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America in the year 2050," according to the report.

The report said the average number of refugees from

the Middle East and North Africa has halved and its
global average has risen by more than 1 million
since 1997 since the U.N. came into force.

Most of the refugees from countries such as Jordan

and Lebanon, which hold about 2.65 million people,
remain under the control of the U.N.-backed "axis of
evil," according to the report.

"The Syrian situation will remain stable this year

even if ISIS has grown and the terrorist group is no
longer able to successfully move into Syria," the
report said.

U.N. Secretary General Ban Ki-moon urged Syria on

Sunday to step up its efforts against Islamic State
and "strengthen cooperation and cooperation between
the three parties with an understanding of what lies
ahead" after ISIS's capture of territory in central
Syria and the capture of large swaths of territory.

"Our security and dignity as allies was guaranteed

with the protection of the international community,
which is not possible without the protection of all
non-member states," Ban said.

He said he urged Syrian President Bashar al-Assad to

end a policy "designed to increase the threat it
faces to the lives and security of the people of the
region and to stop making peace," including a "total
and complete withdrawal from Syria" that would
create "severe and unprecedented humanitarian and
social conditions."

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