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10 foods to maintain gall bladder health

October 15, 2019 by admin

A tiny pouch-like organ, the gallbladder is situated right behind the liver. It helps
in the storage and release of bile produced by the liver, it is important to regulate
fat metabolism also. When the gallbladder fails to perform its function it leads to
conditions such as gallstones. To ensure a healthy gallbladder, one needs to
monitor what he/she eats. Along with eating the right foods, it is also vital to
avoid certain foods to reduce their harmful effects on the gallbladder.
Table of Contents

10 super foods that work beyond measure to

keep the gall bladder healthy:
1. Beetroot

Beetroot is a unique food that exerts pure magic on the gallbladder.

They are a rich source of phosphorous, protein, fibre, zinc,
manganese, magnesium, copper, potassium, vitamins A, B6 and C,
iron and calcium. All these nutrients help the liver to produce healthy
bile and to maintain the gallbladder’s overall health. As an added
bonus, the nitrates in the beetroots convert into nitric oxide in the
body and help reduce blood pressure.

2. Cranberries

Cranberries help to resolve gallbladder problems. The malic acid

present in cranberries helps to discontinue the stagnation of bile. It
also helps to break down bile stones if present, which is formed due
to the solidification of the stagnant bile.

3. Radishes

Any type of radish – daikon, black, or white, are good detoxifiers of

the liver as well the gallbladder. They contain folate, sulphur,
potassium, riboflavin, vitamin B6 and C, and small amounts of
phosphorous, calcium and iron making them antispasmodic, diuretic
and astringent in nature. Due to these nutrients, radish is, in fact,
considered to be a choleretic – food that relaxes the bile ducts
ensuring smooth flow of the bile.
4. Dandelion greens
Dandelion greens (frequently used in dandelion teas) belong to the
group of cholagogues – herbs that promote bile discharge. They
contain flavonoids that purify blood and increase urination. Their rich
source of potassium flushes out the toxins and maintains the balance
of minerals in the liver and gall bladder and balance of bacterial flora
in the intestines.

5. Nuts and seeds

Nuts and seeds work miracles not just on the gallbladder but for the
entire body. They are a powerhouse of proteins, unsaturated fats,
fibre, potassium and magnesium which work together to reduce
inflammation, especially of the gallbladder. Sprouting seeds like
flaxseeds and pumpkin seeds and pre-soaking nuts like almonds and
walnuts before eating them (as it neutralises their enzymes and
allows easy digestion) is extremely beneficial. However, the
consumption of nuts and seeds must be moderated (not more than
2 spoons each day).

6. Fresh fruits and vegetables

Increasing the consumption of fresh fruits and vegetables in the daily
diet is a marvelous way to keep the gallbladder healthy. Including
raw, natural foods in the diet, every day helps in lowering the
probability of gallbladder stones. Additionally, fruits and vegetables
are rich sources of natural antioxidants, fibres, electrolytes, minerals,
and water and yet they are low in fats as well as salts. Fresh fruits and
vegetables flush out the toxins from the gallbladder and diminish the
chances of occurrence of gallbladder stones to the bare minimum.

7. Legumes and beans

Legumes and beans, especially when eaten sprouted (as they
increase their protein quotient and make them easier to digest), are
a great source of dietary fibre, proteins, magnesium, iron, zinc and
vitamin B12. They ease the digestive system by breaking down the
gluten, help in keeping the colon clean and significantly decrease the
risk of gallbladder stones.

8. Egg yolks
Along with the good fats, egg yolks contain lecithin and choline that
keep the risk of the occurrence of gallbladder stones at bay. Their
partially cooked form is the best way to consume them for the
gallbladder’s benefit.

9. Poultry, lean meats, and fish

Gall bladder stones are formed due to the hardening of the
cholesterol in the bile. Protein-rich foods like chicken, lean meats
and fish can counteract the effects of cholesterol-rich foods thereby
relieving the stress on the gallbladder by flushing out all its toxins.

10. Coconut oil

Oils like coconut oil contain good fats – fats that the body requires
every day to remain healthy. It is rich in medium-chained fatty acids,
which is a basic requirement to keep the gallbladder in a good shape
and to maintain the body’s overall health. Certain oils like coconut oil
or extra virgin olive oil also have anti-inflammatory properties, which
further aid to maintain a healthy gallbladder.

6 easy ways to ensure gallbladder health:

1. Keep clear of fatty substances like fried, processed foods, red meats,
2. Avoiding fasting or skipping meals
3. Regularising meal timings
4. Losing weight (if necessary), but gradually
5. Maintaining a healthy body weight
6. Exercising for at least 30 min every day
CategoriesHealth CareTagsfoods to maintain gall bladder health, maintain gall bladder
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