning new culture and

However, one such downside of adapting to different culture is sometimes, such change brings
conflict in person's values. Adapting to other culture is fine but a person should not forget his
own cultural roots. For example in Korea, it is common to eat non vegetarian food such as
horse, beef etc. A visitor who is vegetarian should not give into peer pressure to please the
community and eat non vegetarian, but only do so if visitor is comfortable in their own skin.

In conclusion, by adapting to the lifestyle of the locals, a visitor stands better chance at
experiencing more escapades. Therefore, basic language and cultural understanding is must for
any person who is planning to immigrate abroad.

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