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Moving Object Detection Using Local

Binary Pattern and Gaussian

Background Model

A.P. Athira, Midhula Vijayan and R. Mohan

Abstract It has been several years Background subtraction techniques were put into
use in vision and image applications for motion detection. However, most of the
methods fall short of providing fine results due to dynamic backgrounds, illumination
variation, noise, etc. Uniqueness of the proposal is construction of a steady back-
ground from a video sequel. In the editorial, proposal is to develop a steady back-
ground representation from a certain video sequel. The background is updated on
arrival of each frame. For detecting moving objects, the constructed background has
been compared with diverse frames of the video sequel. For this, the background
model is developed using combination of Local Binary Pattern (LBP) and Gaussian
averaging. Gaussian averaging employs different forms that occur with time to
confines the underlying opulence of the background. Likewise, a spatial region of
hold is used by LBP. The projected proposal depends on spatio-temporal forms
occurring with time to fabricate a suitable model background. Efficacy of the pro-
jected proposal is established by comparing the outcomes with some of the existing
avant-garde background subtraction methods on open standard records.

Keywords Gaussian model ⋅ Local Binary Pattern ⋅ Object detection

1 Introduction

Dynamic detection of object from video sequels [1] is a major difficulty in Image
processing and computer vision. Accurate recognition of motion in objects is vital for
several applications of artificial intelligence and image processing. Dynamic object

A.P. Athira (✉) ⋅ M. Vijayan ⋅ R. Mohan

Department of CSE, NIT Trichy, Trichy 620015, Tamil Nadu, India
M. Vijayan
R. Mohan

© Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2018 367

S. Bhattacharyya et al. (eds.), Industry Interactive Innovations in Science,
Engineering and Technology, Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems 11,
DOI 10.1007/978-981-10-3953-9_35
368 A.P. Athira et al.

detection is being used extensively in the areas like robotics, activity recognition [2],
video surveillance [3], gait and face-based human recognition [4], etc.
Different object detection methods generally used are Background subtraction,
frame differencing, and Optical flow. Out of these, Background subtraction has
been the most accepted and popular method for detecting an object. Background
subtraction constitutes of two basic steps-background modeling and subtraction [5].
Frame differencing technique for object detection uses a reference background
image for comparing frames. Places, where changes are seen are identified as
dynamic object in the case of frame differencing.
In the Background Subtraction (BGS) model proposed by Heikkila and Olli [6],
both the concepts of frame differencing and background updation had been used. In
this, background is updated according to current frame. Nevertheless this background
model is rigid against non-static background, noise, and illumination variation.
Based on this concern, Wren et al. [7] proposed a flexible BGS method by means of
running Gaussian average. In this researchers have represented background auton-
omously at every pixel position by correcting a Gaussian pdf (probability distribution
function) above a series of preceding frames. By means of intensity comparison of
every pixel positions in the marked frame and the consequent factors of Gaussian pdf,
the positions of the dynamic objects in a frame are attained.
So as to model a background correctly, a multi-valued background scheme is
required. Stauffer and Grimson [8, 9] projected a scheme where multiple Gaussian
pdfs are used to model pixels at a specific position of an image frame. This method
gives improved results in non-static backgrounds and is found flexible and robust.
Of late, this model was modified incorporating dynamic textures for detecting
dynamic objects from non-static backgrounds [10]. From these, it can be concluded
that the methods mentioned above do not consider spatio-contextual information for
detecting changes and are pixel based. Such a spatio-contextual BGS scheme that
uses non-altering textural property, LBP histogram has been scrutinized in [11].
From these analyses, it is obvious that various techniques for object detection
applying background subtraction had been suggested by several analysts in the area
of Image Processing. As in the case of everything, these algorithms have their own
advantages and drawbacks. It can be brought to a conclusion that, for a good
background subtraction technique to be designed, it requires construction and
updation of a steady background which can exemplify the background of a video. It
must also distinguish the effect of noise and dynamic background.
In this work that is proposed, efforts has been taken to merge the benefits of
Gaussian model based background construction and the idea of Local binary pattern
for non-static object detection from a video sequel. Therefore the model can be
termed as a spatio-temporal model. Here, the proposal is a pioneer BGS method to
detect non-static objects from static and dynamic backgrounds. Uniqueness of the
model is in developing an unwavering spatio-temporal background scheme from a
certain video sequel which proficiently illustrates the features of background in the
sight. It is also noticed that the projected model offers better outcomes against small
variations in light, noise, and dynamic background. The efficacy of the scheme
proposed has been established by comparing with the BGS models using threshold,
Moving Object Detection Using Local Binary Pattern … 369

and two different Gaussian mixture models. The observation is that this proposal
offers better outcome in comparison with other existing methods considered.
As objects in a video are usually moving objects, this kind of variability changes
are pretty evident. When an object shifts from one frame to another throughout the
line of sight of a camera, image of an entity may change significantly. Listed below
are the characteristic challenges of background subtraction are Dynamic Back-
ground, Occlusion, Clutter, Camouflage, Presence of Shadow, Motion of the
Camera and Video Noise.

2 Proposed Algorithm

Here the proposal is a contemporary Background subtraction model that is capable

of detecting dynamic objects in a video sequel by proficiently lessening the con-
sequences of illumination difference, camera jitter, and moving backgrounds within
the sequel. Here, in this projected model, the background is created by scrutinizing
series of linearly dependent precedent image frames by means of Gaussian Mixture
Model and Local binary pattern.

2.1 Local Binary Pattern

For texture matching in computer vision, one of the vital attribute descriptor is
Local Binary Pattern (LBP). It is a potent way of texture description. LBP operator
tags pixels of a scene by thresholding the zone (neighbors) of every pixel along
with the middle value and by arraying the outcome to binary codes [12, 13]. Local
Binary Pattern has few striking properties like gray scale invariance, non-parametric
computational simplicity, illumination invariant and high discriminative.
The basic one has eight pixels as neighbors, which are easily extensive to
contain a bigger neighborhood with any number of pixels. In LBP, a middle pixel is
taken and its M neighbors are considered. Then the difference between middle pixel
and its M neighbor pixels are computed to get the M-bit binary number. If the
neighborhood value is less than central pixel, the value is 0 and otherwise 1. From
this arose 2M discrete decimal values for binary pattern. The process is as illustrated
in the figure beneath. The value of the middle pixel is 7. Here we compares from the
upper pixel and maintains a clockwise direction to cover all its neighbors.

M −1 
LBP M, R ðcx , cy Þ = ∑ T Iq − Ic ð1Þ

1 α≥0
T ðαÞ =
0 α<1
370 A.P. Athira et al.

Fig. 1 Local binary pattern

Here Ic is the central pixel value with co-ordinate (cx, cy) and Iq is the neigh-
boring value of the pixels in a circle of radius 1 unit (Fig. 1).

2.2 Background Construction

The primary step for any foreground segmentation method is background con-
struction. The steadiness of the background model constructed decides accuracy of
object detection. The accurateness of segmentation gets corrupted if the background
constructed is degraded by noise. Even the dynamic background reduces the quality
of segmented foreground. Hence, it is very essential to put up a vigorous back-
ground construction scheme for precise moving object detection.
In the projected proposal, the model background is constructed by taking into
account the series of image frames that are previously available. The key concept of
the proposed work is the dependent pixels of similar texture in the background at a
certain position of the image that follows Gaussian distribution at temporal course.
This scheme is constructed using intensity values of these dependant pixels. The
dependency of pixels is checked using LBP histogram. For this reason, in the
projected proposal we have utilized LBP histogram to verify whether the pixel in a
certain position of the background model formed is reliant on the pixel in the
equivalent position in the succeeding image frames. Initially we set the first frame
as background.

μðγ, δÞ = I1 ðγ, δÞ ð2Þ

Here µ(γ, δ) is the background model and I1(γ, δ) is the first frame. We test the
similarity between the pixels at location (γ, δ) using the following steps.
Step 1: Construct the LBP histogram for each pixel using binary masks for
background image and target image. LBP histogram for each pixel is computed
over neighboring pixels in a circular region.
Step 2: Find the similarity between target histogram and background histogram
corresponding to the pixel value (γ, δ). The similarity between the histograms can
be find out using the concept of correlation
Moving Object Detection Using Local Binary Pattern … 371

∑x ðHt ð xÞ − Ht ÞðHb ð xÞ − Hb Þ
DðHt , Hb Þ = qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ð3Þ
∑x ðHt ð xÞ − Ht Þ2 ∑x ðHb ð xÞ − Hb Þ2

Here D(Ht, Hb) is similarity measure, Ht is the target LBP histogram corre-
sponding to particular pixel (γ, δ), and Hb is the background LBP histogram cor-
responding to the same pixel (γ, δ).
Step 3: If the value of D(Ht, Hb) does not deviate from 1, then it means the pixels
are similar, and the corresponding pixel is taken as of backgrounds.
If a pixel in the position (γ, δ) is noticed alike with the constructed background
then the model background is updated by taking into consideration the notion of
Gaussian averaging. Background can be updated using the given formula,
ði − 1Þ μðt − 1Þ ðγ, δÞ + It ðγ, δÞ
μt ðγ, δÞ = ð4Þ

where i correspond to the number of dependant pixels already occurred at location

(γ, δ) at time t, It(γ, δ) is intended frame and the background created is µ(t−1)(γ, δ).
Background model is kept same, if it is observed to be independent.

μt ðγ, δÞ = μðt − 1Þ ðγ, δÞ ð5Þ


1 i
var ðγ, δÞ = ∑ jIt ðγ, δÞ − μt ðγ, δÞj2 ð6Þ
i k=0

where var(γ, δ) represents the variance for pixel location (γ, δ).

2.3 Moving Object Detection and Background Updation

Updation of the background frame is necessary to acclimatize the reference image

with the variations in the background scene. In order to detect a moving object
precisely, it is essential to create a fresh background image all over again. As a
result, the method of updating background is one of the main processes in dynamic
object detection. This is performed using background subtraction.
It is necessary to take out the exact figure of dynamic objects in a scene. Here,
for recognition of non-static objects firstly we take the background as initial frame.
The pixel can be categorized as background or object, at any time t. Object can be
represented as 1 and background can be represented as 0.
372 A.P. Athira et al.

< Iðγ, δÞ − μt ðγ, δÞ
1 if abs pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ≥ Th
Rt + 1 = varðγ, δÞ ð7Þ
0 Otherwise

Here the absolute value is represented by abs(). At times the detected region is
not connected so for better result we have used some morphological techniques. Th
represents a manually given threshold value. The concept of morphological closing
on an image is used in the proposed work to remove small dark spots and connect
small bright cracks. Updation of background is the next stage of background
subtraction. In this proposal, the updation of the background model at each time
(t + 1) has been performed as below,

ηIt + 1 ðγ, δÞ + ð1 − ηÞμt ðγ, δÞ if Rt + 1 ðγ, δÞ = 0
μðt + 1Þ ðγ, δÞ = ð8Þ
βIt + 1 ðγ, δÞ + ð1 − βÞμt ðγ, δÞ Otherwise


ηðIt + 1 ðγ, δÞ − μt ðγ, δÞ2 + ð1 − ηÞvart ðγ, δÞ, if Rt + 1 ðγ, δÞ = 0
varðt + 1Þ ðγ, δÞ =
βðIt + 1 ðγ, δÞ − μt ðγ, δÞ2 + ð1 − βÞvart ðγ, δÞ Otherwise

where vart(γ, δ) represents the variance of Gaussian model at pixel location (γ, δ). η
represents the constant value that varies from 0 to 1 and changes with every frame,
η is the ratio of total number of background pixels by total number of pixels. In
order to adjust swiftly for the pixels identified as background and gradually for the
pixels identified as foreground, β has to be much lesser than η and β usually is zero.

3 Experiments and Evaluation

The projected proposal is executed in python with OpenCV and is run on Intel Core
i3 with Ubuntu OS and 4 GB RAM. For ascertaining efficacy of the projected
method, trials have been carried out on four video sequels. The chosen video
sequels are ‘Water Surface’, ‘PETS2006’, ‘Traffic’ and ‘Curtain’. So as to legiti-
mate the projected proposal, results achieved from the method is compared with
two different Gaussian algorithms [14, 15] and thresholding method.
For object detection by means of manual thresholdng method [1], the object in
an intended frame can be perceived by taking into consideration the absolute dif-
ference of background & intended frame and manual thresholding follows. Here,
0 to 255 is the range of threshold value. In the experiment different threshold values
are considered.
Moving Object Detection Using Local Binary Pattern … 373

First Gaussian mixture algorithm is based on two papers. Z. Zivkovic’s

“Improved adaptive Gaussian mixture model for background subtraction” in 2004
[14] and “Efficient Adaptive Density Estimation per Image Pixel for the Task of
Background Subtraction” in 2006 [16]. A vital trait of the algorithm is that, for each
pixel, it opts for the suitable number of Gaussian distribution. Second algorithm is a
Gaussian Mixture-based Segmentation Algorithm. It was introduced in the paper
“An improved adaptive background mixture model for real-time tracking with
shadow detection” by P. KadewTraKuPong and R. Bowden in 2001 [15].

3.1 Qualitative Assessment

The foremost instance that is appraised in this analysis is PETS2006 video sequel.
The video is taken from a railway station and depicts the area throughout a day.
Two images of this video sequence are presented in Fig. 2a. The detected object by
proposed work and three existing methods are given in Fig. 2b–d. From these
outcomes, it is examined that manual thresholding [1], GMM-1 [14], and GMM-2
[15] based Background Subtraction techniques have recognized non-static objects
from the frames with higher false rate. Compared to the three existing methods
proposed method give better result.
The second example that is appraised in our analysis is a non-static background
having one non-static object. Here we have chosen dynamic Water Surface video
sequence. The video is attained in a less illumine situation with dynamic back-
ground because of variation in surface of water in the lake. Two actual video
sequence of the video is presented in Fig. 3a. The object detected using thresh-
olding, GMM-1, GMM-2are given in Fig. 3b–d, respectively. In Thresholding and

(a) Video sequence (b) Object detected using (c) Object detected using
Thresholding GMM 1

(d) Object detected using Gaussian 2 (e) Moving object detected using
proposed work

Fig. 2 PETS2006 video sequence

374 A.P. Athira et al.

(a) Water Surface –Video frames (b) Object detected using (c) Object detected using
thresholding GMM-1

(d) Object detected using GMM-2 (e) Object detected using proposed work

Fig. 3 Water surface

(a) Curtain-Video frames (b) Object detected using (c) Object detected using
Thresholding GMM-1

(d) Object detected using GMM-2 (e) Object detected by proposed work

Fig. 4 Curtain video

GMM-1method moving water surface falsely detected as moving object. GMM-2

detects the moving object but the result is not accurate compared to proposed work.
The third example that is appraised in our analysis is Curtain video sequel.
Non-static background and illumination variation are the features of this video
sequence. Two original frames of Curtain video sequence is given in Fig. 4a. The
non-static object detected using thresholding [1], GMM-1 [14], GMM-2 [15] are
depicted in Fig. 4b–d appropriately. Output of proposed work is shown in Fig. 4e.
Compared to existing three methods proposed work give accurate result. In
Thresholding the moving background also detected as moving object. In GMM-1
some parts of moving object marked as shadow and moving curtain also detected as
moving object. Compared to Thresholding and GMM-1, GMM-2 gives better
result. But some part of object falsely detected as background. In our proposed
scheme it correctly detected the moving object.
Moving Object Detection Using Local Binary Pattern … 375

(a) Traffic video frames (b) Object detected using (c) Object detected using
Thresholding GMM-1

(d) Object detected using GMM-2 (e) Object detected using proposed work

Fig. 5 Traffic video

Finally we are considered traffic video sequence. This video sequence is noisy
and camera jitter also considered taking place in this video sequence. In our pro-
posed work we are using spatio-temporal method so the problem of camera jitter
can be solved. Because of camera jitter existing algorithms such as thresholding,
GMM-1, and GMM-2 falsely detect the moving object. In the case of GMM-1
because of noise and poor picture quality most of the portion of background is
detected as shadow. Proposed work give accurate result, so proposed work can
solve camera jitter, poor image clarity problems (Fig. 5).
The proposed work is found to offer superior results in comparison with
Thresholding, and two GMM-based approaches.

4 Conclusion and Future Work

In the paper, the proposal of a new spatio-temporal background subtraction scheme

is projected. The proposed algorithm considers the spatial and temporal information
to identify precise shape of non-static object from a video sequel. Local binary
pattern gives the spatial information and Gaussian averaging gives the temporal
information. In the projected method we initially construct a background model by
using LBP histogram similarity. The moving object in the intended frame is rec-
ognized using Gaussian parameters by comparing it with background model con-
structed. From experimental outcomes, the projected proposal gives accurate result.
The scheme provides accurate result for noisy scene, illumination variation, camera
jitter and dynamic background. It is observed to outperform the avant-garde
background subtraction schemes.
For future works we will consider shadow effect, camouflage problems. In
proposed work we have given the constant manually, and taken an effort to find it
automatically. Each pixel operations are independent and hence parallel imple-
mentation of this work will decrease the running time of the algorithm.
376 A.P. Athira et al.


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