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The Perniciousness of
Malignant Aggression &
the Worship of Speed
Has Hidiously Enfeebled
the Italian People
I was stimulated to write this essay after having read Erich Fromm’s (1900-1980)
twelfth chapter (Malignant Aggression: Necrophilia) from his chef-d'oeuvre,
The Anatomy of Human Destructiveness (1974):
“The overt connection between destruction and the
worship of technique (speed)
found its first explicit and eloquent expression in
Filippo Tommaso Marinetti (1876-1944),
the founder and leader of Italian Futurism and a lifelong Fascist.”

It is with ease that one can come across in Italy remnants of the “Bullying
Epoch” of the Italian twentieth-century yesteryear—often referred to with
the euphemism “fascism” used to give that period of time some sort of
“political correctness” so as to cover up an infinity of boorishnesses,
brutishnesses, incompetences, murdering, and blatant ignorance. Any visit
to any Italian bureaucracy will slap you in the face with some arrogant
carry-over from Gestapo times. Any dealing with Italian law will humiliate
and repulse you. You do not want to send your children to Italian schools—
unless you can fund their education in some costly private school. (One
Florentine woman friend, a “noble woman,” who is a member of a family
famous in the world for its luxury items, told me flat out: “Italian schools
are s**t! I have to spend a fortune to send my children to private schools in
England.”) Yes, of course, there are fantastic snob hospitals in Italy, but their
costs might kill you. The crème de la crème today is still reserved for the
select few just as it had been allocated to the “elite” during the Mussolini

But this nonfictional prose is reserved still for another residuum of the
“Bullying Epoch”—speed and its repulsiveness. Why speed? Marinetti’s
philosophy was initially exposed in his Manifesto del Futurismo, published
for the first time in the French newspaper, Le Figaro, on 20 February 1909,
just when Europe was in the throes of the economic unstableness and the
social unrest that would lead to millions of deaths during the First World

Marinetti, just like many Italians in modern times, was obsessed with Italy’s
Past. He believed that Italy was obliged to separate itself from centuries of
abandonment of thought and sentimentality. Italy was in need of a rapid,
violent evolution. It was not that Italians were living in the Past. It was
worse. Italians were prisoners of a Past that no longer belonged to them.
This horrifying state could be subverted only by patriotism, war (“the only
hygiene in this world”), and all that is modern.

His Manifesto del Futurismo must be scanned:

We intend to sing the love of danger,
the habit of energy and fearlessness.

Courage, audacity, and revolt will be essential elements
of our poetry.

Up to now literature has exalted a pensive immobility,
ecstasy, and sleep. We intend to exalt aggressive action,
a feverish insomnia, the racer’s stride, the moral leap,
the punch and the slap.

We say that the world’s magnificence has been enriched
by a new beauty; the beauty of speed.
A racing car whose hood is adorned with great pipes;
like serpents of explosive breath—a roaring car
that seems to ride on grapeshot—is more beautiful than the
“Victory of Samothrace.”
(Also called “The Nike of Samothrace,”
a renowned work of Hellenistic sculpture
that is displayed at the Louvre.)

We shall sing a hymn to the man at the wheel,
who hurls the lance of his spirit across the Earth,
along the circle of its orbit.

The poet must spend himself
with ardor, splendor, and generosity,
to swell the enthusiastic fervor of the primordial elements.

Except in struggle, there is no more beauty.
No work without an aggressive character can be a masterpiece.
Poetry must be conceived as a violent attack on unknown forces,
to reduce and prostrate them before man.

We stand on the last promontory of the century!
Why should we look back,
when what we want is to break down
the mysterious doors of the Impossible?
Time and Space died yesterday.
We already live in the absolute, because we have recreated
eternal, omnipresent speed.

We will glorify war—the world’s only hygiene—militarism,
patriotism, the destructive gesture of freedom bringers;
beautiful ideas worth dying for, and scorn for women.

We will destroy the museums, libraries, academies of every kind,
will fight moralism, feminism,
every opportunistic or utilitarian cowardice.
We will sing of great crowds excited by work, by pleasure,
and by riot; we will sing of the multi-colored,
polyphonic tides of revolution in the modern capitals;
we will sing of the vibrant nightly fervor of arsenals
and shipyards blazing with violent electric moons;
greedy railroad stations that devour smoke-plumed serpents;
factories hung on clouds by the crooked lines of their smoke;
bridges that stride the rivers like giant gymnasts flashing in the sun,
with a glitter of knives; adventurous steamers
that sniff the horizon; deep-chested locomotives
whose wheels paw the tracks like the hooves of enormous steel horses
bridled by tubing; and, the sleek flight of planes whose propellers
chatter in the wind like banners and seem to cheer
like an enthusiastic crowd.”

(R W Flint, editor, Works of Marinetti, 1971)

Before we return to “destruction and the worship of technique” and

“malignant aggression” in Italy, and The Brazen Boot’s unending penchant
for speed, it is necessary to review, in brief, Professor Fromm’s twelfth
chapter, Malignant Aggression: Necrophilia.

Professor Fromm begins his discussion with graphic examples of

necrophilia furnished by H. von Hentig (1887-1974), the renown German
criminologist, who documented instances of sexual relations consummated
between living men and women and the corpses of those found dead in
hospitals, cemeteries, grave digging locations, and funeral homes. Dr Fromm
calls these “examples of necrophilia in the traditional sense.”

Fromm argues that there exists a character-rooted passion that can lead to
malignant aggression, necrophilia, but not a necrophilia as we might think
of it in the traditional sense. People can be “necrophilic types” without
having sexual relations with dead bodies, nor have desires to continually
gaze at them or wish to dismember them and even digest their body parts.
Often, necrophilic-prone subjects, who do not actually come into physical
contact with corpses, will crave to touch or smell the odor of corpses or
anything putrid (Dr von Hentig).
Fromm: “The conclusion is unavoidable that since necrophilia is relatively
frequent among those who have an easy opportunity to engage in it, it must
also be present at least in fantasies or acted out in other, less obvious ways,
in many others who lack this opportunity.” (Malignant Aggression:
Necrophilia; page 434.)

Again, Fromm: “In reality, most people are a blend of necrophilous and
biophilous tendencies, and the conflict between the two is often the source
of a productive development.” (Ibid; page 439; footnote 4.) Fromm’s
“intermingling” of necrophilous and biophilous tendencies in human
beings, brings to mind Otto Weininger’s (1880-1903) theory—argued
scientifically in his Sex and Character—that most people are a mixture of
male and female leanings, also makes us recall the Chinese yin and yang, a
dualistic concept, bright-black/positive-negative, found in Taoism and
ancient Chinese religious beliefs; and, R D Laing’s (1927-1989) The Divided
Self: An Existential Study in Sanity and Madness and his The Self and Others.
(Personally, I’m happy I’m not happy!)

How do we spot a malignantly aggressive person? Fromm offers these

“unintended necrophilic actions” we should be aware of in a person who is
fixed upon destruction and the worship of technique but not necessarily a
“traditional” necrophilous personality:

Winston Churchill would kill flies and then line them up in a row

George Orwell pulled the wings off of flies,

and then watched them go berserk in a glass jar

People slash paintings in museums

People, especially medical personnel, are attracted to skeletons

Individuals who believe that the only way to solve a conflict

is by force and violence

Alice in Wonderland: “Off with their heads!”

Persons who are obsessed with an interest in sickness and all its forms,
who talk about the sicknesses and deaths of other people
People who possess an affinity for burials and cemeteries

Individuals who have an interest in morgues and graves

Someones who have a particular kind of lifelessness in
their conversations

Conversationalists who are stiff, severe, cold, aloof

Those who present their subject in a pedantic and lifeless manner

Those who are joy killers in a group

Who are boring rather than animating

Who make people feel tired

Those who experience only the Past as real

What has been, what is dead:

Institutions, laws, property, traditions, religions and possessions

People who think the Past is sacred

Nothing new is valuable

Drastic change is a crime against the natural order

The necrophilous person has a predilection for dark,

light-absorbing colors such as black or brown
(priests and nuns)

He or she avoids bright, radiant colors

They possess a special attraction to bad odors

The smell of feces, urine, or decay

They frequent smelly toilets

There is often a “sniffing” expression on their faces (Hitler, Pope Pius XII,
Benito Mussolini, Generalissimo Francisco Franco, Pope Benedict XVI,
Donald Trump, Richard Nixon, et alia,)

Necrophiles are incapable of laughing

They rarely smile

Necrophilous men tie their ties very tightly

Their skin is often lifeless, dry, sallow

They tend to talk very quickly

They use words referring to destruction and feces and toilets

They don’t listen to Music, they study it

They transform the act of seeing into an object

They prefer Design to Beauty

Speed is part of their character and thinking

They are unrelated to other individuals

They use language to manipulate—not to communicate

They have a huge interest in the mechanical not the living...



“It’s a Jungle Out there!”

At this point, I find it necessary to parenthesize the distinction between

deductive reasoning and inductive reasoning: the general to the particular;
and, the particular to the general (PIG, the acronym known to philosophy
students all over the world.) It must be acknowledged that generalizing to
the particular provokes thinkers to make wide-range attempts at reaching a
conclusion, or rather, some semblance of one. Whereas, thinking from the
particular to the general tends to reinforce the concluded generalizations in
that they have been fortified with particulars that, in turn, make the
deduced generalizations the more substantive.

Having lived in Italy since 1983, I have studied and made every effort to
accumulate a never-ending aggregation of details to substantiate my
findings that demonstrate that the Italian society leans more towards a
necrophilous mindset, mental attitude—as being “unintended necrophilous
actions” and certainly not “traditional” ones—yet there is no doubt that
Italian society is necrophilically characterized. It is not particularly difficult
to understand the Italians; but, it requires an enormous amount of time to
do so.

Here are some generalizations about Italy made by three experts

in the fields of philosophy, politics, and journalism:

“Il tratto principale del carattere nazionale
degli italiani è un’impudenza perfetta.
Questa consiste sia nel non sentirsi
troppo impari a nessun compito,
onde la loro presunzione e sfacciataggine;
sia nel non sentirsi troppo alti
per nessuna cosa, onde la loro bassezza.”


“The Italians suffer from a peculiar
form of stupidity; their presumed furbizia.”


“Italia specchio d’Europa:
You are the most entertaining buffoons
in a continent without a brain in its head.”

“Ho imparato che in Italia bisogna parlar bene di tutti.

Quando dici una cosa cattiva succede un putiferio.
La capacità di moltiplicare l’odio da parte delle persone
di cui parla male è infinita.
Io non odio e non voglio essere odiato.
Non voglio mettere in circoòazione tossine di malanimo.
Questo è un Paese di odiatori professionisti.”

Italian journalist

* * *

Here are some generalizations of mine made from

the experience of my living in Italy since 1983:

The Americans have been obtuse for more than 200 years;
the Italians have been obtuse for more than 2000 years.

It is not that Italy needs a stable government;
it is that the Italian government needs a stable Italy.

Non piangere più, italiano!
I tuoi soldi che le banche hanno rubato,
sono in Vaticano!

The Americans liberated Italy from the Germans;
but, they didn’t liberate Italy from the Italians.

It is not that the Italians are living in the Past.
If that only were so.
No! It is worse than that.
The Italians are prisoners of a Past
that does not belong to them any longer.

The Americans are exceptional thieves.
(The Best!)
But they steal for the United States of America.
The Italians, instead, are pretty good thieves,
but they steal for the banks in Switzerland.

The Italians brag about having captured Bernardo Provenzano,
The Boss of the Bosses,
but, they are not ashamed that it took them 43 years to do so.

There are so many bookshops in Florence, Italy,
an alien, at first sight, might think the Florentines are intelligent.

Cin cin, Florentines!
You have made a gas chamber of the
Cradle of Humanism.

The football stadium is the rectum into which
the Central Stupidity Agency inserts the thermometer
that measures the level of violence in the Italian society.

The Italians are the best-dressed bankrupts
in the world.

The Italian economy is at the level of a FIAT PANDA,
not a Mercedez-Benz, BMW, or AUDI.

The Italians can fake almost anything,
except being educated.
Once upon a time Italy was laughed at for being
a Comedy of Errors.
Today Italy is rebuked for being
a Tragedy of Errors.

* * *

“It is my ambition to say in ten sentences

what other men say in whole books.”

Nietzsche, Twilight of the Idols, 1888

“Good things, when short, are twice as good.”

Gracián, The Art of Worldly Wisdom, 1647

“That of which we cannot speak

we must confine to silence.”

Ludwig Wittgenstein

* * *

It is important to note that Italians are quick-minded, inwardly intelligent—

at least according to IQ Research (The Benchmark of IQ Tests) that in 2018
classified Italy as seventh in its World Ranking of Countries By Their
Average IQ. Italy was graded with an average IQ of 102. Only Hong Kong
(108), Singapore (108), South Korea (106), Japan (105), China (105), and
Taiwan (104) outdistanced the Italians.

Nevertheless, Italians are not educated, erudite. The national school system
is one of the worst in Europe—perhaps even the worst. According to a study
accomplished by Professor Anders Aslund for the Pew Research Center,
one of the major causes, if not the cause for Italy’s poor economic growth,
has been the fact that its citizens are not scholarly. Dr Aslund pointed out in
his research that 57% of the Italian population possessed a high school
diploma (2014). Italian statistics (Istituto Nazionale di Statistica) corroborate
that not even 10% of the Italian population possesses a university degree.
A high IQ and a pitiful formal educative preparation makes for a noxious
world view, and Italians are not especially famous for their tolerance and
involvement with the ideas of others. In fact, they suffer an abnormal
problem bitten by chauvinism, xenophobia, intolerance, and racism. (A
placard in an Italian football stadium: “WE ARE NOT RACISTS. WE ARE

Above all, it is the Roman Catholic church that has had a great deal to do in
keeping the Italians in an “intellectual dark ages,” amazingly, for centuries. It
is indispensable to examine the powerfulness of almost twenty centuries of
Roman Catholic intrusiveness in the affairs, even ad hominem—of the Italian

This essay is not some silly Jesuitical rumination based on a run-through

whether one believes in a deity or a deviltry (philosopher Sidney Hook
[1902-1989] claimed that there is more proof that an evil deity rules this
world than there is evidence that a good, kind divinity does); that some
theory of causality exists or does not; that there is a Heaven or Hell; or, that
human beings need—or do not—some religious cognitive content to live by
until their deaths. (I believe in a god, but he/she doesn’t believe in me!) No,
it is a diatribe against the necrophilous Roman Catholic church. But, it is
not a denunciation of any religion, of anyone’s democratic right to believe
whatever he or she thinks best for her or him. Here, we are assaying the
behavior—during centuries and centuries and centuries—of a religious
school of thought that has essentially, authoritatively existed holding power
over hundreds of millions of its flock scattered throughout the world. Even
though most in the world do not believe in the religious precepts of the
Roman Catholic church, this is not a reason, per se, for it to go out of
existence. Rather, this article begs the Roman Catholic hierarchy to
conform, to modernize.

For most of my life I have not believed in a god and an afterlife in his
presence. I had been raised a Roman Catholic, and for years I had thought
the doctrines of this sect had even a philosophical reality. Abruptly, I came
to deny this hocus-pocus, and even came to believe that it is more of an evil
influence on its followers who mostly had been hoodwinked into sustaining
the Roman Catholic church with blind faith and monetary donations. I had
hoped that it would eventually just fall into nonexistence once and for all
after its nefariousness had been exposed to everyone.
My mind changed somewhat when I came to understand Greta Thunberg! I
realized that she was some sort of ethical “popess,” an ethical pop-star,
similar to one of those funny-dressed popes in Rome. She advocated, for
instance, the respect for the oceans and the climate making people believe
they should not throw plastic bottles into the sea. The pope says people
should not kill one and other. Both of them (the pope and Greta) are media
presences, and even if we do not know how many people they actually
influence, it has to be said that there are somebodies who might not throw
plastic into the sea, just as there are somebodies, on the verge of murdering
someone, who will not kill because Greta and the pope said he or she
should not. Gretas and popes, then, serve some function—not to be usually
endorsed but helpful in keeping us on a quasi-sane keel. It is tragic that
there are so few of these ethical influences who have some worldwide
vantage. I find it particularly disgusting that people have to be told not to
throw plastic bottles into the seas, and that it has to be said to them that
they should not kill one and another. Nevertheless, these Gretas and Popes
are better than nothing, n’est-ce pas? It is obvious that Popess Greta and
Pope Francis are not getting the job done. That is precisely why Pope Mark
Zuckerberg will make an attempt to teach his worldwide flock to behave
themselves. There are few Americans more self-righteous than Pope Mark.
Pope Francis gives us Faith, Hope, and Charity. Pope Mark gives himself—
and some of you—Fame, Fortune, and Friendship.

Perhaps we need the Roman Catholic church more than we imagine. But,
we do not need its outdated, outlandish moralities and its fairy tales found
in the Bible. Why can’t we have twenty or thirty commandments? (A non-
religious list of commandments: Number One: “Thou Shalt Not Be
Stupid.”) Why can’t priests and nuns marry? Why is the Roman Catholic
church a meddling nosey body that invades the privacy of its followers?
Why can’t you walk fifty kilometers in Italy without coming upon a crucifix
or a church? Why are there 900 churches in Rome whose population is not
even 3,000,000? Why are there 100 churches in Lucca, Italy whose
population is not even 100,000? Why are German Roman Catholic churches
being converted into bars and gyms and social centers? Why is it that
candidates for the priesthood and “nunhood,” all over the world, cannot be
found? Why are there thousands of churches in Europe that risk closure
because they are falling down? (Take a hardhat with you when you vacation
in Italy!) Why has this Roman Catholic overkill brainwashed Italians for
centuries and centuries? Why can’t the Roman Catholic church come to its
senses and identify with its flock with a modern mindset and not with one
belonging to the Middle Ages?

Thanks to the Roman Catholic church, many Italians cannot even think for
themselves. They are controlled by the arbitrary and abusive intervention of
Roman Catholic priests and nuns. They are mesmerized at every turn.
Italians unequivocally accept the dogmas of the Roman Catholic church—
their rituals, liturgies, rites, and their Christian myths. Too many Italians are
“sheeple,” or as they say in Italy, pecore. There is an anti-scientific vein in the
spirit of all Italians, and no religious organization is more against Science
than the Roman Catholic church.

(I am reminded of a joke that was used to make fun of the Italian-American

students who populated my high school in Brooklyn, New York. (“Freedom
produces jokes and jokes produce freedom.” Jean-Paul Richter [1763-1825];
An Introduction to Aesthetics.): “An Italian man was observing a female gorilla
in a zoo. Another man approached him from behind and said that if the
Italian would make love with the gorilla, he would give him $50,000. The
Italian man was outraged and insulted, and told the man to go away. When
the Italian returned home, he told his wife about the incident. She thought
twice and convinced her husband to return and accept the offer. When the
Italian again met the man, he said he would make love with the gorilla
depending on three conditions: He would do it only once; the “love-
making” could not be filmed; and, if there were children, they would have to
be baptized and raised as Roman Catholics.” I was to see this same joke
printed in Outrageously Offensive Jokes II, authored by Maude Thickett;
Pocket Books, a division of Simon & Schuster, 1984. Italians, as far as I am
concerned, do not have an abundant sense of humor. They are very proud
people. Chesty about their Past, but confused about their identity in the
Present—a present that the world experiences more than the Italians. “Non
ci si può fidare di un uomo o donna che non si è mai sentito imbarazzato da se
stesso.” Norman Mailer [1923-2007].) These once magnificos of the
Mediterranean after two thousand years of existence today stand impotent,
flaccid before the world that has long ago passed them by—perhaps forever.
Italia non scorre più nelle vene del mondo.” (Italian journalist)

I wish now to close my argumentation against the Roman Catholic church

with a warning for it to pay heed to. To all the chubby cardinals in the
College of Cardinals in Rome, you members of an occult inner circle, you
fanatically authoritarian, masterfully mealy-mouthed old farts living La
Dolce Vita while millions of Italians live in poverty, you septuagenarian and
octogenarian impostors, ofttimes overweight, often senile, you unmated
individuals—freaks of perhaps some strange species belonging to a third
sex—you, who bewitch and indoctrinate your fellow travelers with ancient
folkloric fantasies promising these pathetically naive proteges
compensation, for their wretched lives, in some nonexistent future time and
state, I say to you: GET YOUR ACT TOGETHER before Pope Mark
Zuckerberg does it for you; or, before the Irish-American Roman Catholic
cabal transfers the Vatican to Coral Gables, Florida where it will teach you
to really make oodles of the money you so desire. Pope Mark will be very,
very careful when creating his fairy tales for his worldwide flock! Is it
possible that Pope Mark will create “the fairy tale of all fairy tales,” and
arrive expeditiously at The Truth? A word to the wise should be sufficient
even for deficient cardinals.

* * *

There is one other influence, the Italian family, that must be analyzed in
order to understand why the Italians are so backward. But before reflecting
on that Italian social grouping, I must prove to you why Italians are innately
intelligent, but outwardly very, very ignorant. (I have to say here that I am
talking about the Italians as a group consisting of almost 60,000,000
individuals. There are always exceptions to the rule, no?):

In Italy, one of every five Italian adolescents does not know how to read or
write...Only one of every three Italians has the competence to live in the 21 st
century...Italy’s global share of science and engineering articles published
in peer-reviewed journals in 2018 was 2.79%...In Italy, the level of
instruction of the 25-64-year age group is among the lowest in Europe...30%
of Italian school children between 15 and 19 years of age left school
(2002)...38 of every 100 Italians read at least one book every year...It is
estimated (2018) that within ten years there will be a million less students
attending Italian schools...Air traffic controllers, under investigation, at
Milan’s Linate airport were quoted: “Sure, we make mistakes speaking
English, but we are not criminals.”...One ex-United States ambassador to
Italy, Ronald Spogli, has said that the university system in Italy is simply a
national tragedy…. It is scandalous that Ambassador Spogli limited his
comments only to the status of the Italian university system.
Years ago, a Florentine woman, who also had not attended high school, told
me this: “We Florentines invented everything. And every invention since
the Florentine renaissance has simply been a copy of that which we first
had invented.” I had never before heard, in my life, such a doltish comment,
and I had all to do to keep from bursting out laughing in front of her. Her
mindset was purely chauvinistic. But in Italy, wherever one might go, there
does exist an undue partiality or attachment to a group or place to which
one belongs or has belonged; an excessive or blind patriotism; and, an
attitude of superiority toward members of the opposite sex. It’s the Italian
way, and Italians do it better!

Years ago I thought up this aphorism: “Fifty-percent of the mothers I have

known should have been arrested for child abuse and not given chocolates
and flowers on Mother’s Day.” A dumb journalist contested me stating that
how could it be possible that 50% of the mothers I had known had sexually
abused their children! I told him to go to the dictionary and tell me if it was
understood there that abuse only signified “sexual abuse!” He finally

It is astonishing to realize that 67% of Italians, between the ages of 18 and

34, continue to live with their parents! The sociological, economic (as I write
this paragraph, 13 July 2021, the national debt of Italy is $3,239,559,400,500
and rising!), and the political ramifications of this dire observation are
staggering, but they are not the prime objective of this essay. Nevertheless, it
behooves me to mention the role of Italian mothers who are in great part
responsible for keeping their daughters, mostly sons, under their familial
domain, under their thumbs. Italian mothers have often been accused of
“suffocating” their children. Let us understand what the Italian psychiatrist,
Piero Rocchini, thinks about the Sindrome da Madre Mediterranean....

Dr Rocchini believes that the “Syndrome of the Mediterranean Mother”

produces castrated men—leaving them devoid of any sense of responsibility.
“The Mediterranean mother satisfies all the wants of her son and she
eliminates responsibility with the aim of holding onto her son forever. The
mother represents unconditional love and unfortunately, in the Italian
culture, the father figure is missing. The father ought to represent reality,
society, rules and regulations, and severity. The Italian mother says to her
son: ‘Nothing is too much for you.’ This attitude creates persons with an
infantile optimism, persons who feel as Supermen, untouchable.”
It is easy to understand, therefore, why there are so few Italian men
attending Italian universities. Why should they? “The Italian renaissance
invented everything, and all inventions since have just been copies of what
the Florentines originally invented!” Wouldn’t it just make sense to become
a football player, a Formula 1 driver, a motorcycle racer, a bicycle champion?
“There is where the money is! And I can buy all the sleek automobiles I
want, dangle diamonds on my ears, and give precious stones to all my
girlfriends! I’m Superman!” When these Supermen go “shopping, hunting”
for women, they are reminded of when their mothers purchased meat at the
butcher shop. She insisted on having the tenderest meat, the juiciest cuts,
and all from the best stock. Supermen want the best-looking women, the
tenderest and the juiciest. If they marry, it does not take them long before
they are “hooking up” with old or new girlfriends. When their wives
discover these rendezvouses there is often the rush to the offices of divorce
lawyers—the husband all the while demanding of his wife, perhaps
pregnant, why she is so stupid for letting “a little affair with an old friend”
spoil their marriage. The wife, who might have really loved her Superman, is
just another heart-broken victim to add to the long list. Superman’s mother
always has the last word: “Come home to mamma. She wasn’t that good for
you after all, my love.” (“What’s it all about, Alfie?”)

Italy is a small, jam-packed country. There are 206 people for every
kilometer square. It is difficult to go through Italy without constantly
tripping over Italians—or, hopefully for the Italians, tourists. Because there
are so many people crammed together in Italy, it is easy to understand why
so many individuals are uptight and at the ready to burst into anger. Italians
scream in their football stadiums, but also in their restaurants and even in
their opera houses where, one would think, a sense of decorum might reign.
There exists a “subcutaneous” violence within the psychic make-ups of the
Italian people. Italians are not easily primed to accept criticism, and one of
the off-handed pieces of advice visitors to Italy are given is that they will
find Italians quick to lambast themselves rather virulently—but you had
better not agree with them! Language barriers are often the cause of many
difficulties that frequently erode into heated arguments later regretted by
all concerned. Still, the overcrowded Italy wears heavily on one’s nerves.
People are continuously rushing about to make up for lost time. When there
is a traffic accident, highways are blocked for hours, and the patience of all
stuck-in-traffic travelers, waiting to get somewhere on time, is overbearing.
Italy gives one the impression that the country is spinning its wheels in the
sand—going nowhere. Economic and political statistics easily verify this
depressing reality. Italians are on edge. They wish to break out of their way
of living. They are irascible, frustrated. Might there be one day an Italian
“breaking out?” A virtual slump into anarchy? The Pentagon is at the ready.
It is not taking any chances. There are some 100 United States military
bases scattered around this Mediterranean peninsula, The Boot.

* * *

My dear reader, I must apologize. It never was my intention to make this

essay last so long. I know you have many important tasks to perform in your
own lives, for your own society, and I never wished to disturb your personal
programmings. I humbly beg your patience. Please bear with me a bit

It is now my intention to present my cogent evidence that demonstrates

that the Italian society is, per se, necrophilous. Notwithstanding, I will limit
to three my contentions corroborating this observation concerning the
Italian public’s penchant for necrophilia simply because I do not wish to
advance your fastidiousness with the length of this essay.

I offer the following grounds to corroborate my claim:

The Italians refuse to regenerate themselves. There is no national debate in

existence regarding this most vital part of Italian existence. Public debt and
pension burdens are used as excuses for not increasing the Italian birth
rate. 23% of the Italian population is over 65 years of age. In 2020, the
median age for Italians was 45.4 years—the highest in Europe. In 2020,
160,000 Italians left the peninsula to seek work in other countries. For every
baby born in Italy, there are five grandparents. There is more dog food
produced in Italy than baby food. This is not a biophilous view of life. It is
an unconscious confirmation of death. A Freudian death wish? It is
necrophilia at work. The dwindling Italian natality rate is a topic doomed to
be forgotten. Omertà.

In 2018, 132 Italian women were murdered by their husbands or boy

friends. Sometimes, these recorded killings were executed in front of their
children. Sometimes the children were also murdered. At these locations,
television crews and journalists rushed to the scene and interviewed
neighbors and community workers in order to construe the motives for
these fatalities. Most of the time the neighbors spoke well of dead wives and
their arrested husbands. They cannot understand what went amuck and
why. The human deaths remain in the national headlines for some days, and
maybe a candlelight procession will be arranged on behalf of the dead
women, and the funerals of the dead women are broadcasted nationally on
TV with the local bishops and priests officiating at the funeral ceremonies.
Women’s organizations protest and protest and protest and men are
frequently portrayed by them as vicious individuals who are abusing women
as fair game. There is no debate over this issue. No serious attempts to get to
the root of the motivations. Omertà is the Italian response.

Some years ago, the European Psychoanalytic and Psychodynamic Society

conducted a survey which demonstrated that Italian women were the most
violent and aggressive women in Europe. They were found to be more
violent than the German, Spanish, French, and English women. Again, no
national debate was set in motion on any of the many Italian TV talk shows.

In the same year, 2018, 623 people were mowed down by racing automobiles
—often driven by drunk and/or drugged drivers—and more than 20,000
were injured while trying to get to the other side of the street. Speed kills?
(“Slow down Italians you’re going too fast. Try to make the morning last.”)
No TV crews or journalists for these victims; and, one must wonder why—
but Italians do not. There is no connection between these two sorts of
killings (uxoricide and street crossing killings) because Italians might just
come to the conclusion that they are harboring a simmering violence within
themselves—a necrophilic urge. Omertà. In Italy, one and one does not
make two. One and one makes eleven! The defects of the Italians are
compartmentalized so that they do not reach a oneness pertaining to some
unity of thought. It is a confusing Italian propaganda.

D H Lawrence alleged that Italian women are sensuous, yet they are not
passionate. I suppose Lawrence, too, might have been sensuous, not
passionate, if he, too, had been bludgeoned for centuries by priests and
brutish men. (A German sociologist, who has been studying the number of
European women raped and often brutally beaten by Russian, German,
American, and English soldiers during World War Two, has arrived,
scientifically, at an almost-1,000,000 number of rapes so many of them
perpetrated during “the war’s over” parties.) D H Lawrence, wherever you
are, Italian women are out for revenge. They are destructive. They are
necrophilous. They are out to cut the balls off of every Italian mamma’s boy
in existence. (“Oh, sweetheart, had I known you were a virgin, I would have
given you more time. Oh. Superman, oh, Latin Lover, had I known I had
more time, I would have taken off my pantyhose.”) I sincerely hope no
violent Italian woman will scratch my eyes out for having penetrated her
silence, hypocrisy—her omertà! Please pray for me?

Perhaps the most despicable, deplorable commentary that can be made

against the Italians is their treatment of animals during religious festivities
held every year throughout most of the Italian regions. During these events
animals are brutally tortured, beaten, and often put to death while
overexcited crowds—many of whom are drunk—delight watching the
brutality inflicted upon horses, mules, swine, snakes, domestic fowl, and
others. Horses are forced to race on stoned or asphalted racetracks and
often break their legs; mules, not racing animals, are savagely flogged and
pelted along to make them race faster; pigs are greased and placed in pits
and are applauded as they scream and whine with pain; poultry have their
legs ripped off and are laughed at as they suffer enormous pain; and, in one
area of Italy black snakes are hunted, their fangs are extracted when
captured, and the serpents then are coiled around the necks of adult men
and boys who walk in processions boasting their courage and masculinity.

Of course, there are many Italians who bewail these activities. But, obviously
not enough of them. There are laws that exist prohibiting the maltreatment
of animals, but they are rarely enforced. Law enforcement officials regularly
attend these horrible displays of cruelty, but they never enforce the
ordinances—they watching and “enjoying” the spectacle along with the
inebriated tourists and townspeople. Organizations that protest these events
are impotent to change customs that have been proudly, annually
performed for centuries.

It would be unfair not to mention the fact that these festivities of

maltreatment against animals are blessed and approved of by the local
parish priests and even their bishops. There is always a patron saint who
commemorates the “feasts,” and it is mirthful to see priests who must bless
snakes and animals writhing to be free, wincing and blanched as they
position themselves to fan crosses over the helpless creatures.

The defense of these “sacred” demonstrations is that they bring badly

needed tourist trade to Italian areas devoid of normal business activities.
Another justification is that it is in the DNA of the Italian people to
massacre animals because this practice goes back to Roman times when
Christians were fed to the lions giving panem et circenses to bloodthirsty
Roman spectators.

It is difficult to explain to many Italians that this is 2021 AD and not 1021
AD. In fact, it has to be explained to the Italians that there is often a
backlash to their roughshod recreations when some tourists, grossed out by
the inhumane treatment of animals, return to their homes throughout the
world and retell the anguish that they had witnessed in some barbarous
Italian town. These deportments are necrophilous. They are not biophilous,
n’est ce pas?



Quo vadis, Italia?

At the end of the Second World War, a term was created by the right-
wingers, conservatives, hawks, and the Pentagon to define, in part, why the
“Cold War” was necessary to halt the spread of the dreaded Communism.
That locution was the “domino theory.” It meant that if “the commies” were
not met head on at every one of their twists and turns, one country after
another would fall under the communist domination.

Is it possible that Italy is being kept afloat to avoid another “domino” effect?
That if Italy should bankrupt itself, would not Greece, Spain, and Portugal
logically crash—follow suit? And then what? Italians are obsessed with
themselves. They have lost sight of what it means to survive. Riveted in their
ancient mindset, these wretched ones are desperate and plagued with a
subcutaneous violence that finds no liberation except so often burned out
on the football pitch. Is Italy a nation on its way to extinction? Or, will it be
scooped up by Mittel Europe (Central Europe) or still some consortium of
multinational corporations bent on putting Italy back together again?

Is it possible that Italy is already now being rented out, franchised out, and
sold out to multinational factions so that it does not sink further in its Black
Hole of Corruption, Greed, Hedonism, and Prodigious Ignorance?

Will Italy, this necrophilic republic that knows not—wants not—to survive,
eventually become a staging area, a processing hub for the transfer—by
airline jets and not leaky, dangerous boats—of millions of Africans onto
European soil in order to fill the Cradles of Western Civilization now
habitually failing to fruit?

Listen to what the necrophile Benito Mussolini said about the Italians: “It
is not impossible to govern the Italians; it is useless.” If you don’t believe
what Il Duce said is true, just ask the DisUnited States’ ambassador in Rome
what he thinks!

Will Italy ever cast off the burden laid round its neck to symbolize its
precarious national predicament:

The Problem Child of Europe?

Mamma Mia!!!
* * *

Authored by Anthony St. John

1 July 2021
Calenzano, Italy

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