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Carlos Hilado Memorial State College

Alijis Campus | Binalbagan Campus | Fortune Towne Campus | Talisay Campus

Graduate Studies, Fortune Towne Campus

Submitted by : Lorena Mae A. Lasquite

Year and Section : MBA I-A
Submitted to :Dr. Jay Jay M. Pisuena, MPA, MBA
Case No. 1
Title: Management Decision Case: Unilever Makes Sustainability “Business as Usual”

I. Problem: How will Unilever strategize their sustainability plan while satisfying the
company’s financial growth?

II. Alternative Courses of Action:

1. Unilever should take the advantage of being sustainable in order to establish
dominance among its competitors.
2. Unilever can build a positive public image through sustainable practice.
3. Unilever should commit to innovation that could bring solutions to societal
challenges and changes in environment.
4. Unilever should help small companies that aim to help the environment.
5. Unilever should create more networks to rural areas to promote eco-friendly

III. Analysis

Among the five alternative courses of action, I choose number three which is “Unilever
should maintain their commitment to innovation that could bring solutions to societal
challenges and changes in Environment”.
The only constant thing in this world is change. Every business needs to adapt this
challenge in order to sustain their goals and objectives. Unilever is one of the examples
wherein innovation is very vital to their organization. One of their concerns is to provide
products to consumer that is eco-friendly. Science, technology, and product development
are basis to their plans to keep providing consumers with satisfying brands that will improve
their lives while living a positive impact on the environment and society. As the CEO Cescau
says, “It’s all about growth and innovation”. In the future it will be the only way to do
business. So in that note of the Unilever’s CEO, it is very significant to innovate the products
and maintain their practice of sustainability that frames the business plan and give impacts
to the relationship of the customers and the employees within the organization. Unilever
also give importance to their Corporate Social Responsibility which is one also of the ways
wherein they can elevate their relationship with their employees, consumers, shareholders,
suppliers, governments and local communities. Green marketing is one of their trademark
and their strategy as well wherein they promote activities that help the nation that
struggles with poverty, water scarcity and climate change. Through this project of Unilever
they maintain their competitiveness to the market. Green Marketing is their brand that will
help them to be more attractive to the eyes of their customers especially today that people
are aware that climate change is really a big deal to our planet. Since Unilever has a strong
focus on sustainability meaning they are likely to have a stronger financial performance
compared to other companies that have not made the move towards sustainability.
Carlos Hilado Memorial State College
Alijis Campus | Binalbagan Campus | Fortune Towne Campus | Talisay Campus

Graduate Studies, Fortune Towne Campus

IV. Conclusion

Therefore I conclude that Unilever proved that Sustainability and Profitability can
concur with each other. Unilever’s sustainable living brands with strong social and
environmental purpose achieved the company’s ambitious sustainability goals. If the two
variables did not coincide with each other maybe Unilever is not that successful today.

V. Recommendation

Therefore I recommend that Unilever should continue to operate a free community laundry
not only in Sao Paulo but to other countries as well, they should keep up of financing farmers to
do eco-friendly activities that will help the environment and to the people around the world.
Unilever should focus also with their strengths such as strong brands, wide product mix and
strong global market presence because these strengths permit the company to penetrate
markets and effectively compete against other businesses.

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