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As per the common syllabus prescribed by



Unit –I
1. Conversational Skills
 Dialogue Writing Sample
2. Group Discussion
 Class group Discussion sample
3. Presentation
 Technical paper presentation
 Technical power point presentation
 Non-technical paper presentation
 Non –technical power point presentation
4. Interview question with answers(10 questions)

Unit –II
5. Creative Writing: Essay or Passage
6. Letter: a) Job application letter
b) Resume
c) Cover letter
7. E-Mail conversation sample

Unit –III
8. Civil Service Exam English sample question & answer
9. TOEFL - Sample question
10. BEC – Sample question

Unit –IV
11. Body Language

Unit –V
12. Time Management
13. Stress Management
14. Quality of team leader
15. Online Exam test Sample


A Dialogue Between two friends

Ilakiya: Good evening.

Pooja: Good evening. Where are you going?
Ilakiya: I am going to a doctor.
Pooja: In what connection?
Ilakiya: I don't feel well these days.
Pooja: What's the matter?
Ilakiya: I have always got a headache. I never feel fresh.

Pooja: Do you take exercise?

Ilakiya: No. I don't find time. You know I am busy in my studies. I study all the time.
Pooja: That's why you don't feel well.
Ilakiya: What do you mean?
Pooja: I mean, a person who studies all the day and does not take exercise should he not fall ill?

Ilakiya: Why don't you tell me clearly?

Pooja: Listen. Exercise is very important for health. When Exam is near the students study all the
day sitting at one place. Their food does not digest properly. They fall ill.

Ilakiya: You may be right.

Pooja: Not may be but I am. You do not know the importance of exercise.
Ilakiya: What should I do then?
Pooja: Take exercise regularly either in the morning or in the evening. But in the morning it is
Ilakiya: You will get well without a doctor in no time.
Pooja: From tomorrow morning, I'll start taking exercise.
Ilakiya: That is a good thing. Good bye.
Pooja: Good bye.



Suhaina Fathima: Hello everyone!.I wish to give my voice in support of Indian goods.
Because Indian goods are safe to use comparing to Chinese goods. For example, consider a smart
phone which is a part of our daily life one can get more and more features in Chinese mobiles but
what is the use of them while they are emitting lots of radiation and creating health problem? one
can compromise on cost but one must comprise on health.In addition to this, we have stringent
rules in determining the quality of a particular product especially coming to food products. Indian
govt will ban a particular product immediately after the govt is aware of it. To support this,
consider Maggie, whereas Chinese govt won't have any such type of banning.

Harani: Hello, friends, I am Harani and my thoughts are that Chinese goods are not good for
anyone because as we know that Chinese crackers harm our atmosphere and our health also they
also decrease the percentage of our economy.
Also these days, we have come across in news about plastic rice of china. So I suggest at least don't
buy those goods which are hazardous for our own health.

Joshi: Hi everyone! The basic need of an ideal man is food, clothing, and shelter. So for these
three things a common man fight and sometimes he need to compromise on the price of basic
goods. And China is the one country which minimize the price for this common things by using
there innovative skills and research development.Therefore the middle class peoples skips to there
goods because of there price variation, quality and wide availability in Indian markets.
Hence the common man turns towards the Chinese goods.

Fiza: First of all, Thanks for providing an opportunity to share my thoughts about a topic. I have
to talk about crackers made by china and India. Last Deepavali, Chinese crackers were banned by
India due to it is not safe and unhealthy. Around 10,000's of workers are involving to make a
quality crackers. If we buy our home made crackers it will helpful to improve their family status. If
we buy Chinese crackers, it will affect the business of Indian workers. And then the workers are
moved to various jobs. Thereafter Chinese products gradually occupy our needs.
So Kindly use Indian products, It will helpful for the other Indian citizen to increase their basic
needs and economic status.

Pooja: Hello everyone. I think that Chinese goods are far better than Indian goods.First of all
Chinese goods are not that much expensive as Indian goods.We can take the example of
smartphones.Beside it all the goods I have ever seen are much reliable as compared to others. They
give us latest technology. This is the reasons why our P. M. Mr Narendra Modi has given the
golden chance to Japan (also a Chinese country) for the first bullet train in India. Soon the Japan
will be launching its bullet train.Therefore I summarize that Chinese goods are much better.

Ilakiya: We have to look for three most things in the goods whether it is Chinese or Indian.
1. Efficient.
2. Cheaper.
3. Not dangerous.
4. Long lasting.
If all these three criteria are met by either Chinese or Indian we can buy it.
Monish: Hello everyone!As per my view.It's all about India market and Chinese market.We,
everyone, know that Chinese product are easily available in the market at cheaper rates the result of
that our society accepts the Chinese goods because it cost low to them they quickly purchased that
product, as a result, our currency circulates to another country which will ultimately affect our
market. Because Chinese product through machines which help them to lower d cost and quality of
their product is also low. Whereas Indian product made of hand made from our Indian workers
which will result in the high coat but the quality if Indian goods are far better than Chinese
goods.So I'm here requested to each nd every citizen of our country to go for Indian product will
help us yo achieve the GDP target nd also helps our workers to earn money and it will create
working as well as a happy environment in our country.

Arkkam: Hello friends!Iam ARIF.As per my opinion I would like to support Indian
goods.Because Indian goods are long life,Chinese goods we can say like use and throw type.Here
the Chinese goods are very cheaper than Indian goods they use strategies like price leader.And we
are Indians we have to buy our products for the development of Indian economy, and for
employment to the society.Comparing to the Chinese products to Indian products, Indian products
are more reliable and more life than Chinese goods and products.

Fiza:Hi friends,First of all, I am asking, what is Chinese goods. We are fools. Because buying
Chinese products. If I am the PM of the nation! my first job is to ban Chinese & other country
products. Other countries are each & every product makes it for our own creative and sales in our
countries. So they are rich and no poverty of our countries. Try to don't buying other countries
products, drink the milk of our Indian cow's. You have followed in this method definitely after ten
years India has developed countries, in compare to all over counties. Its sure Thank you!

Suhaina Fathima: Well friends,I think that many people worry about the price of the product
and not about the quality. Chinese goods has low price when compared to Indian goods,so they
prefer Chinese goods instead of Indian goods.

Pooja: Good afternoon everyone,Our topic is Chinese good vs Indian goods. So 1st we talk about
what is the difference between these. Chinese good is of lower quality and lower price, while
goods are of high quality14 but a little bit costlier than Chinese products. So we can buy either of
these products as per our requirement. But as an Indian, we should responsible for our growth of
GDP. By buying Indian goods we are increasing our GDP by drawing attention of investors to
India and by encouraging manufacturers.

Joshi: Hello, everyone.I would very much like to throw light on this topic. According to my
views, we Indians should support 'Make in India'. It is a fact that Chinese products are cheap and
we all know it. But the question is, Who is making them cheap? It's us are who are continuously
buying their products and helping them to boost their production and pressurizing the Indian
market. We Indians are equally capable of producing our own goods and standing in the
International market.
Arkkam: I think Chinese goods are much better then Indian good. All of you are thinking what
the hell is saying ! guys m right because when if anyone whats to purchase anything so the first
thought of our mind is Price then Quality. Obvious because we are Indian. We never thought what
will be the profit of our country. So guys until we thought our GDP during shopping we never
dream even of development!

Harani: Hi all of you, in my point of view, both have its own specifications. In India mainly the
goods production is low as compare to china. They produce in less cost and sell it less only the
working of goods like mobiles are speed of its work less time also work efficiently but in India
working on mobiles speed is less. If we make in high speed the cost also high. They have all
facilities and they use their products only but in India, we are always waiting for other country
products. Once we start producing goods, our goods quality is better than china goods.

Arkkam: In my point of view, Chinese goods are a little bit cheaper in terms of cost. Even
though they are available for less cost their quality is poor compared to Indian goods. Indian goods
are of good quality and government should take initiative to promote our products and bring them
available even for lower middle-class people. This shows a step ahead in a country development.

Monish: According to my point of view, when it comes to comparing between Indian good and
Chinese good, I would rather prefer buying Indian Goods as it will not only help in raising our
GDP and reduce unemployment but will also emphasize Manufacturers to invest in India.No doubt
Chinese products are cheaper than Indian products and the people under poverty line would prefer
buying Chinese product as they are more concerned with money and quality doesn't matter to them
much. But middle-class and high-class people must prefer buying Indian Goods so that
manufacturers get encouraged and produce high quality and less priced items.

Ilakiya: Chinese goods are affected our economical position and internally week the Indian
market. Which that medium business class Indian people are failed in own business which causes
people are jobless so we support the Indian goods. India is trying high to make it stand in
manufacturing and industries, but China is a big giant to compete in this. Will India be able to cope
China, when India itself is biggest importer of Chinese goods? Make in India vs Make in
China - The Hindu .Oct 26, 2014. Markets across Indian towns and cities are flooded with Chinese
products Apr 25, 2014. The country with the lowest manufacturing costs, we found, is not China.
It's Indonesia, then India, Mexico, and Thailand.

Suhaina Fathima: Customer always wants best product in cheaper price, its doesn't matter its
manufactured in which country if India produces quality goods at good price then customer prefer
to buy Indian product only.

Joshi: I think before buying any good we should take care of what matters to us like if we are
looking for quality then one should go for Indian good. Because everybody knows that Chinese
goods are not durable. And as an Indian, I will promote that one should buy Indian good. I will help
to boost our economy nd increase in GDP.
Pooja: When we compare Indian goods with Chinese goods, Indian goods are far better in quality
than Chinese goods, but Indian people are interested in Chinese goods because of less price, so
government of India must make shore that Indian goods must available for less cost by making our
own Products, so that we can also solve the unemployment problem in India.
By purchasing Chinese goods we are indirectly developing China by paying tax to their products,
as we know that India is the second most populated country in the world, we have enough man
power to produce our own goods, if we start making our own products, after few years India will be
in a position of exporting our own goods, so by this we can improve our Indian economy.

Fiza: As our according to our topic, I would like to say that, if we will want to buy/purchase any
item /goods, before that we have to see the guarantee/warranty of particular item .If the guarantee is
there, then it is good, it doesn't matter weather that item belongs to any country.

Ilakiya: Hello, both are the goods but one thing is different Chinese material inverting new
technology and also .Less price. India item is good but technology is copy to other material it is
also a less price.

Harani: China produces market-driven products, this is why the market share of electronic
industry is more for China than India. The reason can be the latest technology used or availability
of products at lower prices or may be varieties of products available. However, the goods from
China are less, reliable and lacks quality and hence maintenance of these products is difficult. As
far as Indian goods are considered they are of good quality and more reliable. But for example, If
someone wants a product for temporary use then he would go for Chinese goods and vice versa.
But in the perspective of India, the new campaign started by the government "Make in India" in
against of "Made in China" is a revolutionary step. Due to which the manufacturing has started in
India which helps in their economy as well as helps in decreasing the prices of goods. So it can be
concluded that as of now both the sides have certain pros and cons. We cannot go for one side
totally and for India to improve and make competent goods with China they have to decrease. Its
price of manufacturing and also including the new technology, fashion, and eco-friendly products.
At the same time, in nutshell, what is demanded should be made which helps in Indian economy
and the country's growth.

Arkkam: I think the best way to make the Indian goods more competitive without compromising
the quality. The cheaper product will not last longer in the consumer's market. In the free economy
era, best quality & reasonable cost product will survive. The "Make in India" is one step towards
the goal. More encouragement to entrepreneur is required from Government. Definitely, we beat
the Chinese product, the way is long ahead but certainly achievable.

Chinese goods/products are good for some extent but they are not quality product which do not
have long lifetime. What do we think is we should support "Make in India" instead of "Made in
China", It will help our nation in creating employment, growth of our nation, good quality products
and less imports from china or other foreign countries.

Blackberry Technology

Introduction of Blackberry Technology:

Blackberry handhelds are integrated into an organization's e-mail system through a
software package called “Blackberry Enterprise Server “(BES). Versions of BES are available for
Microsoft Exchange, Lotus Domino and Novell GroupWise. While individual users may be able to use
a wireless provider's e-mail services without having to install BES themselves, organizations with
multiple users usually run BES on their own network. Some third-party companies provide hosted BES
Every Blackberry has a unique id called Blackberry PIN which is used to identify the
device to the BES. BES can act as a sort of e-mail relay for corporate accounts so that users always
have access to their e-mail. The software monitors the user's local "inbox", and when a new message
comes in, it picks up the message and passes it to Rim’s Network Operations Center (NOC).
The messages are then relayed to the user's wireless provider, which in turn delivers
them to the user's Blackberry device. This is called "push e-mail," because all new e-mails, contacts
and calendar entries are "pushed" out to the Blackberry device automatically, as opposed to the user
synchronizing the data by hand.
Device storage also enables the mobile user to access all data offline in areas without
wireless service. As soon as the user connects again, the BES sends the latest data. An included feature
in the newer models of the Blackberry is the ability for it to track your current location through

What is Blackberry Technology?

The recent Blackberry 9000 series has been designed and work on the Intel Xscale
624MHz CPU. The earlier version of Blackberry cell phones worked with an 80MHz processor and
were hence comparatively slower in downloading 3G web pages.
Blackberry uses an IPD file for its data storage. A single IPD is used for the database
handling which makes the performance even faster
The technology encompasses simple features like calendar, reminders and games,
along with the basic applications of making and receiving calls and messages. Besides the basic
features it also allows you to send emails and browse web pages.
The manufacturers have also tied up with various vendors like Microsoft, IBM and
Novell to integrate Outlook, Notes and Groupwise into these phones. Almost all the phones
manufactured with the Blackberry technology have Bluetooth integrated in them. Some models also
have inbuilt cellular 'walkie talkie' feature.

The Blackberry was a communication device that was developed in a Canada based
company, Research in Motion (RIM) in 1999.
It was built in with a multi-tasking operating system. The earlier phones
manufactured under this technology used the 80386 microprocessor for their working.

How it works?
As we all know, there is always software behind the hardware. This holds true for the blackberry as
well. Blackberry Server Software comes in two forms.
1. BlackBerry Professional Software (BPS)
2. BlackBerry Enterprise Server (BES)
The way that the BlackBerry server works applies to both the BlackBerry Professional Software (BPS)
and the BlackBerry Enterprise Server (BES).
The basic steps in receiving an email on a blackberry device are as follows :
1. The email message is sent.
2. Message arrives at your email server (usually the exchange server) and is sent as normal to your PC/
3. The BlackBerry server (the mail is delivered using a "push" concept to the Blackberry Enterprise
Server) compresses, encrypts and forwards the message automatically to your BlackBerry handset.
4. Message arrives at the BlackBerry via the Internet and the mobile carrier's network.
5. The Blackberry handheld device receives decrypts and decompresses the email, and alerts the user.

Blackberry Enterprise Serve

Blackberry Enterprise Server is the fully-featured Blackberry mobile email service. It's
designed for medium to large organizations with their own Lotus Domino or Microsoft Exchange
servers for email and mobile data applications, that are going to start with at least 20 users and grow
from there.Blackberry Enterprise Server lets the user access his/her email, electronic calendar, tasks
list and contacts list as well as any internal applications or software on their BlackBerry handheld.
The Blackberry Enterprise Server supports triple DES security (considered unbreakable)
so confidential data is transmitted securely.

Blackberry Enterprise Solution Architecture

The Blackberry® Enterprise Solution is a flexible, IT-friendly solution that gives mobile
users secure wireless access to their enterprise email and business-critical applications.
What are the advantages of Blackberry technology?
1. Email: Blackberry provides email accessing facility with its wireless extension. Normal email
activities can be performed without hassles. It remains continuously connected to the wireless network
which enables the user to access email. The mail will appear on the device without retrieving it.
2. Phone: The Blackberry hand held has all the features of a mobile. In addition it has digital walkie-
talkie, SIP based IP telephony and also provides headsets with comfort, clarity and convenience.
3. Wireless Internet: The hand held phone have special features which enables to browse the internet
by clicking and scroll track wheel for navigating the pages and types the URLs by using QWERTY
4. Tethered Modem: Some of the Blackberry hand held devices are available with features like
speedy wireless services with fast email and browsing experiences. This device acts as a tethered
modem without carrying a wireless PC card.
5. Organizer: The mobile is provided with functionality regarding day to day activities.
6. SMS: Blackberry devices support the facility of sending and receiving text messages.
7. Instant Messaging: This feature helps the user for contacting people once they are connected to the
wireless network.
8. Corporate Data Access: Business goals can be achieved with access to the corporate data, by using
wireless connectivity technology.
9. Paging: Some of the Blackberry models provide paging services to the Blackberry users who do not
have an email account.
A blackberry is an end-to-end wireless email solution that allows access to your
Outlook Inbox, Calendar, Contacts, and Tasks with full wireless synchronization. It is an example of
convergent device. It uses push technology for internet services. The Blackberry has been designed
from the ground-up to be a secure platform. This strict adherence to security has made the platform
very popular with governments and corporations worldwide

Disaster Management

What is Disaster Management?

Disaster management (or emergency management) is the creation of plans through
which communities reduce vulnerability to hazards and cope with disasters. Disaster management does
not avert or eliminate the threats, instead it focuses on creating plans to decrease the impact of
Failure to create a plan could lead to damage to assets, human mortality, and lost
revenue. Currently in the United States 60% businesses do not have emergency management plans.
Events covered by disaster management include acts of terrorism, industrial sabotage, fire, natural
disasters (such as earthquakes, hurricanes, etc.), public disorder, industrial accidents, and
communication failures.

Classifications of Disaster Management

Researchers have been studying disasters for more than a century, and for more than
forty years disaster research. The studies reflect a common opinion when they argue that all disasters
can be seen as being human-made, their reasoning being that human actions before the strike of the
hazard can prevent it developing into a disaster.
All disasters are hence the result of human failure to introduce appropriate disaster
management measures. Hazards are routinely divided into natural or human-made, although complex
disasters, where there is no single root cause, are more common in developing countries. A specific
disaster may spawn a secondary disaster that increases the impact. A classic example is an earthquake
that causes a tsunami, resulting in coastal flooding.
Earthquakes refer to shaking of earth. There is continuous activity going on below the
surface of the earth. There are several large plates (size of continents) below the surface of the earth,
which move (at a very slow speed). As a part of this movement, sometimes, they collide against each
other. And, after the collision, they might still continue to push each other. As they continually keep
pushing each other, there is a pressure building up – across these plates below the surface. And, then,
at a certain time, one of the plates might slide over another. This causes an earthquake.
Some earthquakes might be caused by activity above the surface. For example in a
mountainous region, there might be a heavy landslide. Due to a huge mass of land falling, at the point
of the fall, there could be a minor shaking of earth, due the impact of fall. However, usually, such
earthquakes are not very major.

Volcanoes refer to eruption of hot molten lava from below the surface of the earth. As
plates move away from each other, at certain places, the surface might get stretched and thinner. In
such a situation, the hot molten lava and gaseous substances below this thinned surface could open up
a fissure and come out.
Typically, these eruptions are always accompanied by discharge of huge amount of
gaseous substances, which are various compounds of high toxicity. All eruptions (gaseous or liquid)
from a volcano is at high temperature, and, the mouth of a volcano might look like, as if it’s spewing
The area around Pacific Ocean is characterized by higher volcanic activity. In fact, the
entire rim along the Pacific Ocean is called as the “Ring Of Fire”, because of volcanic activity along
this zone.
There are a lot of volcanic activities taking place on a continuous basis, across the globe,
however, not all of these are serious enough to be termed as disasters. In fact, for most of these – just a
moderate level of precaution might be sufficient.

Floods refer to huge amount of water reaching land in a short span of time, causing land surface to be
submerged under water – at places, where, land surface is usually not covered with water.
Floods could be caused due to natural causes, or, human activities, or, a combination of
both. Floods are caused by discharge of huge volume of water in a short span of time, at a rate, such
that the water cannot be carried away from the scene of discharge.
Usually, flooding impacts a large area, wherein entire district or states might be
flooded. However, sometimes, flooding is very local, i.e. limited to just one city, or, parts of it. Most
often, the localized flooding is caused due to human activities, rather than natural phenomenon. A
natural phenomenon might seem like the immediate trigger, but, in reality, this is caused by human
Among various kinds of disasters, flooding is unique in the sense that it has a very high degree
of predictability, both in the short term, as well as long term. In most situations, flood prone areas are
quite known – in the sense that they have a history of flooding. Only in very rare situations, a place
might be flooded – without having any past history of flooding. Even in such cases, a careful study of
the area could give an indication of possible flooding

Natural hazard:A natural hazard is a natural process or phenomenon that may cause loss of life,
injury or other health impacts, property damage, loss of livelihoods and services, social and economic
disruption, or environmental damage.

Various phenomena like earthquakes, landslides, volcanic eruptions, floods,

hurricanes, tornadoes, blizzards, tsunamis, and cyclones are all natural hazards that kill thousands of
people and destroy billions of dollars of habitat and property each year. However, the rapid growth of
the world's population and its increased concentration often in hazardous environments has escalated
both the frequency and severity of disasters. With the tropical climate and unstable land forms, coupled
with deforestation, unplanned growth proliferation, non-engineered constructions which make the
disaster-prone areas more vulnerable, tardy communication, and poor or no budgetary allocation for
disaster prevention, developing countries suffer more or less chronically from natural disasters. Asia
tops the list of casualties caused by natural hazards.
Airplane crashes and terrorist attacks are examples of man-made disasters: they cause
pollution, kill people, and damage property. This example is the September 11 attacks in 2001 at the
World Trade Center in New York.

Human-instigated disasters
Human-instigated disasters are the consequence of technological hazards. Examples
include stampedes, fires, transport accidents, industrial accidents, oil spills and nuclear
explosions/radiation. War and deliberate attacks may also be put in this category. As with natural
hazards, man-made hazards are events that have not happened—for instance, terrorism. Man- made
disasters are examples of specific cases where man-made hazards have become reality in an event.
Features of Disaster Management:

 Disaster Management Teams

 Systematic Planning
 Organising of Resources
 Training to Manpower
 Suitability
 Stability

Principles of Disaster Management

 Disaster management is the responsibility of all spheres of government.
 Disaster management should use resources that exist for a day-to-day purpose.
 Organisations should function as an extension of their core business.
 Individuals are responsible for their own safety.
 Individuals are responsible for their own safety.
 Disaster management planning should recognise the difference between incidents and
 Disaster management arrangements must recognise the involvement and potential role of
nongovernment agencies.

Impact of Disasters:
Displaced Populations: One of the most immediate effects of natural disasters is population
displacement. When countries are ravaged by earthquakes and other powerful forces of nature, many
people have to abandon their homes and seek shelter in other regions. A large influx of refugees can
disrupt everything from accessibility of health care and education to food supplies and basic hygiene.
Large-scale evacuations are common in light of the power of tsunamis and other natural disasters, and
those fortunate enough to survive face a range of challenges following widespread destruction
Health Risks: Aside from the obvious danger that natural disasters present, the secondary effects can
be just as damaging. Typhoons, hurricanes and tsunamis often cause severe flooding, which can result
in the spread of waterborne bacteria and malaria. As a result, health complications can be prevalent
among survivors of natural disasters, and without the help of international relief organizations, death
tolls can rise even after the immediate danger has passed.
Food Scarcity: After natural disasters, food can become scarce. Thousands of people around the world
go hungry as a result of destroyed crops and a loss of agricultural supplies. The impacts of hunger
following an earthquake, typhoon or hurricane can be tremendous, but fortunately, there are ways you
can help. ChildFund's Child Alert Emergency Fund provides people affected by natural disasters with
the food and nutritional support they need. Your donation of $25, $50 or $100 will be used to fulfill
immediate needs on the ground.
Emotional Aftershocks: Natural disasters can be particularly traumatic for young children.
Confronted with scenes of destruction and the deaths of friends and loved ones, many children develop
post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), a serious psychological condition resulting from extreme
trauma. Left untreated, children suffering from PTSD can be prone to lasting psychological damage
and emotional distress. ChildFund works in countries around the world affected by natural disasters to
help children receive the psychosocial care they need following these traumatic events.
Although nobody can prevent natural disasters, we can help people in need in their
wake. By making a donation to ChildFund's Child Alert Emergency Fund, you can help us provide
food, clean water, health care and emotional support to children and communities displaced by natural


I am Deepika.A, persuing B.E COMPUTER SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING in Dhaanish Ahmed
college of Engineering, Chennai with 7.2 CGPA. And I completed my HSC in St.Joseph
Hr.sec.School. My areas of interests are Business Management . I had served with various
responsibilities both in academic and also non-academic area. My hobbies are playing Badminton and
doing Exercise .


1. Tell us something about yourself.

I am Deepika.A, persuing B.E COMPUTER SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING in Dhaanish Ahmed
college of Engineering, Chennai with 7.2 CGPA. And I completed my HSC in St.Joseph
Hr.sec.School. My areas of interests are Business Management . I had served with various
responsibilities both in academic and also non-academic area. My hobbies are playing Badminton and
doing Exercise .

2. What are your career objectives? What are your short-term and long-term goals?
I want to get a Government job or else Banking job as per the core of mine , where I should be able to
use my specialized qualification, understanding and experience in business or Banking process
modeling and organizational change management to suit customer needs.

3. Why should I hire you?

As you are looking for someone in design field with a technical background, Here I’m ,to do as your
requirements with better experience ,anyway my specialized qualification in designing skills with
proficient knowledge and excellent communication skills makes me the best candidate for the job.I
hope ,my skills and experience will make a small change into a big successive one.

4. What makes you interested in our organization?

The professional excellence maintained and pursued by your company has impressed me and your
company’s experience and innovation combined with the user – friendliness, reliability, and quality of
its products and solutions have made it a world leader in software industries. Working with such a
growing organization has been one of my career objectives from the very beginning.

5. Where do you see yourself in five years?

I would be working as a Project Supervisor in your esteemed company.
6. What are your great strength?
I have strong communication and interpersonal skills and the ability to get along with the others. I have
been able to achieve company targets and live up to the commitments with a sense of urgency.

7. What is your greatest weakness?

I aim at and call for nothing short of perfection, and become nervous when I am not able to do
something up to my satisfaction. However, I know that this may sometimes delay a work and try to
compensate with very hard work.

8. How will you rate yourself on a scale from one to ten?

I always strive to be the best whatever I do. I believe in being the best.

9. Are you leader or a follower?

I am both a leader and follower. I have successfully completed several projects as a leader but at the
same time I have worked in cross –functional teams as a member and have done well.

10. How long do you want to stay with us?

I would like to be a part of your organization for a long period.


No.568,Pallavan Nagar,
Vallam Post,

The HR Manager,
Uniq Technologies ,
7th Floor, SB Infocity, Block A,
Kamarajar street,Kodambakkam
Chennai - 600096.
Dear Sir,

Sub: Application for the post of Software Engineer-Reg.

This is in response to your advertisement in "The Hindu" newspaper dated 12-09-18 for the
post of Software Engineer.I am graduated in B.E Computer Science and Engineering .I’m a fresher.I
also have completed my computer courses in C,Java,Python and Web Designs. I am a hard working,
sincere and dedicated worker. By working in companies of such repute I have learnt certain values
such as integrity and respect for people and swear by them now. I assure you that if I am selected by
your organization I will give it my best and promise you a result-oriented tenure.
My Resume has been enclosed for your kind perusal.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Thanking You


No.568,Pallavan Nagar,
Vallam Post,

To obtain the full-time position in the field of Computer science and Engineering and utilizing
my academic skills, Practical training, Problem solving skills along with my computer knowledge for
the betterment of the organization and myself.


Qualification University/Board Institution Year of Percentage/

Passing Cgpa

Dhaanish Ahmed College 2022 7.2cgpa

B.E.CSE Anna University Of Engineering –Padappai.

St.Joseph Hr.sec.School,
12 STATE BOARD Chengalpattu. 2018 65.5℅
Swamy Viveknandha
10 STATE BOARD Matriculation 2016 93.5%

 Leadership.
 Sincere and dedicated.
 Good listener.
 Adaptable

Name :Deepika.A
Date of Birth : 01-01-2001
Sex :Female
Age :20
Father's Name : Alex.R
Marital status : Single
Nationality : Indian
Languages Known :English,Tamil,
Hobbies : playing Badminton,doing zumba

I hereby declare that the above mentioned details are true to the best of my knowledge.



 Think of your business email as though it was on your business letterhead and you'll never go

 If you cannot respond to an email promptly, at the very least email back confirming your receipt
and when the sender can expect your response.

 Emailing site owners about your product or service through the site form is still spam. Ask them if
they want more info first!

 When replying to emails always respond promptly and edit out unnecessary information from the
post you are responding to.

 Formality is in place as a courtesy and reflects respect. Assume the highest level of formality with
new email contacts until the relationship dictates otherwise. Refrain from getting too informal too
soon in your email communications.

 Never send anyone an email they need to unsubscribe from when they didn't subscribe in the first
 Be very careful how you use Reply to All and Cc: in a business environment. Doing so for CYA or
to subtlety tattle can backfire and have your viewed as petty or insecure.

 When replying to an email with multiple recipients noted in the To: or Cc: fields, remove the
addresses of those who your reply does not apply to.

 Never send business attachments outside of business hours and confirm that the format in which
you can send can be opened by the other side.


 Keep in mind when in newsgroups or message boards that you are in a global arena. Read the
charters and rules - before you post.

 When discussions get out of control; don't stoop to name-calling or profanities. You are better than

 Keep your signature file to no more than 4-5 lines.

 Keep commercialism to no more than a link at the end of your comment or contribution.

 Stay on topic and discuss issues only relative to the thread/topic in question.

 If new to the message board, "lurk" for awhile to get a feel for the community and personalities of
the regulars before you post.

 Never give out personal information or specifics to your location on message boards.

 Keep in mind there will always be differences of opinion. Try to remain objective and not
personalize issues.

 Don't fall for trolls. Trolls are folks who will post rude comments just to get a rise out of everyone.

 Be sure to down edit, or remove any part of the post you are replying to that is no longer necessary
to the ongoing conversation.


Before getting upset because you perceive someone didn't respond, check to see if their reply was
inadvertently deleted or sent to your Trash or Junk folder.
 With emotionally charged emails, wait until the next morning to see if you feel the same before
clicking Send.

 Feel free to modify the Subject: field to more accurately reflect a conversation's direction.

 When it comes to your email communications, know who you can trust; trust only those you know.

 Take the time to review each email before clicking Send to ensure your message is clear and you
are relaying the tone that you desire.

 Never use an old email to hit reply and start typing about an entirely new topic.

 Regardless of how noble a forwarded email may be, don't just forward without investigating its
authenticity @

 Always add the email addresses of Web sites and new contacts immediately to your approved
senders or address book so they get through Spam filters.

 Before completing a Web site's Contact form; make an effort to review the site to be sure the
information you seek is not already available.

 Take a quick look at the e-mails in your Trash before you delete them just in case a good e-mail
landed there by mistake.

 If any email states to forward to all your friends, or just 5 people -- do everyone a favor and just hit

 Don't mass e-mail people who didn't ask to be on your personal "mailing list".

 Double check that your adware, spyware and virus programs are set to automatically update at least
once each week so the software knows what to protect you from.


Aptitude and intelligence quotient are related, and in some ways differing views of human
mental ability. Whereas intelligence quotient sees intelligence as being a single measurable
characteristic affecting all mental ability, aptitude often refers to one of many different characteristics
which can be independent of each other, such as aptitude for military flight, air traffic control, or
computer programming. This is more similar to the theory of multiple intelligences.
A single construct such as mental ability, might be measured with multiple tests. Often, these
test scores will be correlated with each other. The U.S. Department of Labour's General Learning
Ability, for instance, is determined by combining Verbal, Numerical and Spatial aptitude subtests. In a
given person some aptitudes might be low and others high. In the context of an aptitude test the "high"
and "low" scores are usually not far apart, because all ability test scores tend to be correlated. Aptitude
is better applied intra-individually to determine what tasks a given individual is more skilled at
performing. Inter-individual aptitude differences are typically not very significant due to IQ
differences. Of course this assumes individuals have not already been pre-screened for aptitude
through some other process such as SAT scores, GRE scores, or finishing medical school.


Tests that assess learned skills or knowledge are frequently called achievement tests. However,
certain tests can assess both types of constructs. An example that leans both ways is the Armed
Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB), which is given to recruits entering the armed forces
of the United States. Another is the SAT, which is designed as a test of aptitude for college in the
United States, but has achievement elements. For example, it tests mathematical reasoning, which
depends both on innate mathematical ability and education received in mathematics.
Aptitude tests can typically be grouped according to the type of cognitive ability they measure:
Fluid intelligence: The ability to think and reason abstractly, effectively solve problems and think
strategically. It’s more commonly known as ‘street smarts’ or the ability to ‘quickly think on your
feet’. An example of what employers can learn from your fluid intelligence is your suitability for the
role for which you are applying.
Crystallised intelligence: The ability to learn from past experiences and to apply this learning to work-
related situations. Work situations that require crystallised intelligence include producing and
analysing written reports, comprehending work instructions, using numbers as a tool to make effective
decisions, etc.
A skill is the learned ability to carry out a task with pre-determined results often within a given
amount of time, energy, or both [citation needed]. In other words the abilities that one possesses. Skills
can often be divided into domain-general and domain-specific skills. For example, in the domain of
work, some general skills would include time management, teamwork and leadership, self- motivation
and others, whereas domain-specific skills would be useful only for a certain job. Skill usually requires
certain environmental stimuli and situations to assess the level of skill being shown and used.
People need a broad range of skills in order to contribute to a modern economy. A joint ASTD
and U.S. Department of Labour study showed that through technology, the workplace is changing, and
identified 16 basic skills that employees must have to be able to change with it.
1. Labour skill
2 .Life skills
3. People skills
4. Social skills
5. Soft skills
6. Hard skills
7. Mastering skills
8 .See also
9. References
10. External link

Skilled workers have long had historical import (see Division of labour) as electricians, masons,
carpenters, blacksmiths, bakers, brewers, coopers, printers and other occupations that are
economically productive. Skilled workers were often politically active through their craft guilds.
Life skills are problem solving behaviours used appropriately and responsibly in the
management of personal affairs. They are a set of human skills acquired via learning (teaching)
or direct experiences that are used to handle.

Dress codes are written and, more often, unwritten rules with regard to clothing. Clothing
like other aspects of human physical appearance has a social significance, with different rules
and expectations being valid depending on circumstance and occasion. Even within a single day
an individual may need to navigate between two or more dress codes, at a minimum these are
those that apply at their place of work and those at home, usually this ability is a result of
cultural acclimatization. Different societies and cultures will have different dress norms although
Western styles are commonly accepted as valid.

The dress code has built in rules or signals indicating the message being given by a
person's clothing and how it is worn. This message may include indications of the person's
gender, occupation and political, ethnic and religious affiliation, and attitude towards comfort,
fashion, traditions, gender expression, marital status, sexual availability, and sexual orientation,
etc. Clothes convey other social messages including the stating or claiming the establishing,
maintaining, or defying and appreciating comfort and functionality.

For example, wearing expensive clothes can communicate of wealth, or to quality

clothing. All factors apply inversely to the wearing of inexpensive clothing and similar goods.
The observer sees the resultant, expensive clothes, but may incorrectly perceive the extent to
which these factors apply to the person observed. Clothing can convey a social message, even if
If the receiver's code of interpretation differs from the sender's code of
communication, misinterpretation follows. In every culture, current governs the manner of
consciously constructing, assembling, and wearing clothing to convey a social message. The
rate of change of fashion varies, and so modifies the style in wearing clothes and its
accessories within months or days, especially in small social groups or in communications
media-influenced modern societies. More extensive changes, requiring more time, money,
and effort to effect, may span generations. When fashion changes, the messages
communicated by clothing change.
The indigenous peoples of the Pacific Northwest Coast had a complex social
structure, including slaves, commoners, and nobles, and dress codes to indicate these social
distinctions. John R. Jewitt, an Englishman who wrote a memoir about his years as a captive
of the Nuu-chah-nulth people in 1802-1805, describes how, after some time living there,
Maquinna and the chiefs decided that he must now be "considered one of them, and conform
to their customs". Jewitt resented the imposition of this dress code, finding the loose
untailored garments very cold, and attributed to them a subsequent illness of which he almost
died. He was not allowed to cut his hair, and had to paint his face and body as a Nootka
In some traditions, certain types of clothing are worn exclusively or predominantly by
either men or women. For example, the wearing of a skirt tends to be associated with female
dress, while trousers are associated with male dress. Hairdressing in some societies may also
conform to a dress code, such as long hair for women and short hair for men. Some headgears
are usually geared towards women, such as hair-clips, hairpins, and barrettes (hair clasps).
In many societies, particular clothing may be a status symbol, reserved or affordable
to people of high rank. For example, in Ancient Rome only senators were permitted to wear
garments dyed with Train purple; and, in traditional Hawaiian society, only high-ranking
chiefs could wear feather cloaks and palooka or carved whale teeth. In China before the
establishment of the republic, only the emperor could wear yellow.
In 1996, former U. S. President Bill Clinton announced his support for the idea of
school uniforms by stating, “School uniforms are one step that may help break the cycle of
violence, truancy and disorder by helping young students understand what really counts is
what kind of people they are.” Many school districts in the United States took up the idea.[ By
requiring students to wear a school uniform they are less likely to have something to make
fun of other students for. This would cause the students to get to know one another by their
personality and who they really are rather than the clothes they wear.
Military, police, and firefighters usually wear uniforms, as do workers in many
industries. School children often wear school uniforms, while college and university students
sometimes wear academic dress. Members of religious orders may wear uniforms known as
habits. Sometimes a single item of clothing or a single accessory can declare one's occupation
or rank within a profession.
In many regions of the world, national costumes and styles in clothing and ornament
declare membership in a certain village, caste, religion, etc. A Scotsman declares his clan
with his tartan. A French peasant woman identified her village with her cap or coif. A
Palestinian woman identifies her village with the pattern of embroidery on her dress.

Clothes can also proclaim dissent from cultural norms and mainstream beliefs, as well
as personal independence. In 19th-century Europe, artists and writers lived la vie de Bohème
and dressed to shock: George Sand in men's clothing, female emancipationists in bloomers,
male artists in velvet waistcoats and gaudy neckcloths. Bohemians, beatniks, hippies, Goths,
Punks, and Skinheads have continued the (countercultural) tradition in the 20th-century West.
Traditionally, Hindu women wear sindoor, a red powder, in the parting of their hair to
indicate their married status; if widowed, they abandon sindoor and jewelry and wear simple
white clothing. However, this is not true of all Hindu women; in the modern world this is not
a norm and women without sindoor may not necessarily be unmarried.
In many Orthodox Jewish circles, married women wear head coverings such as a hat,
snood, or wig. Additionally, after their marriage, Jewish men of Ashkenazi descent begin to
wear a Tallit during prayer.
Men and women of the Western world may wear wedding rings to indicate their married
status, and women may also wear engagement rings when they are engaged.
Dress codes function on certain social occasions and for certain jobs. A military
institution may require specified uniforms; if it allows the wearing of plain clothes it may
place restrictions on their use.
A "formal" or white tie dress code typically means tail-coats for men and full-length
evening dresses for women. "Semi-formal" has a much less precise definition but typically
means an evening jacket and tie for men (known as black tie) and a dress for women.
"Business casual" typically means not wearing neckties or suits, but wearing instead collared
shirts, and more country trousers (not black, but more relaxed, including things such as
corduroy). "Casual" typically just means clothing for the torso, legs and shoes. "Wedding
Casual" defines yet another mode of dress, where guests dress respectfully, but not
necessarily fancily. The uniform may consist of various items that are appropriate length and
style depending on what the school suggests: for example, khaki pants or shorts, plaid skirts,
a button-up collared shirt, a sweater, a coat and tie and even socks. Some schools have each
grade assigned a color type which communicates what grade the student is currently in. That
way if a student is lost someone is able to figure out what grade they are in just by looking at
the color of their shirt.

Stress management refers to the wide spectrum of techniques and psychotherapies
aimed at controlling a person's levels of stress, especially chronic stress, usually for the
purpose of improving everyday functioning.
In this context, the term 'stress' refers only to a stress with significant negative
consequences, or distress in the terminology advocated by Hans Steely, rather than what he
calls eustress, a stress whose consequences are helpful or otherwise positive.
Stress produces numerous physical and mental symptoms which vary according to
each individual's situational factors. These can include physical health decline as well as
depression. The process of stress management is named as one of the keys to a happy and
successful life in modern society.[1] Although life provides numerous demands that can prove
difficult to handle, stress management provides a number of ways to manage anxiety and
maintain overall well-being.
Despite stress often being thought of as a subjective experience, levels of stress are
readily measurable, using various physiological tests, similar to those used in polygraphs.
Many practical stress management techniques are available, some for use by health
professionals and others, for self-help, which may help an individual reduce their levels of
stress, provide positive feelings of control over one's life and promote general well-being.
Evaluating the effectiveness of various stress management techniques can be difficult,
as limited research currently exists. Consequently, the amount and quality of evidence for the
various techniques varies widely. Some are accepted as effective treatments for use in
psychotherapy, whilst others with less evidence favoring them are considered alternative
therapies. Many professional organizations exist to promote and provide training in
conventional or alternative therapies.
There are several models of stress management, each with distinctive explanations of
mechanisms for controlling stress. Much more research is necessary to provide a better
understanding of which mechanisms actually operate and are effective in practice.
Walter Cannon and Hans Steely used animal studies to establish the earliest scientific
basis for the study of stress. They measured the physiological responses of animals to
external pressures, such as heat and cold, prolonged restraint, and surgical procedures, and
then extrapolated from these studies to human beings.
Subsequent studies of stress in humans by Richard Rahe and others established the
view that stress is caused by distinct, measureable life stressors, and further, that these life
stressors can be ranked by the median degree of stress they produce (leading to The Holmes
and Rahe Stress Scale). Thus, stress was traditionally conceptualized to be a result of external
insults beyond the control of those experiencing the stress. More recently, however, it has
been argued that external circumstances do not have any intrinsic capacity to produce stress,
but instead their effect is mediated by the individual's perceptions, capacities, and
Richard Lazarus and Susan Folk man suggested in 1984 that stress can be thought of
as resulting from an “imbalance between demands and resources” or as occurring when
“pressure exceeds one's perceived ability to cope”. Stress management was developed and
premised on the idea that stress is not a direct response to a stressor but rather one's resources
and ability to cope mediate the stress response and are amenable to change, thus allowing
stress to be controllable.[4]
Among the many stressors mentioned by employees, these are the most common:
 The way employees are treated by their bosses/supervisors or company
 Lack of job security
 Company policies
 Co-workers who don't do their fair share
 Unclear expectations
 Poor communication
 Not enough control over assignments
 Inadequate pay or benefits
 Urgent deadlines
 Too much work
 Long hours
 Uncomfortable physical conditions
 Relationship conflicts
 Co-workers making careless mistakes
 Dealing with rude customers
 Lack of cooperation
 How the company treats co-workers
In order to develop an effective stress management programmer it is first necessary to
identify the factors that are central to a person controlling his/her stress, and to identify the
intervention methods which effectively target these factors. Lazarus and Folk man’s
interpretation of stress focuses on the transaction between people and their external
environment (known as the Transactional Model). The model contends that stress may not be
a stressor if the person does not perceive the stressor as a threat but rather as positive or even
challenging. Also, if the person possesses or can use adequate coping skills, then stress may
not actually be a result or develop because of the stressor. The model proposes that people
can be taught to manage their stress and cope with their stressors. They may learn to change
their perspective of the stressor and provide them with the ability and confidence to improve
their lives and handle all of types of stressors.
The health realization/innate health model of stress is also founded on the idea that stress
does not necessarily follow the presence of a potential stressor. Instead of focusing on the
individual's appraisal of so-called stressors in relation to his or her own coping skills (as the
transactional model does), the health realization model focuses on the nature of thought,
stating that it is ultimately a person's thought processes that determine the response to
potentially stressful external circumstances. In this model, stress results.

Time management is the act or process of planning and exercising conscious control
over the amount of time spent on specific activities, especially to increase effectiveness,
efficiency or productivity.
It is a meta-activity with the goal to maximize the overall benefit of a set of other
activities within the boundary condition of a limited amount of time.
Time management may be aided by a range of skills, tools, and techniques used to
manage time when accomplishing specific tasks, projects, and goals complying with a due
date. Initially, time management referred to just business or work activities, but eventually
the term broadened to include personal activities as well. A time management system is a
designed combination of processes, tools, techniques, and methods. Time management is
usually a necessity in any project development as it determines the project completion time
and scope.
The major themes arising from the literature on time management include the following:
 Creating an environment conducive to effectiveness
 Setting of priorities
 Carrying out activity around those priorities
 The related process of reduction of time spent on non-priorities
 Incentives to modify behaviour to ensure compliance with time-related deadlines.
Time management has been considered to be a subset of different concepts such as:
 Project management. Time Management can be considered to be a project
management subset and is more commonly known as project planning and project
scheduling. Time Management has also been identified as one of the core functions
identified in project management.
 Attention management: Attention Management relates to the management of
cognitive resources, and in particular the time that humans allocate their mind (and
organize the minds of their employees) to conduct some activities.
Some time-management literature stresses tasks related to the creation of an environment
conducive to "real" effectiveness. These strategies include principles such as:
 "get organized" - the triage of paperwork and of tasks
 "protecting one's time" by insulation, isolation and delegation
 "achievement through goal-management and through goal-focus" - motivational
 "recovering from bad time-habits" - recovery from underlying psychological
problems, e.g. procrastination
Writers on creating an environment for effectiveness refer to such matters as having a tidy
office or home for unleashing creativity, and the need to protect "prime time". Literature also
focuses on overcoming chronic psychological issues such as procrastination.
Excessive and chronic inability to manage time effectively may result from Attention
Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) or Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD). Diagnostic
criteria include a sense of underachievement, difficulty getting organized, trouble getting
started, many projects going simultaneously and trouble with follow-through. Some authors
focus on the prefrontal cortex which is the most recently evolved part of the brain. It controls
the functions of attention-span, impulse-control, organization, learning from experience and
self-monitoring, among others. Some authors argue that changing the way the prefrontal
cortex works is possible and offer a solution.[3]
Setting priorities and goals
"Task list" redirects here. For application in Windows XP, see Windows Task Manager.
Time management strategies are often associated with the recommendation to set
personal goals. The literature stresses themes such as -
 "Work in Priority Order" - set goals and prioritize
 "Set gravitational goals" - that attract actions automatically
These goals are recorded and may be broken down into a project, an action plan, or a
simple task list. For individual tasks or for goals, an importance rating may be established,
deadlines may be set, and priorities assigned. This process results in a plan with a task list or
a schedule or calendar of activities. Authors may recommend daily, weekly, monthly or other
planning periods associated with different scope of planning or review. This is done in
various ways, as follows.
ABC analysis
A technique that has been used in business management for a long time is the
categorization of large data into groups. These groups are often marked A, B, and C—hence
the name. Activities are ranked by these general criteria:
 A – Tasks that are perceived as being urgent and important,
 B – Tasks that are important but not urgent,
 C – Tasks that is neither urgent nor important. (This list could also include tasks that
are urgent but not important.)
Each group is then rank-ordered by priority. To further refine the prioritization, some
individuals choose to then force-rank all "B" items as either "A" or "C". ABC analysis can
incorporate more than three groups.[4]
ABC analysis is frequently combined with Pareto analysis
Pareto analysis
This is the idea 80% of tasks can be completed in 20% of the disposable time. The
remaining 20% of tasks will take up 80% of the time. This principle is used to sort tasks into
two parts. According to this form of Pareto analysis it is recommended that tasks that fall into
the first category be assigned a higher priority.

Look at questions 1 – 5.
•In each question, which sentence is correct?
•For each question, mark one letter (A, B or C).
TO : All staff
SUBJECT : IT Training
Tell your line manager if you wish to attend. Places are for those who have not had IT
training this year.

Employees must attend the IT course if

A. They had IT training earlier in the year.
B. Their line manager wants them to.
C. They missed the previous IT training.

The answer: C.


1. All orders delivered free of charge within 3 days. For next day delivery, the attached
charges apply.
A. There is no delivery charge for any order.
B. You must order your goods 3 days in advance.
C. You must pay to receive goods the following day.

2. Large industrial company is looking for graduates to join management team. Experience
not essential but an advantage. Salary negotiable.

Applicants for the managerial position

A. Need to have a degree.
B. Can expect an excellent salary.
C. Must have management experience.

Date: Monday, 6 July
Time: 08.30
Inform your line manager if you are unable to attend.
A. The meeting will allow managers to meet new staff.
B. New staff must attend if their line manager cannot go.
C. There is a meeting for new staff on 6 July.

4. Questions (i – v)

•Read the article below about graduate recruitment in America.

•Are sentences (i – v )on the opposite page ‘Right’ or ‘Wrong’? If there is not enough
information to answer ‘Right’ or ‘Wrong’, choose ‘Doesn’t say’.
•For each sentence (i – v), mark one letter (A, B or C).

In September, the campuses of America will be full of not only returning undergraduates, but
also employers offering jobs to the best 10% of them. “We are seeing a far more competitive
market for talent,” says Steve Canale, a recruitment manager at General Electric (GE).
Companies are also looking at summer work- experience students more as potential full-
time employees than as temporary staff. 60% of GE's graduate recruits in America this year,
for instance, will come from more than 2,000 summer students.
Firms are working harder to improve their image in the eyes of undergraduates. GE focuses
on 38 universities where it actively promotes itself as an employer. PricewaterhouseCoopers
(PWC), an accounting firm, targets 200 universities and gives a partner responsibility for
each. PWC says that each of these partners spends up to 200 hours a year “building
relationships on campus”.
According to a survey by Universum, which asked 30,000 American students to name their
ideal employer, PWC came second in 2005 (up from 4th in 2004), beaten only by BMW. Yet
the German carmaker, which replaced Microsoft as the leader in 2005, avoids campuses,
relying for its popularity, says Universum, on the “coolness” of its products.

i)The competition for recruiting graduates has grown recently.

  A Right B Wrong C Doesn’t say

ii) General Electric is offering jobs to all its work experience students.
  A Right B Wrong C Doesn’t say

iii) Not many work experience students complete their studies.

  A Right B Wrong C Doesn’t say

iv)Companies want to make more of an impression on students.

  A Right B Wrong C Doesn’t say

v)PWC gives each partner responsibility for one of 38 universities.

  A Right B Wrong C Doesn’t say

Answer Script of Online Assessment

Date of Exam:  20/03/2018
Student Name: Monish. \A Registration No:410615104007
Subject Name:  Communication
Test Name:  Communication Skills Laboratory
Exam Summary Total Questions :  43 Max Marks:  35
Correct Answers: 22 Wrong Answers: 18 Marks Obtained:21
Section I : Listening Comprehension
Part 1: Gap filling (This part carries 5 Marks)
Instruction: Listen to the passage and type the correct word in the blanks.
Click play button to listen the Audio.
Q 1. A     power station is a power plant in which the prime mover is     driven. Water is heated,
turns into steam and spins a steam     which drives an electrical     . After it passes through the
turbine, the steam is condensed in a     ; this is known as a Rankine cycle. The greatest variation in the
design of thermal power stations is due to the different fuel sources. Some prefer to use the term energy cente
because such facilities convert forms of heat energy into electrical energy. However, power plant is the most
common term in the United States, while power station     in many Commonwealth countries and
especially in the United Kingdom.
Almost all coal, nuclear,     , solar thermal electric, and waste incineration plants, as well as many natur
gas power plants are thermal. Natural gas is frequently     in gas turbines as well as boilers. The waste h
from a gas turbine can be used to raise steam, in a combined cycle plant that improves overall     . Such
power stations are most usually     on a very large scale and designed for continuous operation.
Correct Answer : thermal~steam~turbine~generator~condenser~prevails~geothermal~
Part 2: True/False (This part carries 5 Marks)
Instruction: Listen to the passage and indicate whether the given statement is True or False by
clicking on the appropriate option.
NOTE: Audio can be replayed twice.
Click play button to listen the Audio.
Q 2.  Strong sales of semiconductors and digital consumer electronics devices have fuelled a comeback for
Japan's largest semiconductor producers.
True False
Correct Answer : 1    Your Answer : 2   Status : Wrong   Marks : 0
Q 3.  Earlier chip makers now have enough confidence to start investing in additional capacity.
True False
Correct Answer : 1    Your Answer : 1   Status : Correct   Marks : 0.5
Q 4.  Low- margin commodity products like DRAMs caused severe losses.
True False
Correct Answer : 1    Your Answer : 1   Status : Correct   Marks : 0.5
Q 5.  In Japan restructuring and cost-cutting cannot be done as the companies cannot identify the key problem
True False
Correct Answer : 2    Your Answer : 1   Status : Wrong   Marks : 0
Q 6.  Restructuring and cost-cutting are the priorities of the Japanese companies.
True False
Correct Answer : 1    Your Answer : 2   Status : Wrong   Marks : 0
Instruction: Listen to the passage and indicate whether the given statement is True or False by
clicking on the appropriate option.
NOTE: Audio can be replayed twice.
Click play button to listen the Audio.
Q 7.  Microcredit is a sevice provided by microfinacing system.
True False
Correct Answer : 1    Your Answer : 1   Status : Correct   Marks : 0.5
Q 8.  Maintainig very small loans is as cheap as a large loan
True False
Correct Answer : 2    Your Answer : 2   Status : Correct   Marks : 0.5
Q 9.  Banks will make a profit on microfinance regardless of any other parametres.
True False
Correct Answer : 2    Your Answer : 2   Status : Correct   Marks : 0.5
Q 10.  Banks have to have assurance from defulters through collaterals.
True False
Correct Answer : 1    Your Answer : 1   Status : Correct   Marks : 0.5
Q 11.  In developing countries there is a contradicting situation for giving small loans.
True False
Correct Answer : 1    Your Answer : 2   Status : Wrong   Marks : 0
Part 3: Multiple Choice (This part carries 5 Marks)
Instruction: Listen to the passage and answer the question/s by clicking on the appropriate option.
NOTE: Audio can be replayed twice.
Click play button to listen the Audio.
Q 12.  Photovoltaic cells new design has all the following features except
photons that focus the energy into the cell
concentric circles that focus the sun's rays on miniaturized modules
the panels automatically sense sunlight
Correct Answer : 1    Your Answer : 3   Status : Wrong   Marks : 0
Q 13.  The cells:
Are increasing playing dual rotes
Concentrate sun’s rays
give alternate source of energy
Correct Answer : 1    Your Answer : 2   Status : Wrong   Marks : 0
Q 14.  In the third paragraph, Anna Dyson tells us that
solar cells are getting more and more efficient
solar cells are getting smaller and smaller
solar cells are doing a and b
Correct Answer : 2    Your Answer : 3   Status : Wrong   Marks : 0
Q 15.  Conventional solar cells are inefficient because they have power efficiency of
upto 14%
Correct Answer : 1    Your Answer : 1   Status : Correct   Marks : 0.5
Q 16.  Dyson’s team has a system that can
sense where the sun is at any time
sense where the heat of the sun is at any time
diverge solar rays at any time
Correct Answer : 1    Your Answer : 3   Status : Wrong   Marks : 0
Q 17.  By making the sun’s rays perpendicular to the solar plates
sun’s rays get dispersed
sun’s rays get concentrated
sun’s rays do not have any significant change
Correct Answer : 2    Your Answer : 2   Status : Correct   Marks : 0.5
Q 18.  Solar energy can
reduce the use of fossil fuels
reduce harmful emissions
both a and b
Correct Answer : 3    Your Answer : 2   Status : Wrong   Marks : 0
Q 19.  This system will help lighting in buildings by
increasing the efficiency of present lighting
lowering the lighting needs of the building
providing greater usable light
Correct Answer : 3    Your Answer : 1   Status : Wrong   Marks : 0
Q 20.  The cell is of the size of?
a postage stamp
a postcard
a thumb nail
Correct Answer : 1    Your Answer : 2   Status : Wrong   Marks : 0
Q 21.  Each vertical stack of lenses are
macro lenses
micro lenses
serrated lenses
Correct Answer : 2    Your Answer : 2   Status : Correct   Marks : 0.5
Section II : Reading Comprehension
Part 4: Gap filling -Choose 10 correct words out of 15 words (This part carries 5 Marks)
Instruction: Fill in the blanks using the list of words given below.
(Enter option number in the Appropriate Box)
Q 22. Heart disease and     cause nearly half of all deaths in America, and     reduce the quality of
life for many people. Both diseases have the same     cause, which is arteriosclerosis, a condition in whi
  , fat, and     harden, narrow, and     plug the arteries. This process takes many years and gi
virtually no clues until the arteries have 50 to 80 percent blockage.
While there are some risk factors for     disease that we can't change, such as age and sex, there are som
that we can do something about. According to the Framing-ham Heart Study the six most important    
risk factors are high cholesterol,     smoking, high blood pressure, obesity, diabetes, and    
1.Strokes  2.Cholesterol  3.Clues  4.Underlying  5.Severely
  6.Eventually  7.Calcium  8.Arteries  9.Blockage  10.Cigarette
  11.Cardiovascular  12.Arteries  13.Modifiable  14.Physical  15.Blood pressure
Correct Answer : 1~5~4~2~7~6~11~13~10~14   
Your Answer : 07~10~05~03~01~09~08~14~06~12   Status : Wrong   Marks : 0
Part 5: Sequencing of Jumbled Sentences (This part carries 5 Marks)
Instruction: Arrange the following sentences in correct sequence (This question carries 5 mark)
Q 23.
B: Here is my complaint ID: SR201490, please refer and let me know.
B: Thank you, hope it will be resolved at the earliest.
B: I lodged a complaint in your customer care 3 days ago, and there was no action taken on my complaint.
A: Sir, I apologize for the inconvenience caused. Can you please provide me your complaint ID.
A: Thank you, Sir. Your request had changed from ‘Open’ to ‘In Progress’ state. It will be resolved in next 2
Correct Answer : 3~4~1~5~2   Your Answer : 4~1~3~5~2   Status : Wrong   Marks : 0
Part 6: Multiple Choice (This part carries 5 Marks)
Instruction: Read the Passage Carefully and Answer the Questions
During the last Ice Age, there were many large, interesting mammals, like the saber-toothed cats, giant grou
sloths, woolly rhinos, mastodons, and mammoths. These animals have long since gone extinct and are kno
mostly from fossils, from frozen, mummified carcasses, and from ancient cave drawings. Mammoths (gen
Mammuthus) are extinct elephant-like animals that were adapted to cold weather. These herbivores (pla
eaters) had long, dense hair and under fur, large ears (but much smaller than modern-day elephants), a lo
proboscis (nose), and long tusks. Both the males and the females had tusks; the tusks were really incisor tee
Mammoths lived from about 2 million years ago to 9,000 years ago, during the last ice age (the Pleistoce
Epoch). This was millions of years after the dinosaurs went extinct. These huge mammals lived throughout
The various mammoths ranged in size from about 9 ft (2.7 m) tall to over 15 ft (4.5 m) tall. Some species h
tusks that were straight, some had tusks that were curved. The longest tusks were over 17 feet (5.2 m) long. T
tusks were used in mating rituals, for protection, and for digging in the snow for fo
Q 24.  Mammoth resembles which animal?
Correct Answer : 1    Your Answer : 1   Status : Correct   Marks : 0.5
Q 25.  Mammoths belong to which age?
Stone age
Golden age
Ice age
Correct Answer : 3    Your Answer : 3   Status : Correct   Marks : 0.5
Q 26.  The tusks of mammoth are
Correct Answer : 2    Your Answer : 1   Status : Wrong   Marks : 0
Q 27.  What do mammoths eat?
Both plants and animals
Correct Answer : 1    Your Answer : 2   Status : Wrong   Marks : 0
Q 28.  What was the length of the longest tusk that was found?
17 feet
10 feet
5 feet
Correct Answer : 1    Your Answer : 1   Status : Correct   Marks : 0.5
Instruction: Read the Passage Carefully and Answer the Questions
Symbian OS is an open operating system, designed for mobile devices, with associated libraries, user interfa
frameworks and reference implementations of common tools, produced by Symbian Ltd. It is a descendant
Psion's EPOC and runs exclusively on ARM processors. On 24 June 1998, Symbian Ltd. was formed a
partnership between Ericsson, Nokia, Motorola and Psion, to exploit the convergence between PDAs a
mobile phones. On 24 June 2008 the Symbian Foundation was announced with the aim to "provide royalty-f
software and accelerate innovation".
Symbian OS, with its roots in Psion Software's EPOC, is structured like many desktop operating systems wit
pre-emptive multitasking and memory protection. Symbian OS EKA2 supports sufficiently-fast real-time
response such that it is possible to build a single-core phone around it—that is, a phone in which a single
processor core executes both the user applications and the signalling stack. This is a feature which is not
available in Linux. The Base Services Layer is the lowest level reachable by user-side operations. Statistics
published in February 2007 showed that Symbian OS had a 67% share of the smart mobile device market.
Q 29.  The roots of Symbian OS is Psion Software's _______
Correct Answer : 1    Your Answer : 1   Status : Correct   Marks : 0.5
Q 30.  When did the Symbian Foundation announce with the aim to "provide royalty-free software and
accelerate innovation?"
On 24 June 2003
On 24 June 2005
On 24 June 2008
Correct Answer : 3    Your Answer : 3   Status : Correct   Marks : 0.5
Q 31.  Symbian OS is ________ system
an open operating
a closed operating
a parallel operating
Correct Answer : 1    Your Answer : 1   Status : Correct   Marks : 0.5

Q 32.  ______, Symbian Ltd. was formed as a partnership between Ericsson, Nokia, Motorola and Psion.
On 24 June 1999
On 24 June 1998
On 24 June 1996
Correct Answer : 2    Your Answer : 2   Status : Correct   Marks : 0.5
Q 33.  How much share of the smart mobile device market had Symbian OS according to the statistics
published in February 2007?
Correct Answer : 3    Your Answer : 3   Status : Correct   Marks : 0.5
Section III : Common Errors in English
Part 7: Correct the errors(grammar) in 10 sentences (This part carries 10 Marks)
Instruction: From the following pairs of sentences identify the grammatically correct sentence Q.34 to Q.43.
Q 34. Identify the correct sentence.
When their dog got really old and couldn't move very much, it would sit in the sunshine all day.
When their dog got really old and couldn't move very much, it will sit in the sunshine all day.
Correct Answer : 1    Your answer : 2     Status : Wrong   Marks : 0
Q 35. Identify the correct sentence.
It depends in your attitude whether or not you adapt to the new demands of a job.
It depends on your attitude whether or not you adapt to the new demands of a job.
Correct Answer : 2    Your answer : 2     Status : Correct   Marks : 1

Q 36. Identify the correct sentence.

There's not very much room at this table but I think you could just squeeze in besides me.
There's not very much room at this table but I think you could just squeeze in beside me.
Correct Answer : 2    Your answer : 2     Status : Correct   Marks : 1
Q 37. Identify the correct sentence.
What is the name of that picture which you look at on the wall?
What is the name of that picture which you are looking at on the wall?
Correct Answer : 2    Your answer : 1     Status : Wrong   Marks : 0
Q 38. Identify the correct sentence.
Their actions meet with disapproval. Nobody agreed to them.
Their actions met with disapproval. Nobody agreed to them.
Correct Answer : 2    Your answer : 2     Status : Correct   Marks : 1
Q 39. Identify the correct sentence.
Sometimes when you see the news on television, you get a living report from a journalist at the scene of a
Sometimes when you see the news on television, you get a live report from a journalist at the scene of an
Correct Answer : 2    Your answer : 1     Status : Wrong   Marks : 0
Q 40. Identify the correct sentence.
The story was that after his wedding he took his young bride on their honey moon to stay at a hotel in Pa

The story was that after his wedding he took his young bride on their honeymoon to stay at a hotel in Par
Correct Answer : 2    Your answer : 2     Status : Correct   Marks : 1
Q 41. Identify the correct sentence.
If you have got that job, would you have been able to move to a new house?
If you had got that job, would you have been able to move to a new house?
Correct Answer : 2    Your answer : 2     Status : Correct   Marks : 1
Q 42. Identify the correct sentence.
I’ll be ready for leaving by five o’clock.
I’ll be ready to leave by five o’clock.
Correct Answer : 2    Your answer : 1     Status : Wrong   Marks : 0
Q 43. Identify the correct sentence.
The India stood first in the world cup series.
India stood first in the world cup series.
Correct Answer : 2    Your answer : 1     Status : Wrong   Marks : 0

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