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The idea of organizing actions must be conceptualized in order to provide a profitable

company with a motivated and committed workforce. Organizational behavior is any form of

behavior originating from workplace structure and culture. Different activities that can be

conducted by managers to direct organizational actions can promote meaningful

improvement in the workplace. These activities include careful preparation, feedback,

community thinking and the use of instruments for evaluating progress. Proper planning must

be done to influence beneficial workplace improvements. This planning must be done in

advance, otherwise any shift that happens might not be positive or l In order to make the

transition, companies have to prepare for it by minimizing all of the expense and optimizing

all profits. Thus organizations, while reducing the likelihood of negative influences, aim to

get the best effect from the transition. The aim is to predict any issues and difficulties and

then to be prepared with the information so that they can be minimized from the beginning.

Every company will become a great place to work as long as the trust and shared respect that

involves value driven leadership and success is purpose-based between management and

employees. Great work places are deeply dedicated to work because people speak to each

other and genuinely feel that people are important to the business. The whole organization’s

active communications, the knowledge of a particular culture and brand, a vision, and ideals

are vibrant, and have a high standard.


Managers may influence the conduct of the company and encourage positive change. For

example, training programs that explain how workers can overcome organizational

challenges can boost their performance. Companies are facing the idea of making sustainable
behavioral strategies that promote improvement in the workplace. It is within this definition

that organisations, through positive change, promote growth.


In an environment in which companies concentrate on optimizing profit and generating

wealth, companies aim to enhance their efficiency and remain competitive. As the number of

companies that do similar businesses is increasing, the market is becoming smaller and more

competitive. The performance factor is now as important as ever. Organizations are now

expanding their market share to find better and cost efficient ways to handle their activities.

Organizations know how necessary they are to adjust their way of doing things in order to be

successful. Below are the objectives.

 To Identifying and avoiding obstacles to effective workplace change

 To assess how effective self-efficacy has been in employment

 to associate objective organizational metrics with positive workplace behavior.

 To examine how organizational behavior affects an organization's evolving process

 To evaluate the importance of an inclusive work environment and how creativity and

innovation contribute to meaningful change are encouraged?


Failure by most of the organisations to break obstacles for them to achieve more has always

been blamed on the employees inability to accomplish what is expected from them in an

organization. The failure always results from poor practices which develop to become a

culture and acceptable norm in an organization. It takes time to try to have a full change in

employee behaviour, in order to change the fortunes. Any such analysis should take account

of the current endemic processes and employee behaviour. In the initial stage of any planned

reform, organizations can expect opposition to reform. Suitable preparation, from the
beginning of behaviors that promote meaningful change, can effectively empower

organizations and administer the objections of their staff when they arise, potential

changes[ CITATION Pfe99 \l 1033 ].




Manufacturing industries have a long history and constitute an significant proportion of the

national gross domestic product and export values. In order to compete in a globalized

market, the majority of manufacturing firms have gone through a modernization and

adaptation phase. However, as a result of modifications over time, many plants still have non-

optimized floor shops without re-designing their production and logistics flows and lack of a

global strategy. In the project, Discrete-Event Simulation (DES) and Simulation-based

Multifocal Optimization (SBO) under the guidance of a design and creation research strategy

can be combined to help the optimization of shop floors. The project aims, by taking into

account the manufacturing and logistics flows along with the floor layout, to promote the

improvement and improvement of a high product mix and low volumes of custom product

fabrication systems.

The approach aims to dramatically improve manufacturing sector productivity and efficiency

and help businesses compete on the globalized market. The future outcomes can be of use in

making system changes and improvements in light of the mid and long-term objectives of the

organization for decision makers and stakeholders In practice, this approach will provide a

framework of decision support for that particular industrial partner and will serve as the
guideline for other manufacturing companies by performing multiple case studies carried out

by a middle-size water pump manufacturer.


The primary goals of this project are:

 Investigate the high technology of modeling and optimization of system

to enhancement high product manufacturing , logistics and layout  manufacturing

production systems.

 To help the selection, design and implementation of new production and logistics

systems through simulation and optimization.

 Find the capacity and key parameters, considering the shop floor layout, for the

enhancement and optimization of production and logistics flows.


Over the decades, many medium-sized manufacturing facilities in the globe industrial sector

have been modified to meet the demands and evolutionary requirements of multinational

companies. This also results in numerous extensions of many shop floor buildings with

aggregate facilities, largely due to the constant growth, adaptation and modernization of

production systems. Simulation studies to identify possible changes and viability of various

parts of the structures should be evaluated, planned and installed in order to assist decision-

makers in increasing productivity and performance and to provide a better established long-

term perspective when adapting this type of medium-sized production facility[ CITATION

Mey13 \l 1033 ].

Meyr, H., & Mann, M. (2013). Adecomposition approach for the general lotsizing and

scheduling problem for parallel production lines. European Journal of Operational

Research, 718-731.

Pfeffer , J., & Veiga, J. (1999). Putting People First for Organization Success. Academy of

Management Executive, 61-75.

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