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The Excellency the head of pringgajurang village

The honorable the chairman of fil-khair NW Pringgajurang Muslim Boarding School

The honorable the school committee of MTs NW Pringgajurang
The respectable Mr. Principle of MTs NW Pringgajurang
The respectable all the teacher and school staff of MTs NW Pringgajurang
The honorable the students’ family of guardion

Dear sister and brothers.

The invitee and the blessed audience.
The sequences of our agenda are:
The first is Opening
The second is reciting the Holy Qur'an and saritilawah
The third is reciting Fatihah-Fatihah and Shalawatunnahdlatain
The fourth is the chairman reporting speech
The fifth is reporting speech by Mr. headmaster
The sixth is impression and suggestion of the ninth grader
The seventh is Goodbye statement of the seventh and eighth grader
The eight is welcoming speeches
The ninth is Graduation Announcement
And the last is prayer and Closing

Ladies and gentlemen, to make our time more efficient, let’s begine our agenda start from the
first. That is opening. Let’s open this agenda by reciting basmalah together.

The second is the recitation of the holy qur’an, surah Ali Imran one hundred the two and one
hundred the third that will be recited by our brother ....................................., it will be followd
by reading sarittilawah by ………………………………………. Time is yours.
ShadaqallahulAdzim 3x

The third agenda is reciting Fatihah-Fatihah and Shalawatunnahdlatain than will be headed by
Mr …………………………….. the floor is yours.

The next agenda is reporting speech.To Mr.Syakran, S.Pd, the floor is yours.
Our agenda is continued by reporting speech and delivery speech by The headmaster of MTs
NW Pringgajurang and the handover of the 9th-grade students.
Thank you very much for delivering your speech.
We are going to the sixth program that is the impression and message from grade 9 will be
represented by the sister ………………………………………… and will be connected with the farewell
song from grade 9.
Thanks you for your suggestion

The next agenda is goodbye statement of seventh and eight graders. It will be represented by
Intan makna Putri and Rara Andriani. and will be coupled with a goodbye song from grade
Seventh and eight. The time is yours.
The next agenda is welcoming speeches.
1. The first welcoming speech will be delivered by the Head of Pringgajurang Village. The time
is yours.
Tank you
2. The next agenda is receving words that will be delivered by student’s family of
guardian………………………………………. The floor is yours.
Thank you indeed to the student’s family of guardian.

Before stepping to the next program, we are about to present the entertainment that is going
to be delivered by MTs NW Pringgajurang Student. The time is yours

The next agenda is the announcement of graduation will be delivered by Mr. …………………...
The floor is yours.
Thank you
The blessed ladies and gentlemen.
The last agenda is a prayer and closing ceremony.
We please Mr. Muhammad Mujahid, S.Pd to lead the prayer.

Ladies and gentlemen, brothers and sisters.

Before closing our agenda, we say thank you so much indeed for coming in this thanksgiving
ceremony fo the ninth grade students forty ninth graduated of MTs NW Pringgajurang in
academic year 2020-2021. We are so sorry for mistake. Lets close this agenda by reciting
Let us close today's program by reading Hamdalah…. Alhamdulillah
Wabillahi Taufiq walhidayah… Wassalamualaikumwr. wb

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