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Multicultural Lesson Activity

Artifact # 2

Marco A. Cedeno Aguayo

CSN Course: EDU 280-1005

Professor: Olivia Grant

Multicultural Lesson Activity Template

Find or develop a multicultural activity you would teach in your classroom. Plan 30-50 minutes for the
activity, depending on the age of the students

1. Lesson Objectives:
● Develop the knowledge, skills, and attitudes to function in a diverse society.
● Develop an educational environment that promotes respect for differences.
● Understand social, political, economic realities that affect the students' learning.

2. All Lesson Materials: Include all materials with the lesson activity assignment.
you will need,
a) internet access.
b) notebook or computer where you get your notes and write your three paragraphs and your opinion.

3. Instruction- learning Process: Create a detailed outline of the multicultural activity

following the teaching design below:

Do First: (5 minutes.)
Three questions are presented: Students will write a three paragraph essay about:
1.- what do they think about legal and illegal immigration?
2.- positive and negative ways it affects our society?
3.- Having in mind social justice, and trying to achieve in the most human and dignifying
way...what solutions would you propose?
a paragraph to address each of the three points, above
students are instructed to do research in order to obtain information needed to answer the
questions. A question and answer section is open for students to clarify all doubts they
may have regarding the information gathering and the writing process of their three
paragraphs. and then exposing their position about this topic.
● Mini-lesson: (10 minutes)
We need to keep on mind that students are going to write and present their answers and position
about the topic in the Spanish language, a very quick overview of the the subject matter needs to
be done, in order for them to get ready to write and orally express their answers and opinions in
Spanish. they will conduct the research and write their answers, individually
● Guided Practice: (10 minutes) Students will gather in small groups, they will practice their
answers and correct possible errors and grammatical and phonetic mistakes.
● Independent Practice: (20 min.) each will orally express in one minute a summary of their
● Exit Slip: (5 minutes)
Do you still think the same about illegal immigration, than before this class?

4. All Resources: List all resources used in the multicultural lesson plan in APA format. EDU
280—Valuing Cultural DiversityNew Manning STUDY GUIDES CHAPTERS 1-8Chapter

5. Reflection:
Evaluate your multicultural lesson activity.
1.- What specific subject concepts, skills were taught.?
In addition to the Specific subject matter of the Spanish class, like present tense, past tense, sentence
structuring, and oral expression, in the multicultural aspect of the activity, it will focus on analytical and
critical thinking skills and Show the role of oppression and possible solutions for the problems.
2.-What specific multicultural knowledge, skills were achieved?
Socioeconomic conditions. that originate the phenomena of illegal immigration, awareness of the social
and economic effects on our country, and find socially just solutions for this phenomenon.
3.- Evaluate the level of student engagement in the teaching-learning process.
The level of engagement in the teaching-learning process has to be high, because students will be
conducting research, they will be answering questions and formulating opinions, all that is going to be in
the Spanish language, adding extra levels of engagement.
4.- List the strengths and weaknesses of the lesson plan
Strengths: The activity has high levels of engagement, and demands lots of concentration, in the
translation process, since it is an advanced level it is also a very integral activity, because it will demand
from students all the knowledge acquired from previous courses up to the current, which is the
advanced. This activity will serve the assessment purpose for the current course and all the previous
ones. This activity will bring light to students about socioeconomic problems our society faces.
weakness: this activity can only be done by advanced students in the Spanish courses, any other
class will not have that limitation. students with low engagement levels won't get the most out
of this activity.

Grading Rubric --Multicultural Lesson Activity Assignment

Multicultural lesson activity follows the required format 10
The lesson outline provides details for the entire teaching/learning 10
Subject concepts, skills, information, etc. identified in the observable 10
objective are effectively and actively taught.
Multicultural activity clearly and actively teaches the multicultural goal 10
and objective listed for the assignment.
The “Reflection” demonstrates the student’s detailed evaluation of the 5
lesson plan. Teaching effectiveness for both subject and multicultural
content, student engagement, and the lesson strength and weaknesses.
Assignment is free from errors in language, paragraphing and Written 5

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