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Quotes from Article Relationship to MGT314

‘But as soon as pressure built in the array of  Forecasting- To take informed

pumps, tubes and tanks at the plant on Sept. decisions such as to match supply and
11, it became clear something was wrong, demand
Pfizer team leaders told The Washington Post
in the most detailed public accounting of the
company’s efforts to Produce mass quantities
of vaccine.’
When a vat operators checked at the end of  Feedback- Pfizer got their product
the production run, (vaccine) checked as they desired to
most of the key ingredient — the fat molecule acquire knowledge about whether they
encasing the did their job correctly or not.
messenger RNA — was missing.
The  Capacity- It is the vaccine’s capacity
vaccine is composed of a lipid nanoparticle, a to immune a person from the virus.
sphere of fat
molecules encapsulating a strand of
messenger RNA, which
instructs human cells to make proteins that
trigger antibodies
and prime the immune system against future
viral invasions.
But it would do little good unless  Impact of technology
Pfizer could rapidly take the  Impact of correct equipment
new nanoparticle technology from lab
to mass production
The company and its vaccine partner  Competitiveness
BioNTech would ultimately  Pfizer has a competitive edge
master the job of churning out large batches
of mRNA vaccine,
making it the clearest winner among drug
companies to emerge
from the pandemic
“The weight of the world was on us. We have  Capacity- Pfizer did not have the
the manufacturing capability for a solution to capacity to distribute doses to all the
the pandemic, and we knew we couldn’t go countries around the globe at once.
fast enough,” said Chaz Calitri, Pfizer’s vice
president of operations for injectable drugs in
the United States and Europe.
Experts say waiving patents won’t help  Impact of Technology in production
poorer nations acquire technical complexity
of manufacturing coronavirus vaccines. (Luis
Velarde/The Washington Post)
Pfizer and other companies are building  Determinant of effective capacity-
mRNA vaccine pipelines for influenza, HIV, Product and service factors
tuberculosis, rabies, rotavirus, malaria, and
Zika, according to an analysis by the
investment advisory firm Berenberg Capital
What looks like success now was not clear at  Judgmental forecasting technique
all on March 20, 2020
The building where most of the coronavirus  Determinants of effective capacity-
vaccine production happens is a quarter-mile Facilities (size of the location)
Pfizer ordered every special freezer it could  Available Capacity- Pfizer made sure
get from supplier Thermo Fisher, and then that they have available resources,
asked Thermo Fisher to make more skills and equipment for their work
We had no expertise at that point about this  Expertise- Pfizer lacked some
Inside Pfizer’s race to produce the world’s expertise in operating some
biggest supply of covid vaccine about equipment. The best alternative at that
equipment, and we had to develop a way to time for a production company would
make it commercially viable.” be ‘buying’. Since, covid is a different
and unfortunate situation, Pfizer had
to overcome their flaws.
The company said on Nov. 9  Effectiveness of the forecast-
that its vaccine was shown to be more than 90 Forecasts are rarely perfect and the
percent effective at preventing covid-19 effectiveness of each forecast should
be mentioned, which Pfizer did by
mentioning that their vaccines are
90% effective.

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