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#pagenàygiúpbạnthúcđẩyquátrìnhhọctiếnganh #bàiđọc3


DISAPPOINTS IN CLINICAL TRIAL 1. deliver: mang lại, gây ra
2. preliminary results: kết
The German company CureVac delivered disappointing quả sơ bộ /prɪˈlɪm.ə.ner.i/
preliminary results on Wednesday from a clinical trial of its 3. clinical trial: thử nghiệm
Covid-19 vaccine, dimming hopes that it could help fill the lâm sàng /ˈklɪn.ɪ.kəl/
world’s great need. 4. dimming hopes: hi vọng
mờ nhạt
The trial, which included 40,000 volunteers in Latin - Bonus: grim future: tương
America and Europe, estimated that CureVac’s mRNA lai mù mịt
vaccine had an efficacy of just 47 percent, among the lowest 5. fill one’s need: đáp ứng
reported so far from any Covid-19 vaccine maker. The trial nhu cầu
will continue as researchers monitor volunteers for new 6. efficacy: hiệu lực (thuốc,
cases of Covid-19, with a final analysis expected in two to phương pháp)
three weeks. 7. so far: gần đây
8. monitor: sự giám sát
“We’re going to full speed for the final readout,” 9. (at) full speed: hết tốc lực
Franz-Werner Haas, CureVac’s chief executive, said in an 10. readout: số liệu đưa ra
interview. “We are still planning for filing for approval.” 11. file for sth: đưa ra lời đề
nghị cho (một văn bản nào
The company plans to apply for authorization initially to the đó)
European Medicines Agency. The European Union reached 12. reach an agreement: đạt
an agreement last year to purchase 405 million doses of the được thỏa thuận
vaccine if the agency authorizes it. 13. authorize (v): ủy quyền,
cấp phép
Independent experts, however, said it would be difficult for 14. recover (v): khôi phục
CureVac to recover. Natalie Dean, a biostatistician at the 15. somewhat (adv): phần
University of Florida, said that the vaccine’s efficacy rate nào
might improve somewhat by the end of the trial. But because 16. turn out to be adj: trở
most of the data is already in, it’s unlikely the vaccine will nên như thế nào
turn out to be highly protective. “It’s not going to change 17. protective (adj): được
dramatically,” she said. bảo vệ
18. change dramatically:
And with an efficacy rate that low — far lower than the thay đổi đáng kinh ngạc
roughly 95 percent of competing mRNA vaccines made by 19. efficacy rate: tỉ lệ hiệu
Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna — the results do not bode quả
well for CureVac’s shots getting adopted. 20. roughly: xấp xỉ
21. bode well/ill for: báo
hiệu tốt/xấu cho điều gì
“This is pretty devastating for them,” said Jacob Kirkegaard, 22. devastating: tuyệt vọng,
a vaccine supply expert at the Peterson Institute for kinh ngạc
International Economics, a think tank in Washington. 23. think tank: một nhóm
các chuyên gia phát triển ý
The news was disappointing to experts who had hoped the tưởng, đưa ra đề nghị cho
company could provide vaccines for low- and một hành động
middle-income countries that don’t have nearly enough.
CureVac had some advantages over the other mRNA
vaccines, such as keeping stable for months in a refrigerator. 24. keep stable: giữ vững ổn
What’s more, compared with its competitors, CureVac’s định
vaccine used fewer mRNA molecules per jab, lowering its 25. molecule: phân tử
cost. /ˈmɑː.lɪ.kjuːl/

The trial results released on Wednesday were based on data

from 135 volunteers who got sick with Covid-19. An
independent panel compared the number of sick people who 26. panel: nhóm người được
had received a placebo with those who had received the chọn ra (để phát biểu, trả
vaccine. Although the vaccine did seem to offer some lời,…)
protection, the statistical difference between the two groups 27. placebo: giả dược
was not stark, working out to an efficacy rate of 47 percent. 28. stark (adj): rõ ràng

Annual flu shots, by comparison, can reach 40 to 60 percent

effectiveness. Both the World Health Organization and the
Food and Drug Administration set a threshold of 50 percent 29. set a threshold: đặt ra
efficacy to consider Covid-19 vaccines for emergency một cái ngưỡng, mức
authorization. If CureVac were to stay at 47 percent in the 30. meet that standard: đáp
final analysis, it would fail to meet that standard. ứng được tiêu chuẩn

The results caught scientists by surprise. The vaccine is 31. take/catch sb by

made from engineered mRNA, the same technology used by surprise: diễn ra bất ngờ
the Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna vaccines. And CureVac’s 32. promising results:
shots yielded promising results in animal experiments and những kết quả đầy hứa hẹn
early clinical trials.

“This one’s a bit of a head-scratcher,” 33. head-scratcher: điều khó

hiểu, kì bí
Dr. Dean said. Dr. Haas blamed the disappointing results on
the high number of virus variants in the countries where the 34. virus variants: các biến
vaccine was tested. Out of 124 of the Covid-19 cases that the thể của vi rút
company’s scientists genetically sequenced, only one was
caused by the original version of the coronavirus.
More than half of the cases were caused by variants that 35. transmissible: (dịch
have been shown to be more transmissible or able to blunt bệnh) có thể lây truyền
the effectiveness of vaccines. CureVac’s volunteers were 36. blunt the effectiveness:
also infected by variants that have yet to be studied làm giảm tính hiệu quả
carefully. Lambda, which has come to dominate Peru in 37. have yet to do sth: chưa
recent weeks, accounted for 21 percent of the samples. hề làm gì cho tới nay
38. dominate (v): chi phối,
Dr. Haas said that the results should serve as a wake-up call có ưu thế hơn
for the threat that new variants can pose to the effectiveness 39. serve as a wake-up call:
of vaccines. CureVac is searching for new RNA molecules đóng vai trò như một lời/hồi
that can work against many variants at once, as well as chuông cảnh tỉnh
combining RNA molecules tailored to different variants in a 40. pose a threat to: đe dọa
single dose. “It’s a new Covid reality, that’s for sure,” he đến
said. 41. work against/for sb: làm
khó/dễ cho ai để đạt được
Moderna and Pfizer-BioNTech were tested last year before cái gì
variants had emerged, which could partially account for their 42. tailored (adj): được
much higher efficacy rates. Even so, studies have found that điều chỉnh cho phù hợp
their real-world effectiveness only drops moderately in the 43. emerge (v): xảy ra, xuất
face of variants. In a study in Qatar, for example, the hiện
Pfizer-BioNTech was 87 to 89.5 percent effective against the 44. account for: chiếm (tỉ
Alpha variant first identified in Britain and 72.1 to 75 lệ) = take up
percent effective against Beta, which was first found in 45. drop moderately: giảm
South Africa. ít, từ từ
46. in the fact of: mặc dù
Dr. Haas also noted that in the preliminary findings, older đối mặt với
people appear to get less protection from the vaccine than 47. identify: xác định
younger volunteers. “The elderly are not benefiting,” he
said. But it isn’t clear if the final results of the trial will
allow CureVac to be confident about any difference between
the two groups.

Prashant Yadav, a health care supply chain expert at the 48. health care supply chain
Center for Global Development in Washington, said the expert: chuyên gia chuỗi
disappointing results challenge the assumption that all cung ứng về chăm sóc sức
mRNA vaccines are alike. khỏe

“We’ve had this question mark since the very start of 49. the very start: (nhấn
research on mRNA vaccines,” he said. It’s possible, Dr. mạnh) vừa mới lúc bắt đầu
Yadav said, that CureVac’s design may be partly to blame 50. be to blame for: bị đổ
for the low efficacy, not just the variants. lỗi gây ra cái gì
Although many vaccine experts had seen promise for 51. see promise for sth: nhìn
CureVac’s shots in much of the unvaccinated world, the new ra sự hứa hẹn cho
results cloud their outlook. 52. cloud their outlook: gây
hoang mang cho triển vọng
phát triển
*cloud (v): làm cái gì trở
nên khó hiểu, gây hoang

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