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1. When Raj Ram Mohan founded a new religious society known as the Brahmo Sabha: 1828
2. Brahmo Sabha was later known as: Brahmo Samaj
3. The object of Brahmo Smaj was to: Purify Hinduism, Preach theism & Preach Worship of
One God
4. Which Hindo movement first of all criticized sati? Brahmo Samaj
5. When Keshab Chandra joined the Brahma Samaj? 1857
6. There were 54 branches of which Hindi movement before the end of 1865? Brahma Samaj
7. Which Hindu religious movement changed the outlook of the Hindus towards Western
Ideas? Brahma Samaj
8. Lokahitwadi adopted which orthodoxy? Hindu
9. When Pararthana Samaj was established? 1849
10. Who was the founder of Indian Association? Babu Surendranth Benergee
11. Who was the founder of Arya Samaj? Swami Dayanand
12. Swami Dayanand was a great scholar of: Sanskrit
13. To Whom Arya Samaj targeted mainly? Islam & Christianity
14. Who was the founder of Shuddhi Movements? Dayananda Sarswati
15. When Albuquerque, the Portuguese Viceroy, prohibited Sati in Goa? 1510
16. When Deccan Education Society was set up? 1884
17. Who was Gopal Krishna Gokhale? Life – worker of Deccan Education Society
18. When Cow Protection Society was formed? 1880
19. Where Indian Association was formed? Calcutta
20. Where Bunkim Chandra Chatterjee’s literacy movement began? Bengal
21. When a law was passed by which remarriage of widows was realized? 1856
22. Which Act gave the right of vote to women in subcontinent? The Government of India
Act, 1935
23. Under which Act, many seats were reserved for women both at center and the provinces?
The Government of India Act, 1935
24. Tanzeem and Tableegh are the movements which started by: Muslims
25. Against Shudhi and Sanghtan Muslims started the movements namely _________
Tanzeem and Tableegh

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