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NIM : 72144720020

Medical term prefix root suffix Meaning of the medical term

Pediatrician Ped Artic/o -an A doctor who focuses on children`s
physical, mental, emotional, and
social health.
Cardiologist Cardi Olo/o -gist A doctor who has specific expertise
in the treatment of the diseases
related to the heart and blood
vessels, or cardiovascular
gynecologist Gyn Eco/o -logist Physician in women
Appendectomy Ap Pendect/o -my Surgery for appendicitis
Rhinoplasty Rhin/o -plasty Plastic surgery procedures to
correct and reconstruct to restore
function to anesthetize the nose
Colonoscopy Colon/o -scopy A procedure done to check the
condition of the colon
Colostomy Col/o -stomy The act of making a hole in the
stomach as a drainage channel or
Hepatomegaly Hepat/o -megaly Enlarger
Mastitis Mast/o -itis Inflammation of the mammary
Osteoporosis Osteo Poro/o -sis Bone condition becomes weak and
Pulmonary Pulmon/o -ary Pulmonary hypertension
Arthralgia Arthr/o -algia Joint pain
Hyperemesis Hyper- -emesis Nausea and vomiting during
Laryngitis Laryng/o -itis Inflammation of the voice box due
to overuse, irritation, or infection
Sarcoma Sarc/o -oma Tumors that appear on bone and
soft tissue
Lymphoma Lymph/o -oma Lymph node cancer
Cardiomyopathy Weak heart
Phobia Pho b ia Excessive fear of something
Amenorrhea Ameno- -rrhea Not menstruation
Hemostasis Hem/o -stasis Combined term for any procedure
performed by the body to protect
itself from the bleeding process
Hematology Hemat/o -logy The field of health studies that
studies blood and blood disorders
Hyperglycemia Hyper Glyc/o -emia High blood sugar levels
Polyuria Poly- -uria Urinating large amounts of urine
Primigravida A situation where a women
experiences pregnancy for the
first time
Antepartum Ante- -partum Vaginal bleeding that occurs at
more than 24 weeks of pregnancy
Percutaneous Per- Cutane/o -ous A therapeutic procedure to open
narrowing (stenosis) of the
arteries of the heart
Contraception Contra/o -ception Birth regulations
Tachycardia Tachy- Cardi/o -ia Fast heart rate
Eupnea Normal breathing pattern
Osteomalacia Oste/o -malacia Bone abnormalities
Intercostal Inter- Cost/o -al The muscles between the ribs
Intravenous Intra- Ven/o -ous The procedure for administering the
drug into a vein
Pericardium Peri- Cardi/o -ium Two thin layers of tissue that look
like a sac and surround the heart
Prenatal Pre- Nat/o -al The early period of human
development, which starts from
conception, when a woman`s ovum
is fertilized by a male`s sperm until
it becomes a fetus and finally until
the time of the birth of an
Lithotomy Lith/o -tomy A surgical method of removing
stones, which form in certain
organs such as the urinary tract,
bladder and gallbladder
Hepatitis Hepat/o -itis Inflammation of the liver
Neuromyalgia Nerve pain
Glossopharyngeal Gloss/o -geal Pain in the throat area due to
Pharyn/o nervous disorders
Anemia An- -emia Blood disorders or haematological
Diarrhea Dia- -rrhea Watery stools are more common
than usual
Electrocardiogra Electr/o -gram A simple painless test that records
m Cardi/o the electrical activity of the heart
Polyphagia Poly- Phag/o -ia Overeating due to excessive hunger
or increased appetite
Otitis Inflammation of the inner, middle
or outer ear
Adenoma Aden/o -oma Tumors that from in the epithelial
tissue and line the glands in the
Cytology Cyt/o -logy Cell biology
Optician An optician or optician is a
practitioner who determines,
matches and selects corrective
lenses to correct refractive errors
Myelitis Myel/o -itis Inflammation of the spinal cord,
which is a major part of the body`s
nervous system
Angioplasty Anggi/o -plasty Invasive endovascular procedure
Encephalitis Encephal/o -itis Inflammation of the brain,
generally due to infection
Enteritis Enter/o -itis Inflammation of the intestine that
runs acute or chronic, will cause an
increase in intestinal peristalsis, an
increase in the amount of secretion
of the digestive glands and a
decrease in the process of
absorption of fluids and absorption
or food juices in it.

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