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Upload details for Group 4 science subjects for the May 2016 examination

session – Internal Assessment.

Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Marine Science Individual Investigations
For the above new science courses, the internal assessment will be uploaded by schools for the May
2016 examination session as outlined in the September 2015 issue of Coordinator’s notes and
expanded upon in the documents “2016 eCoursework Guide – Edition 1 (October 2015)” and “May
2016 – Forms and coversheets” available on IBIS.

Schools will be required to upload the marked Individual Investigation of each candidate in the
sample which will be moderated by an examiner. Schools will also be required to upload the 4/ICCS
form (4/ICCSMS – Marine Science). Contrary to the instructions in the subject guides, schools will
not be required to upload the 4/IA form or the 4/PSOW form (4/IAMS or 4/PSOWMS – Marine

The 4/IA form is a checklist of activities necessary for correct submission of samples. With uploading,
errors in process should be less likely and so the form is no longer necessary.

The 4/PSOW form is a record of all practical activities carried out by a class. The form is not required
to moderate the Individual Investigations, so it is not necessary to submit this form. However, the
4/PSOW is an essential planning and recording document for teachers to ensure that a suitable
range of practical activities is carried out and that the appropriate hours are allocated to practical
work. Teachers should continue to maintain this form (or their own version of it including all the
same information) to record the practical activities carried out by the class. The form should be
retained in the school and made available to the IB, for example, during the five year school
evaluation process.

The 4/ICCS must be submitted via the uploading tool. This form includes the candidate statement
outlining their involvement in the Group 4 project. Although not directly assessed by the IB,
evidence that a candidate has participated in a Group 4 project is necessary to fulfil the
requirements of the course.

The 4/ICCS form was replaced on the Online Curriculum Centre in September 2015 with a .pdf
version compatible with our uploading software. A previous version can be uploaded by converting
the file following the instructions below:

Save the form as a CutePDF file:

1) File > Print
2) Chose the printer called CutePDF Writer
3) Click Print. This will save the file as a PDF form in an IB compatible format.

CutePDF Writer is available as a free download if not already installed.

Design Technology HL and SL Design Project

The Design Technology HL and SL Design Project will not be uploaded until the November 2016
session. For the May 2016 session, the first session of the new course, the sample of candidate work
selected by IBIS will be posted to the examiner for moderation. As with Biology, Chemistry and
Physics, only a 4/ICCSDT form for each sample candidate needs to be sent with Design Projects to
the examiner. Contrary to the subject guide, the 4/PSOWDT and the 4/IADT do not need to be sent
for the same reasons as stated above. However, the 4/PSOWDT is an essential planning and
recording document for teachers to ensure a suitable range of practical activities is carried out and
that the appropriate hours are allocated to practical work. Teachers should continue to maintain this
form (or their own version of it including all the same information) to record the practical activities
carried out by the class. The form should be retained in the school and made available to the IB, for
example, during the five year school evaluation process.

Computer Science Solution

For Computer Science, the internal assessment will be uploaded by schools for the May 2016
examination session as outlined in the September 2015 issue of Coordinator’s notes and expanded
upon in the documents “2016 eCoursework Guide – Edition 1 (October 2015)” and “May 2016 –
Forms and coversheets” available on IBIS.

The .zip file, one per sample candidate, previously stored on a CD/DVD/USB drive, should now be
uploaded using the uploading tool.

Environmental Systems and Societies (ESS)

Sports, Exercise and Health Science (SEHS)
Internal assessment in these subjects will not be uploaded by schools in 2016. Therefore there are
no changes to submission arrangements or forms for these subjects.

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