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Component Meaning Example
Adip/o fat adiposis - abnormal condition of fat

Steat/o fat steatitis - inflammation of fatty

(adipose) tissue
Lip/o fat lipocele - hernia containing fat
Seb/o sebum ; sebaceous seborrhea - discharge of sebum
Kerat/o horny tissue, hard; keratosis - abnormal condition of horny
cornea tissue
Scler/o hardening, sclera (white scleroderma - hardening of the skin
Trich/o hair trichopathy - disease involving hair

Melan/o black melanoma - black tumor

Ichthy/o dry, scaly ichthyosis - abnormal condition of dry
or scaly skin
Cutane/o skin subcutaneous - pertaining to beneath
the skin
Myc/o fungus dermatomycosis - fungal infection of
the skin
Component Meaning Example
Squam/o scale squamous - pertaining to scales (or covered
with scales)
Dermat/o skin dermatoplasty - surgical repair of the skin

Onych/o nail oncychomalacia - softening of the nails

Xen/o Foregin, strage xenograft - skin transplantation from a

foreign donor for a human
Derm/o skin hypodermic - pertaining to under the skin

Ungu/o nail ungual - pertaining to the nails

Xer/o dry xeroderma - dry skin
Hidr/o sweat hidradenitis - inflammation of the sweat
Pil/o hair pilonidal - pertaining to hair in a nest
Sudor/o sweat sudoresis - profuse sweating
Component Meaning Example

Or/o mouth oral - having to do with the mouth

Stomat/o mouth stomatology - branch of medicine that involves

the function and diseases of the mouth
Gastr/o stomach gastritis - inflammation of the stomach

Enter/o small intestine enteropathy - a disease of the small intestine

Colon/o large intestine colonoscopy - an exam used to detect changes

or abnormalities in the large intestine
Col/o large intestine colectomy - an operation to remove all part of
the colon (large intestine)
Rect/o rectum/ rectal rectotomy - an incision into the rectum

An/o anus/ anal anorectal - of, relating to, or involving both the
anus and rectum
Proct/o anus and rectum proctoscopy - medical procedure used to
examine the anal cavity, rectum and sigmoid
Component Meaning Example
Hepat/o liver hepatitis - inflammation of the liver

Cholecyst/o gallbladder cholecystolithiasis - presence of stones in the

Pancreat/o pancreas pancreatitis - inflammation of the pancreas

Append/o appendix appendectomy - surgical removal of the

Cec/o cecum cecostomy - the surgical formation of an opening
into the cecum
Celi/o abdomen celiotomy - surgical incision of the abdomen

Cheil/o lips cheiloplasty - plastic surgery on the lips

Cholangi/o bile vessel cholangitis - inflammation of the bile duct system

Choledoch/o common bile duct choledochotomy - surgical incision of the

common bile duct
Component Meaning Example
Odont/o; tooth Periodontitis - inflammation affecting the bone
Dent/i-Dent/o teeth, dental and tissues of the teeth
Gingiv/o gums gingivitis - inflammation of the gums

Duoden/o duodenum duodenectomy - excision of all part of the

Esophag/o esophagus esophagectomy - surgical removal of the
Gloss/o tongue glossalgia - pain in the tongue

Ile/o ileum Ileostomy - surgical opening of the iluem

Jejun/o jejunum jejunostomy - surgical operation to create

opening of the jejunum
Lapar/o abdomen laparotomy - surgical incision into the abdominal
Mandibul/o mandible mandibulotomy - incision into the mandible
Component Meaning Example
Lip/o fat lipoma - benign tumor of fatty tissue
Steat/o fat steatoma - a fatty tumor or cyst of the
sebaceous gland
Adip/o fat, fatty tissue adipocele - a hernia containing fat within the
hernial sac
Palat/o palate palatography - recording of the movements of
the palate
Peritone/o peritoneum peritoneoscopy - the examination of parts of the
peritoneal cavity
Pharnyg/o pharynx pharyngitis - inflammation of the throat
Laryng/o larynx laryngitis - inflammation of the voice box
Pylor/o pylorus pyloroplasty - is surgery to widen the opening in
the lower part of the stomach (pylorus)
Sial/o saliva; salivary sialography - is the radiographic examination of
gland the salivary glands
Sigmoid/o sigmoid colon sigmoidoscopy - examination of the sigmoid
Component Meaning Example
Card/o ; Cardi/o heart cardiosclerosis - induration of the heart caused by
formation of fibrous tissue in the cardiac muscle
Angi/o vessel angiography - medical imaging technique used to
visualize blood vessels
Aort/o aorta aortography - radiographic imaging of the aorta

Arter/o ; Arteri/o artery arteriography - radiographic imaging of the artery

Ather/o fatty plaque atherosclerosis - buildup of fats in the artery walls

Atri/o atrium atrioventricular - pertains to the atria and ventricles

My/o muscle myopathy - a disease of the muscle

Myocardi/o myocardium (heart myocardial - pertains to the muscular tissue of the

muscle) heart
Sept/o septum septoplasty - surgical repair of the nasal septum
Component Meaning Example
Thromb/o blood clot thrombosis - formation of blood clot

Sten/o narrowing stenosis - an abnormal narrowing in a structure

Vas/o ; Vascul/o blood vessel vasodilation - dilatation of blood vessel

Valv/o valve valvotomy - surgical cutting of a vavular structure

Ven/o ; Ven/i vein venostasis - an abnormal slowing or stoppage of the

flow of blood in a vein
Phleb/o vein phlebitis - inflammation of the vein

Ventricul/o ventricle ventriculitis - inflammation of the ventricles

Component Meaning Example
Adenoid/o adenoids adenoiditis - inflammation of the adenoids caused
by infection
Alveol/o alveoulus, air sac alveolitis - inflammation of one or more alveoli
especially of the lung
Anthrac/o coal, coal dust anthracosis - black discoloration of bronchi from
carbon pigment that causes deformation and
Atel/o imperfect, incomplete atelphobia - fear of not being good enough

Bronch/o bronchus (plural bronchorrhea - the excessive discharge of mucus

bronchi) from the air passages of the lung
Bronchiol/o bronchiole bronchiolitis - a common lung infection in young
children and infants
Coni/o dust coniofibrosis - a form of pneumoconiosis marked by
an exuberant growth of connective tissue
Cyan/o blue Cyanosis - is the bluish or purplish discolouration of
the skin due to the tissues near the skin surface
having low oxygen saturation
Component Meaning Example
Epiglott/o epiglottis epiglottitis - inflammation of the epiglottis

Hem/o blood hemoptysis - coughing up of blood.

Laryng/o larynx laryngectomy - partial or total removal of the larynx

Lob/o lobe lobectomy - a surgical procedure where an entire

lobe of your lung is removed
Nas/o nose nasopharynx - The top portion of the pharynx
situated posterior to the nose and superior to the
soft palate.
Pharyng/o pharynx pharyngitis - Sore throat; inflammation of the throat

Pleur/o rib ; side pleurodynia - a sharp pain in the side usually located
in the intercostal muscles
Pneum/o lungs, air, breathing, pneumonia - is an infection that inflames the air sacs
respiration in one or both lungs
Component Meaning Example
Pulmon/o lungs pulmonology - a medical specialty that deals with
diseases involving the respiratory tract
Rhin/o nose rhinoplasty - plastic surgery on the nose

Sept/o septum septoplasty - surgical repair of the nasal septum

Spir/o respiration spirometry - measurement by means of a spirometer

of the volume of air entering and leaving the lung
Steth/o chest stethoscope - an instrument used to detect and
study sounds produced in the body
Thorac/o chest (thorax) thoracotomy - surgical incision into the chest wall

Tonsill/o tonsil tonsillectomy - surgical removal of the tonsils

Trache/o trachea tracheostomy - surgical opening though the neck

into the trachea
Component Meaning Example
Amni/o amnion ; sac around amniotomy - is the procedure by which the amniotic
embryo sac is deliberately ruptured to cause release of
amniotic fluid
Andr/o male ; masculine andrology - branch of physiology and medicine w/c
deals with diseases and conditions specific to men
Balan/o glans penis balanitis - is an inflammation of the glans, or the
head, of the penis
Cervic/o cervix ; neck of the cervicovaginitis - inflammation of the squamous
uterus epithelium of the vagina and cervix
Colp/o vagina colposcopy - a procedure to closely examine your
cervix, vagina and vulva for signs of disease
Culd/o cul-de-sac ; culdoscopy - examination of a woman's pelvic
rectouterine pouch organs by the insertion of a culdoscope through the
(Dougla's pouch) vagina
Embry/o embryo embryology - is a branch of science that is related to
the formation, growth, and development of embryo
Epididym/o epididymis epididymitis - is an inflammation of the coiled tube
Component Meaning Example
Episi/o loins ; perineum or episiotomy - a surgical procedure for widening the
vulva outlet of the birth canal
Fet/o fetus fetoscopy - an endoscopic procedure during
pregnancy to allow surgical access to the fetus
Fibr/o fiber ; fibrous tissue fibrosis - the formation of excess fibrous connective
tissue in an organ in a reparative or reactive process
Galact/o milk galactorrhea - excessive or inappropriate production
of milk.
Genit/o genitalia ; genito-urinary - relating to the genital and urinary
reproduction organs
Gonad/o gonads, sex glands gonadal shield - a protective shield is placed on the
outside of the body to cover the area of the gonads
Gynec/o woman ; female gynecology - the study of women

Hymen/o hymen hymenotomy - surgical removal of the hymen

Hyster/o; uterus; womb hysterotomy - surgical incision in the uterus, and is

Uter/o performed during a caesarean section
Component Meaning Example
Lact/o milk lactation - the secretion of milk by the mammary
Lapar/o abdomen laparotomy - surgical incision into the abdominal
Mamm/o breast mammography - an x-ray procedure of the breast

Mast/o breast mastectomy - surgical removal of the breast

Men/o menses; menstruation menopause - is the time that marks the end of your
menstrual cycles.
Metr/o ; Metri/o uterus; womb metrorrhagia - abnormal bleeding from the uterus

Nat/o birth prenatal - before birth; during or relating to

Oophor/o; O/o ovary; egg oophorectomy - surgical removal of one or both
Orch/o ; Orchi/o testis; testicles orchiectomy - surgical removal of one or both
Component Meaning Example
Ovari/o ovary ovariopexy - surgical fixation of the ovary to the
abdominal wall
Pelv/o ; Pelvi/o pelvis pelvimetry - the measurement of the female pelvis

Pen/o penis penoscrotal - relating to the penis and scrotum

Perine/o perineum perineocele - A hernia in the perineal region, either

between the rectum and the vagina
Prostat/o prostate prostatomegaly - used to describe prostate
Py/o accumulation of pus pyuria - presence of pus in the urine, typically from
bacterial infection
Salping/o fallopian tube salpingo-oophoritis - inflammation of the fallopian
tube and ovary.
Septic/o sepsis ; septic septicaemia - is a potentially life-threatening
infection in which large amounts of bacteria are
present in the blood
Component Meaning Example
Sperm/o ; male reproductive spermatocele - an often pain-free benign cyst that
Spermat/o cells, sperms occurs close to a testicle
Test/o testis testopathy - an obsulete term for any testicular
Testicul/o testis testiculitis - is an inflammation of the coiled tube
(epididymis) at the back of the testicle that stores
and carries sperm
Urin/o urine urinalysis - is a test of your urine, used to detect and
manage a wide range of disorders, such as urinary
tract infections, kidney disease and diabetes
Vagin/o vagina vaginitis - inflammation of the vagina

Vesicul/o vesicle vesiculography - The use of special X-ray equipment

and a dye to examine the seminal vesicles and
related structures
Vulv/o vulva vulvovaginitis - is an inflammation or infection of the
vulva and vagina
Component Meaning Example
Acromi/o acromion (projection of acromioplasty - an arthroscopic surgical procedure of
scapula) the acromion
Ankyl/o stiffness; bent ; ankylosis - abnormal stiffening and immobility of a
crooked joint due to fusion of the bones.
Arthr/o; joint arthritis - inflammation of the joint
Brachi/o arm brachioradialis - is a muscle of the forearm that flexes
the forearm at the elbow
Burs/o sac bursitis - inflammation of the bursa

Calcane/o calcaneum (heel bone) calcaneovalgus - congenital deformity that is a

combination of talipes calcaneus and talipes valgus,
marked by a dorsiflexed, everted, and abducted foot
Carp/o carpus (wrist bone) carpopedal spasm - are severely painful cramps of
the muscles in your hands and feet.
Cephal/o head hydrocephalus - s a condition in which an
accumulation of cerebrospinal fluid occurs within the
Component Meaning Example
Cervic/o neck cervicothoracic - relating to the neck and thorax

Chondr/o cartilage chondrosarcoma - is a cancer composed of cells

derived from transformed cells that produce cartilage
Clavicul/o; clavicle (collar bone) claviculectomy - surgical removal of all part of a
Cleid/o clavicle
Coccyg/o; coccyx coccygeal - relating to the coccyx
coccydynia - pain in the coccyx
Cortic/o outer portion corticosteroid - the steroid hormones made by the
outer portion (cortex) of the adrenal gland.
Crani/o skull craniotomy - is a surgical operation in which a bone
flap is temporarily removed from the skull to access
the brain
Dactyl/o fingers, toes dactylology - The use of the fingers and hands to
communicate and convey ideas
Extens/o to stretch out extension - the stretching of a fractured or dislocated
limb so as to restore it to its natural position
Component Meaning Example
Fasci/o band, fascia, fibrous fasciotomy (fasciectomy) is a surgical procedure
membrane where the fascia is cut to relieve tension
Femor/o femur (thigh bone) femoroplasty - reshaping the femoral lesion, as this is
consistent with other nomenclature for the hip
Fibr/o fiber ; fibrous tissue fibromyalgia - a chronic disorder characterized by
widespread pain, tenderness, and stiffness of
Flex/o to bend flexion - a bending movement around a joint in a limb

Humer/o humerus (upper arm humeroulnar - relating to the humerus and ulna
Ili/o ilium (lateral ; flaring iliopsoas - the inner hip muscle whose function is to
portion of hip bone) flex the thigh at the hip joint.
iliopsoas bursitis - inflammation of the bursa
located beneath iliopsoas muscle
Ischi/o ischium ischial bursitis - is an inflammation of the fluid-filled
sac, or bursa that lies between the ischial tuberosity
Kinesi/o; movement kinesiology - the scientific study of human or non-
Kines/o human body movement.
Component Meaning Example
Kyph/o humpback kyphosis - is an exaggerated curvature of the upper
spine that creates a hunchback appearance
Lamin/o lamina (part of laminotomy - an orthopaedic neurosurgical
vertebral arch) procedure that removes part of the lamina of a
vertebral arch
Leiomy/o smooth muscle leiomyosarcoma (LMS) - a type of soft tissue
Lord/o curve, swayback lordosis - is an increased inward curving of the
lumbar spine
Lumb/o loins (lower back) lumbosacral - relating to the lumbar and sacral
Mandibul/o mandible mandibulotomy - incision through the jawbone to
gain exposure inside the mouth/throat
Maxill/o maxilla maxillofacial - relating to the maxilla and the face

Medull/o inner portion Medulloblastoma - a cancerous tumor that starts in

the region of the brain at the base of the skull, called
the posterior fossa
Component Meaning Example
Metacarp/o metacarpus (hand metacarpectomy - surgical excision of one or all of the
bone) metacarpals of the hand
Metatars/o metatarsus (foot bone) metatarsectomy - surgical removal of the metatarsus
or a metatarsal bone
Muscul/o musculoskeletal - denoting the musculature and
My/o muscle skeleton together
Myos/o myosarcoma - a malignant muscle tumor
Myel/o bone marrow; spinal myelopathy - describes any neurologic deficit related to
cord the spinal cord
Myocardi/o heart muscle myocarditis - also known as inflammatory
cardiomyopathy, is inflammation of the heart muscle
Orth/o straight ; erect orthopedic - deals with correction of disorders and
deformities related to the musculosketal system
Patell/o patella (kneecap) petellofemoral - relating to the patella and femur

Ped/i ; Ped/o child ; feet pediatrics - is the branch of medicine that involves the
medical care of infants, children, and adolescents

pedicure - a single treatment of the feet, toes, or nails

Component Meaning Example
Pelv/i pelvis pelvimetry - the measurement of the female pelvis
Phalang/o phalanges (bone of phalangitis - inflammation of the finger or toe caused
the fingers & toes) by rheumatic diseases
Plant/o sole of foot dorsoplantar - from top to the bottom of the foot

Pod/o foot podopaediatrics - the study of childrens feet

Prosthet/o addition prosthetic - referring to a prosthesis, an artificial

substitute or replacement of a part of the bod
Pub/o pubis; pubic bone ;
Quadr/i ; Quadr/o four quadriplegia - partial or complete paralysis of both
the arms and legs that is usually due to injury
Radi/o x-ray; radiation; radius radiology - the medical specialty concerned with
(lower arm bone on radiation for the diagnosis and treatment of disease
thumb side) radioulna - relating to, or connecting the radius and
Component Meaning Example
Rhabd/o ; rod-shaped (striated) rhabdomyoma - a benign tumor of striated muscle
Rhabdomy/o rhabdomyolysis - a condition in which skeletal
muscle is broken down
Sacr/o sacrum sacroiliac - relating to, affecting, or being the region
of the joint between the sacrum and the ilium
sacroilitis - an inflammation of one or both of your
sacroiliac joints
Scapul/o scapula scapulectomy - surgical removal of the scapula

Scoli/o crooked; bent scoliosis - is a condition involving an abnormal

sideways curvature of the spine
Spondyl/o; vertebrae (backbone) spondylosis - a painful condition of the spine
Vertebr/o resulting from the degeneration of the intervertebral
vertebroplasty - a procedure in which a special
cement is injected into a fractured vertebra
Stern/o sternum (breastbone) sternotomy - surgical incision through the sternum.
Component Meaning Example
Synovi/o ; synovial membrane; synovitis - inflammation of the synovial membrane
Synov/o synovial fluid
Tars/o ankle tarsectomy- surgical removal of the tarsal bones of
the foot
Ten/o; tendon tenorraphy - surgical suture of a divided tendon
Tend/o tendinitis - inflammation of a tendon
Thorac/o chest thoracotomy - surgical incision into the chest wall

Tibi/o tibia (larger bone of tibiofibular - relating to, or connecting the tibia and
lower leg) fibula
Uln/o ulna ulnocarpal - relating to the ulna and the carpus or to
the ulnar side of the wrist
Vers/o to turn
Component Meaning Example
Alges/o sense of pain hyperalgesia - increased sensitivity to pain

Astr/o star astrocytoma - a tumor that begins in the brain or

spinal cord in small, star-shaped cells called
Blast/o embryonic cell blastoma - a neoplasm consisting of immature
undifferentiated cells.
Caud/o tail caudocranial - between head and tail

Cephal/o head cephalalgia - pain in the head caused by dilation of

cerebral arteries
Cerebell/o cerebellum cerebellitis - a rare inflammatory syndrome
characterized by cerebellar dysfunction
Cerebr/o cerebrum cerebritis - is an infection of the brain that normally
leads to the formation of an abscess within the brain
Crani/o cranium; skull craniectomy - is a surgery done to remove a part of
your skull
Component Meaning Example
Dur/o dura mater duraplasty - the dura is cut open and a patch is sewn
in to expand the dural surface
Encephal/o brain encephalopathy - a term that means brain disease,
damage, or malfunction
Gangli/o ganglion ; knot or ganglioma - a tumor of a ganglion
knot-like mass
Gli/o glue ; neuroglial tissue glioma - a type of tumor that starts in the glial cells of
the brain or the spine
Kinesi/o ; Kines/o movement kinesiology - is the scientific study of human or non-
human body movement
Later/o side, to one side lateral - toward or from the side to sides

Lept/o thin ; slender leptomenigitis - inflammation of the subarachnoid

Lob/o lobe lobotomy - a surgical operation involving incision into
the prefrontal lobe of the brain
Component Meaning Example
Medull/o inner portion medulloblastoma - type of brain tumor that tends to
occur in children, arise in the cerebellum
Menig/o ; Meningi/o meninges ; membranes meningitis - is an inflammation of the protective
covering the brain & membranes covering the brain and spinal cor
spinal cord
Myel/o spinal cord myelopathy - an injury to the spinal cord due to
severe compression
Narc/o stupor, sleep, narcolepsy - is a sleep disorder characterized by
numbness excessive sleepiness
Nerv/o ; Neur/i ; nerve neurology - deals with the anatomy, functions, and
Neur/o organic disorders of nerves and the nervous system.
Poli/o grey matter poliomyelitis - inflammation of the gray matter of the
brain and spinal cord
Pont/o pons pontocerebellar - refers to the pons and the
Psych/o mind; soul psychology - the scientific study of the mind and
Component Meaning Example
Radicul/o nerve root radiculopathy - any disease of the spinal nerve roots
and spinal nerves.
Spasmod/o sudden involuntary spasmodic - a loss of muscular control
Thalam/o thalamus thalamotomy - a surgical operation involving
electrocoagulation of areas of the thalamus to
interrupt pathways
Ventricul/o ventricle of heart or ventriculography - radiography of the ventricles of
brain the brain with the cerebral fluid
Component Meaning Example
Adren/o; Adrenal/o adrenal glands adrenomegaly - enlargement of the adrenal glands

Andr/o male andrology - the branch of physiology and medicine

which deals with diseases and conditions specific to
Chrom/o color chromophobia - is a persistent, irrational fear of, or
aversion to colors
Cortic/o outer portion corticosteroid - the steroid hormones made by the
outer portion (cortex) of the adrenal gland.
Crin/o secrete ; come out crinogenic - causing secretion; stimulating a gland to
increased function
Cyt/o cell cytolosis - the usually pathological dissolution or
disintegration of cells
Gigant/o giant ; very large gigantism - is a rare condition that causes abnormal
growth in children
Gluc/o glucose ; sugar; gluconeogenesis - is a metabolic pathway that
sweetness results in the generation of glucose from certain non-
carbohydrate carbon substrate
Component Meaning Example
Gonad/o sex glands ; gonads gonadectomy - surgical removal of either the testes
in males or the ovaries in females
Hirsut/o hairy; rough hirsutism - a condition of unwanted, male-pattern
hair growth in women

Opthalm/o eye opthalmology - a branch of medical science dealing

with the structure, functions, and diseases of the eye
Ovari/o ovary ovariotomy - surgical incision into an ovary

Pancreat/o pancreas pancreatectomy - surgical removal of the pancreas

Pineal/o pineal gland pinealoblastoma - a malignant tumor of the pineal

Testicul/o testis ; testicle testiculitis - inflammation of the coiled tube
(epididymis) at the back of the testicle
Thyr/o ; Thyroid/o thyroid gland thyroidectomy - operation that involves the surgical
removal of all or part of the thyroid gland
Component Meaning Example
Gonad/o sex glands ; gonads gonadectomy - surgical removal of either the testes
in males or the ovaries in females
Hirsut/o hairy; rough hirsutism - a condition of unwanted, male-pattern
hair growth in women

Opthalm/o eye opthalmology - a branch of medical science dealing

with the structure, functions, and diseases of the eye
Ovari/o ovary ovariotomy - surgical incision into an ovary

Pancreat/o pancreas pancreatectomy - surgical removal of the pancreas

Pineal/o pineal gland pinealoblastoma - a malignant tumor of the pineal

Testicul/o testis ; testicle testiculitis - inflammation of the coiled tube
(epididymis) at the back of the testicle
Thyr/o ; Thyroid/o thyroid gland thyroidectomy - operation that involves the surgical
removal of all or part of the thyroid gland

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