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Quantification of Airborne Mycobacterium

tuberculosis in Health Care Setting Using Real-
Time qPCR Coupled to an Air-Sampling Filter

Pei-Shih Chen & Chih-Shan Li

To cite this article: Pei-Shih Chen & Chih-Shan Li (2005) Quantification of Airborne
Mycobacterium tuberculosis in Health Care Setting Using Real-Time qPCR Coupled to
an Air-Sampling Filter Method, Aerosol Science and Technology, 39:4, 371-376, DOI:

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Aerosol Science and Technology, 39:371–376, 2005
Copyright c American Association for Aerosol Research
ISSN: 0278-6826 print / 1521-7388 online
DOI: 10.1080/027868290945767

Quantification of Airborne Mycobacterium tuberculosis

in Health Care Setting Using Real-Time qPCR Coupled
to an Air-Sampling Filter Method

Pei-Shih Chen and Chih-Shan Li

Graduate Institute of Environmental Health, College of Public Health, National Taiwan University,
Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C.

of the world’s population (Dye et al. 1999), and it is the second-

Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection remains one of the major most infectious cause of death worldwide (WHO 2001). More-
public health issues worldwide. Current qualitative assays (only over, progressive increases in M. tuberculosis infections are ex-
positive or negative results) do not provide comprehensive informa- pected, and a worldwide annual incidence of 12 million cases
tion regarding health risk of M. tuberculosis. This study attempted
to develop a quantitative assay to measure air concentration of
by 2005 is predicted by the World Health Organization (Martin
M. tuberculosis in a health care setting. and Lazarus 2000). A sensitive method for monitoring airborne
A total of 22 air samples were taken from the negative pres- M. tuberculosis is therefore crucial for TB control.
sure isolation rooms of tuberculosis patients. The air was filtered In airborne M. tuberculosis analysis, identification of M. tu-
through a Nuclepore filter with sampling time of 8 h. The DNA of berculosis from field sampling by using a culture method is not
M. tuberculosis in these airborne samples was then analyzed by the
ABI 7700 real-time quantitative polymerase chain reaction (real-
practical due to slow growth of M. tuberculosis and to contami-
time qPCR) system. nation by other bacteria and fungi (Loudon et al. 1976; Macher
The real-time qPCR method could perform measurements of et al. 1992; Riley et al. 1976). Therefore, filter sampling coupled
counts in a dynamic range of over 6 orders with a high sensitivity. with a commercial DNA detection method based on polymerase
The measured M. tuberculosis concentrations varied widely, from chain reaction (PCR) (Amplicor M. tuberculosis PCR test) was
1.43 × 10 copies/m3 to 2.06 × 105 copies/m3 . Comparisons among
proposed to monitor M. tuberculosis in air (Schafer et al. 1998;
airborne M. tuberculosis levels, sputum smear, results, and sputum
culture results showed moderate correlations. Schafer and Fernback 1999). This filter-PCR method was also
The filter/real-time qPCR method proved extremely sensitive recommended by the National Institute of Occupational Safety
and rapid for quantifying airborne M. tuberculosis. In addition, and Health for airborne M. tuberculosis measurement (NIOSH
it is a powerful sampling tool that has potential applications as 1998). However, this method only qualitatively determines pos-
an investigational device, which might be valuable in conducting
itive or negative responses in a narrow dynamic range (less than
studies that validate the efficacy of engineering controls and work
practices. four orders of magnitude) (Schafer et al. 1998; Schafer and
Fernback 1999). In clinical studies, the most commonly used
methods to analyze M. tuberculosis involve using either a smear
method for acid-fast bacilli (AFB) staining samples or a culture
INTRODUCTION method. However, these two methods have disadvantages: the
Tuberculosis (TB) remains a major public health problem AFB staining method has low sensitivity, and the culture method
worldwide due to its high risk of person-to-person transmission, is time consuming.
morbidity, and mortality (Falkinham 1996; Martin and Lazarus Rapid identification methods using molecular techniques have
2000). Currently, Mycobacterium tuberculosis infects one-third been developed recently and utilized in clinical laboratories
(Broccolo et al. 2003; Cleary et al. 2003; Desjardin et al. 1998;
Kraus et al. 2001; Miller et al. 2002; Shretha et al. 2003). One
Received 9 September 2004; accepted 24 February 2005.
The authors thank Dr. Shin-Yu Su for his assistance during this in- such method is the real-time quantitative PCR (real-time qPCR)
vestigation. This work was supported by grant NSC91-2621-Z-002-025 system, which is a commercially available system designed to
from the National Science Council, Republic of China. Pei-Shih Chen decrease the time required for PCR assays by using fluorescent
was supported by a graduate scholarship from the same grant during probes to monitor the amplification of the target sequences in
part of this research effort. real time. One benefit of this real-time qPCR system for clini-
Address correspondence to Chih-Shan Li, Graduate Institute of En-
vironmental Health, College of Public Health, National Taiwan Univer- cal assays is that carryover contamination does not occur during
sity, Room 1449, No. 1, Jen Ai Road, 1st Section 100, Taipei, Taiwan, postamplification because detection of amplified nucleic acid
R.O.C. E-mail: products is accomplished in a closed system (Broccolo et al.
372 P.-S. CHEN AND C.-S. LI

2003; Cleary et al. 2003; Desjardin et al. 1998; Kraus et al. radiographs. These patients were inpatients at the Hospital for
2001; Miller et al. 2002; Shretha et al. 2003). Consequently, this Chronic Disease in Taipei and had sputum samples submitted
molecular method for identification of cultured isolates has been for AFB staining and culture.
suggested and assessed (Roger van Doorn et al. 2003). However,
the use of this technology for airborne M. tuberculosis evaluation Air Sampling
needs to be validated. Air samples were taken from the isolation rooms of the se-
The aim of this study is to validate this rapid and high- lected TB patients. A total of 22 samples from the rooms of six
throughput filter/real-time qPCR assay for directly measuring patients were measured from 6 November to 18 December 2003.
airborne M. tuberculosis in respiratory isolation of TB patients. In this hospital, every patient stayed individually in an isolation
Moreover, the measured airborne M. tuberculosis levels are also room. The age of the six patients ranged from 26 to 74, and
compared with the TB patient status (based on sputum smear five were male and one was female (Table 1). For quality con-
and culture results). trol, three samples of field blank were performed in TB patient
room. Our results demonstrated that no detectable M. tuberculo-
MATERIALS AND METHOD sis DNA was observed in field blank control (data not shown). In
addition, side-by-side duplicate field samples gave comparable
Sampling Location results (with relative difference 13%; data not shown).
The respiratory isolation (negative-pressure) rooms of TB For the filter/real-time qPCR assay, the air in each isola-
patients were investigated. The patients selected for this study tion room was filtered through a 37 mm diameter Nuclepore
were identified by clinical diagnosis of M. tuberculosis pneumo- filter (Costar, Cambridge, MA, USA), which is a track-etched
nia based on history, symptoms, physical examination, and chest polycarbonate filter consisting of a polycarbonate membrane

Tuberculosis patients characteristics and airborne M. tuberculosis concentrations
Date Patient/sex/ P a : Temp.b Therapy Real-time qPCR Real-time qPCR
sampled age, (year) pa (◦ C) RH%c ACHd initiation Culturee Smear f (copies/m3 ) (CFU/M3 )
2003/11/6 A/26/M 14.0 23.6 71.3 9.1 2003/11/3 ++ − 5.88 × 102 2.32
2003/11/6 B/67/M 14.0 23.2 71.2 9.1 2003/10/8 +++ ++++ 1.20 × 103 4.75
2003/11/13 13.0 20.2 67.6 9.1 ++ +++ 1.36 × 104 53.8
2003/11/20 15.0 22.5 69.4 9.1 ++ ++++ 1.21 × 104 48
2003/12/4 18.0 20.1 70.2 9.9 ++ +++ 1.24 × 103 4.90
2003/12/11 8.0 20.6 77.8 9.3 ++ 5.21 × 103 20.6
2003/12/18 8.0 18.4 63.0 9.12 ++ ++ 1.72 × 103 6.79
2003/11/6 C/74/M 8.0 23.7 74.9 8.8 2003/10/31 ++ +++ 2.07 × 103 8.16
2003/11/13 8.0 20.3 65.7 9.1 ++ +++ 2.40 × 103 9.48
2003/11/20 8.0 26.0 61.5 8.9 + ++ 2.20 × 103 8.71
2003/12/4 11.0 19.5 71.7 9.0 + − 7.79 × 102 3.08
2003/12/11 13.7 20.8 74.9 8.9 − + 3.19 × 102 1.26
2003/12/18 13.7 19.0 60.2 8.6 + + 5.70 × 102 2.25
2003/11/13 D/74/M 9.8 21.4 61.8 10.1 2003/11/11 ++ + 1.74 × 103 6.86
2003/11/20 15.7 23.7 71.2 10.4 ++ + 1.78 × 105 703
2003/12/4 8.8 23.4 72.5 10.6 ++ ++++ 2.06 × 105 814
2003/12/11 8.8 21.0 74.0 10.0 ++ + 1.24 × 103 4.88
2003/12/18 6.9 18.9 59.8 10.4 ++ + 5.58 × 102 2.21
2003/12/4 E/50/F 7.8 20.3 68.3 9.1 2003/11/19 + + 8.55 × 102 3.38
2003/12/11 F/53M 12.0 20.7 75.3 16.2 2003/12/4 + − 6.52 × 102 2.58
2003/12/18 12.0 18.5 60.8 16.4 − − 1.43 × 101 0.06
Pressure difference between isolation room and outside.
Relative humidity.
Air change per hour.
−, no colony growth; +, <50 CFU/plate; ++, 50–100 CFU/plate; +++, 100–200 CFU/plate.
Smear (×400 magnification). +, 1–3 per slide; ++, 1–9 per 10 field; +++, 1–9 per field; ++++, >9 per field.

with straight-through pores of uniform size (0.4 µm). The fil- fication and fluorescence measurement. All cycles began with
ters were supported by cellulose pads and loaded into open-face 2 min at 50◦ C for UNG enzyme incubation and then 10 min at
three-piece plastic cassettes. Before sampling, the filters and 95◦ C for AmpliTaq Gold activation. The subsequent PCR assay
support pads were autoclaved and the plastic cassettes were ster- consisted of 50 cycles, where each cycle involved denaturation
ilized with ethylene oxide. The sampling flow rate was 22 l/min, at 95◦ C for 20 s and then annealing and extension at 60◦ C for
and the sampling time was 8 h. The pump and filter apparatus 1 min. All samples analyzed using the real-time qPCR were
were placed within 1 m from the patient’s bed on an adjacent done in triplicate (CV% < 5%).
nightstand. The sampling height was 1.2–1.5 m above the floor,
so as to be within the human breathzone. After sampling, the Standard Curve and Inhibitory Effect
Nuclepore filter was removed from the holder and placed in a The target DNA standard solution from cloning plasmid was
test tube containing 4 ml of sterile deionized water. The water purchased from Mission Biotech (Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C.). The
and filter were then vortexed in the tube for 60 s. threshold was set at 10 times the standard deviation of the mean
baseline emission calculated for PCR cycles 3–10. The amount
DNA Extraction Method of product in a particular reaction mixture solution was deter-
DNA extraction of the filter elution samples was accom- mined by interpolation from a standard curve of cycle threshold
plished using a DNA extraction kit (Hexwater Inc., Germany). (Ct) values generated from a known starting concentration of
First, 200 µl of sample suspension was added to 1 ml of a WB1 DNA at the same run. Positive (purified dilutions of plasmid
lysis buffer, vortexed, and then pelleted by centrifugation at DNA) and negative controls were analyzed for each run. The
12,000 rpm (8000 × g) for 1 min. After the supernatant was inhibitory effect of the collected air samples on real-time qPCR
removed, the pellet was suspended in 200 µl WB2 lysis buffer, assay was evaluated by diluting method with 1/10 and 1/100
which included the beads at the bottom of the buffer, and then in- dilutions of two samples, 2.07 × 103 copies/m3 and 1.78 ×
cubated at 55◦ C for 30 min. The pellet suspension was vortexed 105 copies/m3 . The results confirmed no inhibitory effect of PCR
for 5 s, spun down, and then boiled at 100◦ C for 8 min to release assay in the collected airborne samples (results not shown).
the DNA. The samples were again pelleted by centrifugation at
12,000 rpm (8000 × g) for 3 min. Finally, 100 µl supernatant RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
of each sample was saved for PCR and stored at −20◦ C. All The aim of this study was to validate the filter/real-time PCR
manipulations of the samples were performed in a biological assay for quantitative evaluation of airborne M. tuberculosis in
safety cabinet. hospital rooms of TB patients. Correlations among airborne M.
tuberculosis levels, smear results of sputum samples, and sputum
ABI 7700 Quantification culture results were also assessed.
Oligonucleotide Primers and Probes
The real-time qPCR assay was done using a forward primer Dynamic Range and Analytical Sensitivity of
(5 -GGCTGTGGGTAGCAGACC-3 ) and reverse primer (5 - Real-Time qPCR Assay
CGGGTCCAGATGGCTTGC-3 ), which were directed at a The ABI 7700 TaqMan system has been used to quantity M.
163 bp region of the IS6110 gene sequence (DesJardin et al. tuberculosis DNA in sputum during the treatment of TB patients
1998). The internal oligonucleotide probe was labeled with fluo- by using a probe specific for the IS6110 gene region (Desjardin
rescent dyes, namely, 5-carboxyfluorescein (FAM) on the 5 end et al. 1998). The IS6110 is a multicopy insertion element found
and N,N,N ,N ,-tetramethyl-6-carboxyrhodamine (TAMRA) in M. tuberculosis complex organisms and has been the target of
on the 3 end (5 -[FAM]-TGTCGACCTGGGCAGGGTTCG- numerous diagnostic assays. The region targeted for amplifica-
[TAMRA]-3 ). The primer and probe were synthesized using tion has been shown to be specific for M. tuberculosis (Hellyer
an ABI 7700 (Applied Biosystem Inc., Foster City, CA, USA). et al. 1996). Therefore, the IS6110 was also used as a target in
our current study.
PCR Conditions A quantitative assay was developed for IS6110 using the
In the PCR assay, 50 µl of the PCR mixture solution was ABI Prism 7700 Sequence Detection System (TaqMan).
placed in each well of a MicroAmp Optical 96-well reaction Figure 1 shows the calibration curve of known M. tuberculo-
plate, and then each well was capped with a MicroAmp Opti- sis DNA concentrations and threshold cycle (Ct) by real-time
cal Cap (PE Biosystems, Foster City, CA, USA). All reagents qPCR. The known amounts of M. tuberculosis plasmid DNA
were from a TaqMan Core PCR Reagent Kit (PE Biosystems, yielded Ct values ranging from 20–40 cycles (triplicate stan-
Foster City, CA, USA). The PCR mixture solution consisted of dards, with coefficients of variation were less than 1%). The
5 µl of extracted DNA solution, 25 µl of 2 × TaqMan universal standard curves were linear for over 6 orders of magnitude, rang-
Master Mix, 300 nM forward primer, 300 nM reverse primer, and ing from 48 copies/µl to 4.8 × 107 copies/µl, with a correlation
250 nM probe. A sequence detector system (ABI Prism 7700; coefficient (r) value of 0.992. Based on our results, 1 CFU was
Applied Biosystem, Foster City, CA, USA) was used for ampli- approximately equal to 253 copies in the real-time qPCR assay
374 P.-S. CHEN AND C.-S. LI

FIG. 1. Calibration curve of known M. tuberculosis DNA concentrations and threshold cycle (Ct) by real-time qPCR assay.

by analyzing the fresh cultured M. tuberculosis. The tenfold se- pose a health risk to hospital workers and to families of the
rial dilutions subjected to the real-time qPCR assay revealed that patients.
the sensitivity was less than 48 copies/µl (240 copies/reaction). Qualitative filter-PCR assay previously detected M. tuber-
These results confirm that less than 1 CFU of M. tuberculosis (10 culosis in the isolation rooms of 6 out of 7 patients studied
genomes of M. tuberculosis) could be detected by the real-time (Mastorides et al. 1999). In addition, 60% of the isolation rooms
qPCR assay with high sensitivity, similar to previously reported and the outpatient department area in a TB center contained air-
sensitivity (Schafer et al. 1998; Schafer and Fernback 1999). borne M. tuberculosis (Wan et al. 2004). These findings clearly
In conclusion, the filter/real-time qPCR assay developed here demonstrate that routine monitoring of airborne M. tuberculosis
could prove useful for rapid identification and quantification of is crucial in TB centers to ensure the safety of the public and
airborne M. tuberculosis. health care personnel. Qualitative assays, however, cannot pro-
vide precise information about the health risk of M. tuberculosis.
The filter/real-time qPCR assay can provide deeper insight
Airborne M. tuberculosis in TB Patient Rooms into hospital epidemiology and infection control, as well as M.
Physical factors of each respiratory isolation room was mea- tuberculosis transmissibility. This system can be used to de-
sured, namely, airflow rate, temperature, relative humidity, and termine the background M. tuberculosis levels within isolation
air pressure difference (P). Table 1 summarizes these measured rooms, outpatient department areas, microbiology laboratories,
factors. All six of the patient rooms met the recommended values and tuberculosis clinics, and to assess the potentially infectious
of air change per hour (ACH; ACH > 8–12) and wind velocities, M. tuberculosis dose in room air. Our findings demonstrated
although two did not meet the recommended pressure difference that sputum smear results and sputum culture results were mod-
(>8 pa). erately correlated with measured airborne M. tuberculosis lev-
In our study, the filter/real-time qPCR assay was able to de- els (Figure 2), and that sputum smear and culture results were
tect and measure the concentration of airborne M. tuberculosis moderately correlated (r = 0.57, data not shown). Moreover, 19
in the TB patient rooms. To our knowledge, this is the first of 21 smear samples and 18 of 21 culture samples were posi-
report describing the quantification of airborne M. tuberculo- tive (Table 1). The M. tuberculosis concentrations in the rooms
sis in field samples. It was found that airborne M. tuberculo- of patients with negative smear and culture results were lower
sis concentration varied widely, from 1.43 × 10 copies/m3 to than those with positive smear and culture results (Table 1). In
2.06 × 105 copies/m3 (equal to 1.26 × 101 tubercle bacilli /m3 general, the airborne M. tuberculosis level in each room was
to 8.14 × 103 CFU/m3 ) (as shown in Table 1). Because infec- correlated with the clinical TB status of patient.
tious dose of M. tuberculosis is as low as 1–5 tubercle bacilli Based on sputum smear and culture results, patient B seemed
(Balasubramanian et al. 1994), according to our data airborne M. more seriously ill than patient D. However, airborne M. tubercu-
tuberculosis levels in the TB patient rooms studied here might losis levels in the room of patient D were the highest among all

quantifying airborne M. tuberculosis. In addition, this quanti-

tative method has potential applications as an investigational
device that may be valuable in conducting studies that validate
the efficacy of engineering controls and work practices.

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