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1 Will & Going

Will & going to
are used to
express the
‫يستخدم كالهما للتعبير عن المستقبل‬

a- Will

• Form:

Will + infinitive ( without to)

Ex : They will travel to Paris next year .

Negative : They won't travel to Paris next year
Question : will they travel to Paris next year ?

• Usage :

1- To express a future decision or intention ( quick decision)

‫للتعبير عن نية بدون تخطيط مسبق‬

Ex : Which one do you want? The blue or the red ?

I'll take the red

2- To express a prediction ‫للتعبير عن شيء أنت تتوقع حدوثه‬

Ex : we will use robots in all houses in 2020

3- To express an offer :‫لتقديم عرض‬

Ex : I'll carry your suitcase .

4- To express promise : ‫للوعد‬

Ex : He promises he will phone everyday
5- To make a threat : ‫للتهديد‬
EX: If you don’t behave well , I’ll tell your father

6- Request :‫للطلب‬
Will you open the door for me , please ?

b- Going to

• Form:

is + going to

Ex : We are going to work together

Negative: We aren’t going to work together
Question : Are you going to work together?

• Usage :

1- to express a future decision or intention or plan made before

‫للتعبير عن نية أو قرار مخطط له مسبقا‬
EX : they are going to buy a new car .

2- to express a prediction you feel it must happen (There is evidence)

‫للتعبير عن شيء أنت متأكد من حدوثه لوجود دليل‬
Ex : Look at the clouds! It's going to rain

A- Choose the Correct Answer :
1- My suitcase is so heavy! Give it to me. (I'll –I'm going to) carry it for
2- I bought some warm boots because I ( I'll go – I'm going) skiing.
3- "Tony's back from holiday." "Is he? I ( I'll – I'm going to) give him a
4- We ('ll –'re going to) see "Hamlet" at the Royal Shakespeare tonight.
The tickets were very expensive.
5- You can tell me your secret. I (won't – am not going to) tell anyone
6- I need to get these letters in the post as soon as possible"
"I ('ll go – 'm going) shopping now. I ('ll – 'm going to) post them for you.

7- Where (will you go – are you going )on holiday this year? "Turkey.
What about you?
- " We don't know yet .Maybe we (will go – are going to) Spain.
8- " I haven’t got enough money to get home"
I ('ll – 'm going to) lend you some, if you like. How much do you want?
"Two pounds is enough. I ('ll – 'm going to) give it back tomorrow."
9- "Dad, can you sew on a button for me?"
"I can't sew. Ask Mum. She ('ll – is going to) to do it for you.
10- " Why are you working so hard these days?"
"Because ('ll – 'm going to) buy a car, so I'm saving as much as I can

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