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"Tbese t:biogs also I baoe obseRvoo: 'Cbat: koowlooge Of oaR woR.lo is
t:o be oaRt:oR.oo like a pRecioas powe~ fOR it: is 'Cbe mos'C pRecioas
t:biog we baoe. WbeRefORe gaaRo 'Cbe woR() wRitteo ao() be00
woR.()s aowRi'C'Cen-aoo set 'Cbern ()owo eR.e t:bey fa()e ... LeaRD
'Cbeo, well, t:be aR'Cs of Rea()fog, wRitiog, ao() Jist:eoiog O?ae, ao() t:bey
will lea() yoa 'Co t:be gRea'Cest: aR'C Of all: ao()eRs'Cao()iog:•
- AJaao()o of Cao()Jekeep

CycJopeOia o.,: 'tbe Realms

Tuble of Contents
Introductions . . . • . • . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • • • . • • • . . . . . • • • . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
About thb Product • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Tin1e in the Realms . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • • • . . . . . . . • • . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Names in the Realms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Languages of the Realms . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . 8
Currency in the Realms . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • • • . . • • . . . . . . . 9
Religion in the Reahns .•........................•...•.....•. • ..•.• . .•.•.•........ . 10
Cyclopedia Entries ....•...... • ......... . •..........•............................. 19
Anauroch ~lap .............•...... . ........................... . ....... . .... .. .. 23
Arabel Map .••.............. , ......................................••...•....... Z4
Cormy r \1ap ..... . •.. • ........•............................. . ...............•... 33
Cormy r Ro.val Lineage .•.......•.... . .. . •.....................••.....•....•.•..... 34
Dalelan ds ,\1ap ••••..••••......••..... .. •... . .....•......... ~ .••.....•..•.•••••. . . 36
lm1nersea l\.lap •••..•• • ••.....• • ..........•..•.... . .•........ . ..........•.••..•... 53
.\1ages' Sigils ....• . .•....... . .................................................. 58, 59
\ferchant Co1npany Banners ..............•.................................... .... 63
\1y th Drannor .\laps .•..•.•• . ..•...•..•...•.•........•.•.••........•........... 66. 67
Scornubel ~tap . , ........... . ................................................... . 75
Old Skull Inn l\itap ..• • •••........•....•••• • .......•....•........•.•........• . , • • .. 76
Shadowdale !\-lap • • • . . . . • • . . . . • . . • • . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . • • . . . . . . . . . • . • . . . . . . . . • • . . . 78
Suzail J\.tap . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82, 83
Westgate l\-1<tp ..•..••.••....•.••••.••••.•....•••..•......•••••••.. •.•.••••• 90, 91
Zhentil Keep Network ... . ........ . ............... .. .... . .... . ............... 93
Appendix: The Shadowdale Census . .. .................. . .......................•.... 94

Credits Graphic Design: Stephanie Thbat

Calligraphy (Runes, Sigils, Languages): Pau1a M. Holz
Design: Ed Greenwood Deity/faith Symbo ls: Oa\'id E. Martin
Design and Development: Jeff Grubb Ty pogr aphy Betty Elmore
Editing: Karen S. Martin
Cover Art: Keith Parkinson
Interior Art: Jeff Easley. Keith Parkinson , Tim Conrad Printed in the U.S.A.
cartography: Diesel, Dave Sutherland, Dennis &. Ron Kauth 1581\ 0·88038-472-7
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~D\i\~CED Oll?\GWl\S 6. DRA\.01\S, An&O. f'ORG01TF.V REALMS. PROOl ltl"li m YOl•R JM:\GI:\' ;\TIO!\!, dlld lht> TSR logo drl! tr~dematls '"' n~ by TSR. Inc.
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hat which follows is a brief intro· cal energies, allowing them to perform
T duction to the world of the Forgot·
ten Realms, with hopes lo entertain,
mighty tasks. Others receive such abili·
ties with the blessing of extra-planar
illuminate, and provide information in beings known as Powers. These magic·
campaigns using the 1\D\ ·\,...CED users and clerics can reshape the face
DU:'\GEO'JS & DRAGONS®system This of the world. and indeed have done so
tome and the cyclopedia it contains, over the millennia. Hills and forests
with its companion \'Olume, the D.\ f's may appear where there have been
Sow·cebook of tlJc Reillms, should allow none before, and mountains may move
the creation of an individual campaign several miles. A great sandy waste has
setting using this world . been moving further south in tho heart
The Forgotten Realms are a world of the Realms, matched by a sheet of
very similar to the l::arth of the 13th and ice, equally relentless, to its east Nei·
14th centuries Most of the area under ther of these may be the fault of nature
discussion here has until recently been alone, but the meddling of spelJ.cuslers,
covered by wild forests and unsettled human and otherwise.
grasslands. Civilization is still a novelty Finally. the Realms are a land of
in much of this world, even the oldest adventure, and therefore adventurers.
of cities on the Inland Sea, or the found· It is the time of heroes, when one man
ing of Waterdeep, the greatest City of of pure heart (or with a powerful arti·
the North. are within the memorr of fact) may hold his own against enem)
the oldest living elves of E\'ermeet: hordes where legions of evil force:i;
The people of these realms (including may muster and be destroyed by the
man, dwarf, elf, gnome, and halflingl actions of a few, where the nations rise
are similar in mindset and advance· and fall on magical tides which mere
ment to the men of the 13th century. men can control. It is a time when the
Citv·states are common, and nations on bold and the lucky may make their for·
the increase as more of the wild lands tunes and gain great power over their
are pushed hack and gathm·cd under a worlds.
single king or go\'ernment. Skills such The information presented herein is
as mctah\· farming, and craft· as known to myself, those about me in
industry are common in the civilized the lands north and west of the Sea of
lands, so that swords and hcavv metal Fallen Stars, and those l have encoun·
armor are all·too available to the war· tered in my travels. On my word as a
rior. Literacy and the quest for knowl· sage nothing within these pages is false,
edge in on the rise, with the recent but not all of it may prove to be Irue. AII
introduction of printed hand-hills in stories presented are as J have heard
WaterdeP.p. The mcrchnnls·class 1s them and had them recorded, ull lnfor·
increasing in both wealth and power as mation is checked as best as possible
more markets and resourcl~s open up. given the limited -resources of an old
faith, while not as dominant as in man in a small town (even if that old
Europe of this period, Is a major force man has the power to flatten moun·
in the lives of the people. tains, mind you). As you adventure in
There are great differences between this fantas; world, be warned that not
that world and thb as well. Great beasts all things are as they appear, and trust
and evil humanoids wander the wild (and to your wits, your weapons, and your
not·so-wild) country of the forgotten common sense in surviving and profit·
Realms. Ruins of ancient cities and tow· ing from the Forgotten Realms.
er.. may be found among the under-
bru5h, old land!!> and names that arc lost @
to memory and the past. And there is As recorded by Lhaeo, Scribe to the
Some indMduals of the Forgotten 30th and last day of ~ightal , Year of the
Realms ha,·e the ability to channel magi· Prince, 1357 Dalereckoning

Abocrt -cbis Pr<ooac-c
he FORGOTIEN REALMS"' Boxed which are of Interest or influence in the from the texts of the Sage of Sha-
T set contains two books, four maps,
and two sets of plastic overlays. The
area (such as the land of Red Wizards,
Thay) are included as well, as are local
dowdaJe, this section includes all
manner of details, notes, gossip,
plastic overlays are used to determine legends and stories that might easily be legends, tales, and other general
distances in the realms without need of known to those living in these times. information on the area or indi-
overlaying hexes or other grids on the The second book, The DM's Source· viduals encountered.
surfaces of the maps themselves. 1\vo book of the Realms, is written to
of the maps are dra'""" to provide a gen- emphasize the use of the Realms for the something will be mentioned in
eral overview of the Realms, running AD&D® game system, including tables the section of Elminster's Notes
from the Moonshae tsles in the west to and Information necessary for running which may require further expla·
U1e land of Thay in the east, and from a campaign, advice on the different nation for the AD&D game player,
the Spine of The World Mountains in types or styles of campaigns, some sam-
such as suspected levels of a ruler
the North to the Jungles of Chult in the ple adventures, and items specially or guard-captain, the numbers of
south. These maps have been drawn geared to the FORGOTTEN REALMS a patrol or armed force, or stats
with that information available to our setting. for ships or types of alcohol Rath·
representative in the Realms, Elminster This book is divided in two portions:
er than digress in the text. or refer
Ule Sage. and represents what is known the first a general overview on the the curious game-player to
of those lands from the mindset of the Realms and those things common to another section, those topics are
Dalelands and Cormyr. most of the Realms (Currency, Calen· covered under this heading.
The other two maps are detailed dar, major gods, and language), the sec-
blow-ups of sections of the former ond being a Cyclopedia section. which Also provided within this text are var-
maps, covering that region from the is an alphabetical description of the ious and sundry maps of cities and
Sword Coast to The Dragon Reach in major regions of the Realms, their towns within the Realms, ranging from
great detail, for use m adventuring races, and the power groups which Scornubel the 'ltade·city to Suzail. capi·
through the Realms. As more of the influence the world. tal of Cormy1~ to Shadowdale-a very
world is fully explored, more maps of The Cyclopedia entries are further small town with some very powerful
Ulis and scale will be made available for split into three sections. They are: protectors. The City of Splendors,
use in Realms-related products. • AT A GLANCE: This is information Waterdeep. is mentioned in passing,
The book you are reacting: The Cyclo- readily available to Individuals in and a full description of the largest city
pedia of the Realms, is intended as a the Realms, such as how a town in the North is left to a project which
general overview of life in the Forgot- looks when riding into it (is it can do justice to the space required to
ten Realms, concentrating on those walled or open? Are there trading discuss it. AJso included here is the Cen-
areas best-known to our source. That is companies? Any large temples?}. It sus of the town of Shadowdale, taken
to say, this book concentrates primarily Is a brief summary of information from its "Book Of Days;· on the eve of a
on those areas detailed In the large- \vith a minimum of detail. recent battle, to note the typical inhab-
scale maps. Areas beyond their borders itants of such an area.

TIME IN THE REALMS 3. Ches of the Sunsets. March often continues for the length of the
4. Thrsakh of the Stonns. April harvest so that there 1s alwavJ> food for
The calenOaR . anO Roll Ol= those coming in from the fi~ds. There
yea RS Special Day: Grcengrass is much traveling about on the heels of
5. Mlrtul; The Melting. May the feast , as merchants, court emis·
The following calendar is specifically
saries. and pilgrims make speed ere the
tailored for the kingdom of Cormyr. 6 Kythorn; The Time of Plowers. worst of the mud arri\ es and the rain
The year consists of 365 days: 12 June freezes in the snow
months of exactly 30 days each (due to
7. Flamerule; Summertide . July The Feast of the Moon is the last great
the single moon and its followers), plus
festival of the year. It marks the arrival
5 days that fall between months. These Special Day: ~idsummer of\.v.inter, and·is also the dav when the
days are special occasions. Leap year is
retained purely for social convenience , 8. J:Jeasias; Highsun 4ugust dead are honored. Craves are bJe.,sed.
the llitual of Remembran ce performed,
and prO\idcs a sixth special day that is 9. Eleint; The Fading September and tales of the doing of those now gone
uscd as the basis for long·tenn agree·
Special Day: Higharvestid e are told far into the night. \fuch is said
mcnts and such.
of heroes and treasure and lost dties
~tonths are subdivided into three ten· 10 ..\tarpenoth; Leafall. October
undergroun d.
day periods. These are known various·
11. tJktar; The Rotting. November Once every four years, another day is
ly as "eves;• "tendays;' ''domen;• "hvrar;•
added to the year in the manner of Feb·
or "rides" throughout the Forgotten Special Day: The .Feast of the .\ifoon
ruary 29 in the Gregorian calendar.
Realms. llides ir. the standard tenn used
12 ':\;ightal; The Drawing Down. This day is part of no month. and fol·
in Cormyr and the Dalelands. and is December lows Midsummer l\ight It ii. known as
used for reference In these texts.
the Shieldmeet It is a day of open coun·
Although the monthi. themselves are
Special CaleoOaR Days cil between nobles and people; a day for
standardized , U1e system of dating\ ar·
Midwinter is known offic1ally as the the making and renewing of pacts,
ies from place to place. Usually, year:.
oaths. and agreements: tournaments ,
are numbered from an event of great High Festival of Winter. It is a feast
tests and trials for those wishing to
political or religious significance; each where, traditionally, the lords of the
land plan the year ahead, make and advance in battle fame or clerical stand·
nation or region has cultures with
ing; for entertainme nt of all types, par·
unique hbtories, and thus different renew alliances, and send gifts of good·
ticularly theatrical: and for dueling.
reckonings. The system in naming the will. Tu the commonfol k, this is
Wars, by the way, are often but not
months is named for its in\.entor, the Deadwinter Day, the midpoint of the
always fought after the harvest is done,
long-dead wizard Harptos of Kaallnth, worst of the cold.
Greengrass is the official beginning of
continuing as late as the weathf>r per·
and is In use throughout the \'.orth.
mits. The bulk of the fighting takes
spring, a day of relaxation J•lowers that
place in the month of Uktar, and the
Tbe Caler:>OaR. Of: HaRp'Cos ha\·e been carefully grown in inner
ironic pr.1cticality of the Feast of the
rooms of the keeps and temples during
The name of each month in the Calco· the winter are blessed and cast out
Moon is readily apparent.
dar of Harptos is listed below, from the Years ("winters") arc referred to by
upon the snow, to bring rich growth in
beginning of a calendar year to the end. the !;ea~n ahead. names, each one consistent across the
Each month's name is followed bv a col· Midsummer; callt•d Midsummer [\eight
Realms. because each kingdom 01· city·
loquial description of that month. plus state numbers years differently, usually
or the Long Night, is a time of feasting
the correspondi ng month of the Grego to measure the reign of a dynasty or the
and mui;ic and love. In a ceremony per·
rian calendar in parentheses . current monarch, or since the founding
formed in some lands, unwed maideni.
Special days are list<.>d when they of the country. The current year is I 332
are set free in the woods and • hunted"
occur between months and appear in by their would-be suitors throughout in Cormvr and 1357 in the Dales
italic type. Each special day is described !Dalereckomng, or ORI. The Cormvr
the night Betrothals are LradltionaJJy
in a paragraph following the calendar made upon this night. It is verv rare Reckoning derives from the foundati~n
indeed for the weather to be ba·d dur· of Houi.e Obarskyr the dynasty which
still rules that land Dalereckoning is
Ing the night-such 1s considered a \'ery
1. Hammer: Oecpwinter January taken from the vear that men were fir:;t
bad omen, usually tholJ8ht to foretell
famine or plague. permitted by the Elven Court to settle
Special Day- Midwinter
Higl>arvestide heralds the coming of
in the more open regions of the forests.
2. Alturiak, The Claw of Winter, or The Dates given \\ithin this tome are in
fall and the han·est. It is a feast that
Claws of the Cold. February Oalereckoni ng for the sake of conven·

ience, though other regions will have event. (There are a large number of depending on where they were raised,
their own methods of reckoning the " trollkillers" in the Realms, more a and change back and forth several
passage of the years credit to the numbers of the monsters times.
1\lmnes for the years are known as the rather than the prowess of their slay· Dwa1•ves. Dwarves have a very
Roll of Years, as they are drawn from ers.) In the course of a lifetime, an aver· strong sense of their past and the
predictions written down under that age human can take and discard several heroes in their families. They carry
title by the famous Lost Sage, Augathra surnames, keeping his "given" name only a first name, followed by the quali·
the Mad, with a few additions by the throughout. fier of heritage. The lowest dwarves
seer Alaundo (for further information Human Nobles and Gentry. These attach themselves to their state, such as
on Alaundo see entry under Candle- individuals tend to retain the "family "Mongar of the Iron House:· Dwarves
keep). The Roll is a long one; here is the name:· a name usuallv derived from the with a hero or dwarf of renown in their
relevant portion of it. individual who established the family's heritage may use the appellation "son
(1352 DR)
fame, position, or prowess. Such names of" or "grandson of' such as ''Thelarn,
are retained even after the nobility has son of Mongoth:' Beyond two genera-
fallen from grace or power. For exam- tions, the phrase "blood or• is used, but
ple, the Wyvernspurs of Cormyr, while only for the greatest dwarven leaders,
still well off, are significantly less pow· as in "Nor, blood of Ghellin. king-in-exile
erful than the days when they were of the Iron House:'
advisors to the king. Again, special Gnomes. These quiet people use both
year just ending).
names for events or appearances are given and surnames, and maintain Jong·
common. standing family ties, such that a third
Human Magic-users. Magic-users name, for location, may be necessary.
tend to eschew long titles and names, For example, outside of bis home land,
and the general feeJlng is that a mage·s Wysdor Sandminer may have to be
fame should pre<:ede him, such that a known as "Wysdor Sandminer, of Lhe
single mention of the name is sufficient, Sandminers of Arabel;' to avoid con-
and no one would doubt the speaker stant discussions with other gnomes
was refering to anyone else but the gen- that may or may not be close relations.
(1367 DR) uine article. For example, there may Haltings. Halflings are similar to the
well be an Elminster the Barber, or gnomes in the fact that they both given
Elminster of \Vaterdeep, but the refer· and surnames, but both those names
ence of "Elminster" (or even the more may change over time, and be over-
NAMES IN THE REALMS modest ''Elminster the Sage") refers to lapped with nicknames for adventures,
The system of naming is wide and var- the advisor without peer who resides in physical abilities, and pet or diminutive
ied In the realms, with many local cus· Shadowdale. names, and In addition, may be lost
toms common. Player characters may Human Clerics. Identifications of the behind a maze of pseudonyms and false
carry one· or two-part names, nick· faiths of the realms are usually included backgrounds. For example, the baffling
names, titles, or pseudonyms in their in a name, supplanting any family or Corkitron Allinamuck chose both first
career. General guidelines on naming noble names. Amaster, Cleric of and last names (his parents were
are as follows. Tymora can be referred to as "Amaster named Burrows), and goes by the dimi·
Common Humanity. The greater bulk of Tymora" without incident. In higher nuitive "Corky" and the" High
of humanity takes a single name, such church circles, involving leaders of par- Roll:' The last comes from his penchant
as "Ooust" or "Moumgrym;• with a sec· ticular temples or faiths, the full title is for dicing for treasure. saying "High
ondary name added if there is confu· important, such as "AsgaoMh of Tum· Roll gets itl" If the others agree to such a
sion, either from profession ("Doust the pus, Patriarch of Baldur's Gate:· deal, the halfling feels no qualm,
Fighter"), location ("Doust of Shadow· Elves. " The People" have family regardless of the dice, taking his ''right·
dale"), or lineage (lhe Jatter in particular names, which lhev tend to translate ful property" from the others. (After all.
if some legendary figure was in the back into common as nicknames, so they did agree that "High Roll" would
family line, such as "Doust, Grandson of that there will be families of get it.)
Miniber the Sage"). In addition, an name "Strongbows" or "Starglows" in the Other Races. Most of the other races
ma)' be added for a physical condition, world. Such family names are impor- make do with a single name, and fur-
such as "Blackmane" or "Firehair," of for tant in that elvish siblings can be hun- ther clarification as need be (a centaur
some legendary or extraordinary dreds of years apart in age. Half-elves named Aldophus may be called
take Elvish or Ruman naming fashions, Aldophus the Roan, for example). Ores

and gobliru. tend to use proper names Thieves, druids, and illusionists also rune-symbols that are universally rec-
only when lheJ need to, the rest of Lime have their own special languages, in ognized. They are as follows.
·using a native word that translates as additmn to "the High Thngue" in which
"Hey Youl " in everyday speech (a true runes of power !i.e "magic;' as magic "MODERN COMMOl'll"
speaker of U1e Ol'cii.h tongue can put a users know it) are set down. Almost all The \vritten common tongue, which is
great deal of venom behind the word, intelligent creatures you might presented in these \vriting as English, is
such that fights can start in bars at its encounter can understand and speak a descendent of Thorass, the original
mention!. "common" (the trade-tongue of men,
trade-language Literacy in this tongue
spoken with little variance all across the
is rare (and taken as a separate Ian·
LANGUAGES OF THE known Realms), although they may pre- guage), as most individuals use runes
tend not to. for conveying information
REALMS From region to region of the Realms
Most people norili and east of the Sea of Common may have different accents RUATHLEK
Fallen Stars are literate, at least to some and slightly different vocabularies,
degree. Thls ii. not the case, travelers influenced by other local human and The "secret language" or magical script
and tutors have intimated throughout nonhuman tongues. While a native of of illusionists is rarely found in the
the Realms. Westgate, southern Sem· Thay will be able to communicate with Realms. illusionists themselves are fair·
hia, and perhaps Hillsfar are the pre- a denizen of Baldur's Gate, each will be ly rare in the North-but Waterdeep is
dominantly literate areas in the vicinity, aware of the other's ridiculous accent known to hold at least one library of
and Waterdeep on the Sword Coal!t; ln a similar fashion, non-human books in that dweomer-guarded
elsewhere "trust to your tongue;' as tongues each belong to the same tin· tongue. ll has been surmised that this
wayfarers say. guislic tree, so that elves native to written "secret language" of the illu·
Note that every alignment has its O\>\.'TI Evereska, Evermeet, and tile Elven sionists is derived from the use of magi·
special tongue, understandable usually Court may understand each other (bar· cal runes.
only to those of like alignment. Such ring again local dialects and accent). Tu
tongues are very basic, 11ble to commu· humans, an "elvish rommon" is THORASS (Auld Common)
nicate acceptance or disagreement, referred to simply as elvish, and the Thorass, or the written trade-tongue
emotions, and favored concepts or "dwarvish common" as dwarvish. and universal language of the long-ago
ueliefs (for example, "lawful'' beings Realms (often found in tombs, under·
could discuss "justice" and its aclmin.J.s· WRitteo Jao9aa9es ground ways and habitations, and
trationl. Alignment tongues are not Written tongues are much rarer than even-still in current use- in certain
used wllh strangers, and so are viewed spoken languages, for most races have southern areas of the Realms) is the
as offensive (in the leastl and hostile (at no use for them beyond the standard ancestor of the Common Thngue. 'lrou-
worstl. bled times across North (when the

A B C D E F G H J K L M N 0 P Q R S T Tb U V W X Y Z

EspRCAaR +'? 1' :1· ) ~{J A e ,.J k p ~ f- (i) c;t 1§ $--0~ ~

fl[T 1\ ~ 1 ~\\.il.11t+7~~C~
l 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 0 50

ThORCJS:; C.:. c.:.: c..:i u:> H f+ f1-•"CJ • & C (PxarnplP Of: narnbeR 14) • (C.: CD)

EspROOR / ' _f' A A cf cf 'cf ):{ YL - L (I, th111 pm~sor>J = <9

T 1T 11r 1llT' t IT r'Tr tnr r'mr r'1

Inner Sea lands were very sparsely set· (clans or tribes) or race:.. If any runes A few greetings and farewells
tied) caused a period of little literacy are painted, names of being:. and places are given hereafter, for use hy the lra\'-
among young people, and the use of are commonly picked out in red, while eler.
rune:. or svmbols (detailed later) the rest of the text is colored black or Uc// met-The most often used greet·
replace Thor~ss for a time. left as unadorned groO\·es. Ing, part1c:ularly hctwt...>en strangers of a
An inscription in Thorass will trans· Runestones are commonlv read from different race or those of whom one Is
late directly into Common, albeit usu- the outer edge toward the. center; the unsure
ally a stilted and archaic form of writing forms a spiral which encloses a
ph~asing and vocabulary. central picture. It?:// agairi-Bcl\\ efm business associ·
ates or acqu:untnnces, (i.e. we've greet·
ESPR UAR eel before-hence the' again"-ancl you
CURRENC Y IN THE look w1111l is usually used· If onu Is
Espruar (Es-prue-ARI Is the Silver Elven REALMS annoyed, curt, or sarca11tlc, one usually
alphabet, in which most elves of the just says. 'Again" li.t'. "we meet again"
Realms render messages, either in Com· Barter and coinage of aU sorts are com·
mon in the Realms. The following sys· or "you again!")
mon or their native language.
tern is that of the nation of Cormyr, and O/cm1' fOh·LOR-ay-" \\'ell met"l'Good
DETHEK RUNE.S is typical of the other organized dav '),as tra\ elers in the Inner Sea lands
nations. say; Olore' to you. m) friends"
Dwarves seldom write on that which can The favored manner of currency in
perish. Rarely, they stamp or inscribe Cormyr is the royaJ coinage of the Until swotds part-Warriors' fart'\\ eJI
runes on metal sheets and bind those Court, stamped with a dragon on one throughout the Realm:.
together to make books, but stone is the side, and a treasury date mark on the Until next, mav iow· ~word be e\'CI'
usual medium: stone walls in caverns. other (the penally for counterfeiting in net, and your l1oi1om dn'-the pirates
stone buildings. pillars or standing Cormyr, and most other similar nations, of the Inner Sea.
stones-e\•en cairns. Mo:.t often. they is death). There is no paper currency
write on tableb-which are called runes· A/a,·airthnel (Al-nh·\J\RE·thay- Ma.)
save for I.O.U:s which are kno'o\'TI as
tones in rhe Common Tu"8tJe. you1 skill prcvall"l-the Red \\'izards of
"blood-notes:· as they must be signed in
A typical runestone is nat and Thay, in gs\ Ing their fare\\ ells
blood by both (or all, if more than twol
diamond-shaped. about an inch thick. parties involved, and taken to the local Amarastl (Ah·mah·RAST-Fare well
and of some very hard rock . The face of Lord for the affixing of the royal seal. until next we mect')-the sailors of the
the stone is inscribed with Dethek Coinage throughout the realms is cus· south.
runes in a ring or spiral around the tomarily valued as follows:
edge, and at the center would bear a Snr.ot wale/' and light laughter until
picture. Some runestones have pictures nexr-the Poople (Ehesl
200 cp = 200 copper pieces
in relief, and are used ai; seals or can be = 20 silver pieces /\/uw (Ah·WO·vch-llwc leave you)-
pressed into wet mud to serve as tern· = z electrum pieces tho DnJ\\.
porary t rall markers underground. = 1 gold piece AAe /ugh, friend. I go -JJwan•lsh fare-
1b a dwarf, all runestones bear some = 115 platinum piece well.
sort of message. Most are covered with
runic script, the most well-known of In Cormyr. coinage terminology is as Forges warm, friend.-Gnomish fare.
which i:. "Dethek" which trani.Jates follows: well.
directly into Common. The runes of this cp = copper pieces C.ood morning. and good day after that!
script are simple and made up of = copper "thumbs" Don't let anythmg curl your hair! (to
straight lines, for ease in cutting them a silver piece:. which 1s sometunes added-> Hare that
into stone. No punctuation can be = silver falcons Big Folk and mind the goblins root as
sho\\-'11 in Dethek. but sentences are ep ""' electrum pieces the Halfllngs speak to each otbet- to
usually separated by cro:.s·lines of == "blue eyes" others they usually say 'Gods smlle!
script: words are separated by c;paces: gp = gold pieces (upon you)/(for 01hers rarely have the
and capital letters have a line drawn • golden lions patitmc~ for the longer form}.
above them. Numbers which are PP = platinum pieces
enclosed in boxes (within the frames) = tricrown BraeU11k ' hos trolkhJ Uf vou die while
are dates, day preceding year by con· I'm gone do ft quietly1-Hobgoblin
\•ention. There are collective symbols "ith the unspoken addendum because
or characters for identifying peoples I wouldn't want to miss the fun

Local city stale~ often mint theit• own It might be wise to learn the religions fuJ old man, unhont by age, wielding a
coppe1; i;ilver, and gold pieces, though and/or alignments of any persons you staff Azuth is venerated as the most
the electrum and platinum pieces arc must trust, do business with. or adven- powerful of mages, and has the powers
rarer, usually used only by the more ture with, but take carei it is often an of a 30th level magic·user and a 20th
powerful states .such as Cormyr, Water- affront of the highest ordel' to ask :.uch level cleric. Jn addition, Azuth may be
deep, an<.! Arnn mint these types . information openly. Some people have able to discern the abilities of tho:.e
Smaller states, such as the fractured been known to attack individuals weapons he is confronted with, and on
regions of Damara, use coinage bor- inquiring as to their faith . touch may negate the effects of an ilem
rowed from other nations and looted The main deitie:. and demigod:. of the as a rod of canc<.'llation.
from ancient sources. Realms are listed hert•after, including
Finally, Merchants throughout tho notes on Jess-major powers, Elemental BANE (BAIN)
ReaJrns make use of "trade-ban;;· either Lords, Cults of the Bea:.t, and non· Lord Bane, Tile 81.lck Lord
of silver or (for the more profitable car- human deities. God of Strife, I latred, Tyranny LE
avans and costcrs) electrum. These Greater Power Acheron
trade-bars are ingots of the particular Tbe oefcies & oemi9o()s Of Symbol: A black hand, open, with
metal in 10, 25, and 50 gold piece 'Cbe FoR.gotter:> Realms: thumb and fingers aligned together
denominations, and marked with the HCAmao Deities (sometimr.s on a red field) .
crail mark of that particular merchant NOTES: l.ord Bane is never seen ,
or company. All entries in this section are although there are tales of a freezing
arranged in the following format. black-taloned hand and eyes of blazing
RELIGION IN THE fire. This being has both a powerful
NN\fE (pronunciation) church in the Realms, and in addition
REALMS nickname or title{s) has the support of the mages of Zhentil
The 'gods" of the Realms, also called Portfolio Alignment Keep (q.v.).
Powers, are important beings; they Power Home Plane
grant magical spells to their worship· Symbol BESHABA (Beb ·SHAH-ba)
pers, involve themseJ\'es in earthly deal· NOTES:
Maid of Mi:;fortuno, BlacJ.. Bess, Lady
ings, and grow or diminish in personal Doom
power in relation to the number of AURJL (AWE· Rill) Goddess of Mischief, Misfortune, Ill
mortal worshippers they possess. Cler- F'rostmaiden Luck, Accidents meachery,
ics in the service of a god will advance Goddess of Cold Betrayall CE
only if they please the god, by remain· Demi power Pandemonium Lesser Power Aby~~
ing faithful to the god's rules and aims, Symbol: A white snowflake painted Symbol : Black antlers on a red field
and acting as the god wishes. on a grey diamond. long axis vertical. NOTES : The ~laid of Misfortune
There arc many deities in the Realms, SOTES: This demipower is portrayed appear:. as a beautiful white-haired
e\'en among humans, and this plethora as a beautiful blue-skinned maiden face, laughing hysterically. Ul fortune
of divine beings, and the wide variance garbed in a mantle of white. Auril is falls on those who behold her. Often,
of"portfolios" whfoh they represent or connected to Talos lier personal surefire plans go awry, stoul weapons
epitomize, has led to general tolerance powers include double-strength cold or walls suddenly give way, and freak
of the beliefs and worship of others in spells such as ice storm, and OtiJuke's accidents occur to man and beast
the Realms. This extends to all who do freezing sphere, and an icy breath where Beshaba has been.
not break laws among the general pop· (effect of cane of cold) that kills plants
ulace, the Court. and the soldiers of the on contact (sa\ing throw if applicable),
King. Human ~acrifice is considered and has the effect of a succe:.sful cry 1•
Lord of \lurder
murder in lawful realms, and use of stalbrittle spell on all metal it touches.
God of Death LE
another's goods as offerings is both Lesser Power Gehenna
theft and wanton destruction. AZUTH (AH-Zootb) Svmbol: A circle of red blood-tears,
Individuals, particularly clerics, may High One falling counterclockwise, about a
not be all tolerant of the beliefs of oth· Patron of Magic Users LN white skull.
ers. ll is con11idered impolite to inquire Oemipower Arcadia NOTES Bhaal strikes unerringly, his
too deeply into the details of worship of Symbol: A Human Hand. forefinger dagger causmg the area wounded to
a god one docs not worship or is not pointing upward, outhned in a nim- wither He rarely .1ppcars to worship·
likely to worship. bus of blue fire. pers or others , but is depicted by
NOTES: Azuth is portrayed as a power-

priests as a bloody, mutilated corpse powers all enchantment/charm type ILMATER (lbl-MAY-'teR)
with a feral face and silent movements. spells, including sympathy. empathy, God of Endw·ance, Suffering,
It is said that every murder done sleep, and silence 15' radius. Allied with l\fartyrdom, Perseverance LG
strengthens Bhaal. While Myrkul recog- and servant Lo Silvanus, Eldath is the Lesser Power '!Win Paradises
nized as lord of the dead, Bhaal is lord supreme pacifist. She guards all druids' Symbol: the Bloodstained Rack or
of death ilself, the act of killing. groves and when she is present in any crossed hands bound al the wrist.
grove, that place becomes a sanctuary NOTES: This god appears as a broken
CHAUNTEA (Cbacon-TEE-ab) where no blows land and no one feels man, his hands smashed but stiU useful.
Great Mother angry. The elven war-hero Tulva is said Umater is willing sufferer, the one who
Goddess of Agriculture NG lo have camped in such a grove and takes the place of another. He has the
Greater Power Elysium never taken up arms again afterward. power to manifest himself in creatures
Symbol: A budding flower encircled Eldath appears as a beautiful woman being tortured, relieving their pain, but
by the sun, or a sheaf of golden dressed in translucent greens. only if such creatures are of good align-
wheal. ment and have not done anything to
"lOTES: The Great Mother is the patron GOND (Gon~) deserve such treatment.
of the farmers and gardeners, and her Wonderbringer
hand is on every place \•.'here men seek God of Blacksmiths, Artificers, crafts LATHANDER (Lab· THAN - ~eR)
to grow. Chauntea is not a goddess and construction N Morronglord
given to spectacle or pagent, but rather Lesser PowerConcordant Opposition God of Spring, Dawn Conception,
to small acls of devotion, and her tem· Symbol: A toothed wheel of brass, Vitality, Eternal Youth, Renewal,
pies are often small caverns and modest bron~e. iron, or bone. Self-Perfection, Beginnings NG
chambers filled with greenery. Chaun- NOTES: Gond appears as a burly red- Greater Power Elysium
tea is always al war with Auril and hued smith with a mighty hammer, and Symbol: A wooden disk of rosy pink
Tulos. The Earth Mother of Moonshae has at his disposal a forge and anvil with hue.
may be a guise or aspect of Chauntea. which he may hammer out the stuff of NOTE.5: Lathander Lord of Morning is
stars. Those who venerate him are pri- commander of creativity. Offerings are
DENEIR (Deb-NEER) marily tinkers, alchemists, and build· made to him by those who worship other
Lord of All G{vplls &. Images ers, but the island of Lantan fq.v.) powers upon the occasion of beginning a
God of Literature, Art NG considers worship of Good the state new venture or forming an alliance or
Demi-Power Beastlands religion, and nowhere else is the mania company. Lathander's presentation is
Symbol: A single lit candle, often with for invention (or the success of such either as a rosy radiance or mi.<tt, or, in
a eye beneath. inventions) so strong. earlier renditions, of a golden-skinned
NOTES: Deneu• is allied with Oghma. male youth of great beauty. Its priests
and is popularly depicted as an old, HELM (HebJm) where robes of pink or scarlet, the higher
balding sage with flaming white beard. He of tJJe Unsleeping Eyes ranks having them trimmed with ornate
His priests tend to be scholarly in nat- God of Guardians LN ribbons of gold.
ure, and ascribe most of the magical Lesser God Nirvana
tomes or books (Turne of Understand· Symbol: An open, staring eye, often LEIRA (LAIR-ab)
ing, Manual of Clear Thought, etc.) to painted on a metal gauntlet. Ladv of the Mists
him. NOTES: Helm is always vigilant. and GOddess of Deception, Illusion CN
watchful. He is never surprised. and Demipower Limbo
ELDATH (EL-6atb) anticipates most events by intelligence Symbol: A triangular plaque, point
Tile Quiet One, Goddess of Singing and observation. He can never be borne downward, painted in cloudy. swirl·
Water off his feet, rarely can he be tricked. and ing greys.
Goddess of \'\'aterfalls, Springs, he will never betray or neglect that NOTES: Leira is demigoddess of decep·
Streams, Pools. Stillness. Peace, which he guards. In short, he is the ideal tion and illusion, both natural and magi·
Quiet Places, Guardian of of guardians, and is worshipped so that cal. Leira's true appearance is
Druid-Groves N some of his qualities will come to, or be unknown; her priests worship at
Oemipower Prime Material Plane borne out in, the worshipper. Tumples of horned altars whose upswept arms
Symbol: A waterfall plunging into a Gond tend to be located where some evil frame nothing but air. Leira can be any·
still pool, or a circular disc of sky· or potential danger is afoot, such as in thing, anywhere, that is not what it
blue, fringed wilh green ferns . Hlulhvar, al the foot of Darkhold. seems. Few worship Leira outside the
NOTES: Eldath has reputed among her ranks of illusionists, since few other

SyrnboJs o .,: Farcb types of characters see profit in misun· be a black beast, covered th wet drip·
derslandlng and deception though ping blood, and having the fangs and
many pay her homage to ward her off clawed forelimbs of a great cat.
or placate her before important deci· Hunters (both for game and in sporO
sions and judgments are made. She is make offerings to him before setting
seen a neutral rather than evil because forth in the chase.and he is said to mani·
she represents the caprices of nature fest himself in berserkers, enraged
and not deliberate deceit (that is the beasts, and in that type of frenzied
province of Mask). human killer that men deem "mad."
Acm.11 Bhaal is overlord to those who view kill·
LLllRA (LEER-ob) ing as an art to be coldly perfected;
Our Lady of Joy Malar is the patron of those who exult
Goddess of Joy, Carefree Feeling, in it endlessly, sensually; and is prefer·
Contentment, Release, red by adventurers over professional
Hospitality, Happiness, Dance, warriors.
Patron of Festivals CG
Demipower Arvandor MASK (MAHSK)
Symbol: Three stars of six points Lord of Shadows
each, colored orange, yellow, and God of Thieves, Intrigue NE
Bane red. Lesser Power Hades
NOTES: This goddess is allied to Milil Symbol: A black velvet mask
and Sune, and is invoked an offered to NOTES: Mask is the lord of shadows
Besbabo at all joyous occasions. She is usually and those actions which take place in
depicted as a young, dancing, sensuous those shadows; he is the patron of the
lady, laughing and carefree. She cannot thief and cutpurse, the sneak, the spy,
abide violence and ill feeling, and an and the alleyway mugger. He appears as
unsheathed sword (save for in solemn a handsome youth dressed in colorful
ceremony) any place is said to be jerkin and breeches, wearing a grey
enough to drive her, or her favor away. cloak. The cloak allows Mask to fly,
become invisible, and when the hood is
LOVIATAR (Low-oee-A-'taR) placed up, appear as any other being in
Maiden of Pain an impervious illusion. The worship·
Goddess of Pain, Hurt, Patron of pers of Mask tend to hold their services
Turturers LE in dimly lit vaults, and the worshippers
Cbacm-cea Demipower Gehenna and priests aU wear heavy garb and
Symbol; A black whip of nine strands masks.
with barbed tips.
NCJI'ES: Loviatar is the being of the Finn· MIELIKKI (M y - LEE-keel
ish Pantheon in Legends & Lore, and she Lady of the Forest
appears in these realms as a pale maJden Goddess of Forests, Dryads, Patron
dressed in white pleated armor, and her of Rangers NG
dagger ofice is represented here as a slen· Lesser Power Prime Material
der wand. Her abilities and attitudes are as Symbol: The unicorn (or the white
for the Finnish goddess of hurt. star on a green leaf)
NOTES: Mielikki is allied with Silvanus,
M ALAR (M AY-Jorul) and is the Finnish Power described in
EIOO'Cb The Beastlord, The Stalker the Legends &. Lore book.. tn the
God of Wild, Marauding Beasts, Realms, she appears as a young maiden
Bloodlust, and Hunting CE with leaves and moss of hair, garbed in
Demipower Turterus green and yellow. Her powers are as
Symbol: A taloned, bestial claw described in the above-mentioned text.
NOTES: Malar is related to Silvanus and
Gor>O the other "nature" gods, and is said to

MILIL (Meb-LILL) may use all spells at maximum level,
God of Poetry, Eloquence, and one defensive spell per round and one
Song NG offensive spell per round Conly one spell
Demipower Beastlands total per round if the spell used is wish,
Symbol: A silver harp time stop, gate, or alter reality) . Mystra
NOTES: Milil, allied to Oghma and Sune, is constantly shape changing as far as
is held in special esteem by bards. He is an observer on any Prime Material
seen as a young, charismatic man or elf plane is concerned, She is said to have
with beautiful features and voice, but is given the first teachings that unlocked
usually manifested as a haunting music the forces termed "magic" to the races
(particuJarly in clearings in the depths of the Prime Material plane (and, some
of a wood), or a radiance about some say, has forever after regretted the
human bard or raconteur in the throes deed.) Mystra was made lawfuJ neutral
of inspiration. He has been known to on the premise that magic is inherently
provide sudden inspiration to his fol- neutral and exhibits Internal order and
lowers, often in the form of a handy laws. Many mages believe that Mystra
means of escape or treasure buried in determines success lo the creation of
the area. new spells, potions, and magical items.


Lord of Bones, Old Lord Skull The Binder
God of the Dead, Wasting, Decay, God of Knowledge, Invention, LeiRa
Corruption, Parasites, Old Age, Patron of Bards N
Dusk, Fall, Exhaustion NE Greater Power Concordant
Greater Power Hades Opposition
Symbol: A skull or skeletal hand Symbol: A partially unrolled scroll
NOTES: This god usually appears as a NOTES: Oghma M the Forgotten
cloaked, animated corpse-skeletal at Realms is the same beings as the Oghma
its head, becoming fleshed toward its of the Celtic mythos in L&L, save for
feet, which are gangrenous and rotting. the lack in the Forgotten Realms of
MyrkuJ is said to have a cold, malignant "true names" other than those provided
intelligence and to speak in a high whis- for in the spell of the same name.
per. His supernatural servants are Oghma appears in the realms as an old
known as "Deaths" (such as that which burly man with a black beard streaked
appears as part of the deck of many with white, and carries a yarting of
things, DMG, p.143). He can animate white snowwood on a thong across his Looia-caR
and command the dead, but has no back.
power over undead above the level of
zombies and skeletons. Myrkul lives in SELUNE (Seb-LOON -eb)
the Castle of Bones, located in a moon- Our Lady of Silver
less Land of Always Night (Hades). Goddess of the Moon, Stars,
Navigation CG
MYSTRA (MISS·"t~ab) Lesser Power Gladsheim
The Lady of Mysteries Symbol: Circle of seven stars around
Goddess of Magic LN two feminine eyes.
Greater Power Nirvana NOTES: Revered by female
Symbol: A blue-white star spell-casters, land worshipped by few)
NOTES: The goddess of magic is a mani· and by all who navigate or must work
festation of the Cosmic Balance. which at night Selune is continually either
appears to right great inequalities or growing to full glory or dying. Selune
going-awry in the magical balance of is linked to Mystra; children born
things. She appears as a source of light under a full moon often exhibit
magical ability. Lycanthropes who Meilikki
akin to a prismatic will-o'·the-wisp, and

enjoy their condition (rare though they SILVANUS (Sibl-YANN-us)
may be) usually come to worship Oak-Father
Selune, for she governs their powers. God of Nalure, Patron of Druids N
Selune has been said to aid devouut Greater Power Concordant
/ " ~.
worshippers of her Mystery of U1e Opposition
Night by sending aid lo those lost by SymboL An oak leaf or wooden staff

.. ........... trails of "'moondust" (small motes of NOTES: Silvanus is as described in Leg-
light similar to dancing lights or will-o'- ends & Lore under the Celtic Mythos.
... ~
,,,,,, :.
; ~

the- wisps,) which produce moonlight
where none would otherwise be. The
Sil\'anus appears as a long-limbed man
in his suit of leaf-armor, wielding a
"night-stalk;' or solitary moonlit walk, is
I •

the occasion and ritual of worship to,

great wooden mallet. His priests num·
ber both clerics and druids, dependent
and communion with, Selune. Clerics of on the location in the Realms.
Selune seek and prize "drops fallen
from the moon:' the offerings of lhe SUNE (SUE-nee)
goddess, for with this precious sub- Fire/lair
stance they can make many potions and Goddess of Love, Beauty, Charisma
unguents. These are considered to Passion CG
come from lhe "ltiar:. of Selune;· tl1t1 Greater Goddess Arvandor
shards that follow the Realm's major Symbol: A beautiful fire-haired maid·
satellite in its palh. Whether the moon en
Ogbroa is named for the goddess or vice-versa NOTES: Sune is tile fairest of the gods,
is unknown. Selune appears as a dusky- tile most radiant of creatures, and is
hued maiden with wide. raruant eyes rendered as the beautiful woman In all
and a long-tressed mane of white. the Known Worlds, a stunning redhead
of incredible charms. She dwells in
SHAR (SbabR) Arvandor and shares with ilie Elven
Selone Mistress of the Night., the Lad_v of Loss goddess Hanali CelaniJ the waters of the
Goddess of Darkness, Night, Loss, Evergold, Sune Flrehair will, to those
Forgetfulness NE who merit her praise, provide a
SbaR Greater Power Hades charisma-raising draught to faithful fol-
Symbol: Circle of black witil a border lowers. Sune's followers tend to be
of deep purple. enamored of physical beauty and rath-
NOTES: This goddess is said to be dark- er vain, but their temples, in particular
ly beautiful. She is often worshipped by the large complexes such as found in
those made bitter by loss of a loved one, Waterdeep. are among the most splen-
Syloanas for in her dark embrace all forget, and rud in Lhe Realms.
although they forever feel loss. they
become used to such pain until they TALONA (Ta.b-LOW-oab)
consider i1 the usuaJ and natural state Lady of Poison, Mistress of Disease
Suoe of existence. Shar battles continually G~ddess of Disease, Poisoning CE
with Selune, slaying her often (i.e. eve- Demipower Turterus
ry new moon), and is worshipped (or Symbol: Three teardrops in a trian·
paid lip service by) all surface-dwelling gle, apex upwards.
beings who ruslike light. Those who NITTES: Tulona appears as a blackened
Talor'.la make or take disguises worship Leira, and weathered crone with a scarred
but tilose who seek only to hide or bury face. In ancient texts in the Realms her
someything pay homage to Shat~ Shar name is Kiputytto, and it is likely that
appears as a raven-haired beauty the Finnish deity and this native of ilie
Talos dressed in black. Forgotten Realms are one in lhe same.

TALOS (TAH-los) tered armor, but in larger temple com-
The Destroyer: The Raging One plexes wear skull caps made of steel.
God of Storms, Destruction CE
Greater Power Pandemonium TORM (t:oRJT.>)
Symbol: Three lightning bolts radiat- 1brm The True, The Foolish, or The
ing outward. Brave
NOTES: Tulos is a mosl fickle and venge- God of Duty, Loyalty, Obedience,
ful god, like the forces that he is Those who face danger to Tempos
entrusted with beneath his pantheon. further the cause of good LG
He is rendered as a broad-shouldered, Demigod Prime Material
bearded young man with a single good Symbol: A metal gauntlet
eye, carrying a bundle across his back. NOTES: Turm is the god of those who
In this bundle Talos carries staves made have served most faithfully, and sought
of the first iron forged in the Realms, of to protect others. Turm was the most
the first silver smelted, of the first tree faithful of warriors, renowned for
planted and grown by man, and others. obeying all the commands of his king
With these staves he raises the winds, regard less of personal danger. He TymoRa
cleaves the earth, rends the sky, and remains a great fighter, serving as the
wrecks his havoc. His followers are as war-arm of Tyr. Many cavaliers, pala-
vulnerable as any others in his path, but dins, and other groups dedicated to a
they hope that by their supplication, his code of arms or protection cite Turro.
fury may pass over them and strike
someone else, in particular followers of TYMORA (Tie-MORE· ab)
Chauntea. In lhe southern lands, Tulos Lady Luck
is known as Bhaelros, and his symbol is Goddess of Good Fortune, Luck,
a white bolt erupting on a field of crim- Victory, Skill Patron of
son. Adventurers and Warriors CG
Lesser Power Arvandor
TEMPUS (TEM-pos) Symbol: Featureless disk of silver UmbeRlee
The Lord of Battles, Foetuunmer NOTES: Lady Luck is fickle, and not
God of War CN great in power; she helps those who
Greater Power Limbo help themselves. She appears as a short-
Symbol: Blazing sword on blood-red haired, boyish woman with a crafty
field. look, and areas with large halfling pop· Waakeeo
NOTES: The Lord of Battles is vener- ulations, as a halfling. Tymora may best

ated by all alignments and all causes in an opponent in any single contest per
conflict. He appears as a lZ-foot-tall day, and in addition will always make
human giant in battered and bloodied her savfng throw. Her clerics often

armor, his face hidden by a massive war wear her symbol (the silver disk), and
helm. His shoulders and legs are bare often find her favor bestowed upon
and crossed with wounds, and he is them in times or great need. Skill and Aka6ia
always bleeding, though never tiring. innovation are rewarded by her with
Thmpus is called upon before the eve- good luck, wherefore many adventur-

ning of battle, to enhance the skills of ers pay her homage.
one side and curse another Tumpus has
been known to manifest to one side or TYR (-CeeR)
the other in battle to indicate his favor. Grimjaws, the Even-Handed
Most often he is seen standing with one God of Justice LG lscisbia
foot on a white mare, Veiros, and the Greater God Seven Heavens
other on a black stallion, Deiros. If seen Symbol: Set of balanced scales, rest·
riding the mare, favor in battle is indi- ing on the head of a war hammer.
cated. while riding the stallion foretells NOTES: Tyr's is a new faith, appearing
defeat. The priests ofThmpus wear bat· in the Forgotten Realms within the past Kossucb

thousand years. His title as the "even· woman with a pair of large golden lions uncaring being.
handed" refers to his position as a god at her feet.
of justice, and is a grim joke considering Tbe Beast Cales
that the appearances of Tyr show him 8eroeotal LOROS
as missing his right hand. Tyr is likely Similar to and more varied than the
The symbols of the elemental lords are sects of the Elemental Lords, the Beast
the being of the same name found in the
usually some manifestation of their ele- Cults are wild faiths, attracting the wor·
Norse Mythos. Though no other
ment, but vary from faith to faith . ship of savages, nomads, evil human-
Powers of that realm are present, and
Tyr is portrayed as a god of justice only
oids, and those removed from the
and not war. GRUMBAR (GRUUM-baR) normal circles of the world. They are as
Gnarly One, King of the Land Below the varied as the beasts of the fields, and
Roots, Boss of the Earth Elementals vary in alignment from Nobanion, the
UMBERLEE {Uro· beR-LEE) good and lawful lion-god of the
God of Elemental Earth N
Tlie Bitch Queen Guthmere Woods. to evil cults of Lollh
Goddess of Oceani., Waves and Lesser Power Plane of Earth
among the dark elves and the Dragon
Winds at Sea, Currents CE Cult among those evil mages beyond
Lesser Power Abyss KOSSUTH (Koh-SOOTH)
The Lord of Flames, The Firelord, Thar.
Symbol: A forked, blue-green wave,
curling in breakers to both left and 'T)'rant among Fire Elementals
God of Elemental Fire N MajoR. Non- Harnan Goos
right, pamted on a black background
streaked \vtth white. Lesser Power Plane of Fire Men are not the only creatures with
NOTES: This goddess contests the fate gods; the elves. dwarves, gnomes, half-
of ships at sea eternally with Selune, AKADI {Ab - KAHD-~ee) lings, ores. and other creatures vener-
causing the wicked currents that The Lady of Air, Lady of the Winds, ate their own Powers greater and
imperil shipping on the Sword Coasts. Queen of Air Elementals lesser. The Gods of the elves, dwarves,
1Jmberlee commands the wind over the Goddess of Elemental Air N gnomes, halflings, and ores are defined
open sea, but prefers to use the waves Lesser Power Plane of Air in Unearthed Arcana. appendix S, and
as her weapons, striking opponents Legends & Lore, under Nonhuman dei-
with 60 fee t waves, drowning the ISTISHIA (lss-TISH-ee-ab) ties. They are summarized below.
unprotected. She is rarely seen, prefer- The Water Lord, God-king of Water Ele-
ring to set currents and winds in mentals DWARVES:
motion for afar, or send forth great God of Elemental Water N Moradin (SouJforger, Ruler of Dwar-
sharks to engulf swimmers to ship- Lesser Power Plane of Water ven Gods)
wrecked sailors. Her title has been Clanggedin (Father of Battle)
bestowed upon her by the pirates, voy· NOTES: The Elemental Lords are Oumathoin (Keeper of Secrets
agers. and traders who have suffered uncaring, inhuman beings from the Under the Mountain)
under her rule, but tends to be used Inner Planes, the most powerful of Abbathor lMaster of Greed)
most often when these individuals are their elementaJ types. Unlike the other Vergadain (God of Wealth and Luck)
on dry land, and then in hushed voices. Great Powers, they care little for Berronar (Mother of Safety, 1Mlth,
humanity or worshippers, and provide and Home)
WAUKEEN (Waa- KEEN) their favors most unwillingly, or only if
Liberty's Maiden, Merchantsfriend they may benefit themselves. Men ELVES:
Goddess of 1rade, Money N often appeal to an elemental power to Corellon Larethian (Ruler of All
Lesser Power Concordant Opposition offset the rage of an evil deity, such as Elves)
Symbol: A woman's full face or profile beseeching lstisbia to placate Umber· Rillifane Rallathil (Chief God of Wild
within a circle of gold. lee. Elves)
NOTES: A relatively recent goddess, no There are a number of different sym· Aerdrie Faenya (Goddess of Air and
older in her worship than that of Tyr, bols of the Faiths of Elemental Lords Weather)
but quite favorite with the merchant· across Faeron, and not all of them agree Erevan Uesere (God of Mischief and
class and traders, who rever her, if not in symbols, alignment, services, or Change>
in hopes of her kindness, than in hopes organization. The Red Wizards of Thay Solonar Thelandira !God of Archery
they will be elsewhere when be brings are said to venerate Kossuth the Fire and Hunting)
financial ruin upon the unwary. She Is Tyrant, but have a number of different Hannali Celani) (Goddess of Roman·
portrayed as a richly garbed blonde sects, each fanatically believing that tic Love and Beauty)
their group is the well-favored of this

Labelas Enoreth (God of Longevity) wind, and long white hair. He can Beings from other planes of existence
track infallibly through any condi· often come to the Realms, and may well
HALFUNGS: tlons, in or on any terrain. worship other gods, and so small tern·
Yondalla (Provider and Protector} • Sharess, a CG aspect of Shar wor· pies and shrines to such may also be
Sheela Peryroyal (The Wise) shipped in Calimshan, Waterdeep, found in the Realms. There is a small
Arvoreen (The Defender) and by idle rich or decadents all measure of tolerance for them. as the
Cyrrollalee (The Faithful) over the Realms. Sharess is a god· new cult in one generation may be a
Bandobaris (The Master of Stealth) dess of lust, free love, and sensual major faith in the next, as was the case
fulfillment, and is worshipped in of T)T.
GNOMES: prolonged fests wilh scented
Gari Gllttergold (Leader of the Gods) baths, music, good food, dancing, Alliance among tbe 900s
Baervan Wildwanderer IThe Forest and other gratifications. Her sym·
Organized pantheons such as those of
Gnome) bol is a image or representation of
the Greek and Norse cultures do not
Urdlen (The Crawler Below) female lips, carved o •aclitiooally
ellist in lhe Forgotten Realms, though
Segojan Earthcaller !God of Earth from amber or ruby, and worn at
there are some natural alliances and
and Nat.urel wrist and ankle on thin gold
factions among Lhe gods. These factions
Flandal Steelskin (The Forger} chains.
among the human gods are as follows.
• Hoar, tf"!e Doombringer, who is the
Mielikkl and Eldath l>erve Silvanus,
ORCS (and some other goblinoids) LN demigod of revenge and relri·
and theit priests (if such individuals val-
Gruumsh <He-who-never-sleeps> bution. and ii; worshipped in the
ue their deity's favor above mortal feel·
Bahgtru (Son of Gruumshl Inner Sea lands as Assuran of the
ing an conflicts) work together to
Shargaas (Night Lord) Three Thunders (three deep rolls
further common goals.
llneval (Gruumsh's Lieutenant) of thunder are his sign). An act of
1brm and lbnater serve Tyr, and wor·
Yurtus (The White-Handed! natural justice, such as murderer
sruppers and priests do the will of this
Luthic (Cave Mother) being killed accidentally Just after
'Jriad willingly. ln certain situations
the murder is committed, lparticu·
1brm and Helm wiU work fogether.
OtbeR Go~s o.,: -cbe Realms larly if lhe accident, e .g. slipping,
Oghma is served by Gond on one
was initiated by the murderer him
There are many gods worshipped in hand, and by Milli nnd Deneir on the
or herself), is referred to as "the
the Realms, those listed above being the other. Milil often works directly with
Hand of Hoar:·
most popular. Many are either wor- Lliira.
• Earthmother, called only "the god-
shipped by very few.or in only particu· Thlos Is 6ervecl by Auril. Umber·Jee,
dess" on the MooTl6hae Isles, who
lar areas, or largely forgotten and not and Malar. All three are known collec-
may or may not be an aspect of
worshipped at all These addilional tively as "The Gods of Fw·y.''
Chauntea. Thisfl\;sser power is \'en-
gods include the following. Chauntea and Lalhander work
erated onJv on the Moonshae
• Valkur the Mighty(CG). whom togelhe1~ and often go so in alliance
islands, and her clerics are all
northern sailors invoke to inter· with Silvanus and his allied gods against
cede against Tulos with fa\'orable The Gods of Fury.
• lyachtu Xvim IEE-yak-too Zeh-VTMI
winds Lliira and Selune sen,e Sune Fi.rehair.
is called "the Godson" and the son
• Siamorphe, a Lawful Neutral deity Azulh serves Mystra, and Mystra and
of Bane, and serves as Bane's
worshipped by a few in Water- Selune have some mysterious connec·
instrument in the Realms, directly
deep, who represents the rightful lion. Mystra often works with Oghma
carrying out his "father's" will. A
rule of nobility over the bulk of and his gods.
Demi-Power, lyachtu Xvim has few
mankind provided that nobility Loviatar, Thlona, and .Matar .serve
followers, and appears as a gaunt,
keeps themselves fit for the tasl\ Bane.through Bhaal, although Loviatar
unclothed man with scaley brown
and rei;ponsibilities of rule. and 'Illlona are ri\'als. Bhaal and Myrkul
skin. wielding a lai•ge scimitar.
• Gwaeron Windstrom, the NG demi· have an unbreakable symbiotic alli·
• Moander, a dark and forgotten god
god who serves Mielikki as the ance, aB one deliverii the dead to the
of the Realms, whose main temple
master o[ tracking and interpret· other. Shar is allied with Myrkul. All of
was in what is now ruined Yulash,
ing woodland signs, and is wor- Lhese beings are collectively known as
and whose faith died years before
shipped by rangers in the North. "the Dark Gods:'
the erection of the Standing Stone
Windstrom is tall and physically Many of the Powers present in tbe
and the coming of the Dalesmen.
impressive, with a white beard that Forgotten Realms are from the Celtic
His/Her/Its symbol was an open
constantly whips about in the and Finnish m)1hos. indicating portals
palm wlth a mouth 6et la its center.

or gates leading from this plane to their CLAS.'il
locations in 1he Outer Planes The PROFF.SSIOl\' ALIGN. OElTJES
t1ghtc1 tWarnorsJ l.t, lEMPl'S 8ANE
Olympian pantheon is unknown, and l.:J:. TEMPIJS, MAl.,\R, li\WS
the Outer Plane of Olympus is known in NE TK\fPll~
the Forgotten Realms by its elvish J..N Tli.\I PUS
name, Arvandor. Sune Firehair, how- Ci'-: TEMPUS
ever, sounds suspiciously like Athena of CG T£1'vlPLJS, TYMORA
the Greeks, and ma) he the same LG TEMPlJS TYR, 1URM
Power. Tyr is of Lhe Norse Pantheon, l'aladln/(~wall••r IJ, rYR
yet no other Norse Powers are present C1nva1iar N<~ n'J\, ~fHJL
in the Realms, indicating that either this er; TY\10RA
Magic·u~ LE MYSTRA, AZlrTH, LOVtm\R, BAN£
god of justice has not informed his feJ. CE MYSTRA, AZUTH. TAWNA, TALOS, BESHAIJA, UMBER1.E£
lows of the Realms, or they as a panthe- N£ \1\'S rfu\. AZIJ Ui, MASK, MYR.KUL, AURIL
on have chosen to stay away from this LN MYSTRA. AZUTH
Plane. CN \IYS ntA, Al.lITfl KOSSlITH
'\iG ~l\'ST8t\. A7.lmr. DE.l\EJR
There are those m the reaJms who CC.: \IYSTRA, t\Zlffil SU~fn TYMORA
reject the power of these self-claimed l,G MYS1Ri\ M.lnll,'nR
"deities;• or choose to follow none of lllusioni5L l.E L~IRA, BANE
these gods as their o"rn The failure of CE LETRA BESHABA
the sky to fall upon the heads of these
L.'\ LElRA
individuals indicates this ii. as good a CN UIRA, l\OSSlfftt
course as pledging one's allegiance to a ?l;G U.IRA, OE:llF.IR
faith or deity. CG ll:JH. \, SL 1Nf. Sf.Lt1Nf. TY'lllORJ\
specific classes tend to gravitate NE Bl:IAAL. l\lYRKUJ... \1ASJ<
towards specific religions. Player Char- 'lhicf If. \IA~K, Rl\N~, tPL1cate SU.Lt)l;E)
acters are not limited to professing a Ch \!ASK, IAl.OS, BESHARA, IPUicala Sf:UJNEJ
NE MASK. M\ flJ(t!t Al'Rll., SHAR
belief in any particular Power, or offer-
l.~ HE.l.M
ing worship to any of them (except cler- C"\ LAIBANOER, DENl:JR, Mil..ll., MIELOO<l, CKAUNTEA
ics, which draw Lheir powers from CG SUNE, 1YMOBA. SF.LUNE, WIRA
such veneration). Often particular t.G TI'R, U..'dATER, 1URM
classes wiU worship one faith, yet seek fulnger 1\U Mll.IJl\KI
UarbarJ.10 All BEAST LLl;r:., 511.\>-\l\:US
to placate another god If the individual's Bard 1\ll OGtl\I \, \UL.II., 1.1,IJRA
work takes him or her into that Power's Orn id N SILVANUS, u oxrn CHM NTI'J\lrarelyl l:l.EMEll.TAL f_.O s___~~
domain. (A group of adventurers set- Monk U: 81\NE. LOVIATAR
ting out for a raid at night may choose l.N ILMATE.R. TYl\, TORM
to make offering to Selune, regardless LG llLLM
Cli>nc LI 1.0VI \TAR BA!l;i4 RHAAt.
of their chosen alignment, class, or pro- CE T,\l.O:-;'.A IALOS, MAL1'\R, BF.SllABA UMBERl.t:f.
fessed faith.) Nf. \!ASK, MVRKL'L AJIRll., SHAii
"Typical" faiths of different types are: ~-~-- 1.4'1 II t:L~i

Professions and their normal gods:

Healers, i11ch11ling n11dwl\'es, i;ur6eonl>. 111\TliANDl:Jt, Placate MYRJWL
Poets, ,\r11s1s, Scrlbcir SI NE Tll !'>t.111 \Ill.TL, f.ATIIANDPR
Sages: OG~L'lllA, DE!l.'EIR, MlLU., and GONO: occasionally MYSTRA, SEl..UNE. TYE, or another Power
depending on the ~ge·s speciality
Guard tt~.I M; 1w.caiiloru!U\ TORM and ILMl\'1 ER
Art1Mn• and Souths· fiOl\O C){,Jl\t,\
Farmers: CHAUNTEA, Placate TALOS, LATHAl\'DF.11
Sailors: TYMORA, SEl..lJ:-:t:; Placate STRAASHJ\ MISHA, TALOS. UMBER.l.£~ 'E~--~,--~­
Merchant. lrndr!"'i: W:\l'Kg•:.'I:, I\ \\ORA \lr\SIC lL\HTt:R b\lt rno.;1 tracfon1 prufeasno ~trvogbehefm
Greatrr Pn\\ers

ABEIR-TORIL IAi-BEER-toh-RlLL) acquire mercenary company regalia or • Diloule "Lanternhand;' 8th level
merch'!11t gear and cargoes before they NE thief, and
AT A GLANCE: Abeir-toril. more com- cross Aron's borders). • Tulom, 7th level CN thief.
monly called 1bril, is lhe name of the As with merchant companies, the
orb that Faerun and the Forgotten Hnlfling Inc. One of the few well-
number of Adventuring Companies is known groups of non-human adrnntur-
Realms is set upon, just as Earth is the large and constant!.} changing. Such
Orb that Eurasia is set upon. The name ers, this party is made up entirely of
groups are established, vanish, and halflings, who have gained notoriety
is archaic, meaning"Cradle of Life;' and change names and locations constantly
is rarely used in everyday life. th roughout the Sea of fallen Stars for
with the passing winters. their adventures and their con-games.
ELMJNSTER'S NOTES: Abeir-Thril is an A partial listing of Adventuring Com-
All are more than willing to take ad\:an-
Earth-sized planet dominated by a large panies is included below, with inclusive tage of their abilities and the natural
continent in its northern hemisphere as notes as to known levels and abilities.
gullibility and greed of the Large Folks
well as a number of other large land- The Company of t/Je Wolf No relation in a number of scams which have left
masses scaltered about its surface. This to the long-ago mercenary company of some human holding a gem-bag filled
northern continent is cnlled Faerun in the same name, this small band of with rocks (their signature). This group
the west and Kara-Tur in the east, and it adventurers operates out of Nesme in more than any other. has contributed to
is the primary purpose of this tome to the idea of halflings as dangerously
the Evermoors of the North. They are
deal with the western portion of this expert woodsmen and trackers, and clever individuals, despite their hero-
huge landmass in particular that know the North well, tangling often ism , usually in i.ituations where they
region between the Sword Coast and with ores and wild beasts of the woods. ha\'e no other choice. such as the
the Inner Sea. Thev earn their daily thumbs {silver removal of the beholder Xall from the
Abeir-Turil has a single satellite, called coins) guiding and guarding merchant flaunted Halls and lhe destruction of a
Selune (which is also the name of the god- caravans to and from the Sword Coast gate to the Lower Realms in Westgate.
dess of the night sky and navigation}. This and points south and the relatively iso- Halfling Inc. has been known to use
Moon-sized body is Followed in its path lated Northern cities of Silvery moon humans and other races as agents, and
across the sky by a collection of shining and Sundabar. Al least four among this to hook up with larger adventuring
shards, called ''the tears of Selune:' What group are expert archers. Their leader companies. Those who encounter this
these tears are is unknown. yet they is unknown; their spokesman is the wily group of halflings should be
remain reflective and bright even when aged witch Umlatha of Nesme. warned thal they may be trusted only
lhe moon is new in the sky. as far as their interests lie alongside
The Four A highly mercenary adven·
those of the party.
ADVENTURING COMPANIES turing band, this quarter was recently
There is a core group of five halflings
expelled from Waterdeep by Khelben
AT A GLANCE: Individuals of extreme in the organization, though there are
"Blackstaff' Arunsun, ordered not to
power and disposition tend to congre- often o thers who join up for a mission
re-enter the city upon pain of death for
gate into similar forms. Those that have or series of ad\'entw·cs.
their work in assassinating one noble of
a mind towards money form the basis Waterdeep after another· <despite the • Corkitron ·•mgh-Roll" Allinamuck.
of the Merchant Companies. Those fact such assassinalions were always at 9th level thief, CN
which rely upon the force of arms and the behest of this or that rival noble). • Allvia Columbine, 6th level cleric
war tend towards the Mercenary Active throughout the North and in of Brandobaris, female
Bands. Those special individuals who Tuthyr, the Four is not welcome in Cor- • Ortegar Mistfiffle, 8th le\•el fight-
have a flair for both, and a spirit of my r or, as all such groups, jn Amn1 and er, weapons specialization in the
adventure and desire to leave their maintains a low profile when passing Drow Hand.crossbow. CG
names in the history of the Forgotten through those lands. The Four carefully • Gormogord Flcminstar, 8th level
Realms form Adventuring Companies. plan their activities so as to slay any pos- thief, LN
ELMINSTER'S NOTES: Bands of adven· sible enemies or those who know too • Ozyman List!itter, 7th level druid,
turers are many in the Realms; toler- much about them (such as former N-Listfitter chose as the "mam-
ated in most places, they have a long employers). and are experts in the mal'' shape to transform in a
tradition. Certain lands, such as Cor- unseen or "accidental" death. They are human shape, and will often
myr, require such companies to have a all human males, and are: appear as a hulking Northern bar-
royal charter if they wish to operate • Baerduin Thask. 9th level NE barian.
therein; other lands, such as Amn, for· magic-user, Tile Hunt A recently-formed band of
bid adventurers as such within their • Fiirfar Nulomn, 6th level CN adventurers based in Selgaunt and sec-
borders (so most adventurers often magic-user,

tive in Cormyr, Sembia, the Dalelands, the Dale), the Knights include the rang. intrigue of the Council before setting
and the Moonsea area, the Hunt has ers Florin Falconhand and his wife off east past Mulmaster in search of
grown rapidly from eight to fourteen Dove (a known Harper); the elven wilder country, and adventure. The
members, despite some early fatalities fighter·magic user Merith Strongbow band is believed to be sWI wandering in
suffered in a brutal fight in Archendale and his bride, the magic user Jhessail the wilderlands east of the Moonsea,
with some local troops. The Hunt has Silvertree; and several junior where Mane is contemplating establish·
recently been active in the Myth Dran· members-the thief Turm ("Rathgar"); ing a stronghold, and are still all very
nor area; its aims and character remain his lover the magic user Illistyl Elven· active adventurers.
largely unknown, as it seldom deaJs tree; the cleric (of Tymora) Rathan The present roster of the group is:
publicly for commissions and the like, Thentraver, and a female ranger, • Mane, 8th level fighter, CN
existing Cthus far) almost exclusively on Sharantyr, who recently joined the • Boots "the Lucky;' 6th level magic·
the fruits of self·directed adventuring. band upon being rescued by them from user, CG
The Members of the Hunt are: Drow capitivity. Less active senior • Ruldo Murk, 5th level ranger, CG
• Shasslan Timtrane, 9th level members of the Knights include Doust • Kheldarr, 5th level fighter, CN
human female fighter, leader, CG Sulwood cleric ofTymora, his bride the • Despar, 5th level cleric of Tumpus,
• Heldorm Umbrav, 7th level formidable fighter Islif Lurelake, and CN
human male fighter, CN the cleric of Lathander Jelde Asturien • Dorn, 6th level thief, CN
• Crommlar Muire!, 7th level cleric ("Semoor Wolftooth"). Allies and com· • Thmshan, 4th level bard (6th level
of Tumpus, human male, CN panions of the Knights include Lord fighter, 5th level thief), NG
• Narbas "Battlemad;' 6th level fight· Mourngrym of Shadowdale and the The Men of the Basilisk An exclusive
er, CN human male sage Elminster. group of wealthy, powerful merchants
• Darrstul, 6th level thief, CN, Mane's Band Originally based in Sha· with a taste for adventure, this reclu·
human ma!e, dowdale, this group of ten !human sive society is based in Tuziir, south of
• Orlin Thabbar, 5th level illusionist, male) adventurers formed around the Lhe Lake of Dragons. They operate
NG, human male, charismatic local warrior·hero Mane, a largely in the intrigues of Cormyr, Sem·
• Gultim, 5th level fighter, NG, black·bearded man of middle years bia, Westgate, and Iriaebor, preferring
human male who was justly famed in the eastern the dagger in the night to blades bared
• Vhelt Marrim, 4th level cleric of Realms for his feast of arms while in the high sun. They meet in large
Tumpus, CN, human maJe adventuring. Over the years one mem· feasts at least once each winter, to hear
• Laelin Blackhand, 4th level thief, ber deserted the group and two were common business and decide on their
CN, human male slain, unHJ the band nearly met their actions in the summer ahead. Their
• S2ellim Thunn, 4th level cleric of collective dooms in the Yuirwood, exact numbers and levels are unknown.
Tyche, CG, human male where they were scattered after
• Illar Zund, 3rd level thief, CN, The Nine This powerful, long·lasting
encounters with many fearsome beasts band of adventurers wandered the
human female Creal name "Illara") and the summoners of these monsters,
• Voras Warburr, 3rd level fighter, Realms for over thirty winters, and is
a Red Wizard of Thay. currently thought to be on other planes
CN, human female, ST 16 Almost a year later, the band
• Zemmas, 3rd level fighter, CG, than this. The Nine were said to have
reformed; Boots and Thmshan had maintained a subterranean stronghold
human male returned to the Dales in time to take
• Thavran Turi, 2nd level cavalier, in the woods east of Waterdeep, on the
part in the defeat of of Scardale, banks of the Unicorn Run, and were led
CG, human male and the other band members gradually by the Z4lh level mage Laeral, who is
The Knights of Myth Drannor These joined them, Mane last of all, for he had known for the magic items she has ere·
adventurers first came to prominence wandered afar in Thay and been briefly ated in her later career. The Nine had
as rulers of Shadowdale, in their sue· enslaved there. Finding a new regime in links to the Harpers and to the Lords of
cessful defiance of the armies of Zhentil Shadowdale and the dale arming for Waterdeep, but have not adventured
Keep. They were instrumental in the continual war with ZhenW Keep, Mane "in public" for many years. They are
defeat of Lashan of Scarsdale, and and his companions (who had been Jaw considered very rich and need do only
remain able foes of the Zhentarim and and order in Shadowdale, in concert what they please, and hence have large·
of the Drow beneath the lnner Sea with Elminster, Sylune, Storm ly vanished from public memory, save
Lands. Silverhand, and the innkeeper Jhaele for Laeral herself.
Tuking their present name upon Silvermane while there was no Lord of
renouncing their Shadowdale offices the Dale) relocated to Hillsfar, where The Purple Flame Based in a keep
(they remain "Lords" and "Ladies" of they were briefly involved in the somewhere near Soubar (on the Trade

Way from Scornubel lo Waterdeep)1 mage-led hobgoblins in lronford, and Shaelreetar, 8th level fighter; Ulravva
this large band of warriors has some are spoiling for revenge. Thorntar. 9th level thicf·acrobat: and
magic, which they employ only seldom, Mait'Uu Lethsatha, 10th level fighter.
The valiant Warriors One of the long-
but tn the main earns their golden lions and mother of two, Rauvaun and Sund
lived adventuring groups, this group
(gold coins) guarding caravans in the by her husband Valahar.
has had a large and ever-changing ros·
dangerous lands about their abode. ter over the years; based in Thlflamm, jt GAMING INFORM)f'I'JON: Most of the
One Thintel Ormbar appears to be their has done much to establish trade- "dungeon-parties" the player-charac·
leader, although Sindel, his mate, is ters are involved in are Adventuring
routes and keep the wilder areas safe
thought to be a sorceress of solid Companies, whether they are recog·
for humans in the lands north and east
power. This group clashes often with of the Inner Sea, as far as Rashemen's nized or not. Certain regions, such as
the creatures of Darkhold, and no love western borders and beyond Impiltur's Corm yr, require the registration of
is lost between the two sides. such parties, their symbols, and their
northern borders into Damara. Along
The Savage Seven An adventuring the way, the Valiant Warriors have tan· membership to authority. In many
band active in the Nonh against giants gled with many authorities in lmpiltur cases, accounts for an Adventuring
and gobJinkind, the Savage Seven have (where they are no longer at all wel- Company may be established with mer-
undertaken many commissions to come) and with duergar in the moun- chants and traders. Finally, if the group
assassinate this or that ore chieftain, talns to the west of that kingdom, has attained some measure of renown
half-ore spy, or giant ruler on behalf of where they seized an entire under- (or notoriety), this may entitle them to
interested parties in Waterdeep, or ground city of the evil dwarves by the special treatment by those who curry
rivals of their targets who send word to sword, looted it, and then left it empty. the favor of the powerful and seek their
that city; their agent therein Is the The group is spoken well of in regards help in olher matters. for example, if
lantern-maker Zorth Ulmaril of Presper to its heroic defense of a witch of Rashe· the "Knights of The High Moors" are
Street. The Seven recently slew the men whom the band encountered beset known for tithing a large amount of
giant Tyrus of the Peaks near Mirabar; by over forty ogres in the northen their treasure to the 'Iemples of Good,
before that they guarded a caravan to wastes, and its daring boarding of a temples of the same faith in other cities
Luskan from repeated raiding attacks pirate raider that had just left the bar· will be well-disposed to members of
from bandits hired by a rival Luskan bour of Tulflarom loaded with loot. Fol· that hand, even if they had only recent·
merchant. The Savage Seven are all lowers of Ty mora to a man, the ly joined.
human males, and are: Warriors truly live life dangerously, fol· Moreso than Merchant and Merce-
• Aumrazaum, 9th level magic-user, lowing the reckless path or " the Lady's nary Companies, each Adventuring
CN Way:· The present roster of the group is Company has Its own methods of doing
• Rhiitel, 7th level magic-user, NG male; four females in the original group things, and will vary with the area, the
• Tlazar, 8th level cleric of Thmpus, retired overtwenty winters ago lo raise situation, and the people involved. A
CN children and become respectable ladies few common situations tba1 all Adven-
• Thiraphel, 7th level cleric of of Tulflamm. where they inhabit a turing companies deal with are:
Tymora, CG sprawling palace-keep that the War- • Leadership: Many groups, such as
• Thiirus, 8th level fighter, CN riors still use when they are in the city the Valiant warriors and The
• Dzilfar, 7th level fighter, CN (rarely, these days). Hunt, have a set, staled leader,
• Silvar. 7th level thief, CN In recent years the Warriors have who speaks for the group in nego-
lessened their wild ways slightly, using tiations, and determines group
The Swords of Lei/on Based in the small
some of their loot to found a fleet of actions. Others are run entirely on
coastal town o( Lei.ton, on the High
merchant vessels now plying the Inner the idea of ·•one-man one-vote;'
Road north of Watercleep, this ragtag
Sea, to earn themselves (and the retired and some go as far as declaring
band of local toughs has done surpMs·
Warriors ladies, all of whom the entire "one-level, one-vote" for making
ingly well in a brief career of adventur· major actions.
group cans " Mother'') some honest
ing, plundering (and surviving) at least
money. or course, a few trips to the • 'll'easure: One of the key reasons
six of the Mage-Tumbs in the mountains for adventuring companies in the
Pirate Isles, to ensure the safety of their
east of Leilon, slaughtering a colony of first place is to gain magical and
cargoes, have been necessary...
lizard-men in the nearby Mere of Dead monetary treasures. The methods
The Warriors currently have 12.
Men (gaining some strange magical
members, and are Jed by the 11th level of splitling such treasures up dif.
treasure thereby), and doing some cara·
fighter Valahar "Swordswinger" Tuth- fer from group to group, and
van guarding for merchants in include random choice, choice by
ojh. The four retired ladies are
Neverwinter. Recently they lost some of level, equaJ shares, and allocation.
Raetheena, a 13th level magic-user,
their members in a bloody fight with

Some of the longer-li\ed groups these fall away into vast and treacher- of the "Southern Kingdoms" along the
&et aside moneys gained for ous marshes that largely isolate The West Coast, and liCb 200 miles south of
"emergency funds;• in case of sud- Simbul's realm from the mainland Tra- Beregost on the 11-ade Way. lts borden;
den death or disapearance of a vel in Aglarond is by griffon. ship, or are considel'ed to be the Cloud Peaks to
member. Groups may split up trea- forest trails. ll trades lumber, gems and the North, the Forest of Ththyr to the
sure after each adventure, or some coppel" for glass, iron, cloth south, the SnO\vflake mountains to the
maintain a common fund for con· goods, and food when freetrading \'es- east, and the sea to the west. As a power·
tinuing adventures. sels come to port. Aglarond, however, ful merchant nation. however, the reach
• Codes of Conduct: Again, this will sends out no trading ships of its own. and influence of Amn is much greater.
vary according to the alignment of J\glarond cannot a field army of
the group. and may be decided by any size, nor a navy, but within its wocxls ELAUSSTER'S .VOTF.S: The southern
deferring to a leader, seeking the The Simbul's foresters arc m:pert and land of Arnn is called the "Merchant·
advice of a i.age Ca needless and deadly troops. adept at firefighting and at Kingdom:• and its citizens range far and
wasteful expenditure of time, says using "coastboats" Oong, canoe-like open wide in the Realms, more widelv than
c lminster), or a democratic vote. boats handled with lateen sails, oars, and those of any other land, save perhaps
Often the loudest voice or the poles) to raid by night. These foresters the Rashemitos.
strongest swordann prevails, but are equally well·trained for traveling in Arnn is ruled bv '1 Council of Six. The
such groups rarely last beyond the treetops and fighting amongst the Six are merchant kings who are mas·
one or two winters. foliage. The fore_.,ters are alert and grun; ter& of intrigue and manipulation, and
the menacing might of Thay 1s uncom· ha\'e more wealth than thev can ever
AGLARONO CAHG-lah·rond) fortablv near, and Aglarond's blades are spend. This cabal of like·minded men
all too fe\\'. At the battles of Singi~ Sands have held control of Arnn for over
AT A GI.•A .\'CJ;;: Aglarond is a small coastal twenty winters. During this rule, two
I1194 ORI and Brokenheads (1197 DR),
nation on the Inner Sea, east of the Pirate members of the Council have died, and
Aglarond's forces turned hack im·ading
Isles. It is boundud on the north and west replacements havc> been selected from
bv lhe Inner Se.a, on the south by the hosts from Thay, but the cost was great.
Skirmishes with raiders hoping to win Amn's wealthy merchants by the sur·
Y~rwood, and to the East by the nation viving Council members.
glory for Thay, or mercenaries hired by
of Thay. It Is one of the best-known of Amn's rulers at'e shrewd, but more
eastern statci. to inhabitants of the North, Thav. are common
Little is known of The Simbul's aims than one of the Council is fat, lazy and
primarily due to the visibility of its ruler, arrogant. Upon ascending to the Coun·
the SimbuJ. and its repeated battles with and true strength, but she appears to
constantlv roam the northern Realms, cil, a merchant-king is known only by
the Red Wizards of Thay. his or her title. Speaking, printing, or
working · to influence all manner of
EL..\fL'VSTER'S X()TF,S: A small realm that otherwise using the original name of a
e\'ents, operating in disguise or from
keeps to iMlf, i\glarond exerts little infiu. merchant-king in ,\mn is punishable by
behind the scenes. Such actions are pre·
ence in affairs of state beyond its borders. sumabh• to better Aglarond's safety. slow torture and death.
ll is important in the overall stratigic bal· although The Simbul is said to be a The pre·cmlnent member of the
ance of the Inner Sea lands, however, sim- member (or at least an ally) of the group present Council is the Meisarch, a pow·
ply because its continued existence known as the Harperi., whose aims are erful Magic User. who is never ~ithout
prevents Thay from overwhelming the more widespread. at least fifteen retainers/bodyguards.
northern region. Aglarond's strength is The remainder of the Council are more
GAME INFORMATIO.\': Aglarond coast· reclusive and almost never leave Arnn
its current ruler; a female archmage of
fabled powe1'l>, known only as The Sim· boats have the following stats: itself. The other Council members are
bul. This is also the nation's greatest dan· Hull Value: 1·6 the Thssarch. the Namarch, the Utarch,
Length: 10'·15' the Pommarch, and the Dahaunarch.
ger, for tho neighboring Red \\rizards of
Thay do not take kindly to rivals, and it Width: 2-4' 1\mn i.'i the richest land on the Sword
dra~\·s the attention of these being!> to the Movement from :.tandstill position to Coast, rh·aling the city of Waterdeep
normal speed: 2 rounds itself. ,\rguably, Calimshan is richec but
small nation.
Aglarond lies on the northern side of Speed, Xormal Sail: 3 mph the latter land is really a region of inde·
a peninsula jutting out into the eastern Maximum Sail: 5 mph pendent city-states. Arnn and Water·
Normal Oar· 1 mph deep see themselves as the powerful
end of the Inner Sea. ll is a sparsely·
Maximum Oar: 2 mph ri-.als of the region <discounting the
inhabited, heavily-wooded realm of few
farms and no large cities. Jagged pinna· states of the Inner Sea in a fashion that
cles of rock stand at its tip. and run AMN (A\VW-mmm) would make a native of Cormyr or Thay
along the spine of its lands; to the cast, AT,.\ CL\:\'CE: Arnn is the northernmost
bridle), and agent& from both sides are


GobliN Mancl)~s

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abroad. gathering information and dis- Tusk, 1200 years ago.) for its jewelry !principally that of the
rupting Lhe u·ade of its rh•al The area of the Great Desert is in fact merchant House of Thondl. A number
GAME INFORAJATION: The Meisarch is a collecti?n of different types of des- of trading compan.ies _have major oul-
erts, and includes the hot sand) wastes posts here, and there is always a tloat-
a 9th level magic-user of chaotic neutral
similar to the Dust Desert of Raurln, ing pool of mercenary talent lo be hired
alignment. He has an 18/56 Strength
rocky badlands with very sparse scrubs at any Lime. The city is also the main
and an 18 lntelligence, and is consid-
and no a\·ailable water, basins filled shipping area for coal in Connyr, gath-
ered the craftiest of his group. His
wlth salt flats and prickly cacti. wind- ering the coal from mines in the Gnoll
entourage of bodyguards are young
swept sandstone mountains carved by Pass area. i\ map of 1\rabel may he
men and women raised from birth to
wind into bizarre shapes, and polar found on page 25.
lay down their Jh·es in his defense, and
steppes and icy wastes in the north ArabeJ was for a brief time )11 recent
are all fighters of 6th level. In personali·
which would rival those of Vaasa. In memory the center of a swordsman's
ty, the Meisarch is debauched, corrupt,
general, it is as inhospitable a place as Empire. This swordsman was Gonde-
and jaded, and the subject of his social
can be found on lhe surface of Turli. gal, the "1.ost King," who in the Year of
life is better suited for discussion in a
Science, such as it is. does not the Dragon 11352 ORI attempted to
low-class tavern than in a scholarly
the reason for this advancing desert. carve u kingdom for himself. centered
and great magical or godlike powers on Arabel and <~xtending north to the
may be involved. On the positive side, Desertsedge Mountains, south and
ANAUROCH IAnn·OAR-ock) the encroaching desert has forced wel!t of \i\:vvernwater and the farms
Tile Great Desert trade south through the bottleneck the outlying from E\'eningstar, and east to
wastes create, into the realms of Cor· Tilver's Gap and the mountain passes.
AT A GLAi\CE: This barren wasteland
myr, Sembia. and the Dales, making "Gondegal's reach was longer than his
dominates the north, a huge mass of
these regions the wealthier for the loss blade;· men say-he could not hold any
steppeland, rockJ "·astes, and true des-
of such great cities as Orolin. of his territory against the might of Cor·
ert that runs from the Uttermost North
myr, Sembia, Daggerdale, Tihcrton,
almost to the Lake of Dragons.
ARABEL (AlR·ah·beUl and several of the other dales-all of
El.MINSTER'S /\'OTES; The Great Des· whom he drew blood and ire of in the
ert was not always so huge, and has AT A GLANCE: Arabel is a mid-sized city
making of his throne.
grown remarkably in the recent millen- of almost a thousand main buildings in
Gondegal ruled for less than a season;
nia, driving wild men, goblins, and oth- eastern Cormvr, situated where The he reigned for scarcely eight days; the
er evil creatures further south into the East Wa.v meets Calantar's Way. Arabel
remainder of his rule being spcml fight-
ands of men Many human and elvish is a fortified cit.v. though has many ing here and there in the lands he
kingdoms were swallowed by the posts for trading houses outside its
claimed against one foe or another. lfis
wastes, and their ruins remain buried walls troops were largely mercenary, and his
beneath the sands. (See above for the ELMI\ 'STER'S .VOTES: Arabel is. first treasury or seized goods, was ~mall and
extent of the desert in the Year of the and foremost a merchant city, famed soon gone One night Gonegal's force

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1. CUadel (and jail) ~. SUntel'a Ropes, Cords, Chains, and 107. Nulrouve Domar, Potter
2. (cowt, aaembly hall) Mesh 108. Ftllaro' s Over1and Food (barrels of
3. HouM Mar111r (noble family) 55. The Wary Warrior (weapons of all flsh, etc., from the Sword Cont or
4. The WNry Knight (Inn of good types) Inner Sea)
quality) 56. The Two-Headed Lion (tavern) 109. Th• Blue Mace (Inn)
5. TM Lady'• HoutM (temple of Tymora) 57. The Striking Snake (tavern) 110. HouM of Baer1ear warehouM
•• The Dragon'• Rest (guesthouse &
bll,,.cic., owned by the crown for
The Coiled Whip (tavern)
The Gentle Smile (futhall of good
111 . House of l.heskar Bhalllr (owner of
the Dancing Dragon Ir the Dancing
quartering of Its guests) quality) Dracollsk taverns, & fence of stolen
7. The Whistling Wheel {Inn) 60. The House of Baerlear (Joe.I gooda)
8. The Traveler'• Banner (Inn) merchant) 112. The Dancing Dragon
9. The Limps (hardware store) 61 . The Black Barrel (tavern) 113. The Open casket (pawnshop, used
10. "The Bazaar" (marttet area) 62. Hundar' a Ftne carpets, Perfumes, goods, c:.ravan liquidations, & fence
11 . Eastgate and Lanterns of stolen good•)
12. The Eastwatch Inn 63. lardon'a Hlrellnga ( servanta, 114. Ghastar Ulvarlnn, Stonecutter
13. The Iron Throne (merchant company) eacorta, loaders & lifters, mourners, 115. Baallmr Selmarr, Clpenter
yard• message or errand runners) 116. Oaznllr Relharphln, Wheelwright
14. Mllzar'• Yards (rental stockyards) 64. Monument to Ohalma. ., The Warrior 117. ctieth ZalbAr, Purveyor of ftne
15. Thousandheeda Trading Coster King perfumes, ~ lotions, dyee, and
(merchant company) yarct. 65. The Sliver Stallion tack shop cosmetics
16. Dragoneye Dealing Coater (merchant 66. Green Phi al medicines & physics 118. Bracertm Thabbold, Bedbutlder
company) yarda shop and clinic 119. The Limp, l.lntem, and Cindie Shop
17. Etfakulllnn 67. Mhaes' a (festhall) of Nphreg Jhanos
18. Cllantar'a Gat9 68. Houae of Thond rental warehouse 120. Tamthnr•a Leather Shop: fine clothes
19. Red Raven Mercenary Company HQ 69. Six Coffers Martcet Prlakoa (merchant made to order
20. The King 's Trading Varda company) warehouse t2t . Pummas Durvllr (blllor)
(crown-owned, but available for 70. The Bent Bow (tavern) 122. Elhazlr' s Exotica (rare & unusual gifts
rental) 71. laeduth' a (boarding house) & treasures)
21. Trueahleld Trading Prlakoa 72. The Red Sword (tavern) 123. " The Baths" (bath-houae, wrestling
(merchant company) yards 73. Vaethym Olol'llr, rental Falconer gym, and beauty pal'fou"
22. The High Hom Gate 74. Saerdar' • Siiks and Ftowera 124. Wayacroas Inn
23. The Night Wolf Inn 75. The Hungry Man (restaurant) 125. The Ivory Jack (tavem)
24. Mother lahamma•s House (boarding 76. The Chalice (flne braaa & 126. Phaeaha'• {boarding house)
houee) met.alwortcs) 127. Vondor's Shoes & Soots
15. Rupral'a Klaa (Festhall) 77. The Net of Pearla {gowns, Jewelery, 128. The Feutlng Board (eatery)
26. Six Coffers Martcet Pr1akoa (Merchant and lingerie) 129. House Hlloar warehouse
Company) yards 78.' • (boarding house) 130. The Lime camel (tavern)
,, ,,
Getzunduth Warehouse 79.
Buldo Craven (butcher)
The Eyes and &rs of Arabel
131. Blackhand Lhaol'a smithy
132. House MJarlm warehouse
29. House of Gelzunduth (local {muaenger Mt'Vlce, caravan.guard 133. House of Krallqh warehouse
merchant) hiring aervlce, fast delivery service 134. The Scarlet Spear (Inn)
30. Rhal...r 'a (boarding house of good within Arabel) 135. The Lazy Lizard (tavem)
quality) 81 . Kelaar' s Fowl (live poultry & game 136. The Watchful Lynx {Inn)
31. Houae of Krallqh (local merchant) blrct.) 137. Nyerll warehouse
32. House of Shela {local merchant) 82. Surra'• (restaraunt) 138. Hou9e Mlarlm warehouse
33. Well 83. The High Moon Inn 139. The Swinging Gate (Inn)
34. House of Mlsrlm {local merchant) 84. The Orange Banner Inn 140. The Nine Ftres (Inn)
35. HouM Hlloar (local merchant} 85. The Lady'• Tutas (fine clothing) 141. The Three Bara (Inn)
38. Shaasni's (boarding house of good 86. Soldiers Boota (t1vern) 142. The Tired Traveler {Inn)
quality)) 87. The Red Stlrge (Inn) 143. The Wink and Kl. . (tavern)
37. F1lcon'a Rest (Inn of good quality) 88. House Mlarlm Warehouse 144. Thousandheact. Trading Coster
38. House of Nyarll (Ioctl merchant) 89. The Velvet Couch (festhall) (merchant company) warehouMS
39. The Watchful Shield {rental 90. The Bumlng Blade (tavern) 145. The ' Porte Martcet' (yards)
bodyguard•) 91 . Nathacal'a (rental) Warehouse 146. Dregoneye Dealing Coster (mechant
40. DulbUr'a (rental coatumu &; finery, 92. The Lavander Lion (feathall) company) warehou. .
escort service) 93. The Smoky Skull (tavem) 147. Ssantuua' a (rental) Warehouse
41. Mulkaer Lome.lath, fine tailor 94. The Old Warrior (Inn) 148. Ohalglm'• Yard (fuel: wood,
42. The Sliver Tankard (tavem) 95. Zelond'a (rental) Warehou• charcoal, oils, kindling)
43. Mhaer Tzlntln, Moneylender/-changer 96.'a {pawnshop • used goodt) 149. The Copper Cockatrice {hardware
44. Elghlar'• Fine Wines 97. Nan. .th•'• (feathall) ahop)
45. Jhamma•a Sllb and Furs 98. The Dancing Dracollak (tavam) 150. lrrtphar' s Inn
48. Dhelthaen (butcher) 99. Theel Dllrlm' a Parchment and 151. The Murdered Mantlcore (Inn)
47. "The Strongwatch" (rental Proclamatlona
warehouM, heavily guarded) 100. The Roll ROllst (Inn)
46. The Pride of Areblll {Inn of good 101 . Daglar Maermeet (armorer)
qu11lty) 102. Orphaat Ulbanath (scrfbe,
49. Orbul'a Fine Clrvlng & Furniture C4rtographer, genealogist)
so. Khammath' s Crystal (shop) 103. The Moonlit Touch (nightclub,
51 . The Black Mask (tavern) feathall)
52. House of Thond (local merchant) 104. Quezzo'a (rental) WarehouM
53. tt.wk'a Perch Trading House 105. Dhalllma'• (boalrdlnghouse)
(pawnshop) 106. The Three Sisters (pawnshop, used &
damaged clothes and goods)
simply melted away before tl1e advanc· home to aggressive traders (see with food, and produce wool for local
ing host of Cormyr and was gone. SESSRENDALE) who operate from use and for export elsewhere in the
The forces of King Azoun IV retook Moonsea to Dragonmere and beyond. Realms. The wool-mills proper are in
Arabel on the morn without wetting a The Orchards provide rich fruit which Berdusk, but the gathering-place for
blade; no man found Gondegal's body. commands a good price in Sembla. In most of the farmers is here in Asbravn,
He is known tu I1uvts fled north a1 nl then i.1<lc..litiu11, freshwater crabs, regarded as where several small casters ply a busy
east, \'ia Thshwave. and then his fate a delicacy in Archendale, live in the trade over the roads between the town
becomes a matter of conflicting pools there. and its neighboring cities. It is here that
rumour and legend. ~tost believe he Archendale is ruled by thret• officers the large local fam1er's market is held,
still lives, with a score or more lovaJ fol· known as Swords; a Black Sword, a Red and its is here that the Riders with Red
lowers, keeping court in the~ wilds Sword, and a Blue Sword. The Swords Cloaks are based.
somewhere, a careful and ruthless ban- are deliberately mysterious, and usu· The Riders, named for their distinc·
dit who takes care that none survive ally speak through officers of the tive garb, arc local volunteers com·
one of his attacks to carry tales any· i\rchendaJe army. manded by experienced warriors, and
where. Whtm entire caravans vanish at Archendale societv has been formed are paid a beneficence by lriaebor to
times, anywhel'e between the High by a long and proud history, tainted by cover their cosb of operation. They
Dale and far-off lmpiltu1~ he Le; blamed long-lasting grudges and many·layered supplement this stipend with any
in the taverns. intrigue. Its people tend to be haughty. battle-loot they may take. In return , the
Gondegal is said to be a tall, grey· even among other Dalesmen, short· Riders in Red Cloaks patrol the area
haired warrior of considerable person- tempered. and vain. It is considered a around the town !particularly the
al skill and intelligence. His badge is a fine place to trade but a poor neighbor· mountain slopes to the east), fighting
grey wolrs·head, face on. with red eyes. hood to live in. off bandits, ores, bugbears, and preda·
Caravan·guards often warn merchanli. tory monsten; to keep the farm-lands
G1\ME INFORMATION: The Archendale
to beef up thll escort on a particular safe.
army consists of six '"rides" of 60 men
caravan, "else thy gold'll soon be gilding
per ride, for a total regular force of 360 GAME INFCJRMA'fllJN: A typical Red
Gondegal's throne:·
men . These are mounted forces of men· Cloaks patrol numbers 12 first level
GAME INFORMATION: Gondegal is a at-arms, dressed in chain and carrying fighters, led by a patrol leader of 3-4th
fighter of 20th level and neutral align· swords, lance, and composite bow. level. They are mounted on medium
ment, and ;1 specialist in combat with Each ride has has a "ridemaster" of fifth horse, wield spear and long sword, and
both long sword and two-handed broad level or higher. In addition , the traders wear chain mail !plate for officers).
sword. Whether he yet lives, the magic of ArchcndaJe have used their wealth in There are such patrols in normal opera·
or treasure he carries. and who his the past to hire mercenary troops and tion, but in times of danger that num·
allies might be are all unknown. i;pcll·casters when the need arises. ber may triple through recruitment,
Arabel is currently ruled by Myr· The identities of the Swords are and the Red Cloaks may hire on addi·
meen I.ha!. a ranger of good/neutral unknown, and may be any of the "ride· tional magic-users and clerics. Standard
alignment and 12th level. .Myrrneen's masters" or holders of some other posi· stipend is IO gold per level per week,
lordship tends to turn on the fact that tion in the Dale. Inquiries into such plus a share equal to level of any trea·
she permits the traders and merchants matters meet a blank (and effete) stare sure recovered la 1st level will get 1
to engage in whatever tactics they see from natives, and it is surmised that share, a 3rd level three shares, etc.).
fit. as long as no one is hurt and the they themselves do not know the identi·
crown is not endangered. ties of the Swords. ASHABENFORD-SEE
AT A GI.A:VCE: This small. isolated .rlT A GLA.\'CE: Asbrarn is a small town
rocky gorge carries the river Arkhen of ahout 50 central buildings, nestled in AT A Gl.ANCI-:: Baldur's Gate is located
from the Thunder Peaks down to the a shallow delve, where roads from 50 miles up the Chionthar River from
sea at Stilgaunt, producing a beautiful Hluthrar, Berdusk, and lriaebor meet. It where that flow enters the 'Jrackless
valley of ferns, lilies. mosses and clear is patrolled by riders in red capes. Sea, at the southern reaches of the
pools. There are scattered farms and Sword Coast. It is fiiutated on the north·
BJ.MINSTER'S NOTES: The town of ern shore of the river, astride the 'Jrade
orchards along the valley floor, but no
1\sbravn lies in the center of a thriving Way from 1\mn to Waterdeep. Baldur's
central market or square.
area of farms. These farms provide the Deep consists of a '"lower city" outside
ELMl.\JSTER'S SOTE.S: Archendale is nearby cities of Berdusk and Iriaebor the stone walls, and an • upper city"

within those walls. er. These lands are not empty. for in distance signaling, and running. Typi-
ELJ.11NSTER'S ;\ 'OTES: This important
addition to monstrous creatures and cal weapons are spear. ornate two-
independent city is known as one of the inhuman tribes, often groups of banded sword, and short bow.
most tolerant but quietly well-policed humans make out their living in a com· Hill and .Uoulllain Barbarians-Found
places in the western Realms, and is fortable. if primitive, fashion. These are in caveman-like hovels in mountain
home to many adventurers and entre- the barbarians of the Realms. chains removed from the cities. includ·
preneurs as a result. 1t is ruled by the ELMJ.VSTER'S VOTES: The meaning of ing the Far Hills and the Earthrust
"Four Grand Dukes," though the title of the word barblll'fan depends on the mountains. Their chief weapons are
" Duke" is an honorific taken upon user. The definition above is the classic clubs and stone daggers, and their ter·
ascending to the Council, and is given definition. but those of the older tiary skills sound imitation and snare
even if the candidate is female or of a regions of the Realms, such as building.
race that uses other titles. Mulhorand and Calimshan, consider all
Desert Barbarians-dervishes and
The city was originally completely the land north of the Sea of Fallen Stars nomads living along the Desert's Edge.
walled, with gates to the North for the as and its inhabitants as bar·
Their tertiary skills include horseman-
'lrade Way and to the south leading to barians. ship and running, and their weapons
the docks. With the expansion of trade Barbarian life varies from place to are lasso, Janee or spear. and long
and the founding of Arnn, trade has place, and situation to situation. Most sword.
become very profitable in the relaxed barbarian tribes do not engage in trade,
climate of Baldur's Gate, and the city and tend to be hostile to outsiders in Forest Barbarians-Found In regions
grown as a result. The city has no\\ general and magic-users in particular A such as the Dorder F'orest and the
burst its original bounds (about the size rejection of the existence of the magical Woods north of the 1'roll Hills, and are
of Suzail in Connyrl and is divided by arts is a hallmark of the barbarian, as fierce fighters from their battles with
its original wall into a "upper" and opposed to his table manners. Barbari· ores and other local Cribes. Their ter·
"lower" city. The "upper" city is both ans do adhere to the code.s of their own tiary abilities include animal handling,
older and of a more permanent natur·e, tribes, and concentrate on survival as a sound imilation, and snare building.
and it is here that the nobles, rising primary goal. Both the barbarian and Their chief weapons are short bow.
merchants, and newly-wealthy adven- the ranger are fighters suited for life in dagger, and short sword.
turing companies rub shoulders. the wild, though the ranger is more of a Island Barbarians-Found on the ~cat·
hunter and tracker in nature, and the tered small islands of the Sea of Swords
Dukes of Baldur's Gate are: barbarian is a long-term sun ivor. and the Sea of Fallen, eking out a
Entar Silvershield, a 20th level cava- GAME l\:FORMA110\!: Barbarians in passible e.xistence by fishing and occa·
lier, the Forgotten Realms are as detailed in sional raids Their secondary skilli.
Liia Jannath. a 16th level female the Unearthed Arcana Turne. Barbari· include small craft, both paddled and
magic-user of chaotic good alignment, ans may come from a number of areas rowed, and snare building, concentrat·
Belt, a 17th level fighter and in the Realms, and will have tertiarv ing on nets.
Eltan. a 20th level lawful neutral proficiencies according to their native
fighter. Eltan is commander of the territories. An indh idual running a Bar· BATTLED ALE
flaming Fist Mercenary Company. one barian character should choose the AT .A GLANCE: The region of Battledale
of the most powerful such companies in ''type" and home territory of his barbar· is a series of low hills and dales that lie
the Realms, which is ba1>ed in Baldur·s ian. between the Pool of Yeven and Hap·
Gate. Further information on the Flam· Horse Barbarians-Pound north of the tooth Hill. There are a large number
Ing Fist may be found in the \.1ercenary Moonsea, in lhe stepp<."-land and lhe small and farms and homeiiteads in the
Companies Section, and on Eltanin the area known as "the Ride: Such Barbar1· area
Personalities of the Realms section in an tribes have the tertiary abilities of
the DM's Sourcebook. ELMTNSTER'S NOTES: This region of
animal handling, horsemanship, and oft-disputed ground is gently rolling
long distance signaling. TypicaJ weap- farmland , open and a most suitable .site
BARBARIANS ons are lance, short sword, and javelin. for large hattJes !hence its name) Batlle-
AT A GLANCE: There are many wild, Moor in the High dale has seen heavy use in all manner of
unsettled reaches of the Forgotten Moors and U1at immecliate area, and conflicts, and still serves as the local site
Realms, in particular the great gap:; that make their living without large beasts. of the Shieldmeet
separate areas of civilization such as These barbarian tribes have the ter- Battledale has no official ruler or seat,
Waterdeep and Cormyr from each olh· tiar) abilities of animal handling, long though Essembra serves as a trading/

gathering/goods center for the Dale, animal), zombies (human and monster), GAME INFORMATION: Therom "Thun·
and the leader of the Shieldmeet, War wights, wrailhs, spectres. They may be derhammer'' Fuiruim is a Master
Chancellor llmeLh, is sent as Battledale's found in mixed parties, with one more Armorer, capable of forging full sets of
representative Lo the Daiei; Council. powerful undead leader (wight. wraith, plate armor, ornate weapons, and using
or spectre) to be found for every 20 rare and unique ores. He is neutral
despite its hostile name, maintains no lesser undead). Lesser undead under aligned. has zs hp. and fights as a 1st
the control of greater undead turn as level tighter in combat. He has experi·
standing army, and the Litle "War Chan·
the greater undead. Those undead in ence in helping Thalantyr create magi·
cellm"' is hereditary. Ilmeth is a 12th
level fighter, dark of beard and mood, the Batlle of Bones area itself use the cal items.
special column for luming. The myste- Thalantyr, 15th level magic-user, spe-
who continually wonders at the
rious force behind the gathering cializes in Conjuration/Summoning
strengths of the various factions in the
region. undead may be of liche or skeletal war· spells. ( + 1 on all his saving throws, -1
rior power al least, and if greater, may on saving throws against his
have several of these tyRes as servants. Conjuration/Summoning attacks).
Kelddath Ormylyr, Patriarch of the
AT A GLANCE· 'fravelers moving into BEREGOST (BEAR-eh-gostl Church of Lathander, 16th level cleric.
the area will note a withered land with Tumple Staff:
AT A GLANCE: Beregost is a small town
a few stunted scrub-1.rees. The soil has a 3 8th level clerics
dusty white pallor to it. As the site of of about 40 central buildings, with sev· 6 4th level clerics
era! larger estates further from the
the batlle nears. outcroppings of bone 9 2nd level clerics
lown itself. The town is dominated by a
jut from the soil until finally the bones 18 1st level clerics
large temple and its attendant build·
outnumber the rocks themselves and 200 men·at·arms in Tumple Complex
ings. 1b the east on the low rise over·
the adventurer is moving through a Kelddath ls regarded as the town's gov·
looking the town is the shell of a ruined
wasteland of remains. ernor, though day-to·day operations
ELMINSTER'S NOTES; On this site, in a are handled by a five-man town coun·
ELMINSTER'S NOTES: The small town cil.
shallow valJev some two hundred win·
ters ago, a· Utanic battle erupted of Beregost is first and foremost a trad·
ing center, a jumping-off point for expe· BOARESKYR CBoar-reh-SKEER)
between human forces and the various
ditions into the Southern Kingdoms of BRJDGE
goblinoid races. The Goblin Nations,
Amn, Tuthyr; and Calimshan. It is also
along with ores. hobgoblins and their AT A GLANCE: The bridge is a massive
the home of several notable individuals.
allies, had overrun the North with the structure crossing the Winding Water
One of the foremost smiths in the
fall of the Early Kingdoms of men and along the 'Il'ade way from Waterdeep to
Sword Coast area, Therom "Thun·
the dwimlling of the dwarven peoples Scornubel. It is of grey stone, and wide
derhammer" Fuiruim, has his estate
After almost a week of continuous enough to carry two wains side-by-side
and lihop here. Beregost is also the
fighting, the humans triumphed, but at in either direction. On the southern
horrendous cost, so numerous were abode of the wizard Thalantyr, a wiz·
ard who specializes in magic of the side of the bridge is a large encamp·
the dead that even today their bones menL of tents and wagons.
Conjuration/Summoning type. Finally,
are said Lo cover the ground her'e to a
Beregost is the home of a large temple ELMINSTER'S NOTES: This bridge is
depth of twelve inches. This region is
to Lathander, God of the Morning. The named for a famous adventurer of the
avoided by most travelers ~cause of
high priest of this temple is one Keld· early days of human settlement in the
the great numbers of undead creatures
dath OrmJyr, once a merchant of note North. Boareskyr (aJso called in these
that are said to now be here. Those who
whose ships plied their 1.rade up and parts "The Grea1 Boareskyr"l built the
do come this way, seeking a route along
down the Sword Coast. first temporary bridge at this site in
the edge of the Desert, speak of some
On a hill to the east of Beregost Jay the order to rush an army across it and
power 01·ganizing the undead into
burned ruins of a school of wizardry, assail an unsuspecting tribe of ores (the
patrols, and Lhereby controlling the
founded some three hundred years ago ores, a tribe called the Bloody Tusks,
area. No one has yet investigated these
by the mage Ulcaster, and destroyed were wiped out by this manuever).
eighty years later by Calishite mages, Since then, several other bridges have
GAAIE INFORMATION: Encounters ln who had feared the school's collective been erected on the site, the most
1he area of the Battle of the Bones power had come to rival their own. recent being a massive bridge that
extend thirty miJes in all directions, and lnterestingly enough, the Ulcasterian spans the Winding Water in five arches
include the following Lypes of undead school was also a school of Conjurers of grey stone.
creatures: skeletons (humanoid and and Summoners

Boareskyr Bridge has no permanent CALANTAR'S (CAH-lan-tare's) ture can hear a low chanting.
settlement ln normal terms, but there is WAY ELMINSTER'S NOTES: This center of
almost always a city of tents and wag-
AT A GLANCE: The Way is a cartroad, learning preserves the predictions of
ons here, where caravans stop Lo Lrade
running from tmmersea to Arabel in Alaundo the Seer, the singular sage
goods back and forth, and buy mounts,
Cormyr. whose prophecies have proved correct
wagons, and necessary provisions and
over the years. Upon his death, his cita·
maintenance. "The Bridge" is the last ELMINSTER'S NOTES: The Way has del at Candlekeep became a haven of
organized post on the 1rade Way from been named for he who surveyed and both veneration of his prophecies and
Scomubel to Waterdeep, until the trav- built it, over four hundred winters ago. the accumulation of all knowledge. The
elers reach the way inn. It has been carefully tended by the mer- acolytes of the keep continually chant
Law is a rough-and-ready matter in chants and soldiers who use it. the remaining prophecies of Alaundo,
" the Bridge;• but several powerful
which grow shorter over the centuries
adventurers are often in the tent-city CALIMSHAN (CAIAm·shan) as they come true and are discarded.
who respect and keep law and order: a
AT A GLANCE: Located south of Ththyr, Candlekeep boasts one of the finest
fighter named Barim Stagwinter, a cler·
the rich lands of Calimshan are a hot· libraries in the Realms.
ic of Tyr named Theskul Mirroreye,
bed of merchant dealings and double· The fortified keep derives much of its
and AJuena Halacanter. The last is a
dealings. Predating Waterdeep and the income from finding and copying spe·
magic-user and is thought by most to be
cities of Arnn, the Galisbites are one of cific passages of information from the
a member of the harpers. Aluena
richest and most powerful nations on books of lore, magic, and philosophy
spends much of her Lime training pega-
the western coast of Faerun. preserved there for clients all over the
si for use by humans as mounts.
Realms, and from issuing new manu·
GAMEINFORMATJON:"The Bridge" is a ELMJ.NSTER'S NOTES: The nation of script books for sale in Waterdeep and
mobile settlement that is continually Calimshan is really a collection of Baldur's Gate. These new manuscripts
changing its make-up and personel. squabbling city-states, each such city are created by collecting certain pas·
There wiU be continual merchant cara· ripped by its own internal merchant sages from older texts together. The
vans heading in both rurections, to factions and power struggles. The larg· Scribes of Candlekeep also make addi·
Waterdeep and Scornubel, every five est of these states is Calimport, and it is tional copies of books brought to them,
days or so. Thousand-Head and here that a sequestered Pasha relaxes but there are others in the Realms pro-
1rueshield 1rading Casters maintain and debauches while his servants and vide Lhis last service for less severe fees
semi-permanent areas for their traders, bureaucratic underlings squabble
abm1t the kingdom. GAME JNFORMATION: Fees for serv-
and wagons, but the majority of wag·
By royal decree, all ships of Calim· ices at Candlekeep:
ons are from independent wagoneers.
port's navy and merchant fleet fly the • Sage Advice is twice standard rates
The closest thing to a permanent gov-
flag of Calimshan; a gold field with blue (page 33 of DMG), but all informa·
erning body are the three adventurers
lines slanting across it. This, plus the tion is "In Major Field" for purposes
mentioned above:
nature of these traders to gloss over of discovering information.
Barrim Stagwinter-7th level fighter
troubles at home, gives the illusion of a • Book copying is 100 gp per text,
Threskul Mirroreye-6th level cleric
vibram, unified nation. 10,000 gp per magical text {includ·
AJuena Halacanter-9th level wizard
Calimshan considers both Arnn and ing spellbooks but excluding magi·
Barrim and Threskul tend to wander in Waterdeep its economic rivals, and is cal tomes such as the 7bme of Clear
and out of the tent-city, though one will also involved in a continual series of Thought) .
always be about. Aluena maintains a clashes with "the Border Kingdoms" to • Browsing is tolerated under spe·
small estate, called Heartwing, its east, which are considered part of cific rules:
upstream, where she raises her pegasi. the Calishite sphere of influence only 1) the petitioner must be sent
Her standard charge is 5000 gp for a by those who must report to the Pasha. bearing the seal or sign of a recog-
mount. and she has candidates for pur· nized powerful mage
chase undergo a number of interviews CANDLEKEEP 2) The petitioner must gift to
and examinations to determine that the Keep a book of no less than
they are capable and willing to handle AT A GLANCE: Candlekeep is a complex 10,000 gp value
one of her steeds. Her contract at time of clustered towers perched on a spur 3l Such browsing is permitted for
of sale includes a clause that if the pega- of volcanic rock overlooking the sea. It 9 days and nights. On the tenth
si is maltreaced and returns Lo is reached by a single road. Lights burn morning. the petitioner is given the
Heartwing, the money will not be in the windows of the keep at all times, choice of leaving (be may return} or
refunded. and travelers approaching the struc· joining the order as an acolyte.

In browsing. the traveler may engage the cavalier in the Forgotten Realms is lords of Good and Lawful alignment, or
in research as if a sage hirnself, with similar to that presented in Unearthed to the various Good and Lawful faiths
knowledge in Special Category. fo r Arcana, with a few modifications. of the Realms. Either may operate as
veracity, and al no further coi.l. The Knightly Virtues are generally masterless swords, until they find a sit·
considered to be: uation suited to their talents.
Magical book:. and other dangerous
Liberality Honor
items are kept in the Inner Rooms. OnJy
Good Faith Glory C HESS ENTA
the Keeper !the order's beadl and the
Courtesy Unselfishness
Readers (his accomplished stafO may AT A GLANCE; Siluated on U1e far side
enter these rooms. Any information of Sea of Fallen Stars, Chessenta is one
Pride in one's action:.
Lhat may be found within these areas of the elder nations of the South (see
Humility in one's deed (in particuJar for
must be researched as for sages !No THE SOUTH). It is said to be a rich, fer-
Browsing!. tile land filled with wild, drunkenly era·
Different Cavaliers mav rate these in a zy men.
CALAUNT different manner of i~portance.
The Chivalric code, adapted for the CITADEL OF THE RAVEN
AT A GLANCE· Calaunt is a medium·
Forgotten Realms Campaign, is as fol-
sized city on the eastern side of the AT A GLANCE: The Citadel of the Raven
Dragon Reach, where the River Vesper is a large, well-protected chain of inter-
• Noble Service cheel'fuJlv rendered
flows into that body of water in a \\ ide connected fortresses on the western
• Defense of any charge ~110 death
delta. edge of the Dragonspine mountains, its
• Courage and Enterprise in obedi-
ence to rules and one's superiors multiple towers under the control of
CAVALIERS AND PALADINS • Respect for all peers and equals .Zhentil Keep.
AT A GLANCE: Cavaliers and paladins • Honor to those above one·s station ELMINSTER'S NOTES: The Citadel of
are fighters of a "higher stripe" than the • Earning respect and obedience the Raven was an ruined series of for-
common warriors and fighters. Adher· from those belo\\ one's station tresses from a long-forgotten kingdom,
ing to a cause or credo, these individ - through one·s actions rebuilt l>y the combined forces of the
uals are usually of hi8h·class birth or • Military prowess in service to Moonsea cities of Yulash, Zhentil Keep,
minor nobility. Many see themselves as one's lord Melvaunt, Thentia, Hillsfar, and
the obvious true leaders of men and • Courtesy to ladies for male cava- Mulmanster. Staffed by combined
nations, others merely as messangers liers forces of these cities (and by groups of
and sen·ants of higher powers. • Courtesy to lords and Honorable adventurers as well), the fortress
men for female cavaliers repulsed many major attacks by orga-
£LMJNSTER'S NOTES: ff ever ther e
• Battle is the lest of honor and glo- nized groups of ogres over the eighty-
were a group of people as a class suffer-
ry years of its existence.
ing further under delusions, it bas been
• Personal glory in battle A few winters back, through a combi-
lost on this writer. Cavaliers (and their
• Death before dishonor nation of bribery, threats, and shows of
related paladins! see the world in black
and white, good and evil, us and them, Cavaliers in the Realms are filled with force, Zhentil Keep has come into con·
the ideas of their own abilities, and are trol of the Citadel. expelling all other
with precious little space between
often the first to leap into bauJe. Player- forces lsee KNIGHTS OF THE NORTH>,
them. Fortunately, those which adhere
character cavaliers have the choice of and raising lhe banner of the Zhen-
most closely to the tenets of their ere·
fighting directly or behavmg in a cra- ta rim in place of the Raven of the "forth.
dos die out early. while those tha t
understand give-and-take and coopera· ven fashion with the note that such GAME TNFORMATION: The Citadel of
lion among people of varying (or hos- beha-.ior may cost experience points. the Raven is in reality a chain of for-
tile) viewpoints often develop into NPC Cavaliers will usually charge into tresses connected by walled passage-
leaders. the fray, U1ough they will make an abili· ways and secret paths. The chain
Cavaliers have as vet no "standard ty check against their Intelligence if stretches for some ten miles, and can
organization:· but instead are found in faced with a difficult situation (i.e. house a large number of troops.
Adventuring Companies, Mercenary Orcus drops in for lunch; the cavalier The Citadel is currently the major
Groups, and often operating alone. Cav· should be given a chance to reconsider military outpost of the forces of Zhentil
aliers seek to emulate "the Flower of before attacking with a butterkn.ife). Keep, as weU as a prison for its political
Knighthood" in thought and deed. Cavaliers often enter into service prisoners. The forces of the Citadel
with Noble Lords in the Realms. Pala- hold little political power within the
G..\J\.IE INFORMATIOI\': The Credo of
dins may offer their allegiance lo such organization of the Zhentarim, and a

posting here is regarded as a punish· bers of one group easily and often cross tations as to armor and weapons which
ment for internal feuding. The citadel Is into the other group. ··Hierarchy" cler· may be used. While certain restrictions
armed by: ics are U10se which are usually tied may be lifted in particular oases al a
2000 Men·At·Arms suited in chain down to a specific location, such as a future date, the cleric of the Forgotten
and wielding medium bows temple, shrine, or monastery, and work Realms is limited to plate mail and
and swords primarily to the good of that location weapons which do not draw blood.
zoo Horsemen, in plate armor and and its communitv. "Mission" clerics are
similar barding with lance and "at-large" agents "entrusted to wander CLOAK WOOD
long sword tbe length and breadth of the Realms
AT A GLANCE: This wood, north of
50 level 3 commanders spreading the basic lenents and beliefs
Lord Kandar Milinal (10th level fight- of the organization. Many of the clerics Candlekeep, is ancient and thickly over·
grown with elms, beeches, felsul , and
er, commander of lbe army) found in Adventuring Parties, or work-
hiexel trees.
In addition, the Citadel is often the win· ing alongside merchant or in merce·
tering ground for mercenaries in the nary companies are "mission" cleMcs. ELMINSTER'S NOTES: The Cloak Wood
employ of Zhentil Keep. Again, the line is fuzzy one. such that a is an old, lhickly grown forest marking
Several members of the Zhentarim cleric who has spent his life in the "hier· the southern end of the Sword Coast.
Network may be present as well, and archy" ma} suddenly decide. for the Just south of Baldur's Gale, the Cloak
Sememmon the Wizard (12th level) good of hU; order, to engage in a quest wood is a perilous place, and home to
makes his home here. for an artifact, and gather a group of quicklings, satyrs, stirges, kampfult,
The battlements of the Citadel of the like·minded and set off as and other less common monsters. This
Raven face outwards, north and east, a "mission" cleric. Similarly, a cleric high number of creatures has turned
but are very strong to the west and who has spent her life in adventuring the wood into a battleground between
south as well. Should the cities of the companies, tithing a large part of her rival races. The sages of Candlekeep
Moonsea fall to outside force, this is the earnings to setting up shrines for the have sufficient evidence to indicate at
bolt·hole planned by the Zhentarim and Powers, may determine to retire (or least one gate exits in the wood, but the
other evil creatures. semi·retire) to a temple to use the expe- exact numbers andlor destination of
rience gained to teach others, and enter these gates is unknown. They may lead
C LERJC S the hierarchy in that fashion. to other parts of the Realms, to an Alter·
Most faiths are fairly loose with such nate Material Plane where such crea·
AT A GLANCE: Clerics are those individ·
restrictions, only requiring thai a cleric tures are common, or to the Beastlands
uals capable of directing energies deriv· seeking to leave his or her hierarchy get (Happy fiunting Grounds). Few who
ing from particular entities known the approval of a superior (or of the have investigated the matter have
properly as Powers, though often Power being venerated. if the cleric is returned to report on it.
referred to as deities or gods. All clerics of Patriarch/Matriarch level) before
belong to faiths which venerate these joining or leaving the hierarchy
Powers and advocate their aims and CORMORP
In a similar fashion, there is no
goals. lT '1 GL~NCE: The village of Corm Orp
required "dress" or raiment for a cleric
is a Oea·speck on the road between
ELMJNSTER'S NOTES: The Realms tend outside of the raiment required forcer·
emonies. ln general, clerics dress in the Rluthrar and Hill's Edge, with about 15
to be in generally tolerant of all faiths,
colors of their order (which are usuaUy permanent buildings. The low hills to
such that in larger cities their are 1' tern·
the east of the town are dotted with
pie districts" of various faiths of dissimi· those of their holv svmboll and wear
halfling burrows, dominated by a
lar alignments and goals existing some clearly-obvi~us· S.\ mbol of their
side·by·side. Faiths and temples main- faith on the person. A cleric of Tymora goodly·sized structure emblazoned
with the symbol of a butterfly.
tain varying levels of influence in the will tend towards greys, and wear a sil·
local government, and only in a few ver disk either on a neck-chain or in a ELMINSTER'S NOTES: This tiny village
cases is there a "state-religion:• One setting on the forehead, while a wor- is kn0\\'11 for its large resident popula·
such example is the Island-nation of shiper of Tumpus will wear helms lor lion of halflings, who live amicably with
Lantan, whose strange inhabitants are metal skullcaps) and display his symbol the few human inhabitants of the place,
almost all worshipers of Gond. Even so, (the blood·red sword on the crimson der.pite the fact that the village's Lord,
there are shrines to other deities on field) on his or her shield. Dundast Hultel, is human, as is the vil·
Lantan. though they exist primarily to GAME INFORMATION.· Clerics in the lage militia. The latter fact is one that
serve foreign visitors. most native halflings, preferring to see
Forgotten Realms are as presented in some else fight their battles, are quite
Clerics tend to be divided into two· the Player's Handbook, with those limi·
groups within their faith, though mem- comfortable with.

Halfliog priests of rank dwell in Corm CORMYR (Core·MEER) often by a strong standing army under
Orp. making the area a common well· the command of the Lord High Marshal
AT A GLANCE; One of the handful of
known gathering-spot for the race. of the Kingdom, Duke Bhereu.
proper nations in the North, Cormyr Cormyr dates its years trom the
Many halflings converge on the hamlet
straddles the land between the Dragon·
each Shieldmeet to do business with founding of House Obarskyr, 1332
mere and Anauroch in the north east
their fellows, trade native goods, and years ago. For the bulk of this time, Cor·
region of the Sea of Pallen Stars. It was
trade tales. myr was little more than a single city
at one time heavily wooded, but is now
Corm Orp's notable export (other ISuzaiJ) and a few fortified outposts,
a region ot small forests a11d organized
than halflingsl is a type of stout pottery. and at times the King was forces into
Made of simple red clay in large, usable ruling from those outposts as opposed
forms, the pottery of Corm Orp is in ELMINSTER'S NOTES: Cormyr, also to ruling from his throne. The current
common use throughout the Realm~ for caJJed the Forest-Country; i:; a rich king· king is the fourth of his name and the
everyday functions, and is highly dom; its southern, eastern and north· 71st of his line.
thought of. western areas have many farms, The land has been officially "at peace"
offering abundant yield for trade. The for many years, since Rhigaerd over
central area of tbe kingdom are still threw the Border Raiders. Its force
Lord is Dundast Hulrel. a 4th level
wooded: these woods, carefully hus· have taken part in actions In nearby
human fighter of LN alignment. He is
banded by the forces of the King, still regions, and che nation has recently
friendly and tolerant of lhe little folk
yield good timber, and have plentiful mustered its forces to face Gondegal
who infest his town. an in particular
game (which all may hunt, if they hunt (for more on Gondegal, see under ARA·
encourages the gathering at Shieldmeet
alone). Cormyr ts also strategically BEL). In addition, patrols often skirmish
as a way to bring more visitors land
located on overland trade routes from with bandits on tl1e roads in the north
more money! Into the area. HiB militia
the cities of the Moonsea to the north· and west, and are at present battling
numbers 30 member:;, all 1st level fight·
east; the Dalelands. to the east; the Inner Ol'CS and other creatures north and east
ers. Their annor is chain mail, and their
Sea (on which It has two major ports, of Cormyr, in Tilver's Gap and Dagger·
weapons are swords and short bows.
Suzail and Marsember); and the lands dale. Bath of these areas are threatened
The militia are identified by strips of
to the west, northwest, and south- b} evil raiders. who will menace Cor·
green-colored cloth worn on the right
particularly the rich city-states and myr itself if they ever overrun Tilver·
arm and left thigh (the latter for better
kingdoms of the Sword Coast. ton and Daggerdale. Cormyr has been
identification by the halfling popuJa·
Cormyr is a wet land, receiving abun· building a fortress. Castle Crag, for the
dant rain in summer and spring. and last decade, to defend against any such
1\ large lby halfling standards) temple
abundant snow in winter; it has long, a1tack.
to the deity Sheela Peryroyl has been
cold winters. and short but hot sum· The King rules by means of Lords,
constructed in the hill!i overlooking
mers. Much of spring and fall is temper· one in each town, and by the fealty of
Corm Orp. Hs Matriarch is Allyia
ate and moist, and as a result Cormyr's the rich "merchant lords:• The mer·
.Macanester, originally of Evenstar.
farms and forests are green and rich in chant lords are too numerous to men·
Allyia is a 10th level cleric with an
both yield and splendor. Mists are com· tion (at any one time, perhaps twenty
incredible 20 Wisdom, and is much ven·
mon along the .seacoast. and on the are of prominenceJ, and change with
erated and loved by her followers . She
High Moors, extending in to the pass at the shifts of fortune. but the local Lords
is served in the temple by:
High Hom, and the gorge north of who are beneath the officers men·
4 6th level clerics
Evenings tar. tioned abo\·e. under the granting of
8 3rd level clerics and
Cormyr is a hereditary monarchy; charters are as follows. (Tuwns are list·
16 bt level clerics.
the present King is Azoun l\~ an effete ed in order of size and importance.
Most noted of the potters is the shop but regal middle-aged man of sophisti· Each town of Cormyr has its O\\<'Tl
of Jlvn Makepeace, whose work is c:1ted tastes and keen wits. son of the entry.)
regarded as superior even alongside famed warrior-king Rhigaerd 11. Azoun
the sturdy pots the area is famous for.
rules from his hilltop palace in Suzail
Local Lord: Myrmenn Lhal
Makepeace's shop w;es a staff of a half· and in the "Royal Court" of intercon·
Herald: Westar of the Gates
dozen halfling apprentices. His work nected public buildings below it, and is
sells for 1·5 sp per piece, which is ten rarely if even seen in the forest towns
Local Lord: Thiombur
times that of normal pottery. (he is rumored to travel in disguise
Herald: lldul
when he must leave Suzaill. Azoun's
banner is the Purple Dragon (a purple
Local Lord: Hezom
dragon on a black field); it is borne

Herald: "YeUow Hand" \espar Herald: Dhag Greybeard Tho King taxes lightly (in addition to
E\'El\7SGS1AR IVHEWON the "tithe" collrcted by the local Jord,
Local Lord: Tussaril Winter Local Lord: Sarp Redbeard there is a " royal tax" of 1 gp per h041d
Herald: Tzin Tzummer Herald. Estspiril annually, S gp for wealthy landowners),
lllGH llOEUV Each local lord defends the local and makes the Jaw bv his decrees in the
Local Lord: Lord CommanderThursk Court or the Crown. Tu enforce the ROY·
farms, dispenses the King's justice,
Dernbarron al Word, there are three caravels (two
keepi. the peace. servei. as "the King's
Herald: Dhag Greybeard al Suzail and one at Marsemberl. a
eyes and ears;• and coUects tithes for
HlLP standing garrison of 100 archers and
the King and for himself (l splhead/
Local Lord: Doon Oza\'ar 300 men·at-arms in High Horn, and 100
year). Each Lord is allowed up to forty
Herald: Delzantar palace h'Uardsmen in Suzail. There is
men·al·arms, plus up lo s" guides/
IMMERSEA also an s tanding army of over five hun-
captains (typically rangers). These may
Local Lord: Samtavan Sulacar dred mounted 01en-at-arms and
serve as I.he town guard Volunteer
Herald. CUlspiir longbowmen. led in battle by thirty or
town guardsmen are known as "the
iW.ARSEMBER so knights of the Court, and bolstered
Walch;' and may, upon the judgment of
Local Lord: Jldool by a council of widely-feared "war wiz·
the Lord, be exempted from the tax if
Herald Scoril ards:' who are known for their black·
their service has been 'aluable. The
SUZAIL and-purple robes.
Lord is also requested to stable and
Local Lord: Sthavar, Lord Magister of maintain a fit, fast horse ol the best Mages of any rank of power. from
U1e CiLy of Suzail quality for the use of the King's Messen· thaumaturgists Uevel 5) and up, must
Herald: Xrorn Hackhand gers (who ride fast and far requiring by law report their names, sigils, and
TYRLUK whereabouts of abode to the Roval
them to change mounts at eYery stop).
Local Lord: Suldag "the Boar" Each Lord must ha\'e a right-hand man, :\tagician, \'angerdahast, inSuzail. Such
Hf'rald 'Tuolh" :--Jzal fur~a
who serves as a clerk record-keeper, spell-casters are also required to give
and is a trained Herald. (Heralds are list· their names whenever challenged ITT
Local Lord: Filfar Woodbrand (also ed \vi1h I.heir respecth e masters abo\'el. Cormyr by soldier.; of the King or olfi·
called "li"ollkiller"I

(The EldT Kings)
• denotes violent death (e.g. war, st11le, etc.)
Pryntaler • ~ Alvane11ra Crownsilver
Pryntaler reigned 1162·1185 (1139-1185) (1140-1179)
Ohalmass reigned 1186-1202
Pa1a9hard ti relg(led l 202-1236
Atounlll reigned 1236-1250
Rhlgaerd II reigned 1250-1310 (regency ol his Ohalmass "The Warrior King" • - Jhalass Hunts1lver
uncle. Salamber. 1250-1261) (1161-1202') (1184-1202")
Azo11n IV reigned 1311 10 presen1 (1332)

Proster Palaghard 11 • • Alendue Wyrvar (daughter) Ellllre (daughter) Pelara a a Myrlon Ammaetti
(1188-1197) {1189-1236) (1194-1221) (1193-1220) (1195-1255) (1173-1246)

(1211-1233) ..,~,
(1216-1250) "' T...... ""'"'"
Salember "T~e Rebel Prrnce''
(1221-1261 ')
Gaspar • • Sulaspra Oelz1JICI

Rh1gaerd II .. • Tanalusta Trues11ver Elduss • • Tanaell1 Rowanmantle

(1244-1310) (1261-1307) (1247- (1255-1292)

(daughtlrJ Sules1a Azoun IV • Flllaertl Selazair Bhereu .. • Maethe Blackstlver Thomdor
c12n-1306) (1282· ) (1286· ) (1271· I (1310- ) (1273 )

I (daugh1er) Tanalasta (daughter) Jusair Nacacia
(1307-1309) (1309- l (1310- )

cers of the Court, upon pain of magical or by permission of the King. Save in persons at any one time. All memhers
destruction at the hands of the Royal times of war, permission of the King is of the chartered company must wear
Magician or the Council of Mages (the granted only in the form of a royal the arms or badge of their company at
aforementioned "war wizards"). The charter. all times when armed in Cormyr. Finally
military history of Cormyr is one of Such charters can be obtained only the names of the members of any such
guerilla ambushes and running skir· from the Lord Commander at High Horn. company must be on file in SuzaJl, any
mishes, rather Lhan "setpiece'' baltles. the Warden of the F.astem Marches in changes in rosters being reported once
and the Court is thus very sensitive to Arabel (Baron Thomdor), or the Chancel· a month to the aforementioned officers
the presence of armed men within the lor or Lord High Marshal at the Royal in High Horn. Suzail. Arabel. or the
kingdom. "Lawless freeswords" cannot Court in Suzail. The King can of course High Constable of lhe Kmg's Garrison at
operate within Cormyr. Mercenaries grant one at any time, anywhere. Such Waymoot.
!that is, all armed men not in service charters customarily cost a thousand
Customs of Corroyr. The nal.ion of Cor·
with the Kingl cannot gather, while pieces of gold, a further tax of three hun- myr has a number of recognized cus-
armed, in groupi; of more than five in dred gold pieces a year (payable upoo the toms, which the traveler should
any place save public markets or inns anniversary of the issuance of the origi· recognize when operating in the
and taverns (and in the latter, it is cus· nal charter, late penalty of twenty gold nation. These customs include:
tomary to surrender all weapons to a pieces per day thereafter, up to ten days • Commoners of bolh sexes bow
custodian behind the bar). Violators later. Any further delay results in auto- their heads to royalty.
face immediate disarmament. forfeit· matic suspension of the charter, and a • Burials are followed by wakes.
ure of goods, and imprisonment at the warrant for the arrest and detention of • It is unlucky and an offense to the
hands of the local Watch or soldiers of any such mercenaries operating within gods to kill a cat, for cats are the
the King. The exceptions to this decree the boundaries of Cormyr thereafter), eyes and messengers of gods. It is
are; when such fighters are openting and can be revoked without warning at good to keep a cat, but a sin to clip
under hire; under contract lo someone any time. its tail, ears, or fur, or hamper its
authorized to hire them (nobility, or Charters are customarily given to a ability to produce kittens. A cat
chartered merchants) as caravan or "company of adventurers." Such a com· may not be kept in a cage.
ware house guards, or as bodyguards; pany may not number more than thirty

• Women interested in finding a ford. beliefs.
mate wear purple scarves al mp ELMINSTER'S NOTES: Daggerford is a ELMIVSTER'S NOTES: The founding of
and!or throat sparsely inhabited but strategic junc- the Dalelands long preceeded the
• Adventurers who go in peace, but tion where the Trade Way (the main founding of any of the existing Dales by
armed, wear peacestrings about route from Waterdeep lo the South) hundreds of years and the phrase
the1r swordhilts (to prevent quick crosses the Delimbiyr River (which is known as ' Oalereckoning' is actually a
unsheathingsl. These strings are also known as the River Shining}. Dag- commemoration of mankind being
colored and tasselled cords, and it
gerford gained its name in from a given permission to settle in the lands
is an art to tie them in ornate
reputed incident of 400 years ago: A north and west of the Inner Sea.
kaots. The best of such knots look In those ancient days, when Suzail
merchant traveling through tliis region
complicated, but may be undone searching for a safe crossing sent his and Chondathan whicl; is now Saerloon
with a single jerk to free the weap· son ahead of the family wagons to look were mere coastal trading posts, the
on. for a safe passage across the Shining. Elves who ruled this forest entertained
The boy found the ford in the dark, but a request ftom settlers from the East,
DAGGERDALE was set upon by a raiding party of Jiz. from lands such as lmpiltur and
lT \ GL.tNCE: Daggerdale is a true ard men. Defending himself with his Damara. This request was not to settle
dale, or stream valley bounded by sole weapon, an old dagger, the lad slew the Elvish forest, but to farm and settle
mountains on the west and rock\ hills six. of the creatures before aid arrived Its borders, in particular lhe rich delves
on the east, and is a fanning ana" hunt· from the wagons and drove the crea- and dales along the rivers Arkhen and
mg community that has largely kept to tures off. The storv spread along the Ashaba. The Elven Court granted that
itself in the past. merchant-ways over the years, so that request, in return for aid from these
the ford, and later the town that grew ne\\ dale-landers against outside agres-
ELMINSTER'S NOTES: Daggerdale is a
up on us banks was known as Dagger· s1on. In commemoration of that pact
closed communitv, a reclusive settle· ford . This may just be local legend. man and elf raised the Standing Stone
ment that makes the natives of Archen· though there may be a grain of truth in which is now seen where the road from
dale look friendly and outgoing. No the old lale. The current so-called Duke Mistledale reaches the road from
inns, hostels, ur taverns exist in the
of Daggerford claims to be a descend- Essembra to Hillsfar It is from the rais-
land, nor are the people willing to offer
ent of this merchant lad. ing of this Stone that Dalereckoning is
the space in their barns to weary trav- For more information on Daggerford taken.
elers. The reason for this lack of hospj- and the areas of the Realms that sur- From the pact made the Dalesmen
tality is not knov.'ll, but as in the case of
round it, see NS, Under Illefarn. would only settle those regions which
many of the Dales. most likel) harks were unforested or unclaimed by the
back to some long-forgotten incident or elves. As the Elven Woods receded
slight. under the axe-falls of further invaders
Daggerdale sends a different repre· AT A GLANCE: Daerlun is a large city in
and settlers, old Dales perished and
sentative to the Dales Council P.ach vea r, Sembia, closest to the nation of Cormyr
new ones came into being along the
but all seem to be stamped with the and benefitting the greatest from trade borders of the woods. Men. both good
same unfriendly mold. Al one point with that nation See SEMBIA and bad, have raised petty nation~ in
llmeth of Battledale hazarded the guess the dalelands since, though an) one
that Daggerdale only attended the THE DALELANDS dale that turned against the pact would
Council to make sure the other Dales have to deal with the others.
were not ganging up on her Like siml AT A GLANCE: The region known as
the Oalelands is dP.Cined as the non- Each of the Dales is a large swath of
Jar comments about Daggerdale, this
fore&ted regions inhabited my man farms and fields, with a few scattered
comment was not well-received by the
north of Sembia and Cormyr and south seu lements and usually one central
repre!>entative. ma1•ketplace capital OI' dale center.
of the River Tush and 1he town of
VoonJar. Tbis region includes a wide These centers a1·e often but not alwavs
DAGGERFORD named after the Dale they are in, ad d·

scattering of different communities, all

AT A GLANCE. Situated ln the Oood- primarily rural in nature, who share ing to the confusion as to what is a Dale-
plains of the Delimbiyr River, Dagger- Cgeoerallyl common interests and lands territory. The Dales ar e not
ford is a small, walled, community of 40 ideals. In addition, the Dalelands are the city-states, for their largest groupings
stone buildings. dominated by the small home of many powerful individuals or of population ram as towns at best, nor
caslte of the ·• Duke" of Daggerford. The groups which find the Independence of are they true nations in the way of Cor-
town is situated on the south side of the the natives in keeping with their own myr, Sembia, or even the shattered

states of Damara. They occupy a grey ed alphabeticall}~ for any attempt to forces.
middle-ground, and .. re nothing more, declare one Dale greater, larger, or Shadowdale
or less, than Dales. more important than another is an invi- Mourngrym, Lord of the Dale
ThP Dales are self-governed, bu1 form tation to an argument. Each Dale has its Tusseldale
a loose Council that meets each year at own individuaJ entry. Elizzaria, Grand Mairshar
Midwinter in a different town of the Arch endale Tushendale
Dales. This Dales Council is no stronger The Three Swords Elder Jaoth Hulnhuro C'Thshendale
than the strength of its members, yet Battledale was destl'oyed some forty winters
has been followed with (generally! good War Chancellor Umeth ago, yet it remains listed as a mem·
faith over the past hundred winters. At Daggerdale ber of the Dales Council, and a chair
the best of times, the Oates Council is a Varies; each year a different repre- is set aside at each meeting for the
group of tough-minded, independent sentative (called Councilman, Coun· missing Bider Jaoth).
argumentative indi\'iduals who would cilwoman, or Councilelfl is sent.
Each dale has slightly different laws,
lav down their lh·es rather than see DeepingdaJe
customs, and military forms. Many rely
another Dalesman threatened. Theremen Ulath, Lor d of
on the work of chaMsmatic heroes and
A list of the members of the Dales Highmoon
adventuring companies for aid in times
Council and their rulers or representa· Featherdale
of trouble, and a large number of these
tives follows. No two dales have the Representative Kirshoff individuals use the region as a base.
exact same form of government, or Harrowdale
This attraction to adventurers is fur-
even titles for their rulers. Several Seven Burghers of Harrowdale, led ther increased by the large number of
merely send a representative for the by Reindorf Sandbeard
pre-elvish ruins in the area, and the
people of that dale, others have a hered· High Dale
recent departure of the Moon Elves of
itary or military leader, some pass from High Constable Irreph Mulmarr
the Elven Court for Evermeet, leaving
one adventuring bravo to another. and Mistledale
the woods open.
some, in the manner of Arnn and more High Councillor Haresk Malorn
The Dales have most recently been
ch ilized states. hide the identity of their Seardale involved in a war with one of their own
leaders behind a title. The Dales are list· Occupied by other DaJeJands

members. The area of Scardale, under western·wandering peoples. Netheril !See THE LONELY MOOR). It is
the command of Lashan Aumersalr, The faiths of the Damarans are simi- also said that tbf! sorcerer, now a lich,
launched a number of s-.vift attacks, lar to those throughout the realms, still inhabits the secret ways and cham·
conquering a number of the surround- though they pay special attention to bers beneath the keep.
ing Dales before a coalition of rorces llmater. god of endurance and suffer· The keep itself can house al least a
from the other Dales, Sembia, Cormyr, ing, and in particular venerate the thousand men-at-arms, though Its
and Zhentil Keep crushed lhf! invaders. memo1·y of a long-dead patriarch of present garrison numbers less than
that fai th, St. Sollers the 'IWice· half that. The tunnels and storage
DAMARA (Dah-.MARR-ah) Martyred The symbol of this sect of cairns Lace the mountainside beneath
Ilmate1"s faith is either lhe bloodstained the keep, and a number of escape tun-
AT A GLANCE: Damara is a region rack or Seller's own symbol, the yellow nels have been bored through the living
north of lmpiltur and east of the Moon- rose. rock b.Y various owners. The keep has
sea which consists of a large number of belonged to a number of organizations.
petty kingdoms and small rural com- GAME INFORMATION: When Damara
wizards, and companies. and was most
munities similar to the Dales. was at its height, its merchants would
recently a bandit-hold before being
use trade bars Olilde of chalcedony, a
ELMINSTER'S f\DTES; Until the most ·•appropriated" by its present owners.
deep-green stone, flecked with sparks
recent genetation of men, Damara was The fortress of Darkhold is part of
of red jasper, which gave the gems the
a nation of the power and importance the 8lack Nelwork of the Zhentarim
name bloodstones. T hese bloodstone
of Impiltur or Sembia lt maintained and is presently the westernmost estab·
trade bars were made in 25 gp mea·
strong trade relations with other lished refuge of that organization and
sures, and the fact they were used In
nations of the Mooruea and Inner Sea, their allies. Patrols from Darkhold
common trade reflected tlrn huge
and its trade banner and bloodstone roam the Fa.I' Hills north to Yellow
amount of this stone that could be tak-
trade bars were found throughout the Snake Pass and Skull Gorge and South
en out of the Galena Mountains through
Realms. to Asbravn. often sparring with the Red
scattered mines.
ln recent memory, however, Damara Cloaks of Asbravn and the Corm Orp
Such trade bars. marked with lhe
was invaded bv a force from Vaasa. 1ts militia. Caravans controlled or guru·ded
crest ol a Oamaran noble house on one
northern neighbor tsee VAASA). The by Zhentarim forces make this plac~ a
side and the year (in Damaran Reckon-
war between these two nations lasted regular stop when traveling to and
ing) on the other, are rarely used in the
for ten years, UfltiJ the Witch-king of from the Sword Coast, and representa·
Realms today, as most merchants recog-
Vaasa defeated King Virdin of Damara tive of Darkhold can be found in mer-
nize it as "cursed money:· bringing on
at the Ford of Goliad, sweeping the last chant trains from northern Mlrabar to
the user the same misfortunes as befell
partions of organized resistance from southern Calimi;han, and east lo Zhentil
Damara. Hoards of bloodstone trade
its path and slaying the cream of the Keep itself.
bars may be found in parts of the
Damaran nobility. Realms, as part of more ancient trea- GAME INPORMATION: Darkhold is cur-
The Vaasan invaders captured and sures. rentlv the base for 400 men-at-arms,
still rule lhe northern portions of lhis unde.r the command of two fifth le\'el
realm, while lhe southern portions of fighters from ZhentiL Keep. Bcldra.r and
what was once the Kingdom of Damara Hlestin. The Keep commander ii.
have been broken into small baronies . lT A GI..ANCE: The Darkhold is a high- thought 10 be the 12th level mage,
and isolated, quarrelling communities. spired keep of black stone that rises Sememmon of the Zhentarim.
The distances between these communi- from a bare rocky spur on the side of A Darkhold patrols nom1ally num·
ties have over the passing years grown the mountain known as "the Grey bers 20 troops Led by a second le\'el
less civilized and more dangerous. Watcher" (also called locally "the Grey fighter. The~ are normally <.lressed in
The land of Damara today is cold, Watcher of the Morning'1. Small figures banded mail, carry crossbows and long
empty, and poor With its once-proud move along its battlements, giving an swords. Those within ten miles of the
cities sacked and its merchant class idea of the massive size of the Keep. keep will be root patrols. while those
chased to more hospitable climes, there ELMJ.NSTER'S NOTES: The stone of this beyond that range will be mounted on
is little communication between the ancient tower is not of local origin. and medium horse, and in addition carry
various baronies, and each remains dis- lances.
has been fused together in some
trustful of the others. unknown fashion into a single piece.
The people of Damara are similar to Legend says that the tower was con- DEEPINGDALE
those of lhe Dales in appearance and structed by elementals commanded by
attitude It IS though that lhe Damarans AT A GLANCE: Deepingdale is a wide.
a fell sorcerer in the waning day of
and Dalesmen spring from the same deeply carved \'alley blessed with an

abundance of game and timber. Like Kint:fs Forest (the forest is also called those it encounters
many Dale communities, it is scattered Cormy1"s Woods by some) The famous A recent event gives the true idea of
in many homesteads, but considers its adventurer, Th.iombur the fighter, runs the power of the dragons. 1\vo winters
"capital' to be the town of Highmoon at an inn. The Blushing Maiden. al the cen· ago, many dragoru; of great size new
the. head of the \alley. ter of town. Thimobar is the appointed south and west from Lhe glaciers
local lord of Dbedluk, and is said to beyond Thar, attacking many abodes of
"know everyone in Cormyr:' men The damages from this single
maintains excellent relationships with
night of less than a hundred dragons
the elves of the area. and in these days GAME INFORiWATJON: Thiombar, an
of the Passing of the Elven Court, many 8th level fighter, is indeed a master of includes:
individual elves and half-elves call thi:. • The city of Phlan was smashed
the skill of putting the correct people in
into smoking ruin and abandoned.
dale their home, and over half of Lhe touch with each other and his inn is
• At the Citadel of the Raven two of
population is elvish or half-elvish. As a often a stopping point for those seeking
haven for wildlife. the inhabitants also a particular individual of certain skill or three attacking dragons. as well as
over nine thousand warriors per·
count the druids and treants as friends abilin There is a 50% chance that
ai; well. Thlombar knows of someone who
• Mighty Zhentil Keep was heavily
Deepingdale's relalionships with might help a player-character, though
humans have been less than good, and bis fee is usually no less than 200 gp per damaged by dra~ons who raged
level of the individual he is helping or through the streets Uke great
in the past the region and Archendale
have almost come to blows over small referring to (whichever is higher). scaled cats. ere they were slain
• Shadowdale and pa11s of the Elven
matters. For this ret1son, Deepingdale Thiombar will never aid in situations
where someone within the court is Woods were set ablaze. The
maintains a well-trained bow·force of
dragon was slain by the Wilch
elves as well as a well-ddlled militia. threatened. and in that case, will usu·
Sylune, though lhe battle claimed
ally lip the authorities off.
G;t\fE It\FORMATION: About half of her life as well
Thlombar's attitude towards lhe posi-
Oeepingdale's population (9000 or so • Yulash was utterly destroyed;
tion of Lord of Dhedluk is one of doing
totall are in the militia reserves, and being reduced to shattered,
Lhe crown a favor, and the tetire<l fight·
h ave in their possession leather armor. scorched stone (it has since been
er would be as happy jusl to hoist
sword, and spear. Jf a call goes out la rebuilt by Zhentil Keep).
drinks. The crown, on the other hand,
horn-call from High Moon relayed • The largest worm of all attacked
is pleased to have such a source of
down the valley b,v special posts), Lhe the city of Hillsfar, and was slain
information at their disposal
militia unitB wiJJ gather at predeter· by the mages of lhe chy; its vast
mined spots before marching on the bulk fell into the harbor and lay
city. DRAGONS half-submerged for many OJghts,
Jn addition, Oeepingdale maintains a AT A GLANCE: The most dangerous like some grotesque island, until
company of 70 2nd level elvish fighters creatures of the Known Realms, a the mages blasted and burned it
who arc weapon specialists in long Dragon in full fury may level an entire away.
bow. These elves have remained clispite city. and even one at play ma.}' destroy a • A large dragon was slain over Ara·
the disbanding of the Elvish Court, and party of brave knights. These creature1> bel by catapults and archers, and
consider Deepingdale their home. vary in size and capabilities, but are crashed into the road east of Its
The ruler of Deepingdale is There· generally huge winged rep1iles that can gates.
men Ulath, Lord of Highmoon. There· spit fire, acid, cold or other fell crea- • The mages of Suzail's Royal Court,
men is a half-elven fighter of 4th level. tions. Jed by Vangerdahast drove away a
great green dragon there by
ELMINSTER'S NOTES: Dragons in the
DHEOWK IDED-luke} earliest days were the rulers of Faerun
means of their arts. II fie\\· south
AT A GLANCE: Ohedlul... is a small town bet\.,•een the tnner Sea and Sword over the sea and was not seen
of a hundred buildings surrounded by a Coast, and though they are now few
wooden stockade with a single (known) and far between, their power remains This sudden attack is widely held to
gate, situated iust north and west of the great. With the coming of El\.'es and be the work of the Cult of the Dragons,
meeting of road1> from Waymoot, Men, the Dragons retreated to Lhe a mysterious group of men said to have
Eveningstar, and Immersea, in the north, yet on occasion, some giant of devised strange magical arts that give
country of Cormyr. Lhe race will come from the north or them mastery over evil dragonkind.
arouse itself from its decades-long sleep Other sages believe it to be some sort of
F,.J.AJINSTER'S NOTES: Ohedluk is a
in some forgotten dale and terrorize ritual or cyclic behavior on the part of
small community in the heart of the

evil dragon:., rather than a concerted In the face of the Diabolic incursion. groups are known a:. • Circles;" the term
attack. armies were raised in Waterdeep and erves to illustrate the unending cycles
elsewhere to clear the n-ade Way and of natural prcx;esse:., and to emphasize
GA.\-ff: ISFORMATTO.V: Individuals run·
destroy tho evil at Dragonspear. The that no one creature is intrinsically
ning characters in the forgotten
attempt to empty the castle met with superior to another.
Realms are warned 1h.1t the Dragons ol In tho Dalelands, recent warfare has
heavy resistance, and the battle contin-
the Forgotten Realms aro more danger- destroved that last two known and
ued for almost two years before the cas-
ous and deadly than thosu of most
tle was again cleared. ~1ost of the long-e;tablished circles; the Circle of
AD&.D~ game campaigns. The OM has
structure was burned in the process. Shadowdale and the Battledale Seven,
further information on the care and
leaving an empty shell on the moors although a few indi\·iduals from each ol
feeding of dragon:. in hb book. the groups have survived. The Circle of
The wreckage of Dragonspear Castle
is considered desolate, though priests Shadovvdalc's one-time roster is given
DRAGONSPEAR CASTLE of Tumpus have set up a small shrine: with the census of Shadowdale. In nwn-
AT A GLANCE: Oragonspear Ca:;tle is a within the castle walls, in hopes ol bors and power. it is typical of these
11prawling ruin situated on a trio ol low keeping evil creatures from using it as a groups. Many circlc...>s still exist else-
hillocks to the east of the 1l·ade Wav. It base again. Few inhabitants of tho where in the Realms, in wooded areas,
appears desolate and abandoned. ~ Sword Coar.t will camp near the Castle and these may be of great local impor-
l>.V choice, and rumors persist of exca· tance, often working with non·human
EL.\.ff.\'STER'S \'0-l'ES:'fhis \'ast, ruined
vations that predate Daeros' fortress, woodland beings to maintain wilder·
sprawl of high walls and topphid spires ness nrea:. and keep the peace in their
and of a still-operational gate.
\'isible from the 'lracle \Vay is Iii tie more
than a hundred years of age. It was In the Realms at large, the:.e circles
01·iginally the home of Oaeros Dragon· DRUIDS
make up a nel\,ork of communication
spear, who built the stronghold at the AT ,\ GI..ASCE: A sub-grouping of cler- and aid among those who \'enerate
height of his adventuring career. ics which tendi; to worship outside of Chauntca and similar Powers. In gen-
Oaeros was slain some shty winter:. ago the standard Tumple·complcxes are the eral, the Druids of the realms seek bal-
in bait le v. ith the force:. of thu evil wiz· druids, who wandt:lr the land, or arc
ance between man and nature, at the
ard Casalia. Oragonspear castle \\3S organized into loosely·affiliatcd "cir- t'Xpense of neither.
soon afterwards beset tw other e\il cles" throughout the Realms. These The druid:., while relalivelv \\eak in
spell·casters and brigand~ seeking to druid·circles tend to fill the same the Dalelands at the moment; have sev-
gold and treasu1·c within. Daeros' com· requirements as hierarchies within lhe Pral major areas of power, including the
pany of skilled warriors repelled a clerical faiths, but are much smaller Border forest , the forest of Guthmere,
number of these attacks, hut in the end and there is still less definition about and in particular the Moonshae Isles. ln
the entire company was slain or driven which activities fall under which heat.I· the Just, the druids are worshipers of a
away, and the citadel was plundon~d. ings. possible aspect of Chauntea as
l'he ruined fortress fell empty for a &MINSTER'S NOTES: In the northern the J.::urthmother, and are the native
time, and thereafter i;er\'cd ,u; tempo· faith in the urea. The conflict between
Realms from the Sword Coast to
r1111 home to small groups of bandits or these druids and the raiths of the in\'ad·
lmpiltur, druids ln lightly settled areas
outcast magcs. Thest~ would prosper ing se1tle1·s 1s more extreme than in nor·
have tendPd to gather in small groups,
for a few years raiding the caravans of mally found in the realms, but is as
often \\•ilh rangers and other allies. for
the Trade \\'<1y until driven out them·
mutual protection, defense ol key area:. much the rt?sult of the conflicting cul·
selves by mercenary companies lrom
or resources, and in ordt'r to accom· tures on those islands as on differences
Waterdeep, or hy l\hclben and his in faith .
plish their common goals more easily.
coUeagues·at -magery.
These groups, usually com.isting of a c;,um J,\ 'FORMATIO.\': Druids of the
In recent years, some evil agent allied
dozen or le:.s druids and l\'1.entv or less same circle may worship different dei-
with the ores, trolls, ant.I bugbears of
other~, vary widely in prominence and tic:., though in general, druids of the
the High .\foor _,uccceded in opening 11
working relationships: in some, the same circle tend to worship the same
gare to the ~ine Hells within the castle.
druids live together In a woodland god. Common Powers venerated by the
Strengthened by .1 growing army of
gro\'C, and in others, they arc \\ idely Druids are Eldath, Sih·anus, Chauntea
devilkind, the c...'Omhined forces of the
scattered, with other group member:. fin places) und the Elemental Lords, in
High Moors tribes dernstaled the area
serving as go-between:.: in some groups particular Grumbar and Kossuth (earth
from The Wa.) Inn to Hoarskyr Bridge,
the druids and rangers deal as equals; and name, respecti\•elyl
such that toda) I hat part of tlu! 'lt'adc
and in others the druids are re\'ered hy Player-character druids do not begm
Way is not considered safe territory.
the others who work with them. The

the game as members of a Circle. but ated by Durlag to keep both itself and and danger as a race, most Dwarves
ma) form such circles if they find other the treasure safe remain secretive about their home-
druids and either accept them or are lands, and the small kingdoms of the
accepted into lhei.r ranks. DWARVES ANO THE SHARDS Dwarves are known about only in a
Great and Grand Druids are singular OF THE DWARVEN KINGDOMS general fashion. For example, the
beings, and there is only a single such Dwarves of the Far HiUs travel lo East-
individual for a five-hundred-mile area AT A GLANCE: The Dwarves of the For- ing for trade, yet no one knmvs if they
about the abode of such an mdividuaJ. gotten Realms are a short, stocky peo- are one community or several. and how
Each is entrusted to the organization ple who seem to be a part of the earth they are ruled. More common are those
and protection of the Circle:. and other itself, ranging in shade and hue from a dwarves who identify their home as
druidic shrines within that domain. The nch earth-red to a granite-stone grey some long-abandoned or enemy-
precise borders of a Gi·eat Druid's Dour and with a strong distrust occupied hold such as the Dwarves
domain are nebulous at h~st . towards magic beyond that which a that were of Hammer FlaU, or the ll'on
On location of high-level druids· magical axe can lend, they tend to be a House. who had been driven out of the
When a druid reaches sufficient level to withdrawn, sullen people. :Mines of Tuthyamar
challenge anolher druid of his or her ELMINSTER'S NOTES: Like the elves Another type of Dwarf that has been
position, a sign will be sent by the the Dwarves are a people whose num- on the increase is the Dwarf that seeks
Power the druid worships indicating bers have been dwmdling Jn their case the company of men in its towns and
the location of the druid sought, unless the overall population has been declin·
the first druid knows the second druid's ing smce the days when the dragons
location already. controlled the lands of Cormyr, and the
Sunrise \fountains still spouted flames
DURLAG'S TOWER and steam.
The reason for this decline is twofold
AT A GLANCE. South of the Wood of
For ages lhe Dwarves have engaged in
Sharp Tueth a plug of hard rock juts
wars bordering on the genocidal. fight·
from the plains Atop this pinnacle is a
ing against other races, such as ores
single, massive tower. ll is in good
and goblins, who sought out the same
repair, but seems unoccupied
caverns and mines the dwarves consid·
f.T,Mli'VSTER'S 'VOTES: Tb.ii; local land- ered their homes. In those ancient days
mark is the isolated keep of a dwarven a h\•e ore was competition both for trea-
hero of old. Durlog "1l·ollkiller:• son of i;ure and for living space. and dwarven
Bolhur massed treasure in legendary armies fought and died to protect and
proportions and stored it here and in a expand their realms. Unlike the goblin
few other choice localions. This trea· races, however lbe Dwarves were slow
sure was protected by all manner of to reoover their losses, and in their
magical wards and mechanical traps, numbers have diminished so that in
the latter of his own devising. another millennium the Dwarf may join
The tower itselt·, built entirely of vol- the Duergahydra in extinction in the
canic stone and in fair condition given Realms.
the amount of time and neglect This sense of racial loss hits Dwarves
involved, hes atop a volcanic plug that deeply, and they tend be melancholy
dominates the surrounding lands. and defeatist, yet just as often throwing
Ourlag, aided by hired dwarves, is said themselves into their work. be it craft-
to have hollo\'\•ed out I.he mountain for ing blades or seeking adventure. The
the rock that made up his tower, and last vocation is quite popular with the
used the space created to hide further few younger Dwarves of the Realms, as
treasure. Durlag is now long dead, and the thinking is that if Fate has dealt a
many have come i;eeking his treasure poor hand to tbe race, the be:>t one can
over the decades, with varying degrees do is perform great deeds, so that the
of success. Within the last twoscore of race is remembered m wondrous tales
years. a ne\'\ power of fell majesty has if not children.
taken up residence within the remains As an additional sen$e of their loss
of the tower and uses the defenses ere-

ciues. Most adventuring Dwarves come D\varven communities mentioned in ELMJNSTER'S i\'O'fES: Thi:. agricultural
from this background. and are conver· this book. and trade renter is known for its
sant in human styles and customs with· Player-character dwarves are not strong. well-equipped mounted troops,
ou1 abandoning their own heritage It required to act in U1e manner detailed the HellRiders:• who patrol and pro-
has been hazarded Cbul not voiced above The above comroents apply to \'ide caravan escort from \ \'aterdeep to
around Dwarves) that the beings enjoy the majority of the race and in every Iriaebor
being around other creatures more race, even a dying one, there are indi· GAME l.VFOR\.IA.TlOX· The HeJJRiders
short-lived than they. viduals who go beyond standard are a closeknit organiiation that are
Dwarves come in a wide variety of restrictions. extremely loyal to their leaders and to
hair, skin. and eye colors, regardless of each other, and take their name from
their origin The "sub-races" of h.iJJ, EASTING the story that a company of Riders had
mountain, and city Dwarves are fairly in the past ridden Into Avernus. first of
AT 1\ GLANCE: Situated east of h'ieabor,
artificial. and more a matter of taste, the layers of the \iine Hells. The llellri·
the town of Easting is a small commu·
closer to those humans who like the sea ders are of levels 1-6. usually fighters,
nity of less Lhan 40 buildings wnhin the
and those who prefer the high countr~. with a mixture of cleric:. thrown In, and
town proper.
Both Dwarvish males and females have led bv Marshal of 6th level. rhev ride in
beards. though lhe females usually (but ELMINSTER'S NOTES: Easting is a small plate mail of crimson and. white,
not always) shave. town east of lriaebor Chence its namel. marked with an upturned crescent.
Dwarves remain deeply tied to their and typical of such smaJJ communities. One-tenth of aJI the earnh1gs of the
roots and their sense of family and Three things set ll apart from other HellRiclers gu to the cofferi; of Elturel.
nobility Dwarven nobles have declined similar commuruties: Ellurel is governed by High Rider
in number with their race. and so are Easting's small size and location near Lo1•d Ohelt. former leader of the HellRi·
treated with respect by all. despite any the Far Hills make it a meeting spot for ders. Elturel is a 12th leveJ ca,•alier, and
Jong-running feuds that may develop dwarven merchants working out of shares the protective nature of hi:; men.
between the Dwarvish kings. hidden delves in the Far Hills. Their Bold, proud. and ruthless. he has been
Finally, deep beneath the surface of smithy· work is abo\ e the human aver· seeking \'\'ays to unseat Scornubel as
the Earth dwell a race of twisted Dwarf. age. and individuals wishing to contact the major trading town on the 'trade
like creatures caJJed the Duergar. Sur· such craftsmen or dwarven communi· \Va) between Waterdeep and lriaehor.
face world Dwarves \ iew these ries usually start m Easting.
creatures with a hatred that exceeds Easting is the home of Rulthaven the
that of the elves for the dro\'\, whose area of e.xpertise lies in the
As the race of dwarves dwindles in study of plants and their uses, including NATIONS
the North, there is talk of a great herbs and poisoni;. Rullha ven is a '' Lrue"' AT A GLANCE: The Elvt~s are one of the
dwarvish kingdom far to the south, neutral and is frequented both b) cler· major races of the Forgotten Realms,
beyond the Vilhon Reach. A mighty ics of good and representatives of and ruled large sections after the time
chasm greater than Cormyr in size is Darkholtl. of the Dragons and before I he romiug
supposedly rent in the ground, and Finally, Easw>g is the home of at least of men. Now the majority of thes1 1 long·
located on the rim of that chasm are the four noted horse·breeders, whose sta· lived bemgs have retreated from the
towers of the city of Eartheart. and bles do a brisk u·ade in remounting onslaught of mankind. seel<in~ quieter
within the walls of that chasm are travelers journey from the Sword Coast forests , and their numbers in the
carved the buge Dwarven nation of to lhe Jnner Sea. Their prices remain Realms are a faction of those l'\en a
Underholme. These southern Dwarves competitive. thousand vears ago
are said to be verv different than their ELM!/\STER'S ,\'QTES: The Eh cs of the
northern cousins; prouder, more ELTUREL (ELL·tut·ELL) Forgotten Realms are of human height.
haughty, and more energetic. but much more slender. rheir fingers
AT A GLANCE: Situated on a bluff over-
and hands ure half-again ai. long as
GA.\fE INFORMATION: Most but not all looking the Ri\'er Chionthar. Elturel is
men. and delicalely tapered, and their
adventuring Dwarves tend to be young divided between a lower city, called
bones are light and surprising!\ sturdy.
and natives to Dwarven cornmunitiei; in The Dock District, and an upper rity,
Elven huies are thinner and more
or near human communities, and this called the High District. In size and gen·
serene, and Elven ears. as ears m half a
contact overcomes the natural dwar· eraJ capabilities ii is similar to its rival,
hundred Known \Vorlds, are pointed.
ven insularity. A D\\arven player· Scornubel, upriver.
There are fh e k.nm\ n El\'en suh-raccs
character seeking a purely·Dwan·en
in the Forgotten Realms, and four of
background may select one from the

them live ln relative harmony Cl'oss- are radiant in different shades of deep is nol some biological dri\'e, but rather
breeding is possible beLween the sub· greens with irregular patches of the decision of the leaders of the Elven
races, but in the case of the Elves, the brown striped through their bodies. nahons to wilhdrav. to le~ hostile lands.
child will either take after the male or Fallen Star Sea Eh·es are various shades Such a decision is made after yearli (man-
female parent's race tthere are no of blue, with while patches and stripes. kind generations! of thought and medita·
drow/moon Elf mongrels, and the child Both have the full variety of eye and lion, and once made, is inwocable In lhe
of such an unlikely union would either hair color found in all the Elven peo· case of the recently-voided Elven Court,
have all the trait& of a dark Elf or of a pies, and have webbed feet and bands, lhe decision to retreat \Vas made some
moon ElO. and the ability to breathe water 500 vears after deliberation began. so
The sub-races are: Dark Elves, also called drow or nighl that while for humans Lhc disappearance
Gold Elves are also called sunrise Elves, are the mosl sinister and evil of of the Elven Court is regarded as a sud-
Elves or high Elves. and have bronze the Elven race, as if this sub-race seems den vacuum in the heart of the Realms.
skins and hair of copper, black, or to balance the tranquility and goodness for the Elven Court ilseU it \\'as as inevita·
blonde. Their eyes are golden, silver or of their cousins wilh unrepentant mali· We (and as important) as a merchant mov·
black. Gold Elves tend to be recognized ciousness and evil. Drow have black ing his shop further down the street to
as I.he most civilized of the elven sub- skin that resembles nothing so much as increase the distance from a c:ompetitor
races and the most aloof from mankind. polished obsidian, and eyes and hair of The Elves in retreat always make for
The majority of the native f.lves of Ever- stark white. The variation of the other Evermeet, and there whatever nobles
meet are gold elves, though they are led Elven sub·races is missing here. Most of Jed the retreat swear their fealtv to
by a moon Elf royal famiJ.v (see EVER· this fell race have been driven under, Queen Amlaruil, who is that dom'3in·s
MEET). and are shunned by the other Elven monarch Long ago the Elven nation of
Moon Elves are also called silver or sub-races. Evermeet made the decision 10 fight
grey Elves. and are much paler, vvith The Elves call their own race Thi· those men who came to her shores, and
faces of bleached white Unged with 'Quessir, which translates as "the Peo· as a result is both the strongest power
blue. Moon Elves usually have hair of pie" Strangers, in particular non-Elven of the sea, and a haven of the other
silver-white, black, or blue. though all s1rangers, are generally placed under Elves in retreat.
reported colors normally found in men the category "N'Tul'Quess;· or "Not- Those Elves on the Sword Coast and
and Elves may be found in this race. People" Most Elves treat the not·people with easv access lo the sea make the
Their eyes are blue, or green, and have with respect and politeness, as a host to
passage Evermeet by boat, protected
gold flecks. They tend to tolerate men would a stumbling child, though the by lhe Navy of the O,ueen. How those
the most of the Elven sub·races, and the draw fiercely enslave any who are not further inland cross is not known, for
majority of adventuring elves and half- of their race, and con:.ider the other none see their passage out of the world
Elves are of moon elf heritage Elven subraces "N'Tu)'Quess:• of men. The everyday Elven folk know
Wild Elves are called green Elves, for- The Elves are generally ruled by not the method. for after they retired
est Elves, and wood Elves, and arc noble houses, which have held control one evening, their leaders and mages
reclusive and distrusting of non.Elves, of their nations for generations (and worled great spell& or appeased the
in pa.r1 icular humankind Wild Elves of given the nature and long life of Elves, god:., for they awoke in their new
Lbe forgotten Realms tend lo be cop· the rule of a wise king may exceed lhe homes.
perish in hue, with tinctures of green, historv of n human nation). The Elven The former Eh en nationi; of the
their hair tends towards browns. and rule is autocratic and absolute, and it is Realms include lllefarn, where Water·
blacks with occasional blondes and the theolog,y and philosophy of these deep now rises from the seacoast;
copper-colored natives, and their eyes elves which prevent abuse of such com- Askaver. which is now cal1ed the Wood
green, brown, or hazel They tend to be plete power. The monarchs of Ihe Elven of Sharp Tueth; and the Elven Court,
the least organized of the Elven peo- Court make pronouncements rarely, which once ruled Cormanth_vr. the for-
ple.s, and while there is no Elven nation preferring to remain outside the nor· est country that ran from Cormvr to
made up entire)J of wild Elves, Lhere ma! course of their subjects' lives. Once the Moonsea. Cur rent El\'en nations
are wild Elves in every other elven such a decision is made, whether to include Evermeet in its sea'" ard seclu·
nation and on Evermeet. declare war or retreat to C::vermeet, it is sion and Evereska, which has just set up
Sea Elves, also called water Elves, are followed by the bulk of the population. a colony in U1e Greycloak Hlll:;. ln addi·
further divided into two further divi· The oddest phenomenon of Elvish life lion, there are scauered groups ofElves
sions: those of the Great Sea (includmg (to human observers) is the Retreat, found throughout the i·ealms including
aU sal1-water domains such as the Shin· which is viewed as a lemming-like drive wild Elves, groups without noble
ingSea and Sea of Swords), and those of to sail beyond the sea. In the case of the rulers, the dark Elves, those who have
the Sea of fallen Star~. Great Sea Elves Elves of Lhe Forgotten Realms, the reason found Evermeet not 10 Lheir tastes and

departed, and adventurers. EVERESKA (Eh-\'er-EH·skal
G:UfE INFOR:\l ·t'nON: The El\'es arc in AT A GL. \.\CE: E\ ere~ka is a rich and
retreat in the :"\orth, but this does nor fabled \'alle\' nestled in unbreachable
preclude the play or ~lven characters. mountains. tucked agamst the borders
Such Elves are ad\ enturcrs, and as of ,\nauroch. Jt is one of the last of the
such exempt from the dictates of their Elven Nations in the north.
noble rulers. These l::lves will be aware
ELMINSTER'S :\'OTES: With the El\lm
that the nobles or their ruce mav move
their nations a\.vuy from hu~anity Court deserted and its inhabitants pa s-
ing out of the Realms, Evereska is th~
(some say by stoppinl( time itselO, but
last large concentration of silver elves
not the method.
in the North, possibly in the Realms
Elven player·characters are usually
moon Elves, though there are wild and themselves.
gold Elves as well. Play of sea Elves and Evereska (Which means "fortress
dark Elves is not recommended, sa\e b.v home" in the elvish tongue) is a high val·
agreement with the OM. lcv surrounded bv mountains its only
e,;trances either '~ell-guarded and diffi.
cult ascents, or secretivt• tunnels
known to few. All good elven folk a!'c
AT .-1 GL-1,\'CC: Situated in the rich welcome to this vale, and ef\'en lore and
farmland north of \\'a\ moot. ~par is a wisdom are held in high esteem and
scattering of 1>ix score of 11tonc buildings cherished down through the centuries.
without central plan or defense. This vale has been a refuge or the
EL.\ffXSTRR'S .~OTES: E... par is a quiet
Cl\'en peoples for over se\'en thousand
Cormyrian forming town, whoso local years, and has ne\er fallen to any out ·
:;mithy ii. reknO\\ned for it:; sword.. side attack. It is said to be guard<.'ti b)
the Greater Power Corellon Larethian
GAME f.VFORMArlO.'V: Espar':> lord is himself, when that Power i:. in the l·or-
Hezom, a 9th level cleric of llelm on gotten Realms. Se\'cral times in its long
leave from his church to fill thb posi- historv, the mountain fortress has been
tion for the crown. attad:·ed by goblins and ore armies, but
these armies have been eradicated by
ESSEMBRA (J::..,s-SEM-brahl-scc i.creaming magical bolts from the sky.
EVENING STAR of Evereska is removed from the com·
AT A GLANCE; Eveningstar is an unlor· mon world by its altitude, and this may
tified town of flftv or so main struc- be why this region remains strongly
tures, situated where the main road elvish while most of the rest ol 1ht•
crosses the Starwateti in Cormyr. Elven Nations have gone into retreat.
Constant guards and watchposts lace
EL.MLVSTER'S NOTf-.S: Evrmmgstar is a the mountains surrounding the
crossroads village, and home to sl<illcd domain. so that travelers :.eeking
crafr.smen who produce wine, parch·
f.vereska are usually discovered by the
ment, and wool for the weavers in el\'ish watchmen first, before they get
Suzail and Dacrlun. f.vcningstar is a within five miles of the vale.
market for the small but good farms in Those who seek to fly above the
the \icinity, \.\ith a good inn, The Lone-
range have a similar problem, for the
some 11mkard.
elves of Evereska maintain several
GAME TXFORMAflO.V: P.veningstar's wings of giant eagles, which are used as
lord b Tussaril \\'inter, a 10th level fight· mounts for the slenderer members ol
er who is both quick and eft1cicnt in her the race. Those who seek to enter by EIJ:
duties to the crownJ magic lfrom another plane, or. by re/e-
port) \vill find all such magical methods

foiled (perhaps some gift from Corel· past, the ships of Evermeet have fought pult, and facilities to propel Greek fire
Joni many battles with Ruathym, the rea\'- at a range of 240 yards (the last is a
rhe hesl merhod of entermg ers of the Nelanther Pirate Isles, and secret mixture of the ro_val house). An
Evereska is as an elf or in the company Calimsha.n, hurling back all attempts to elvish warship can have a crew of 80·
of elms, in an open and honet.t method. ::.ei:ce the island or its treasures. 100 men, led by captains and officers
Of the 'ale itself, its resources .ire rich Man) of the El\'en Nations from the who are dual-classed lfightertmagic-
and abundant, dwarfing the meager Realms ha\e sought safe haven in Ever· user or fighter/cleric) ln addition, war-
resource of the wastes bevond its meet and this navy has aided in ensur· ships carry 1040 marines Csee below).
mountain "alls. Temples of all the ing those nations which made their Elvish warships usuall_v travel in
elvish deities may be found \\. ithin. with home on the Sword Coast safe passage threes, and carr\ three catamarans
Patriarchs of superior-level, as well as a to the island HO\\ Elven Nations far each. They will a'uack and sink ship:>
"college·• of elven and select half-elven inland ha\'e made their way to Ever· which they em·ounter beyond the \-\'ave
magcs who make their specialty the meet has not yet been revealed for Rocks those which attack mer-
Ethe1·eal and 1htral Planes while the Elven Court has vanished chantmen or refugees, or those of
from CormanU1er there was no record elvish make which are manner by non·
EVERMEET of mass migra1ion of the elves. elves. In adcUtion, mosl elvish warships
GAME INFORMATION: The Realm of carry contingents of sea elf marines
AT A GLANCE: Evermeet Is a large
Evermcct is ruled bv a roval house of which may scutLle the opposition from
island several thow;and mile:. to the
below, or board its enemies.
webl of the Moorn,hae bles and of simi· moon elves, and thP- r~val familv
lar size to those islands. Despite its includes six princes and seven prin-
great distance the island of Evermee1 is cesses. all masters of the various per· ELVERSULT CEJ...ver-suhlt)
well-known to most of the knowledg- milted classes of fighter. clel'ic, and A1. A GLANCE. Elversuh is a small trad·
11ble of I he Realms as the fina I home of mage. The nation is ruled by Queen ing community located ~here the Over·
the Eh en Nations. \mlaruil, "ho has ruled alone since Lhe moor 'frail meets lhe n·ader's Road. in
death of her husband King Zaor thirty the lands South of Cormyr Ct is a com·
EI~WLVS'fER'~ \!01'HS: En!rmeet is the
" inters ago. mon place for shipments heading for
island kingdom of the elves. '" hich lies Elvish ship& come in two types: fast, Cormyr to be separated from those
west across the 11tormy seas, beyond
light catamarans and larger, more con· heading west for the Sword Coast.
the lands of men. II is a happy realm, of
ventional warships. The former is often From Elversult i.uch packages are roul·
deep, \\'Ondrous forests and much
cart'led b) the latter to be sent out as ed either along the winding road north
laughtl't~ where the golden el\'es. under
messengers or scouts, but both are to High Horn, or to the lake ports of Ilip·
\he leadership of Moon Elven Royal armed and their crews of the finest
House, ltve in rich splendor. The art the ur and Pros.
music, the magical research: aJI are fat
An Eve1·meel catamaran/scout ts a FEATHEROALE
above what is seen elsewhrre. even in
double-hulled :.hip with three main
Wat~rt11·tlp Lb!? SJllendid. All elves save AT 4 GLANCE: This dale is not physi·
sails, having the following statistics:
the Ol'ow and half-elven are welcome cally a dale at all, but rather the fertile
Hull Value: 5·~
there, and manv sea-elves live in the Length· 30' banks of the rwer i\.shaba, from Black·
surrounding water5. feather Bridge to feather Falls. lts roll·
Width: 5 feel per hull, overall 5· 10
Tu guard this woocl1•011s realm against ing farmlands produce much of the
men. particularly the aggressive raid· stap!P food of the dales.
Speed, Normal Sail: 7 mph
ers l'rom Ruathym and the Pirate !toles,
Maximum Sail: 10 mph EL.\1JN5TER'S l\OTES: Fealherdale has
Evermcet has the mightiest navv of this
Normal Oar: 1 mph no ruler and no army. and is still recover·
hemisphere. the most numerous and
Max Oar: l ' :.i. mph ing from its b1ief sojourn under the
well-armed in the known Realms. Based
Armaments: Small ballistae al each thumb of Scardale. Hs farmers are at
in the fortress of Sumbrar. with smaller
bow heart independent of outsiders and self·
outposts al Elion and ~imlith. the ves·
Cre\\ of 10 usually includes a spell· sufficient going to Tusseldale for "City"
sets of I::vermeel's fleet!\ pat.rot from the caster
Wa\'e Rocks to the Gull Rocks and "the goods. The Dale sends a freely elected
Tueth;' in a wide circle of ocean Evermeet warship; as for standard war· representative to the Council, and that
Boats are built and repaired at Siiluth "hip, though Lheir design permits representative has a seven-year term.
and call al only a fP.w ports in the lands reaching normal speed in six rounds as The current rcpr~ntatlve is the second
of men: Eskemhcr, the Moonshae Isles, opposed to one turn. Armament varie:., in the line of Kirshoff to serve in that
but includes &everal ballistae, a cata· capacity in the past generation.
Nevt>n' inter. and Waterdeep. In Lhe

FIELDS OF THE DEAD panies the most difllcuJt position~ '' eaporu> which cost more than 50 gp
or tasks, as thev ha\'e earned it. and armor costing more than 500 gp
AT .\ GI.A.\CE: These open, rolling • 1l'ade Guards have the ,1dvan1age only he readily found m 1.:it1es, or in
lands between the Winding Water and of good benefits and travel \\ ith those towns that ha\•e smiths of .suf11c-
the River Chionthar arc an area of head the disadvantage that the fighter iont abilit\ to make armor
farming. and, along thr banks of Chion· must fight not only 10 protect his f'urthP1: information on the role ol
thar crops. own life but the propPrly of oth· the fighter in th1• Realms is delineated m
EL.MINSTER'S 'V01'F.S: Despite the ers. Some of the smaller trader" the IJ\f', !ICJUl'cebook ol the Realms
peaceful appearances, it was no less offer high wages but deduct any
than 500 winters ago thh. region was a losses from those wages. THE FORGOTTEN FOREST
favorite battleground for those inter· • Raiden. are the other side ut the
1tT 11 Gl IVCE. This forest 1s a rich,
ests contesting control of tho lands coin, and include acts of banditry
in.1turc woodi. hll1•d with oak, walnut,
north of Calimshan Ct his was before the and piracy. The clisad\antage ot this
und shadowtop t rc•as ·r he foliage 1s
founding of Amn) With continual life-style is that the fighter doe:. not
thi<•k so that tlw interior is cast in deep
bloodshed over centuries of war· normally operate in civiliied areas
seasons, the land was littered with the and lllilY be hunted down by mom
cairns of the dead and the bootv of the law-abiding groups. ELA11J\'STER'S VOTES· This forest is tho
fallen. Even todav, hones litter the field • Bodyguards and other protection rnmains of a larger wood that has
and plows tum up skeleton!i in rusting opportunities offer low pay at rel· diminislw<l O\ er the .)' e.irs \\ 11 h tllP.
armor, or the occasional magic blade or ati\ ely little risk. spn•.1d ol An.iuroch. rt is a m) sterious
metal tubeii containing a scroll or trea- • Leadership possibilltie.s are ava1la· deeply overgrown wood of huge trees
sure map. ble at high level for fighter-types. and tra\ elc1 s ,., ho ha' e skirted its cdg·
as their abilities are generally es ham reported seeing sprites, korred,
FIG HTERS under!>tood by tl1e populace las .md unicorns W'athm ats depth. 1 he I or-
oppo:>ed to magic-user<: nnd cler· gottcn l·orest is said to have the largest
AT A Gl..l.\:CE: The good sword-arm of popul:ttion of treants in 1 he :'\orth,
icsl allowing a measure of trust
the Realmi. are tho!>e individuals train· • Adventuring Companies offer the ruled by one known .as fuorn In addi·
ed in the use of weaponry and tactics, highest return m ad\·ancement tion to the trcants, the Hearophant
and they may be found. in \'ariou~ and moneys, as well as allo\\ ing Uruid Pheszcltan makes his home
fonns , throughout the Realms. the warrioT a great degree of inde· "omcw here in the dt•pths of t111s land
EL.\11.VSTER'S .'\:OTES: 'fhe services of pendence. The dh;ad\'antagc of 1ravelers through the forest is ctiscour·
trained fighters. warriors, rangers, and th&e operations is the great deal aged, nncl those Ill lhP. area arc highly
barbarians are in constant demand in of personal risk the fighter is cncouragPd to huil<l their firP.s onl.>
the forgotten Realms, owing to the placed in and the essential need of using \\ ood from deadfalls.
large number of hostile creatures cooperation with others. GA.\11; ISFOR\IATIO.\': Fuorn has abili·
(including men) to be found in the • Glaruators and professional fight· 1i1•s .is n tre11n1 of double the largest hi\
world ers are a rare occurenco in the c.Jio l.Z·ll, and intlit·ts 5·30 pmnts of dam·
Fighters and their sub-groupings North, tho\1gh some clc.'hauched
age on " him.. ,
tend to gravitatC1 to certain positions regions do set up such matches. Phesit•ltun is a 16th level druid \\ho
and responsibilities, including: usuall) between slaves or pl'is· mal..t•s hh. home in tht> forebt, L>ut often
• Local Militias, including police oners against monsters. The oh.lnr wand1•rs, up to 30U miles away, in
patrols, sentries, watchmen, and realms to the i.outh, inclutlin~ examimng the land and its ITThabitants.
in times of hostililies as foot troops Arnn. Calimshan, and Unthcr. Using hi~ ahihties to alter his .1ppear-
in battle. Such positions are usu- have established gJaditorial J.:Uild11. am·e, can sometime!> he
ally low-paying and hold httle sta- GAME IYFOR.\lATJO.\ Fighters may he lound in ('tth:s mncml( ,,·1th the people.
tus, as in the battlefield such found m e\'er) part of the Realms.
troops are often used to soften though the tools of their trades vary GLACIER OF THE WHITE
enemy attacks with "acceptable according to area and wealth.
losses:· WORM
All the weapons and armor lio.te<l m
• Mercenary Companies ~vh1ch Plaver's Hnndbook and Unearthed
1\l"J\ c,1..,1.\ Cf.:The Glacier of the\\ hite
engage in fighting for a price. These Arrallil are CJvailahle in "the ~orth"­
Worm is a i.inglc, l~lat~d ri,·er of ke
pay better, but ha\'e the disad\·an- the region of the Forgotten Realms located some 400 m1IC!> :,outh of the
tage that local rulcr<; 'employers detailed in the enclosed maps . Tho~e Great l;lacicr llSPlt , \\ eavmg among the
usually give the Mercenary Com·

highest peaks of the Earthspur Moun- and Vaasa. Well-defended by hffis on make an honest or good living, but
tains. It flows off a high cliff east of three sides, the community is a rough- these are exceptions to the general
Mulmaster into the Moonsea on on side, and-ready trading post, willing to deal character of these savage creatures.
and into Lake Ieemelt on the other. with ogre tribesmen and nomads as
well as traders from the Moonsea. GNOMES
ELMINSTER'S NOTES. This glacier is
home to a wide variety of polar crea- AT A GLANCE: The Gnomes are a small,
tures, giving rise to the idea that it was THE GOBLIN RACES friendly race of humanoid creacures
once a part of the larger sheet of ice to AT 4 GLANCE: The Goblin Races common in most regions of lhe realms.
the north. It is farther south than even include all creatures such as Kobolds, They are smaller and less-stocky than
its altitude wouJd justify, and some Goblins, Ores, and Hobgoblins. Some dwarves, and are thought distant rela-
dweomercrafl may be involved. The sages extend the definition to Ogres, tives (though only Gnomish men have
area takes its name from the pale albino Bugbears, 1rolls, and Half-ores. In gen· beards).
remorhazes that inhabit the region. eral, these are uncivilized bands of sen-
tient creatures that prey on other
Gnomes, regardless of age, are lined
GLISTER beings, raiding and pillaging when they
with centuries of smiles and frowns, so
can, stealing quietly when they can't.
AT A GLANCE: Glister is a small town it appears that these creatures are
situated at the gateway between Thar ELMINSTER'S NOTES: The Goblin carved from wood. Their natural color-
Races have existed in the Realms as long ing, from light ash and maple to that of
as the elves, for elvish histories have varnished and buffed oak it1creases the
mention of the various creatures as tendency to think of Gnomes as a
brutish invaders harassing the borders woods.folk, when they are thought of
of their realms. The Goblin Races were at all.
involved in race-killing wars with The Gnomes are called the Forgotten
dwarves over their mountain peaks, Folk of the Forgotten Realms, for
and with men over the lowlands. Usu- despite Lhe fact they seem an every day
ally the Goblin Races have been sight in major cities, and have good·
repulsed or crushed, but there are sized communities of their own. they
many dwarven halJs in Orcish hands. seem unbothered by the world and sim-
The Goblin Races are generally ilarly only rarely become Involved with
under-organized and under-equipped, it. Gnomes have no histoC'"y beyond the
and would have been wiped out several memory of the eldest clan-member and
times over were it not for a rapid breed- the songs of legend. They have never
ing cycle and a high self-preservation developed their own written tongue,
instinct. Faced with overwhelming rather acqwting the .languages around
odds, most Goblin Races wm waver and them for everyday use. Unlike the elves
retreat, and for this the tag "cowardJy" they have no millennial heritage and
is usually added to their other names. unlike the dwarves no deathknell
The Goblin Races tend to be cruel, tomorrow. As a result, they tend to take
evil, and malicious, aping mankind in life as it comes, one day at a time.
dress and title, but with a slant towards Gnomes are among the most
harm as opposed to help. The greatest common-sense beings of a world filled
Orcish citadels of the Desertmouth with all manner of magical things.
Mountains have are governed by a King Their natural tendency towards
and Royal Court in a rough travesty of illusion-craft, instead of making them
Cormyr. Similarly, those Goblins living more crafty, has given them a wfadom
beyond the range of the Lords of Water- to look beyond the fancy trappings of
deep tend to have lords who rule from speech and appearance to find out
disguise in the manner of the Lords of what is really there. Gnomes vaJue their
Waterdeep. families first, then whatever other rela-
There are members of this race, tives they encounter, then other
including some Half.ores, that brave gnomes, then the world, in that order.
Goome the well·deserved hostile attitude of the
rest of the world in order to seek to

description is for Gnomes in general, ering the general withdrawal of the THE HALF -ELVEN PEOPLES
and need not apply to individual player- Elven Peoples from the Realms. Only
AT A GLANCE. Half-elves are a mixture
characters as a Jaw that "t\LL GNOMES the ruling elves \\no\\. the full reasons,
of man and elf, and occupy lhe middle
ARE WISE:' Individuals vary withjn a but it has surmiseJ that there is some-
race, and it is as possible to find an ground between the 1wo. They are
thingin the Greycloaks that the elves of
impulsive Gnome as il is to find a trust· Evereska wish not to fall into the hands stockier than elves and lack lhe poinred
ears, though they still have i;lender and
worthy halfling. of others.
finely·chiseled facial·features of the
elven faces. It is possible for a Half-elf to
''pass" as man or elf for brief periods.
AT A GLANCE: These hills are high, roll· AT A GLANCE: Halfaxe '"O'ail is an over· but usually such duplir.ity is discovered.
ing ridges of earth covered by weedy grown footpath which runs through
ELMINSTER'S !\'OTES: Half-elves are
grasses and occasional patches of small the heart of the Elven Woods, from Har·
not a true race, bu1 rather the product
trees. rowdale to the road running from Hills· of the union of man and elf, and as such
far 10 the Standing Stone.
EL.\4INSTER'S NOTES: The Greycloaks have no national or racial heritage olh·
are a small group of high, isolated hills, EL.MINSTER'S NOTES: An early Lord of er than that of the area lhey have been
north of E.vereska, and are considered Rarrowdale, in the days of the Black· brought up in. A Half-elf that had been
an outpost of that elven homeland, set· sails (pirates), grew weary of losing raised in the Elven Court thinks like an
tled less than thirty years ago by a con- trade outside his harbors, and resolved elf, one from Aglarond think.s as a man,
tingent of elve.s and half-elves. to strengthen the importance and for the elven people have been long
The normal grey garb of these elvish wealth of his dale by linking up with the. bred into the general population
settlers is what ha::. given the hills their overland road from Moonsea south to Half-elves appear as men, tending ro
current name. They were previously Cormyr and the Inner Sea. His cluef be slenderer than most bul not match·
referred to as the 1bmb Hills, for the obstacle in this goal was the Elven· ing the thinness of the elves themselves.
region held land still contains) the final woods. Half.elves tend to take on some of the
resting placci. of Jong-dead warrior- Despite the elves' claim, the Lord, features of their Eh ish sub-race:
kings, and was Cbut is no longer) haunted Halvan the Dark. hired a dwarven engi- • Moon Ralf-elves lend to he pale
by banshees Adventuring companies up neer, Durl Halfaxe to cut him a road to with just a touch ol blue around
to a few decades ago made forays into the trade road. Halfaxe lt'ail was the the ears and at the chin.
the area to loot these old tombs, but with work of the dwarf and an armv of men; • Gold Half-elves Lend to be bronzed
the current settlement of elves under they burned and cuL a mile-Wide slash of i.kin.
The Evereska Charte1; such activities through the trees to guard againi>t • Wild Half-elves are ver_} rare and
have ceased tor al least become more elven ambushes. The elves raised an tend Lo ha\ e bronzed skin tou~hed
discreeO ai'my, but were overmatched by men'i; with green.
The elve& and half-elves of the Grey· weapons and stronger magic, and the • Sea llalf-elves tend to bu a blend of
cloaks are of silver blood. though there 'frail was put through lhe flesbtoncs of human and elven
are a few wild Ccoppcrl elves among Greedilv, Halfaxe commanded his parent A child of a l.anlan mer-
then. They are friendly with the group men to cut on, into the forest west of chant and a Great Sen Elf will
known as the Harpers, but wary of the the road where he knew the ruiru; of appear a like green.
Zhentarim and their allies, and extend· Myth Drannor lay. There he foresaw • Drow Half-elve!. are ven· rare and
ecl patrols from Darkhold have been unearthing riches to keep him all his tend to be tfusky-colored with
spotted in the area days. There tbe elves raised up old mid white hair.
The elves of the Greycloak liills are powerfuJ magic slumbering In the ruins
Half-elves ruav male and breed, but
said to make musical instruments for and sle\\ the engineer utter!) :'l:ot a
will always produce the off:;pring of the
trade with men, though they work qui· man or dwarf returnf'd to the party,
other parent Ca Half-elf/elf pairing will
etly through certain merchants in the nor were there bodies to send back.
produce elven children. whiJP. .l llalf-
town of Hill's Edge to the south. The set· The n·ail has since grown in until it is
elffhuman pa1ring will result in human
Llement is said to be ruled bv an elven but a footpath, close-guarded by the
children! Second generation Half-eh e:.
Lord (7th level fightf'r/ 11th level magic· elves; none pass~ave b) their will 1t is
onl.} rcsuJt if two Half-elves marry Casis
user) named Erlan Ouirsar. who is said surprisingly well-used, for the elves are
the case in Aglarondl.
by the women of Hill's Edge to be both wise traders and not unfriendly lo men.
verv tall and handsome. Whether the traiJ remains open in these GA.\.1E TNl'ORMAJIUN; Half·elf player·
T.he reason for the Greycloak settlP· days following the disappearance ol the • characlers ha\'e the limitations and
ment is unknown, and puzzling consid· Elven Court remains to be seen . ad\•antages as ser down for the Half-elf

in the Players Handbook and DMG. of money. which they consider a human
regardless of the sub-race of the elven mveotion which redeems the race.
parent. A draw Half-elf, in other words, They enjo} gathering bunches of it. but
would not gain all the drowish abilities, unlike the dwarves and their ancient
and would be considered N'Tul'Quiss by hordes, they see no point in keeping it,
his people as well. rather frittering il away on gifts, par·
ties, and purchases. Money is a way of
HALF LINGS keeping score on ho\~ well you are
doing against the lumbering men.
AT A GLANCE: Halnings are the small-
Halflings come in all shades and with
est of the major races, and to see their
the same variety of hair and eye color
communities outside some major land
as men. They tend to respect their fami·
minor) cities. the most numerous (and
lies as groups you do not steal from
growing). They teod lo resemble small
(though borrowing is permit1edl, and
street urchins, wise beyond their year:..
show a strong loyalty to friends and
The Halfling of the Forgotten Realms
those who ha\e stood up for them
have a light covering of hairy down all
There seem to be no racial sub·groups
over their bodies, which is most notlca·
of Halflings, though to lhe far south
ble on the backs of their hands and tops
there is said lo be a nalJon of tlw crea-
of their bare feet. Ofte1l their faces are
tures, called Lurien, whose inhabitants
bare, though lhere are more than a few
have pointy ea1'!>. Considering the fact
full-bearded halflings as well. that most of the olher dominant racP.s
ELMTNSTER'S 'VOTES. The Halfling of the Inner Sea have come originaJly
people have a :;aying: "First there were from the South, thts idea of a llalfling
Dragons, then Dwar\'es, then Elves, ~ation is disturbing In the least
then Men. Then it's our turn!" This alli·
tude that all will turn out lo their bene- HAMMER HALL an() t:be
fit land be served up to them on a silver HALLS OF THE HAMMER
platter! is typical of the Halfling mine!·
set· cocksure, confident, and with more AT A GLANCE: The Halls of Ille Ham·
than a streak of larceny mer are an abandoned stockade located
I\ Halfling's appearance, similar to downstream from the gates of an
that of a small human child, belies the ancient dwarven settlement, equally
fact that this is a race with the same abandoned.
basic needs as any other. They Jive in ELMINSTER'S VOTES: The Halls of Lhe
man~· of the same area& as mankind. Hammer are an abandoned dwarf-hold
and may be considered a competitor. west of Mt. Hilm generally ignoted and
Yet as opposed to being hostile, Ralf· in neglecL Hammer Hall is an isolated
lings have a smug, far-sighted altitude homestead, consisting of a house and
that these lumbering giants will eventu- stables. and surrounded hv a stout
ally leave, destroy themselves. or give wooden palisade, bui1t by a ~mpany of
themselves up, and that which remains ad\·enlurers. As is common for adven·
will be theirs. turing companies working for long per·
This is not to say that halfllngs as a 1ods in a particular area, the "Men of
race or individuals are evil, for they Hammer Hall" used the stockade as a
would do nothing to harm another place to r"tire to between sorties into
unless harm had been inflicted on lhe dwarf-hold.
them. But the tendency to take advan· After exploring the ruins for several
Lage is strong. Many a human thieves'· ~easons, tbe adventurers are said to
guild has ns its master-thief a small have set off for the north, and have not
child-like creature who can sneak into been heard of since. The fate of their
Goblinoi~ and out of areas that larger folk cannot treasure, and the treasure that may
manage. remain in Hammer Hall, is unknown.
Halnlngs are delighted by the concept

This area is a true wilderness, traveled Scardale as a threal to that peace, for
by men but seldom settled, and the instance), and to thwart at every turn
question remains open. the burgeoning goblinkin races in the
THE HARPERS Known Harper membeJ' S include
Alustriel, High Lad) of Silver_ymoon;
AT ,1 GLANCE: fhe Harpers are a mys-
the archmage Khelben Blackstaff"
terious organization of high-level Arunsun of Waterdeep; the ranger
adventurers. in particular bards and Dove, now bride of Florin; the late
rangers, which operates in the North. witch Sylune; the bard Storm
The exact aims of this group are Silverhand, the late ranger Ascore of
unknown, as are their number& and full Elventree; and the adventurer
identities, though there are se\eral Sharanralee. Known allies include
noted members. Elrninster tbe Sage; The Simbul, ruler
ELMJNSTER'S NOTES: The following is of Aglarond; and Mourngrym. Lord of
taken from the Druid Briadorn o! the Shadowdale.
Circle of Shndowdale, quoted by the
ranger Florin Palconhand thusly: HARROWDALE
AT A GLAJ\:CE: Harrowdale is a farming
"Rangers and bards of great power dale of gentle slopes and old, well-worn
are rare, Florin. Aside from the roads cul deep into the land, reaching
famous lew: the bard Minliper, for from lhe Dragon Reach to the forest
example, or the rangers Thulraven along Halfaxc 'frail.
and Estulphore: most are members
of that mysterious group known as ELMINSTER'S NOTES: The northern-
the Harpers. most of the coastal dales, Harrowdale's
"Storm Silverhand mav be one of survival has in the past depended upon
them , but 1 wish you iuck finding good relations with the elves Much of
out.. .l lell you this now because ull of Lhe food it produces went to elvish mar-
us, and of the bards, must consider kets, and the elvish court supporled it,
and respect whatever aims the Harp· along with Mistledale, Deepingdale, and
er& ha' e: they strike down or turn Shadowdale because its ideals blended
aside activities that do not fit with with their own.
their wants, and so your own causes Harrowdale was overrun by Scar·
will be advanced or damaged accord· dale's lorces in the recent war, and it
ingly. was the appeals of the Dale's Council of
"They i.ecm lo operate only in the Seven Burghers that resulted in mobili-
North. and there is little else I can tell zation of the northern countries against
you of them. If you see the device of that threat.
a silver moon and a silver harp, you The people of Harrowdale e:>caped
face a Harper:' the ww· relativel_v unscathedi and have
already retwned to their simple, pleas-
The aims atid acth-ities ot the Harpers ant lives Harrowdalesmen are often
remain mvsterious. but thev ure known µortrayed as a bit slow and provincial
to work for the causes of good, and to by the other dales, but the_v are content
oppose the Zhentarim and the more in their lives and, with the abandon-
aggressive trading kingdoms (such as ment of the Elvish Court, are seeking
Arnn) who cut trade-route::. into new markets for their producls
wilderland areas, and fell trees and
mine precious things with little regard THE HAUNTED HALLS
for Joc.1J nonhuman inhabitants. Thev 117' 11 GI.ANCE: Hidden within a steep·
also work to maintain peace between sided gorge north of Eveningstar, the
Ha lf:-Elf:
human kingdomi. (recently opposing Haunted Halls is a keep built into the

cllffwall itself. Its main gates lie twisted between Hooknose Crag on the south ing garrl!;on of 400 men at High I lorn at
and rusted to one side. and lhe Thunder Peaks to the north. any time; 100 archers and 300 men·at·
ELMTNSTER'S NOTES: The Haunted arms, led by one 4th level fighter for
ELMlNSTER'S !\/OTES: The High Dale is
every 10 men, and under the overall
Halls were a long-standing bandit-hold, a dale of terraced farms (which raise
cleaned oul moi>t recently during the and produce sheep, turnips, potatoes, control of the Lord Commander of High
reign of King Azounm and unoccupied and hay). Horn. The position of Lord Commander
since. It has been raided several limes is appointed annually by the King, and
High Dale is ruled by the High Consta-
since by adventuring companies, but ble, currently one lrreph Mulmar. who is currently Thursk Dembarron. a 15th
rumors perist that the Halls hold rich level cavalier.
is a member of the Dale CounciJ. The
treasure The High Horn is also the wintering
councilors are elected once a year, and
quarters of half the Cormyrian army,
the High Constable is one of their num·
and has extensive facilities to hosl both
THE HIGH DALE ber chosen by the councilors them-
selves. The High Constable has six. man and beast through a season-long
ATA GLANCE: The community of High siege.
constables under his control, who com·
Dale lies north of Sembia, along the car· Finally, lhere is an outpost of the Cor·
mand the army and comm.and and Lrain
avan trial from Saerb to 'l'hunderstone myr War Wizards ma.king it:. base at
the militia.
on thP- Wyvernwater. and is a pass this keep. There will always be at least
GAME fl\'FORMATION: The High Dale three magic-users of 6tb level present
maintains a standing militia of 50 fight· at anv one time, and a 50% chance of a
er&, armed wilh sword and spear, but in spell:caster of levels 7• l 2 in residence at
Limes of crisis could muster mosl of lhe any time.
vale population. lo addition, the High
Dale is home to the Pegasus Archery THE HIGH MOOR
Company, a mercenar) company of
horse archers, 75 in number, mounled AT ll GLANCE; The High Moor is a vast,
on light horse and armed with short rocky wasteland rising to a gorge·
composite bow scarred plateau cloaked in grass and
Irreph Mulmar, the high constable, is scrub trees.
a 12th level ranger, and his constables ELMTNSTER'S NOTES: The Moor is
jn command of the militia and archers often shrouded in mist, and is the home
are fighters of levels 7· l O. to many trolls and bugbears, as well as
goblin races. The monstrous inhabit·
HIGH HORN ants often raid the roads, so that mer·
AT A GI..ANCE: The High Hom is a great chants often collect in large caravans
and hire additional guards, and The
grim fortress of high curving walls and
Way lnn (q.v.I maintains a permanent
frowning lOwers, and is the center of
force of well-armed defenders. The soil
Cormyr's military operations.
of U1e Moor is too thin for Fam.ling and
El.MINSTER'S NOTES: The great tow- Its rock (mostly granite) too poor in
ers of the High Horn were once essen· valuable ores to support permanent set·
tlal, but are now no longer so heavily tlements; the barbarian humans found
used. It is still Lhe strongest defensive in these lands depend on herding sheep
position in the eealm of Cormyr It and goats and overland Lracling for
guards the road to the West, and a stra· their livelihoods.
tegically important mountain pass, and
~ was built to protect against the "Border HIGHMOON-see DEEPINGDALE
Raiders' (bandits) and the lizard men of
the marshes (although these latter have HILL OF LOST SOULS
not proved troublesome since il was AT A GLANCE: Once in the years before
built). High Horn has a guest enclave, even the elves lived in the north, lhis
where travelers can stay, but is strictly was an extinct volcano. but has with the
Hal.J=liags a military community. passage of the winters become little
GAME INFORMATION: There ls a stand- more than a hiJI with a cup-like peak Its

sides are covered with soft, shiny grass, lenging Zhcntil Keep for economic in turn clt><·ts and ad\'i:.ei. a Court of
and only the occasional outcropping of supremacy in the region, and now ,·isi· !'.Ider:., \\ho rnntrol the Watch and
hardened la,·a or a l>Cattering of obsidi· bly ready to meet any resultant military servo as magistratei.. These Elders hold
an chips belies its true origin. threat. officu for life, and have one \'Ole each
Hillsfar wa:. until recentl\' ruled bv a on am decision of the Council. An
ELMil\'STER'S SOTES: The i.lopes of
council of men , half-elves~ and repre· Elt.lcr·s 'ute can be overturned bv a
this grass·cloakcd peak were home to
sentatives of the Elven Court. The ma1oruv rnte of the Court of Elders.
an armed camp at the time of the Battle 1 he Co~uncil numbered 306 when last
Council was corrupt and soon rnllap:.t.'<I
of the Bones lq,\•.) and it was here that
when trnubled times came to the c•om ened, the Elders have always been
the armies of men raised their stand· 14 strong. Of these 14, four are men ol
region: the elven membe1:; resigned
ards and tended their wounded. lo
and left with the Elven Court , and all of f,unc and d1stlnclion <heroes and sages!,
more recent times, the peak has been 6<'\ I'll urn half.elves, and three are
the humans and most of the half-elves
used by rogue spell-casters as a eh r:.s. They are as follows.
were in the pay of \'arlous foreign
meeting-place, and by the lleirophnnt "Tht• rt•prestmtatives of lhe Elven
power!i; Zhentil Keep, Mulmaster, Scllr·
Druid Pheszeltan !sco FORGOTTEN C'ourt: ·1 iarshu!i, Elephon. and Sylvar
dale, Sembia. the drow, and the Cult of
FOREST) to work mlght_v wc11thcr mag· the Dragon Isome were paid by two or "The lfaff.dvcs: Duarros, Milzhen,
ics. Tuday the Hill is empty, save for the :\iunen Hlintos, Turst Brathen, Hir·
moro of these groups).
Haunts (spirits of the fallen menl and pan<•n, l\rioi., and lllathem
The Council \•.-as overthrown last
tribes of goblin races. "The human heroes: Elske, Ammakar,
winter., and the city is now governed by
Somewhere on tlm Hill of Lost Souls is Hl.nmnRch Bevuldor~ and Ormech
!\.laalthiir, First Lord of Hillsfa1; a
the tomb of 'I helarn •·swifthammer;· ' little c;an he said of their characters
merchant·mage who is said to be
son of Mongoth. l'hls dwarven ad\'en· shrewd, ruthless, and independent of and intcl'e!>t&. The sage Elminster has
turer is said to lie entombed with a dealt with '11ar hus and Elephon and
Sembla. Mulmaster. Zhentil Keep, Cor·
hammer of thunderbolts and a weapon notes them as old and noble elf.lords.
myr, and other po~er groups in the
called SkyspUtter, an intelligent war axe Rumor S:t.}S that ~iunen and Tursi are
area. He has no known allir.s (or ene·
that has the ability to call lightning as bards, thal Ammakar is a young but
mies) as yet. Rumor has it that he has
well as much gold '(he Ibmh of The-- white·haared, cruel magic user, and
plans to annex El\'entree and spread
lam has not been uncovtired, and at Ormech is a cleric of Tumpus."
down the coast, eventually opening a
least one group of adventurer:>, I.he
port on the Inner Sea. His mercenary While Wminster's entry i.'tresses !hat
\lea of the Blue Blade, ha\·c met their
guards. already nicknamed "The Red this b secondhand Information, and nut
end al the hands of ore bands while
Plumes;• have a squad in &ardale, and verified facts, it does go to show the Hm-
looking for it.
patrol south toward F..ssembra. it.ttions of C\ en mighty sage.sin the face
Maalthiir has assured Semhian en\'oys ol human nature and greed.
HILLS FAR that he intend!> to establish a guardposl rhu Ht>cl Plumes are various mer~e·
AT A GLANCE: Located on the Southern at The Standing Stone eventually with nary companies. carrying their own
Shore of the Moonsea, llllMar is one of the latter force, nothing more. cumpa11y Insignia and dl' but wear·
the petty states vying for control in that GAME lfl:FORMA110N: The• nmv gov· ing the red-plumed helms provided by
area with Zhentil Keep. Like many of ernment of Maalthiir i11 n great Mualthii1· to show their allegiance. They
the Cities of the Moonsea. Hillsfar is a unknown in the Moonsea area, and his varv in altitude and abililv as most mer·
series of ringed walls rt!achin~ from the aims are unknown but can ho assumt!d ren"ar)' companies lsee MERCENARIES>.
coast to the city proper, with access to to be expansionist. However, in notmg
the central keep re!itricted only to those that first glances may be misleading, HILL'S EDGE
individuals currently appro\'ed by the what follows is a passage writ1cn hy rhe
current government. AT t1 Gf.A,\ CB: Hill's Edge IS a .small but
Sage Ehninster in response to an ad\'en·
prospt•rous community along one of
ELMINSTER'S XOTES: Hillsta1; former· turer'i. inquiry al\ lo the pre,ious, now·
the lc:.s·tra\ eled routes between
ly the most o~n city on the Moonsca. revealed as corrupt, government:
tricabor and \\'aterdeep, at the foot of
has recently changed markedly in out· "Hillsfar is a free city, go\'erncd by a
rhe far Hills.
look, a change diret.'lly linked to the dis· loose, democratic Council of Mer·
appearance of the clve.s. Formerly the chant:;. All members must base thrir ill.Ml,\ IER'S SOTES: This is a no·
"meeting-ground" between the elves businesses wit.hin the city, and ha\'C ont• questions asked to" n where raiders
and humankind for trade and diplo· vote each. The Council is called togeth· ore as common as traders. Situated
matic dealings, Hill.sfar is today an er each Greengrass, each Shleldmeel, near the western entrance of Yellow
ambitious, well·anned city-state, chal· and in tlmei. of emergency. 1 hi' Council Snake Pa s, the town sees a lot of trade

and agents of the Zhentarim and their north end of the circle stands a temple GAME INFORMATION~ Sam ta van Suda·
forces at Oarkhold. to Helm and a large livery stable, at the car had a brief career as an adventurer
southern end a wagonwain's shop and before settling down to a life of court
HILP the local inn, The Watchful Eye. politics, and is a 3rd level fighter. His
alignlllent is lawful neutral.
AT A GLANCE: Hilp is a small town of GAME TNPORMATION: The town is
southern Cormyr. ll is unfortified and dominated by the temple of Helm,
whose high priest is a 13th level Patri· IMPILTUR UM·pill-lur)
sw·rounded by rolling farms and graz-
ing lands. arch named Maurandyr. The town's AT A GLANCE: ImpUtur is a nation of
militia consists of 70 2nd-level fighters united city states rising in the area
ELMTNSTER'S NOTES: This sleepy vil· of both sexes, in plate mail with swords between the Earthfast mountains and
!age between Immersea and Suzail is and crossbows, and is organized by the the bay called Eastingreach, south of
named for the warrior who founded it temple. Damara on the shores of the Sea of Fall·
long ago by slaying or driving out all the
ing Stars.
trolls that infested the area. It is the
local farmers' market and has a large ELMINSTER'S NOTES: lmpultur was
coopers' and wagonmakers' business AT A GLANCE: A small town in Sembia. formed two hundred and sixty winters
It is the sHe of several deep, never· ago, when the independent cities of
GAME INFORMATION: The local lord of
failing wells of pure mineral water used Lvrabar, Hlammach, Dilpur and Sarshel
Hilp is a former merchant named Doon
by a number of local faiths as an ingre- were united by lmphras, war-captain of
Dzavar. Doon is not a native to Cormyr,
dient for their holy water. It is also the Lyrabar, to face the menace of hobgob·
but has worked hard in his brief tenure
home of a number of reknown potters lin hordes advancing from the Giant·
to earn both lhe approval of the people
and jewelers. See SEMBIA. spire Mountains, from whence they
of Hilp and the crown.
had only raided sporadically before.
IMMERSEA lmpiltur today 1s a war-ready realm,
HLINTAR (Heh-LIN-tar) still on the frontier of "civilized" lands,
AT A GLANCE· Perched on the western but largely at peace. It is friendly with
AT A GLANCE: Hlintar is a small cross·
edge of the Wyvernwater, lmmersea is its neighbors Tulflamm, Rashemen,
roads town situated a days hard ride
an unfortified town of about a hundred
from both Calaunt and Tuntris, to the Aglarond, and the scattered states of
structures, with severa1 large manors Damara, and does not meddle in affairs
East of the Dragon Reach
to the south and west of the city.
beyond its borders.
HLUTHVAR (Heh-LUTH-var) ELMJNSTER'S NOTES: lmmersea is a lmpiltur is still a land of opportunity
way-town on Lhe road, a stopover and for the daring and the hard-working;
AT A GLANCE: This town of a hundred watering-place for the horses and live· rich new copper, silver, and iron lodes
buildings is set at the foot of the Far stock. as it is right on the Wyvernwater. have been found north ()f Lyrabar and
Hills, and surrounded by a wall of stone A large inn, The Five Fine Fish, pro· near the High Pass, and trade is increas·
ten feet high. Three gates pierce the duces its own potent and justly·famed ing in the area, reaching out to Rashe·
wall, and wall-tops are patrolled. Tbe ale here. men, Sembia, Procampur, and
town i8 circular, and its largest building The manor to the south and west is Bloodstone Pass.
is a temple near the center of town called Redstone for its color, and is The arms of lmpiltur are a crossed
EI.MINSTER'S NOTES: Hluthvar was ancestorial home of the Wyvernspur sword and wand on a dun banner, bor-
named for a locally born warrior hero family, a group of petty nobles. The cas· dered in scarlet.
who fought and died at the Battle of the tle is also the current abode of Sam· GAME INFORMATION: Most of
Bones. Located at the foot of the Far tavan Sudacar. the local lord appointed
Impiltur's imediate neighbors are
Hills, the town is within sight of by the King. Samtavan is neither local
friendly and open to the nation and Its
Darkhold (q.v.) and is armed against it, (he is a of SuzaiJ) nor a Lord, and
citizens. One is not, and another is ques·
and its patrols are not welcome here. bis main occupation is to stay out of the tionable.
Hluthvar is a medium-sized town sur· way while his Herald handles the Lothchas the bandit·lord operates In
rounded by a ten·foot high wall of important business of the area. the Desertspire Mountains and the Ice
stone, which surrounds the city in a Immersea is also home to the ''Mist- Gorge to the west , where the hobgob·
rough circle. The slTeets of the city Fishers:• who go out in the morning lins lived ere their strength was broken.
radiate from the central open market misu to catch fish in the Wyvernwater Lothchas is a 15th level lord with a
like the spokes of a wheel, with the Jarg· with long draglines and scoop-nets. A small but powerful group of followers
est street being the north·south road map of lmmersea may be found on (numbering about 50 total, but includ·
that follows the 1rade Route. At the page 53.

ing all non.good character classes and um on the relatively flat top, so that KARA-TUR (Kah·rah·TOURl
not including any less than 9th level). lriaebor ha:. more towers than anv oth·
AT A GI.·\ "1CE: Situated at the far end of
Those trespassing on his lands are er citv of its size Indeed, the v~rious
robbed and slaughtered and not even • the continent of Faerun. far beyond
merchant houses indulge in shameless
the descendants of lmphras n can turn competition to exceed the others, with Rashemen and legendary Semphar lies
him out. occasional col1apses as a particular spell a mystical and magical Jand known as
The other neighbor is questionable; Kara-Tur. Il is a region very different
needed for construction elapses, or
to the north and east in the Great Drue shoddy materials are used. from the Known Lands of the Realms,
and the woods north of where Narfell The plains surrounding Iriaebor but onlv the hmts of ,.., h1spers of leg·
once flourished, dwells the Nentyarch, make the city a center for breeders of ends ha,1e come across that land to this.
a mysterious mage of great power who fine mounts and draft beasts. In addi· EfN\llNSTER'S NOTES: Manv are the
rules grim men and strange beasts, liv· lion to towers, the city's craftsmen are stories and fe" are the facli; known of
ing in peace, unless the wood is entered known for construction of kegs and this land a l the far side ol the world,
by those he has not in\'ited; such unin· barges <which are of better quality than and many stories that cannot be fit else·
vited guests simply vanish. most of the towers). ''here are said to come "from Kara-Tur
Sambryl is a magic·user of 17th level when rhc world was still new". A hand·
GAME INFORM 4TIO.V: The Ruler of
and chaotlc·good alignment. who
lriaebor is Bron, who \'\'as an adventur·
ful of the stories are similar to this
understands the need for. her appear· • It is a magical land where men can
er (cleric of Eldath of 12th 1evell cata·
ance at leadership but finds it boring pulted into the position in the heat of a walk through wails and upon
and tedious at best, unpleasant and water. and where multi-headed
shooting war netween merchant fami·
insulting at worst. warriors contend to defend lheir
lies. Bron feels Iriaebor has the resourc-
The Lords of lmphras 1I are the true es to become another Waterdeep in
protectors of the realms, and number strength and power, if only he can keep • Il is a savage land where western
twelve: their levels are unknown but outsiders, called Gaygin, are wor·
the feuding Merchan1 families from
not less than 11th, and their alignment shipped as gods and then sacrificed
engaging in economic 11abo1age, lower·
almost always lawful and good. Their in cruel fashions.
building, and cut-throat dealinss. He
names are: • It is a calm Janet and the great hub
has to date failed in his attempts to even
Kyrlraun (a 20th level paladin), around which the entire universe
slow down the feuds .
lmbra, Lashilaun. Limbrar, Soargilm, revolves around is planted at its
Haelimbrar, Sambrar, Rilimbraun, heart, in the Land of ShoJung.
lmbraun, Silmgar, Silaunbrar, and T HE IRON HOUSE • ft is an evil land, where men are
Rilaunyr AT A GLANCE. The Iron House is the slaves to immortal dragons that
royal court of the best·known dwarvisb breathe steam, and spirits that are
IRJAEBOR (Ear-ee-AY..bore) kingdom, the Mines of Ththyamir north not undead wander fores ts of
of the Lost Vale. Jt is now in exile. carved jade.
.'\T .1 GLANCE. The many-towered city
Other tales are similar, but no hard
of lriaebor occupies a sprawling ridge ELMINSTER 'S !VOTES: The Iron House
information exists on the matter.
above the south fork of the lli\•er Chion· is the royal family of the dwarves who
thar. It is lhe farthest lhat barges can be once ruled the rich mines of Tuthyamir, GAME !.\FORMATION: The land
pulled up the river, and this combined and are now in hiding driven out by described as Kara-Tur is located al the
with the fact lhat the city is the end· devil·led ores and hobgoblins, aided by far end of the continent of the lands
point of roads coming out of Cormyr the Zhentarim. The Tron House i& head· described here. For those interested in
and the Inner Sea, makes IMaebor one ed by Ghellin, the King-in-Exile. ad\.'enturing in Kara·Tur, the book Ori·
of the most populous and ecanomicaily Dwarves in lhe lnner Sea lands speak ental Adl•entures and its modules are
powerful cities m lhe region. of and work toward, the day when " the highly recommended.
King shall take his throne again:• Ghel I
ELMTNSTER'S NOTES: Irieabor is called
Jin has corresponded with Dous t of Sha· KNIGHTS OF THE NORTH
the "Overland Citv:' and il is here that dowdale via the now·departed elves of
many caravans form up for Lhe over· AT A GLAt\'CE; The Knighl.l> of the
the Elven Court, but his curren t where-
land journey to Scornubel. or to be fer· North are a band of adventurers with a
abouts and the size of his present dwar-
r ied downriver before making the trek deeply held hatred of Zhentil Keep and
ven community is unknown. For
across The High .M oor. the Zhentarim. They range in the
further information see DWARVES.
The bluff the city is built on is imp res· Moonsea area, but are sometimes
sive and an adequate deff'nse against found a s far east as Jmpiltur a nd
most attackers, but space is at a premi· Damara, and as far west as Cormyr.

ELMINSTER'S NOTES: The Citadel of (Zhuirentel Laughingwater, a Waterdeep
the Raven (q.v.) was originally a Moon elven female) the caravan-master Piyrathur of
commonly-held fortress that protected • 9 male human fighters, levels 4 or Jriaebor
all of the Moonsea cities from beast- less the adventurer Tuth of ~ldur's Gate
men attacks, and was recently taken
This group realizes it can never gain
over by Zhent11 Keep. Originally staffed control of the Citadel, but it will never KULTA (KUHIAah)
by troops from aU of the Moonsea cities
miss a chance to thwart or harm the AT A GLANCE: A small community in
and bolstered hv adven1 urers from all
Zhentarim, either. Sembia. known for it horse-breeding
over the RealmMs, paid collectively by
ranches. See SEMBIA
the Moonsea cities, the Citadel of the
Raven acquired a sense of community
and an aristocracy of sorts over its AT A GLANCE: A secretive group active LAN TAN
eighty-odd winters of independence. in Arnn, Tethyr, Baldur's Gate and AT A GLANCE: Lantan is a southern
Then Zhentil Keep openly took control Waterdeep, the Knights of the Shield nation some thousand miles south of
of the CitadeJ, the banner of the watch· are a group of nobility and merchants the Moonshae lsles, known for its mer·
ful Raven of the North was torn down, working to influence the politics of the chant traders, which are found up and
and aJI persons of influence in the Cila· Sword Coast to their own advantage. down the Sword Coast.
del were expelled.
Those outcasts who survived the oas. Waterdeep are known to have foiled kingdom of Laotan is widely known for
ty skirmishes that accompanied their
plans of this group on several occasions its maroon-sailed, lateon·rigged ships,
expulsion wandered east and north, in the past, and there is a persistent which ply the crystal and deep green
and escaped the immediale reach of
rumor lhal the Knights of the Shield waters of the southern seas of the
Zhentil Keep. They took the name have, or are trying to acquire, repre- Realms. II is a land of lush jungle and
"Knights of the North," and have
sentatives among the ranks of the Lords rock pinnacles, atop which perch the
roamed the area ever since. Initially a of Waterdeep. Another persistent turretted aerial homes of the Lantanna.
band of forty·odd adventurers, the
rumor (especially among Lhe elves, These homes are often jomed to neigh·
Knights have encountered both fear- from whom it spread to some adventur- boring abodes by spidery, railless
some monsters and harsh weather In ers and sages in this North) is that some bridgespans. The Lantanna carry on
their travels, as well as deadly encount- disguised arch-devil (whose name var- energetic independent i.ea-trading in
ers with the Zhentarim and other
ies according to the rumor-monger) order to make enough money to enrich
inhabitants of the Inner Sea northlands.
heads or influences this group The their homes with splendid ornamema-
The Knights of the North remain an
first rumor is probably true, for the tion and new ideas or inventions, the
implacable foe of Zhentil Keep and the
Knights of lhe Shield are trying to get experimentation with and implemeota·
Zhentarim Ambushed caravans and
members into the Lordship of Water- tion of wh.ich the Lantanna area con-
murdered Zhentil Keep envoys or
deep (aJthough it is unknown and stantly encouraging.
agents sometimes sporl one or more of
doubtful that they have the allegiance La.utan is peopled by contented folk
the devices of the Knights, often with
of any of the present membership}, the who worship Good Wondermaker,
comments such as "One for the Raven:•
second is an open question. Power of Artificer!i. The Lantanna pre·
"Keeping score? We are" or "Justice for
The aims, reaJ power, and precise fer to avoid conflict, viewing combat as
another." activities of this group are unkno\.vn, It wasteful and expensive, but the isles of
GM!Eli\'FORMATION:The numbers of is not known where this group came Laotan and Suj are rumored to be pro-
the original Knights have been reduced into being, who heads it, or what holds tected by "secret weapons" developed
over the passing wintersi they are cur- it together. Investigations of such mat- by Lantanese artisans Further.
rently sixteen strong, as follows. teri> are, of course, perilous. encounters with the trading vessels of
• 7th level cavalier Esterelve The group's members, agents, or Lantan have in the past revealed "fire-
• 12th level magic-user Ildil aJlies include or have included the fol- lhrowers" similar to those of Evermeet,
• 10th level fighter Jhesentel Fyreta- lowing individuals. floating explosive nets, and other sur-
len. noted as having weapon spe- Lord BormuJ of Amn prises "consecrated to Gond."
cialization in long bow and bastard Lord ffhune of Tuthyr Both islands of the nation. Lan tan and
sword the merchant Kestor of Baldur's Gate Suj, are ruled from the capital of Sam-
• 9th level cleric of Tymora Heidel the merchant Morntel of Amn bar by the Ayrorch, a Council of
Thasstan !deceased) 'IWelve, whose members serve for life
• 11th level magic-user "Zeldar" the Lady and merchant Thione of and themselves select replacements to

their ranks. The head of the Ayrorch, also a cleric of Gond of levels 5·10, and Plant and animaJ life is plentiful on the
the "Ayrar;' speaks for the council in usually is accompanied by a group of valley floor. and the walls bear traces of
Lantan; another member of the Coun· bodyguardi; (i;ometimes Lantanna, having once been worked for stone,
cil, the "Lantar:' is its traveling envoy to often local) that numbers 3·12. Such ELML'VSTER'S NOTES: Located upriver
other lands. Neither position Is tracli· merchants prerer a light touch to theil' from Oaggerford. the hoJlow is an
tionally given by seniority or as a dealings as opposed to brute force, ancient dwarven quarry, nO\\ over·
reward for service or merit; the though when such force is necessary. grown and green with the passage of
A.}TOrch seenb lo sort out its duties on a they will hire ad\'enturers.
centuries. The area is considered a fev
pragmatic, those with a talent or The Lantar Is Bloenin, a 24th level
and treacherous place by mortals. but
liking for certain tasks undertaking cleric of Gond who dellghb in the inter·
is the home to tribes of wild (copper)
them. action of systems, in particular human
elves pixies, and other fairy creatures.
t.antanna as a race favor shades of systems such as governments, politics,
ThP. quarry was once the home to the
yellow in their clothing. and have large and economics. Those fortunate Dwarves of the fallen Kingdom. and
green or black eyes. copper-colored enough to encounter the man will find
rumors persist as to the ancient trea-
hair. and skin the color of parchment or him reserved and almost alien in his
sure that rnay be found here.
old i\'orv. They wear loose robes and dealings. as if wht!els were physically
large sun·hats when at home on their turning behind his green eyes.
Lantar ships have lhe same basic abili·
islands, and anything practical when on
ship or trading ashore elsev.-here. Lan· lies as small and large merchants, but AT A G&\NCE: Built over the ruins of
tanna often barter, but among them· style of rigging and blood-rust color sails. ancient Sarbreen. The Living City is es use coins, particularly electrum Their"fire throwers" have the effects of a known by many names. lt is a large and
and platinum. as currenr.y. The current fireball of 4 HD and 5' in diameter, with a prosperous trailing center on the Dragon
known Ayrorch of Lantan is: range of 120 yards. The exploding nets Reach, where the Fire River flows
Ayrar: Thagr inflict 1·2 points of hull damage and 2·12 between two large hills and into the
l...antan: Bloenin points ot damage to those in cont.act Reach.
Santar (an ancient Lantan word when they explode, and are usually
meaning «others"): Bhaemul, Tbonn, dropped behind when a Lantan mer- THf LONELY MOOR
Meskal. Ghundal, Ormthess. Kuthil, chant is fleeing from a raider.
AT A GL.ANCK: This region on U1e bor·
Ramatar, Lothna, Uhnrecn, and Lantan merchants carry trade bars of
ders of Anauroch is not as great a
Theshna electrum and platinum, usually in the
wasteland as the desert. but it is similar
standard l wemy·five gold piece
L.1ntanna dislike traveling far, in its desolation, lt Is a dying, empty
denominatntions. and marked wiU1 the
but they do have widely·ro\'ing agents land of scrub and dust
symbol of Gond. This monev is cc>nsid·
who keep tabs on events and on
e"red unjversal tender, but it.has caused ELMJNSTER'S NOTES: Named for its
caravan companies, mainly based in
a number of fights when presented isolation from civilized areas, this
Arnn and Waterdeep, authorized to
beneath the noses of individuals from stretch of moorland is ·wilderness terri·
trade for, and with the goods of, Lan· Keep. tory, populated by leucrotta and worse
tan. These agents are hclieved responsi·
Finally, the people of Lantan have a monsters. This region is yet traveled
ble for the i.laying of the merchant
mania for invention and devices. An heavily by men, for the Zhentarim and
Arghul, who had a raLher uni:>crupu·
Artificer, alchemist, or inventor who others seeking to avoid the normal
lous reputation for self-serving treach·
comes up with a new device will soon channels of traffic skirt this land en
ery. Arghul was a prominent merchant
have a \ery persuasive Lantanna tor his route to the norther!) town of Llorkh .
of Arnn and of \l\'estgate, and thought to
be a member of the Zhentarim, and
agents) on his doorstep, making inqui· The Lonely Moor was once the west·
ries. It 1s known that Lantan gained ern edge of a kingdom that stretched
Lantanna are thought to be heartily dis·
knowledge of the printing press from roughly Evereska nc>rth to the Nether
liked by that organization as a result.
the magical southern nation of Halruaa. Mountains. This kingdom was known
GMtfl\'G JNFOR \.IATION: UnJess an and it is hinted that this aquisition was as Netheril. and was said to have been
expedition to Lantan is planned1 the neither legaJ nor proper. ruled by mages; litOe is known of the
Lantanna most likely to be encountered former realm today save that many
are merchants or agents. The Lantanna THE LAUGHING HOLLOW items of magic were fashioned there,
abroad tend to use native help wher· and legends say that the Great Desert
AT A GLANCE: The Laughing Hollow is a
e\'el' possible, so that only the leaders advanced across its lands despite the
are t.;antanese. constriction in the flow of the River Shin· effort of Its mage!;. The northern ruins
The typical Lantanese merchant Is ing, bordered by cliffs on either side of Jlekanter is the only known surviv·

ing ruin of the kingdom's cities, and that MAGIC-USERS (loclaaiog illusion, necromantic magic, or altera·
is little more than a set of tumbled IJJasiooist:s) lions. Ibday. the bulk of powerful
stones and crumbling pillars. Some say mages were trained by a single hand,
that Dekanter holds the entrance to a AT A GLANCE: In many races, and pre· but a growing percentage of the new
vast land beneath Faerun, but none dominantly in humanity, certain ind.I· magic-users in the world are coming
have admitted Lo finding such an viduals have the ability lo channel the from such 1.1nlversities and schools of
entrance in recent years. ambient magical energies of the world magic.
to produce a desired effect. This ability Practitioners of the Art of Magic are
GAME TNFOHMATION: Zhentarirn !and is called magic, or "the art;• in the For-
other) caravans found within these found in most walks of life, and there
gotten Realms, and there are a larger are former mages among the merchant
realms will be light on the number of number of practitioners of IL class and courtiers. Many make their
wagons and heavy on the number of
ELMINSTER'S NOTES. There are all living al magic, either as court wizards,
guards. Only 1·6 wagons will be found in
manner of spell·casters In the Forgotten adventurers, or sages (the last being the
such a caravan, but guards will number
Realms, and though universities and least well·paid or recognized). Ot'ten
10 mounted guards per wagon. There is
magical school!) are on the rise, the they devote long periods of time to pro·
5% chance that some magical item ....ill be
majority of &pell·caster:. learn their ducing magical items. When lhey
found in such a wagon caravan.
skills in the time-honored fashion: bv adventw-e they are looking both for
apprenticeship to a higher-level mage. money to fund their l'esearches, for
THE LORDS' ALLIANCE magical items to understand and com·
·\fter years of what seem to the student
AT A GLANCE: This group is also known to be arduous and unpleasant tasks the prebend, antl for books to expand the
variously as "The Council of Lords." ''the tutoring mage will begin instructions in scope of their learning.
Lords' C.Ouncil:' and "the trade barons;' the easiest cant.rips, Ulen lale1· moving Magic-users develop a " signature
and was formed to oppose the Zhentarim on to the first spell books Upon learn· rune" which they use to identify their
and their agents. rt is a lawful and essen· ing the basics.. the young spell-caster belongings, sign ai; their name, and
tially good alliance of the rulers of the cit· usually journeys out to gain some real· mark or warn others. /\s a mage gains
ies of Waterdeep, Mirabar, NeveIWinter, life experience with hiN craft Some go in power. more individuals recognize
Sllverymoon, Baldur's Gate, .E.lturel, ~ no further in their development, seek· the rune and connect It with a mighty
dusk, lriaebor, and Sundabar. H is not to ing oth~r safer pur11uits, and &Orne per· mage, not to be triOed with. Since some
be confused with the lords of Watel'deep lsh in their adventures. Those that runes are connected with magical
{see WAThRDEEP), though members of survive return to Lhe1.r former masters, spells. this enforces the tendency of
the latter belong to the former or to others of greater skill, to learn ordinary people to shy away from such
The Alliance communicatei; by offi- greater magics and to share what they magically-marked items. A few of the
cial envoys, the trained pigeons of Pier· themselves have discovered well-known mage-runes are found on
geiron the Golden of Waterdeep and The uruversities and schools of magic this page. There is no set penalty for
the magical artg of Khelben ''Blackstarr· a re this simple procedure written large, 'ioJating another mage'i; signature rune
Arunsun, and bas co·ordlnated military with many such wizard:; and sages with or using it \vithout 1heir permission.
operations against Zhentarim annexa· various specialties. These are a novel Powerful magic-users tenc.l tl.l punish
tion of an exclusive overland trade thing in the North, becoming popular such activity themselves to discourage
route. only in the past ten winters, though further use.
The coastal city of Luskan, north of they are more common (and. it is add· GAME INFOR1WATION: Magic-ust:ri> and
Neverwinter, is not a member of this ed, more t>.xpensivel In the South. Out· lllu:.ionists in the Forgotten Realms are
group, as it receives most of its goods by side the town of Ueregost is an old as delineated in the Player:~ Handbook
sea, and places a fierce value on its inde· school of magic, now ruined which and Uneartl1ed Arr;ma. Their origins
pendence that precludes any alliances pre.dates such activity in the North. are similar whether they are
The kingdoms of Amn and Calimshan Universities. as they now stand. teach university-schooled or lhe product of a
are indifferent to lhe alliance, or side general magical knowledge, and are lone wizard's tutoring. lt Lhe characLer
secretly with the Zhentarim for eco· found in the larger citiHs, such as comes from a background of a large
nomic reasons-while there is tra<.le- Waterdeep. or operating out of a suing city, he may choose; otherwise it is !JO%
strife in the North, the overland routes of pri\'ate homes, such as in Cormyr, likely that ' \he new magic-user \\as
within their own borders will be and can produce a would· be mage can· instructed by a lone wizard (the
eru·iched. did ate in a few years. Schools of \ fagic rema1mng 10% means origin in a partic·
are similar. save they tend to concen· ular location. :.uch as the Moonshaei..
trate on particular disciplines, such as and training al a magical academy).

Mages• Sigils
A magic-user can gain additional Mankind 1s also one of the most agres·

magic-user spells from another mage of sive of the major races. approaching the
sufficient level, as delineated in the goblim, in ferocity and the dwarves in
DMG. Where a spell is learned does not their single-minded drive when
usually determine its abilities. aroused to battle. At any time in the
Sylur.>e of SbaoocoC)ale Magic-users relearn I heir spells frorn North, some group of humans, often
spell-books. and usually maintain two with non-human allies. Is fighting some
sets: a traveling set for use in the wil- other group. The dv.-arves think it is
derness, and a large, more complete set because human lives are so short it does
in the area of home base. Such books not matter while the ehes tend to think
are very important. and there are many it is because humanity hiu. not yet fig.
specialized books which were once ured out how to communicate proper-
magic-user's tomes Lhat are highly 'al- ly.
ued for the original spells therein. Such l\lankind bas a spoken and written
Var.>9aR.6abast Of CofUnyR. boob, are handled in the DM's Source- language that is accepted as Realm·
book to t11e Realms. speak and 11'adetongue even between
Finally, a mage's signature rune may non-humans. They have developed the
be developed by a mage at any time, idea of money from beyond the dwarv-
though it should not be altered once ish conception of raw ore accumulated
created Cto avoid confusion). This rune into a maze of different systems and
is used ln all spells which require writ· coinage. They have generated art and
ing (including symbol spells). and in literature and commentary by the ton-
The Sirobc.d Joad, and raised the practice of slaugh·
non-magical terms to indicate property
or for messages. ln a world where the tering a foe to an art form anti a
majority of the people speak. but do not science.
read, a common language such runes Mankind"s attitudes range from the
are important to instruct the beatific to the diabolic, and its numbers
ing and to warn the cautious. include clerics of good faiths, pirates,
traders, kings, beggars, slaves lin the
MANKIND south), mages. heroes. cowards, fisher-
men, and mercenaries. Their abilities
AT A GLANCE.- The most populous and are limitless. and the question arises
strongest of the major races o! the For· that when this race finally gets all the
gotten Realms, Man is con.,.idered the quirks out of their systems and gets
dominant race in this region of Faerun. moving, will there be any room left for
fil MINSTER'S NOTES: The race of Man the other races of the Realms?
Alc)egCltb OJ: M c.dbesseo in Faerun comes in all shapes. sizes, and
colors, with individuals approaching MARSEMBER (Mar-SEM·burr)
the height of the halflings, the stocki·
AT A GLANCE: Marsember is the
ness of the dwarf. and the slenderness
second-largest city of Cormyr, and. like
of the elf. Their skin color ranges from
the capital at Suzail, is a seaport on I.he
I.he pale, almost translucent Lantans to
Dragonmere Marsember is built on a
the dusky dark-eyed natives of Unther,
series of small islands, with each ililand
with all shades in bern een. The concept
Azolo Of Tez1i,;i crossed and recrossed by a number of
of sub-races in mankind does not exist,
as all nationalities can interbreed with·
out difficulty, and their children, unlike EI.l\1ffNSTER 1S NOTES: Marsember is
the elves, wiU have traits of either or the City of Spices, and is i,o named
both parents. so that after a time any because fotir rival trading families
removed group of humans has its own based here have shipped spices to and
identity which may change in a few from lands far across the Inner Sea for
generations with the introduction of decades, drawing much of the trade in
new settlers or invaders. condiments for the region here.
Azo9011tbo Nimune of Hf9bmoon Because of the large numbers of small

Mages' Sigils
fishing boats that work out of its harbor land that is oow marsh \\as ruled by
(or anchor in the mouth of the Whe·
loon, but bring their catches here for
saJel, Marsember is the kingdom's busi·
est port.
Marsember is infamous for its intri·
cate network of sewer-like. narrow
Chelimber Lhe Proud. Chelimber wac;
both rich and decadent, and spent his
days in these western ''oods hunting
wild boar and in drunken feasts in his
great. hall When it is said that Chelim·
ber was rich, it is usually added that he
Baakou 04= Sazoil

winding canals. which run throughout was rich beyond most kings in terms of
the entire city. Spans of stone connect gold. in beautiful tapest1;es, and in gold
the upper floors of close buildings, and Yet he distained these things in favor of
light skiff are poled through the streeti;. the thrills provided by the flask and
Flat, hard ground is at a premium Jn blood of the dying boar.
Marsember, so that only the courts of "Jn those days the Winding Waler Oc.mlar:1 04= Selgor,ir.>C
the wealthy and the places of govnm- welled up from the heart of a rocky
ment have large pla2as laid out above crag to the south and east of Chelim·
the high water mark. ber's Keep. One spring towards the end
of Chelimber's reign. a magc built his
GAME INFORM 1TION: 1 he light skiffs
tower on that crag, using elemental
used in the c<Jnals of Man.ember ~hould
help and taking but a few da_vs. Chelim·
be treated as rafts, though their dim en·
ber's astonishment was matched by his
sions are 8·10' long and 2·4' 11.'Ct wide.
anger, and he took up arms to sweep
Marsember is ruled in the name of
thib intruder from his lands. The \\'i7.·
the King by lldool. a grai;ping political
ard of the Crag !for he ga\ c no other
hack who retains his job h. part b)
namel turned Chelimber'.s warriors to
bemoaning how terrible It Is. ~o that no
stone and sent baJJs of fire into the
otherc; CO\et his post. Rumors lly that Goooal or BalOCIR's Goce
Prince's keep. Al a loss, Cllelimber sum·
Odool skims his tithes to the crown, but
moned an archmage from lriaebor, one

all accounting to date ha:. been proper.
Tuskor "the Turrible" \\ho specialized in
lldool is a 7th level cavalier of neutral
solving magicaJ problems for a fee Hn
other wo1·ds, "wizard·killing").
"'Tllskor and the Wizard of the Crag
contested an Midsummer's Eve, each '\ § I
raising mighty magics and countering Gonocicb 04= Wescgace
AT A GLANCE:Thr marsh of Chelimber with spells and elemental forces. and
is 1000 square mile!> of lo\\ ground at I heir battle wrecked great dt1st1·uction
the headwaters of I.he Winding Water. The crag was destroyed, and both
[[ ls a mlsty, overgrown bog broken by Tuskor and the Wizard vanished in 1he
small hillocks. There are a large num· fight (and have never been seen in 1he
her of ruins in the marsh. Realms since). The water elementals
the Wiza1•d kept in his Lower ran amok. Kbelben " Bloc~OJ+"
EV.flNSTER'S NOTES. This vast i;wamp
laying waste to a large section of the ARc:mscm oi: WateR6eep
is known to be inhabited by liz:1rd-men Prince's land. flooding his keep, and
and other creatures hostile to men. The slaying Chelirnher himself.
lizard-men are said to be led b) a giant· Such is said lo be the creation of the
sized specimen named Kront and their Mar!lh \\'hich bears the name of Prince
forces patrol the marches, armed v.ith Chelimber. The site of his keep, called in
what usable weapons they salvagl! from local tale the Keep of thr. Drowned
their \'ictims. How the marsh came to Prince, can oo longer be discerned, for
be is recorded as follows:
many trees and O\'ergrown hillocks
"In the early days of \Vaterdecp, now rise from the marsh's water, and
before the forests to the west of this Chf':lirnber's time was Jong ago It L<o :.aid
domain had been stripped, their wood that Chelimber stilJ Ii\ es by some
sent down the Winding \\'a1er to fosh· arcane fashion. and guards the riche:.
ion the great ships of Orlumbar, the in his sunken keep from Lhose who seek

to "despoil Lhem:• Mercenary companies are long- "1bnl1ammer" Khosann. is a 9th level
establi.!ihed and famous institutions in fighter.
MASKYR'S (MAH-skeer's) the uneasy Forgotten Realms. Perhaps
Blooda,vo Mercenary Company Based
EYE the most famous companies, now dis·
in Sundabar, the Bloodaxes were found·
banded, were the "Moonlight Men' and
AT A GLANCE: Maskyr's gye is a village ed some forty winters ago, originally as
the later "Midnight Men;· which still
of 20 main buildings located at the foot a Dwarvisb organization. An outcast
exists as a shadowy brotherhood rather
of the Giantspike mountains, beneath group of dwarves known as the "trans·
than a fighting force. Both groups last-
lhe shadow of the Glacier or Lhe While gressors:· for their crimes or acts not in
ed for but a generation, though their
\Vorm. the teaching of Moradin Soulforger,
exploits and battles are known from
were cast out of Adbarrim (that area of
EL.MINSTER'S NOTES: This small oom· Waterdeep to Thay. Some groups have dwarven subterranean lands beneath
munity is known primarily for its farm- maintalned a hereditary tradition, and
citadel Adbar, in the Northl and began
ing and horse-breeding, and, at in very rare cases (such as House
hiring out as fighting·men to whoever
present, has no extremely high-level Obarskyr in Cormyr) formed the basis in the Norlh would pay them In the ful·
denizens in residence. The vale the of nations and dvnasties. fillment of such commissions the
community cakes i.ts name from the Humans are not the only group which Bloodaxcs fought several bandit-bands,
Arehmage Maskyr. maintains mercenary forces There are an armv of ores under Eldoul, father of
four ogre mercenary bands; the Shard,
the present King Graul. Lord of the
MELVAUNT (MELL-vont) the Slue Sigil, the Shieldbreakers, and
Northern Ores, and overland raiders
the 'Ibeth. There is also a company of
AT A GLANCE: Melvaunt Is a large and from Luskan. In these contests lmost of
trolls mercenaries, The Claw, said to be
multiple-walled community north of which they were not expected to win),
under lhe control of either powerful
the Moonsea, on the southern borders many of the original dwarven warriors
spelJ.casters or illithids (mind-flayers).
of the lands of Thar. were slain, and replacements were
A few of the current human companies recruited in BaJdur's Gate, Westgate,
ELMINSTER'S NOTES: Melvaunt is a are discussed below, with game notes and Lhe Vllhon Reach by the dwarven
cold, austere place, and its populace on each company. General game infor-
adventurer Deldagg Huldgrym.
tends to be both ruthless and unfriend· mation on hiring mercenaries follows
Deldagg led the Bloodaxe Company
ly. It has lost much of its influence over this entry. until his death (of blacklung fever) in
the years, culminating in its losing a Blacktalons Mercenary Compan.v 1306 OR.
naval war with Zhentil Keep. 11 Is cur· Based in Jriaebor. the Blacktalons do The current leader of the Company,
rently in the grip of a civil war, with most of their business oo the trade· and Deldagg's direct successor, is the
rival families batlling for control of Lhe routes east and west of that city, either human Vel.kor "of the Valiant Arm"
town. as a large and well-armed guard for a Minalrr. The Bloodaxe::. are mounted
valuable caravan, or as hired raiders of spearmen, stingers, and axe-men, but
MERCENARY COMPANIES caravans guarded by someone else. they usually dismount to do batlle.
AT A GLANCE. There are a large num- There are those who whisper that the Their veterans presentJy number 60 (of
ber of private groups unaligned to king Blacklalons sometimes attack caravans which half a dozen or less are dwarves);
or crown, who fight solely for gold and "for free;• just to make those who didn't they can muster an additional 15 or 20
possible loot. These groups, the Merce· hire them as guards wish they had. The if necessary.
naiy Companies, are a common gather· Blacktalons are led by Tuurgosz GAME INFORMATION: 'The Bloodaxes
ing point for exceptional ind.I\ iduals "'Ibnhammer" Khosaun. and are head- number 80 mdiv1dual.s of level 2, of
who may change the course of the his· quartered in a small citadel built against which Jess than a dozen are now
Lory of the Realms. the inside southeast wall of the city. The dwarves. Their leader Velkor ii. an 11th
Blacktalon:. are generally on good
ELAllNSTER'S NOTES: Many merce· level fighter.
terms with the city; their occasional
nary companies, large and small, exist hijinks are ignored due to their timely The Flaming Fist One of the largest of
in the Realms, and are constantly aid as city clefenders in Limes of trouble. the mercenary companies currently
appearing and disappearing with the active, the flaming Fist is usually based
passage of the seasons so that no com- GAME INFORMATION: There are 110·
in Baldur's Gate, where lts commander
plete roster is possible. Listed below are 120 men·at·arms in the Blacktalons Eltan is a Duke (see 8 \LDUR'S GATEI
some of the more prominent outfits group, fairlv typical for a small merce- The Fist has a good record of aclueve-
active in the North the Inner Sea lands, nary operation. What sets the Blackta- merrts, particularly when operating
and lhe long trade route between them. lons apart is that 80 of these number against other mercenary companies,
are fighters of levels 24 Their leader,

such as the non-human bands. Dark Arch Inn. of the Order is known only to the
The Fist numbers some 2000(!) Heads, although most Order members
strong, and requites the resources of a level 10 fighter with 18 charisma and, if
in any given area know each other, but
city (the city of Baldur's Gate) to keep it its total is thought to be around 400 at
the Dl\f chooses to use psionic abilities,
in supply when it is not actively on duty. full muster. Many adventurers belong
the psionic discipline of telepathy. She
It is the best organized of the compan· to the Order, however. and may be
has weapons specialization in both long
ies, including scouts, support, transpor· unavailable for particular tasks due to
sword and whipsting. The latter is a
tation, and other areas Lha t most their own ongoing activities (or recov·
very slender sword from the southern
companies leave to their employer. The ery from such). The Order's badge is a
lands beyond Unther. which inflicts 1-6
Fist is expensive even by mercenary blue boar's head with open mouth and
points of damage {regardless of size),
standards, due to its numbers and due tusks, facing the dexter (righll, usually
and may be used as a whip as well
to the fact that NONE of its front·line depicted on a red, russet, or silvery
The exact make·up of Lady
troops are of Jess than 5th level. This metal field.
Bloodsword's band is unknown, and
makes The Fist a incredible weapon on GAME INFORMATION: The levels and
reports change over time with old crea-
the battlefield, but only to be afforded tures leaving (or being eaten) and new abilities of the Order vary with its mem-
by nations or the very, very wealthy
creatures joining bers, which range from 3rd to 10th
(and very, very angry). level, but tend to average about 6th.
The Order of the Blue Boar Based in
GAME INFORMATION: The Flaming The Council determines numbers lead·
Castel Spulzeer (in Arnn), this Order is a
Fist, the most powerful mercenary ets, and levels to be assigned to a partic-
group restricted in membership to
organization in the Known Realms, is ular mission, and those seeking their
experienced, veteran fighters of some
fuUy detailed in the DM's Sourcebook to aid must apply in person (or by servant)
wealth, each of whom must be
the Realms Players intending to take to the.i:r Amnish headqual'ters. These
approved by the "Boar's Heads;' or gov-
over the world should be made aware "Boar's Heads" are all fighters, and all
erning council of seven warriors. The
of the existence of such organizations. lawful-neutral. They are:
council maintains a membership roll of
Thantan Rhyrdyl, 12th level
Mindulgulph Metcenary Company ''Swords" (approved members), each of
Sinnom Thul, 9th level
Based In Priapurl, the Mindulgulphs are whom they tan expeJ at will for unpro·
Ghont 'Thwas, 10th level
perhaps the most unique hireswords in fessional conduct. Members can elect to
Gaurundur Thasz, 10th level
the Realms; they are a band of seasoned participate or not to participate in any
Bromdurr 'Ththen, nth level
warriors of all races, including some Order activities (if there are too many
Dustar Klathor, 11th level
not normally thought of as intelligent, applicants for a smaJl-fee job, member-
Ristamar Rhaal, 10th level.
such as cave iishers and mimics. The ship seniority is used to decide who'll
leader of this band of misfits is the take part) Each participating member GAME INFORMATION: Mercenary
extremely charismatic Gayrlana, "Lady takes a share of the fee, and can take Bands in general are expensive, all the
Bloodsword:' who in addition to her part alone or involve any assistants/ moreso if they are any good. A typical
beauty is a tactical genius, exploiting agents (other beings who are not mem· man·at·arms in the promment outfits
the varied natural talents of her troops bers, incJuding mages, fighting-men, described here earns 1 sp/day (plus 5 cp
to the full. Gayrlana is famous for slay· and even trained beasts) they wish, if the employer cannot supply food and
ing Thongh Mirr, a Red Wizard of Thay, although they are responsible for the drink); a 5th level or higher fighter
in the streets of Tuziirr in single com· deeds, payment, and care of the hire- earns 1 gplday plus, usually, bonuses
bat She explained this feat with the lings. Some members crippled by age, for specific achievements, and a share
words, "the blade is faster than the Art," disease, or battle-wounds, can no long- of any treasure or loot gained. Smaller
and those words have become a popu· er ride to battle, and are always repre· operations, and those less known, may
lar saying in the Realms today sented by their hirelings, who, if their be negotiated downwards, bu1 given
The Mindulgulphs can field 70 service meets the council's standards, large forces, most city·states can afford
mounted, armored men·at·arms, but may welJ themselves later become only a smaJl part of a large force.
their total strength, "weird" monsters members The collective experience of In addition lo the "standard" price
included, is thought to be around 180. the Order's members has earned it the above, several other points are usually
Gayrlana's stronghold is a pinnacle-top reputation of being wary, cunning, and negotiable.
castle called Mindulgulph, in the hills alert in its endeavors-for·hire, even • Split of plunder, if any is to be
above Priapurl; it is reputed to be though its method of sharing fees gen· gained. Mercenaries involved in
guarded constantly by many of the erally means that comparatively few siegework, a long and painrul task.
Company "monsters:' The Company weapon-bearers take the field when the will always bargain for a chunk of
offices in Priapurl itself are next to the Or~er Is hired. The active membership the besieged city or castle.

• Risk. Dangerous situations (o\'er titles, additional ~old. or magical those of the Zhentarim, using the sigils
and above walking onto a battle- items. whjch may aid them in their of Zhentil Keep
field in the middle of war) may battles. ll is common throughouL Large companies (such as U1e ones
require additional incenth·es. Such the Realms, but most used in the below) created by the pel'manent amaJ.
situations inc:Jude: fighting foes led reaches north of \Vaterdeep, gamation of smaller caravan compan-
by powerful beings from 0U1er where the proper gift to a merce- ies, usually in several geographical
planes, fighting nations with set nar) captain may lower the overall areas. so that the new company con·
magical schools (such as the \1tar price by 10%, while an improper trots a route or strategic area. are
wizards of Cormyr), and attacking one ma~ drive the captain into the known as "'Priakos." Alhances of small.
factions noted for long memories hands of another. independent companies into a caravan
and vengeance. • 'Ireachery-Mercenary Captains traveling group for safety are kno\ as
• 'lhmsportation. A mercenary com- who turn on their employers often "Casters "
pany is responsible fol' its own find themselves ou1 of work and These major non-national traders
transportation. If a hirer wishes to reduced to banditry, so the general are:
make sure the mercenary oompa· rule 1s to conduct oneself in a hon- The Six Coffers \lfarket Priakos
ny arrives at the set date at the set orable fashion Similarlv an Named for the six wealthy merchants
time, a "travel allowance" may be employer who betrays a ~erce­ who sponsored it, this Priakos is run
set aside. While such moneys are nary group thl'ough action or fail- by Thelve Baruinheld of Berdusk, and
refundable, usually that allotment ure to live up to contract will not has "bases" in that city, in Wacerdeep,
is always used in movmg the orga· only tmd it hard to hire more mer- in Silverymoon. in Priapurl. and in
nization into place. cenaries, bul will ftnd agents of Selgaunt. It 1s large, etlicient, and
• Duration. Costs per day is taken that mercenary group hunting for prosperous, but only four of the six
from when the terms are settled or him lo make a lesson to other such original partners still live fthe survi·
lhe company leaves its quarters treasonous lords. vors are Ultramm of Selgaunt, Syntel
until either the battle, season, or of lriaebor, Maftan of Waterdeep, and
term of employment is over. Dura- MERCHAN T COMPANIES Szwentil of Marsember).
tion should be inlltally set, and
AT A Gl...ANCE; The life-blood of the 'ThJeshield 1rading Priakos Based in
mercenaries have quit the field
kingdoms of the Realms is in trade and Tulpir, this professional organization
after routing an enemy if that ene-
il is through trade that man.v of the builds its o·wn wagons and equips and
my has taken up fortified positions
nations have come to be. The key to lh11> trains its own guards, and does both
and a long (unnegotiatedl siege is
trade is the various merchant compan· of these things very well. Fe\<\ bandits
ies, which carry, protect. and store tangle with its caravans· even ores
• Codes of Honor. These \'ary from
goods. leave lhem alone on most U'ips Its
group to group. and include such
rates are expensive, but it almost
matters as sparing the innocents ELflUVSTER'S NOTES: The merchant
always delivers. so monev has been
and unarmed, lhe taking of pris· companies of the Realms are both
pouring into its coffers for the eight
oners and whether the company or numerous and evercho nging in roste1~
seasons it has been in business. The
the hirer has control of those pris· Below arc tho six prominent concerns Master Merchant of the lrueshields,
oners, and the sparing of other presentl) seen on the roads in the Inner Dzentraven fhiomtul, is credited
defeated/surrendered mercenary Sea lands (and on the O\'erland rrade
with the idea of sealed 'destination
companies. \.tercenar·y r:ompanies i·oute to the Sword Coasu Other cara-
wagons" into which the goods of
will l>y and large prefer to surren· van companies of note are described in
many small shippers intended for a
der to others of their breed than the entrv on Scornubel. as that cit) is a
common destination are packed
nations, for the former will only stopover-place for a large number of
together, ralher than the traditional
demand money or service, while trading concerns.
packed-by·weight and -bulk assorted
the latter has a nasty tendency to Most trade travels in caravans for
"peddlar" wagonpacking method.
imprison and slay those on the los- safety, throughout lhe Realms, and lhe
ing side. great ma1orit.Y of caravans are run by Dragoneyc Dealing Coster Based m
• " Gifling"-a practice more com- independent caravan masters. who Cimbar, with way-bases in Ir1aebor
mon in the North than in the tnner often display no badge or colors at all. A and Elturel. this is the oldest of the
SP.a area, it is regarded as an scam few caravans are sponsored or directly casters. It was begun by two mer-
by the hit·er. The employmg nation manned by a city or country, and usu- chant brothers who were Ured or
or city may sweeten the pot by ally bear the sigils of lhat place. The car- shipping things overland lo avoid the
offering the mercenary captains avans ot Amn are so marked , as are Inner Sea pirates onl~ to lose rhem to

MeR.cbaot Sigos
bandits on the long land-routes west his gold pieces where his tongue wags Tue Seoeo Sons TRaOlng Cosces:i
of Westgate, and reluctant to pay on his instructions to slay raiders: he
incredibly stiff fees to the merchant once spent two hot summer months
houses of Westgate to have their car· hunting down and butchering every
goes accompany the well-guarded single member of an ore band, the
caravans of the latter. The brothers, Poison Fang tribe, that was repeated·
BanneR TRailglypb
Jltravan and Chethar, still run the ly harrying his caravans east of
Coster, but they have taken in two Iriaebor, and impaling the bodies of
lesser partners: the Mhalogb of Mor· the ores on stakes along the trade·
dulkin (a minor noble), and Bezenttar route. with the Thousandheads TboasanOheaOs TRaOiug CosteQ
of Suzail. trailglyph branded on each one. Some
of the stakes can stilJ be seen to this
The ~even Suns 'D"ading Coster The
day, although their grisly messages
name of thili group refers to the
are long gone, save for a skull and a
widely-separated partners who
bone or two.
formed this group, converting their
own small merchant companies into In addition to these "Major Lines:'
regional bases, providing horses1 there are a number of other trading
draft oxen, wagons, and hiring local organizations The Merchants' League,
guards. The seven partners are Jhas· based in Baldur's Gate, is an organiza- DRagonege Dealing Cos~
so of Baldur's Gate (formerly of Jhas· tion that promotes merchant safety
so's Wagons, a famous fast-hauJ through good roads, road patrols and
freight outfit that operated up and defensible waycowers, and strong,
down the Sword Coast when wars, well-run and well-guarded caravans.
pirates. or weather hampered off· The League is a rival to both the
shore shipping); Shield of Everlund; Merchant-Kings of Amn and the newly· Banneu Taatlf}lypb
Pomphur of Almraiven; Chond of formed Iron Throne. and runs many
Calaunt; Alvund of Ormpetarr; caravans under guard for small inde·
Dzunn of Sheirtalar; and Nammna of pendent caravan masters. for very rea·
Milvarune. This Coster usually pro· sonable fees. Prominent members of
vides the leanest guards and the the League are Irle11Lree, Zorl l\.1iyar,
worst wagons, and is inclined to be and Aldeth Sashenstar. All are success·
slow and often bandit-struck as a ful merchants themselves, who reside
result: but it also undercuts its com· in Baldur's Gate. The League is an orga·
petitors on most routes. nization in decline, however; the rise of
the various is replacing its func·
Thousandheads Trading Costfw Run
by the former adventurer Bharavan
lions and sapping its traditional sup-
BhaerkanlOs from his stronghold east
of Riatavin, this Coster operates onlv Tbe Six Co.,:;erus Man.ket PRiakos
on a single route: from Waterdeep to MINTA RN
H1llsfar. via Scornubel, Berdus~, AT A GLAIVCE: Mintam is medium·
lriaebor, Priapurl, Arabel, and Essem- sized island 400 miles south·wesl of
bi•a. Its name refors to the "thou- Waterdeep, and is known as a safe
sands" of small one·to twelve-wagon haven for those in flight from the BanoeR
outfits that benefit from thil> Coster: authorilies.
Bharavan recruits "retired" adventur·
EUvlINSTER'S NOTES: This beautiful
ers to guard his caravans, and offers
tree-cloaked i.->land is a free port on the
cul rates to small merchants. His Tbe Ir.ton Tbi:zo,,e
Sword Coast where no questions are
guards are tough1 hard-nosed, anc.I
asked and no folk are turned away. The
tireless; they have instructions Lo go
island ls a refuge for fugitives from jus·
after and kill any caravan raidet) so
lice, pirates, war refugees, merce·
few casuaJ raiders tangle with
naries, and others who want to transact
Thousandheads caravans twice.
business (shady or otherwise), buy
Bharavan is remembered for putting Bonoeu.

arms, or enjoy themselves. away from Misteldale" number twenty, and are bog. The coai.tlines are primarily rocky,
the watchful eyes of foreign rulers and known for their lacquered blacl.. plate and brutal winter storms sweep the
more proper authorities. The wme· armor and black helms emblazoned islands during the winle1 months.
taverns ancl fest-haJls are legendary up with the white horses that are the
and down the Sword Coast for both Dale's insignia The membership of the imaders of the Moonshae Islands are
thei1· services and their danger. Riders varies over the years, but Its
decendents of the same stock as Ute
l\tinlarn has a large harbor and main members are always fighters, rangers,
men of Luskan and Ruathym. further
city [the capital Mlntarn, on its south· cavaliers !and on occasion a paladiol of
north. Their depredations ot the land
ern coast, and a smaller harbor and levels 3 to 6 They may be armed with are gradually taking more and more
town on the east coast. magical weapo1lry.
lands away from the more peaceful
Heresk \llalom is High Councillor of
GAME INFORMATIO.'V: Min lam ls ruled Ffolk Often, the raids will simply con·
Mistledale, and fights as a O·le\'el fight·
by a self-styled ' Tyrant'' named sisl of attacks to capture livestock or
er. His bJaok rod of office is rumored to
Tu.rnheel Embuirhan. Tyrant Tarnheel sla\'Os, though occasionally, the raiders
be a rod of rulership, and is used in cl.Ire
is a LN fighter of 15th level. and is aided wiU land on a fertile coast and claim it as
situations to protect the vale.
by two comrades of like alignment, their own
Bharandas Zhan (12th level magic· The kingdoms of thfl ~orthmen lire
user). and Szentarr Ravin ClOth level MOONS EA run by warlords-strong and brutal
illusionist). His "Tyrancy;• despite his AT A GLANCE· The l\1oonsea is a large men who have won their posts through
title, is known lo be open-minded, fresh-water t.ea, connected to the a combination of might and cunning.
open-eyed, and open-handed, and lets Dragon Reach amt the Inner Sea by the The kingdoms will generate food
Mintarn tend to itself in most of its day- R1Ver Lis. ll is dominated by the citje& of through agriculture and farming only
to-day dealings. Turnheels does keep Mulmaster, MelvaunL, Hillsfar, and to a subsistence level for that particular
order (brutally if the occasion calls for Zhentil Keep. kingdom. The Northmen feel that it is
ill, keeps inclivicluals from using force far more honorable to pillage and plun·
ELMINSTER'S NOTES: A number of ch·-
to gain their ends on his island, and acts der tor a living than to till the soil or fish
illzations have risen and fallen over the
to prevent pirates, other realms, or oth- the sea.
years in the Moonsea region, and the
er scalawags from gaining control of :\o single king of the :\orthinen rules
cilies of Mulmaster; lhentil Keep and
Min tarn. the othel'b, though the large11 an al'my
others are built on their ruins. The Sea
or fleet tha l a king can muster, the more
itself is relatively shallow. ln the center innuence he holds in the i\:oMhmen
MISTLEDALE of the Moonsea is a set of underwater councils. Thelgaar lronhand. Grun-
AT A GLA 'JCE. Mistledale is a V>'ide ruins called Sw1ken Keep, or the Bell in
narch the Red, ancl Raag Hammerstaad
clearing of farmland on the road from the Depths The origin of these ruins is are among the more current
Tilver's Gap to The Standing Stone. Its unknown. kings of the ~orthmen.
largest community is Ashabenford,
The lands of the Ffolk are also broken
where that river crosses the Dale, and MOONSHAE (MOON-shay) into many small kingdoms. Unlike the
&ave for that communHy, the region is ISLANDS Northmen, however, all of the kings of
dotted with small farms and stockades. the Ffolk owe fealty to the High King.
AT 1 GLtlNCE: The Moonshae Islands
E.I.,,WlNSTER'S NOTES: This quiet agri- are a large collection of islands well to who resides in his massive fortress at
cultural community was named for the the west of the Sword Coast. and ruled Caer Callidyrr, on the island of Allaron.
miE.t which risei; at morn and eve from by a collection of mora than a dozen The Ffolk concf'ntrate much more
lhe river to nu it. ll has no lord, bul small kingdoms. Those kingdoms in the heavily than the Northmen on peaceful
rather a Council of six, the High Coun- southern parts of the island are held by pursuits, such as farming, fishing. hunt·
cilor bearing a black rod. and com· the Ffolk: farmers and fishermen who ing, and trading. The land!> they hold
manding the "Riders;· mounted militia were the original human inhabitants of tend to be more hospitable than the
who keep the peace in the dale and the islands The kingdoms of tJ1e north· domains of the Northmen, and conse-
along the trade road from the Standing ern regions of the Moonshae.~ are held quently provide a wealth of agricultural
Stone in the east to the edge of Tilver's by the descenden~ of Northmen raid· produce, but also serve as an ever-
Gap in the west. The current tUgh ers. presenl in\'ilalion to thP raideni' greed.
CounciJJor is Haresk Malorn, a quiet, The Moonshaes are blanketed with The sturdy trading vessels of the
middle-aged merchant of reputed great many forests of oak, hickorJ" birch, Ffolk travel throughout the Moonshaes
\.\isdom yew, and pmes. Much of the land is and along the Sword Coa:;t, and are
mountainous and rocky, or low, flat famous for their capacity to weather

the roughest seas. The) are slow, support their conception of the world nauts which dot the landsC'ape and on
unmanueverable boats. howeve1~ and as a victim waiting for the raiders' plun· occasion, for unknown pw·poses, ani·
thus fall easily when attacked by the dering boots. mate and wreak havoc Mulhorand is
longi.hips of the Northmen. Over Lhe past hundred winters, cler- the oldest of the known nations of
rhe largest of the Moonshae Islands, ics teaching the faiths of some of the Faerun.
Gwynneth, contains a small region still other religions of the Realms have
inhabited bv the blands originaJ resi- arrived in the kingdoms of Lhe Moon- MULMASTER tMUHL-mah-ster)
dents. This region is a broad valley, shaes, and have attempted to spread
AT A GLANCE: MuJmaster is a large city
with a huge and cold lake in the center their own faiths These clerics have
built up the sides of mountains to the
called Myrloch. The entire region is generally met with death among the
south. The Moonsea protects the north,
referred to as Myrloch Vale, and Northmen, and an amused disbelief
and a large keep the southern road,
rumors among both the Northmen and among the Ffolk. In the later case, the
making il a naturally-protected fort and
the Ffolk speak of the enchanted nature clerics of the new gods have made a fe\\
one of the strongest such areas on the
of the place Here dwell small bands of convens, but the Ffolk by and large
Moonsea, rivaling Zhentil Keep
reclusive dwarves and firbolg giants. remain true to their ancient beliefs.
M,yrloch Vale is a place of enchant· The central conflict in the Moonshae El.MINSTER'S NOTES· The highest spur
ment and beauty. Certain creatures, Islands is the struggle between the raid- of land in mountainous Mulmaster is
especially favored by the Earth.mother, ers and Lhe Ffolk. Although Lhese two the site of the Tuwers of the Blade. Here
live there. These include a unicorn, peoples interact through commerce, the ruling families of the city abide, led
faerie dragons. and a pack of wolfdogs, trouble is never far away when both by the High Blade of Mulmaster,
said to slumber for decades, only awak· groups are in the same place. Within SeJfaril. Selfaril is a wilev, cagey individ
enmg when the goddess calhi them for the Ffolk's society, conllicLs aboul the uaJ see.king to upset the control that
some important task. new faiths versus the old religion are ZhentiJ Keep is eAerting ove1 the easl·
Also rumored to live somewhere common. Al&o, tactics for dealing with ern Moonsea, and seeks b} alliance and
within Myrloch \!ale is a smaJl group of the Northmen are frequently debated, milltarv force, 10 become the dominant
demi-humans known as the Llewyrr· an and alliances among the various king- tJie region Despite a crushing
elvish people whose population has doms of Ffolk can be made and broken. defeat at sea against Zhentil Keep it
shrunk dramatically with the coming of remains a free city on the Moon:.ea
GAME fl\'FORMATION: More informa·
the humans to the Moonshaes. The Lle- tion on the Moonshae Islands ii. availa· GAi\IE INFORMATION: The High Blade
wyrr have the physical appearance of ble in the no\ el on of \4ulmaster is an 18th le\el NE fighter.
slender gold elves, but their ways are Moonshae, by Douglas 1iles, and the
attitudes are more in line" ith the wild
Forgotten Realms Sourcebook FR·Z, MYTH DRANNOR (Myth
elves. MOONSHAE.
All of the dominant native races of the DRAl\TN-or)
Moonshaes, including Lhe Ffolk and AT A GLI\ VCE. The ruins of i\ty1h Oran·
excluding the Northmen worslup a nor are among the most celebrated of
goddess thal is visualized as the mother AT A GLANCE: MuJhessen is a small the Realms. Once a great city it is now a
of all life and indeed of the earth itself town in Sembia, north or Saelroon on sprawling ruin O\ergrown with trees
She 1s often referred to as Lhe the main road between Selgaunt and and greenery, located in the he:u-t of
Earthmother:• The words of the god· Daerlun. See SEA-IBIA. the Elven Woods.
de:.:. are spread through her druids,
humans who dwell among her wildest MULHO RAND (Muhl-HOH-rand) were few in these lands; the va:.t forests
and most sacred places, dealing more
AT A GLANCE: Mulhorand is one of the of what is now the Oalelands were
directlv with the earth itself than the
great and ancient nations of the South, home to elves These elve:. kept large
humani; who live upon it. These druids
of which little truth and much rumor 1s communities at Lake Sember, the
tend to consider U1emselves a breed
known. It is situated at the far end of Tungletrees. and the El\'en Court. When
apart from those on the mainland of
the Sea of F'aJlen Stars, in the region men came firi.l to what is now Sembia,
Paeruo, and are polite, thoush distant
known as the Sahuagm Sea. seeking the mineral riches of the north
and reserved in dealing with such dru-
shores of the Moonsea. the elves met
idic circles. EL.MINSTER'S NOTES: Mulhorand is
and traded freely in the splendid cit) or
The ~orthmen worship a stormy said to ruled by a dynasty of beautiful
Myth Drannor, and lived together in
o.spect of Tumpus, god of wa1; through and undying kings and queens1 who
harmonv. amidst created beautv. Mvth
their own shamans. These shamans wield godlike powers. It is also home of
Dranno; was ancient then, and, sages
encourage Tempus' teachings \\ hich the Statues That Walk, great jugger·

say, outshone the most splendid of the For hundreds of winters men have aged and unrusturbed, and wai. appar-
cities of loday, even ,·ast and imperial remembered Myth Drannor as a leg- ently brought into being by renegade
Waterdeep. endary treasure house of losl gems and priests of Bane. If this is so, it represents
Now a lost, fabled ruin, Myth Dran- magic, gruarded by the elves, who let a growing threat lO the entire Inner Sea
nor was the city of bards, storytellers none near and hold the place sacred. area.
artificers and inventors, arcane know- And then, early this year, the last of the
G1\ME INFORMATION: M)'1h Drannor
ledge, magic users, researchers, and eJves of the Elven Court passed over the
represents a great and dangerous
historians. Us jewellers were matchless. sea to Evermeel, leaving the woods
opportunity for the adventuring party
and it& musical instruments Cof elven open to men for the first time. Since in the Moonsea area: a large ruin that is
make) unsurpassed. ll earned the name then, several bands of adventures are
only now being plundered. Such t,ra\··
of "City of Love" among Lhe elves, and known to have entered the city. Not aJl
elers are warned that in addition to
" fhe Tuwers of Beauty" among bards It haYe come out.
creatures such as lesser devils found in
was destroyed when the Army or Dark· Many of the powers surrounding
the ruins, the area will also hold forces
ness captained hy the dreaded nyca- Cormanthor (H.illsfar, Zhentil Keep,
and expeditions from va1'ious nations
daemons was raised in the northern Sembia, and the Dales), as well as
and adventuring groups. who have set
mountajns and .swepl do\.VD upon it, adventuring companies, have sent
up their own areas within the ruins,
over a mUlenruum ago. exploring/plundering paMies into the and may take unkindly to such inlru·
f'flar, captain of Myth Drannor, slew a ruins, which the elves held sacred and
sions. For a brief time. the Knights of
nycadaemon with his bare hands, or so kept undisturbed since its fall. Few
Myth Oran nor held Lhe others in check,
the legends say. Others tell of a magical have found anything of value, and news
buL that group has disappeared and
blade, Oemonbano, wielded by him that hai. begun to spread of devils in the there is no knowledge of their fate.
day Yet despite such heroics, in the end ruins. The Knights of Myth Drannor
the citv was lost, cast down, sacked and (see SHADOWDALE) have reported
burned . Much of the noble genius .and finding a newly-constructed altar to
influence found graveless deaths that some dark power in the center of the AT A GLANCE: Neverwinter is a bus·
dav, and men were driven almost to ruins. tling city located farther north along
extinction on the Sembtan coast The altar is reported as being undam- the coast from Waterdeep, along the

High Road. against the walls at night. These lamps raiding nearby shipping and the tradi·
ELMINSTER 'S NOTES: Neverwinter is a
sell everywhere, and are usually priced tional foes of the realm: the almost-
at 5 gold pieces each. mythical kingdoms of Samarach and
friendly city of craftsmen, who trade
extensively via the great merchants of Thindol. NimbraJ is home to an enclave
Waterdeep; thefr water-clocks and O RD ULIN CORE-dyoo-lin) of extremely powerful, though studi·
multi-hued lamps can be found ous and introverted, arcbmages,
AT A GLANCE: Ordulin is the capital of
throughout the Realms. Neverwimer known as the Nimbral Lords.
Sembia, though not its largest city. See There are said to be twenty-seven or
gained its name from the skill of its gar· SEMBIA.
deners, who contrived to keep flowers so of these Lords wtth perhaps a dozen
blooming throughout the months of more apprentices of some accomplish·
NIMBRAL (Nim·BRALL) ment, and they form a tightly-knit loyal
snow-a practice they continue with
AT A GLANCE: Nimbral the Sea-Haven family. The Lords of Nimbral keep to
is a fabled land that may in truth not themselves and the maintenance of the
GAMEJNFORMATION;" By the clocks of exist, for it is south of the southernmost realm. This introverted application to
Neverwinter'' is a watchword for accu- of the known Realms, as far soulb from theil' studies has, it is said, resulted in
racy and delicate precision. The water· Lantan as Lantan is from Moonshae. It strong but unique magical develop-
clocks produced here are accurate is a fabulous, rumored nation, suppos- ments, in particular discoveries involv-
within five minutes over a year, provid- edly home of great mages of power. ing illusion and "displacer"·type spells
ed that sufficient water is available. and magics that duplicate the psionic
These clocks sell for 150 gold pieces ELMINSTER'S NOTES; Far to the south
each, can be carried by a single man of the Sword Coast lands, this lone The above may be all fairy-story, for
using both hands, and are quite in fash· island is said to rise out of the vaBt sea. many such tales come out of the south
ion in the town houses of the more "civ- Nimbral is spoken of as The Realm of involving great and powerful magics
llized" regions. the Flying Hunt, and from this tiny that exceed the powers of the North.
The multi-hued lamps are the result realm of forests and high meadows,
Yet just as often a flying ship appears on
of carefully mixed and blown glass, warriors dressed in armor of glass are the horizon, carrying wonders from
designed to produce pleasing colors said to mount pegasi and take to the air, such a land as this or Halruaa, and so it

is inclutled herein Sword Coast has stepped in to aid "the Dragonisle:• Since men first sailed
Orlumbor in conflicts with Mintarn the Inner Sea there have been settle-
THE NORTH (before the advent of the Tyrant there), ments in this labyrinth of islands and
then Baldur's Gate, and most recently rocl~s and men living here have always
AT A GLAJVCE: The region to the east
Arnn. The Lords of Waterdeep see it in fished and raided. Raiding, at its height,
and north of Sea of Fallen Stars, reach- reached nearby islands such as Presper
their best Interests in keeping the most
ing the Sea of Sword!> and including Lhe and the proud cities of the Sembian
important shipbuilding center of the
Moonshae Islands but not the elven coast, as well as Procampur and Tsurla·
Sword Coast independent of any of its
island of Evermeet. is called The North. strong rivals. gol.
It U; the best-known area of the civilized The Pirate Isles are strategically
Orlumbor is the home to the magess
and uncivilized world Delshara "Windhair;• also called "the placed to command all shipping moving
ETMIJl.'STER'S NOTES: A s for the Sword Witch of the Waves;• whose magics are to and from the Dragon Reach and
Coast, the definition of this region reported to have hurled back ships Westgate from all other areas on the
depends on the location and attitudes of attacking the isle from the Pirate Inner Sea. The isles are largely unchart·
the speaker. In these tomes, the North is Islands and from Luskan. ed (except by pirates) and corsair ves-
defined as those realms to the North of sels lurk among them.
Lhe River Chionthar and the trade way The Pirates have not been strong
wrights of Orlumbor are the fme1;1t pur-
out of lriaebor. and west of the Dragon enough to openly defy and stand
veyors of ocea'n-going ships to be found
Reach, the Rivier Lis, the Moonsea, and against, or even attack, the ports of
along the sword coast. Their construc-
the Galena Mountains. Inhabitants of Sembia for nearly two hundred win-
tion techniques give these ships the
Waterdeep would be insulted by this ters. The Dragonisle itself is fortified,
maximum hull range value available for
definition, and would consider the and has two secure harbors, defended
these ships, at the standard costs. They
North lin particular "The Wild North'') by castles that boast rare and won-
can construct ships in Lhe following
to be those lands north of Waterdeep. drous bombards brought long ago from
Thay and the utter South. and Lhree
Merchant, Small 2months
ORLUMBOR (Or-LUM-bore) secure anchorages in addltion to these
Merchant, Large 6 months
harbors. Nowhere else can raiders
AT A GLANCE.· Orlumbor is a rocky Warship 4 months (not
stand and fight, nor call their own.
bare island just off the Sword Coast, including any addi-
The first great pirate leader was
300 miles south of the city of Water· tional weapons fit·
Immurk, sometime called "the Invinci·
deep It is home to a few fishermen, ted to it).
ble;• for he was never defeated, and
some goat-herds, and the most skilled The shipwrights of Orlumbor special-
died of heartburst in his sixty-seventh
shipwrights in the Realms. The finest ize in salt-water craft, and as such do
year. No navies stood against him in
ships of Lhe North find their origins at not normally deal in galleys and other
those days, and though he created the
the docks of Orlumbor. craft normally found on the Sea of
want of war·vessels, he also prevented
Fallen Stars.
EI~MINSTER'S NOTES: Of old the island their being built, by means of daring
of Orlumbor was covered with trees, raids and a wide-spread, secretive net·
PIRATE ISLES OF THE INNER work of informers ashore. lmmurk is
though U1ese have long-since been cut
down. Most of the ships which ply the SEA remembered as a shrewd old fox, not
Sword Coast have been built or at least AT A GLANCE: The Pirate Isles in the above fostering conflict in the coastal
repaired here. Sea of Fallen Stars are a large collection lands betwixt rival kingdoms to empty
Orlumbor has a good natural harbor of rocky spurs jutting out of the water royal coffers and cause more ships to
on its landward side. ll is abo'llt Lhat some 100 miles off Lhe coast of Sembia. sail, while giving their owner the less to
harbor, cut into the living rock of the The major1ty have no name, while the protect them with.
island itself. that the docks and homes larger islands are remembered as Immurk's successors were less able
of the shipwrights of the island are pirate-dens and havens to scavengers. men. The Pirates of these lands have
found. The homes are cave-like com· Not all the inhabitants of these islands never had a formal ruler or succession,
plexes connected by tunnels and stairs. make their living directly or indirectly so that the strongest would brawl his
and the construction docks are seldom from piraling1 but the majority do. way into dominance, and hold his posi·
emp1y or deserted. tion by ruthless butchery, threats, and
ELMINSTER'S NOTES: Due east of the
Orlumbor is an independent nation bribes. lmmurk's heirs were reckless,
souU1ernmost capes of Lhe isle of Pre- roaring fighters, cunning in their ways,
that has severaJ times retained its inde·
sper lie the Pirate Isles; the western·
pendeoce 50lely by having Waterdeep but not the level-headed tactician
most and largest of these is Earthspur, lmmurk had been. And so, inevitably,
as a strong a.Ily. That city·state of the

pirate atrocities grew and pirate pru· ashore, and no fleet was mustered from tunity to demonstrate any ability at
dence waned, and at last the rising all the lands to strike down the pirates intrigue, administration of a fleet or
Inner Sea kingdoms-Cormyr, Sembia, as Urdogen had been struck down So creation of an intricate plan.
Impihur, and the Vilhon Reach, in the pirates survived and increased their There are at least two hundred active
particular-united on the seas against power. Thevren could nol enjoy his vie· pirate vesselit (and probably as many
the pirates, to form grand neets of ves· tory, for he was pojsoned by his current more hulls, perhaps as manv as :.ix hun·
sels. lady-fair, Thilana. dred), hidden in the Pirate Isles and
The leader of the pirates at that time ThJlana was far more prudent than around the coasts of the Sea of Fallen
was one Urdogen "the Red:' "he of the her former amour. She revived Stars.
blood-colored tresses and beard;' a hot· Im.murk's system of informers, using GAl\tfE INFORMATION: The ships of the
headed bear of a man. Urdogen sailed her former female colleagues ashore, pirate fleet vary with the ships found in
forth to crush the fleets approaching and paying well. The pirates again fad· the Inner Sea. and include Sembian
the Dragonisle, only to be caught in the ed from common view, striking only warships, converted lmpilturian mer·
closing jaws of a trap, as ships swarmed when there was bloodier fare going on chants, and b1remes and triremes from
out of every nearby port to assail his elsewhere. and no attention lo be Chondath and Chessenta. The latter
raiders on all sides. Urdogen was never spared for a few lost vessels. Thilana
galleys function quite weU lo the rela·
found after the week-long baule, and spent as much time ashore as on the tiveh· calm waters of the Inner Sea,
no man claimed to have slain him, but seas, working intrigues. ln turn she was cre\~ed by slaves taken from previous
his vessel, the Raging 'nulrs, was never strangled by another woman, Laersha· raids.
seen again. and is believed by most to la of the Emerald Eyes, who was a bold-
Armament of these ships depends on
have run on rocks while slipping away er raider than Thilana, but -;till wise the ship and owner, but generally runs
during the night and thereby sunk. The enough to keep the pirates low in pro- asfoUows:
battle dragged on for a week because file. Small Galleys and Merchants:
many pirate ships t>lipped into the heart Laershala's reign was not as sturdy as 1·2 ballistae
of the maze of isles to escape after the her predecessor's, and since her death Large Galleys and Merchants
initial, disastrous battle, and ahd to be in battle with a Corrnyrian Freesail, no 2-6 ballistae and a catapult
slowly, doggedly tracked down and one person has truly commanded the Warships
slaughtered by the pursuing ships of pirates. Instead. various captains ally 4 ·8 balllstae, 1·2 catapults. and
the coastal lands. into factions behind an able leader; sometimes (25% chance) of a trebu·
The pirates were not eradicated, but these factions war and intrigue much chet
it was many years before the Dragon- like the great courts of the South, unit· Only galleys may engage in ramming
isle was again openly held against all ing only against naval attacks against
tactics, and onJy galleys are equiJJped
sailing by, and men spoke again of Earthspur the Dragonisle.
with rams.
pirates in the same breath as bad In the \'ear of the Prince, some of
Pirate crews are double that for nor-
storms of ill luck and misadventure. It these pirate leaders are known to be: mal ships, as pirates tend to carry less
now appears that one Methlas, a mer· Thldar of the Kit>sing Maiden, who
bulk goodb than merchant ships. Some
chant of Marsember, quietly gathered flies a yellow pennant with three black pirates make use of cQmpanles of
together a small corsair t1eet of cau· stars on it, and is an older, capable vet· archers, aquatic beasts. and spell·
tious, skulking sailors and around them eran supported by the majority of the
casters, and it is a standard procedure
built up a web of false vessel names, pirates, but supported with little spirit that any archers on a ship should make
fake cargoes, and "deck cargo 1osses;• or lasting loyalty. an apparent spell-caster their first tar·
and has used these small, steady thefts Vurgrom, a fat, brawling giant of a get As a result, half-elven, elven, and
to provision and outfit war-vessels, and man who styles himself "the Mighty" other racial spellcasters that may wear
hid these vessels in the Dragonisle's and commands a strong fellowship armor are vnlued in the pirate fleets for
concealed southern harbor. among the young. making Jess of an obvious, vulnerable
Mathias was murdered by his lieu ten· Crammar. a sofl·spoken, dispassion· target.
ant, Thevren, ere the fleet was com- ate master of intrigue in lmmurk's tra· "The Dragonisle" proper can hold a
plete. Tbevren was impatient for booty. dition, but widely thought a fop, and in hundred and sixty lo a hundred and
and promptly launched raids on Sel· any case not a fighter, hence having lil· seventy vessels wlthin its fortified har·
gaunt and Saerloon. The raids were a lle popular suppon. bors; both harbors have chains, stone
surprise, and successful, for Thevren Azla, a very young woman, whose
underwater ''breakrocks:• and ram·
was astute enough to destro)· or seize age has already set many pirate cap· ships to prevent unauthorized entry.
any war-vessels in the two harbors. In tains against her. Azla Is a "witch of a Their entrances are further protected
the meantime, strife had flared up fighter" but has not yet had any oppor·

by thick·walled forts. lt northern har· change constantly; here are a few old has a strong army and navy to protect
bor's fort is built into a cliff along the passwords gleaned from various the valuable substances it trades in
western side of U1e narrow harbor sources: "Obold;' "lmmurk Way," and from Inner Sea pirates and from other
entrance, while the southern harbor's "llolt·Hol" Failure to use the correct nation:;. Tl has defeated Mulmaster and
fort is set square at the mouth of the password when called upon will often Sembia decisively in past conflicts, and
harbor. Each of these forts ha\'e a bat- result in the death of the user. is now allied to the neighboring city of
tery of mystic Thayian bombards. The Tsurlagol.
effects of these protections are: PRIAPURL (Pry·ah-PEARL) GAME INFORMATION: The present
• The chains, when raised, prevent
AT A GLANCE: Priapurl is a small, ThultyrJ is a young man, Rendath of the
all srups from passing across them
sleepy way-town along the Trader's Royal Blood fthe royal family of Pro·
The links of these chains are as campur has no last name other than its
Road from lriaebor and Westgate. It is
thick as a man across, and made of
notable only for the large keep to the title), Rendath is an 11th level cavalier.
cast iron and plated with lead.
south of it, which is the home of the The multi-colored roofs of Procam·
• "Breakrocks" etre eti·UficiaJ n::efii set
Mindugulph Mercenary Company. See pur are dictated by royal order, and are
up in the harbor just belo"'' the
under MERCEi'JARY COMPM'lES. set apart according to district
waterline. Ships striking a break-
District of the Poor: grey roof
rock are treated as being rammed
PROS (Prahss) 'Thmple District: shining black roof
by their own type of ship. Regular
Merchant District: sea green roof
visitors of the ports are instructed AT A GLANCE: Pros is a smaJl lake-town Adventurer's District: red roof
how to sail by the harbormaster to on the La}<e of Dragons. Once a com- Sea District: blue roof
avoid running aground mon port in the region, its importance Services District: yellow roof
• Ramships are light galleys crewed has declined with the silting up of its Nobles District: silver roof
by ten men (usual~v slaves or pris- harbors, restricting it to all but the High Court and Palace: gold roof
oners) with 2 hull points, and made lightest of craft.
of substandard materials. Their Districts are further restricted by
purpose is to engage and ram ene- PROSKUR (PROSS·kurr) walls fifteen feet high that separate the
my ships in the harbor. rn desper- district. Guardposts, militias. and army
ate circumstance. they are loaded AT A GLANCE: Proskur is a trading barracks have white-washed roofs for
with combustibles and set aflame. waystop where the Overmoor Trail differentiation. Royal orders are strict
• The Thayian bombards are mystl· meets the winding road from lrieabor in which activities may be performed in
cal devices which fire a screaming to Cormyr. It is the last eastward stop which district; for example, if an adven·
b lue death upon enemy ships. Each before entering the Dragonjaw Moun- turer who has attained noble title wish·
fortress has four of these cast-iron tains. es lo settle in the Noble District, he
monsters, which have a minimum must foreswear all further adventuring
range of lZO yards and a maximum PROCAMPUR (Pro-CAHM·pur) before his king. and pledge to not aid or
range of 480 yards. They fire huge AT A GLANCE: Procampur is a rich and house any such individuaJs In his house.
hollow stone balls filled with fluid independent city-state located on the
sold by lhe Wizards of Thay that, eastern shore of the Dragon Reach Il is RANGERS
placed in U1e bombard, ignites and a large, sprawling city divided into dis· AT A GLANCE: Rangers are specialized
carries the flaming stone ball to its tricts by high walls, and each district types of fighters and warriors, suited to
target, lnflicting 5-30 points fire marked by slate roofs of a different col- a wilderness existence while still retain-
damage, 2-12 points hull damage, or. ing more of the trappings and station of
and setting aJJ flammables stuck
ELMINSTER'S NOTES: Procampur is society. Individuals who become rang-
ablaze. These bombards are won· ers are normally from the civilized agri-
ders of this age, but are hampered the richest of the independent cities of
the Inner Sea's northern coasts. Pro· cultural areas of the Realms, as opposed
b.} their size (each is larger than a
campur was once known as Proeskam- to its wilderness areas.
manor-house in Water deep), their
required fluid !which the Thayiaos palar, and was a booming city before ELMINS'TER'S NOTES: The Rangers are
part with at a dear price), and a the founding of the Standing Stone and a phenomenon primarily confined to
lack of accuracy, for while the the creation of Dalesreckoning. From the North, in particular that region
bombard may fire once every two those days until now it has been a city north and west of the Sea of Fallen
turns, it only has a 1 in 10 chance of noted for its skilled goldsmiths and Stars. There are occasionally individ-
hitting its target. gemcutters. Ruled by a hereditary over- uals of this type from Arnn or Chon-
Pirate signals and verbal codes lord with the title Thultyrl, Procampur dath, but a ranger further south is as

rare as pity in a beholder fhis may be with their herds, and who are adept at as senior war leader for the past
due to fact that the Rangers function carving bone and sculpting rock. twenty-three of them. lluzzilthar was
best in those regions which are still ELMINSTER'S NOTES: Merchants from
chosen, as all Iron Lords are chosen by developed and explored by civi- the Witches of Rashemen, a group of
the Sword Coast call Rashemen "the Far
lized man. and ai. such have little lo do Land;' and trade is brisk \vith other female spell-casters who hold great
in lhose regions that have been settled nations in the Realms. Merchants come power in the land. Huzzilthar replaced
and ruled (at least in name) for centu- to Rashemen from Lhe west by three "Old Wolf" Turguth Alhkarr. who in
ries turn had held the High Seat at
routes: via the Long Road to the north
Due to their low numbers, regional through Nathoud; through the Great Immilmar for seventeen winterl> after
restrictions, and lendency to perform the death of his predecessor, Lethgar
Dale to Kront and thence across the
along the same lines of "goo.d''. mo~al~, Lake of Many Tuars; or across the
Mimdusko. Athkarr had been plagued
Rangers are both very indiv1dua.lishc by senility in the later years of his rule,
"Golden Way" which skirts the border
and clannish. A ranger can often be and upon Huzzilthar·s selection as lead-
with Thay and enters Rashemen al
found on his own, or in a company of Mulsanter. er, AtJlkarr was taken in b) the witches
druids or adventurers, where his wil- The trade-goods of Rashemen are and never seen again by mortal eyes. It
derness skills are useful, At the same is believed that the senile ''Old \\'off"
wool, furs, and carved stone and bo?e,
time, when Rangers meet. there is ?ften as well as much-prized casks of }build, was carefully tended until his death, for
an exchanging of names and gossip on or fitewine. Rashemen imports cloth, the witches. as lhe common Rashemen
the latest doings of others of their type woodwork, lumber, and foodstuffs. say, ' are like that" (usually accompa-
While not a political or social force, rued by a knowing shrug).
Rashemen is self-sufficient in war·
Bangers are a finely ~oug1:'1 net work metals, and has large herds or goats and Beneath the Huhrong there are many
of information, and it 1s I.his network rothe. Rashemen is also the home of lesser, local lords, each with their own
that makes them a natural part of the followers and businesses. The succes·
i;jorl, a heavy, smoky-flavored cheese.
group known as the Harpers (q.v.l. Not Sjorl is very nourishing, but it is an
sion of rulership, however. and the
all Rangers are members 01 grou~, acquired taste, and 1.itUe is exported. posts of warleaders within the armies
but manv are, and the Harpers recruit Some ballads refer to Rashemen as are chosen by the true po\.vers ol the
further from these ranks only on the the "Land of Berserkers:• Such is the land, The Witches of Rashemen.
recommendations of those Rangers The continued existence of Rashe·
fearless savagery and stamina of its
wit hin its group warriors that at least sixteen invading men speaks greatly of tbe true PO\~er• of
forces from Thay bave been slaugh- the witches' magic. There are hehe\•ed
GAME lNFOMfJ.1TJON: The Rangers of
to be no less than sixty, and likely over a
the Forgotten Realms are as presented tered or turned back from incursions
hundred, witches in the land. Withi~
in the Players Handboo~. with .r~th~r into the land in the last :;evenly \vinters.
the nation of Rashemen the members of
expansions for tracking ability m Tu date the Far Land remains free.
Unearthed Arcana. Player-character Rashemen is ruled by a Huhrong this order wear black robei. ant.I grey
masks showing only passive faces.
rangers are not limiled to being specifi· ("Iron Lordi' or senior war leader),
Should a witch leave Rashemen for any
cally from ''the North:' but it sholl:ld ?e \vhose steel-shod palace towers above
noted in social situations that a Cahsh1te the roofs of the city of hnmilmar The reason, she abandons her black garb
and conceals her powers. for none ha\'e
Ranger wiU attract much comment Iron Lord commands Rashemen's
within the community (and that finely- standing army, called "The Fangs of revealed their abilities or identities
wrought layer of communications) of Rashemen." The Fangs are a contingent beyond the horders of their native land.
Rangers. of warriors clad in heavy fur and leath· The central haven for these witches is
er tunics, armed \vith hand weapons. the town of Urling.
It is this powerful order which pro·
RAS HEMEN (Rah-SHER-men) short bows, and light lances, and
mounted on surefooted mountain vides the pilotless boats known as
AT A GLANCE: Rashemen lies north of ponies. Most of Rashemen's armed witch·ships, and which unleashes fell
the mysterious land of Thay, and is the force is involved with patrols on the beasts and poisonous gases ~n vess.els
easternmost of the knO\vn Realms. Tu land's borders with Thay. along the from rival Tbay. These wttclHh1ps
its east lie uncounted leagues of rocky, shores of Lake Muisanlir, and the bJ'O· roam at will throughout lhe great lake
grassy wastelands, and beyond that ken lands east of the Gorge of Gauros. Ashane, also C<J.IJed the Lake of .Many
several rumored kingdoms of men, Tuars, from as far north as the Pool of
The present Huhrong is Hyarm_o n
unreached and unreachable in recent Huzzilthar, a grizzled Yeteran warrior Erech to as far south as Lake Mulsantir
memory. The land of Rashemen is the wi1 ha salt and pepper beard, who num·
and Lhe "harbor of chains" at Surthay.
home to a race of short, muscular hers seventy-six winters. and has ruled The Wilches of Rashemen also brew
humans who are concerned primarily jhuild, the fire-wine, a potent amber

drink that warriors imbibe before bat- information about the nations of the reductions are the temporary lowering
Ue, which deadens pain and inflames Inner Sea, in particular military lnfor· of that character's abilities while under
the passions, whether for banle or oth• mation. Al the same age, young females the effect of the wine. While Dexterity
er ucthilies. Through their control of are tested by the witches, and those is lowered, its effects are less harrnf~J
the jbuild as well as their great and mys- who qualify are inducted into their than most other western drinks.
terious magical powers, the witches organization. 1b Hits and Saves indicate the benefit
control Lhe warriors of Rashemen, and Sages, merchants. and mercenary to such throws while under the effects
Uwough them the nation. captains generally agree that Rashemen of the wine. The nature of lhe firewine
In lheir native land, the witches of has no desjgns upon the lands around allows swift, if not particularly sound,
Rashemen are venerated and respect· it. As with most nations lhat border actions.
ed. The penalty under Rashemen law Thay, their primary concern is survival Hil Points is the addition of the effects
ror harming or disobeying a witch is in the face of expanding hostile neigh· of the drink to the imbiber, similar to
death The witches are said to take maJe bor, and with the aid of the witches, the effects of the spell Any points
lovers for brief periods, though none they accomplish that task qulte well. lost are taken from these "false brav-
have pierced the veil of secrecy thal Rashemen's warriors are fearless and ery" hit points first.
surrounds their group It is believed feared, but they are rarely encountered The peril of firewine is that an hour
that these males are used for some outside their homeland, and do not after drinking. the user falls into a com-
form of planned breeding program, but have the reputation or expertise of the atose sleep for 7-10 hours, thovgh in
this is as yet undetermined Mercenary companies of the Sword that hour great deeds may be per·
The people df Rashemen are by nat· Coast. The most common encounter of formed. Other forces who have sought
ure a hardy. brawling race. Both sexes a Rashemeo citizen is a youth (or band to steaJ this idea (such as "The Firewine
practice the sports of snow-racing (a of youths) on dajemma, usually taking lncursion" from Thay 30 winters back),
wintertime cross-country foot race. in the sights and much of the liquor in have found their drunken forces in
clad only in the briefest skinsl and the the area. For most of the inhabitants of slumber when they are needed else-
hunting of snowcats. Widespread hob- the Inner sea and Sword Coast, the f'ar where. The Rashemen seem immune to
bies amon#( those who can afford the Land of Rashemeo will -remain a myste· this effect, though whether Lhis is from
time include the collecting of rare and rious land sung of in mi0$trel's tales, the spell-Jore of the witches or the natu·
beautiful stones (including gems), and the setting for feats of brawn, the start· ral hardiness and resistance of the
exploring the old ruins in the north of ing point of epic travels, and lhe land of Rashemen is unknown.
their realm That elder kingdom, now the mysterious witches who can thwart Firewine sells for 1 gp a pint in Rashe-
only collections of destroyed citadels. the Red Wizards of Thay. men, 15 gp a pint elsewhere in the
wai> known as Raumathar, and once Realms.
GAME JJVFORMATION: Jhuild, the Fire·
ruled this land and contested with Nar· The witches of Rashemen are a mvs·
wine, is an incredibly potent liquor and
fell. another equally extinct kingdom terious cult of female spell-casters
appears a honey-gold, but burns the
that lay to the west. which control the fortunes of the
tongue and mouth when first con-
The key ritual for young men m nation. If encountered in Rashemen,
sumed. A draught of this materiaJ
Rashemen is the dajemma, a "journey to they will appear as noted under Elmin·
effects a state of moderate intoxication,
manhood'' that every maJe Rashemen
and two mugfuls a state of great intoxi· ster's Notes, in numbers from 1·6.
makes la his youth The dajemma often While these spell-casters are very dif.
has some far-flllfl8 goal, such as an ferent in nature from the other magic-
expedition around the lnncr Sea itself, users of the world, for game purposes
Effects of intoxication from firewine:
but if the youth returns home, he is Moderate Severe treat them as magic-users of no less
accorded great honors and considered Morale +10% +15% than 6th level, and no higher than 25th
an adult and accorded the rights of a -3 -6 (1·20 + 5). While this is not fully aocu·
\\:arrior of the people. The dajemma is a rate, it will suffice until a full study of
Wisdom -4 -7
perilous undertaking, but has the these individuals may be made. Each
Dexterity -1 -1
advantage of showing the young males witch encountered will have a 5%
Charisma -1 -1
of Rashemen the nature of lhe world chance per level of a useful magical
Tu hit and saves +1 +-i
outside, so that the people have an
+1 +a ring, a useful magical wand, and a use·
Hit points
understanding far beyond that of nor- ful magical weapon. The latter will be a
mal rustic cowherds. These continual Morale indicates the beneficial effect whip (UA page 78) with properties and
dajemmas have the additional advan- on the imbiber to morale, and applies abilities from the magical sword table
tage of strengthening trade contracts only in combat situations. WA Page 89).
with the west, and picking up useful Intelligence, Wisdom and Dexterity The witches of Rashemen are greatly

honored in their land. and the people of great power and eventually take over activity, and a large number of pack ani·
the area will risk their own lives to save aU of the southern dales Lashan was mals, wagons, and symbols ol Mer-
a witch. Jn the remainder of the less than diplomatic in hiding his a.ims. chant Companies can be seen as the
Realms, no witches have been sighted, Under Lashan's guidance, the initial traveler enters. Mo:it of Lhe buildings
and it is presumed that such witches, if campaigns against his neighbors are low, one or two stories, with a spat·
they do wander the Realms, do so in dis· resulted in the overrunning of Harrow- tering of larger buildings and towers in
guise. dale, Featherdale, and Battledale. This the cenler of town
stunning campaign was so swift and £L.\,U NSTER 'S NOTES: Scornubel is one
RAURJN (ROAR-en) successful that Cormyr, Sembia, Zhentil of the key cities on the lrade Way lead·
Keep, and Hillsfar all rose in arms ing from Waterdeep to the lands of the
AT A GLANCE: The near-mythical des-
against him, along with the other dales Inner Sea. Ll"ke its rivals, Elturel and
ert of Raurin is a massive, sandy waste he attacked After overwhelming the
which could swallow entire nations of Iriaebor, it is a to\>\ n of merchants and
central Dales, Lashan was turned back those things merchants arc concerned
lhe North. It is located in the furthest from Mistledale and Deepingdale by the
southeast, beyond the domains of with, warehouses, Lransportatmn and
combined might of all the enemies he protection {usually from the other mer
Mulhorand. had made. His "empire" collapsed over- chants)
EI.MINSTER'S NOTES: Unlike Anauroch, night. Lasban vanished in the confu- The "Caravan City" is ruled hy the
our northern desert, Raurin is a great sion, as his mer cenary troops were cut shrewd, elderly and regal Lady Rhessa·
sandy waste dotted by rare oases and up by the advancing armies. jan who in her time was a daring
dead kingdoms. Jt is also known as I.he Sembia b r iefly occupied ScardaJe explorer and wandering trader, and is
Dust Desert and the Stone Desert. Great itself, with intentions of adding the Dale still famed in tavern-talk as "Rhe.c;11ajan
and magical kingdoms were said to rule LO their nation, but were threatened
of the Thnts:' The Lady Rhessajan is sup·
this land, and it may be their fall that first and cajoled into withdrawal by the oth· ported by three Lord High Advisors
drove men into the lands of the Inner sea er kingdoms. Ali of the dales Lashan named Burdan, Deep, and Phantar, all
and towards the Sword Coast. What lies briefly conquered are no\\ indepen- middle-aged adventurers and retired
there is as yet unrecorded. dem again; Scardale itself is in a some· caravan-masters themselves. The Lady
what confused state at present. with and her advisors make U1eir judgmenti.
REDDANSYR (Reh-OAHN·seer) "visiting" garrisons still in attendance. on activities in the city based on one key
AT A GLANCE: A small town located GAME INFORMATION: Scardale is con- factor· what is profitable for the city
between Tuziir and Westgate, Reddan· trolled by a force of garrisons from and its merchants.
syr is the ''jumping-off" spot for cara- Hillsfar, Zhenlil Keep, Cormyr, Sembia, GAME NOTES: The Caravan City of
vans south and each of the Dales. Each garrison Scornubel is an important porl/ferry·
cannot, by agreement, number more link/warehouse storage caravan-com-
SAERLOON (Say-er-LOON) than 12 men, though the general make· pany headquarters. Here the major car·
up is left to each nation or dale. This sit- avan companies of the North all have
AT A GLANCE: One of the two four uation is in theory to remain until
large coastal cities of Sembia. See SEM· large -.varehouse, stock pasture and sta-
Scardale resumes a normal form of gov· bles, and office facilities. Six of those
BIA. ernment. This matter is made more dif. companies are noted here for further
ficuJt in that Scardale has been ruled by informal.ion, see under M£RCllANT
SC A RDALE a hereditary lord, and Lashan, if he still COMPANIES.
AT A GLANCE: This dale is a steep-sided lives, is the rightful leader and cannot
gorge known locaUy as "the Scar!' The be usurped. ln the meantime, the vari- Highmoon 'TI'oding Coster: Headed hy
town of Scardale lies at the mouth of ous gar1·ison factions lest each other's Guldeph Maremmon, a 9th IC\'CI fight·
the river Ashaba, and is an important nerve and strength of swords in con- er. this flourishlng concern dominates
port on the Dragon Reach. flicts that rate above tavern brawls and the Sword Coast overland routes from
below battles. its bases here and in Waterdeep. It car·
ELMJNSTER'S NOTES: Scardale is ries ev8IJ thing, but has exclusive :;up·
recovering from the rule of its young ply rights to kaorph ("blue wine") and
SC ORNUBEL (SCOR-noo-bell)
aggressive lord, Lashan Aumersair. The certain spices (arispeg, marka. and
former Jord, Lashan's father Uluf, died AT A GLANCE: Scornubel is a huge, delph) which originate somewh1we tar
seven winters ago, and Lashan wished open city set on the north shore at the to the south and east. Its colors are a
to build an empire from his small hold· confluence of lhe Chionthar's South white crescent on a black star·
ings. Having gathered troops, wealth, Fork and lhe .Rlver Reaching. It is an studded oval.
and artisans to bUild Scardale into a unwalled town buzzing ~-vith continual

Surefeet 7racfemasters: Headed by a other adventures elsewhere), It has large. weaJthy cities. ll ls a well-run,
Council (the merchants Pheng The· been taken over by merchants, who organized nation which may in time
lombur, Aramma Dulve, and Prist are oonstanl1y dealing in large and rival the old kingdoms of the south and
Thelmipl. and based in Scornubel, the small matters everywhere. Their east.
Surefeet specialize in providing expert robes are white or cream with a gold·
guides/escorts/guards for all con- braided border; important personages
merchant-kingdom of Sembia is a land
cerns; their O'"''TI caravans and those of of the Company have gold traceries of of good farms, busy ports, skilled textile
any overland traveler. Their rates are antlers at each shoulder, as well. Their
makers, and prosperity, with a vigilant
high, their men good-and it is aging " trail general;' Black Tumm
army to keep it that way. The arms of
rumored that the Surefeel have Bharhinn, has lost effective control of
Sembia are "the Raven and Silver:• The
gained much wealth through several dav-to-day operations to the mer-
Raven represents Rauthauvyr"the Rav-
rich tomb and Lemple·ruin finds made chants Scorm, Hlevell, and Dindar Pel, en," long-ago founder of the realm, who
by guide-members. all young merchants of Amn who
never ruled Sembia but instead com·
despair of making their fortunes with-
The 1I'<Jil Lords: A mysterious, porn· manded its armies for a succession of
in that kingdom of mighty merchants,
pous outfit Cwhom some say are ruled merchant rulers. The silver coins rep-
but are determined to make money
by Thay, or other Cell sorcerous east· resent Sembia's trading wealth.
ern lands), the 'Irail Lords have been Sembia was settled by men coming to
known to hire half-ores and worse as The Windriders 1I'ading Coster. The the Sea of Fallen Stars from the south,
guards. but they appear lo have Windriders are young, relatively inex· originally for its stands of huge, high·
boundless money, and can mount a perienced merchants with a \Nild rep- quality iliyr-wood timber which was
small army or two to guard those spe· utation for fierce competition, hard much prized in shipbuilding. As the for-
cially valuable clients and cargo in a traveling, and hi-jinks, All wear shields ests were cleared, over the years, the
very short time. The "'Irail Lords" are adorned with a white pegasus, wings treecutters came into increasing con-
said to be merchant kings (none have outstretched, and are much used for flict with Lhe elves, who feared the loss
ever seen them); they rule through the swift, discreet carrier service around of their entire woods. This would
fat, masked illusionit:1I Mhereg Ssar the North. There are approximately undoubtedJv have occurred if the
16th levelJ. sixty Windriders; they prefer to hastily-gathered mercenary troops of
remain anonymous, represented the fledgling land had defeated the
The Red Shields-. 1''ormerly a merce·
through their office and leader, elves, but the Elven Nations defeated
nary company (still available for such
lbrshilm Firetel (a 6th level fighter, them soundly at Singing Arrows (884
hiri:> some say), the Red Shields are a
formerly of Westgate). DRJ and afterwards repeatedly slew or
group of highly-skilled Cl-3rd !even
forced back men venturing north of the
fighters, who are well-armed and bear
SEA OF SWORDS river Ashaba and Lake Sember.
red, feacureless shields. They usually
The Dragon Sea's mineral wealth was
hire out in groups of 25, 50, or 75 to AT A GLANCE: The SE>a of Swords is the
discovered by men at about this time,
guard regular road travel from arm of the 'Irackless Sea that is bound·
and pressure began lo grow in Sembia
Ne\'erwinterthrough to Arnn. and run ed b) the Sword Coast on the east, the
for a trade-road through the elven
their own regular "run" from Scornu- Moonshae islands on the west, and the woods, to make Sembia the world's
bel to Waterdeep every few days, car- Nelanther Isles to Lhe south. See gateway to all this wealth. The land
rying messages as well as cargo. Led SWORD COAST.
grew strong as farms prospered in its
b.} Bronthar Helmbrind (a level 6 fight·
newly-cleared lands, and craftsmen
er) and his lieutenants Miftat (a level 5 SELGAUNT CSELL-gont) arrived from the south to take advan-
fighterl and Vuldan Cleve! 4 fighter),
AT A GL,\NCE: Selgaunt is one of the tage of this chance to acquire land and
the Red Shields effectively (and loose·
large mercantile coastal cities of Sem- wealth, bringing their trades with
Jy) police the streets of Scornubel,
bia. See SEMBIA. them. Rautl1auvyr insisted on maintain·
watching its perimeters to ward off
ing a standing army, which he kept in
bandit raids (and to keep themselves
SEMBIA practice by policing Sembia's borders
well informed of events within those
and improving its roads.
perimeters). ATA GLANCE: Sembia is a wealthy mer- Finally The Raven went alone as an
The Stags Caravan Company: An old- chant kingdom situated east of Cormyr envoy to the Elven Court, and asked the
er, somewha t fallen-from-former- on the western edge of the Sea of Fallen elders of the Elven Council to approve a
grt-atness outfit of rugged adven- Stars. It is a land of rolling farms and road north from Ordulin to the shores
turers (now mostly dead or gone to rich plains. dominated by a handful of of the Dragon Sea, open to men. He pro-

rffiiF.;zT.rr~;:c::=..~;iil~~Kii1-~~. · · · ·~ •
SCORNUBEL KEY 35. The "Free Traders" Scomubel 43. The Raging Lion (Inn; tavern & rooms
offices (run by the city); a registry of at A, stabl" at B)
Trait Lords (merchant company) unemployed, casual, Journeyman
headquarters: office and warehouM
44. Mother Minx' • (feathall)
drovers, guards, animal trainers, 45. Thyumdar'a Reliquary & El'efTIOSCl(h
(A), warehouses (8-E) etc., & stronghouM ) (general store for all goods; t.rge and
Hlghmoon Trading Coater (merchant 36. " Free Traders" public warehouse prosperous; Thymdar I• • 7th Level
company) warehouse (c-J), office & (rental storage space guarded by the maglc-uMr who UM• Wlurd Eye
stronghouse (A). and staff quarters Watch) often In bualn... matters, etc.
(8, K, L) 37. same a• 36 46. The Evertull Jug (winery and drinks
3. Hlghmoon Trading Coater stables 38. Headquarters of the Watch (D) with shop)
and paddock
4. The Trall lorda stock pens and
barraclca (A·C) and enclosed stables
(E) '
I 47. Ehaevaera'a Beauty Rooms
(halrstyllng, scented baths,
atablea w/pacldock 39. The Randy Wench tavern and gaimlng maaaages, manicures, body painting
5. The Stag• Caravan Company stables rooms and tattoos, for women)
and stock pens, w/paddock 40. The Jester's Bella (tavern, teathall, 48. Sslmbar's Fine Clothe•
6. Ferrydock and route of " Southroad and scented baths) 49. Preszmyr the Herbalist (herbs, drugs,
Ferry", a large barge; Burtin, a 6th 41 . Thruu 'a Way Room• and Dining phylactertes, perfumes & scented
Level Fighter, and two 3rd-Level ("The Through-house"; Inn) powders)
bravos, crew 42. Scomubel Hall (meeting-chambers 50. " Far Anchor" (Inn)
7. Arkaras the Shipwright available for rent, quarters for the
8. The Red Shields stables and local Council and vllltora, the city's
paddock, office at (A) emergency granary & deep wells
9. Tallahabur the Wagonmaker (sheds:
A-D; House: E)
10. "The Walk" (public meeting-place
and market
11 . The Wlndrtdera Trading Coater
(merchant company) stables .. ·. ..
w/pacldock, and .stock pens
12. Surafeet Trademasters (merchant ..
company) stables and paddocka
..' 2!..• . •••
13. The Purple Sun Trading Coster
(merchant company), stable
w/paddock and stock pens
14. The Wlndridera Trading Coater . • •• •
,, • Cl. -•
.• .. •

(merchant company) headquartera;

office (F), and warehouses (A-E) .,_.
• ~·
15. Purple Sun Trading Coster
warehouM (A-D)
16. Surefeet Trademaster headquarters:
office and st.ronghouse {D),
warehouM (A·C)
17. Red Shlelda warehou... (A-C & O.F)
18. The Stags Caravan Company
headquarters: A-H, warehouses
19. The Jaded Unicom (tavern & Inn of
low quality (flophouse))
20. The Thlraty Thunder Beast (tavern)
21 . The Duaty Hoof (tavern & Inn)
22. Traveler' • Rest (Inn)
23. The Flahym & Smoke Inn (The
" Flahamoke"; tavern & Inn of low
... 24. " The Nightshade" (festhall &
·. nightclub)
25. Sml1hy: Kaerua Thambadar,
blackamlth & Ironmonger
26. Fish M11bt
27. " The Green" (assembly area for
outbound caravans)
21. " The North Green" (sae 27)
29. " East Green" (see 27)
30. The Spice & Wine Shop (Ulder
Mooroo, 3rd Level M-U, proprietor)
31 . Mallkhar the Outfitter {leather st.raps,
packs, tarpaulins. weathercloaka,
hameu, bOOts, etc.)
32. Purple Sun Trading Coster office
33. Purple Sun Trading Coster hlrelinga'

.. •

34. Angah Lalla (fence for stolen goods;
oatenllbly a curio trader, In " 11ems
from exoUc lands")
.. •
OLD SKULL INN posed that the elves choose its route U1e Overmaster, and is elected to a
and retain control of it and their woods seven-year term by a council of mer-
around, so that no woodcutting or chants.
human settlement occur, and that Sem- This merchant·counciJ is presently
hia's men build it with them. based in Ordulin. and is twenty-two
Though the elves had earlier made strong. The incumbent ruler, E)duth
similar arrangements with the Dales- Yarmmaster, has but two years left on
men, and had no difficulties with the his first term, and although there are
men of Velarsdale (now Harrowdalel, always those ambitious for the Over·
refused, neither wanting or needing master's chalr, or dissatisfied with its

~..,.,~ ~--~-------11 . . .-.-.. such a road. The Raven then threat-
ened to exterminate the isolated eJves
in Arnothoi the last embattled remnant
present occupant, there is a good
chance Eldulh, an elderly and wise man
of kindness and humor, wilJ be re-
of the elves in Sembia if the Elven Court elected. Some in Sembia have urged
did not cooperate, and leave Arnothoi Elduth to take advantage of the recent
unmolested and its elves free to come disappearance of the elves to take over
and go and trade or not as they wished, the lands from Hillsfar to the Dragon
if the road was builL Reach, to MisteldaJe and the Thunder
The elves agreed, and Sembia's finan· Peaks, but $0 far Eldulh has refused. He
ciaJ future was secured. The elves built quotes the old saying, "swords speak,
Hillsfar on the shores of the Dragon Sea but they do not listen"
as their commercial "meeting ground'' GAME INFORMATION: The details of
with men, and over the years the elves Sembia, its armed forces, cities, and
of Arnothoi came north to join their
personalities are left for OM develop-
brethren or slipped away to seek Ever· ment for their own campaigns, as noted
meet, and that wood gradually disap- in the the DM's Guide to the ReaJms.
peared. The route the elves chose ran at This includes the foUowing cities of
the base of the Standing Stone, as a
reminder of ear lier, less·hostile dealings Daerlun (Oare-WON)
between men and eJves. Buddagh (HUHD-aghl
Sembia grew rich, under merchant· Kulta (KUHlAah)
leaders of increasing wisdom, such as MuJhessen IMuhJ.ffEff.sen)
Saer (for whom Saerb was named, and Ordulin (ORE-dyoo-linl
Chondathan later renamed Saerloonl Saerb (Sairb-See HIGH DALE)
and Selgar IChancelgaunt was renamed Saerlooo (Sair-LOONl
Selgaunt at his death, when he was bur·
Selgaunt (SELlrgont)
ied therel. Rauthauvyr the Raven, ere Surd (Serd)
his death, saw that these merchants Tulbegh (Tull-beg)
had a strong standing council of mer· Urmlaspyr (Erm·LASS-peerl
chant elders to advise them, and to
Yhaunn (Uh-HAWN)
ensu1·e that no ruler could hold on to andthelandsaroundthem
power by force of arms. Then this far.
sighted man, creator of a nation, now
half·blind and infirm from old war- THESHAAR
wounds, rode north into the elven AT A GLANCE: The Shaar is a region of
woods and disappeared. None knew great plains and grassland located far to
what happened to him or where his the south, beyond the Vilhon Reach.
bones lie, save perhaps some few elder
elves. dominated by miles upon miles of thick
Sembia today is a strong klngdom,
grasslands, and peopled by nomads,
quick to defend threats to its sover· herdsmen, and raiders. Even so, these
eignty (such as the rise of ScardaJe), and
peoples are said to wield great and mys·
first in financial wealth of all the west· ticaJ powers.
em Inner Sea Lands. Its ruler is called

The region known as " Eastern Shaar" reknowne d for his wisdom, power and can be ascertaine d, had uny religiou:.
is sparser and less green, more of a concise, informativ e histories of the and/or secretive political importanc e.
wasteland. Within the Eastern Shaar is Realms The Old Skull Inn takes its name from
a huge deft or canyon. known as the The previou!I Lord, Ooust, and his thii. prominence .
Great Rift. home to many sou them friends, most notably the ranger Florm
Tho lbwer of A:;/Jaba: The Tuwer earns
dwarves. Falconhan d, have since their most
ils formal name from Its location.
recent battle renounced their titlei. and
guarding the northernm ost 15ridged
SHACXJVVDALE offices in Shado\\ dale. Before depart·
crossing of the river Ashaba. Its nick·
ing, they installed the cavalier Mourn· name, "the 1\visted Tuwer;• comes from
AT A GLANCE: Shadowda le is a farming grym as Lord of the Dale. Mourngry m
communit y straddling lhe road from its spire. This constructi on is
has recentlv married Shaeril Rowan·
Shadow Gap to Voonlar. its main town due to the inclusion of a "deck" or half·
mantle, a noble lady of Cormyr. and
(of the same name) located where that CO\'ered flight platform land attached
continues to rule with tlie assistance stables) for tho use of aerial stcedb.
road crosses the Abasha. The Dale is and wise guidance of Elminster Doust
broken by patches of light woods that Howc\"er, often .1 Dalesman, fed up with
and his companion s have titled them·
run to the borders of the town, and the latest lunacies of its inhabitant s, will
selves "the Knights of :\1yth Orannor;"
interupted by a large number of old refer to them n. "the 1\\ ist:.."
and are attempting Lo establish their
ruins. Thei.e old haunts of treasure and The 1bwer has many secrets and curi·
own stronghold in tllllt ruined city
monsters makes the region very popu· osities arul IJear:. the stamp of many
Their success hai- been hampered by
lar with Ad\·cnturi ng Comp.:mies, and owners. .\fam· towel's across the
explorator y parties from Zhentil Keep,
more than a few have called this region Realms have such character and mys·
Hillstar Sembia, other adventuri ng
their home tery. rhough the 1bwer is current I)' the
companies, and an increasing diabolic
seat of the Lord of Shadowda le und the
ELMINSTER'S .VOTES: This quiet but presence in the ruins forces of law, this stronghold wa5 once
astonishingly hardy agricultur al com· GAME INFOR..\f.1 TION: Shadowda lc is the citadel of an evil power, "hich
munity has recently rebuffed several the best-recor ded of the Dalelands, due reached up from the Depths Below.
invasions under the just and wise lord· Azmaer, as the last known drow lord
in part to the first-hand knowledge of
ship of Doust Sulwood and his com·
EJminster. Further informatio n on the wa.s called, hc•ld the Tuwcr ln irs waning
rades. These stalwarts in the past led days, as iti; wisely-built fortification:.
sites of Shadowda le follows, as opposed
the dale militia and mercenary troops
to separate entries, and arc listed to defended his peoples' retreat Into the
in key battles agamst Lasban's Army of
agree with the map on page 78. subterran ean realms. rr his was 906
Scardale have defeated powerful
Elminster the Sage and his Scribe Dalerecko ning. when the land callt.>d
magei. from Zhentil Keep, bested draco-
Lhaeo are not for hire, and the people Shadowda le was just beginning to
lich attacks of the Dragon Lords, and
of Shadowda le will be quick to inform undt>rgo human settlement ). 1 he last
repelled Drow caravans and raiding
passer,,· by of that fact The path behind days of the drow rule were made horri·
parties in the caverns beneath the Tuw·
Tulba the \\ea\ er's house leading up to ble bv disease, caused hy a cistern poi·
er of Ashaba and the woods near the soneZI by a human slave, and tm the
Elminster' s Tuwcr has warning runes of
ruins of Castle Grimstead. danger and a sign reading. in Common storming of the 1\visted 1bwer was
Shadowda le has been famous for a and Thorass: "No 1respassin g. Violato,... comparativ ely easy. '11lc drow defeat·
number of things. large and small, and ed, the town of Shadowda le began to
should notify next of kin. Have a pleas·
its com.munitv of adventure rs emuring grow in earnei.t, until reaching it&
ant day:·
that the fam°e of these things carries
Old Skull: This huge, lichen·cov ered, prestmt size.
further through the realms than the Once in human handi., the Tuwcr of
size of the communit v firi.t indicates. It gnarled , la\'a·melte d and sheep·
A.shaba passed rhrough the hands of a
is noted for its inn IThe Old Skull), a skeleton-l ittered height of land that
\\ide variety uf ownors, and lwars
good smith and a good wagonmak ing dominates Shadowda le is wc•ll known:
the sheep farmers built a hut on the trac<!s of their differing creeds and pur·
shop. The communit y was lhe home of poses. The last good and lawful lord of
the adventure rs known as Manc'i. Band north side for shelter during the rain
and for lambing in winter. The body of the 'lb\\ er before the commg of Ooust
(now missing and presumed dead) and
Joa.dath. a former 1,ord of Shadowdalo, and his stalwart compan10ns was one
the witch Sylune (also deceased! . Jyordhan. Jyordhan rri~cd for a hort
Among its living natives the area claims was burned there. in a hollO\\' at the SW
end of the crest. Many people today U!>e time, then took ill mysteriou sly, tra\'·
Sylune·s sister, the bard Storm
eled to the gr<>at cat) of \\'aterdccp . and
Silverhand, and a wide variety of skilled the Old Skull as a lookout. sheep pas·
ture, laundry-d rying surface, and died there in the company of the \lage
adventure rs Shadowda le ls also 1he Khelben. Rumor says lhnt Jyordhan
chosen abode of Elminster the Sage, ound It has ne\"ec as far as

and vicinity
was in truth an evil usurper whom MURA, Serving-girl villagers have reported haunts to stalk
Khelben enspelled to come to Water· DESSA, Serving·girl the Knoll since that time.
deep and there slew. Despile lhe rela· LILUR, Serving·girl Lord Aumry, who ruled after
tively short time since these events, it is SATHA, Serving-girl Joadath's destruction, was buried in a
difficult to learn the truth. With the NEENA, Serving-girl cavern here hewn out by dwarves,
coming of Doust three winters back, PURK, Kitchen Boy elves, and men. Out of respect tor
and his recent abdication to Mourn· TBORBOK, Master of the Stables Aumry and Jove for his lady Sylune,
grym the Tuwer is now the haven for a Stable Crew Aumry's ashes were entombed in a cof.
large variety of adventurers and their DAVORR, Hostler fin of stone, atop which Sylune lrud his
parties, much to the financial profit and BLINT, Thcksman staff and cloak as per his orders, to
individual headache of the people of HAVOR, Tucksman await U1e next lord. The staff and cloak
Shadowdale. DURST, Thcksboy were later stolen by Lashan of Scardale.
BELDIN, Tucksboy and though the cloak was later
VODDAL, Constable destroyed In battle, the staff is with
individuals make up the Court of the
DEGETH, Constable Lashan, wherever he may be at the
Lords of Shadowdale, who take their
SAMAL, Page present.
residence in the Tuwer of Ashaba.
HETH, Page As far as it is knO\.'\fTl, only the elves
MOURNGRTh1, Lord of Shadowdale. ELMINSTER, sage visit the Knoll regularly now Most vil-
TURNAL RHESTAYN (of Neverwinter), LHAEO, Scribe to Elminster lagers alive in Shadowdale today have
Seneschal of the Tuwer of Ashaba gone once to satisfy their curiosity,
The dale has also served as home to
and Steward of the Court. found it a small clearing requiring a lot
other groups under Mourngrym reign,
Household Staff (reports to Turnall: of careful walking through the forest to
SAMMETH, Cellarer reach, and have never returned. It
Mane's Band: Mane (fighter), Boots
BRACEGAR, Butler remains a meeting place for lovers, kids
" the Lucky" (magic·user), Ruldo
CORLA, Chambermaid playing. and the occasional shady deal
(ranger), Kheldarr (fighter) Despar
LEITA, Chambermajd or mw·der.
(cleric), Turnshan Cbard).
GEMUTll, Chambermaid
Harper's Hill: This peaceful tree.
DELUNE, Chambermaid The Circle: The Druids Mourntam
covered hill deep in the forest is named
RilA, Chambermaid 'the Master.· Eimair, Dettra, Veshar,
for its use by the long-dead bard
TANTNA, Chambermaid Orben, and Felde!; and the Rangers
Alsaerl, and more recent1y by Storm
EPANEL, Chambermaid Briadorn, Rathagol, Tumis, Reptar,
Silverhand, as a place of harping prac·
TALA, Chambermaid and Sel\lan.
lice and spiritual renewal. ll is a place of
NESSEA, Chambermaid
Watcher'.s Knoll: The knoll opens into a great beauty, and has a secondary func·
LINDUE, Chambermaid clearing in which a great stone pillar tion as a ral1ying point in the forest. The
SANTHA, Chambermaid slants to the north, high enough to elves often danced and played music
DOLBURR, Footman
afford a view over the forest around. It there. and most villagers avoid ii as a
METH, Footman
has been a watchpost since the days of resulL
RINDOL, Footman Aeancar the Mantled King, who three
THURBAL. Captain-of·Arms and War· Fox Ridge: The ridge gets its name from
hundred years ago ruled all of the lands
den of Shadowdale the pests that the farmers of Shadow.
between the Moonsea and the lnner
Household Guard dale often hunt with dogs. The foxes of
Sea and west to the Stonelands. The
25 archers led by Yeoman Helduth the ridge live in many, many holes and
Knoll has been occupied by successive
12 men·at-arms led by Sarjeant burrows In and around the exposed
bands, adventurers, and armies over
Yothgdim rocks along the ridge, which falls away
the years, particularly in the time since
ESSEN, Herald and Bailiff of the Lord sharply to the north in a man-height
castle Krag was built, for the Castle
Mourngrym bank. The ridge is pierced by several
serves as a home and base for anyone
ASEEL, Chatelaine, Herbmistress, Heal· clefts and two cave chambers large
using the Knoll or the Old Skull as a
er, Keeper of the Purse, Head of enough for men to use; most have over
Kitchens. the years been used to conceal food.
Sixty winters ago, when lhe Lord of
Staff arms, gold, bodies, and messages. No1
Shadowdale was Joadath. the folloi·vers
LALYM, Master Cook much is known of these caves and their
of Tyr in Shadowdale worshipped here.
SEDROS, Cook precISe local.IOn, but the rangers of the
These worshipers were discovered and
MASSIM, Cook massacred by Joadath's men. and some
Circle are the people who best know
JHANYL, Serving-girl the caves and other features of the

ridge. reached some sort of agreement with SOSSAL ISAW·salll
the merchant-kingi. of Arnn, who would
The Realm~ Belm\~ The land beneath .1T A GLA/\CE · far to the :\orth, on the
the land of Shadowdale is dominated by like to see turmoil in their trade rival,
Waterdeep, and who wish to avoid far side of the Great Glader, is the leg·
a subterranean river, which runs N\\!. cndary kingdom of Sossal. This remote
SE under the River Ashaba, beneath the being on the assassins' hit list them·
nation is the home of Sossarhim, a \'ery
Tuwer, and connet:ts with Elminstcr's selves. Under this pact the Merchant·
pale, very blond race that dresses in
kings leave the Shadow Thieves alone.
Pool on the surface. lt comes to the sur· white, and can conceal themselves
and are in turn left alone.
face again far to the southeast, in the among the ice . It is not known whether
The Shadow Thieves operate up and
depths ol the elven woods. and in the great magics by their native shamans
down the Sword Coast; their trade·
past its phosphorescent' waters were spared that region of the Great Ice, or if
mark is a black silk mask impaled upon
home to troglodytes. the last known of those magics caused it.
a stiletto blade (usually used in assassi·
which was slain b} a warrior of Sha·
dowdale when Elminstcr was a boy It is nations, or left behind at the scene if a
garrotte or poison is employed instead). SOUBAR (
not known where this river comes
No names, levels, or even numbers of AT A GLANCE: Soubar is a small town
from. nor if it has any magical powers
Shadow Thieves are known; high-level along the 'Irade Way north of Scomu·
or strategic importance. The Realms
Below may be accessE>d by a number of operators are thought to be few Form· bcl, and is often used as a wav·Stallon
er members. slain by the Lords of for traders traveling along that road.
other means, including caverns such as
Waterdeep and the Company of Crazed
those on Fox Ridge and the deeper
Venturers (an adventuring company) T HE SOUTH
levels of ancient keeps and crypts.
Exactlv what lives in these realms Is not include the thieves Quist and Mashtun .
AT A GLA/\'CE: The common reference
re\'ealed in current texts. though it to "the South" (also " the grim and magi·
should be noted that the drow once SKULL GORGE
cal SOuth..l refers to the lands of Ches·
ruled this land before being driven AT A GLANCE: SkuJI Gorge Is situated scnta Unther, and Mulhorand. which
underground, and ~' hile their shadow on the upper reaches of the River are among the first and eldest nations
on the land has diminished. their power Reaching, and is a sharp cut through in this land.
beneath may yet ho strong. the surrounding terrain, its steep walls
EL.'\.fINSTER'S \'OTES: "The South" is
runmng almost to the river's edge. The
THE SHADOW THIEVES walls of the vale are a pale-grey stone, often in\'oked when explaining some
and riddled \vitb caverns. unknown event, such as a freak wind·
AT A GLANCE: The Shadow Thieves are storm on the lnner Sea being "damned
a wide-ranging guild of thieves, spies. EL\1L'\JSTER'S NOTES: It was in this 5authern magics:• The nations of the
and assassins who perform particularly steep-walled valley that the surviving South are older thatl any other human
dangeroui., evil-aligned. and lucrative ore and hobgoblin chieftains and sha· domains in the realms. IL is \iewed by
ventures Their activities, unlike those mans gathered following the Battle of those of the north as an area of strange.
of most tmeving guilds, arc not limited Bones (q.v.J to stand off the Armies of exotic ways, age-old decadence. and
to a single city, and they range the Men. The goblin races summoned cruelly and slavery, with strange gods,
length of lhe Sword Coast. extra-planar aid, for later forces outrageous customs, and no law save
ELMINSTER'S NOTES: A group directly
encountered many bone devils, spined that of the sword
devils, and malebranche, and a great The South is also known for strong
opposed to the Lords of Waterdcep. the
disembodied skull glowing with red magic, and many wondrous devices
ShadO\\ Thieves are based in Athkatla,
flames was seen the air above the and artifacts find their origin there.
in Arnn. where they have have a mas·
gorge. The gorge was cleared of the ~uthern traders are sometimes found
sive training complex and a testing·
ores and hobgoblins, and no.... thought in the &eaporti. of the North. trading
sround for the assassins they sponsor.
to be deserted. spices, rich cloth wine, and brass orna·
These thievei. were once the Thievtll>
Much treasure is said to have been ments to trade for trained war mounts,
Guild of Waterdeep, until they were
hurriedly concealed in the caverns that parchment. glass, worked steel, and
driven out of that city, or slaughtered,
lace the white-stone walls of the gorge. woodwork.
by the Lordt> of Waterdeep. Tho
Few who have come here seeking trea· Men of the South commonly have up
Shadow Thieves have sponi.ored an
sure have been seen again, and though • to three blue circles painted on their
.~ssassins' Guild in Athkatla with the
treasure has been found here, so have foreheads. These circles generally
eventual aim of slaying all of the Lords
of Waterdeep. ln the meantime, this fell beasts that seem to appear from mean the man i& skilled and learned,
secretive organization appears to have nowhere to attack travelers in the and can write and knows magic, is con·

versant with religious history and rit- King Azowi IV, which is set apart from Emperius of the College of War Wiz-
uals. or is aware of law and folklore of the lower city by its splendid gardens. ards, is a Wizard of 15th level. Vanger-
his native region. In general, most and rumored to have rich burial dahast is of lawful-neutral alignment,
southerners are Lreated as magic-users grounds beneath. and is quiet and unassuming, though
or Lhe spawn of magic-users, and given highJy respected by his peers both for
ELfvUNSTER'S NOTES: The cit_y is justly
a wide berth. bis knowledge and courtly tact. He does
famous for its bazaars, its ivory-
not suffer fools and fops well, but has
sculptors and clothmakers Of the
THE STANDING STONE an undying loyalty to the crown.
former. hundreds of winters of ivory
Sthavar, Lord Magi.ster of the Cit)', is
AT A GLANCE: The Standing Stone is a gleaned from Lhe "Utter East" and hot
lhe JocaJ lord entrusted to Lhe dav-to-
huge plinth of glossy grey rock, incised jungles of lhe Solllh has found its way 0

day governing of Cormyr's largest city.

with elvish runei; which wind aboul its across the Inner Sea in great shiploads
Sthavar is a fighter of 15th level, lawful
base in a series of bands. The stone of raw tusk aod fragments, and
been fash.ioned into inlays and goods
good alignment, who maintains a sepa·
itself is about twenty feet in height, and rale residence outside the paloce
may be found where the road from \1is- for Arnn, the North, and the Sword
Coast cities. Of the latter, wool is woven grounds. He maintains a compliment of
tledale joins the Hillsfar Essembra road. six guards of 5th level, and his herald,
as well in the Sembian city of Daerlun,
ELMINSTER'S NOTES: The Standing Xorn Hackhand, is a mage of 9th level
but l)'1ose who work looms in Suzail
Stone was erected 1357 years ago by ability.
hold that their work is finer, and lhe
mighty elvish mages to commemorate
coJors more true and more lasting
the pact between the Elvish Court and SWORD COAST
. A map of Suzail is provided on page
lhe newly-arriving Dalemen. The wind-
82. AT A GLANCE: The Sword Coast ii; the
ing script at the base of the Stone states
GAMING INFORMATION: Ivory is a western shore of Faerun, running from
the terms of lhal pact: that while there
semi-precious material, which is Candlekeep and lhe Cloak Wood in the
are elves in the forest, lhe men of the
enhanced in beauty (and value) in its South, to Luskan in the north.
dales may settle in those lands at their
borders, but not to reduce lhe wood or carving. RAw ivory is purchased for ELMINSTER 'S NOTES: The Sword
invade elven territories. Suzailian craftsmen by the pound, at 1 Coast is a rough. brawling area doml·
The wood has been reduced severely gold piece per pound for large chunks, nated by the City of Splendors, \'Vater·
since the stone was erected, often by half that shattered scraps suitable for deep. The coast Itself is treacherous,
other human agents (in particular the enlay. Elephant, mammoth, and walrus filled with undersea reefs, rock·
Sembians), who have had little love of ivory all command standard prices, but outcroppings, and soft, muck.v bouoms
the People. When the Sembians forced that of rare or magical beasts can gath· that extend out for miles. ·irue ports are
the road through to Hillsfar, the elves er prices up to 10 times standard. few and far between on the Coast,
responded by laying that road lo rWl at King Azoun IV is a Cavalier of ZOth which is the reason that lhe best harbor
Lhe base of the stone, ironically pointing level and LG alignment, He is rarely capable of handling sea vessels, Water·
out that not all men need to deaJ at the alone, for he bas a personal bodyguard deep, has grown into one of the most
point of a sword. of six level 8 fighters, and in addition is , important cities of the North.
The Standing Stone has some enchant- often in the company of his court which Scholars and sources dii;agree on the
ment upon it, and radiates magic. It can· includes among its numbers some of effective length of the Sword Coast., and
not be defaced or marred, for stains or the more powerful Cormyrians, such as some extend it further south, Into the
cuts heal on its sw·face. the wizard Vangerdahast. lands of Amn. Tuthyr, and Calimshan. to
His majesty carries a number of items Cahmport The southern kingdoms
SURD (Serdl (rings. bracers, and the like) that pro- resent this categorization. for they con-
vide immunity from various Corms or sider the lands of U1e Sword Coast dan·
AT A GLANCE: Surd is a small, agricul- auack. and it is rumored that he is the gerous wilderlands, and its people little
tural town in Sembia (see Sfil..IB!Al. recipient of a specialized spell which, if better than barbarians.
gravely threatened, will teleport him
SUZAIL (Sao-ZALE) elsewhere (the stories say the destina· TARKHALDALE (TARK·hal-dale)
ATA GLANCE: Suzail is the royal capital tion of this teleport is the castle in
Suzail, though others say the spell AT A GLANCE: ThrkhaldaJe, also called
and richest city of the kingdom of Cor· the Lost VaJe, is situated ha1·d on the
myr. and home to the most important reaches the crypts beneath il, or to lhe
castle of High Horn). borders of the Great Desert Anau1·och.
merchant houses of Connyr. The city is
Vangerdahast, RoyaJ Magician to 1he flanked by steepl_v-nsmg rnountai.ns.
domina1ed by !he fortified castle of Conil'ers dot the sides of this vale, as do
Realm of King Azoun IV and Chairman

I • .•
. .

SUZAILKEY; 52. The Mare's Tall (tavern)
53. The Courtyard of Zathchoa
1. Palace 54. Taneth' • (festhall)
2. Lake A1oun SS. Sontravln's Inn
3. The Royal Gardens (or " Floral 56. Sketterhawk warehouaea & dock
Garden.a ") 57. Shrine to Tyr
4. "The Promenade" (the street, from The Walling Wheel (Inn)
Eastgate to Horngate. 59. Sulchra's (feathall)
5. Eastgate 60. The Warm Bed (Inn)
6. The Nlghtgate Inn 61 . Sklltterhawk family hou•
7. The Marttey Yard 62. house of Helve Dhasjarr, fighter
a. Marttet Hall 63. house of Corrnmor Lheatayl, fighter
9. The Lock-up (city Ja.11) 64. former house of Tethoa & Almen
10. Citadel of the Purple Dragons Blood hawk (court clertt); now home
(garrison) to 1 fighter, Lanneth Murg
11 . Royal Docks 65. The Tower of Argul (a wizard)
12. Harbor Tower 66. former smithy-shop of Atham
13. the Fleld·Gatea One-Eye; now a feathall, The Purple
14. the Flelda of the Dead (burial Scar
ground); off the map to the west) 67. house of Dolchar Dethantar
15. the Marttet 68. Danaln's (hardware shop)
16. the Basin 69. Krlyeoa Lathmll'a stables
17. Homgate Tower of Laapeer11 (female mage)
18. Monument: the Purple Dragon 71 . Wyvemapur House (see Immerses
19. Housa of Lord Maglster of the City map for other holdings)
Sthavar 72. shrine to Mllll
20. the ''Royal Court' ' (Interconnected 73. warehouse of Jh1aaal1n (oils &
buildings) perfumes)
21 . Court Stables 74. tower of the mage Baskor
22. Dragoneye Dealing Coster (merchant
75. warehouse of Faerl (Ivory)
company) " yards" 76. warehou11 of Oaaper (fine cloth)
23. Thousandheads Trading Coster
n. V•ngerdahaat'a Tower (Royal
(merchant company) "yards"
24. The Seven Suns Trading Coster
78. Blackahleld apartments (Court
(merchant company) " Yards"
25. The Six Coffers Trading Coster
(merchant company) "Yards"
26. Rheublln' • Stables
27. lravan'a Rental Yards
28. Trueahleld Trading Prtakoss
(merchant company) " Yards"
29. Talahon'a Rental Yards
30. Shipyards
31 . The Towera of Good Fortune (temple
of Tymora)
32. The Siient Room (temple of Denelr)
33. The Royal Smithy
34. Shrine to. Llllra
35. Shrine to Oghma
36. Shima to Matar
37. The Winking Eye (tavern)
38. The Old Dwarf (tavern)
39. The Dragon's Jaws (tavern)
40. The Weather Eye (tavern)
41 . The Golden Goblin (tavern)
42. The Laughing Lass (tavern)
43. Zhaelun'a Stockyard
44. The Crying Witch (tavern)
45. The Leaning Post (lnn)
48. The Six Candles (Inn)
47. "The Jaw•" (culvert, taking stream
to bllaln, 116)
48. Thelmar'1 Inn
49. Selavar'• Inn
so. Zult'a (llcensad moneychanger)
51. The Black Rat (tavern)
old ruins and the entrances to mines may have additional magical items. also be accounted for by some veiled
and caverns. Their leader, and representative on the hints at the time that the Dalesmen of
Dales Council, is the Grand Mairshar, Daggerdale were involved to some
ELMINSTER'S NOTES: This small moun-
tain valley now Jies on the edge of the E.lizzaria. Elizzaria is a 9th level fighter degree in lhe demise of their neighbor.
who has had previous training as a cler-
vast, hostile desert that divides much of
the known Realms. Once this Dale was ic, rising to 8th level before Leaving the TETHYR ITEH-theer)
church in a dispute over her faith.
allied with the rich kingdoms of Asram AT A GLANCE: Tuthyr lies between the
The Mairshars are Tusseldale's onJy
and Holonda.h, whose ruins have now borders of the forest of Tuthir and the
visible fighting force, but every man
been long swallowed by the desert. At its gathered city·states of Calimshan. It is a
and woman between the ages of 14 and
height the community was a quiet min· land of large dominions and warring
64 are considered part of the Tusseldale
ing and fanning community, known for lords, and an ideal place for the merce-
militia, and these chubby, contented vii·
its carved mugs and pipes. The sudden nary and the spy.
arrival of the ores and goblins, who slew lagers can often lash out and destroy
invading armies, as the forces of ELMINSTER'S NOTES: This rich but
the dwarves of the mountains around
ThrkhaJdale and drove away the elves of Lashan of SardaJe learned only a few troubled land is now a realm of chang-
seasons ago. ing rulers and uncertain power Cts
the nearby Border Forest, isolating the
former ruling family has been hunted
human settlement. Tushendale fell short-
ly thereafter, and no man has attempted TESHENOALE into virtual extinction, and political cha-
to settle here since; only those of ZhentiJ os reigns. Tuthyr is still a wealthy and
AT A GLANCE: Situated along the valley
historied feudal kingdom of many
Keep's trading caravans are s:Ud to have of the River Tush, the region that was noble families, strong in arms and trade
safe passage TushendaJe is now piles of ruins over- alike, yet until the situation stabilizes,
GAMING INFORMATION: There are grown by brambles and shrubs. travelers are warned of the dangers of
reported to be several warring tribes of ELMJNSTeR'S NOTES: This dale was a rival factions and border patrols.
ores and goblins in the Lost Vale, the full member of the Dales Council a gen·
strongest of which the Korinkathar, GAME INFORMATION: The royal family
eration ago, now it has vanished. Its
of Tuthyr is believed destroyed, though
The Ores of Mourning. people were slain or enslaved in a series on occasion a particular claimant or
of raids by the ores in the mountains pretender arises to rally forces of one
TASSELOALE and the men of ZhentiJ Keep. Much of type or another. If any direct-line heir
the walls of Zhentil Keep were built of
AT A GLANCE: Tusseldale is the most has survived the bloodbath of Tuthyr,
the rocky sides of this dale, which have
"civilized" of the dalelands, and dotted he must currently be far from that
been entirely quarried away, leaving
with a wide variety of small communi- land, using another name, and keeping
only rolling, rocky areas ar'ld the rem-
ties that, as a group, are considered Ths- his lineage secret to avoid being hunted
nants of Tushendale's farmland. The
seldaJe. These communities are set in a down by the various factions.
bw·ned remnants of the Tushendale
dry river valley stretching from the end
Arms still provide a meeting place for
of Arch Wood to Featherdale on the Riv·
travelers and shepherds, but most of TEZllR (Tuh-ZEER)
er Ashaba.
Tushendale's other buildings have van- AT A GLANCE: The largest free city on
ELMTNSTER'S NOTES:Tusseldale is "the ished, its destruction being being com- the banks of the Dragonmere, Thziir is
crossroads'' of the dales, a pleasant, pleted forty years ago. Its sign, still Westgate's rival in the merchant trade.
tree-cloaked defile lined with the shops found on cairns and building stones, It is a sprawling, unwalled city, and has
and houses of artisans: toymakers, Jace- consists of two flying snakes, tails inter- been attacked, sacked, and burned
makers, tinsmiths and potters, wood- twined and curving up to face each oth· more than a few times in its brief histo-
workers and cabinetmakers, tailors er. ry.
and builders, weavers and vintners and Tushendale was ruJed by an Elder; the
scribes. It has a force of mounted police last, Jaoth Hulnhurn, is believed long THAR (The Great Grey Lands)
officers, known as "mairshars" com- dead. A place is still reserved at the Dale
posed of four patrols of 12. men each, Council for Tushendale, partially in AT A GLANCE: The Great Grey Lands of
plus eleven trainees who fill in to Thar stretch northward from the
memory of Jaoth, and partially as a
replace the sick or wounded. Moonsea in rising steppeland that ends
reminder of the shame of not aiding a
fellow dale. The community of Dagger- at the Great Glacier Pelvuria.
GAME TNFOR.MATION: The mairshars
are fighters of levels 2-5, armored in daJe not so far away feels that shame ELMINSTER'S NOTES: Thar is a deso-
regulation chain mail, though some acutely, and may account for their late, uncivilized region untouched by
unfriendly attitude. That attitude may the hand of settlers and farms. Instead,

it is a land of nomad raiders and home on a black or deep purple field. Despite such laws, thieves and thiev-
of the "beast-men" Cogresl, and great The collected Red Wizards are ery are common. Most major cltier; have
bands of ores. These creatures are said devoted to an expansionistic and imper· a number of "thieves' dens" competing
to be aided at times by de,ils summon- ialistic policy of swallowing neighbor m stealing and theft. A few cities (such
ed by evil magery Such fell magic· states. This policy has been hampered as Zhentil Keep) have an organized
workers are known to command the by internal strife among various fac· group of rogues controlling all such
war-sLrong city·state of Zhentil Keep. tions and personality cults among the activity, and can Cin the Keep's case)
and its rival, the independent city-state Red Wizards, and by the fact the cult operate from a building in broad day-
of Mulmaster, which lies at the other neither trusts mercenaries or high-le\'el light. \lost "thieves' dens" are secret
end of the Moonsea These, combined adventurers that are not of their cult. gathering spots, often beneath the city
with the slumbering evil of Vaasa and or the large numbet• of invasions of Itself and change as guards and lawful
the great Dragons, make Thar the gate- Rashemen, 3 out of 4 have been by groups discover Lhem.
way to "The Evil of the North:' some particular faction leader of the The city of Waterdeep had once been
wizards seeking to expand his domina- home LO the mo!lt powerful guild of
tion at home by bringing victories from thieves in the North. The Lords of
THAY the field. Waterdeep smashed that guild. forcing
AT A GLANCE: Thay is a powerful, exot- its leaders to flee the city (those leaders
ic, magical and evil nation that lies in are now lhe Shadow Thieves of ;\mn).
ards roam the lands seeking to increase
the Eastern Reaches of the Known There are still thie\'es, thief-acrobats.
their pQwer. Any Red Wizard so
Realms. bound by Aglarond and Thesk and even assassins in Waterdeep, but
encountered will not be of less than 9th
in the west, Bashemen in the north lhe thev are broken into innumerable small
level, and up to 15th level. There is a
Inner Sea in the south, and Sunrise groups, or operate alone.
50% chance of the wizard having body-
"v1owitains and EndJess Waste in the The most common respite for such
guards (usually ogres or other non-
east. The realm is best known far its human creatures), and an equal chance robbers is what the) themselves call
rich prosperity. ancient heritage, byz· "The Honest 'lrade"-adventuring,
of having 1-4 low-level (1·8) magical
antine government, and magical-based where such abilities mav be used and
aspirants to the Red Cloth. The Red
society. indeed lionized in song and legend,
\ Vizards do not go in for subtlety, and
when what they are actually doing b
ELMINSTER'S NOTES: Thay is con- will wear their crimson robes haughtily
fairly similar, the only difference being
trolled by a loose confederation of pow- in all but the most discreet situations
that instead of a lord's manor they are
erful spell-casters collecth ely called the
burglarizing a )jch's tomb. \1any thieves
Red Wizards of Thay. who are evil and
take to this life. adhering to a code that
paranoid to the extreme, seeking to THIEVES AND THEIR keeps them out of trouble in civilized
maintain their own power in their SUB-CLASSES areas but keeps them in gold. Some
nation while undercutting the power of
AT 1\ GLANCE: There are those whose leaders of important organizations are
other realms, which they perceive as
abilities lie not \'\'Jth sword or the art, ol this type-their feUow members
dangerous to their existence Other
bul with quiet motion. dexterous would trust the cash-box wLth such an
magic-users who are not of their <'UIJ
action, and stealth. Such talents often individual in the city, but keep an eye on
(and in particular those mages who are
lead to th1efly endeavors, which plague him In the wild for pocketed gems and
involved in ruling rival nations) are
most major citiei., but are often placed magical items that had •found" their
viewed as threats lo be eliminated. The
to good use in <lealing with dangerous way into his high-topped boots.
total number of Red Wizards is
unknown. monsters and Lost treasure. GAME INFOR}vJATJON; Thieves and
Thay has a noble class as well. Thar- ELMJNSTER'S r.;OTES: •\s more people Lheir sub·classes ha\e the abillti~s as
chlons and Tharchionesses govern its gather in large cities, more individuals given them in Players Handbook and
provinces, under the direction of the who prey on large collections of man- Uneartlled AJ·cana. The would-be thief
Red Wizards' chosen spokesmen, the kind gather as well. Chief of those are IS encouraged to practiCl! his trade to
Zulkirr;. There are at present believed human scavengers who seek their pro· the benefit of others.
to be eight Zulkirs. of whom the name fession by stealing from others. rn the
of only one is known in the Inner Sea wilds, such beha\ ior is of times useful
lands: the Zulkir Szass Tdm.
and beneficial lo the group. but in the
The Red Wizards and their minions larger cities, usually spells trouble, so A1 .t\ GLANCE: This is one of the three
use several badges; that most often that most lawful towns have injunc- passes through the Thunder Peaks, the
seen outside Thay is a leaping red flame tions ag<1iru;t such activities. others being Shadow Gap and Thunder

Gap, and its location makes it a strategic ELMINSTER'S NOTES: The ample cover a 6th level fighter of passible meril and
strongpoint in the area. A small, unfor· provided by the surrounding vegeta· increruble girth. His chosen name is
tified town. Tilverton, lies on the west· tion makes it easy to stage ambushes said to come from his hunting ability in
ern side of the gap. here, and may hide a great number of the King's Woods, but Court Wits have
ELMfNSTER'S NOTES: The area of assailants with ease. Trollish bands of late connected it with his waistline
striking at tra,·elers so often over the and eating habits. Suldag is good·
Tilver's Gap was occupied by Cormyr in
vears ha\'e gained the ford its grisly aligned.
a conOict with Scardale a few winters
name; piles of gnawed and burned
back, and most recently in a dispute
bones stand as grim warnings on both UNTHER
with the forces of Zhenlil Keep. These
occupations were With the tacit approv- sides of the river about a mile from LhP
AT A GLANCE: One of the more myste·
al of the other Dales and Sembia, who ford. As a standard precaution. most
caravans have a guard of 20 armed men rious of the natfons of the South, little is
wish to see the Purple Dragon's com· known of this nation, save that its ruler
when making this passage.
mitmenl increased in the area. is said to be immortal.
This strategic location on the over·
land 1.rade-road east of Arabel and west TSURLAGOL (Tsss·Sffi·lah·gol)
of the Dalelands contains a small town, AT A GLANCE: Tsurlagol is a large, pro·
Tilverton, which boasts several good perous city east of Procampur, and the AT A GLANCE: Urmlaspyr is a fair-sized
horse-breeders and livery stables, an last such city before the borders of city south of Daerlun in the nation of
important temple to the god Good, and lmpiltur are reached Sembia. See SEMHlA.
The Flagon Held High, an inn of excel·
lent report. TULBEGH (TULL-beg) VAASA (VAIT-sah)
GAME ff\'FOR.MflTION: The area of the AT A GLANCE: Tulbegh is a small village "1T A GLANCE: \'aasa is a cold, northern
Gap are patrolled by mounted Cormyr· in Sembia, birthplace of Elduth Yarm· empire similar in terrain and climate to
ian troops. A Cormyr patrol will num· Thar, ruled by a self-proclaimed
master. See SEJ\iIBIA
ber 12 fighters of 1st level, led by a 4th "Witch· King:•
level fighter, and with a 50% chance of a TU RMI SH ELMINSTER'S NOTES: Yaasa was for
3·6th level war wizard as well. All are years the name of the unclaimed waste
mounted on medium horses with Jeath· AT A GLANCE: The land of Turmish lies
and wild-land beyond the northern
er barding, and the fighters are due souU1 of the Pirate Isles, and is a
bounds of Damaran patrols, in much
armored in banded mail Such patrols rich, fertile farming land of many small
the same way as the land of Thar begins
are instructed not to interfere with nor- villages and a few larger city-states.
where the swords of the Moonsea cities
mal merchant traffic, to inform trav- EL.MINSTER'S NO'I'ES: The Turmish end. It was (and for the most part
elers of the customs of Cormyr, and to people are sajd to be tall, mahogany- remains) a cold, wintery, unpleasant
avoid engagements with super10r skinned, and beautiful, and those men land of rolling moors and tundra,
forces. If such a battle js inevitable, the of Lhe trading classes have square, long which becomes an impenetrable bog
majority of the troops are to hold the beards. during the few weeks of High Summer.
enemy while one gallops to make a £n addition to its farms, the land of 1\venty vears ago there arose on the
report. 'lbrmish is known for its ornate and shore of the Sea of Tuars a huge edjfice
finely-crafted armor. This armor is dot· of dark stone bound in iron. From this
TRIEL ted with spires and fluted curves, mix· Castle Perilous its master, Zhengyi the
Al' A GLANCE· 1riel i.s a way-station ing elvish and human style!>. Witch·King, declared mastery over all
along the "Irade Way from Scornubel to the lands of Yaasa.
Waterdeep, and it is here that lesser- TYRlUK (TEER·luke) Zhengyi soon made good his claim,
used trails from Elturel and HiJJ's Edge recruiting an impossibly large army of
AT A GLANCE: Tyrluk is a small cross·
meet up. men, bandits, inhuman tribes, and mys·
roads village in Cormyr. with a smithy,
tical beasts, and swept through Vaasa
carter, and farmers' market.
TROLLCLAW FORD into its neighboring land of Damara.
ELMINSTER'S NOTES: Hardy ponies Through strength of arms and treach-
AT A GLANCE: This ford across the are bred locally, and many caravans ery, Zhengyi defeated the Damaran
winding water is overhung by Wgh, purchase remounts here. armies at the Ford of Goliad, and slew
tree-cloaked banks and surrounded by the majority of its rulers, including the
hills on both sides GAME INFOR\fATION· Suldag " the
Last King of Damara, Virdin Blood-
Boar" is the appointed locaJ lord, and Is

feathers Zhengyi is said to have accom- dom go Lhere, preferring to visit it aJone Voonlar two years ago. He appears to be
plished Ulis task with the help of a pow- in search of spiritual guidance and a direct agent of Zhentil Keep and part
erfu! Grandfather of Assassins, who peace, or with family, to make a burial of their network
operates from a secret base in the or come to a wake. But the VaJe is said to
Galena .Mountains. be guarded for the Elves by another
Hlammytbyl is an 8th level fighter of
Having effectively destroyed the unknown being, even in Lhese later
JawfuJ evil alignment. His deputies are
nation of Damara, Zhengyi claimed days.
fighters of levels 3-5 and neutral to neu-
only its northern sections as his, grant- The name "Lost Dale" is one given by
tral evil alignmenL
ing independence to (though taking men, who, in cutting across it with their
The Thmple of Bane has the following
tribute from) the southern petty lords road, saw a natural valley or dale that
that now controlled the wreckage that was forbidden to men in the Pact made
was once Damara. Zhengyi's reason for at the Standing Stone, and forever lost 1 12th level patriarch (Gormstaddl
this is not known, and it may be that the to men. All t he elves of the woods 2 6th level clerics
southern domains do not interest him, wouJd have to be dead before one tree 4 3rd level clerics
or that fully controlling them would ire of this Vale could be cut, it has been said 8 2.nd level clerics
states like lmpiltur and Tbay, bringing more than once, and this 4; now com- 16 Tumple guards of levels 1-4
them into premature conflict with mon knowledge around the dales. None The Turnp!e of Chauntea's personnel
Vaasa. have seen fit to test this promise, even are:
The people of Vaasa live in a few scat- with the passage of the Elven Court. 1 10th level matriarch (Lady Shrael
tered primitive communities, dwarfed 2 5th level clerics
by tl1e huge amount of armed merce- YlLHO N REAC H 4 3rd level clerics
nary and other forces that now swell 8 2nd Level clerics
AT A GLt\NCE: A long southern spur of
the kingdom. Evil faiths flourish here, 20 Tumple fighters of level 2
the Sea of Fallen Stars, the entrance to
and Zhengyi's own closest servants are
Lhe Vilhoa Reach lies far to the south of
priests who wear goat-headed head-
the Pirate lsles, and its mouth is guard- WATEROEEP
pieces, whose true faith is unrevealed
ed by the island llighon. It is a fertile, AT A GLANCE: WaLerdeep is the most
Zhengyi himself is reclusive, almost
paranoid, in bis Castle Perilous. He rich land divided up into quarreling important and influential city of the
city-states and petty nations. North, and perhaps of all Faerun
takes no envoys from other nations or
major faiths, and a contingent of Red Waterdeep is located on the Sword
Wizards who sought to force an audi- YOONLAR Coast, 150 miles north of Daggerford
ence with him were said to be swallow- AT A GLANCE: VoonJar is a large town and is reached by paved, well-patrolled
ed whole by the earth on the steps of noi·tb and east of Shadowdale, and is roads. It is the hub of trading from the
CastJe Perilous. What the Witch-king considered that Dale's chief rival in the mineral-rich lands to the north, the
plans is not krtown, even by the wise of area Three main roads run to Shadow- Merchant kingdoms ot' Arnn and Calim-
the Realms. dale, Yulash, and 'n!shwave, and meet in shan to the south, the kingdoms of the
Voonlar in a "Y", with most of the Inner Sea to the west, and the sea king·
GAME INFORMATTON: Further infor-
important buildings, including temples doms and traders to the west
mation on Vaasa, Damara, and Zhengyi
may be found in the "Bloodstone Pass" to Bane and Chauntea, at the joining of ELMJNSTER'S NOTES: Waterdeep is
1>Cries of moduJes (Hl 4). that Y. named for its outstanding natural deep-
ELMINSTER'S NOTES: Voonlar is pres- watel' harbor, and the city that grew up
YALE O F LOSI VOICES ently in a state of flux. NominaJJy inde- at this site has become the commercial
pendent, it is ruled by an elected "bron" crossroads of the Northern Realms.
1\T A GLANCE: Hidden in I.he depths of More than 100,000 people make their
or sheriff, who may have up to six full-
the elven wood is a wooded defile that home in Waterdeep, more lhan in all
time deputies plus a militia of villagers
lies across the traderoad between the the cities of Cormyr itself.
raised as needed. All villagers vote in
Standing Stone and Essembra. This Vale Men and other races come from all
the annual election of the sheriff, in the-
of Lost Voices is a Mch and fertile area, over the Realms to earn hard coin io the
ory. In reality, the town is ruled by
yet unsenled. City of Splendors, and O\'er the years
Zhentil Keep, through YuJash. The
ELMINSTER'S NOTES: This vale is a present bran's name is Buorstag Hlam- successful merchants have set up
place sacred to the elves, for here they mythyl. a burly fighter who worships guilds, and themselves become nobility,
placed the bodies of their fallen, and Bane and gained a formidable reputa- supporting the secretive Lords of
here their ghosts wander. The elves sel- tion as a mercenary before his arrival in Waterdeep, who police the city fairly

yet with a light hand by means of the to both prove or disprove these claims, GA;\,/£ INFORMATION. Waymoot's local
superb City Guard (soldiers), City and beyond these four (including the Lord is Filfar Woodbrand, also called
Watch (police), and over twenty black- Blackstam conjeclure swings widely as lrollkille1~· A 10th le\'el fighter of great
robed magistrates. As a result, Water- to who belongs and does not belong. power (18i94 strength), Filfar 1s less-
deep is a place tolerant of different The Lords appear in public only in than·comfortable with the appellation.
races, religions, and lifestyles, This in the Lords' Court, hearing all cases of though it describes his skill in repelling
turn has encouraged commerce, and murder, treason, misuse of magic, and a crollish attack on the town.
Waterdeep has grown into a huge, appeals from lower courts. On such
eclectic city. occasions there are always at least four THE WAY INN
The banner of Waterdeep is rarely Lords, but sometimes six or seven, nnd
used, save on the Watchtowers of the AT A GL,1 \'CE: This \'illage numbers
rarely as many as nine. P1ergeiron
le~s than twenty buildings, the largest
city wall. on Waterdeep Castle, and on chairs the Court and asks aU questions,
Lord Piergeiron's Palace. It is a rich, for the Lords speak through him In of \o\ hlch is a sprawling manor-house
royal blue Oat-topped shield bordered chambers the Lords all appear similarly that has been used as an inn. A large
in silver; on the shield is a silver cres- masked and robed, their robes formless commons to the south of the town has
cent moon, horns uppermost, and and black with black capes, and their obviously been used as a parade ground
below it an area of purple hue (repre- masks completely covering the head for' military forces.
senting the light of the city at night), and face. These masks have featureless ELM.lNSTER'S NOTES: This is a very
which ends in a straight horizontal line faces, with mirrored crystals over the small \•illage dominated by the inn it
representing the sea. Below this, eyes, save for Piergeiron, who has bad takes its name from , and is used as a
reflected in the water, is a wavery his facemask separated from the helm base for adventurers and hunters. The
upside-down crescent moon matching and lets the condemned :iee his face. Way Inn maintains a force of archers
the one at the top of the shield, and in a and spearmen who t•epel trolls and oth·
semi-circle around it (from the waters- er wandering creatures. The Way Inn
the L(>rds of Waterdeep have some
edge-line around towards the point of undetectable magical enchantment, was used as a temporary base by forces
the shield and back up) are nine silver from Waterdeep in its battle with Dra-
which prevents the use of divination
many pointed stars. The Meisarch of gonspear Castle. The Tnn iS run by
spells (including ESP and detect lie) on
Arnn once said nastilv that these stars Dauravyn Redbeard, a stout, middle·
the wearer while they are in use. In
should really be replaced by gold coins. addition, many of the upper class of the aged swashbuckler.
as that's all that's held important in that City of Splendors wear their own addi· GAME JNFORM1\TIO.V. The Way Inn
city, though this seems more inspired tional protections to keep the curious armed force numbers no less than so
by jealousy than reason. men-at-arms, who are usually recruited
and indiscreet spell·casters at bay.
Waterdeep is ruled by a council Further information on Waterdeep from traveling caravans, ·though in
whose membership is largely secret. IL and its immediate vicinity may be found limes of crisis the number may be dou·
is a known fact that Piergeiron "the in FR·l , the Waterdeep and the North ble or treble that, and, during the trou·
Paladison;' Warden of Waterdeep and Sourcebook. bles with Dragonspear Castle, several
Commander of the Watch, whose
thousand troops passed through the vil·
golden-spired palace dominates Lhe lage and the rnn became the center post
center of the city, is a member of the WAYMOOT (WAY.moot)
of operation The normal armed force
Lords. lt is generally supposed that the AT A GLANCE: A large town within the
wears splint mail and carries spear,
archmage Khelben ''Black.staff" Art.In· bounds of the King's Woods, Waymoot short bow, and firepots, the last to deal
sun is also of the Lords, and perhaps is situ11-ted in a man-made clearing of with the marauding trolls.
chief among them. The identities of otb· five miles across. The center of the
Firepots are small clay jugs filled with
er members have not been made public town has a ".,•ide stone-walled keep, but flammable oil, carried in slings of leath·
knowledge. The subjects of who the the majority of the buildings are unfor· er These weapons are lit. spun around
Lords are is a common subject of noble tilled. the head, and flung up to 30 yard:.
conversation, and some consider it a
ELMINSTER'S NOTES: Waymoot is a away. Upon striking a hard surface, the
game to discover whom the Lords are, a traders' town in the center of Cormyr, jugs break, inflicting 1-6 points of dam-
game made more confusing by the fact where horses are bred and trained, and
the Lords themselves set theil' own
age to all within 5 feet of the impact
wagons are made and fixed. There are point. The oil continues to burn for 1-4
rumors afloat. The names of Mirt the many inns (The Cup and Spoon, The points of damage each round thereafter
Merchant, the Courtesan Larissa, and Old Man, The Moon and Stars, The Sil- for 1-10 rounds, or untll extinguished.
'Tuxter fue Paladin have been connected ver Wink1 and others). Dauravyn Redbeard is an adventurer
with the Lords, though evidence exists

retired from the trade, and a 5th level weighing scales some adventurer's home as a warning,
fighter. Re does not wear armor any Family: Dhostar is a domino mask.
longer, but does have bracers of Lord Luer The Masks are primarily thieves, but
defense (AC 2) that he continually Family 'Ii'ading Badge: Tuwny wag- include fighters, assassins, and mages
wears. A two-handed broad sword, on wheel, topped by three stars as the job demands. Normally they
rumored to be magical, hangs over the Family: Guldar operate in groups of five, with mem-
back of his bar. Lord Dathguld bers only aware that the four others of
Family 'Il'ading Badge: Black ha.wk the group know what the team is up to
WESTGATE Family: MaJavhan In this fashion, if one is caught. only
Lord Thamdros that group is endangered. Levels range
AT A GLANCE: Westgate is an impor· from 1·10, with higher level beings
Family 1rading Badge: Red sun
Lant port/caravan-city transfer point on available only for the most dangerous
Family: Ssemm
the overland route that joins U1e Inner jobs. Leadership of the Night Masks is
Lord Orgule
Sea and its lands to the west ( \mn,
Family 1rading Badge. Ivory bird's unrevealed.
Tuthyr. and North. the Sword Coast) claw
and the Far South. It is a large, fortified
Family: Thalavar WHELOON (way-LOON)
city with a i>mattering of trading com- Lady Nette! (matriarchal widow)
panies and smaller buildings set up AT A GLANCE: Wheloon is a mid-sized
Family 'lrading Badge: Green feath·
beyond its walls. town of some two hundred-plus major
buildings, situated at the outflow of the
ELMINSTER'S NOTES: Westgate has Iul· Family: Thorsar
Wyvernwater. lls buildings have roofs
filled the role of trading link between Lord Maergrym
Inner Sea (east) and Sword Coast (v. est) of vib1·ant green.
Family 1rading Badge: Blue hand
for as long as humankind have been in holding corn ELMINSTER'S NOTES: This river-town
the lnner Sea area. Once a simple s tpp· .Family· Urda grew up around the ferry here that
over and stockyard similar. to Scornu· Lord Ssenlar bears traffic on the Cormyr-Suzail road
bel or lriaebor today, Westgate bas Family 1i'ading Badge: Yellow eye across the Wyvemflow. Its green.
gained ln importance as the trade Family: Vhammos roofed houses are the result oJ use of a
increased, diversifying inco shipyards, Lord Thontal native slate for shlngles, and have given
wagomnakers, and sideline industries. Family 'Trading Badge: Steel-grey rise to the phrase "the jade towers of
Its local industries include pottery (of open hand Wheloon:• Many craftsmen work here,
average to poor quality), scent-making there are boatmakers, basketweavers
Westgate has a secret set of rulers as
(excellent fragrances> and wine-making sailmakers, and clay-potters.
well. A band of professional assassins,
(wluch varies wildly from superior to extortionists, coercers, enforcers, and GAME INFORMATION: Wheloon is
merely good). thieves known as the Night Masks have i·uled in lbe name of King Azoun IV by
Westgate Iles on the southern side of Sarp Redbeard, the most headstrong
set up shop in the city. They are for hire
the long western arm of the Sea of by all, and as such independent of the and independent of the Local Lords.
Fallen Stars, across from Cormyr. It is
various noble-houses, switching alli- Sarp is known for disagreeing with
independent of all kingdoms and out· ances as their purse leads them. The court policy on a number of matters,
side authority, and considered an "open
Night Masks control most of the illegal and has earned few friends in court.
city;· free to all manner of trade from all doings in the town, and seek to expand but he is popular among lhe natives of
sides. their grasp to the north and west, into Waymoot, who see Sarp as keeping the
The local nobility, the Lords of other civilized lands. Purple Dragon of Cormyr out of their
Westgate are the heads of rich mer· Finally, though Westgate is patrolled daily lives. Sarp is Good-Neutral Cwitb
chant families. All such families usually chaotic tendencies) and a 9Ui level fight·
by a leather-jerkined militia, reports
have long-standing traditions and speak of strife in the city by night. er.
feuds, caravan companies and trading
Whether this is one family warring
fleets on the Inner Sea, as well as other against another. the activities of the THE WOOD OF SHARP TEETH
diverse business interests. The farnili~s
Night Masks, or a new organization in
of Westgate and their lords and symbols AT A GLANCE: This forest is an maze of
the city is as yet unknown
are: undergrowth. tangled with nettles and
GA ~IE INFORMATION: The Night thorn-bushes.
Family: Athagdal
Masks make no secret of their exist·
Lord Urlyvl ELMmSTER'S NOTES: This vast forest
ence, and their symbol, marked on
Family 'lrading badge Russet is so named because it is completely
shops to indicate protection, or left in

WESTGATE KEY: 50. Urdo Shed
51 . Mulsantlr's Gete
1. Dhoatar Vele (private park) 52. Thorsar yards
2. Castle Dhostar 53. Castle Arhagdal
3. The Leaning Man (Inn) 54. Castle Thalavar
4. The Dhostar Yards 55. Castle Mslavhan
5. The Blind Eye (fence for stolen 56. Malavhan yards
gooda, ostensibly a tack, harness, 57. Malavhan Company sheds
and trail goods shop) (warehouses)
6. Thessar the Warrior's house (an 58. Dhostar docks
adventurer's abode) 59. Thorsar docks
7. Lllda'a (festhall) 60. Malavhan docks
8. The Water Gate 61 . Urdo docks
9. " The Shore" (drovers/Wanderers/ 62. Thalavar docka
journeymen' s slum) 63. Guider docks
10. Dhostar Company sheds 64. " The Watch dock" (seized goods,
(warehouses) pirate ships, ship Inspections, etc.
11. The Jolly Warrior (Inn) held here)
12. WeatGete 65. Athagdal docks & ahlpyards
13. Thoraar Company sheds 66. Vhammos docks
(warehouses) 67. Ssemm docks
14. Thalaver Company sheets 68. Ssemm docks
(warehouse) 69. Temple to Umberlee
15. Castle Seemm 70. Temple to Tyche
16. Thalaver yards 71 . Temple to Gond
17. The Splttlng Cockatrice (Inn) 12. Temple to Lathander
18. The Empty Fish (tavern) 73. City Watch barracks
19. The Westward Eye (Inn)
74. City Watch (meeting rooms,
20. Gatereach (lnn of good quality)
21 . " Ssemm aheds" (warehouse)
22. The Purple Lady (tavern, festhall)
23. Guldar Company sheds (warehouses)
24. Temple to Mask
25. The South Gete
26. The City Watch barracks
27. Polol: " The Lords' Water"
28. Castle Thoraar
29. Castle Urdo
30. The House of Silks (fine clothing;
Jewellry; very expensive shop)
31 . The Blue Banner (lnn of good quality)
32. The Tower (registry office for
Imports/exports/City Watch HQ/Jall,
w/dungeons beneath)
33. " The Market"
34. Castle Guider
35. Castle Vhammos
36. Vhammoa Company sheds
S7. The River Gate
38. The Black BoOt (Inn)
39. The " River Bridge"
40. Vhammoa yards '
41 . The Rising Raven (IM)
42. Guider yards
43. Ssemm yards
44. East Gate
45. The Old Beard (tavern)
46. " The Harbor Tower" (" The
Wutllght", as mariners call It);
beacon and harbor defense
47. The Gentle Moon (Inn)
48. Shalush Myrkeer's Shop (the largest
shop In Westgate; buys and sells
49. The Black Eye (tavern & festhall)
wild, and abounds in forebl creatures GAME TVFORi\.f.ATION: Zhentarlm plate and plate barding for the horses),
dangerous to man. Satyrs are known to patrols are at their strongest in the Yel- 37Z lightly armored guards/skirmishers
dweU here in numbers, and there are low Snake Pass area, and number at (banded armor, swords and staff slings,
thought to be dryads, but the wood is least 40 2nd-level warriors to a patrol, 52 archers, three clerics of Bane (6th
feared more for its less intelligent deni- plus a magic-user of levels 1·£ and a level), and three mages of Zhentil Keep.
zens, who are numerous and savage cleric (of Bane) of similar levels. The foremost of these mages, and
enough to have discouraged woodcut- present commander of Yulash, is Sz.1·
ting and hunting by tbe citizenry of YHAUNN {Uh-HAWN) maeril. a 10th level Lawful-evil magic·
Baldur's Gate. No elves of any type are user, and hfa assistants are levels 6 and
believed to make this woodland lheir AT A GLtlNCE: Yhuaim is Sembia's port
8 in magic-use.
home, but travelers are warned that of the Dragon Reach, and while not that
very little is known of this area. Many nation's oldest city, is the oldest retain-
ing its original (Chondalhian) name. see
valuable duskwood trees can be seen (Zz-I IENT-ah-rirn)
by those passing by, but none have
dared cut any for many years. for death AT A GLANCE: The Zhentarim are an
comes S'<\ iftly to those who pass beyond YLRAPHON (Ee-u1-RAFF-on) organization of evil and lawful jnilivid-
t11e trees. Local legend in BaJdur's Gate AT A GLANCE: Ylraphon is a small, dale- uals. spanning all character pl'ofessions
bolds I.hat this is a lost, ruined city in the Images. warriors, thieves). and lnclud·
like town on the northern end of the
forest depths. Dragon Reach. rts people are similar In ing several inhuman monsters. The
nature Lo the Dalesmen, and may be an group is based in L.hentil Keep. but has
YELLOW SNAKE PASS early settlement of the same stock that major outposts in the Citadel of the Rav-
did not croi>s l11e River Lis and settle at en, several cities on the Moonsea. and
AT A GLANCE: This pass through the Darkhold in the Far Ilills, and opera·
Sunset Mountains is one of the few usa- edges of the 1\"ees of The Elven Court.
lives in e\'ery major town and city in the
ble trails north of the Far Hills and region between the Dragon Reach and
south of Anauroch It is a twisting maze YULASH (Yoo-LASH) the Sword Coast
winding between the peaks, and must AT A GLANCE: Yulash was obviously
swerve around large rock outcroppings ELMJNSTER'S NOTES: This powerful
once much larger and fortified, but half
of reddish sandstone. group dubbed 'The Black Network" by
the buildings have been reduced to
foes such as Doust of Shadowdale and
ELMINSTER'S NOTES: This remote scattered piles of stone. Those which
his companions, appears to be a wide·
mountain pass is a long, wide, natural remain have been clustered behind
spread and quite powerful group of evil
valley that forms a strategic overland hastily-contructed stockades or sealed
individuals, commanded both by
passage through the mountains north over to produce fortified buildings. The
priests of Bane and mages of no small
of Cormyr. It is named for a strange and largest of these stockades is set up
power. Tu enrich themselves, the Zhen·
fearsome draconian beast, which about the ruins of the main citadel,
tarim desire to control the most eco-
resembled a v.ringed serpent of ivory- which flies the banner of Zhentil Keep.
nomical trade routes between the
yelJow color, that made thls region its ELMTNSTER'S NOTES: This fortified established lands of the Sword Coast
home several hundred years ago until it market-town has recently become a and the rich young kingdoms about the
was slain by the adventurer Tuirlagh strategic holding changing hands Moonsea, eventually extending Into
"Foehammer" Nundass, of Silvery· between the troops of Zhentil Keep and political control of these regions as well.
moon. Hillsfar a number of limes, and largely Slaves are an important part of the
The Pass is presently controlled by reduced to rubble in the process. Al the trade they already take part in, trading
the Zhentarim, who permit none onset of the current winter, It is 1n the with evil or inhuman groups, or send·
through who is not a member, ally, or hands of Zhentil Keep, and is a small, ing their ·•wares" south into the ancient
approved client of their network. The hastily-rebuilt, tightly-controlled mill· lands of Condath, Lither, and
Zhentarim have resisted several tary camp. MuJhorand
attempts by Cormyr lriaebor, Scornu- Somewhere beneath YuJash, local leg- 1b accomplish their goals, the Net-
bel, and Hill's Edge to oust them. end has it, there is a gate to other work has tried to assume control of
Forces within the pass are unknown, \vorlds that opens onJy to those who lands aJong the route; from their strong
though are known to include several know its secrets. base at Zhontil Keep, they have taken
nastinesses of gargoyles (a nastiness control of Voonlar and ruined Yulash,
being one tribe of the creatures) and at GAME INFOR!\JATJON: Zhentil Keep's
rule the Stonelands through bandits
least one stone golem. current garrison consists of 144 fully
armored mounted men-at-arms (full allied to their cause, and aJone have the

power to maintain a trade route pletely under the thumb of the Black While the upper levels of the church
through the Goblin Marches. Darkhold Network. Other factions are abroad in of Bane in Zhentil Keep are loyal to the
their great fortress, commands the only this city. the most powerful of which Zhentarim. the lower ranks, and those
pass north of High Horn. that pass are the rival clerics in the TumpJe of of other cities (such as Mulmaster)
known as the Yellow Snake, and Bane. Friction between the factions is actively oppose the group. Those cler-
Darkhold's reach extends throughout intense, and night-borne fighting com- ics of Bane allied with the Zhentarim
the Far Hills. Dragonspear Castle may mon among the shuttered shops and assume that a number of their low-level
be a network stronghold. The basis of closed businesses. assistants are spies for the more ortho-
such an owned route exists, with gaps Zhentil Keep is ruled by Lord Chess, a dox sects of Bane, \.\•hich frown on shar·
at Shadowdale and Daggerdale, local foppish, vain, fat overlord with a taste ing Bane's blessing with non-clerics.
resistance In Daggerdale, the Tilver's for gluttony. Chess is a gossipy blunder- Lord Chess Is a 3rd level fighter who
Gap area the northern reaches of Cor- er, and though tho Zhentarim have had previously been a 3rd le\·el magic·
myr (which can readily raid the Stone- used him in the past as an ally, neither user and 3rd level cleric A cowardly
lands and a large, nebulous gap they (nor anyone else knowledgeable in fop, Chess Is surrounded by a gl'oup of
between Darkhold and Dragonspear such matters) count him as a member five bodyguat'ds of 6th level. Both the
Castle). This makes these regions major of their organization. Zhentarim and those groups opposing
targets for Zhentarim interference. Jn him seek to keep Chess in his position.
GAME INFORMATION: The abilities of
addition, the Zhentarim are In excellent the former to use the soft lord as a dip-
the Zhentarim are detailed in their own
position to brave the heart of section. The Dark Shrine, Bane's Tum- lomatic cushion and catspaw and Lhe
Anauroch, the Great Desert, and to dis· latter to prevent someone truly effec·
pie Complex In the Keep, is one of the
cover either a safe trade route through live to come to Lhe post. which may
largest in the Moonsea area outdone in
its depths, or to find the riches and size and personnel only by The Black solidify Zhentarim power in the city.
magic of its lost civilizations. Nightime in Zhentil Keep is danger-
Lord's Altar in Mulmaster. Fzoul Chem·
ous, in part because of press gangs,
bryl is patriarch of the church in Zhen·
ZHENTIL KEEP (Zz·HENT-ill Keepl groups of local thugs employed by the
Lil Keep, and is a 13th level Cleric of
Bane. Fzoul is a member of the Zhen- Zhentarim or other groups to get cheap
AT A GLANCE: Perched at the western (as in free) man-power. Such groups are
end of the Moon Sea, Zhentil Keep is a tarim, as are some of his staff. The Tum-
armed with clubs, metal staves, and
large, walled city of the size and popula- pie Complex includes:
brass knuckles, and tend to be of levels
tion of Suzail in Cormyr. It is one of the 1 13th Level Patriarch (Fzoull t-4. Such gangs use brawling tactJcs to
major ports of the Moonsea, and domi- 2 9th level clerics (one of which. knock out the unaware. Those so cap-
nated by a large temple complex dedi- Casildar, is a member of the Zhentarim) tured may find themselves on a slave-
cated to Bane. 3 7th level clerics (one of which, Zhes- ship heading for Thay, at the oars of a
ELMJNSTER'S NOTES: Zhentil Keep is sae, is a member of the Zhentarim) galley on the Moonsea, or in a work
the base of the Zhentarlm Cq.v.), thougb 5 5 lh level clerics crew rebuilding section:. of Yulash or
the city and its populace is not com- 7 3rd level clerics the Citadel of the Raven

Tile Zbeacil Keep N etWORk • • usually deceased, thanks to actventurers



~ ·wHtSPER

Apprentices "STROY MAGLOR

(" ULBA and others)
'OR~Y I I I (othef caravan masters?)
AGHEBAR (and olher merchants?)

SHADOWDALE Maela, daughter Turko Brccm. Cook, waiter.
(being OD accoantio9 o.i: t:be Surd, son. apprentice smith. • Tuok Oath. given spear.
• Took Oath Erek " Philters. Potions. Phvsics. Pur-
peopJe o.i: 'Cb is Dale
• BadJy wounded in battle. veyor & :\faker"
Comrnar:>i'Cy) •
Doane, son, apprentice smith. • Took oath· did not fight in battle
That which follows is an exccq>t of a • Took Oath • Lives in house next to Beregon
census of the area known as Shadow- Silmur, son. apprentice smith. Farm
clale, listing its major inhabitants. Citi· • Took Oath
zens of the Dale may have several notes • Slain in battle. Hoareb "Nimblefingers" Midwife/
following their entries. • Remembered as ha\·ing a 1>harp Surgeon. Healer
• "Thking the Oath" means that the tongue • 1bok Oath
individual has pledged loyalty to Helve, son. apprentice smith. • Lat ha Brannon Boardinghouse owner
Doust, in all surviving cases sworn • Took Oath • Tuok oath, given short sword
again to the new Lord Mourngrym. • Slain in battle. • Badly wounded in battle.
• "Weapons Given" refers Lo weap- Berr, son apprentice smith. • Wife. Leela. died Year of the Arch
ons bestowed bv the Lord in • Took Oath
return for militia duty. Janth, son & apprentice smith Uda, aunt to Latha
• "The Batlle" refers to tlm heroic • Took Oath • Famil)' MatMarch, very crusty.
defense against Zhentil Kecp's Ester, daughter to Latha.
Jamble "the Eye" Retired (thief!) mer· Emra, daughter to Latha
army. The army wa1> led by Lyran chant
Nanther of Melvaunt, a pretender 1111, daughter to I.atha
• Took Oath. Given rlagger • llll and Emra are noted as being
to the Lordship of the Dale. • A slick character, appears crafty
Further notation has been made as true beauties.
Lee!, wife of Jamble.
appropriate, including description, Serban, son to Jamble. Hammerhand Bucko. Wagonmaker,
occupation, temperament, and loral • Took Oath, Given dagger \Voodworker
gossip. Boorga, Jamble's man • 1bok oath.
CENSUS OF SHAOOWOALE, :-;et • Took Oath, given dagger • Sarca~tic, intelligent, mulish, and
down by Florin J'alconhand, Warden of Naithra, wife of Boorga. strong.
Shadowdale, in the 1st year ol Doust's Lila. daughter of Boorga. Lecta Bucko. Wife to Hammerhand.
lordship, the '!ear of the Harp, ~far­ Burr, son of Boorga. • 'Ibok oath.
penoth 4· 12 •. and as later amended by • Thok Oath. Given dagger. • Known for her cooking
divers hands • 1\pprentke'\ to Hammerhand Bucko:
Meira Lulhannon. Potter, breadmakcr. Skulp, l'ennir, 1Wpas, Hlack, Orve
• 1\vo years previous, m the first and • Took oath, given shortsword . Naith, and Typyas
second weeks of October-sec CAJ •. • Badl) wounded in battle. • J\ll lbok Oath
END AR Sulatha, wife of Meira. • Skulp badly wounded jn battle
Betra, daughter of Meira. • Black and Orve slain in battle
1\JJba, the weaver Jassa, daughter of Meira
• Tuok Oath • Handwritten scrawl by Typyas
• Thok oath, given dagger. entr) indicatet. that "Tip" might be
• Aged, balding with white hair
• Noted as being slim and beautiful a woman v. orking in disguise.
• Lives in house near Inn
Lella, wife to 'fulba Jhaele Sih·ermane. Innkeeper, the Old Mother Thra. Proprietor of the local
• Younger than her husband, fat. Skull Inn. Fest-hall
• Took oath, given spear. • Took oath.
Tuthgar, a retired merchant
Braun, youngest son to Jhaele • Noted a:. being good-humored and
• Took Oath, given short sword
• Took oath. given dagger wittv
• Lives in pri\'ate house near Inn.
• Jhaele had a number of sons, but Briig. Bouncer.
Senma, mistress of Tuth~ar. all have left home • 1bok oath.
Bronn Selgard, smith . Durman Hilesta. Carpenter, bouncer: • '\otcd as not being very swift
• Took Oath. • Took oath, given spear Fcst-Hall Employees:
• Lives in house near Inn Bardag Shultu. Hostler Stablemastcr. Lune I.yrohar, Astara ;\tiliip, Reehta
Leath, wife of Bronn • Took oath given spear Lorn, Sabra Immerhund. Olma Dan·
Alcena, daughter, apprentice smith Dora Leen. \taid, chamber ladv. !>yra, Hcla Marshoola, Estel Morna
'Iraith, daughter. Sasha Baddja. Maid, chamber lady. • None required to take oath

• Lune Lvrohair was revealed to be a • Noted as being large and beefy, and • Tuok Oath
\\eretiger and slain by Florin tending to tell \.\'cregund ,-..bat 10 Heimark Hillstar Son.
Falconhand this day Alturiak 15, do • Swore Oath not given weapon
\'ear of the Worm. • Note that Heimark is a rogue and
Hamlin lhul. Farmer
lcehyill. 1\-ader, retired merchant.
that he should be watched careJul·
• Tuok Oath, Givon spear
ly in his duties with the 'vfilitia.
• Swore oath very reluctantly. • Badly wounded in b£1ttle.
Science Hillstar. Daughter.
Belna Zhul. Wife.
• Tuok Oath
Sulcar Rcedo Farmer. • Tuok Oath
• Noted as beautiful and soft-spoken,
• Tuok Oath. gi\eO :.hortsword. Thur!. Hired man.
with interests in poetry and mu:.1c
Astga Reedo. Wife to Sulcar. • Tuok oath, gh'en dagger
Mara Hillstar Daughter.
• Tuok Oath Abor Bo) .
• Tuok Oath. asked for weapon
Sulcai"s Sons • Tuok Oath
Prespcr, Sullman, and Courrta Reedo • Noted as tomboy, fought \'ery well
• Slain in Battle
in battle.
• All took Oath Kulnar Ohane. Farmer, • Candidate of militia
• Courrta slain in battle • Tuok oath, given spear.
Korhun Lherar. Farmer.
Beregon Hillstar. Farmer • Noted as being influential and a no·
• Tuok oath, gi\en spear
• Tuok Oath. gi\'en spear nonsense individual
• Slain in battle.
• Badlv \'\.'ounded in Battle Lest Ohane. \\'ife to !\:ulnar.
• A sour cynical mun Korhun died
• Brother of Urnan Hillstar Riita Ohane. Daughter.
without familv. Hb farm is current·
• lnOuential in local area Han Ohane. Son.
Iv unowned and considered pmp·
• Wife Bereet died in Year of Worm Chruce Ohane. Son,
Amblm, Ohane. Son erty of the Dale itself
• The most recent entrv listed indi-
Besmil. Hired hand
cates that Beregon· has semi- Purn Ohane Son.
• 1bok oath, given shortsword
retired, and is farming the Tuwer • Lest and all Ohane children Tuok
Tursi Rhellogar. Hired hand
Farm for Lord Moumgrym to the Oath
• Tuok oath. ghen shortsword.
north of Shadowdale The land of • Porn and Han were slain in battle
Hunil Rhellogar. TurM'!i son.
his old farm has been used to erect Blaesgerd. Ohane Hir ed hand. Retired
• Tuok oath; given dagger.
a lbmple of Lathandar fighter
• Slain in baltle
Lhurt Hilbtnr, Son of Beregon • Tuok oath, given shortsword.
• Tuok Oath. given dagger Borst Bestil. Farmo1·
Riist Huldane. Farmer,
• Slain in Battle • 1bok oath. given spear
• Tuok Oath given spear
~lilda Hillstar Sister to Bcrcgon. • Slain in batlle.
Liliphar Huldane Wife.
• JbOk oath • Brother of Hync Bestil
• Tuok Oath
Pelda Hillstar. Young Daughter Elma Bestil. \.'\ ife.
Maxer. Huldane Hired hand.
• 'tbok oath. Kiiran Bestil. Son
• Tuok Oath
Axmal' Bestil. Son
Elmmster. Sage. • Slain in battle.
• All members of the Bestil house·
• Tuok oath. Buldor Ulphor. Farmer, influential hold Tuok Oath.
• On 100 gp/monlh retainer to Lord
• Tuok oath, given spear • Borst, Kirran and i\xmar all died in
Doust(~ow Lord \1ourngrym)
• Brother of Ruldar Lllphor battle. Elma living \\ilh her
Lhaeo ScMhe1Cartographer Keena Vlphor Wife to Buldor, Brother·in-law Hyne
• Elminster's Assistant April Ulphor. Daughter
\\'cregund "the lrader' ·n·ader, chief Storm Silverhand. rhc harper of Sha
Marest Ulphor. Son
Knulan Besmar, Ulphor Hired Hand clowdale" Farmer and retll'ed advcn·
merchant in town. Deals in all goods,
I urer (bard)
largely hardware for the dale • Entjre Ulphor household took Oath
• 1bok Oath
• Tuok oath. • Knulen Besmar was slain in Battle
• Storm is recorded here and else·
• Noted for greed and cowardice Urnan Hillstar. farmer, where as being a beautiful and
Dabraguml. Son to \.\.'eregund • Tuok Oath Given Spear intelligent woman fond of wearing
• Tuok oath. • Member of influential Hillstar fam- sih er jewelry and having hair of a
Dlctagund Oaugther lo Weregund
ilv silver hue
• Tuok oath. • Brother of Beregon Hillstar • 1l is noted here that at the time,
Meershand. Wife. Adlma HiUstar. Wife. Silverhand kept two fierce \volf·
• Tuok oath.

On my woRo as a sage no1:bing wi1:bin 1:bese pages
is .i:aJse ba1: no1: all o.i: i1: may pRove 1:0be1:Rae.

- EJmins1:eR o.i: Sbaoowoale

DM,s SoaRcebook o.,: -Cbe Realms

Tuble of Contents

Introductions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

Using the Forgotten Realms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

Into the Forgotten Realms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Setting Up for AD&D® Game Adventures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Using the Maps .. . ......... . .... . ........... ........ . ...... . ....... . ..... .. .. . 11
Encounters in the ReaJms ........... . ..... . .... .. . . ... .. .. ............ . .. . . .. . . 13

Selected NPCs of the Realms ................... . ....... . ........... .. ..... . ...... l 'i

Recent News and Rumors in the Realms ........ . . .. . ................ . .... .... .... 36
Year of the Worm ... . .. ........ . ..... . ..... .. .. . . .................. . .. .. ... . .. 36
Year of the Prince . .. .... . ... . ..... .. .. .. . . .... ... .. ....................... . ... 40

Adventure Background ... . .. . . . ..... ....... . .. . ... . ............................ 46

The Halls of the Beast-Turners .............. .. . . ... .......... . ............ . ...... 46
Lashan's Fall ..... ... . ... . ....... .. . ... . . . .. .. ................................ 54

Books of the Forgotten Realms .. . .. .. ..... . .. ... ... ..... .. ..... . ...... . .......... 62

Index ..... . ......... . . . .... . . ... . . ...... . ... ... ... . ..... . ........... . .......... 95

Credits Cartography: Diesel, Dave Sutherland

Calligraphy (Runes and Sigils): Paula M. Holz
Design: Ed Greenwood Graphic Design: Stephanie Tubat
Design and Development: Jeff Grubb Typography: Betty Elmore
Editing: Karen S. Martin
Cover Art: Keith Parkinson
lnterior Art: Jeff Easley, Keith Parkinson, Clyde Caldwell, Printed in the U.S.A.
Tim Conrad ISBN 0·88038472·7
Advanced Dungeons8£lragons·

TSR, Jnc. TSR UK Ltd.

POB 756 The Mill, Rathmore Road
Lake Geneva, WI Cambridge CBI 4AD
53147 United Kingdom
owned by TSR, lnc.
Distnbuted to the book trade in the United States by Random House Inc.. and m Canada by Random House of Canada, Ltd. Distributed to the toy and hobby trade by regional distribu·
tors Distributed in the United KiJl8dom by TSR UK Ltd .
This material is protected under the copyright laws of the United States of America . Any reproduction or unauthorized use of the material or artwork presented hen-in is prohibited
without the express written permission of TSR, Inc.
01987 TSR, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
ln-CR ooac 'tions
Ed Greenwood of such fanciful places); hence, the turers and heroes. From the early days
Realms have been "forgotten" by beings of play, Ken Woods and Tim Turner
WelJ metl Welcome to my world; the
of Earth. Our legends of dragons, vam· deserve mention-an d recently Cathy
Forgotten Realms. A vast land, full of
pires, and of other fearsome creatures Widdowson has joined the ranks of the
strange splendors-a living background
and magic are due to this formerly regulars (as Sharantyr the ranger).
for vivid adventure. Elminster took me
widespread contact between the Underlying adventures in the Realms
there first.
worlds; most have of course become is the continuing inspiration for the
Welcome to our world. Now the Realms confused and distorted with the pas- world, and in this I have been encour-
are yours, too; a world that has delighted sage of time and many retelJings. That aged by Kim Mohan, Editor of
me for almost twenty years in all its rich corner of the Realms presented herein DRAGON® Magazine for much of the
variety is presented herein-and in pages is a strip of the heart of the western time that the Realms has seen print, and
yet to come-for you to enjoy and set part of only one continent of Turil, that by my parents, grandparen ts, and
AD&.D® game campaign play in. Only a region known as Faerun (pronounced aunts, who have showered me with
small area of the Realms can be squeezed; the name meant "home" in books and showed me what love and
into these pages, so there's much to look a now-lost early human tongue). Much imagination can do. Thank you, aU.
forward to if you come along for the ride. more awaits the traveler, to be revealed Thanks are also due to you who read
It's been a long one for me thus far; the in later works. these pages, for coming along on the
Realms began in 1968 as a setting for fan· In any large-scale project many peo· r ide. I hope that you will enjoy the
tasy short stories, and later (1975) was pie become involved, and they deserve Realms as much as I have.
developed and detailed, as the thanks. In this case, Jeff Grubb is large-
DUNGEONS &. DRAGONS® system ly responsible for turning piles of typed Jeff Grubb
appeared. Regular play in the Realms notes-despi te the gaps in lore they did
began in 1978, and still continues; the Ed Greenwood created the Forgotten
not cover fully or properly- into what
present roster of regular players has Realms. Karen Mar tin edited, arranged,
you now hold in your hands. Jeff has
remained intact since early 1980. As the and presented it in the form you see
taken the personal world of one eccen· here. How did I get involved in this?
ADVANCED DUNGEONS &. DRAGONS* tric, roleplaying- over-rules DM, and
system has appeared, book by book, the It's a short story.
transformed it into an AD&.09 game About midsummer of 1986, TSR was
Realms have been modified to conform setting useful to others by dint of a lot
with official rules, and these (with the shopping for a new world. We had
of sweat; this work is as much his as it is
unofficial additions published in experience in world-building under our
mine-and Elminster still speaks to him,
belt, with two versions of the WORLD
DRAGO~ magazine from issue #30 so he must have done it right. OF GREYHAWK,. campaign setting, and
onward, such as monsters, magical items, Before the Realms ever reached TSR,
the cr eation of Krynn, home of the
spells and nonplayer character classes) however, others helped to give it life,
can be assumed to hold sway in the DRAGONLANCE® Saga. This time, we
color, and growth- first and foremost, were after something different; a world
Realms now. I have always treated the my regular players; my lady Jenny
Realms as a "real place" which I am v.iew· that we could continue to develop over
Glicksohn (the first Jhessail); the vet·
the years that will folJow, and set au
ing and reporting on rather than a delib· eran of my players, Victor Selby (who future AD&.D® game modules into. A
erate creation, and I believe that has been has portrayed many characters in the place where a variety of talented indi·
the key to making it live. Realms, notably Malchor Harpell,
viduals could all contribute to its crea-
The "Forgotten Realms" derive their Tulgar Anuvien, Jelde Asturien, and
tion and its development . Rather than
name from the fictitious fact upon Turm of Westgate); the "First Lore-Lord
which play in my campaign is based: one view, a combination of views that
of the Realms;•who remembers all of its
that a multiverse exists, of countless would grow and d evelop through
minute details as few others, Ian
parallel co-existing Prime Material adventures, sourcebooks , short stories,
Hunter (Lanseril Snoi"\Tffiantle); John
Planes (including the world presented and books.
Hunter, role-player extraordina ire
herein, our own modern "Earth;' and I was the bright individual who
(Florin Falconhand); Andrew Dewar,
any other fantasy settings a DM may thought of Ed Greenwood and his "Pag·
who encouraged us all to record all of es from the Mages:· which used as their
wish to incorporate in play), all related the fun on paper, to inflict on others lat· setting a parallel fantasy universe
to the Known Planes of Existence pre· er (Doust Sulwood and Rathan Then·
sented in the AD&D system. lravel known as the Forgotten Realms, where
traver); Jim Clarke (Merith Strongbow);
betwixt these planes was once far more magic rules supreme in the spirit of the
and Anita Buttemer (the second Jhes·
common than is the case now (when AD&.D® game.
sail). These players have breathed life
few know the means of reaching other For making the suggestion, I was
into the Realms on a regular basis for brought in on helping turn the hun·
worlds, or even believe in the existence over seven years- they are truly adven· dreds of notes, articles, NPCs, adven-

tures, and man uscr ipt pages into a final Kare n S. Mar tin woo d!
prod uct that would b~th be .a complete When I took on the responsibility of
I always wanted to edit an encyclopedia.
campaign and a start ing poin t for fur· Tuking little bits and pieces of informa· editing this set, I thought back to the last
ther adve nture s. You hold that final tion about thousands of different and time Jeff and I collaborated on a boxed
prod uct in your hands. My contrib~­ unusual items, putting them in readable game. Ther e wer~ tim~s I _thought he'd
tion is primarily in the area s such as fit· form cross-indexing them for ease of never stop tweaking with 1t, never run
ting everything to the AD&D® ?a~e 1

use, alphabetizing them -beli eve it or out of material to add, never leave me
rules and offering aid and suggestion m not, that was a fantasy of mine. alone to get on with the editing
runn ing an AD&D® campaign. This was wors e.
This was almost as good. Each time a packet came from Ed, I
The Forg otten Realms have chan~ed As I read Ed's material for the first
in the shor t time we have been work ing got phot ocop ies from Jeff for my
time, one question ran throu gh m?'
with them . The Moo nsha e islan ds mind again and again: "How does this perusal and comments. Rarely did I get
enlarged to fit a novel, and the land that man find time for everyday matt ers like the chan ce to finish one befo re the next
is now Vaasa and Dam ara was only sleeping and eating?" The knowled~e thre e show ed up in my office, whic h
recen tly (in game design terms) cove red that this material has pour ed from his was by now overflowing. A~d, th.e
bv an unna tural glacier. 1 expe ct them more I read , the more 1 loved 1t. This
feve red brai n for near ly 20 year s
to furth er chan ge as more creative peo· does n't mak e answ ering that question was the kind of worl d I always want ed
pie, including the large num ber of DM's to live in as a child, a real world. Ther e
who run the vario us FORGOTTEN any easier. were harp ers and spellcasters, fighters
This is brilliant. and thieves. Ther e were real towns and
REALMS"' Campaigns, get involved. The Forg otten Realms is my first
I'd like to than k (in addition to Ed and farmlands. Ther e were ships and cara·
experience with a complete worl d for
Karen) desig ners Doug Niles, Zeb Cook, AD&D® game playing. In my hum~le vans. Ther e was life.
and Michael Dobson for their input, opinion, it's fantabulous stuff. I think This one is for my pare nts, who (I'm
argu men ts, and bull-headed opinions in now that I unde rstan d the excitement certain) worr ied abou t their little girl
this matter. I'd also like to men tion that which mus t have surro unde d the crea· who lived in a drea m worl d muc h of the
the won derfu l map-work throu gh-o ut time, with wiza rds and drag ons and
tion of Krynn and the DRAGONLANCE®
these books are the prod uct of Dave saga . And this worl d w~s already here, beautiful damsels.
Suth erlan d and Dave (Diesel> Lafo rce. in the mind and campaign of Ed Green· Thes e are my child hood drea ms
come true.

Campaign Set:'ting
he FORGOTTEN REALMS"' boxed in DRAGON® Magazine as "Pages from Swamp, the Daerlun, the path through
T set is an introduction to a fantasy
world, which may be used by itself or
the Mages:• and are gathered together
here for the first time) and new spells
Kulta, Saerb, and Archenbridge (includ·
ing parts of Archendale) to Ordulin,
expanded upon by other product for the used primarily in the Forgotten Realms. east to the Dragon Reach, and bordered
AD&.D® system, or generated by the DM There are two sets of maps, the first on the south by the Sea of Fallen Stars.
himself. The boxed set consists of: depicting the Forgotten Realms at large, This region, though discussed in the
A Cyclopedia of the Realms as if it were drawn by a cartographer players' guide and in this book, will not
A DM's Sourcebook of the Realms from Cor myr or the Dales; precisely have further adventures set in it, nor
1Wo maps presenting the Realms accurate nearby, yet less and less accu- will its cities be explored or detailed. A
themselves rate farther away. The second set of DM with a campaign city or nation
1Wo maps providing an enlarged view maps expands the view of the region already designed may set that city in
of the initial campaign area, from the between the Sword Coast and Inner the area of Sembia without great diffi.
Sword Coast to the Inner Sea Sea, and it is in this area that the initial culty caused by future products setting
1Wo plastic grids printed with a hex FORGOTTEN REALMS"' Campaign some epic adventures (or great disaster)
grid to help movement. takes place. in the same region.
This enlarged set of maps joins Further, the region across the Dragon
The Cyclopedia contains p rimarily together at the right side of mapsheet Reach, from the River Vesper South and
background information on the one and the left side of mapsheet two. to the edge of Map 2 has been set aside
Realms, its people, and its history, for Future products will have additional for use by the RPGA no network as a base
general use by the players and DM. mapsheets which will further expand for adventures and tournaments in the
There is some game information within the Realms in detail. Forgotten Realms, and is left for the
this book when dealing with specific All of the major cities and many (but further explanation by those areas, or
areas, such as the number of people in a not all) of the smaller towns and gener al by theDM.
typical patrol found in a certain loca· sites are represented on this map. The
tion. The DM should feel free to let the DM should feel free to mark changes lnt:o t:be FoRgot:t:en
players use this book while gaming, as it and additions to these maps as it fits his
represents the information readily or her campaign. These maps, and the Realms
known or discovered about a particular information within these books, is not Setting ap a c ampaign
area. DMs wishing their players to dig all-inclusive or all·exclusive. Individual
more for information may, at their DMs, and future p roducts from TSR, Each FORGOTTEN REALMS"' campaign
option, keep this information withheld, Inc., may add to the material here, and should be different, reflecting the per·
letting only the section marked "AT A as a campaign continues, additional sonality and gaming needs of the players
GLANCE" be readily known; the players information may be generated. and the DM. Some campaigns comprise
have to discover the rest. A Note on Future Products: Certain just a group of adventurers fighting their
The DM's Sourcebook contains infor· areas of each of the enlarged maps of way through dungeon settings without
mation for the Dungeon Master run· the Forgotten Realms will contain areas much thought of the outside world, while
ning a FORGOTTEN REALMS"' that will not have future adventures, others are filled with story telling and leg-
Campaign, plus additional information modules, or sourcebooks set in them, ends, and still others are on the grand
that would not be readily available to and are left solely for use by the DM for scale of high-level individuals challenging
player-characters in the Realms. This development without fear of some later great powers, ruling huge empires, and
includes notes on setting up campaigns, product invalidating that portion of his engaging in political skullduggery. The
running adventures, using t he grid for campaign. In the initial boxed set, those FORGOTTEN REALMS"' setting is intend·
encounters and movement, and han· areas are: ed as a base for all these types of adven-
dling particular situations unique to the The Serpent Hills (east of the High tures, allowing the DM to tailor it to his
Realms such as dragons and treasure. Moor) desires. There is no rule stating that eve-
Tubles for encounters, cities, and trea· The Wood of Sharp Tueth ry AD&.D® campaign must be alike, nor is
sure are included, as well as methods of The Desertedge Mountains (outside there one stating that every FORGOTTEN
for the DM to generate his or her own the Dales), and REALMS"' campaign must be identical
tables for use in the game. Also includ· The Nation of Sembia. Tu give the DM an idea of the scope of
ed in this book are a pair of small "typi· the area of the Realms, a map of the
cal" dungeon adventures for use in The last mentioned, the nation of United States has been superimposed
FORGOTIEN REALMS campaigns, as Sembia, is a large section of (partially) over that of the "known" realms on
well as sections on specialized civilized land with the following bor· page 10.
spellbooks (which originally appear ed ders: starting with the west, the Vast The Realms is a VERY large place,

with more than enough room for including Mistledale, Archendale, and ten and later recalled, just keep
player-characters and campaigns to Featherdale (Daggerdale tends to be going, remembering for next time.
develop. Note also that this map only reclusive and Scardale was just on the • Do not over whelm the players,
consists of the western end of a single losing end of a large war). The smaller either in detail or in challenge.
continent-and at the other end of this towns of Cormyr such as Hilp and Many of the monsters of the
huge land are the realms of the Oriental rmmersea (which also has a map in the AD&D® system are suited for
Adventures world, Kara-tur. Cyclopedia) are also suitable, as are the higher-level individuals, and
A campaign may be set up in a num- small towns of Sembia, and the 'Trade encountering some (such as
ber of ways, depending on the level of Way towns of Soubar, 'Jriel, or Hills dragons) will spell disaster for the
gaming experience of the DMs and Edge. first level par ty. Show common
players. A few of the options are dis- For initial campaigns, only a brief sense in random encounters, gen·
cussed below. sketch of the town is needed, noting erally not using more monsters
such things as local smithy, general than the PCs' total hit dice. Even if
C ampaigns f:OR n ew store (where most items from t he Play- the random encounler calls for 8
play eRs ers' Handbook may be found), and local trolls to descend on the party of 8
mage (if any). Leave some houses and low-level player-characters, one
In setting up a campaign for first-time areas blank for introduction of new such creature will be more than
players, the key to remember is "think NPCs or for growth of the characters enough to challenge them.
small:' There are a large amount of (such as an abandoned farm that the • Give the Players an Even Break.
rules and ideas presented in the party may buy with their treasure and Great stories have to begin some-
AD&D~ hardback tomes, and that glut
use as the basis for their eventual pala- where, and if the players' charac·
of information can be quite daunting at tial manor). ters buy the fa r m early and
first. The second requirement of a low- regularly, they won't develop per·
The basic requirements for a first· level campaign with beginning players sonalHy. Don't reward foolish play,
time campaign are a home base and an is the "dungeon:• The Dalelands (and though. It may be useful to keep a
area the player-characters can explore many other areas) are rife with under- cleric of sufficient level in the area
and adventure in (a "dungeon"). ground caverns and kingdoms, lost for the first couple adventures in
The home base does not have to be empires beneath the earth, ruined tow- order to bring back from the dead
huge or important, and in fact using ers of mad wizards, and crumbling characters who are learning from
one of the many small towns in the remains of time-lost cities. Any of these their mistakes.
realms as a base has several advantages. can provide a basis for adventuring, • Set the Scene. In encounters, do
The DM does not have to worry about and it is recommended that some type more than give the bare-bones
too many non-player-characters at first, of dungeon egress may be located in the description ("you see a ten by ten
and the low-level adventurers are spe- nearby area (not close enough to threat- room with a kobold in it"). Dress it
cial, and may be consulted by (or some- en the town overmuch, but sufficient to up a little, get the players into the
times chosen to be) local rulers. One cause the disappearance of a few cattle mood of being in a dungeon. ("You
such area is Shadowdale, which is a in the middle of the night, or create open the door to reveal a small
small farming community with a few intriguing rumors about the great stone-walled cubicle, in the center
high-level individuals (such as Elmin· wealth to be found beneath the earth). of which is a short lizard-like crea-
ster the Sage), which has in the past Of the two "typical" adventures pro- ture with horns. The creature hiss-
recruited adventurers as protectors vided here, the first, "Halls of the Beast· es at you and draws its sword:')
(such as Mane's Band and the Knights of Turners;• is best suited for a starting • Role-Playing. The best opportunity
Myth Drannor). Shadowdale is also cov- group of players, though it has a num- for initial role-playing for first-time
ered to fine degree in the Cyclopedia of ber of items that would make for inter- players is in town. Player·
the Realms, complete with local maps of esting play by higher-level players as characters need provisions, train-
the town and descr iptions of the inhab- well. Both this and the other adventure ing, and often information. Create
itants, giving the players a "sense of are set in the center of the Elven a couple of personas with broad
place" for their adventures. Woods, in the Ruins of Myth Drannor, a tendencies: a boisterous merchant,
The DM may choose to create his or great decaying city. a shifty mercenary captain, a for-
her own small town for initial adven- A few notes on running a "first-time getful magician, etc. Use funny
tures. This takes more work, but will campaign:" voices and accents. Have fun. Your
produce a final product more in line • Thke it easy. First time DMs and players will pick up on this and
with the DM's desires. Any of the Dale players WILL NOT remember all start doing it themselves.
communities would be suitable for this, the AD&D rules. If a rule is forgot-

Finally, for first-time players and dungeon does not necessarily have to • Use the world. The various legends,
DMs, the following products are recom- be within easy reach of the home base. news reports, and descriptions of
mended. N4-1I'easure Hunt creates an The second case, random wander ing, the Forgotten Realms are intended
excellent background for creating first· can be handled at its most basic level by as a starting point for DM-created
level characters, set in the Korrin the random encounter tables. The DM adventures. A tale of a treasure load
Archipelago nort h of the Moonshae may want to mix these with his or her of an ancient (and hopefully long-
Islands. NS - Under Illefarn sets up an own dungeon settings or special events deadl dragon may spur the players
initial campaign setting in Daggerford, or encounters, providing a direction in to check out an area. Create your
as an adventure setting for first-time the travels. For example, characters own local legends. The Modern
players. may hear in Arabel of the disappear· Kingdoms of the Dales, Cormyr, and
ance of the Elves of the Elven Court and even mighty Waterdeep are only
St:aRt:ing c ampaign f:OR the abandonment of Myth Drannor, slightly more than a millennia old,
expeRien c ea p layeRs causing them to head overland to that and there were older kingdoms of
r uined city where they may discover men and elves and dwarves long
The second type of campaign using the either of the two enclosed adventures before that.
FORGOTTEN REALMS"' system or one of the DM's choosing.
involves players and a DM who have In the fi nal case, the player- BRinging c baRac t:eRs f:Rom
played the AD&D® game, either with characters are given a mission of some
their own campaigns or adventure o t:beR woRl~ s
type by another, to be rewarded for this
modules, and understand the rules sys· mission at its completion. This provides The third and last "general category" of
terns fairly well. These players are a firm background for the adventure, campaign types is where experienced
starting with first-level characters, but and the DM may move the characters players bring characters from other
have the experience of running such along by means of an NPC advisor/ campaigns into the Forgotten Realms.
individuals before. employer. See the section on NPCs These characters may come over
A starting campaign with experi· beginning on page 17. because of the demise of their native
enced players can be set in any town or Here are a few hints for running world, the discovery of a portal to the
city in the Realms, according to the the experienced players. Realms, or the fact they have gotten too
tastes of the DM. Many prefer a small, • Know the Rules. This is not to say tough for their homeland. The last case
limited area to start in, similar to Sha· memorize the rules or be able to occurs in Krynn, home of the
dowdale (see above), while others may argue long and convincingly about Dragonlances, where individuals of
wish to start with a grander stage, such them, but have an idea where to incredible strength and power are
as a large city, as a base of operations. find things, both in the these texts politely asked to leave by the powers-
There are a number of cities that are and in other AD&D® products. that-be. Many end up in the Forgotten
provided with keys and descriptions in • Be ready to wing it. Even the most Realms.
the Cyclopedia of the Realms, including complete set of rules and back· The world of the Forgotten Realms,
Arabel and Suzail in Cor myr and grounds will not cover every situa- Abeir·Tur il, has a huge number of por-
Scornubel on the 1rade Way. The DM tion, and players often want their tals and other gate-type devices which
may use these as the players' initial characters to try things that are link that world with other areas of the
"home base" or may create his own. not covered by any handy rule. Be Realms, with the Outer Planes, and
Note again that the bulk of the nation of willing to make things up. If it does with alternative material planes con·
Sembia and its cities are left open for not work, try something else next taining other AD&D® campaigns.
the DM to develop as he or she sees fit. time. If it does, keep it. Many cam- Player-characters from these cam·
More experienced players vary in paigns, both for t he Forgotten paigns may discover methods of travel-
their needs in a campaign from group Realms and other wise, have a num- ing to the Realms (either through the
to group. Some prefer dungeon adven· ber of "house rules:• Astral Plane, by devices, or free·
tures early on, while others will strike • Role-play. The players have a han- standing portals), and begin adventures
out across the wilderness, looking for dle on the mechanics of running in the Realms.
random encounters, and others take on characters, so encourage them to Certain items are gained and lost
missions for more powerful individuals think like the character in the when making the transition into the
as bodyguards, mercenaries, or mer- game. A good experiment for this is Realms.
chant tr oops. to consider everything the player • Characters making the transfer, by
The first case, dungeon adventures, is says, unless addressed to the DM whatever means, to the Realms
similar to that presented for first-time or another player by real name, to gain the ability to speak the Com·
players, though the location of the be what the player-character says. mon tongue of the Realms, as well

as the Realms equivalents of elvish, a organized hierarchy, and may be Adventuring Company Name: Most, but
Dwarvish, and other languages. called upon to explain the nature of not all, of the bands of the adventurers
Previously spoken tongues are lost their faith more often than those of operating in the Realms have a compa-
unless there is a "Realms· established churches. ny name and symbol; the Company of
equivalent." • When making the transfer the Griffon, the Hunt, the Knights of
• The FORGOTIEN REALMS"' set· between campaigns, large items Myth Drannor and Halfling, Inc. are
ting is the AD&D® campaign such as castles, libraries, laborato· good examples. Names and member·
world, so that player-characters ries, and hoards of treasure are ships change continually, but often aid
who are not strictly AD&D® game usually left behind. Characters in retelling tales of one group of adven·
format (such as a dwarvish cleric/ making such a transfer should be turers or another.
thief/illusionist/paladin with a 24 able to br ing with them what they
Player Name-The person running the
natural strength) cannot enter the may normally bear which, given
Realms without modification to fit the existence of bags of holding, is
the AD&D® game rules. Illegal a great deal r ight there. Character Name-The character being
classes would be dropped, ability run by a given player.
Characters from other campaigns may
scores would be reduced to racial Class and Level-The Character Class
span the range from low-level wander·
limitations (though they may be ers to extremely high-level powers that and current (at start of play) level of the
increased later by magical or other have challenged a god or two in their character.
means), and special abilities over time. The style of the campaign is set by
and above those provided for char- Race and Sex-The race (dwarven, elven,
the levels and powers of these individ· human, halfling, gnome, or other) and
acters are removed. The DM, at his uals. For high-level characters, the
own judgment, may choose to let sex (male or female) of the character.
Bloodstone Pass series (Hl-4), set in the
such individuals into his Forgotten Alignment-Alignmem of the character
lands of Vaasa and Damara, is highly
Realms Campaign (such as letting a recommended, combining adventuring as of the start of the adventure. ·
kender from Krynn make the with the BATILESYSTEM™ game sys·
transfer), but that decision rests Special Abilities-Under this heading
tern. If the DM chooses to place his new list those items or abilities that would
solely on the DM. ar rivals in this area, it is recommended
• Similarly, magical items that are set the character apart from his feJ.
to strip most of the newly arriving indi· lows, excluding such things as levels
"special" to a particular world may
viduals of the major ity of their wealth. and types of spells, but including magi·
not make the transfer to the
Realms, either being destroyed, cal items, special equipment, and
being returned to their original Setting ap .J=OR AD&D® whether the individual is under a curse.
plane, or being stripped of the Game AoventaRes Combat Adjustments-Note here what
player and placed somewhere in plusses (or minuses) the character has
the Realms. Which occurs is up to Adventures in the Forgotten Realms are
run as standard AD&.D® game adven· in combat as a result of exceptional abil·
DM. In general, this is reserved for ities, armor class, or permanent magic.
extremely powerful items-in par- tures, using the rules and recommenda·
ticular, Artifacts. tions of the DMG, in particular those Armor Class and Type-This includes
• The physics of the Realms are slight· sections "The Adventure" (pages 47-58) both the final AC of the character and
ly out of sync with the rest of the and "The Campaign" (pages 86·100). the type of armor being worn. Abbrevi·
planes, so that gunpowder and What follows are aids to the DM to tailor ations for the var ious armor types
many technological devices which his FOROOITEN REALMS"' campaign to include the following.
operate on electronics do not func· his players. FuPA Full Plate Armor
tion. Equivalent devices may be FiPA Field Plate Armor
developed by player-characters. Tbe Ac)ven'CaRir::>g C ompany PM Plate Mail
DM's judgment is advised as to what BM Banded Mail
The first of these questions, who is going SpM Splint Mail
may be allowed into the world. on the adventure, is usually answered
• The gods of the Forgotten Realms ChM Chain Mail
last when the players are at the game. It EChM Elven Chain Mail
are a fairly open-minded group (as usually helps the DM to have an idea who
such beings go). Cler ics of faiths ScM Scale Mail
is in the adventuring party and what they RiM Ring Mail
not listed as the major religions of area car rying. The sheet on the back cov-
the Realms may still receive spells StL Studded Leather
er of The Cyclopedia may be recopied for LA Leather armor
as normal, though they may not use in adventuring.
receive the benefits of belonging to

Scale I
,----, = 200 Miles m


.. ~

0 ;

m OA I

t I

·~ [;;l
PA Padded armor nation. The grids are used when mov- detail. A blown-up 6-mile hex, with
Sh Shield only ing along the map. smaller hexes within for greater detail,
N No Apparent armor !though When using the grids for determining is provided on page 15 for reproduction
may be magical robes. rings, straight distance, place the corner point and use in the campaign. Note that the
or bracersl. (marked with the "x") over the place the ci~y maps of the Realms get by nicely

Hit points-Number of hit points at the traveler is starting from (usuaUy, but not without such a grid.
always, a cityl. Use the straight row of
start of the adventure.
hexes directly above that "X-Hex" to Movement asing tbe maps
determine how manv hexes it is from
Using t:he Maps that starting point to the destination The section above explains the mechan·
ics of determining distance between
The maps enclosed in this package, and point.
Unfortunately. roads, streams, and oth- specific locations using the Realms
those in related sourcebooks and other Maps. For parties moving across the
products, are provided without a nor· er commonly used methods of travel do
realms, the DM uses the above proce·
mal superimposed hex grid. Instead, not move in straight lines, so that the
"true" distance between points may be dure with the following notes.
two sheets of clear printed plastic are There are two methods for determin-
enclosed with this boxed set for use larger than presented. Again, set the "X·
ing movement on the Realms maps. The
with the Forgotten Realms Maps. Hex" on the starting point, and center the
first in more accurate, and time con·
There are two sets of large maps in final destination in one of the hexes. Then
follow the method of travel, counting each suming as well. The second is less accu·
the FORGOTTEN REALMS'" Boxed Set. rate, but moves faster.
The first set is a general map of the hex as a hex to be moved through. For
The first method of movement con-
known realms, from the viewpoint of short distances of a few days travel
between cities, such as within Cormyr or siders the number of miles that the par·
the Cormyr/Dalelands area; that is, the ty "_'lay move in a single day through the
map the player-characters operating in Sembia, this method may be used with
various types of terrain. That number
this area would know. As a result of each day's move. For longer joumevs.
is divided by six for the number of
this, the regions nearest Cormyr and from Scornubel to lrieab01~ for examp~. it
hexes that may be traveled in a day. The
Waterdeep are well-mapped, but areas m~) be worth lightJy taping the plastic
remainder is considered "change" and
farther away from those are less grid to the map with masking tape. Adhe-
added to the next days' travel.
detailed and accurate. The scale on this sive tape is not recxxnmended for this, as it
Example: A party is moving 17 miles
map is 1 • = 90 miles. does the job too well and may damage the
map when removed. For extremely long per day across normal terrain. Seven-
The second set of maps cover the pri· teen divided by six is 25/6ths. The party
mary regions detailed in the Cyclopedia journeys, several way-stops may be deter·
moves two hexes and %th of another in
of the Realms, dealing mainly with the mined and measured en route from one
that day. The next day the party travels
region from the Sword Coast to the side of the map to the other. See the exam-
another V/sth hexes, for a total of 51./3
Dragon Reach areas, including the ples below of using the grid and the map.
hexes, etc. Hex movement is taken from
nations of Cormyr and Sembia and Each FORGOTTEN REALMS cam-
the center of the starting hex.
~rom the independent city of Westgate pai~n should reflect the personality and
desires of the DM and his players. lb The second method is to round all
m the South to those of the Moonsea in such fractional movement to the near-
the North. The scale on this map is 1 that end, the DM should feel free to
est whole number, leaving halves alone,
= 30 miles. make notes or otherwise mark-up his
map to reflect changes in his world. If a and figuring in standard hexes only. For
Also included in the set are two example, our party above at 17 miles
sheets of clear plastic, overprinted with group of players set up an adventuring
headquarters in an abandoned (and per day will move three hexes, period.
a hex grid and scale for both of these The "standard" movement rates for
maps. Rather than print the grid on the unmarked) tower in the Stonelands, the
DM should feel confident in placing typical speeds and encumbrances,
maps themselves. these plastic grids according to the DMG and WSG. are
may be used to determine distances and that on the map as a starting point. Simi·
larly, if an enterprising group sets out provided on the table below.
duration of travel. There are five hexes According to the DMG:
per inch, so that each hex is six miles on to build an empire around the Moon·
the enlarged maps. and 18 miles on the sea, improving roads and pushing l\,fovement afoot in he.tes per day
rough maps. around the other city states, that may Encumbrance Turrain
be recorded on the map as well. N R VR
Using tbe bex gr<ios With each map covering six miles Light (or None) 5 3 2
from side to side, there remains a lot of Average 3 2 1
The ungridded maps may be used in room within each hex for the DM to Heavy 2 l 1/3
play for general discussion and expla· develop, set adventures in, or further

Movement mounted in hexes/day Teanaio t:ypes a o c) Movement Class
Encumbrance Turrain movement: N Normal
N R VR R Rugged
Light horse 10 4 1 In the above tables, ground terrain is V Very Rugged
Medium horse 7 3 1 defined as either normal, rugged, or
very rugged. The types of terrain are as Climate
Heavy horse 5 V iz 1
follows. A All
Draft horse 5 V iz 1
C Cold
Cart 4 V iz Normal Turrain in the Realms T Tumperate
Wagon 4 V iz • Any well-maintained road, regard- S Sub-tropicalfltopical
less of surrounding terrain
According to Wilderness Survival • Open, rolling ground, including Turrain Type for Encounters
Guide: both the farmland of Sembia and 1 Swamp
Foot Movement in hexes! half-day Num- the Fields of the Dead 2 Forest
ber after slash indicates accelerated • Hard-backed, flat desert, such as a 3 Plains/Scrub
movement. See WSG, page 31 for dry lake 4 Desert
effects of moving exhaustion and • Light forest laced with paths 5 HillslRough
fatigue. • Turrain which does not fit into the 6 Mountain
Encumbrance Turrain other categories High Mountains v A 6
N R VR Medium Mountains v A 6
None 2.5/3 213 112
Rugged Turrain Low Mountains v A 6
Light 2/3 212.5 111.5
• Normal terrain in snow (assumed Broken Hills v A 5
Moderate 212 1.512 111
about 5 inches or so deep) Steep/ Foot Hills R A 5
Heavy 112 111 .511
• Uneven ground (including all listed Rolling Hills N A 5
Severe 111 .511 .331.5
Moors) Forested Hills R A 2
• All listed Hills, including the Far Moor/Hill R CIT 5
Selected movement rates of creatures Hills and the Serpent Hills
Creature Turrain • All Forests and Woods up to six
Light Snow Field R c A
Heavy Snow Field v c A
miles (one hex) from the edge Coast A
Donkey 112 111.5 .511 • Most desert terrain, both in waste-
Draft Horse 112 .511 .51.5
Swamp v A 1
lands such as Anauroch and the Marsh v A 1
Heavy Horse 1 .512.5 111.5 .511 Dust Desert of Raurin Sandy Desert N A 4
Light Horse 2/4 112 .511 • Paths through Very Rugged Tur- Rocky Desert R A 4
Medium Horse 1.513 111.5 .511 rain
Mule 112 111.5 .511
Primodial Forest R CIT 2
Very Rugged Turrain Heavy Forest v CIT 2
Selected movement rates of vehicles • Rugged terrain in Snow (assumed Moderate Forest R CIT 2
Vehicle Turrain about 5 inches or so deep) Light Forest N CIT 2
N R VR • Normal Turrain in Snow (assumed Heavy Jungle v s 2
Small Cart pulled by about 10 inches or so deep) Moderate Jungle R s 2
pony 2 1 • All Mountainous terrain Scrub Brush N A 3
Medium Cart pulled • All Swamp terrain Heath N CIT 3
by medium horse 1 1 • Glaciers Tundra N c 3
Small Wagon pulled by • Deep Forests (the exception being Plains N A 3
heavy horse 2 1.5 those forests inhabited by a civi- Clear(Farmland) N A 3
Large Wagon pulled lized race which tends the trees,
by heavy horse 3 2 such as the recently-departed elves
• = As terrain for the adjoining area.
When using either method, consider of the Elven Court)
the following rule of thumb. If the party TRaveHn9 t:bR.oagb mixoo
is in the same hex as their destination The table below covers the major ter- t:eR.Raio
city, allow them to "press on through rain types on the enlarged maps, in
regards to movement classification, cli- Often the DM is faced with the situation
the night" and reach the city, rather where the player-characters move
than enforce any system which forbids mate, and terrain type for encounters.
from one type of terrain to another (for
the party to travel that extra few miles example, leaving a mountainous road to
and instead camp in wilderness within avoid pursuers or plunging into a heart
sight of their destination. of a forest). Use the following rule of

thumb for such movement on the days effects of mixed terrain in a hex, see to the area the stream passes through.
when such a change is made. Encounters below. Mark these locations on the map (as they,
Moving from Normal to Rugged: unlike monsters, will not move away
halve the remaining miles that could WateR rnooemeot: io tbe from the area) for future travelers.
be covered that day had the travelers Realms There are three exceptions to this rule.
remained in normal terrain. The River Lis from Moonsea to the
General movement for waterborne tra· Dragon Reach is clear and unblocked, its
Moving from Rugged to Very Rugged: vel is covered in the DMG (pages 54·55) falls reduced by magic-users from the
halve the remaining miles that could and WSG (pages 44-46). One important
be covered that day had the travelers Moonsea cities. The River Chionthar
point to discuss here is the "falls-line:• between the Sword Coast and Scornubel
remained in rugged terrain. Many of the rivers, such as the river is similarly a major artery, and this wide,
Moving from Normal to Very Rugged: Lis, which links the Moonsea with the muddy flow has no sudden drops in its
quarter the remaining miles that Sea of Fallen Stars, are navigable along region. The South Fork of the Chionthar
could be covered that day had the their entire length by galleys and ships. from Scornubel to Iriaebor has one major
travelers remained in normal terrain. Others are navigable only to the last blockage, a cascade at the town of Ber-
cascades of that river. These cascades dusk. It is here that barges from the two
Moving from Rugged to Normal: are called the "falls-line;' and above that
Increase by half the number of larger cities stop and unload, their cargo
point normal sea-going ships cannot reloaded onto other barges on the far
remaining miles that could be trav· travel. Small skiffs, rafts, and shallow-
eled that day, had the party remained side of the falls and continued up or
bottomed barges may still move upriv- down the river.
in rugged terrain. er, subject to any further falls, cascades,
Moving from Very Rugged to Rugged: or obstructions.
increase by half the number of miles When players choose to have their Encoant:eRs in t:be
that could be traveled that day, had characters move along a previously Realms
the party remained in very rugged uncharted river or stream, include in the
Individuals traveling across country
terrain. encounter table the chance of a cascade,
may encounter a number of unplanned
section of white water, or falls, according
Moving from Very Rugged to Normal
Turrain: double the remaining move-
ment that may be traveled that day,
had the party remained in very rug· Adventuring Company - - - - - Symbol 11t anv> _ _ __
ged terrain.

- ...
The above rules of thumb assume that ~

If l~
u. •A!
movement is possible in the new terrain
rc H :i
h ..
Playe< Chat8cter Special

(for example, a cart cannot move in Very

Rugged terrain and therefore, if taken
51 Name §!! ..§ell t

into that terrain, cannot move). Further, it

is assumed that the travelers are making
a concentrated effort to move through
that terrain over several miles, as
opposed to "hiding in the woods until the
ore patrol passes'.'
A party may remain in the type ofter-
rain they choose for purposes of move·
ment (a group in a hex containing hills
and plains may remain in the plains).
This applies up to the point that they
must obviously enter the type of other
terrain, at which point all penalties take
effect. A group in a hex with plains and
swamp may remain in plains, but if
their travel would take them across
swamp terrain, they would suffer the
penalties of the swamp. For other - -

adventures en route from point A to with a slow-moving group. sideration in this decision include the
point B. These random encounters may The type of terrain for an encounter nature, terrain, history, and current
aid or hurt the player-characters in is determined by the terrain in the hex. status of the region. A "borderland"
their ultimate goals, or provide an eve- Many different types of terrain may be encounter in a kingdom that has long
ning's adventure in themselves. This in a hex at the same lime, so use the idea been at peace will likely be civilized,
section deals with determining what of terrain hierarchy. Certain types or while one that has been recently over-
creatures are found where, and how terrain will take precedence over other un by invading armies will produce
the DM may create his own tables for types for purposes of encounters. more wild encounters.
random encounters. Having determined the terrain and
When player-characters are traveling status of an encounter, go to the appro-
thr ough known or unknown lands, Forest priate table to determine the type of
there is a chance for random encount- Plains monster encountered. The OM maJ
ers. Random encounters are deter- have specific tables for certain locations
mined by the following method. in the realms of his own creation (see
• Determine the terrain the player- below), or those in the back of the Mon-
characters are traveling through, ster Manual 11 book.
A hex which contains multiple types
both as to type and population. of terrain will be considered the terrain
• Determine if an encounter occurs Mor:>s'CeR er:>coar:>'CeR cabl es
of the higher rank for purposes of
in this area. ano bailoing one's own
encounters. For example, if a hex con-
• Determine the type of encounter. tains Mountains and Hills, the terrain is Typical Monster Encounter tables are
The DM may determine if an Hills for purposes of encounters. If a provided here for the the major regions
encounter takes place either by time or region is both swamp and plains, it is of the For gotten Realms on the
location. considered Swamp. Roads and paths enlarged maps. Additional tables may
In determining if an encounter are always considered to be the terrain be found in the back of the Monster
occurs by time, use the method surrounding them for purposes of Manual II book, as well as the full meth-
described by the DMG, page 47, check- encounters. od of creating one's own monster tables
ing to see if an encounter occurs in the After determining the terrain, deter- for use in the Realms, which is summa-
area the player-characters are traveling mine the status: Civilized, Wilderness, rized here.
through at the time of the encounter. If or Borderland. The DM may use the following table,
the travelers pass through plains in the Civilized regions are those under duplicated in multiple copies on the
morning, a check should be made, h uman or allied-race control, and back cover for creating his own table.
regardless of whether they have passed have suitable patrols, population, and This method is based on the sum of one
through other terrain as welJ (though defenses from most invading crea- 8-sided die and one 12-sided die, pro-
only one check should be made per tures Areas within 18 miles of major ducing a range of 2-20. Monsters are
time period). cities, and six miles of towns are con- arranged according to their stated fre-
Chance of Encounters per Time
sidered Civilized. quency in that terrain type.
Wilderness regions are those not
If determining encounters by loca-
under the control of any lawful- Die Roll Type of Monster
tion, one rolJ is made each time a new
gr oup, and usually are a breeding 2 Very Rare or Unique monster
hex is entered. Check the following
ground of foul beasts, such as the 3 Very Rare monster
table for whether an encounter occurs.
'Troll Hills and the High Moor. 4 Very Rare or Rare Monster
Turrain Civilized Border Wild Borderlands are where these two 5 Rare Monster
Plain 1 in20 1in12 1in10 areas meet. 6 Rare Monster
Forest 1in12 1in10 1 in 8 If the hex under consideration lies 7 Uncommon Monster
Swamp 1in12 1in8 1 in 8 within a civilized area, any encounters 8 Uncommon Monster
Mountains 1 in 10 1 in 8 1in6 there are considered civilized, while 9 Common Monster
Desert 1 in 20 1in12 1in12 those totally with the other r eflect wil- 10 Common Monster
Hills 1in20 1in12 1 in 10 derness encounters. If this line runs 11 Common Monster
The DM should choose the method he through the hex itself, then the area is 12 Common Monster
or she is most comfortable with, with borderlands, and the encounter can 13 Common Monster
the note that the later system will pro- either be wild or civilized. 14 Uncommon Monster
vide more encounters for a fast-moving Borderland encounters' status is total- 15 Uncommon Monster
party in a day, and fewer encounters ly up to the DM. Things to take into con- 16 Rare Monster

17 Rare Monster in far-removed wastes to the north, but there are said to be others of his breed
18 Very Rare or Rare Monster on occasion have swept down in record about. Such creatures will never be
19 Very Rare Monster numbers to plague mankind. encountered as random monsters,
20 Very Rare Monster The dragons of the Realms have the unless the entire area is under the
When a choice is provided, the DM listed stats and abilities of those listed in attack of a Flight of Dragons (which last
makes the choice between the two the Monster Manual, with the following occurred in the Year of the Worm).
options at the time of creating the table. additional information.
Subdual: The fact that the dragon can
Instead of a common monster, the • Number of attacks per round
be potentially subdued wrule taking less
OM may place in that slot two rare mon- • Damage of Breath Weapon damage than needed to slay it causes
sters, and have the choice of which • Possibility of great er ages of dragons to the underated as monsters.
monster the party encounters. Instead dragons Dragons in the Forgotten Realms can be
of an uncommon monster, the DM may • Revised determination of Subdual
subdued, but only under particular cir-
place in that slot two very rare mon- and purchases of dragons cumstances.
sters, and have the choice of which Number of attacks per round: The The dragon in question must be chal-
monster the players encounter. This dragons of the Forgotten Realms have a lenged, clearly and openly, either in its
decision may be made by the DM at the feline quickness that belies their reptil· native tongue, or, if it speaks it, com-
time of the encounter, or may instead ian origin. They may make up to twice mon. It must accept that challenge for
be decided by a roll of the die (1-3 first the normal biting and clawing attacks subdual combat to take place.
monster listed, 4-6 second monster list- in a single round, and divide those This means that a sleeping or sur-
ed). attacks against figures within the same prised dragon cannot be subdued by a
15 foot area. They will do so only if they single fighter rushing in with a lucky
A WOR.O aboa-C oR.agons are pressed, or attacked by numbers shot.
greater than three times their hit dice. Whether a dragon accepts such a
The dragons of the Forgotten Realms
Damage of Breath Weapon : The
challenge or not is based on the intelli-
are among the most dangerous, devi-
dragons of the Forgotten Realms may gence of the dragon and whether it has
ous, and powerful creatures of the
use their breath weapon as many times more hit dice than the individuals
Realms. The great majority of them live
as they see fit within a 24 hour period, attacking it. If the dragon can count on
but may only inflict up to three times allies (other dragons, human servants,
their hit points in damage, maximum, etc.) coming to its aid, count their hit
during that period. Commonly, in com- dice as well to determine whether the
bat, a dragon wil1 breathe thrice, with offer is accepted.
each attack inflicting the amount of
damage equal to the dragon's initiaJ hit DRAGON'S HIT DICE
points (see DRAGON in the Monster INT Is Greater Is Equal
Manual). If pressed, however, a dragon or Lesser
may release everything in one shot, or Average 70% 40%
may breathe more than three times at Very 60% 30%
reduced effect at scattered targets. Highly 50% 20%
(Divide total damage per attack by Exceptional 40% 10%
three.) Genius 30% 0%
Supra-Genius 20% 0%
The Ages of Dragonkind: The eight list-
ed ages of dragons provided in the Mon- Individual dragons such as Tiamat
ster Manual apply to those dragons that
and Bahumat will never accept subdual
may be encountered randomly in the challenges.
Realms. Dragons grow all their life, and Second, once a challenge is accepted,
there are two ranks beyond for special certain rules apply. Attacks that inflict
individuals: real damage (such as spells like firebal]J
Venerable Dragons have 9 points/die. are not permitted, and their use will
Great Wyrms have 10 points/die. negate the cha11enge and enrage the
dragon involved. Weapons inflict one-
The huge monster that attacked Hills- quarter real damage when used to sub-
far and was destroyed by that city's due. The dragon may, of course, use his
mages was a Great Red Wyrm, and breath weapon, but will do so only if a 7

or better is rolled with two six-sided listed in the Monster Manual. Such sales ate a dragon-fear, which may
dice. can only be held at cities, where a suf- cause low-level creatures to panic.
Thirdly, there is a chance that once ficient number of buyers are interested They may do this once per
the dragon is officially subdued (as list- in that sort of thing. Such sales are nev- encounter with the same individ·
ed in Monster Manual !), it will renege er held in cities, as the town fathers uals.
on its offer, either escaping or (if the take a dim view of such creatures with- • Saving throw hit dice for dragons
attackers are sufficiently banged up) in the city walls (check the damage of 5 or more hit points are deter-
attacking in earnest. The chances of done by the most recent Dragonflight mined by dividing their hit points
this depend on the dragon's alignment. under Dragons in the Cyclopedia.) Such by 4. An ancient, huge, red dragon
Lawful Dragons are 90% likely to would-be salesmen should be warned saves as a 22nd level creature, not
honor the terms of the subdual chal- that among the buyers would include an 11th.
lenge. those looking for a guardian-beast, • Dragons with spell-casting abilities
Neutral Dragons are 70% likely to alchemists looking for a trove of compo· will use them, and do so in a fash-
honor the terms of the subdual chal- nents, and members of such organiza- ion to most confound and harm
lenge, and if they do not do so, will seek tions as the Cult of the Dragon, which any interlopers.
to escape as opposed to turn on their would enlist the creature into their
The word "dragons" strikes fear into
attackers. cause, and set it free again to wreak the heart of many in the Realms, even
Chaotic Dragons are only 50% likely havoc on the area in general and the
to honor the terms of their contract. those tried and true adventurers who
adventurers in particular.
Black, brass, white, red, and copper have crossed blades with them. Using
Dragons found in lair may found
the above guidelines, and not using the
dragons are all Chaotic in nature. asleep, but those of higher than Aver-
If a dragon is subdued (and honors
creatures as just-another-encounter,
age intelligence will be likely to set up
that subdual), the adventurers may loot should make them among the most
some form of trap or trip-wire to alert
deadly creatures of the Forgotten
the dragon's lair and wrest from the them to prowlers in their domains.
creature a promise to leave the area Finally, when dealing with dragons,
and not return. The characters may keep in mind the following items.
also try to take the dragon in for sale, as • Adult (and older) dragons can radi·

SeJec-ceO NPCs o.,: -Cbe ReaJrns
he Realms are a living, growing excellent background for providing and now spends much time in astro·
T world, home to literally thousands
of beings with names and deeds, nat-
such NPCs with magical armor, weap-
ons, and devices for use in brief
nomical studies. His primary field of
knowledge, however, is of the physical
ures and histories, of which the player encounters. Such individuals may have sciences; the identification and proper·
characters are a small but important further treasures in their homes and ties of metals and baser minerals, of
part. More than anything else, these castles. woods and lesser plants, and how this
individuals are the Realms. The greater Beings in this fragmentary list are knowledge may be applied in useful
bulk of such a population would make arranged by their first names. Dates processes by men. Aldolphus com·
for a huge tome and dreadful reading, give are in Dalereckoning (current year mands high fees, but is a regular guest
even in the reduced fashion presented 1356) and concentrate on that region of of Azoun whenever the king is in Ara-
here. The brief summaries mentioned the Inner Sea. bel, for the two are firm friends, and
here are included to give a OM a hand- All entries are arranged thus: the ruler of Cormyr delights in the
ful of possible PC tutors and "big NAME (Pronunciation) sage's entertaining company ; Aldolphus
wheels" for the PCs to brush up against, Nickname(s), if applicable must enjoy their meals together too. for
and that the little career outlines Dates of birth and death, if applicable he will drop evel"ything he is doing for
included spark ideas for PC adventures Title, if applicable hire, regardless of its urgency of the
(for example, see "The Sleeping Sword" Base of operations amount of the fee, until the king leaves
under Emperell. Level and class, group affiliation if the city again.
Many NPCs are mentioned briefly in applicable
the Cyclopedia of the Realms, but do Alignment, power(s) worshiped (if any)
not appear there in full stats, rather Race, sex Elven Court
being summarized as to class and level. Background 5th level fighter
CG, Solonor Thelandira
In order to prevent players from gain-
ing too much of an advantage over this Elven Female
Hornaas ot= Note Alok has remained behind as com-
knowledge ("Hey, let's go over to
AILOTH (EVE-lot:b) mander of the 20 elven longbowmen
Bugtown, the mayor there is only a 5th
Hillsfar and Sembia assigned to protect Luvon Greencloak
level fighter!"). feel free to use the fol-
lowing table to modify the listed level of 6th level magic-user. Red Wizard of and the last of the stragglers. As battle-
the NPC from the Cyclopedia. Thay leader, she carries a silver spear + 3,
LE, Kossuth wears elven chain mail + 2, and wields
NPC Level Modification Tu.ble: Human Male a two-handed sword in battle. Alok
Die Roll Modification Ailoth is a short, white-haired mage would rather quit this world of men
01-10 Rumors overstate the impor- who gathers information in Sembia and and retire with the majority of her race
tance of the individual; is actu· Hillsfar for the Red Wizards of Thay, to Evermeet, but is loyal to her duty to
ally one level less than listed. while acting as a moneylender and "dis- Luvon.
11-60 Stories are correct; individual tress goods/damaged goods" buyer. His ALZEGUND (Abl-Zeb-GUND)
is of listed level. contacts with the Red Wizards are well- Wanders (Cormyr, Sembia, and
61-80 Stories are slightly dated; indi- known in both Hillsfar and Sembia. Dragon Reach)
vidual is of one level higher 10th level magic-user, Red Wizard of
than listed. Sage (0-level fighter) Thay
81·95 Stories are badly dated; indi- Arabel. in Cormyr LE, Kossuth
vidual is of two levels higher LN, Oghma Human Male
than listed. · An old, bald, war-scarred necromancer,
Human Male
96-00 Stories are just outright Aldolphus is a sage of unusual joviality, Alzegund openly wears robes marked
wrong; individual is of 1-4 free of much of the pomposity that is on the breast and back with a red flame
levels higher than listed. exhibited by his fellow sages across the badge, and travels the trade routes with
Multi-classed individuals may roll once, Realms. Of troubled times, Aldolphus six grim men-at-arms, guarding those
with results applied to all levels. Racial once said, "Curious happenstances caravans the Red Wizards want kept
limitations apply. Individuals listed at abound-and all burning Hell breaks safe. Alzegund also spies on the military
"name" level (Wizard, High Priest, LDrd, loose!" This phrase has caught on and strength of Cormyr and of Zhentil
etc.) will always be of that minimum can now be heard in talk from Mirabar Keep. He is said to possess a magical bag
level. to the Great Desert of Raurin. This fat, of tricks and a wand of lightning.
Appendix P in the DMG provides an lumbering little man lives in Arabel,

ARTHAGU S (ARe-TH AY- gas) northern side of the Thunder Peaks, far defeated Randal Morn of OaggerdaJe two
"Arthagus of the Miracles" above Lake Sember. He dislikes human faJJs out of three at a Shieldmeet feast.
Yhuann in Sembia company and never joins or aids She currently resides in Highmoon
7th level illusionist humans when in his human form, CDeepingdale), and bears a magic staff of
CN, Leira although he will consort with elves and some power (likely a staff of wizardryl.
Human Male other druids. If approached by druids Azargatha runs a toy-shop in Highmoon,
This white-bearded, green-eyed old for training, he will drive a hard bar- where she sells elaborately-carved wood-
man is kindly until crossed, but he has gain for payment, hoping to discourage en toys made by herself and by the elves
been crossed often enough that he them. Aubaerus spends much of his of the Elven Court.
believes concealment of the truth is time as a large black raven, flying all
about the Dragon Reach area (thus, he AZOU N IV {Azz-00-an)
necessary in this world. He lives quietly "The Purple Dragon:• King of Cormyr
in Yhaunn in Sembia, training illusion- is aware of most movements of groups
of creatures in the area), and seems to Suzail
ists of lesser power occasionally, and 20th level cavalier
studying his arts tirelessly, refining this enjoy the company of ravens. Aubaerus
is not a member of the Harpers LG, Tyr and Tumpus
or that illusory effect. Arthagus also Human male, born 1282 (has reigned
occasionally aids those who govern (although their interests often coin-
cide), or of any other organization or from 1311 to present)
Sembia. His understanding of the arts Azoun is a stocky, bearded man of aver-
of misdirection extends to "misinforma- interest group. Aubaerus must be very
rich, as he never has any cause to spend age height, brown hair shot through
tion" spread by rumors, and his exper- with silver, and the possessor of a col-
tise in this regard is useful in certain or pay anything, and has taken in much
gold and magic over the years as pay- lection of magical swords. Azoun is
matters of manipulating popular feel- practical, good-natured, careful, and
ing and the tactics of outside powers. ment for druidic training.
prudent. He is devoted to his wife Fil-
Arthagus owns many minor items of AZALA {Ab-ZALE-ab) faeril Selzair ("the Dragon Queen"), and
magic, particularly protective in nat- Azala Fire-eyes the great sorrow of their lives has been
ure; perhaps the most unusual of these Teziir, on south coast of Lake of the early death of their son and first-
is an onyx dog. Dragons born, Foril (1307-1309). They have two
ASBRAS HLUMIN 11th level magic-user daughters, Tunalesta (1309-????), and
(AZZ-bRazz H ab- LOO-roio) NG, Mystra Alusair Nacacia (1310-????), the latter of
Wanders (Moonsea/Dragon Reach) Human Female whom recently went missing, and is
6th level magic-user Closely connected with the government currently sought all over Faerun.
NE, Dragon Cult AND Mystra of Tuziir, Azala has often aided its Azoun's father was Rhigaerd II, his
Human Male guardsmen with her magic. Her youth mother Tunalusta "Iruesilver, and his sis-
This mage uses magical means to con- was spent in a long and colorful adven- ter Sulesta; all are now dead.
ceal his alignment, and purports to be turing career, including a part in the Azoun's reign has been largely peace-
neutral good. He will willingly train, slaying of the Great Worm of Tulflamm. ful. There have been threats from Gon-
cast magic for, and even join (for short She now resides in a tower in Tuziir, degal and Lashan of Scardale, and
periods) bands of adventurers operat- devoting most of her time to research ongoing skirmishes in the Stonelands,
ing in the area, trying to learn all he can and the crafting of small, useful, and but no major wars. Cormyr has recent-
off their doings and then betray them in beautiful items of magic. ly annexed Tilverton, but Azoun does
some dangerous spot, hoping they wiU not seem to plan any other expansions,
AZARGATHA NIMUNE preferring to keep his kingdom strong
be killed, whereupon Asbras will rob (Abz- zaR-GAH --cba
the adventurers of all their treasure, within its traditional borders. He is a
N i b -M OON -nee)
keeping a measure for himself, and giv- just king, commanding the love as well
Deepingdale as the loyalty of his people.
ing the rest to the Cult. 10th level magic-user
AUBAERU S (AWE-baRe-as) CG, Mystra AND Meilikki BORUSTINE (BORE-ab- s'tine)
The Ravenmaster Human Female Hillsfar, on Moonsea
Thunder Peaks area Either a member or aJly of the Harpers, 7th level magic-user
16th level hierophant druid Azargatha is often in the company of NG, Mystra
N, Silvanus rangers thought to be Harpers. A taJJ, Human Male
Human Male flame-red-haired woman of imposing A close-mouthed, tolerant and respect-
This gruff, private man dwells alone in strength of character and of body, ed mage of Hillsfar, Borustine avoided
a remote cave on the eastern side of the Azargatha loves wrestling, and once politics in that city for most of his

career, but his very presence and removal of the imprisoned mage Rhon-
power lent to the city some social stabil· dethar Windrider from dungeons in
ity amongst travelers and merchants Westgate, a task which involved slaying
leery of elves and of the warlike men of many of the guards of that city who
the Moonsea area alike. Borustine often were in the way of his aim. Brandon
aided adventurers for reasonable fees, will undertake aJmost any task, for
but hewed to an oft-stated policy of not almost any master, as long as the pay is
undertaking offensive magics to aid one good (twenty pieces of gold daily, half
man or group against another. Boru- refunded if the task is unsuccessful,
stine preferred to spend his time upon plus 4 gp/day per man-at arms Brandon
his magicaJ studies, being most inter- is asked to bring with him, if any). Bran-
ested in guards, wards, and protective don has his own code of honor, and is
fields, despite an adventurous and mer- very shrewd behind his hearty front;
cenary past; in his youth, Boru- he will do nothing sustained to upset
stine rode with armies in Tuthyr and the general peace of the region, which
the South, and cast his glamours on would if large-scale warfare broke out,
many a battlefield. More recently, he make his job far more dangerous, the
stood on the rooftops of Hillsfar dock- competition far greater, and men gen-
houses and battled a great attacking erally less able to pay for his services.
dragon with his magic, in concert with He has served alongside Gayr lana in her
other mages of the city; together they Mindulgulph Mercenary company (see
slew it over the harbor, and brought it Mercenary Companies), but while
down. Borustine has supported respecting the Lady Bloodsword great-
Maalthiir's overthrow of the corrupt ly, does not get along well with her
Council and seizure of power; he has inhuman troops.
given Maalthiir's reign much of its legiti·
macy and lasting power, and continues
( DAY-o~e RAST-b a b -vio)
to serve Maalthiir as advisor, and (occa-
sionally) a magical aide, when spells are Selgaunt
Sage (4th level magic-user)
needed. Borustine lives in a tower on
LN, Oghma AND Mystra
the southern edge of Hillsfar, just inside
the city wall, near its easternmost cor- Human Male
This quiet, soft-spoken sage dwells in
ner, within sight of the woods.
Selgaunt, where he maintains a low
BRANDON (BRAHN-ooo) profile, but is much consulted by peo-
"Battlemaster" ple from all over the ReaJms. Deior is
Wanders, based in Priapurl wealthy enough to indulge in occasion·
6th level fighter al sponsorship of adventuring bands to
CN, Thmpus explore this or research that, in peril-
Human Male ous places beyond the reach of a man of
This jovial, brawling tacticaJ master is a his years. Deior's fields of study are all
war-leader-for-hire of long and colorful concerned with humankind: history,
reputation in the Inner Sea lands. Based lengends, and folklore of the Inner Sea
in Priapurl ("a place small enough to region, genealogy and politics, and (as a
stand me;' as he puts it), Brandon hates sideline) heraldry, signs, and sigils.
seafaring and sea combat, but is likely Deior's fees are high, and he is very
to be found anywhere around the Inner busy. His bodyguards, a pair of 5th level
Sea (and along the trade routes west fighters named Hillur and Rheeokk, will
toward the Sword Coast) where there is ensure that he is not clisturbed except
dry land, fighting for this or that hire· when he wishes to be. Deior is clean- Azoaa IV aa(')
master. Brandon's exploits include the shaven, bowed with his years (and he
slaying of the lich Tharuighagh, in the was never strong), but has intelligence Va ageR.(')abasc
hills near Saerb; the storming of Jhas- and wisdom of 18, and customarily
silrn Onespear's citadel; and the forcible wears bracers of defense ACZ.

DELBOSSAN (Del-BOSS-an) was attached several times by forces of became the Knights of Myth Drannor,
Esper Zhentil Keep, and many dalefolk died). Dove became pregnant, and retired to
3rd level fighter/2nd level thief Doust found the responsibilities of rul- Espar (and briefly to Evermeet, one of
CN, Tumpus AND Mask ing hard to reconcile with the philoso- the few humans to be allowed to visit
Human male phy of Tymora, and at length resigned that tree-cloaked realm) to bear their
Stablemaster to Hezom, Lord of Espar, his title (although he remains a "Lord of child, where she yet remains. Dove is
Delbossan is a middle-aged, taciturn Shadowdale:· as do his companions ) in tall and shapely, calm and firm of
man of quiet competence in the train- favor of a younger companion, the cav- speech, kind, and fearless in battle.
ing and care of horses; he is also a form- alier Mourngrym Amcathra. Doust's
companions became the "Knights of DU RKIN (DER-kin)
er adventurer who quietly made a pile Wanders (Elven Wood)
of gold pieces in his early years as a Myth Drannor;• and plunged anew into
adventures, but Doust himself took Islif 14th level fighter
thief on the overland trade route link- LG, Clanggedin
ing the Inner Sea lands with the Sword to Arabel, where he could worship at
the temple there with more diligence Dwarven male
Coast. During that time he stole so This ancient, crochety dwarf of gro-
many horses and posed as a horse- than had been possible when he was a
harried Lord needing to be diplomatic tesquely broad shoulders and thews is a
tender on so many caravans that he battler of awesome ferocity, and his
learned much of the care and tending and far-seeing, or an adventurer under-
taking all adventures with an eye to years of solitude and battle have left
of horseflesh. In more recent days he him somewhat less than sane. He loves
hid for a time as assistant stablemaster how this would strengthen his dale.
Doust knew that freedom from the to kill evil things, and will roar and gib·
to old Heuran in Espar; liked the work, ber constantly as he hacks and hews
and succeeded Heuran upon the latter's duties of rule would also allow him the
time and relative safety in which to with a great battleaxe + 2, in doing so.
death of the shaking cough, serving For years he has dwelt in an old,
faithfully (including Cormyrean mili- raise his son and enjoy some leisure
with his wife, and he is still in Arabel, tumbling-down castle across a rocky
tary training and duty) ever since. He is tor in the depths of the elven woods, his
now a loyal and accomplished men-of engaged in such pursuits.
only company bats and bones of the
arms. DOVE FALCONHAND elven mages who built the place over a
DOU ST S ULWOOD Wanders (The Dalelands, Esper) thousand years ago. Durkin has guard-
(Dowst; S U LL-wooc)) 11th level ranger ed the Vale of Lost Voices, where his
Arabel CG, Mielikki keep rises, for the elves; in return, they
8th level cleric of Tymora Human female have left him alone regardless of where
CG, Tymora One of the youngest of a famous family he has wandered in the forest. Unless
Human male of sisters (the others include Alustriel of one is an elf or dwarf (Durkin respects
Born in Espar to a retired soldier and Silverymoon, The Simbul of Aglarond, all such and their things, excepting
his wife (who died in childbirth), Doust the bard Storm Silverhand, and the drow and duergar), it is dangerous to
grew up lonely and afraid of his drunk- now-deceased "witch" Sylune), Dove is approach this old warrior, for if he
en father. When old enough to leave, he an agent of the Harpers, and has for thinks you evil in any way, he will bark
set out to seek his fortune with others many years been a foe of the Zhentarim and growl like a dog, and attack, snarl-
of his age (including Florin Falconhand and the evil creatures of the Inner Sea ing, to kill. Durkin has wild, straggling
and Semoor Wolftooth), and within two lands. Several times her adventures white hair and a similar beard, and
years found himself Lord of Shadow- brought her into contact with a certain wears battered and bent old iron
dale, chosen by his companions after band of adventurers from Espar in Cor- armor. He has not washed (save for con-
Khelben "Blackstaff" Arunsun offered myr; she served as a tutor to their tact with rain and snow) for some fifty
the Lordship to one of the party. battle-leader, the young ranger Florin years.
Doust married Islif Lurelake shortly Falconhand, and was most impressed
by him. Later she encountered him in ELM INSTER (El -MIN-st;eR)
thereafter, and has a son by her, Jhaok Shadowdale and the Known Planes
(see: Islif Lurelake). Doust instituted a The Whistling Wizard inn in Voonlar,
where she became a prisoner of Orvar 26th level magic-user
"Lord's Court" or weekly meeting CG, None
where folk of the dale could speak "The Unseen" of the Zhentarium, and
he rescued her (Qrvar remains an Human Male
openly, and where matters internal to The exact age of the sage Elminster is
the dale could be decided by vote of a unseen foe to this day). Dove joined the
band of adventurers based in Shadow- unknown and his year of birth unre-
Council of dale elders, and was well corded. It is suspected he learned his
liked by the people despite the tumult dale, and later married Florin. Shortly
after the party left Shadowdale and magical arts at the feet of Arkhon the
of his short reign (in which Shadowdale

Old, who died in Waterdeep over 500 the long-dead seer Alaundo, will come Sent by priests of Tymora in Arrabar
years ago, and was in Myth Drannor to Cormyr "and sweep it away in ruin, (located on the Vilhon Reach) to found
near that magical realm's final days. unless those who should have been new temples and shrines to the Lady in
The Sage currently makes his abode in dead are there to stand against them:' the Dragonreach area. At the present
the tiny farm community of Shadow- The phrase "those who should have Eressea is in Shadowdale, where such a
dale, living in a two-story house over- been dead" was taken at the time to temple is under construction, awaiting
looking a fishpond with his aide and mean people magically preserved past the arrival of one Erluidan, High Priest
scribe, Lhaeo. Elminster may be the their normal lifespans, rather than of the Lady, who will take over the run-
most knowledgable and well-informed undead or the recipients of unreliable ning of the faith in the area.
individual in the realms, though this longevity magics, so some younger
may be only his own opinion, it is often noble sons and bored or disgraced war-
voiced in his discussions. His areas of riors agreed to be put into stasis to
7th level thief
specialization are the Realms and its await a possible hour of need in Cor-
NE, Mask
people, ecology of various creatures, myr's future. A few sages, and the royal
Human Male
magical items and their histories, and family of Cormyr, and Emperel and his
This dark-haired, nondescript young
the known planes of existence. Elmin- ancestors (the "Guardians") know of the
man now lives quietly in Selgaunt,
ster no longer tutors nor works for Lords Who Sleep; to confuse those who
where he arranges for certain people to
hire, save in the most pressing cases. may wish to slay them or plunder their
be (willingly) hidden or transported to
Many of his former students and allies arms and equipage (for there are over
safety or (less willingly) kidnapped and
include some of the most powerful thirty fighters of levels 4-12 in stasis,
held for ransom. Flame works with a
good individuals in the realms, includ- and many have healing potions and small band of trusted aides, including at
ing the Lords of Waterdeep, the Simbul, magical arms and armor, and all have
least magical powers (3rd-5th level).
ruler of Aglarond, the group known as wings of flying,. The Lords Who Sleep
Flame can be contacted through the
the Harpers, and many powerful wiz- are concealed in a cave with many traps
Green Gauntlet inn on Selgaunt's east-
ards 'and sorceresses. on the entrance. As a matter of policy,
ern docks. Flame originally operated as
the royal court of Cormyr refer to these
EMPEREL (Emp-eR-EL) an arsonist in Selgaunt, until a com-
stalwarts by the code-name of "the
Wanders (Mistledale and Cormyrl bined force of leading mages and clerics
Sleeping Sword;' so that most who over-
CG, Mielikki in the city convinced him of the error of
hear believe that an actual, magical
Human Male his ways (via a series of flame strikes
sword is being spoken of, perhaps one
This noble, always polite man of strik- and similar mishaps). After a brief peri-
kept in the palace treasure vaults, in
ing good looks and calm reasoning (17 od of self-exile while this "heat" died
IN, 17 W, 18 CHA, 18 COM) lives in down, Flame does a quieter business in
Ashabenford (Mistledale). He is seldom EREGUL (ERE-eb-gall) town, and stays wary of both magic-
to be found there, however, because Wanders (Cormyr/Sembia) users and clerics.
most of his time is spent traveling about 11th level magic-user
the Stonelands alone, fighting the LE, Bane
goblinkin and trolls that seem to swarm
Eregul is a tall, black-bearded mage of Wanders (The Dalelands)
there in great numbers. Emperel is
sardonic, drawling speech, hard black 9th level ranger
sworn to guard the tomb of the Lords
Who Sleep. Emperel is concerned with eyes, and strong personal ambitions. He CG, Mielikki
the evil humanoids of the area finding works for the Zhentarim as a "free- Human male
stave:' ser ving their interests and his Florin was born to Hethcanter
this tomb by accident or making its cave
own. He wanders the civilized lands of Falconhand (a retired captain in the
so perilous to get to or emerge from, by
Cormyr, Sembia, and the Dalelands, armies of Comyr) and his wife, the half-
their very presence, that the Lords elven magic user Skydusk (Florin him-
Who Sleep will be unable to bring any seeking what information and useful
magic or manpower he can pick up. self is human in all respects) in the town
strength to the defense of the Forest
of Espar. From his youth, Florin was
Kingdom. ERESSEA AMBERGYLES interested elves, flowers, and woodland
A word of explanation: The Lords
(ERe-ess-SEE -ab AHM-b eR-giles) creatures; his mother encouraged him
Who Sleep are great warriors placed in Wanders (Shadowdale) in gardening. His father thought he
magical temporal stasis long ago, and
4th level Cleric of Tymora should learn a useful trade, and
hidden somewhere in the Stonelands,
CG, Tymora apprenticed him to a famous armorer,
to await the hour when "armies of the
Human Female Hawkstone.Flor in preferred the woods
dead, and legions of devils" foretold by

to the forge, however, and walked miles Fzoul is second-in-command of the gence service" between these towns,
in them whenever he could, earning Zhentarim, but his influence within the and has been consulted by respectable
him the nickname "Silent" and a smat- organization is greater than Lord Man- and honest individuals to unearth perti-
tering of elvish, dryadic, and treant lan- shoon's due to his command of the cler- nent facts (for a fee, of course). Garth
guages. Skilled with the long sword and gy of Bane who are part of the has also been connected with various
two-handed sword, Florin set out to organization (clerics of Bane who think recurring swindles in the area, in par-
find his fortune when of age, with sev- the Zhentarim a force unworthy of ticular those dealing with warehouse
eral companions, and quickly emerged Bane's support, the majority, are com- fires and the resale of slighty fire-
as the leader of the band, in battle and manded by The High Imperceptor of damaged goods. Garth is elusive, and
in matters of diplomacy, a role he still Bane, a 19th level High Priest). Fzoul has many" hidey-holes:' He has contacts
holds today, as one of the senior seeks to enhance his personal power at The Black Stag in Selgaunt, the Roar-
Knights of Myth Drannor. In the inter- through diligent service to the God of ing Griffon in Marsember, and any
vening years, however, Florin gained Tyranny, and he sees the best way to do dock-side tavern in Suzail, so that those
(through a wish) a telepathic warhorse, this to be supporting and working with seeking his services may inquire there.
Firefoam. Florin was personally offered the man he judges best able to succeed
the Lordship of Shadowdale by as a tyrant: Manshoon. Fzoul is careful GHARRJ OAR-ee)
Khelben "Blackstaff" Arunsun, though Ghar ri of Gond, Gharri Wonderma-
to remain necessary to and friends with
he declined it and directed that the title Manshoon, while keeping as much
be bestowed on one of his companions power as possible in his own hands, so
Wandered (Tilverton)
by a vote of all the band, who chose that Manshoon will never consider him
15th level Cleric
Doust. Florin served Doust faithfully expendable; or a threat so powerful
NG, Gond
for a few winters as Warden of Shadow- that it must be destroyed.
dale and its chief diplomat, and finally Fzoul is wily, glib-tongued, burly, red- Human Male
haired, and handsome. He wears brac- This diplomatic, urbane man of some-
married the ranger Dove. Gaining mag-
times barbed wit (18 Intelligence, and
ic user and druid spells through train- ers of defense AC2 at all times, and full
18 Wisdom) was born in Sembia,
ing by his companions Jhessail plate when expecting battle. He bears a
Silvertree and Lanseril Snowmantle, he mace +4, a silver flail, and a morning orphaned there in a fire in the city of
recently acquired a familiar, a hawk he star + 1, and wears a ring of free action Yhaunn, spent his youth with traveling
named Minstrel. Florin is tall, curly- priests of Gond, and rose in their order
and a ring of spell storing (contents
haired, direct of voice and manner, a unknown). His most treasured magical as the year s passed to eventually
decent, polite "straight shooter" who item is a rod of cancellation, which he become High Priest of the foremost
bears a magical shield + 1 called carries in a sheath inside his left boot. temple of Gond in all the Inner Sea
lands-the temple he founded in Tilver-
Reptar's Wall, and a magical teleport In his temple, Fzoul has hidden three
blocks of incense of meditation and a ton. For over a score of winter s Gharri
gem that will take him, without error,
ruled Tilverton in fact, if not in title,
to Evermeet to visit his wife and child. staff of the serpent (adder) for his per-
sonal use in emergencies; he also has a making it a center of innovation and the
Ere his marrage to Dove, Florin's com-
manufacture of small but useful items,
panion for a time was the sometime hidey-hole somewhere in the wastes of
thief "Pennae" Alura Durshavin, and he Thar that a word of recall wilJ take him toothed gears, for example, and intri-
to, in extreme peril (Manshoon does not cate locks and hinges.
found time before and after Alura's
presence to acquaint himself with know of this item). Cormyr occupied the Tilver's Gap
area recently, a move not openly
many ladies in his travels. The god
GARTH opposed by Gharri, who considered it
Mielkki has appeared directly to Florin
Garth the Gimble, Snake of Selgaunt necessary to prevent Tilverton being
on several occasions; on one such, she
Selgaunt, Marsember, and Suzail overrun by ores, the troops of Zhentil
commanded him to marry Dove and
4th level thief Keep, or the expanding empire of
have children, because it was "neces-
NE, Mask Lashan of Scardale, all of whom wanted
Human Male the strategic location and wealth of
FZOUL CHEMBRYL Garth is a blond-haired, frail-looking Tilver's Gap. Gharri was made Lord
(Fz:z:-OOL CHEMM -bRil) rogue of nimble dexterity and quick Regent, an empty title considering that
Zhentil Keep wits, who operates in the three listed the Cormyrean military commander
High Priest of the Dark Shrine cities in Sembia and Cormyr, drifting would and did make all decisions of
13th level cleric from one to another to dodge angry vic- consequence. After some months,
LE, Bane tims, pursuers, and creditors. Garth is Gharri quietly vanished, coming to the
Human male reputed to have an excellent "intelli- tiny, ostensibly-ruined fortress of Cas-

tle Krag. Krag was a former bandit-hold Zhentil Keep, was one of that city's war-
in the woods of Shadowdale, long aban- captains until crippled in battle, and out
doned, but recently used secretly by of respect for him, his son took his
the Zhentarim and subsequently by the place in the field, although the Zhen-
Lord of Shadowdale. From there, tariro have taken care that he lead
Gharri quietly got on with the business expendable units, or forces not in a
of running the local priesthood of Gond position to go far wrong by a little well-
(which included a very good group of meant blundering. Currently Guthbert
spies reporting all news to him), until he heads a mercenary force of nearly
made a trip to Daggerdale to aid the 4,000 men based in ruined Tushwave,
Lord of that Place, Randal Morn, and who are battling the forces of Cormyr
was destroyed in a titanic magical battle and Daggerdale in the Daggerdale area.
near Serpentsbridge by a dozen mages Guthbert's abilities in hand-to-hand bat-
of the Zhentarim. Gharri's reputed tle are respected (18/36 ST, 18 CON), but
caches of magical and mechanical won- as a tactician or quartermaster, he is
ders, and vast personal wealth in bar largely hopeless and is therefore aided
and coin, have not yet been recovered, by a largely veter an staff installed by
nor is his passing known to most of the the Zhentarim, including the senior
Realms. captain of the Zhentil Keep armies,
Ulgrym, and Asdag, a High Priest of
GUNTHOR (GUN- tboR) Bane under the control of Fzoul Chem-
Shadowdale bryl. Guthbert is also assisted by a vet-
12th level Fighter eran mercenary leader, the fourth level
LG, Moradin fighter Natchim, of Westgate. Guthbert
Dwarven male is said to be amiable but fearless, and to
For many years this master of the smith's have his eye on the overlordship of
trade has worked in Hillsfar. Many war- Zhentil Keep some day, oblivious to his
riors in the Dragon Reach area have own shortcomings.
worn his work. Gunthor and his assist-
ants (who include several slow-witted, HAWKSTONE
massive men and crippled young boys Wanders (Dragon Reach area)
rescued by Gunthor from the streets) 6th level Ranger
deal extensively with Shadowdale, equip- NG, Mielikki
ping its forces, in recent years. When Hur.tan male
Maalthiir came to power in Hillsfar, the This famous swor dsmith left his chosen
new ruler imprisoned the dwarf, who trade abruptly some years ago, despite
was hurriedly packing his tools and a natural brilliance at smithy-work, to
goods to leave the city and avoid join the ranger Lhoraie, whom he
Maalthiir's rule. Florin Falconhand of Sha- loved. The two wandered the Sword
dowdale purchased Gunthor's freedom Coast lands, the North, and the Inner
from Maalthiir. Gunthor now dwells in Sea lands as allies of the Harpers and of
the Tuwer Ashaba in Shadowdale, and the Lords' Alliance, doing good, until
serves the Lord Mourngrym. Lhoraie died in childbirth. The child, a
daughter, also perished, and a grieving
GUTHBERT GOLTHAMMER Hawkstone buried them both on a hill
Zhentil Keep and its armed forces north of Silverymoon and came south
4th level fighter and east to the Dragon Reach, where he
CN, Tumpus wanders, grim and melancholy, but
Human male zealous in his assistance to travelers
Physically huge, this 300-pound, 6'5" , and in his battling of evil. He has said
broad-shouldered man is muscled like that Mielikki appear ed to him deep in
an ox, and "has brains not much better;• the woods and told him not to return to
as his father, Elzund Golthammer, has forge or throw his life after Lhoraie's,
been known to say. Elzund, a noble of but to serve her cause instead.

ILUSTYL ELVENTREE spent much of his early years fishing in and grew rapidly in magical powers.
(IL-iss--ciJ EL-ueo-·o~ee) the local streams, where his hunched· Careful tutoring brought out natural
Wanders (the Dalelands) over, patient posture earned him the abilities of healing, animal training, and
4th level magic-user nickname "Stoop:' He was fascinated by endurance and made her an expert
CG, Mystra elves from an early age, and learned to rider, and she grew powerful and
Human female speak elvish as best he could from trav- respected by her companions, taking
Ulistyl was born in Shadowdale, where elers. He joined his companions Florin, first Jelde as her lover and then marry-
she was discovered to have psionic Islif, Doust, and the other landless ing Merith Strongbow (on Alturiak 15,
powers by the Lord Doust and his com- younglings of Espar in a journey east· Year of the Worm), giving birth to their
panions. Seeking to safeguard control wards to seek his fortune when he daughter Veluthil Silverbow (cf. Merith
this dangerous asset of the dale, Doust came of age, and over years of adven- Strongbow entry) on Mirtul 1, Year of
took Ulistyl to live in the Tuwer of Ashaba, tures found his caJling as a follower of the Prince. IlJistyl has tended Veluthil
where she proved to be cairn in a fight the God of the Morning. Upon gaining more than Jhessail has, however; one
and have an aptitude for the magical arts. the rank of Priest, he took a name (Jelde crisis after another has demanded the
She became Jhessail Silvertree's appren- Asturien) revealed to him by his god, as attention of the most magically power-
tice, and a full member of the band, and is traditional for that faith, and rose to ful Knight of Myth Drannor, and Jhes·
the lover of Turm (q.v.). Now a Knight of become a noble of Shadowdale. Finding sail is not one to stay at home or miss
Myth Drannor, she has become more of a that constant adventuring was at odds adventures. In addition to an impres·
leader in magical battle since Jhessail with diligent service to Lathander, Jelde sive array of spells gained from many
became a mother. Ulistyl is young, lithe, retired from active adventuring and dungeon, ruin, and crypt hoards, Jhes·
impish of humor (a former tomboy, very took up residence at the temple to sail has a pearl ofpower (which doubles
few years ago), and her psionics are 121/ Lathander in Eveningstar to better fifth level spells, and is not yet usable by
121; A,C/F,G; animal telepathy, body equi- serve his god. He has risen rapidly in her), bracers of defense AC2, and a ring
librium, and empathy. the ranks of the clergy since then. Jelde of shooting stars. Jhessail is a strong·
retains a ring of spell storing from his willed, passionate lady who has under-
ISUF LURELAKE adventuring days, and sometimes dons taken to train Illisty l as her successor,
(155 -li.J:.J: LUR-lake) armor to defend Lathander's works and to develop Florin's newly-acquired
Arabel from the dangers of the Stonelands. magical powers. She is carefully nudg-
8th level fighter ing her infant daughter into familiarity
NG, Thmpus JHESSAIL SILVERTREE with magic, too.
Human female (Jes- SAIL
Wife to Doust Sulwood, and formerly Jhessail Flamehair KHELBEN " Blac kst:of:f:"
Captain of Shadowdale's militia, Islifhas Wanders (the Dalelands) ARUNSUN
r e tired (at least temporarily) from 8th level magic-user (KEL-beo A IR- an- sao)
active adventuring to r aise her son, CG, My stra Waterdeep, though travels widely
Jhaok Sulwood (born Marpenoth 22nd, Human female (including extraplanar)
Year of the Worm). Islif was a stalwart Jhessail was born to "elfriends" and for- (Probable Lord of Waterdeep)
in adventures with her companions, esters, Craig and Lhanna Silvertree, in 26 +th level magic-user
her blade ever-ready, and she emerged Espar. She displayed an early fascina- LN, strong Good tendencies, Mystra
as an able leader and savage warrior in tion with magic, and a talent for it when Human male
the battles with Zhentil Keep and Scar· the elves tested her gently, and was Khelben is the most powerful and influ·
dale. Islif is tall, broad-shouldered, of forthwith trained by Hezom of Espar. ential archmage of the Sword Coast,
strong, muscular build, and was bor n in Known as "1\.voteeth" to childhood and is one of the rulers of Waterdeep
Espar (Comyr) to the traders Buckman friends, she matured into a striking (although he does not admit this openly,
and Thsha Lurelake. beauty, of slim build, green-gray eyes, most in the North suspect him of being
and fiery orange-brown hair, which so). Allied to the Harpers, and instru·
JELDE ASTURIEN promtly earned her her nickname. Her mental in keeping the Lords' Alliance
(JEL- ~eb ASS- "COR-ee-eo) parents urged her to see the world (of Silverymoon, Sundabar, Neverwin·
Alias Semoor Wolftooth beyond Espar, and she accompanied ter, and other "good" cities of the North,
Eveningstar Florin, Doust, and others of her age in a with Waterdeep) intact, Khelben is
8th level cleric search for adventure. A fellow female alway s working to influence this or that
NG, Lathander magic user, Martess, was soon killed, occurrence or trend, seeing years
Human male but Jhessail acquired a black cat famil· ahead. He is a forester and painter, and
Born Semoor Wolftooth in Espar, Jelde iar, "Jet;' read a Libram of Silver Magic, has tutored many mages of note and is

more fully detailed in FRl, Waterdeep pled banks of the river Tush in a bloody wears) an unusual magical treasure; the
and the North. Khelben appears as a tall skirmish with raiders from the Citadel Firecrown, a circlet whose gems can
(6'), well-muscled, bearded man with a of the Raven, leaving behind six-year· emit two rays of fire (one M-sized target
receding hairline, black hair shot old Lanseril. Lanseril loved to play in only, 18 hp damage-half if save made-
through with white hairs, and a distin- the forest with the elves, and hated usuable twice every zoo turns) gained
guished manner. He is gravely wise, not what little he saw of cities. A druid, from giants in The Flaming Tuwer, a for-
pompous, and is fully learned in the his- Haemfaest "Holloweye" Sarthun (he tress that his companions subsequently
tory, lore, and traditions of magic as had lost his left eye in a long-ago battle, destroyed with the aid of treants. An
practiced by humans in the North since but disdained to wear an eye-patch) insect plague cast by Lanseril was
the rise from barbarism. who lived in the forest near Snowman- instr umental in defeating Zhentil
tle took a fancy to Lanseril and schooled Keep's reinforcements in the Battle of
KO RTH (Rhymes witb NORTH) him in the worship of Silvanus-a god Shadowdale.
Ordulin, in Sembia Lanseril found more believable than
5th level fighter LHARAVE (Lab-Rab- VAY)
the elven god Rillifane. Haemfaest and
CN, Tumpus Wanders (wilderness west of Dagger-
the elves believed that Lanseril had met
Human male dale)
Rillifane on the forest paths once,
Korth is a brawling, love-to-fight, just· 7th level ranger
unknowingly, and played tag with him
lead-me-to-it man. A bearded, rollicking CG, Mielikki
around the trees-until, in full view of
drinker and womanizer who was born Human (?) Female
Raunaeril, who was angrily approach-
in Hilp, he now lives in Ordulin, where Lharave is a swanmay and ally of the
ing, the green-clad elf with the bow
he can be hired to guard people. He Harpers, who Jives in the wilds of Dag-
whom Lanseril was chasing turned into
especially likes this task when the peo- gerdale's western reaches, and the east·
a great oak tree which vanished one
ple he is guarding go on "tavern crawls:• ern slopes of the Thunder Peaks to the
night over a week later.
He will also undertake the guarding of When Lanseril lust his parents,
south of Daggerdale. She rarely associ-
caravans or valuables, or the finding ates with humans, although she will aid
Haemfaest looked after the half-mad,
and capture of rivals or wanted crimi· those of good alignment who are imper-
disconsolate boy for a year, until the
nals. Korth has been badly wounded in druid himself fell one winter night to a iled nearby. She has a short bow + 1
his adventures several times, but loves and many silver-tipped arrows, and a
pack of hungry wolves. Pursued by the
his chosen life and carries on as before, luck blade + 1 hidden somewhere in
wolves (Lanseril hates wolves bitterly
whatever happens. If not actively to this day), the young Lanseril fled the peaks. Her feather swan token's
engaged for hire (he usually charges 5 southwards, and came evenually location and precise nature are not
gp/day), Korth can usually be found through the wilds to Highmoon in known, save to Lharave herself.
drinking, arm-wrestling, or picking Deepingdale. There he found employ as LUVO N (LOO-oabo)
fights at The Cap Askew tavern in a runner, errand-boy, and animal keep- G REENC LO AK
Ordulin. er (even then, Lanseril could train ani- Elven Court
LANSERJL (LA N -saiR-iJ) mals, and identify the noises each 11th level magic-user
SNOWMAN T LE makes) for a local merchant, Braun (0' CG, Azuth AND Aerdrie Faenya
Wanders (the Dalelands) the Beard). Lanseril served him faith- Elven male
8th level druid fully for twelve years, seeing much of Luvon is a former emissary and diplo-
N, Silvanus the local roads and businesses, but in mat of the Elven Court before the Elves
Half-elven male the end was made miserable by the jeal- of Cormesta retreated to Evermeet. He
Lanseril was born in the tiny village of ous younger cousin of Braun. A ranger, has remained behind to aid any strag-
Snowmantle (whose name he has taken) Briadorn of the druidic Circle of Sha· glers who wish to head for that elvish
on the edge of the of the Border Forest, dowdale, saw Lanseil tending an isle. Luvon wears bracers of defense
north of Daggerdale. Lanseril's father, injured hare with herbs and gentle AC 6, and is protected by Alok Silver-
Raunaeril "the Rose;' was an elf, one of hands, and offered to take him to the spear and and company of elvish
"The Lost" the elves who inhabit (or dale. Lanseril accepted and joined the longbowmen.
inhabited) the Border Forest and who adventurers there, becoming a stalwart
of the Knights of Myth Drannor, and MANSHOON (Mao- SHOON)
have not been heard from for over thir-
proving a Machiavellian strategist and Zhentil Keep
ty years. 16th level magic user
Lanseril's mot her was a beautiful diplomat, with a phenomenal memory
for faces and names, and conversations LE, Mystra (with lip service to Bane)
human maiden of the village, who per- Human male
ished at her husband's side on the tram- overheard long ago.
Lanseril has gained (and always This cr uel, calculating man heads the

Zhentarim; its power and success are Manxam does deal in the politics of men lures in many planes, including battles
largely due to his efforts, and its collec· as Xantriph did, but with a far lower against dark naga, the "Loosed Devil"
tive control of Zhentil Keep, the Citadel profile and fewer servant creatures. Gargoth, who walks the Realms in per·
of the Raven (and through it, domi· Manxam is usually to be found in or son, and the Cult of the Dragon (which
nance over Thar and the cities of the about the ruins of Tushwave. He is set that organization back about twenty
Moonsea's northern coast), Darkhold thought to view the Zhentarim's bold years in their conquests), Maxer settled
(and through it, maintenance of the expansionist policies with increasing down to magical studies. However,
shortest overland trade route between alarm, thinking that they will lead to an Maxer is now neither an aggressive nor
the Inner Sea and Waterdeep) have inevitable battle-union of all of Zhentil adventurous man. He spends most of
made him very rich. Manshoon, a noble Keep's foes, and the resulting defeat his time tutoring mages of lesser power,
of Zhentil Keep, slew his older brother and destruction of Zhentil Keep. Manx· and in his researches; Maxer has
Asmuth and seized control of the city's am, like most of the eye tyrants who devised many minor items of magic in
governing councils by skillful intrigue, had cooperated with humankind in the last decade. Maxer's abode is a hid·
staunch allies (such as Lord Chess, a Zhentil Keep prior to the rise of the den cellar. He prefers to be contacted
lifelong friend), and the aid of that fac· Zhentarim, resents and despises the through the Royal Court in Suzail.
lion of the priesthood of Bane con· "upstart mages:· vastly preferring the
MERlT H (MAIR-itb)
trolled by Fzoul Chembryl and of the priests of Bane, who accorded behold·
beholder Xantriph. Manshoon's own ers the respect they see as their due. STRONGBOW
alliances with Dark Nagas, and his Manxam's own strength and wealth are Wanders (the Dalelands)
manipulations of the Cult of the unknown. 6th level fighter/6th level magic-user
Dragon, increased his influence and CG, Rillifane Rallathil
MASYR (MAW-zeeR) Elven male
bought him the time necessary to build
Zhentil Keep Merith, son of Laerune and Llanthorn
his personal mastery of the magical arts
6th level illusionist Strongbow, was born on the banks of
without allowing stronger rivals to
CN, Leira the river Duathamper in the "Great
assume control of the city until he was
Human male Wood" (the Elven Court) 184 years ago.
ready to take it. Thke it he has, and has
Masyr lives in Zhentil Keep, and is own· Tutored in the ways of fighting by his
flourished; his spell library is thought
er of The Green Sash Thvern and Fes· father (battling men cutting into the
to be the equal of Khelben Arunsun's,
thall on Northlook Street, and of The forest, as the Dalelands and the Moon·
and his arsenal of magical devices and
Green Rings 'frading Company. A cau- sea cities developed) and in the arts of
weapons the largest held by a single
tious, private man, Masyr travels little, magic by the "Gray Ladies" of Sem-
mage anywhere in the Realms
and rarely appears in public. His son, berholme Can elven retreat on the
(although it is scattered, hidden, and
Elrain, runs The Green Sash, and the shores of Lake Sember), Merith was bid
guarded by spells and monsters). He is
'frading Company is largely "paper" by the Elven court to join a band of
known to possess a staffof the magi and
business, consisting of a stables and sev- adventurers in Shadowdale and influ-
wear black robes of the archmagi, to
wear a ring of spell storing and a ring of eral warehouses. Masyr buys old wag· ence them to protect the elven woods
ons, exhausted mounts, and "found:' and ways, upon the death of his par·
wizardry (that doubles fourth and fifth
damaged, or leftover goods, stores and ents. Merith did so, armed with a letter
level spells), and is quite content to flee
tends such, and resells them at key from Luvon, an elven ally of Doust's
danger. Many have tried to kill him, and
times and situations, for much higher band, and was accepted, and remains a
none have succeeded; he is careful, nev·
prices. Masyr is always short of money member of the Knights of Myth Oran·
er lets his temper master his reason,
and is always willing to train illusionists nor today. Merith took to wife Jhessail
and is always alert. He seems an unbeat·
of lesser powers; his wife Tuzra is expe· Silvertree of the Knights; their haJf.
able foe; others face danger to do his
rienced at handling the company with· elven daughter Veluthil Silverbow (her
bidding, but he's "never there:•
out him. first name means "beautiful of the eve-
MANXAM (MANK-zarn) ning"; her last name is derived from
Ruins of Tushwave both her parents' surnames) was born
Suzail in Cormyr
Beholder Mirtul 1st, the Year of the Prince. Since
11th level magic-user
LE, Bane the elves left the Elven Court, Merith
NG, Mystra
Possibly the most powerful eye tyrant has become increasingly reckless in bat·
in the lands of the northwest Inner Sea Human male
tie, and his hatred of the Drow and the
This respected mage is a resident of
lands, including the Moonsea cities, Zhentarim has grown. Merith is psionic
Suzail. After a spectacular youth of
Sembia. Cormyr, and the Dales since (76/76; A,B/F,G; detection of good/evil,
mighty feats of magic and great adven·
the death of Xantriph (see Zhentarim), object reading) has one blue eye and

onP. grP.P.n, and has a hlack cat famil- any authorities in the Dragon Reach ar ea.
iar named Shadowclaw. Merith wears Recently arrived in Selgaunt. she is pos·
elven chain + 2, and bears a magical ing as a merchant dealing in curios and
blade, "Sylabra;• a CG INT 14, EGO 6 + 3 rarities of the South, while in reality
silver Jong sword, which can detect recruiting merchants and men-at-arms
invisible objects (l" radius), and glows
with a silvery-blue radiance at the bear-
er's will. Merith is an expert swimmer,
for the Red Wizards' cause. It is
likely that the Red Wizards are
planning disruptive raids to set one
~ J
animal trader, bowyer and fletcher power against another, if it seems ,
(and archer), and has well-developed likely that any of them would aid or ]
direction sense. His preferred weapon reinforce any lands Thay is at war with.
is the long sword; he has a black temper
when angered. Wanders (Sembia and the Dales)
MHZ ENTUL (M ab-ZEN- toll) 9th level magic-user
(1250 - 1340) CE, Bane AND Lolth
Wandered Human male
20th level magic-user Miraun is a young, sneering man of
N, Kossuth handsome featur es, fond of richly
Human male appointed clothing. Miraun is of a
Mhzentul was a powerful, respected wealthy Zhentil Keep family, the Dan·
mage who perished at the battle of the nacasters, though Maraun is illegiti·
River Rising. There he became a pillar mate and not entitled to the family
of living flame, and burned his way name. Miraun has a sly, diplomatic
across the battlefield, taking many ene- manner, hoping to gain by merit within
mies with him. This was some twenty the Zhentarim what he has lost by
winter s ago, and Mhzentul is now birth. Miraun is known to carry a wand
remembered amongst magic users for of negation.
his works: "the Seven Lost Rings of
MhzentuJ;• and a book called "Mhzen·
(M ORN-9Rim Am-CAT H - Rab)
tul's Runes" which contained the proc·
Lord of Shadowdale
ess for making a ring of spell storing,
6th level cavalier
the construction of rings that would
NG, Tymora
become guardian creatures upon com-
Human male
mand, and much research into fire
A young noble of Waterdeep, Mourn·
magic. The Zhentarim mage Whisper is
grym was an ally of the Harpers who
known to have found the rings, and is
respected and admired Khelben "Black·
suspected to have had the book as well,
staff" Arunsun, who sent him to join
but the whereabouts of those since
Doust Sulwood, Lord of Shadowdale, to
Whisper's death are not known.
be one of the latter's adventuring com·
NAGLATHA (Nabg-LAT H -ab) panions to further the causes of good in
Selgaunt the Dragonreach area and to make his
5th level magic-user, Red Wizard of own fortune. Mourngrym served ably
Thay in many small skirmishes and adven·
NE, Azuth tures with Doust and companions, and
Human female the latter subsequently offered him the
This young, black-eyed, black-haired, lordship of the dale so that they could
and grim-faced woman has risen quick- return to the adventuring life, as "The
ly in the ranks of the Red Wizards due Knights of Myth Drannor:· Mourngrym
to her fanatical zeal for all Red Wizard accepted, and has proven a cautious,
causes, and her ruthless, reckless fur- shrewd, diplomatic lord of authority
thering of those causes. Naglatha's alle· and foresight. aiding Randal Morn of
giance and identity are not known to Daggerdale in resisting Zhentil Keep,
LOR~ Fz;oal CbembRyl

and battling drow exploratory sallies and half-elven ones) about her ware· seventy men-at-arms. This last shrewd
from the depths below. houses and person. measure that has undoubtedly ensured
his own personal survival in the noble
NEIRON (N EAR-on ) NURLAR ( NU RR- laru~) hierarchy of Zhentil Keep throughout
Neiron the Schemer Ordulin and Scardale the rise of the Zhentar im. Outwardly,
Wanders (Inner Sea) Merchant (0-level fighter) these days, Orgauth suppor ts the Zhen·
9th level ranger CN, Leira tarim (and indeed, often their aims and
NG, Mielikki Human male projects coincide with his own), but he
Human male This black-bearded, sophisticated man will support activities that will work
Neiron is one of the most powerful of shrewd wits, little natural strength against the Zhentarim, or betray their
rangers in the Dragon Reach area who or dexterity, and no love for sport or more reckless or ill-founded projects.
is not paM of the Harper s. This loner is strenuous activities, is a powerful trad- For example, Orgauth has fed several
a man of myster ious aims and activities. er in the Inner Sea lands. From a citadel key items of information, such as gar ri·
He has sever al hidden residences both in Ordulin and a newly-purchased, son strengths and reinforcements
north and south of the Lake of Dragons, palatial residence in Scar dale, Nurlar times for Yulash, and later, plans for the
and travels quietly about the western controls a network of merchant ships, retaking of that place, via his carvans to
end of the Inner Sea, always alone. wagon-masters, and swift riders, spe- Maalthiir in Hillsfar, whose r ule he
Neiron has many contacts among those cializing in the fast, fairly reliable deliv· wants to maintain, as a check against
druids and foresters of little power or ery of valuable things from person to the expansionist desires of the Zhen-
influence. He is a friend to many whom person in the Inner Sea lands. "Nurlar tarim. Orgauth believes that an empire
he has unexpectedly aided in deep can get it there for you" is his motto, based in Zhentil Keep would overreach
woods or bandit-haunted hills over the and the performance of it over the last and weaken the city's military strength,
years. Neiron's achievements include dozen years {from his beginnings as the and earn it the enmity of those con·
the singlehanded slaying of the hobgob· owner of two small, worn ships, inher- quered, which would among other
tin chieftain Gothag and his forty-two· ited from his father) has earned him things huM Orgauth's trade prospects.
strong bodyguard, and the similarly thousands upon thousands of golden Orgauth's livery is russet and scarlet;
astonishing killing of the frost giants lions, and made him one of the most his arms are a russet raven striking, tal·
Gurr! and Kutharr in the Stonelands. respected of merchants in the Inner Sea ons out, on a scarlet field. He can be
Neiron is though to be planning to settle lands. Nurlar himself stays indoors (he contacted through his offices in his cita-
down somewhere in the area, and has an almost pathological fear of being del in the northeastern area of Zhentil
found a stronghold. He is said to have lost, outdoors, in harsh weather), trav- Keep.
much magic, including a necklace of eling from Ordulin to Scardale and vice
missiles, a magical blade, and a ring that versa in a closed carriage, and never OSPER LINTHALAM
unleashes various spells. going anywhere else. Nur lar is said to (AWE- s p aR Lin - T HAY-larnrn)
fear thieves greatly, hiding his treasure Ordulin, in Sembia
NETHMURTA (N etb - M ER- t:ab) and paying for elaborate magical and 9th level magic-user
Ashabenford, in Mistledale bestial guardians. He is also said to be NG, Mystra
Merchant (O·level fighter) considering marr iage to a mysterious Human male
CG, Tymora elven maiden whom he keeps impris- This wealthy and powerful mage
Half-elven female oned in a tower in his house in Scardale. devotes little time to his arts these days,
Nethmurta is an influential traderess preferring to spend his days in political
who lives in Ashabenford, where she ORG AUTH (ORE-9 ot:b ) intrigue and merchant dealings. An
runs a good taver n, The Blinking Owl, Zhentil Keep urbane and witty man who loves fine
and maintains four close-guarded 7th level fighter wine and good feasts, Osper wields
warehouses. Most of Nethmurta's busi· NE, Tempus AND Bane much power in Sembia from his man·
ness comes from stor ing goods brought Human male sion in Ordulin. Osper is known to have
by local merchants to her, for sale to One of the Lords of Zhentil Keep, this no less than three guardian golems, and
caravan-maste r s bound east to the seasoned, ruthless veteran of the much treasure, in this abode. Osper
Moonsea, or (more often) west via Cor· Moonsea-area wars is a wealthy mer- possesses a staff of power; and is well
myr to the Sword Coast or the South. chant in his own right, building ore- remembered in Selgaunt for his use of
Nethmurta's word is trusted in the refining and caravan-running concerns it to blast and burn the ship of a pirate
Dalelands as that of few others, and into much coinage, and maintaining, in who attempted a daring evening raid
tavern-talk credits her with mysterious the guise of his normal work-force, a on a warehouse leased by Osper, at the
magical safeguards (as well as human strong bodyguard of around sixty or same time as the mage happened to be

inspecting goods there. Osper is bald· PIERGEIRON (PeeR-GEER- on) RANDAL MORN
ing, and his beard and bushy eyebrows "the Paladinson;• Lord of Waterdeep Daggerdale
have gone white; he wears many rings, Waterdeep 6th level bard (7th level fighter, 6th
some of which may be magical. 14th level paladin level thieO
PERENDRA (PeR-EN- c)Rab) LG, Tyr NG, Tymora, Oghma, AND SeJune
Human male Human male
Piergeiron is the only Lord of Water- Ruler of a troubled land, beset by the
6th-level magic-user
deep whose identity is known to all. He forces of ores and worse to the north-
CG, Mystra AND Tymora
governs the great port city ably and west, Zhentil Keep's armies to the
Human female
\.'Vith even-tempered justice that has northeast, and the expanding might of
This mysterious lady is of high birth
earned him the respect of most who Cormyr to the southwest, Randal Morn
and breeding, of a noble family of
dwell or visit there. Further details of is a moody, lonely man. He trusts only
Ththyr that was scattered in the strife
there many years ago. Perendra's par- "the Paladinson" (his father was the his younger sister, Silver Morn, Florin
famous Athar, "The Shining Knight;• and Mourngrym of Shadowdale, and
ents, the Lord Seldoon Raslemtar and
The Arm of Tyr) are given in FR1, Mirt, Durnan, and Khelben of Water-
his lady, Saylayne, came to Waterdeep,
and Perendra grew up in that city. She Waterdeep and the North. deep. His people are a suspicious, wea-
ry, hardened lot; warfare seems a
was orphaned at fourteen when Sel- RAIRUN (RARE- ann)
doon and Saylayne were assassinated constant in their lives, and they are
Rairun Blackbrow ever-vigilant ("hasty;• outsiders often
by agents continuing the blood-strife of Wanders (Inner Sea region)
Tuthyr, and was raised by Alustriel of think; quick to draw blade or take
7th level druid offense). Randal Morn was once an
Silverymoon, whom Mirt "the Money- N, Silvanus
lender" of Waterdeep took her to in untroubled adventurer; he still longs to
Human male ride out in search of new lands, and he
secret. Perendra grew to womanhood The wry, far-traveled Rairun wanders
and a mastery of the magic arts (for is desperate for aid against his dale's
the Inner Sea lands, homeless and poor,
which she has a natural gift) in the con- enemies. He is of medium build, has
seeking to preserve forested land from long brown hair, and handsome fea-
fines of Alustriel's palace. Perendra the worst depredations of men. He tures, and is an accomplished singer
came to admire the Harpers and their works often with the elves about the
aims, so that, a few winters ago, Peren· and musician.
Dalelands, the priests of Chauntea in
dra joined the Harpers, and took her Voonlar and in Sembia, and other RATHAN THENTRAVER
leave of Alustriel in love and honor. druids of the region. Rairun has tutored (Ratb-ANN Tl'lel'.l-TRAH-oaR)
Unbeknownst to most in the Dalelands, most of the druids now living in the Wanders (the Dalelands)
Perendra came to Voonlar, where she western inner Sea region. He uses what 5th level cleric
has settled, to further her studies and influence over them this gives him to CG, Tymora
to act as an agent for the Harpers, hold- achieve some concerted effort in partic- Human male
ing a safe refuge for them and gather- ular matters, and Rairun is the chief Born in Arabel lo Rathur and Ulla Then-
ing what news she can. Perendra has an champion of the idea of tending and traver, a merchant family of shoemak-
owl for a familiar. She befriended a ki· planting trees as well and as diligently ers, Rathan inherited his father's jovial,
rin, Harnoster, while at Silverymoon, as one does grain and vegetable crops, bluntly honest manner, and his moth-
and he often visits her with word of so that the woods are not simply cut er's fat, homely features. When his par-
Harper activities and general happen- back and back until they disappear. ents died of cholera, Rathan's greedy
ings in the North. Perendra is known to This idea has caught on in some dales uncles had him inducted into the priest·
have a necklace of missiles and a ring of and in the north of Sembia (which has hood of Tymora in a day, in their haste
invisibility, some sort of magical staff, already exhausted most of its own sup· to lay hands on all the family wealth.
and is said to be working on the devel- plies of timber). Rairun has above- Sent out of Arabel's temple to Tymora
opment of a type of magical wand. average Strength and Constitution (17 by his superior, Segril, to "spread the
Perendra's full background is known to in both), and a Charisma of 16. His wide Lady's favor (and influence) among
only a handful of beings in the Inner travels and work have given him a wide adventurers, those active in strife,
Sea area. command of woodland languages: com- change, and perilous deeds in the multi-
mon, druidic, his alignment tongue, verse" (more probably just to be rid of
dryad, treantish, pixie, centaur, and him), Rathan wandered east to the Dale-
faun. He has something of a feud with lands, where he joined the Knights of
the few satyrs in the area. Myth Drannor. Apt to be drunken and
forgetful, Rathan has proven fearless

and even truculent in combat with foes SEMEMMO N (SEH -mem- on) alternative was, of course, public dis·
far more powerful than himself, Darkhold grace and imprisonment for her thiev·
employing a ring of the ram he 12th level magic user ery. Shaerl accepted, but came to love
acquired in a fierce battle with evil LE, Mystra AND Bane Mourngrym, and stayed with him. She
mages of the Zhentarim, and more usu- Human male died for him at the hands of devils
aJ clericaJ weapons. Rathan is skilled in This able member of the Zhentarim is a fought by Mourngrym and his compan·
slow respiration, endurance, and fun- ruthless, haughty mage. He has trained ions in the woods near Myth Drannor,
gus identification, and has risen rapidly many evil magic users of the Zhentarim was raised by Mourngrym's funds, and
in the service of the Lady since becom- over the years, and has been slain sev- married him. Shaerl lost one child of
ing an adventurer. eral times. The Sememmon of today is a her lord's when she was killed; now she
clone of t he original. He is trusted by carries another, the future heir of Sha-
RHAUNT IDES (RAWN --cee-~ees) dowdale. Thomdor is well pleased with
Manshoon as fully as Manshoon ever
Deepingdale trusts anyone, and alone is the second Shaerl, and she is welcome in Cormyr.
Sage (12th level magic-user) Her parents know little of her accom·
rank of power in the Zhentarim net·
CG, Mystra plishments, but are glad that she is of
work, in the inner ring of power with
Human male the ruling class somewhere, and that
Manshoon and Fzoul Chembryl, but
This quiet, cultured, kindly man lives in she played some important part in the
subordinate to both. Sememmon has
Deepingdale, in a small, ornate, stone service of Azoun; it enhances the family
many items of magic, and many safe·
tower that he designed and erected name.
(with magical aid) some thirty winters guards and strategies. He is always
planning and plotting, and is a formida· S HARANTYR (SHAR- ann-TEER)
ago. Here he studies all he can of magic,
and the history of its practice: the ble foe. Under his command, Darkhold Wanders (the Dalelands)
has been made almost impregnable, full 2nd level ranger
mages of long ages past, with their
of traps and magical defenses. Semem- CG, Mielikki
deeds, feuds, thoughts, spells, achieve-
mon leaves it only rarely, in disguise, to Human female
ments, and writings. Rhauntides is a
learn something for himself (i.e. to spy Born in Baldur's Gate to merchant par·
tall, thin man of handsome features,
on Manshoon's doings) that he dare not ents, Zunzyr Thalomm (textiles) and his
piercing blue eyes and a small, pointed
or will not entrust to his underlings. wife Nathla (embroidery, fine needle·
white beard. He seldom ventures out of
Sememmon's personal sigil is a black work), Sharantyr traveled all over the
the dale now, preferring to spend his
equilateral triangle, point uppermost, North as a babe. One night her parents
time in the study of newly-acquired
with its base encircled by an oval. · were slain by trolls in an ambush north
writings and in the training of his suc-
cessor, his lady-Jove Shaunil Tharm. SHAERL AMC ATHRA of Scornubel, and their caravan scat·
Rhauntides was once a far traveler, an (SHAY- eaRI Am -CATH-rwb) tered. Sharantyr, barely two years of
adventurer who explored abandoned Lady of Shadowdale age, fled unnoticed in the confusion,
cities, old tombs, and ruins with almost 6th level thief many miles northwards into the forest.
feverish haste and hunger, looking for LN, Mask There she collapsed, exhausted, and
new spells, and he rose rapidly in mas- Human female was found and tended by the ranger
tery of the magic arts in the process. A young lady of Cormyrean noble birth Thauntyr, a kind and noble man who
Now adventurers bring spell books born and bred in Suzail, and where, treated her as his own daughter as she
they have found to him, for they know utterly bored, she turned to thievery grew up with him in the wilds. He
he will pay well for any books of magic. for amusement. Her doings in Cormyr taught her woodlore and weapon-
Rhauntides's weaJth (and its guarding) were detected and observed by guards· handling, and trained her as best he
is unknown, but is is certainly consider- captains of the city, who reported to could for twenty years, until he per-
able, and he is known to possess many Lord Thomdor. Thomdor had a private ished of a fever. Alone, Sharantyr wan·
powerful items of magic. The acquisi· meeting with Shaer! Lhair have nn, dered south and east to the Dalelands,
tive are warned that he is also known to without informing her noble parents, to find her fortune, and stumbled on
have destroyed at least sixteen (and and offered something worthwhile and Drow raiders, who captured her and
probably far more) powerful mages entertaining for her to do with her life: took her far beneath the earth, where
and parties of adventurers who have go to Shadowdale as an emissary of Cor- she was rescued by the Knights of Myth
come to his tower to relieve him of such myr, and attempt to ally herself with Drannor. Impressed by her fighting
burdensome belongings. Mourngrym, Lord of the Dale; learn all ability in destroying a beholder and lur-
she could of him and of the dale, spread ing drow patrols to their doom, the
something of Cormyr's views and inter- Knights offered her a place in their
ests in the area, and report back. The ranks, where she is today, happy to

have found such stalwart companions. Dove), and whose truename is secret the Citadel of the Raven, battling a
Sharantyr is a skilled rider and swim- even from them. The SirnbuJ travels rogue wyvern that had attacked the
mer, has above-average endurance, and widely in many planes, shapeshiftingcon- city, and thereby saved many lives.
fights with a long sword or two-handed stantly, to work mysterious ends under- When the battlements were rebuilt, she
sword for choice. standable onJy to herself. She bears some was entombed there, in "Sundeth's
sort of magic that provides immunity to Tuwer:• lravelers in the Moonsea area
SHAUNIL T HARM fear; charm, hold, suggestion, and similar sometimes speak of those giving aid to
(SHAW-nil TbaRm) magics, such as Serten's Spell Immunity. strangers on the road as having "Sun-
Deepingdale deth's Spirit:'
7th level magic-user STORM SlLVERHAND
CG, Mystra Shadowdale SYLUNE (Sill-00-n ay)
Human female 7th level bard (7th level fighter, 5th deceased; formerly of Shadowdale
This beautiful, soft-spoken and gentle level thief) the Witch of Shadowdale
lady of Deepingdale was born to a car- NG, Milil 22nd level magic-user
penter and wood-carver and his wife, Human female NG, Mystra
who were killed in a bandit raid when Long a resident of Shadowdale, Storm Human female, born in the Year of the
Shaunil was sixteen. Hyster ical, ShauniJ Silverhand has used her home as a base Dancing Maiden (1202 DR).
fled into the woods, and lived wild for for long, far-traveling adventures for Killed in the year of the Worm (1356
some months, before an elven patrol her own gain (particularly when she DR)
found her, and brought her to Rhaun- was young, and acquiring the skills of a Sylune, Witch and Lady of Shadowdale,
tides of Deepingdale, who raised her, thief) and to further the ends of the was slain by a huge ancient red dragon
trained her in the magical arts, and Harpers. Storm is sometimes referred under the influence of the Cult of the
treated her as a lady of high bir th to as "the harper of Shadowdale;· and Dr agon. She slew t he dragon as she her-
(although he knew her parentage). has hair of a silvery hue, and blue-grey self perished, breaking her staff of the
They are now very much in love. eyes. She wears a silver r ing and tiara, magi for a retributive strike. Sylune
Shaunil is devoted to the older man, and and a silver bracer on her right wrist was once Lady of Shadowdale, the wife
secretly plans to acquire potions of lon- bearing her badge: a silver moon and a of Aumry, Lord of the Dale. Upon the
gevity at any cost and slip them into his silver harp on a black field. Storm is sis- death of her husband, she fought
food so that he does not die in a few ter to the ranger Dove, lo Alustriel of against a number of evil usurpers, over-
short years and leave her alone. Shaunil Silverymoon, and to the now-deceased came them, and then kept peace in the
has a natural talent for magic, and a witch Sylune. Storm bears a luck blade dale, working to achieve this with
great respect for its use, gained + 1 (one wish lefO, but is now largely Elminster, the bard Storm Silverhand,
through Rhauntides' teachings and her retired. Her longtime companion Max- and Mane's Band until a rightful Lord
perusal of the lore of mages down the an, was recently destroyed by demons, (Doust SuJwood) came again. Sylune
centuries. and Storm has turned away from the was a friend and ally to Doust and his
bold and wild adventures she enjoyed companions, and by their accounts was
THE SlMBUL with him. gracious, gentle, polite, and strikingly
Ruler of Aglarond beautiful, with long silver hair. She
Aglarond (wanders widely, in dis- SUNDETH GOSSYL dressed in nondescript brown robes,
guise) ( (SUN- <)etb GAW-sill) and lived in a hut in the woods south
27th level magic-user (1339 - 1356) and west of most homes in the dale,
CN (Good tendencies), Mystra Citadel of the Raven where she served all daJefolk as mid-
Human female 9th level cleric wife, comforter, and physician. Sylune
The SimbuJ is the ruler of Aglarond, a tall, CG, Tymora was the elder sister of The SimbuJ of
silver-haired lady of awesome magical Half-elven female Aglarond, Alustriel of SiJverymoon, and
powers (and an impressive array of magi- A devout servant of the Goddess, Sun- the ranger Dove.
cal items, which she rarely uses) whose deth dwelt in Sembia, and when old
personal power has kept the forces of enough to govern her own will, trav- TEMMI DHARJMM
Thay from overwhelming her kingdom. eled north to serve Lady Luck in the (T EHM-ee OARR-irnm)
She is a mysterious, lonely archmage Moonsea area, where she gained a rep- Elven Woods
whose proper name is known onJy to her utation as a "fighting-priestess;· roam- 5th level fighter
sisters (Sylune of Shadowdale, now ing the lands in search of adventure, NE, Tumpus
deceased; Alustriel of Silverymoon; the healing those she encountered in need. Human male
bard Storm Silverhand; and the ranger Sundeth perished on the battlements of Tummi is a native of Tsurlagol, who has

spent Jong and hard years as a bandit in always courteous, and always tolerant of Thurlock makes her home in the nobles
the Moonsea area, and during them some- the different customs and etiquette of oth- district of Hillsfar, maintaining a large
how acquired a small band of trained ers, has built a large loyal group of mer- townhouse with reportedly extensive
monsters that work with him; three dire chants who prefer to trade with him over underground vaults and passages. She
wolves, two disenchanters, and six anyone else, and a group of extremely loy- bills herself as a Diviner, willing (for a fee)
bloodhawks. Tummi has quietly moved al servants, who will simply not betray to pierce mysteries and reveal the hidden.
into the FJven woods near Hillsfar, where him short of magical or psionic compul- Tu her in this business she is constantly
he is operating as a slaver, selling his cap- sion to the contrary. Thentias owns a large on the look-out for magical items that aid
tures to agents of Zhentil Keep, who take mansion in Suzail, for himself. in divination magic, and will often trade
them north in covered wagons. Tummi is information for such items. She is aided in
very discreet in his operations; captured her tasks by Thondar Glimmershield, a
humans and demi-humans are manacled, Arabel in Cormyr
half-elven Cleric of Denier of 8th level. The
8th level Fighter
gagged, blindfolded, and then chained by vaults beneath her mansion are rumored
CN, Tum pus
throat-collars to a coffle-bar, or long wood- to contain many great magics and scrolls
Human male
en tree-trunk which a group of slaves laden with old legends and modem gossip,
A resident of Arabel, Thurbrand is a fight-
must carry. but are protected by all manner of fell
er born and bred there, who has been a
magical beasts, pitfall traps, and false
THAGDAL (THAHG- oabl) man of arms since he was old enough to vaults.
Wanders (Myth Drannor) lift a blade. In his teens he was known as
9th level magic-user "Thurbrand of the Stonelands" as he led TORM
NE, Bane band after band of young layabouts into Wanders (the Dalelands)
Human male the wilds. Few returned, each time, as 6th level thief
Thagdal is a haughty, paunchy mage, and Thurbrand battled trolls, and ores, and CN, Mask and Tymora
a former apprentice of Sememmon of the kobolds, and bandits, and worse. Once, his Human male
Zhentarim. Thagdal is known to possess a company battled a dark naga, and only Turro is a young, ruthless thief, born in
necklace of missiles, with the aid of which Thurbrand escaped, of a company of six· Westgate of the dancer Nethra. His proba-
he narrowly escaped death at the hands of teen well-armed fighters, and on another ble father was Dathguild, one of the Lords
Florin Falconhand of Shadowdale, in an occasion, fought that evil mage known as of Westgate. Netha was recently assassi-
attack upon that place. Thagdal is believed Whisper, from whom Thurbrand and nated by Night Masks (mercenary killers)
to be presently involved in an exploration three companions escaped, having left the who have come seeking Turm's life several
of Myth Drannor, with many men-al- mage slightly injured and seven of their times. The Night Masks have probably
arms, that includes slaying all non- comrades dead. Thurbrand was stub- been hired by a rival Lord, Orgule.
Zhentarim encountered in the woods. born, if aught else, and has ventured into Westgate is therefore too dangerous a
the Stonelands many times, eventually place for Turro to stay, but he has found a
THENTIAS (Tben- TIE - ass) amassing quite a fortune, and becoming a daring career as a procurer of illegal serv-
Suzail in Sembia
seasoned and experienced warrior. ices and substances in Hillsfar and Zhentil
Merchant (2nd level fighter)
Thurbrand keeps in training, and even Keep, staying a single jump ahead of the
CN, Tymora
hires out to guard the occasional caravan, authorities and often employing the alias
Human male
these days, but he is waiting for the Zhen- "Rathgar:' Turro recently joined the
Well-known in Cormyr, Sembia, and the
tarim's power to be broken so that he can Knights of Myth Drannor adventuring
Dalelands as a wealthy merchant of the
establish his own stronghold in the wastes. band, and became the lover of lllistyl
highest ethics and standards for the care
It is said that he knows every valley and Elventree. Tum values money and person-
of goods, Thentias is wealthy, and over the
tomb of the Stonelands, including half-a- al style above all else. He is slim, with green
years has been quietly buying up house dozen abandoned subterranean cities and eyes, dark hair, and fine moustache, and is
after house in the streets of Suzail and of
holds, but Thurbrand knows he cannot an accomplished swimmer, blind-fighter,
Yhaunn, trying to control large blocks (or
match the Zhentarims power in the Stone- rider, and is able in the use of ropes. Turm
failing that, connected strips of bands) of
Jands at this time, so he waits. prefers to fight with long sword and dag-
buildings in strategic areas of the cities. If
ger, but can also use a club.
he were crippled tomorrow and never led THURLOCK (THURR-lock)
another caravan or made another over- Thurlock the Anagogue VANGERDAHAST
land trade deal, Thentias could probably Hills far (VAN -jeR- oab-bast:)
retire in comfort for the rest of his days on 10th level magic-user Suzail
his takings as a landlord. Over the years, N, Deneir 15th level magic-user
the patrician, white-bearded Thentias, Human female LN, Mystra

Human male VOREL (YORE-el) sent her east to the "lawless" Inner Sea
Vangerdahast is the Royal Magician of Wanders in service of Zhentil Keep lands, to work Tyr's will and aid Tyr's
Cormyr, Court Wizard of the Purple 3rd level fighter priests there. Zandess has arrived in the
Dragon, head of Suzail's Council of NE, Tumpus AND Bane Dragon Reach area only recently, and is a
Mages. A middle-aged, paunchy, white· Human male lady of the highest zeal and principles,
bearded man of kindly but stern manner A burly, battered man of ruthless courage who travels alone, but for her warhorse
and lifelong loyalty to Azoun (one of and a hearty, jovial (though false) manner, and pack horses, and a spare mount, fully
Azoun's childhood tutors, in the history Yorel is a veteran warrior in the service of armored and equipped as befits her class.
and lineages of Cormyr, and in matters of Zhentil Keep, who has served as a ser· She uses the symbol of Tyr as her symbol,
magic), Vangerdahast aided the King in geant of the garrison at \.bonlar and at a balanced set of scales, resting on a war-
his youth and supported Azoun's rule Yulash several times for differing guards· hammer.
throughout his reign. Respected by his captains and lords, as Zhentil Keep has Men.cbants
fellow mages and the people of Cormyr taken and re-taken those places over the Additional Merchants may be found in
alike, Vangerdahast is quiet and unassum· years. If Zhentil Keep's war-leaders plan a the Dragon Reach area, including the
ing, although during court ceremonies he guard-in-force for a valuable caravan, or a lands of Sembia, Cormyr, and the south·
can be very dignified, solemn, and raiding or reconnoitering patrol in the em cities around Westgate. They are list·
impressive. Vangerdahast is known to area, and want a cautious veteran warrior ed by name, city of origin, usual place of
possess many magical wands, and to have rather than a reckless adventurer, Yorel is wintering, and common business.
equipped the King with magical rings (no called upon to lead. He secretly dreams of
doubt some of the rings Vangerdahast founding his own hold, taking a wife and ARULF of Battledale
himself wears are magical, too). having many daughters and at least one Essembra
son to be proud of, and bear a coat-of· "The Swordmerchant"-weapons of alJ
WHISPER types, fine forged steel
arms proudly as he founds a line of lords
1331 - 1355
to stretch down long years, and to be BLASKIN of Arabel
formerly of Eveningstar loved by his subjects, not feared. Yore! is Engineering firm: "Bridges Built, Barns
2nd level magic-user
wise enough (16 Wisdom) to know that Raised, Fences & Stockades Erected; We
CE, Mystra
this will probably never happen, although Bring Our Whole Crew Tu You"
Human male
he's now on the lookout for a chance to
This ambitious, scheming mage was slain FARENE of Westgate
make off with a Jot of money somewhere
by Doust Sulwood and his companions in "Cosmetics, Make-up, and Disguises;
far away and a little warmer (such as
the evoker's subterranean home f'Whis· Scents Most Rare and Fine, Carefully
Tuthyr, say, or the lands west of Vilhon),
per's Crypt") beneath the Haunted Halls, Selected for you by a Lady of Tuste and
but he's not yet bitter. Yore! is an expert in
an abandoned bandit hold just north of Distinction, Farene the Far·"Iraveled''
the art of warfare with relatively small
Eveningstar. The Zhentarim agent in
bands of men, especially at reading an ene· HARMEST LHELMAR of Hillsfar
northern Cormyr, Whisper arranged
my's movements and correctly anticipat· Hillsfar
ambushes and sent news of troop move·
ing future actions from them, and knows Animal 'Trainer (40 gp/month retain·
ments and trade to Darkhold. He had
plans to become far more than a minor the Inner Sea's northern terrain as few er, 3 gp/beast otherwise)
men alive do, as well as the druids and
mage in the large network of the Zhen· LARIS of Hillsfar
rangers active in the area, perhaps. Yore! is
tarim, and planned to head a secret society Hillsfar
presently captaining various patrols and
of his own. At the time of his death he was "Arts, gems, magic, curiosities of all
special raids for Zhentil Keep in the south·
organizing agents and strongholds sorts bought, bartered and sold"
ern Moonsea/northem Dalelands area.
answerable only to him in the area when
his attacks on the potentially dangerous ZANDESS DANTHllR MAERJM STOUTBOLD of Suzail
visiting adventurers provoked them to (ZAHN -o es OAN-t:beeR) Marsember
hunt him down, overcome his guardian Wanders (Dragon Reach area) " Boats Bought, Sold, Outfitted,
enchantments and creatures, and destroy Rented, & Repaired-No Job Tho Big,
2nd level paladin
him. Whisper held two of the Seven Lost LG, Tyr No Job Tho Small"
Rings of Mhzentul (passed on by Doust's Human female PERAPHON of House Thond (in Arabel)
companions to temples in the area), was Born of noble parents in Tuthyr, Zandess Hillsfar
cruel and coldly calculating, and used the broke with them and their feuding, deca· "Gems Purchased" (for later resale on
personal rune of a stylized, clutching dent ways in her childhood, fleeing to the Sword Coast)
human hand, black and clawlike. priests of Tyr in Aron, who raised and
trained her to be "an arm of justice;· and

STONG of Sar br een storing, replenished by Moruend tinual balance of power amongst many
Selgaunt (see below) between battles, and small kingdoms to a Good and Proper
Fine cloth, clothing &. accessories, holding one haste, two dispel magic, Thing, and so hires out his company so as
leather w orking one web, and two 6-die fireballs to prevent any large He
(each ring). All wear greenstone is friendly with the other mercenary gen·
ULTRAM of Phlan
amulets. erals based nearby, but often battles
Cattle, Horses, & Other Livestock
• 20 4 to 6th level rangers (AC 8 = them (never let emotions interfere with
leather, serving as scouts) business, he believes).
• 10 (SEE BELOW) Leaders and aides Eltan is a tall, handsome man with grey
A MeRcenaRy eyes and jet-black hair, who wears a green.
All men in the Company are mounted on
Company: Tbe heavy horses, and each has a spare horse,
stone amulet, plate mail +2, a displacer
cloak +2 (this plus his Dex makes him AC
Flaming Fist: tethered behind the first when on the
- 3), and disdains to use a shield. His
trail (total: 4,000 horses). In addition,
One of the most powerful such companies breastplate is polished mirror-bright so
there are 3,150 pack mules for the carry-
currently active, the Flaming Fist is usually that his men can distinguish him easily on
ing of equipment and plunder, and 14 of
based in Baldw"s Gate, where its com· the field, as well as for the splendid effect.
the 6th level fighters ride as drovers to
mander Eltan, is a Duke (See BALDUR'S He wears a ring of absorption (750 spell
keep them together, armed with whips
GATE). The Fists have a good record of levels left), a ring of anti-venom (absorbs
(the mules are bridled in long lines, or
achievements, particularly when operat- poisons; 22 charges left), a girdle of storm
files). The Company also has nine wag·
ing against other mercenary companies, giant strength, and gauntlets of ogre
ons, drawn by teams of eight draft horses
such as the nonhuman bands. power. These latter two allow him to wield
each (four spare horses are bridled to the
The Flaming Fist is the most powerful, his most precious treasure, a rarely used
rear of each of the wagons). The wagons
most magical, and most expensive fight· hammer of thunderbolts. He also carries a
carry food, and even more importantly,
ing forces in the Realms, and is the result silver dagger + 2 his boot, a silver Jong
drink, medical supplies (including many
of decades of work and effort, both in sword +2, and a neutral, telepathic short
curative spell scrolls) and siege equip·
tr aining and in accumulating magical sword + 1 named "Roan:' his longtime
ment. All wagons have roofs that are plat·
items for use on the battlefield. The Fist friend. Roan can detect magic, detect invis·
forms with sidewalls for use by archers,
normally hires out at a base rate of ible, detect illusion, detect traps, and know
and the wagon walls are armored an d
10,000 g.p. Per Day, plus its share of the alignment once each per day, and will
trimmed with dragonhide to resist fire.
plunder, but will pay its own transporta- "automatic return" if it leaves him and he
One of the wagons is a council wagon,
tion costs and agree not to begin charging is conscious to so will it (maximum range
furnished with a table (which can double
their rates until directly entering the 9"), if necessary dragging anyone holding
as an operating table), a hole in the floor
employer's service. it along with it (a combined strength total
for a fire (which is built in a sand bucket),
The Fist consists of: of 30 will stop it). A bracelet on his left
rugs, ets. It serves as a temple for the cler·
• 1000 4th level fighters (AC4) wrist allows Eltan to communicate tele-
ics of the Company when not otherwise
chain mail and shield pathically with Scar and Moruene.
in use. The device of the Company, flown
• 500 5th level fighter s (AC3) Eltan is probably the most heavily load·
on its banners and depicted on its tents
banded and shield ed of the magical characters in the Realms.
and wagons, is the Flaming Fist. In battle,
• 200 6th level fighter s (AC2) Normal high level types, such as successful
warriors of the Company wear white tab·
plate and shield; 46 have rings of PCs, shouldn't be wandering around with
ards blazoned with this device.
spell turning of which 10 have + 1 quite so much stuff. Eltan has it because
weapons ELTAN (EL--ca n) his mercenary company presents the "ulti·
• 25 6th level thieves (AC7) Baldur's Gate/Flaming Fist mate" in equipage, as a DM's design exam·
leather and shield 20th level fighter (179 hp) pie, and because Eltan is a careful and
• 10 8th level assassins (AC7) LN, Thmpus very rich man who has tried to prepare
leather and shield Human male for every eventuality, s uch as powerful
• 10 7th level monks (ACS) The leader and founder of the Flaming adventurers trying to knock him off with
LN, worship Helm Fist, Eltan is a tactical genius who loves to ease. Eltan is often the target of assassina·
• 200 4th level clerics (AC 3) fight. He is respected among the rulers of lion attempts, because his Company's tar-
plate mail, of Thmpus, Tymora, and the Forgotten Realms because he is a man gets believe that the Flaming Fist would
Helm of principles and of his word, and fall apart without him.
(all carry extra curative spell scrolls) because as a ruler himself, Eltan is seen as
• 5 7th level magic-users (AC 2 bracers knowing and sympathizing with a ruler's
of defense, and all have rings of spell concerns and troubles. Eltan sees a con·

SCAR ding of 68 hp, which she will toss and fol· companies is going to be less powerful
Baldur's Gate, Flaming Fist low with a dispel magic if in peril. than this, and carry a lot less magical
14th level fighter Moruene wears a belt of iron plates, loot; all of the Fist's senior officers listed
LN, Helm into which is locked a portable hole, above are the equivalent of most of the
Human male which contains her working set of spell other mercenary company leaders.
Eltan's right-hand man and faithful friend, books. The other set will be found in
Scar is a bald giant with a scaITed cheek her friendly mimic 7 HD, 41 hp storage
(hence his name) who swings a scimitar chest, along with her pegasus steed.
+2 and has a belt of soc throwing axes. He Moruene is currently looking for an
wears bracers of defense (AC 2) and a apprentice. Also in her portable hole is
throat gorget, leather breeches, otherwise a spare teleport scroll; sh e will use this
disdaining armor. Scar has a telepathic to escape (with Eltan and Scar, if possi-
bracelet on his left wrist, allowing oom· ble) if necessary, to a cave retreat,
munication with Eltan and Moruene, walled in, inside the Nether Mountains,
which is clamped to a bronze wristlet that a retreat which includes her treasures:
also supports a sheathed dagger. He, too, is 40,212 gp; a spiritwrack scroll with
a military genius, and at his belt carries Demogorgon's true name, should he
two stainless steel vials; a potion of flying ever appear; Eltan's money (160,000 gp,
and a potion of speed. Scar often makes in various currencies); a jug of alchemy
manic leaps or charges in battle to break and 2 week's dry rations (for 2 people),
masses of men defending in a strong posi· a prismatic sphere scroll, a protection
tion. He talks little, and never checks from devils scr oll, and a ring of sp ell
morale. Scar wears a greenstone amulet storing containing one cure blindness,
Scar's real name is HW'bold Duethkatha one cure 'disease, one dispel magic, and
(HER-bold Dooth-KATH-ah); a secret to all two cure critical wounds clerical spells.
save his surviving youthful acquaintances The senior officers of the Flaming Fist
in Waterdeep, Ellan, and Moruene. serve as section commanders in battle,
MORUENE (Mor:ie-yoo-EEN ) bodyguards in negotiating situations, and
Baldur's Gate, Flaming Fist if Ellan and Moruene stand together in
19th level magic-user battle, often form a protective "hedgehog"
LN, Azuth or wedge around them (Scar prefers not
Human female to be guarded; it gets in his way). All are
Moruene is Eltan's lifelong friend, oontin· devoted to Ellan and Moruene, and will
ual oomrade, and occasional lover. She fight to the death for them; all are
wears black robes (cut so that she can equipped with field plate armor, green-
ride and fight unhampered), a green· stone amulets, rings of spell turning, one
stone amulet, bracers of defense (AC 2), a potion of extra-healing each (in a stainless
helm, a ring of flight (which allows the steel belt vial), and their preferred (and
wearer to fly, as in the magic user spell, as specialized) weapon, usually a broad-
though cast by 10th level magic user, sword. They habitually wear their visors
thrice in any 24 hour/144 tum period of down so as to better intimidate. These sev-
time), two ivory scroll tubes at her belt en are:
containing one limited wish scroll and Beluarion (LN, 10th Level Fighter)
one teleport scroll, a dagger + 2 at the Kulurauk (CN, 9th Level Fighter)
back of her neck, on a throatband sheath, Bellan (LN, 9th Level Fighter)
a rod of cancellation (only four charges Nenon (NG, 9th Level Fighter)
left) at her belt, and a captured wand of Koruelve (CN, 9th Level Fighter)
viscid globs of 14 charges. Moruene also Desedrak (LN, 10th Level Fighter)
wears a bracelet which allows her to Yulimtul (LN, 9th Level Fighter) Doas~ SalwooO
oommunicate telepathically with Eltan Again, it must be stressed that this mer· anO Elroins~eR
and Scar. One of her earrings is a 9-hit-die cenary company is far more powerful
fireball from a necklace of missiles, and than most; everyone else save a Horde
the other is a polymorphed black pud- r aised by combining several mercenary

Recen"t Necos ano RarY.lORS in "tbe RealrY.lS
his section contains some of the gos· besieged and set afire by the troop of • Th the south of old, vast Thay, the
T sip that came to the ears of the
inhabitants of the Northern Realms in
Waterdeep, but devils are loose in the
Open Marches and ther e is no safe tra·
even more ancient kingdom of
Mulhorand has been jolted in the past
past two years; the Year of the Worm and vel thereabouts. The merchant· year: the Statues That Walk have begun
the Year of the Prince. These incomplete kingdom of Arnn is said to be massing to move once more. Over a thousand
and sometimes slightly inaccurate snip· armies along its northern borders. stone statues of time-lost origin stand
pets of news are given as they might have all about this dusky-hilled country. At
• A fighting-band from Tilver's Gap,
been gleaned by an attractive gossip in odd but Jong separated intervals these
battling with ores in the south of Dagger·
the Oalelands, and in Waterdeep and the dale, was pursued into the mountains, stone men animate and walk about,
North, and are included here not as any apparently towards specific (now-
and there in a hidden valley found a
sort of record or strict chronology of vanished?) destinations. They stop at
ruined fortress tower where they took
events, but rather to impart some of the times and then move on again, fight any
shelter. The or es set watch on the tower,
flavor of the Realms, to give you the "feel" w ho bar their way or attack them, and
but did not enter. The band found gold
of the Realms as an active, living, and at times hew at rocks or clear pathways
and a magical, glowing sword in the ruin,
changing world. The news events are through certain areas. This latter
but were chased out by a horrible eye·
roughly divided by the months in which behavior is a frightening thing when
covered monster. Upon the band's return
they were "heard" and made well-known. to Tilver's Gap the sword bearer, a temple these areas are many-towered cities, or
Note that some items are updates of earli- tanglewood forests. The stone men are
servant named Barach Hilthone, refused
er news, and that there are sometimes mute and apparently non-intelligent,
to give the blade to the temple of Gond,
considerable delays between events and and no one has yet found a way to con-
proclaiming it his own booty. Several
the news of them "getting around'.' trol them. Some have crossed through
members of the fighting-band have disap·
The DM may use this information in the border walls into Thay as well as
peared in Tilverton since their return,
two ways. First, it may be considered into Unther, a desert land that lies south
and tensions in that town are said to have
background information for campaigns and west of Mulhorand. Tholaunt,
increased over the incident. (•)
beginning in the Year of Shadows (DR Divine Precept of Mulhorand (one of
1358). This is the recent past which the AJ~aRiak (FebRaaRy) the "god-kings" of Mulhorand) says the
player characters may know of. Alter- coming of the Statues to life is not his
• The wizards of ZhentiJ Keep are
nately, the OM may choose to begin his or doing nor that of any of his family, as
rumored to have discovered or devised
her campaign at the start of the Year of far as he can tell, and adds that the
strange new magic, for in Lord Man·
the Prince, and, as the characters move power of control the Status is not
shoon's court this winter have been dis·
through the year, present the new known to his family. Some have whis·
played effects and demonstrations of a
rumors as opportunities for adventuring. pered of strife within his fam ily,
like not seen before in the known Realms.
Be warned that in the latter case, PC though, and say that the Statues may be
Powerful illusions, the summoning and
action may negate future entries, and the under the control of another.
control of elemental creatures such as
player characters may add their own
wind walkers and xom, and weird necro- • The Red Wizards of Thay have sent
newsworthy notes to be carried by bards
mantic experiments are some of the legions of elementals against rebellious
and heralds across the realms. The OM
things that have been reported. neighboring satraps, and destroyed
may take these entries as he or she sees
four of them utterly, taking those lands
fit, using them as a basis for organizing Cbes {MaRcb)
under Thay's banner. It is thought that
adventures of his own creation, either by
• Selfaril, High Blade of Mulmaster, is such vast numbers of elementals could
extrapolating the events presented with- said to be seeking a wife: Tharchioness, not be summoned by spell, but rather a
in, or slipping their own news in among
First Princess of Thay. The young, bald- gate or portal was opened directly to
the lists. News reports that will NOT ever headed Tharchioness has sent a golden the plane of elemental fire.
have follow-up in the published Realms
earring soaked in her perfume to
material are marked with a {*). • Marchayn of Archendale, the
Selfaril, and he has sent her in return a
feared "Mad Witch" of the Thunder
cloak of snow-white yeti fur. Having
Peaks, has been found in her citadel,
YeaR of -cbe WoRTD thus exchanged gifts, they may now vis·
mindless and drooling, amidst chaos.
Dale Reckoning 1356 it together with no gossip or scandal,
All about her tower lay the dead bodies
instead of only through envoys, and yet
of the ores (and worse) that served her,
HarnmeR (JaoaaRy) part honorably, if they do not wish mar-
and much of her tower is now a fire-
• There is fierce fighting in the riage, according to Thayian custom.
blackened shell. The herdsman who
Sword Coast lands just south of Water- Selfaril wants Thay as an ally, and dares
found her reported to merchants of
deep. Dragonspear Castle has been not spite its ancient customs.(•)
Arabel that Marchayn (who soon died

and whose body was burned by the flict. Shadowdale's new Lord, Doust have headed north to speak with the
herdsman) repeated endlessly, "Dovel Sulwood, who came from the west elves (with whom she has an uneasy alli-
Dovel Smashed the black star . . . (some say Cormyr, others Waterdeep or ance), and/or to observe events in the
Dovel"(•) even Moonshae Isles) last year with the strategic Dalelands, where there are
Pendant of Ashaba to claim the high rumors of war both between Zhentil
TaRsakb (ApRil) seat, is as yet largely a mystery. Most of Keep and the northern dales and
• Savage fighting continues in the the dales and clergy have dispatched between Scardale and its neighbors, as
Open Marches about the blazing ruin of envoys to him. well as the sudden announcement of the
Dragonspear Castle. A sorcerous mist formation of the mysterious Iron Throne.
• The adventurers' band led by the
has arisen and cloaked the land for a fighter Mane, formerly resident in Sha- The Simbul is known for her unpredicta-
tenday now, but within it small com- dowdale, have disappeared in the ble behavior and mastery of magic, and
panies of men and goblins and devils south. There is talk of their defeat and the tale most often told of her is her
still clash. Caravan travel in the vicinity death in the Yuirwood, but others say unaided destruction of The Red Sword
has turned aside, south to Baldur's Gate. they have fallen in battle with the Red mercenary company at Mistbridge.
Aron's armies have gathered on its Wizards in Thay, or even that Mane has • Drow have been seen in the hills
northern border but have not yet become chieftain and war leader s of around Kulta and Daerlun, in Sembia,
moved into a fray. It is rumored in the nomads of the Shaar. Nothing is cer- and again in the High Dale. The High
Waterdeep that all of the master mage tain, however; all is speculation. Constable's patrols out of High Dale
Khelben's magic cannot dispel the report a confused night encounter on
strange mist. The fearsome carcasses of • The city of Melvaunt is the scene of
unprecedented shipbuilding activity. the slopes of Hooknose Crag. A Sem-
slain devils have been carried in tri· bian merchant reports that a band of
umph through the streets of the city. Over sixty vessels of all sizes are being
monkey-faced, black-haired creatures
Some fear a way has been opened constructed along the shoreline, having
with glossy mail armor and glowing
between the Nine Hells themselves and spilled both east and west out of the
workshops for lack of space. It is not swords fell upon a caravan he was part
our world, as more or more reports of of on the East Way, just east of Thunder
devils seen in greater numbers than known who is paying for the vessels or
for what purposes they are intended, Gap, and "like swarming cats" slew all
ever before come to the city. who offered resistance, in less than a
but observers say at least four of the
• With the spring thaws Cormyr has minute's fighting.(•)
large vessels have ram-spire hulls.
sent a small army east from High Horn • Huge balls of fire, four or five in
towards Tilver's Gap. It is known that • A new merchant alliance calling
itself the Iron Throne has sent letters to number, appeared in the sky above the
the army is to use Tilver's Gap as a base Tuwers of the Blade in Mulmaster one
for fighting the increasingly numerous the rulers of Cormyr, Sembia, and stra-
night a tenday ago. There was a battle
goblins and ores who have overrun tegic cities such as Hillsfar, announcing
involving magic within, and rumor has
Daggerdale and now threaten Tilver's its formation and its intent to control
it the Simbul, ruler of Aglarond and a
Gap, Mistledale, and Shadowdale. It is overland trade in all weapons and
equipment used in transport and com- mage of great power, was involved. The
not known whether the army comes at Simbul disappeared from her own king-
the initiative of Azoun IV, or whether merce within its area of operations,
bowing to no monarch, but not intend- dom a short time ago.
Tilver's Gap has sought aid by diplo-
matic means, by an offer of gold from ed to wage war or become unto a mon- • The Iron Throne has announced
the rich temple of Gond located there, arch itself. No reply has come from the that it will not oppose the sale and
or if Tilver's Gap is being annexed by recipients of said missives, but it is transport of weapons and other goods
Cormyr voluntarily or against its will. thought they are not pleased. intended for use against the goblins
raiding out of the Desertsedge. It
• Shadowdale has repulsed an attack MiR~aJ (May)
warns, however, that use of such weap-
from Zhentil Keep. A tiny army of • The Simbul, the infamous onry within the dalelands \.viii result in
adventurers, villagers, and elves inflict- dweomercrafter who rules Aglarond, sanctions against the aggressor(s). The
ed very heavy losses on an attacking appears to have left her court shape- merchant Thond of Wyvernwater has
army that outnumbered them by more changed (possibly as a cat or falcon) and made himself known as a spokesman
than four to one. It is rumored that an vanished. Upon her high seat she left a for the group. Thond is a middle-aged,
insect plague raged over the battlefield, signed letter directing her Council to gov- respectable dealer in wood and the boat
and it is known that woods near the ern Aglarond wisely, and dispose of sev- building trade, and is said to have magi-
dale were set afire. No formal declara- eral specific matters (no details are cal powers. He owns large reaches of
tion of war or comment on the battle known) thus and so. It is thought she may the woods around Wyvernwater. The
has been made by either side in the con-

rulers of Shadowdale, Mistledale, and has called on Azoun IV for reinforce- ies of men in fearless daylight attacks.
Tilver's Gap have all publicly refused to ments to keep the village and roads Phlan is now a smoking ruin, home to
support the Iron Throne alliance. nearby safe from ores and trolls raiding one Great Worm. Melvaunt was
• The armies of Arnn have turned out of the Stonelands. attacked by a smaller drake that "tum·
bled the towers" of the walls, and now
back wandering devils at their borders, Ky1:boR n Uone} holds sway over much of the city. One
and have pursued them north, charg-
• A small army of Cormyr now holds dragon flew to the Citadel of the Raven;
ing into the fray. Devils of all sorts
Tilver's Gap, having slaughtere d "many no word has come back of subsequen t
appear to be growing even more
thousands" of ores. Tilverton has been events there. In the wreckage of the
numerous in the disputed field. Reports
relieved, but its governme nt left city streets of Zhentil Keep a monstrous
from Waterdeep indicate that the Wood
untouched . Merchants leaving the now- worm is presently embattled by the
of the Moon EJves is a bl<12ing ruin. It is
safe to\vn after over a month of virtual armies and arts of Lords Manshoon and
not kno\,vn if the elves are fled, all slain,
siege report that Cormyr lias offered to Chess, while fires rage unchecked .
or fighting on. The mist over the region
annex Tilverton, but not demanded or Yulash is completely ruined, reduced to
still holds. Overland travel north of
enforced a takeover, and that the High tumbled stone, scarred and lifeless by a
Aron's borders has almost ceased;
Priest Gharri of Ghond, Elder of the dragon that later came to Shadowdale.
Baldur's Gate is virtually under seige,
and bands of ores, trolls, bugbears and town, has not yet decided to accept or A great fire in the elven woods was
hobgoblins, accompanied by devils and
reject the offer. doused by the elves after they slew a
powerful mages, have been reported in • The temple of Bane in Voonlar was dragon landing there, with heavy loss-
es. The awesome body of the largest
the '!roll Moors. The village of 'lriboar, sacked and burned by a small force
Worm of all lies half-submerged in the
north of Waterdeep, was ransacked from Shadowdale, led by the Lord of
waters of the harbor at Hillsfar, where
almost a month previous, and the popu- Shadowdale and his adventurin g com-
it fell , slain by the mages of the city. Jn
lation of such small northern tmvns has panions. No fighting or pillaging
Shadowdale, the witch Sylune perished
fled north to Mirabar, Silverymoon, and occurred in Voonlar itself. The attack
in combat with the dragon, and it is said
coastal ports. was specifically on the temple, and
envoys of Shadowdale have since apolo- she broke a magic staff to destroy the
• Prices of all luxury items in Water- great worm. At least three dragons are
gi.zed to priests of the nearby temple of
deep have risen rapidly with the war, kno~vn to have survived the anack. The
Chauntea (and, through them, to "the
and shortages are beginning to affect all reasons for thjs flight of dragons is a
good people of Voonlar"l for any upset
of the cities of the North. The "wild har- mystery, and cannot with certainty yet
and inconvenience. The troops from
vests" of hay and brushwoo d customar- be deemed the work of some "Dragon
Shadowdale engaged in magical combat
ily brought in to Waterdeep from the Cult;' the secretive cult that holds that
with the priests of Bane, and although
High Moors are of course destroyed, undead dragons should and wilJ rule
some of the most powerful clerics are
and are missing. The wild grains grown the world.
said to have escaped to Zhentil Keep by
in the open close by 'lriboar are also
means of magic, others are known to • A corpse washed up on the beach
gone, and much food that is usually
have perished, and the men of Shadow- just west of Hillsfar has been pro-
available is reserved for the armies in
dale seized much gold, and took almost nounced by the eminent sage Auvi-
the field. Shiploads of mercenar ies
500 prisoners (minor priests, adher- darus to be definitely that of one of the
from the south and east are arriving in
ents, lay worshippe rs, and guards of legendary githyanki, a race said to visit
Waterdeep daily, headed for the mist·
the temple). Far more people than the the Realms only seldom, from another
shrouded field. Caravans are tending
folk of Voonlar ever suspected were in plane.(*)
south through Calimshan, avoiding
the temple complex. The Lord Doust • Raithspur, Captain of the Guard of
Aron and the lands west of Cormyr.
Sulwood says that the attack is in retali- Ordulin, has issued a decree banning
• Rumors have been heard of a ation for a recent attack on Shadowdale elvenkind, including golden and moon
bloody skirmish around the fortress of by Lyran of Melvaunt, who led troops elves, and the half-elven, from Sembian
High Horn, in which ores and hobgob- of Zhentil Keep supported by priests of soil. No formal reason has been given
lins out of the mountains and the Stone- Bane.
for the ban, but it is said that the Coun-
lands were beaten off by a large force
• Dragons have attacked dales and cillors of Ordulin fear elves of other
of horse-arch ers and lancers, Cormyr
cities in the Moonsea and Dalelands as sorts are aiding and concealing a Drow
regulars who issued forth to protect a
they once did of old, leaving much ruin invasion of Sembia's remoter areas.
caravan. Seventy-sU. men died, and a
and devastation. Many dragons flew • Hlethl of Battledale and merchants
hundred and twelve ores were slain.
south and west from the glaciers
Tussaril Winter, Lord of Eveningsta r, of Essembra have separately reported
beyond Thar, landing at many of the cit·

that they have encountered no elves in aided with money, prov1s1ons, and the ogres of Thar will come south from
recent days. Upon investigation, the weaponry by Sembia. the glaciers to attack the cities on the
nearby elven woods seem deserted. north coast of the Moonsea.
• Gharri, the high priest of Gond in
Nothing more is yet known. • Almon tier, a mage of the High Dale,
Tilverton, has announced the formal
has announced the formation of the
FJarneRale UaJy) annexation by Cormyr of Tilver's Gap.
Company of the Hippogriff. The adven·
Gharri will remain at the temple as "Lord
• Forces of Scardale have attacked turing company will operate in the
Regent of Tilverton;' and Cormyr will
Mistledale, and been rebuffed by the Inner Sea Lands on a mercenary basis,
maintain a standing garrison in the town.
dale militia, aided and led by troops of out of a fortified keep in Thunder Gap
Shadowdale. Scardale briefly took the EJeasias (Aagast:) that was once a "waystop" stronghold
eastern half of the dale, but could not of the merchant lords of Arnn.(•)
• Alusair Nacacia, youngest daugh·
pass the ford, and was thrown back
ter of Azoun IV, king of Corm yr, has run • Scardale sent an emissary to Sha·
after two days of heavy fighting by the dowdale, offering an alliance. The offer
away, vanishing from the royal palace
arrival of two hundred mounted spear· was refused, and Lord Lashan has
in Suzail in early spring. Her reasons
men of Cormyr. Lashan of Scardale has announced that his forces are now at
and destination are unknown, but she
proclaimed himself King of the Dales,
is said to have been recognized in war with Shadowdale. Any persons or
and his armies have been reinforced in
Tilverton, and that the army sent there property of the dale that fall into their
Essembra: six thousand hopefuls from
was intended primarily to bring about hands will be treated accordingly.
Impiltur and the Vilhon Reach have
her safe return, rather than to aid
joined Lashan's forces, arriving on the Eleinc (Sept:ernbeR)
Tilverton's besieged inhabitants.
dozen ships now owned by Scardale,
• The northern city of Melvaunt is
seeking lands and wealth in the new • Forces of Scardale have taken the
still largely in ruins, but its elders are
kingdom of the Dales in return for mili· fields of Battledale, and now hold Har·
concentrating on rebuilding its docks
tary service. Lashan has announced rowdale, Featherdale and much of Bat·
and navy. Seven large ships have been
plans to occupy the Lost Vale, and settle tledale. The trade-road from Sembia to
keeled already, and shipyard talk has it
many of his new citizens in the newly- the Standing Stone has not yet been
that a dozen more will be laid down
conquered southern dales (Battledale, blocked, and Essembra is still nominally
before winter.
Featherdale, and vicinity). Doubtless independent. 'Iravelers on the road
this last move is to strengthen his fledg· including caravans out of Hillsfar, Zhen· • Lord Manshoon of Zhentil Keep has
ling kingdom against possible attacks tit Keep, Cormyr, and Sembia, have ordered a proclamation read in Sembia,
from Sembia to the south. been stopped and searched by the Scardale, Cormyr, and Archendale. The
largely mercenary forces of Lord proclamation sums up the combined mill·
• Fey magic has destroyed a force of Lashan. Public statements have been tary power of the devastated cities on the
two hundred troops of Scardale who north coast of the Moonsea, and informs
made by the ruler of Zhentil Keep,
were exploring the fabled ruins of Myth
Archendale, and Sembia that if the road the world (and in particular the rulers
Drannor. A later patrol found no traces of
is blocked, and the taking of Essembra, and adventurers of the places in which it
a struggle, or any signs of monsters, but was read) that any attack upon any of the
Archendale warns, is synonymous with
only their horses and camp-gear. None of cities will be considered an act of war,
bJocking the road, Scardale will find
the surrounding settlements report see-
itself, economically and eventually on and will be crushed by the massed might
ing any strangers; the missing warriors
the battlefields, at war with all three. that Lord Manshoon now commands.
appear to have vanished without trace,
• The Citadel of the Raven has been Manshoon's host will then carry the bat·
not deserted.
revealed to have been largely destroyed tle back to the attacking country and con-
• Scardale has sent an army along in the attack by three dragons and is quer it in the name of the northcoast
the Halfaxe 'frail, attacking Mistledale now being rebuilt by Zhentil Keep's cities. It is known that some attempt was
again (where they were driven off by work parties. The great armory of the made to arrest the crier of this message in
the Cormyrean garrison), and sent Citadel contained many great siege Scardale. The crier disappeared into thin
exploratory patrols westward to engines, and with those two of the air, after hurling a meteor swann at his
Deepingdale and Lake Sember. War- drakes were ultimately slain (one of the attackers with deadly effect.
riors from all of the conquered dales, younger dragons escaped, flying west
MaRpenot:b (OccobeR)
led by the Battledale Seven (an adven· towards the Border Forest). The Citadel
turing company) and some adventurers was largely ~utted in the battle, and • A group of adventurers known as
of Mane's Band, have gathered in over nine thousand warriors perished. the Company of the Dragon is traveling
Highmoon to halt Scardale's advance. It is feared that if the defenses at the south from Hillsfar, bent on meeting
These anti-Scardale forces are being Citadel are not very strong by winter, with the Elven High Court. All elves

have disappeared from Hillsfar, includ- him as soon as possible, and goes on to at least sixteen well-known merce-
ing members of the city's ruling Coun- thank the Dalesmen for their good rela- naries (most estimate he has hired
cil. Reports from Sembia to the north tionships in the days "since I have seen upwards of three score men thus far, all
coast of the Moonsea indicate that the planting of the Standing Stone:• Oth- told), and these have vanished from
many elves everywhere have vanished. er nations and city-states, The Moonsea sight.(•)
It is said in Hillsfar that the Company of Cities, Sembia, and Cormyr, have
• Mellomir, sage of Arabel, claims to
the Dragon is hurrying to be the first received no such messages. Disposition
have discoverd a great treasure in an old,
explorers of the fabled ruins of Myth of the Elven territories and Myth Dran-
abandoned dwarf-hold north of the vil-
Drannor, that splendid city of time- nor were not mentioned in the letter.
lage of Eveningstar. The treasure is
shrouded legend once regarded as the
Nigb~al (DecembeR) ancient and magical in nature, Mellomir
center of all culture, including music,
attests (he has refused to say what pre-
magic, and the arts of invention, in the • Barroch's Hold has been found. cisely it is), and helps to explain two
known world. The fabled citadel of the first great ban- things: why the "Haunted Halls" have
dit lord of the Inner Sea lies south and been the center of so much activity over
• The forces of "King" Lashan of
east of the cities of the Moonsea, in the the years (many strange creatures and
Scardale have been destroyed in a swift
Glacier of the White Worm. The adven-
series of battles with forces from Cor- small bands of armed outlanders of all
turers who found it encountered a
myr, Sembia, the united Dales, and the breeds have been seen entering, or
number of strange creatures and were emerging from, its tunnels) and how the
Moonsea cities (including Zhentil Keep).
scattered or slain. 1Wo survivors dwarves, once so numerous in these
The capital of Scardale has fallen and
reached Orm to tell the tale: Feenoch
Lashan himself has disappeared. The lands, disappeared so quickly and trace-
the Five-Fingered, a rogue of some infa-
area has been placed under joint occu- lessly in only a few winters. A small troop
my, and Yostur Ulhmond, a young fight-
pancy by the combined forces until a of guardsmen from High Hom arrived in
er from the villages of the Snow People
stable government in formed (no less Arabel after Mellomir's announcement,
in Thar, blond-haired and strong as an
than a year from now at best). and the sage has not been seen since. He
ox. The two evaded queries about trea-
is thought to have been taken to High
Uk~aR (NooembeR) sure, but there is talk in Hillsfar that Horn for questioning, but no word has
they have been trying to gather togeth- come to confirm this.(•)
• In the Hall of Sparkling Stones in
er a large adventuring band with
Mirabar, the elders of the city sit in • A retired merchant who keeps a
sledges. (*)
Council, planning where and when to ferry at Thunderstone on the
sell their metal, mindful of who is weak Wyvernwater reports that a corpse
and who is strong, and who will use the YeaR o .i: t:b e PRince found in the thawing ice of the harbor
trade-metal to make swords to wage Dale Reckoning 1357
is probably only a few months old, and
war on whom. As it does each winter, H ammeR (JaaaaRy) is unmistakably that of a Drow. It died
Mirabar has closed its gates and turned of a slit throat, and was clad in armor of
inwards, to the mountains, where • Liantha, priestess of Tymora in
black leather. The High Constable of the
teams of miners dig throughout the Silverymoon, has set off east with a
H!gh Dale has doubled the strength of
cold months. Much silver has been small band of adventurers, seeking a
his armed patrols indefinitely.(•)
found, it is said, and Mirabar is seeking route across the Great Desert,
sheep-breeders to establish for it huge Anauroch, to Cormyr and the Dales.(•) • The coastal cities of Cormyr and
flocks of the animals to provide winter Sembia report ice thin enough to break
• A dragon is believed to be nesting
food and wool. (•) and clear harbors, and expect strong-
in the mountains near Archendale.
hulled ships to begin sailing in a ride
• In a letter from Luvon Greencloak Whole herds of cattle have vanished
(ten-day week), or perhaps less time,
to the rulers of the Dalelands (including from secure fields at night, and many
but the Dragon Reach is still frozen in
Lord Doust of Shadowdale), the Elven small fires have been seen in the remote
solid, and the merchants of Scardale
Court have announced their retreat forests of the mountains slopes.(•)
and Harrowdale are preparing cara-
from their native woods to "a further AJ~aRiak (FebROORg) vans for the first trade of the new sea-
land from Man" (presumably Ever-
meet). The great majority of the elves • A man known as Haljack is hiring
have departed, though certain individ- fighting-men in Scornubel for 7 gp per Cbes (MaRcb)
uals remain (including those with close month plus board and outfitting. He is
• Three ships that have sailed the
ties with humans or elvish adventur- said to have a shrewd eye for trained
Inner Sea in the past week have failed
ers). Luvon notes that elves who wish to and experienced fighters and has turn-
to make port again; the ice, the pirates,
follow the Elven Court should contact ed many knaves away. He has accepted

or something else is very bad this year. from the woods upstream. All were returned to the city, these three having
The ships were: slain by fire and sword. The purpose fled shortly after the party located the
The Ratclaw, an independent caravel that brought these creatures to the crumbling entrance to this lost
out of Selgaunt captained by Strauph woods, and the identities of their slay- mountain-hold, in a high hidden valley.
Omerehellin, carrying dates, nuts ers, are unknown.(•) Several adventurers in Waterdeep are
and olive oil from the cities of the trying to find out the whereabouts of
• All is quiet around Dragonspear this city of Gauntlgrym, said to hold
south to the cities about the Moonsea. Castle. The armies encamped there
The Ratclaw left Selgaunt fourteen riches and magic, but if they have even
report that no devils or other foes have
days ago, and was due in Hillsfar six found survivors of the iJl-fated band or
been seen since The Feast of the Moon
days ago. the one who sent them forth, no one
(previous Uktar). But at least one cara· else yet knows of it in Waterdeep.(•)
The Umbolden, a full-rigged cog that van from Calimshan, heading north·
left Tulpir with a cargo of dried fish wards from the borders of Arnn at the • Ores are reported to be on the
and cheese twelve days ago. It also beginning of Ches, has vanisheti with· move in large bands near Baldur's Gate
was bound for the Moonsea, to dock out a trace in the lands between Arnn and along the northern borders of
at Melvaunt two days ago, but it was and the Way Inn, where Waterdeep's Arnn, and even remote villages have
to call in at Scardale or one of the cit- forces have a guard on the road. reported the passage of secretive,
ies south of Scardale on the coast of Knights of the Waterdeep Watch are stealthy ore patrols, who avoid men
the Dragon Reach, and did not. No readying griffons for aerial patrols rather than slaughter them, and make
word has yet come from it. along the caravan-ways as soon as no raids on livestock or stored crops.
spring comes. Young griffons and Some believe that these are forces from
The Bloody Umber; a "sailrig" Oarge intact, warm griffon eggs are sought, Dragonspear Castle sneaking away ere
wooden raft fitted with a trisail and and Piergeiron will pay top prices for Waterdeep's forces attack again in the
sweeps), a coaster working its way up any brought to him in Waterdeep. spring, but others fear the ores' unusu·
from the Neck to Harrowdale and al behavior denotes something worse,
back with pottery, fine clothing, iron· • Rumors are rampant in the North
such as the gathering of many ore·
ware and rugs, live swine and poul· that there is a new Beast Lord. This bands into a Horde, for instance, some·
try, axeheads and twenty score term, drawn from the folklore of the
thing not seen for nearly two hundred
crossbows bolts for the army of Scar· northern lands, is applied to evil men
years in the North, or perhaps some
dale. who by magic, artifice, and the service
new plot of the mysterious wizards for
of others seek to unleash horrific bes-
All three ships have vanished without a the Inner Lands who command many
tial servants upon the world, breeding
trace. They are among the first vessels of the ores in the area, or their allies the
rare creatures like the bulette, gorgi-
to venture out of harbor this season. drow and perhaps the illithids. Others
mera, owlbear, peryton, and even
Such a large number of boats lost with- say the ore King Graul is gathering all
beholders, and raising armies of bestial loyal to him, to drive men out of the
out a trace in the first two tendays of
undead. Such monsters have suddenly North, now that the elves have left, and
sailing is very alarming.
become far more numerous in the for·
• The Leader of the Red Cloaks of establish great ore kingdom.
ests and wastes northeast, east, and
Asbravn has reported by carrier· southeast of Waterdeep, and misfits Tm~sakb (ApniJ)
pigeon to Peirgieron of Waterdeep that such as mongrelmen and leucrotta
a horrible monster "with many heads, • The fabled 1bme of the Unicorn,
seem to have gathered into organized
the long-lost grimoire of Shoon, Mage-
all like snakes" has slaughtered the bands or groups, co-operating for the King of vanished Jltkazar (who is said
inhabitants of two farms to the north of good of all. Some whisper that the Beast by some to survive today as a lich), has
the town, and no one in the village Lord is a powerful evil mage, others
been reported found by a merchant
seems able to face and slay it. Its lair, that he is a mind flayer or worse.
and the sites of possible future depre- captain, Roald of Baldur's Gate ... or
• Gauntlgrym, a "Lost City;• built in lost, rather. It seems the ruling house of
dations, are unknown. The Red Cloaks
the northern mountains by the Ruathyn has held the Turne in the Green
are seeking aid in dispatching this crea-
dwarves centuries ago for a warrior- Rooms, their great library in the palace,
ture. (") king and his followers, has been located for hundreds of years, and when Roald
• In Secomber, east of Waterdeep, a by someone in Waterdeep. A large (thir· docked there, all was in uproar: some·
Waterdeep patrol reports the inhabit· ty or so strong) party of mercenaries, one had stolen the grimoire, and the
ants have found the corpses of six called the Company of the Gryphon had secrets that none outside of the royal
illithids (mind-flayers) and thirteen been organized to explore it for him. house of Ruathyn had seen for a great
Drow, washed down the Unicorn Run Only three of that company have while were out. Roald could get no hint

of who is suspected of the theft, or any they are bound for Ruathyn. It is cer- Tilverton and Arabel, and is believed to
details of it, but he and his crew and tain that a Ruathyn vessel in the harbor be gathering followers for another try
ship were most thoroughly searched by at Waterdeep was seized by Luskan at an empire, possibly striking at Dag-
both magical and physical means. Some forces who entered the city and gerdale, Voonlar, or Yulash.
he talked to on the island did believe reached the quays by means of stealth • A temple to Gond has been opened
that in the 1bme of the Unicorn are the and disguise. This craft was sailed out in Essembra; the High Priest, Lord High
means to create a permanent gate of the harbor but was not found when Smith and Artificer, one Gulmarin
between the planes of existence, the pursued an hour or so later, and is Reldacap, is introducing many new
means to create golem armies, and believed to have been scuttled in coastal devices for sale, and much gold is now
many spells found nowhere else. Roald waters. flowing into Battledale.(•)
reported his news to an open meeting • Strange creatures have been
of merchants in Baldur's Gate, warning • Gharri, Patriarch of Gond has van-
reported in the Yuirwood south of ished from Tilver's Gap. The Cormy-
all to beware a sudden rise in power, Aglarond, and are thought to be
anywhere in the Realms, in the near rean garrison is looking for him.
spreading. Throughout the fall trolls
future. seemed to be growing more numerous, Kycbo~n (Jane)
• The famous explorer Dabron and then owlbears were reported. As • While Calimshan has long domi-
Sashenstar has returned in triumph to the weather grew colder, a bulette was nated sea trade in the South, this vast
Baldur's Gate, having mapped a route seen, and it was rapidly followed by and decadent realm has never boasted
across the great glaciers of the north to other nameless or unique creatures, a navy. Recently, however relentless
the near-legendary country of the things which seem to be expanding out· piracy and escalating wars between
Sossrim (Sossal). Irlentree of the Mer- ward from the depths of the wood. The rival merchant houses have driven the
chant's league will mount an expedition adventurer Sparleye was last seen in satraps to lay down a fleet. Reports say
carrying the maroon trading banners this area with his adventuring compa- that huge floating cities are planned,
of his house when spring has settled in, ny, the Men of the Purple Arrow. 0th· laden with many catapults and fire-
and Sashenstar says that he will over- ers who have gone into the woods have hurlers, and the satrapies are sending
see the building of waytowers in not returned, and traders are avoiding spies to investigate many coastal
Damara. The Merchant's League, now the area. realms, particularly the harbors. Calim-
over twenty years old, has long planned shan has been training archers in close-
Mi~cal (May)
to build a series of waytowers, but wars quarters naval work for some time
and the growth of may small kingdoms • No news has come to light regard- now. Both Arnn and Baldur's Gate are
has made this largely unnecessary, and ing the ships missing on the Inner Sea. taking on mercenaries in this past trio
in some places impossible. The league No wreckage has been found. It is of "rides" and for the foreseeable
has not yet reacted to the news that a rumored that Selgaunt will soon send a future.(•)
new, rival merchants' alliance, the Iron fleet to search the Pirate Isles.
Throne, has been formed, but the lat· • Armies of "walking dead" are said
• Archendale is building a large, to be advancing steadily northwards
ter's apparent area of operation sug- armed, mounted force; its officers have
gests that conflict between the two from Thay, led by armored skeletal
been recruiting in Waterdeep and the warriors of great power and fell aspect.
organizations is almost certain. (•) Vilhon Reach, and fears are growing in Impiltur fears that Thay will over-
• A Ruathyn war vessel searching the southern dales that Archendale whelm all of the Eastern lands, and
for the stolen 1bme of the Unicorn has may be planning conquests of its own. then turn west to crush the coastal cit·
destroyed a merchant caravel of Sembia has tripled the guards on all car- ies, Impiltur, and Aglarond.
Luskan. The caravel Tulgontan Horn avans leaving its borders.
was boarded two days' sail south and • A band of adventurers, a dozen
• A fierce naval battle has been strong, has arrived in Tilverton, appar-
east of Luskan, searched, and then set fought on the Moonsea. Zhentil Keep
afire. The crew sailed the blazing hulk ently with the permission of Cormyr.
now rules its waters, having defeated The adventurers are human, of both
landwards until they could no longer and destroyed all warships of the rebel-
control its course, and then took to sexes and include some workers of
lious cities of Melvaunt and Mulmaster. magic, but no known priests are among
boats. The Horn was seen to burn to the Hostilities between Zhentil Keep and its
waterline and sink. The boats were lat· them. No one has ever seen them
former allies show no sign of ending. before or learned their present inten-
er picked up by a cog out of Neverwin-
ter. 1\vo of the High Captains of Luskan • Lashan, recently Lord of Scardale tions, and they are called only The
have put to sea with six large rakers and briefly of an empire that included Hunt.
Oow warships), and it is rumored that most of the Dalelands, has been seen in

• Luskan has attacked Ruathyn's ers know the whereabouts of the fabled Tushwave and down across the eastern
harbor. Fourteen Ruathyn vessels were Warrior's Crypt, said to lie somewhere Stonelands to Arabel, in steady num-
rammed or burned in a fierce engage- north of Cormyr in mountainous, law- bers, and Zhentil Keep's strategy vis-a-
ment about the island, for the loss of less country. These merchants are not vis the dales now seems to be ignore
one Luskan raker. Ruathyn's naval men known locally, and offer four piec- them, using the ores to keep them busy,
power has been almost totally es of gold a day as pay, plus "a substan· while rebuilding Yulash-a move, this
destroyed. A bare, half-dozen Ruathyn tial bonus if the venture is successful" last, that Mourngrym sees as ultimately
ships survive in ports all along the (they decline to give more details unless serving to divert all Moonsea-area trade
Sword Coast. Ulphron, First Axe of their offer is accepted). Only three away from Shadowdale and Dagger-
Ruathyn, is said to be missing. The two freeswords are known to have signed dale. This is inevitable unless a safe,
High Captains commanding the attack on with these merchants.(*) easy route through the elven woods can
took their men ashore after the be created, and controlled by Shadow-
• That mysterous mage known only
destruction of the Ruathyn navy, and as "The Firemaster" has been seen in dale.
presently wage war on the island. No Suzail and in Westgate, hiring merce· Eleasias (Ao9ast:)
news of events has since come out of nary adventurers. He usually gathers
Ruathyn, but it is expected that Luskan such forces to aid him in reaching
• The Nentyarch, ruler of vast lands
will conquer the island. sources of old magic he has located by east and north of Impiltur, has sent
his arts and research; tavern-talk has it agents into the Realms, seeking black
FlameRaJe Uoly) gems for some unknown magical or
that there are several ancient tombs
• The Fair Venture, a caravel out of religious use.(•)
hidden in the depths of the woods
Sembia, has gone missing in the vicinity north of Waymoot.(• ) • A noted dancer and entertainer,
of the Pirate Isles. Her owner, the mer- the Grey Veil, has vanished from Zhen-
chant Golthond of Thesk, is talking of • A new trading coster, the Fire-
hands Group, is being formed in til Keep, and is being hunted by the
hiring mercenary companies to storm rulers of that city. It is said that they are
the isles and clear them of outlaws. Daerlun, and is interested in hiring
experienced caravan·guards, swords- trying to regain from her a precious
• Many reports and rumors are men, and travelers to staff its caravans thing of magic, "Yuthla, the Eye of the
spreading in Cormyr and Sembia con- Beholder," which she won from a
on the overland routes from Watergate
cerning some sort of internal, all out drunken Zhentian noble.(•)
to Hillsfar, ranging over Cormyr, Sem-
merchant's or nobles' war that has bia, the Dalelands, and the southern • Azoun IV of Cormyr has given
erupted in Westgate. Nothing definite is Moonsea settlements. Paymaster for orders for his warriors to search all
known, beyond residents' reports of the new group is the old warrior Dhe· travelers in his realm: someone is smug-
armed skirmishes in the streets at larr "the Night Blade:' Rates are gling out fistfuls of gemstones from the
night, and many bloodstains on the cob- described as "competitive:'(*) royal mines near High Horn. These
bles, and floating corpses in the harbor, gemstones have surfaced in Mulmaster,
by day. • Mourngrym and Randal Morn,
Hillsfar, Westgate, and Selgaunt, so
with their own men and a few merce· far.(*)
• Cormyr has sent envoys to Sha- nary additions and loaned troops from
dowdale, Mistledale, the High Dale, and Cormyr's garrison in Tilverton have • The Sceptanar, reputed ruler of
Deepingdale; to (in the words of King been fighting steadily to hold the over- Chessenta, has sent an envoy to Sembia,
Azoun IV) "strengthen the ties of land road from Shadowdale and Mistle- Cormyr, and the Daleland, seeking
friendship, good open-handed trade, dale through Tilver's Gap to Cormyr word of those who unleashed the
and common defense that we all share:• clear for safe passage by caravan. Th magic-eater in Scornubel two winters
Sembia and Archendale are said not to Jose this route means eventual eco· ago. The Sceptanar has a similar crea-
be amused by this latest political manip· nomic ruin for both dales, and the ture imprisoned in an ancient globe in
ulation. acceptance of Daggerdale's extinction. the Crypt Royal beneath his palace in
• A caravan out of Zhentil Keep was They have largely succeeded: the devils Soornar, and offers gold, magical train·
apparently destroyed in the ruined seem to be fewer these days, and trolls ing, griffins, or noble maidens of his
town of Tushwave by allies and war- and hobgoblins seem to have moved realm to anyone who can safely unleash
riors of Cormyr. Cormyr and Zhentil northwards, leaving only ores and the magic-eater without harming the
Keep have already clashed over the norkers in the Daggerdale area. people and treasures of Chessenta, and
troubled land around Daggerdale.(•) successfully return it to its home plane,
• Zhentil Keep's caravans (and those
of a few of the other cities of the Moon- or control it to do the Sceptanar's bid·
• Merchants have been asked in
ding in a certain task.
Sembia and Westgate if any adventur· sea) have been slipping through

• Forces of Cormyr under Duke Bhe- known which ones yet, but no less than those same men that are known as
reu have advanced from Tilverton to six hired assassins have been found "bandits" for their frequent raids upon
Shadowdale, where they have joined floating dead in the harbor in the space travelers in the Forest-Country.
forces with Mourngrym, the Lord of of two days (this news is two tendays Thaalim is said to have spies in all of the
that place, in an attack on a dark-elven old), and more are expected. cities, towns, and villages of the realm,
caravan, and also aided Randal Morn in and to be waiting for the richest cara-
• A new company of adventurers, vans.(•)
his fight to regain Daggerdale from the the Company of the Cloak, has been
ores of the Desertsedge Mountains. The
formed in Scornubel, and has headed • Lothchas, bandit-lord of the lands
garrison at the fortress of Castle Crag east to the Inner Sea lands to seek for- northeast of the Moonsea, is said to
has been doubled in size, to repulse any tune. Its leader, a little known mage have his eyes on the rich Dalelands. and
attacks from the north, or from bandits called Mhair Gulzrabban (thought to be plans to found his own kingdom there.
taking advantage of the strife. Soldiers from one of the coastal cities of Calim- The rulers of Hillsfar, Sembia, Cormyr,
of Cormyr have met and battled the shan), has spoken of the treasures of and Zhentil Keep are said to be uni-
armies of Zhentil Keep in ruined Myth Drannor, the lost wealth of The formly unamused.(*)
Tushwave and in Daggerdale. Kingdoms Under the Sand (those lands
• A vicious battle between forces of
Eleint: (Sept:embeR) north of Cormyr and west of Dagger- Maalthir, ruler of Hillsfar, and soldiers
dale, long swallowed by the desert
• An entire caravan was slaughtered of Zhentil Keep has been found in the
Anauroch), and the hidden riches of the ravaged town of Yulash. Over ninety
on the trade-road just west of Shadow- Dalelands. The Company has over a
dale. The origin and cargo of the cara- slain, and the town is now in the hands
dozen members, none well-known, and of Hillsfar. Forces of Zhentil Keep are
van are unknown; the Lord of has no known headquarters. Its symbol
Shadowdale is said to be investigating known to be massing in Voonlar for a
is a swirling cloak (in the shape of a
the matter. counter-strike. In Zhentil Keep itself,
breaking wave, with its point curling to
the militia is said to be whelming for
• Lurkan the Reaver, a mercenary the right) of dark green hue.(•)
"Lord" of the Sword Coast, is moving
• Reports continue to flow into the • There is civil war in Melvaunt, as
eastward to the Inner Sea lands. It is Royal Court in Suzail of sightings of the
said that he intends to take up resi- rival senior families of that city struggle
missing princess, although these for control of the throne. Further strife
dence there, and expects to earn a liv- reports are suspect because they come
ing by selling his skills in the coming in all of the Moonsea cities is expected
from all directions in the known as the grip of Zhentil Keep's rule is loos-
conflict between Zhentil Keep, Cormyr, Realms, some from lands known only as
Hillsfar, and Mulrnaster; four combat- ened by the struggles to the south.
legends in Cormyr. Alusair Nacacia,
ants all with designs on the lands youngest daughter of King Azoun rv, • Strange, fey beasts have been seen
around them.(•) in the Hullack Forest and in the hills
vanished from the royal palace in Suzail
• Shairksah, an evil merchant oper- a year ago, and is said to have run away. around Thunderstone, and such
ating out of Beregost, has threatened Her reasons and destination are reports have always come down into
several rival merchants with death at unknown, but she is said to have been Cormyr steadily from travelers in the
the hands of magically-created killing seen in Tilver's Gap, with the former Stonelands and Gnoll Pass; the land
creatures; strange crab-like menaces lord of Tilverton, the High Priest of beyond the spearpoints of the King's
that he has in the past unleashed in Gond, Gharri, who has himself since soldiers seem truly wild.(•)
Arnn against such rivals (leading to his vanished. It is also said that the army • A tavern in Ordulin, The Stranded
banishment from that nation). sent to Tilverton was intended primari- Fish, has been set afire and destroyed in
Shairksah has mentioned casually in ly to bring about her safe return, rather a brawl between local bravos and a
several noble courts that he has previ- than to aid Tilverton's inhabitants bearded, robed mage of great power
ously had a few of these creatures against beseiging ores. Obviously, that thought to be one of the Red Wizards of
released in Cormyr, Ordulin, and army did not find her, for a royal Thay. The mage escaped the blaze, and
Iriaebor to "add to the amusement:' No reward is still offered for her safe his present whereabouts are unknown.
reports of such things have surfaced in return to Azoun. It is certain that agents of the city's
the said three cities- but then, few who Council, and the City Guards, are look-
MaRpenot:b (Occoben.)
have seen such things in the past have ing for him.(•)
lived to tell the tale.(") • A new leader, Thaalim Turchtower,
• In Westgate, fresh trouble has is rising amongst the lawless men who
erupted between rival Houses. It is not live in the wastes west of the mountains
that lie on the western edge of Cormyr;

Uk~aR (NooembeR) ruler, and invited both Aumark and ils who walk there!" The bard Maerhult
Tuer! of the High Captains to his palace has pronounced two of the harps
• The forces of Zhentil Keep have at Waterdeep on the first day of shown to him in the tavern, to be
retaken ruined and dragon-deprivated Kythorn, to meet for truce-talks. The unmistakably the work of the lost, long·
Yulash from the Hillsfar armies. At first ago artisans of Myth Drannor, and to be
penalty for either refusing to attend
glance, the success of the numerically being the alignment of Waterdeep rare things of magic besides.(*)
inferior Zhentil Keep forces was against the absent ruler, and either way,
ascribed to surprise, but reports have • Across the Dragon Reach, in Sel-
a quick end to the war.
developed of high sorcery being used, gaunt, a mercenary band is gathering to
including the ground itself growing • Agents of the Red Wizards of Thay investigate the ruins of Myth Drannor
arms and attacking the sleeping Hillsfar have openly slain merchants in Westga- for themselves; a group, thus far twen-
forces. The Hillsfar contingent has te and Scardale-port, and it is whis· ty strong, under the leadership of the
retreated in disarray and Zhentil Keep pered that the fell Red Magic Cult is fighter of great renown Narve
will likely retain control of the city until stirring again. Perhaps the Red Wizards Dwarfkin and the mage Ryhinn Black-
spring. Work parties from the Citadel of will resume their quest for world domi· cloak, Hurler of Thunderbolts.
the Raven are said to be being shipped nation soon, in the Inner Sea lands.
• Rumors abound in Suzail (as they
to Yulash to aid in the building of a • Merchants and caravan-masters have periodically on this subject for the
defensive position. recently on the road in the Elven Court last winter) that someone in the city has
• The Blue Diamond, a magical ship area report (from safe destinations in a map revealing the location of the lost
that sails the skies, created somewhere Hillsfar, Ordulin, and Selgaunt) seeing gem-hoard of the Great Worm
in the Utter East, far south of Thay on manacled humans in the trees as they Draughthothnor, and is hiring merce-
the southern coast of all Faerun, has passed by Myth Drannor in the deepest nary adventurers to form a party that
been seen in the Vilhon region, travel- woods. One merchant, Saszesk of will undertake an extended expedition
ing north. The ship always carries rich Suzail, left the road to investigate, and to seek out the hoard. Draughthothnor
cargoes such as spices and items of was met by hail of arrows, which he was slain by the Five Wizards two hun-
minor magic, gems and perfumes, and survived, but which deterred him from dred and sixty winters ago, and his
is said to have fearsome magical guard- further investigation. Slavers have fabled hoard is said to contain gems
ians and mages among its crew. been active in the Moonsea area before, now found nowhere else in the
and now are apparently on the rise Realms.(•)
• The war between Luskan and the
island realm of Ruathym was halted for • Haspur, a seer who dwells in
the winter, whose howling storms yet Nigb~al (DecembeR) Baldur's Gate, has foretold that a magic
rule the northern waves. Aumark of great power, called "The Ring of Win-
• The first heavy snowfall has swept ter:' will be rediscovered within the
Lithyl, First Axe of Ruathym has set his
the North, blanketing Cormyr and the
court in Ruathym upon the death of his year. In trance, he seemed very upset,
Dales with up to a foot of snow. Most of
father, Ulphron, who perished in the but gave no further details, and could
the general population have long-since
last great battle in and about the tow· recall nothing upon reawakening.
settled in for the long winter, though
ered palace of Ruathym. Aumark won there still are reported to be last-minute
this decisive engagement with a sur- merchants seeking to make a final sale
prise attack, at the head of the merce· before heading for their wintering
naries and adventurers, slaughtering grounds, and there are (as always) one
much of the landed force of Luskan and
or two ships caught in the ice on the
driving the men of that city back to River Lis. Most activity for adventurers
their boats . The High Captains of
consists of reassessing their situations
Luskan are said to have escaped injury
and planning for the next year.
in the fray. Aumark's last decree, car-
ried to Waterdeep ere winter closed in, • The adventuress Shaless, ofTsurla·
is that anyone who brings the traitress gol, has returned in triumph to her
Maerkla, noblewoman of Ruathym, to favorite tavern, The Drunken Dragon,
him alive or dead will receive two new in that city, displaying strange harps
ships and his or her own weight in plati· and blades of arcane, beautiful make
num pieces. which she claims to be her booty from
the lost city of Myth Drannor, wrested,
• Piergeiron of Waterdeep has pub-
she claims "from the very claws of dev-
licly declared his support for the new

he two small adventures provided members of the group, the mage Phe· Halls are also cut smoothly from this mot·
T here are for use by characters of
low to intermediate levels, and suitable
zult. This they did, maintaining relative
peace in their underground halls by
tled grey stone). The hallway opens into a
junction with another large hallway; this
for an evening's play or a set of means of a special stasis spell developed second hallway has massive iron torch
encounters. by Phezult. Those of the guild who had brackets (now crumbling into rust) set
Both adventures are set in the ruins no other homes or pursuits lived there, high up on its walls down both sides, but
of Myth Drannor (see Myth Drannor in died there, and were buried there. The the torches themselves are long gone. All
the Player's Guide to the Realms), an fate of those Naturalists alive when is dark and damp; patches of harmless
ancient city destroyed long ago and Myth Drannor was ruined is unknown, mold grow here and there in the long
until recently protected by the moon but the halls today are all that remain of hallway, and the place seems deserted.
elves of the forest. With the retreat of the Guild's achievements (the offices Only very careful examination will reveal
these elves, Myth Drannor is now avail- aboveetre a perilous ruin located on the a faint circular brown stain on the floor
able for exploration (and less charita· west side of a rubble-choked north· where the two hallways meet (see 119).
bly, plunder). south street in the eastern reaches of 2. A featureless, lockless stone door
The locations of the two "dungeons" overgrown Myth Drannor), and are a with a green-corroded brass pull-ring
are noted on the maps on pages 47 and dangerous place-the stasis created so
handle opens (by turning in two stone
55. The entire system of Myth Drannor many years ago by Phezult is breaking sockets, with a deep grinding noise)
is laced with areas such as this, for fur- down, and beasts magically imprisoned into a lO'xlO' stone cubicle, which con·
ther expansion by the DM. These ruins in the halls down the long years are
tains three massive wooden casks, on
may also have a large number of other being freed again.
end, of oak blackened with age, and
adventuring companies and predators
equipped with green brass spigots.
that may make the player's overground Key Above the casks a wooden shelf runs
life difficult.
1. The halls are entered by means of a from wall to wall, bearing lots of glass
dust-choked, high-ceilinged building flasks and a pile of sticks, all shrouded
Tbe Halls o.J=-Cbe with great cracks in its arched stone in a thick grey web of cobwebs and
Beas-c-TameRs ceiling, and scatterings of fallen rock dust. The spigots can be turned with
here and there where the walls or ceil· difficulty. The casks all contain odd·
DM's backgRoao~: ing have given way. It is strangely tasting, but safe, drinking water, and
Some six hundred years ago, when devoid of animal life, and contains a the 16 flasks are all stoppered jars of
Myth Drannor was a city of life and large stone seat or throne of massive lamp oil which of course can be hurled
splendor, certain of its citizens- construction, unadorned by inscription as incendiary weapons, accompanied
human, half-elven, and elven-who or ornament. Behind the throne is a ten- by the sticks-twenty wooden torches,
were interested in learning more of the foot-diameter shaft (without lid, lip or all wrapped in cloth rags soaked in
natural habits and pursuits of wild other protection) opening in the floor. pitch. The torches are not rotten (this
creatures styled themselves "The Guild This shaft has carved stone hand- and room is less damp than the hall), but the
of Naturalists:• Their studies resulted in foot-holds running down its southern casks will collapse into wreckage if any·
much of what is now ranger lore; they side, and drops two hundred feet into one tries to roll or lift them.
traveled far in the Realms to observe the lightless, damp solid rock beneath 3. Stone doors identical to that leading
creatures in all lands, and when those Myth Di:annor. The holds in the shaft into 112 open here into three identical
creatures easily studied had been dealt are themselves secure, but climbers in bunkrooms-all dusty, deserted living·
with, they turned to more fearsome the shaft will be attacked from above quarters, equipped with triple-tiered
beasts: the monsters of the Realms. (i.e. from the building on the surface bunks for up to 40 sleepers, and a stone
As the Naturalists were already dis- without warning when halfway down,) table with two wooden benches and a
paragingly termed "The Beast-Turners" by a volt (see FIEND FOLIO® Turne, p. wrought-iron-with-glass-oil-bowl table
by those elves and humans of Myth 94) of 12 hp, which will seek to slay all lamp. The lamps in each room will
Drannor opposed to any interference intruders, and will attack tirelessly break if used, for the iron is crumbling
with wild creatures, the group decided until itself slain. into rust. The wood of the bare bunks is
to conceal much of the extent of their The shaft ends in an eighty-foot-long, spongy with dry rot, but will burn. If
researches by enlarging the cellars arched-ceilinged hallway; the ornamental used as clubs, pieces of this wood will
beneath their offices and working arched ribs of its thirty-foot-high vaulted disintegrate at the first blow, doing
there, underground, moving creatures ceiling are supported by two rows of only 1·3 points of damage to any crea·
in and out by means of magical gates smooth-cut granite pillars (carved of the ture struck.
constructed by one of the foremost natural rock; the rest of the subterranean

~m~-rtti1~~~~1i;r· ..


mirror-gate mosaic under cells

m u m
- 17g

17e 17j
17d 17k ~1 chest
17c 171 ~ table and chair

17b 17m

m I 17a
.e1;0~ water
16 ~.1 small table
bl I table
_M broken door

~ t--t-t- 1

s ·I I if I 1--f-3-r•'-
CJ . • I

1 I '11
One square = ten feet



~ ~
Entry shaft
Halls o~ -cbe Beas-c-Tarneus

4. A narrow opening at the end of the The second chamber is similar to the locked, and must be picked or forced
corridor here leads down a rough- first, save that the pool is twenty feet with two successful lift gates attempts
walled stone passage to a toilet: a deep. The third room has forty feet of per door. They are stone set in stone,
smooth stone slab (with hole) set into water. with solid stone sills, and will resist sim-
ledges cut in the surrounding rock, All three rooms are fed by piped ple battering, ramming, and kicking.
above a pit. This privy has been disused underground springs that offset water The keys have vanished, and are
for so long that the smell from its open seeping away through the granite, to nowhere to be found in the halls. DMs
cesspit is almost gone-but there is a keep the water levels constant; salt shoulds consider what each door-
recently-freed and very hungry otyugh blocks keep the water saline, as the opening attempt does to the items
(MONSTER MANUAL book p. 77) just incoming water rushes of them in the stored in the room.
beneath the slab, and it will shoot out its pipes). The doors between the rooms In 6A there are six large glass jars
arms to attack immediately (flinging the have no locks, and spiking them shut stoppered with cork completely sealed
stone shelf aside). The otyugh has no will take 4-7 rounds of hard pounding with melted wax; each contains a
treasure. It has 6HD, and 26 hp. with a hammer or club; the rock of the greenish fluid, and a wrinkled, circular
5. A stone door (identical to that open- ledges is very hard. Sturdy, massive mass that looks something like a
ing into /12) at the end of the long hall- brass portcullis arrangements can be shelled, intact walnut-pickled behold-
way here leads into a damp, lowered in the tunnels between the er brains, in fact, one to a jar.
moss-and-mold encrusted room con- rooms to prevent the ixitxachitl from 6B contains two empty jars, and a
taining a huge pool of still, black, moving from room to room, although stoppered, sealed jar of yellowish,
water and small living things (up to a cloudy fluid in which rests a mass of
opaque water. There is a faint fishy
foot long and half that wide) can pass white, short, worm-like things rather
smell. The door opens onto a three-foot·
through. like overgrown maggots-a jar of 63 rot
wide carved stone ledge that runs along
The two control wheels to raise and grubs (see the MONSTER MANUAL
one side of the room and along one end
of the room to another door (identical lower these devices are concealed (treat book pg 83) which will be released from
to the entry door). The ledge is two feet as a secret portal) behind a drop-hinged stasis as the jar is opened or broken,
block of stone beside the entry door, to and will be (as always) fast and hungry!
above the water, and has no railing.
the left in the first, outermost room. 6C is home to two fat jars of coiled,
The water is twelve feet deep, and is
1\.vo stiff, green-corroded, unlabeled green segmented tentacles, waxy yel-
home to a recently-released vampiric
guardian ixitxachitl (MONSTER MAN· brass wheels turn clockwise to lower low at their segmentations and at the
the portcullises (they are raised when severed ends. They are preserved in
UAL book p. 55) of 21 hp, 6 + 6 HD and
the PCs arrive), the process taking at faint brownish pickling fluid, and will
6th level clerical ability, having 16 Wis-
least two rounds per wheel. The right· no longer paralyze anyone touching
dom, which will attack the PCs (with
hand wheel controls the gate in the them; each jar contains a single coiled
spells) in this first room only if they
turn back (seeking to knock or drag at opening between the second and third tentacle.
rooms, the left-hand one governs the 6D contains twelve jars, all sealed and
least one character into the water,
gate that bisects the tunnel between the stoppered. 'IWo contain greenish pick-
where it will try to hold the unfortu-
nate under the water until drowned), first and second rooms. Note: Bright ling fluid and grey, leathery, oval sack-
lights shone down into the water will like organs with bumpy, misshapen
otherwise patiently biding its time until
illuminate objects a foot or less from the surfaces. These are troglodyte scent
the party reaches the third water-
surface, but penetrate no further; glands-if such a jar is opened or bro-
chamber, whereupon it will attack and
lights in the water (such as an ken, the reek will have its normal effect
then harry anyone fleeing by using the
immersed object on which light has (see "'Iroglodyte" in the MONSTER
connecting tunnels beneath the water
been cast, or a glowing blade) will illu- MANUAL). If a being carries around a
to move from chamber to chamber. It is
minate a 1-1/2" -radius sphere of water. gland-there are nine in one jar and six
quite smart enough to visually recog-
in the other-continuously, the stench
nize spellcasting, and to slip into an 6. Specimen Closets: These five rooms
are all identical lO'xlO' stone cubicles, will grow stronger (1·6 points of
adjoining chamber to escape much of
with stone shelves laid on cut ledges, Strength loss in one round, the loss last·
the spell effects. The ixitxachitl's own
and rotten wooden step-stools (which ing as long as affected victims are with-
spells are: (5,5,2) cause fear, cause light
in 2" of the gland, and 10 additional
wounds, (damage added to physical will collapse into dust and splinters if
used). Each has a door that appears sim- rounds after leaving the 2" area) for
attack damage; the ray will leap to so
ilar to the door into /12, (see above), but a half a day, and then dwindle slowly
attack) x 2, darkness x 2/hold person x
small key-hole can be seen in the circu- (shorten length of Strength disability
3, silence 15' radius x 'l.lcause blindness,
lar boss of the pull ring; the doors are effect) until after two days of continu-
and dispel magic. It has no treasure.
ous exposure to air, the gland is

exhausted. Four other jars contain follow the first person who touches it, depressed stone will cause a loud click
large, crcamy·white feathers with a remaining just over his right shoulder. and then the mosaic, which drops on
slight silvery sheen, and brown quills- These globes do not radiate any heat, four chains, will begin to rise again into
griffon feathers (a preferred ingredient and cannot be rendered invisible place. The stone will not move when
in the spell ink formulae for writing fly except by a wish. The globe will remain the elevator is part way up or down,
spells) Another jar contains long, thick with its original owner until a wish or nor can the elevator be made to stop or
spiderwebs from a giant spider; they remove curse is cast on it, whereupon hesitate, except when fully up, flush
have several magical uses, but few the next person to touch the globe will with the floor, or fully down. The mosa-
immediate, practical ones. 1Wo more inherit it. This globe has a set light level ic is solid; it will not quiver, shift, or
jars contain brittle, sharp, foot-long (equivalent to a continual light), but in sound hollow when walked upon, so as
manticore tail-spikes, 20 to a jar. The general 70% of the globes may have to betray its function.
last three jars all contain pickled eye· their brightness controlled at the own· Under the table, at the E end, is nailed
balls (no magical properties) of various er's mental command, from dark to a a pair of copper straps, holding an ivory
creatures, sorted roughly by size: tiny, blinding flash (effects of this flash last tube. In the ivory tube lies a foot long,
human-size, and BIG. for 1-6 rounds). tapering wand of wood, with the word
6E contains only one jar. It holds a sin· "Eltzamm" engraved in Common at the
8. A pair of broken, splintered wooden
gle larva (q.v., MONSTER MANUAL) of large end. It is a wand of paral_vzation
double doors, eaten to almost nothing
7 hp, which has just awakened from (see the DUNGEON MASTERS GUIDE,
by wood·worms, lies or hangs precari·
stasis, and wants out of its sealed jar (a page 136) of three charges, and the
ously here, gaping open to reveal the
task it cannot accomplish without aid). engraving is its command word.
still-magnificent council chamber of the
The jar has special tiny breathing holes Guild of Naturalists. A sandalwood 9. The Undercells, enterable only via
pierced through the cork. This larva table, its top jet black and glossy, pol- the elevator described in 18 above
can speak and understand common, ished smooth under a layer of thick (note: the elevator can only be operated
although he rarely tells the truth; he grey dust is surrounded by 33 rather from above; if no one is left up in 118 to
will beg and cajole the PCs constantly to rickety wooden chairs, filling the cham· operate it, the four chains can easily be
release him, offering to lead them to ber. Behind it, facing the entry door, is a climbed). The elevator can carry up to
nearby treasure and so on. He will be gigantic, ten·foot·tall mosaic sigil (that fourteen persons, or their equivalent
entertained by any suffering they of the Guild), thus: with a match· weight (at approximately 200 pounds
endure. ing sigil of like size worked out in an each) of treasure or accoutrements; if
7. This 20'x30' room is lit with a pale, oval of mosaic tiles on the floor within this weight limit is exceeded, the stone
pearly radiance emanating from a the arms of the council table. Nothing will simply lock in place and the eleva-
glowing globe (see col. 2) which hangs else of interest is visible in this room; it tor will cease to work until the weight is
above a stained and scarred slate-top has two lockable doors like those of the reduced to within the limit.
granite table (its top 5'x12', and littered specimen closets (see #6, above); the This lowest level of the halls is very
with dissecting knives and pins, all cov· one on the E wall (leading to 110·14) is damp; the walls are stained by a recent
ered with dust). The globe can be locked and must be picked or forced; influx of at least four inches of standing
moved, of course, by a PC using the the door in the W wall (leading to 1120· water here, although it has all gone
proper method. In the NE corner of the 24) is unlocked and ajar. now, leaving only wet sand in patches
room is an obsidian plinth (itself worth Under the council table, in such a on the floor. A large central chamber is
900 gp or so, if brought to a large trad· place that it is near the feet of someone lined on its southern walls with 18 small
ing city intact) on which sits a rather sitting at the central chair of the five cell-like rusty iron cages. The bones of a
dusty but well-preserved stuffed dra- seats on the northernmost section of rat lie in one, but the doors of all are
gonne (q.v., MONSTER MANUAL) the table but out of the way of inadver· ajar; the locks have no keys and are
which will radiate its protective magics tent feet, is a four-inch square block of rusted solidly anyway.
faintly if a detect magic spell is cast on stone raised slightly from the surround· At either end of the room the edges of
it. The dragonne is stuffed with straw· ing stone. If depressed, it will sink doors can clearly be seen; these are
like reeds, and may (at the DM's option) below the surrounding floor, and a faint closed, very solid stone blocks that will
contain a map, note, or minor item lead· metallic squeaking and rattling will be defy all forcing or lifting attempts;
ing to further adventures in Myth heard, as a long.disused winch causes when down, they drop below the level
Drannor. Both doors to this room are the floor mosaic to sink downwards in of the chamber floor, so their bottom
identical to the one leading into 12. the manner of an elevator, to convey edges are unreachable, and they weigh
The glowing globe is a luminous magi· creatures upon it to the Undercells (see close to a ton each. Th'o raised-stone·
cal sphere which radiates light. It will 19 below). A second firm step on the

block controls (see 118, above) are visible or more held weapons or items are (identical to those found in the specimen
upon the careful examination, near the dropped or let go in the process. closets, 116), and rolled-up weighted
N wall beside each door; they will cause capture-nets, coils of rope (both nets and
11. The "mirror" will reflect approach-
the stone doors to grind slowly ropes are rotting, and will be easily
ing characters, and the room (1110), as a
upwards into the ceiling (they will not ruined by any vigorous use), and catch·
normal mirror, but anyone touching or
fall again until the control is activated). poles: wooden poles with metal, mechani-
striking the mirror with hand, weapon,
The door in the E wall leads into a cal grasping arms on one end,
or any item will instantly be teleported
chamber once used to confine fear- constructed so that pressure on a disc at
into (as a suggestion) the center of the
some beasts; it is now empty save for a the end of the pole will cause springs to
Court of Waterdeep, hundreds of miles
few very old bones in the corners. close a quartet of surrounding large,
away. (The DM is free to choose his own
Examinations will show that these have metal fingers. The poles are ten feet long
location in advance, even another
been gnawed and split by a very large· and have at their other ends metal sleeves
dungeon complex.) The mirror cannot
toothed animal or animals. that allow a second pole to be slipped in
be damaged, and beings directly hold-
The western door leads into a charn· and then turn-locked into place, to extend
ing the person touching the gate will
ber containing sixteen stone coffins: the whole apparatus to 20'. These catch-
also be teleported instantaneously;
massive rectangular blocks of granite, poles have survived the long years of dis-
physical restraints or aid cannot pre·
each holding a skeleton wrapped in a vent this effect. (DMs may elect to have use well, and are still sturdy. As weapons,
disintegrating shroud, a lid in a however, they are quite unwieldy unless
the gate reach other destinations, per·
hollowed-out area, covered by a simple one is especially skilled in their use by
haps different ones in rotation or at
slab lid (none are undead, and none training and long practice.
random, each time the gate is used;
have treasure). In the center of the S A secret door at the E end of the N
note that this could well scatter a party
wall of the L-shaped room is an inscrip· wall can be readily detected by the
across a continent or even a score of
tion cut into the wall in Common. It seams in the shelves which run across
different planes, if desired.)
reads, "Here lie the 'Beast-Turners: Natu· it, but as everything in the room is
The gate, or teleport node, was built
ralists Most Noble, Resting From Their thickly coated with dust, it will have to
when Myth Drannor flourished to give
Labors?' be looked for to be found.
the Naturalists-and those few elves
10. This large chamber contains a pool who aided them in the manufacture of 13. The unlocked secret door opens
of dark, still water, its surface two feet the gate-a secret connection to Water- into this hidden, musty-smelling
below the unguarded edge of the floor, deep. The gate is apparently a one-way 20'x20' chamber. On the N wall is a dis·
which runs around three sides of the affair, having no corresponding visible colored and mold-damaged map of the
pool, meeting the E wall of the chamber portal at the other end, although it may Realms, painted on a wooden board (it
in an apparently blank wall (actually once have been linked to magical items, cannot be removed in an intact condi-
containing a secret door) on the north now lost or hidden, that permitted two· tion), depicting the lost kingdoms swal-
side of the pool, and ending in a 7' high, way operation. Elves, at the time Myth lowed by Anauroch as flourishing, far
dark oval mirror (actually a permanent Drannor flourished, used Waterdeep as fewer Dales than there are now, a
magical gate; see below) on the south the major port connection between smaller Sembia, more Elven woods and
side of the pool. Evermeet and Faerun. The mirror-gate fewer northern cities everywhere
The pool is home to two fresh-water cannot be destroyed; it will defy any across Faerun. Arnn is not named, hav-
scrags (see MONSTER MANUAL II, page attempts to physically move it by tele- ing not yet been founded as a kingdom
121) of 41 and 36 hp, which will remain porting those attempting, regardless of when the map was made. In front of the
concealed as much as possible until the length or nature of the tools used, map is a stout, iron-bound oak chest,
they can reach up to snatch someone and will reflect all spells cast at or containing 1200 gp Un 12 cloth bags).
on the edge of the pool into the water through it back, 100%, upon the caster. The chest is Jocked, and well-preserved;
with them. 'Ii'eat all such attempts as If this is impossible due to the nature of the key is missing.
attacks, at + 2 to hit; if successful, no the spell, it will merely be lost. Full wish Facing the map and chest obliquely in
damage is done but the victim is spells will cause the gate to vanish (mov- the SE corner of the room is a wooden
grasped securely. If not directly aided ing elsewhere at random), even if the desk, and seated at it, the collapsed skel·
by another character at the time of the wish is that the gate be destroyed or eton of a man (not undead), Neziiral of
attack-not as an immediate reaction- moved to a specific location. the Naturalists by name if spoken to
the grasped character must successful- 12. On the N wall of this 20'x30' chamber, magically; he knows little of the halls.
ly make a Strength Check and a Neziiral has no treasure, but in the
on shelves, are stored empty jars of vary-
Dexterity Check to avoid ending up in drawers of the rickety desk are a potion
ing sizes with cork seals, dried, shrunken
the pool. If both checks are failed, one
things that were once blocks of wax

of healing (q.v., DMG) in a glass vial (there is no key). The side passage it seats stepped downward to a railless
corked and sealed with wax, and a opens into leads to stone stairs climbing front row fifteen feet above the sand.
potion of speed (q.v., DMG), similarly steeply (a rise of 30' in a run of 30'). At the In this area is a gorgon (see the
contained. There is also a small locked top, the stairs open without a door or bar- MONSTER MANUAL Pg 49) of 64 hp,
coffer of silver, tarnished black and rier into a gallery (see 816)-but sprawled who has emerged from stasis and left
lacking its key. Within is a cloth· face-down on the stairs near the top is the its cell (#170), and is bewildered and
wrapped item that will survive any acci- mouldering corpse of a dead male half. angry. It will attack immediately if the
dental battering or deliberate attacks: a ling, his skull crushed. PCs come here first; if not, it will
black obsidian talisman that looks like If speak with the dead is employed, this observe them in silence, keeping out of
this: picture. It is an inch thick with is Dahvro, a 3rd level thief and adventur- sight and staying silent, until they leave
rounded edges, is polished smooth, and er, out of Westgate who was born in Sem- the main hallway-wherupon it will
has a white ivory inlay for the eye. On bia's hills long ago, and came here to find move to the junction area where the
the reverse is a word in Common, treasure with a group of adventurers entry hall joins the main hall and await
"NAELOTH:' If spoken aloud, it will who formed casually in Hillsfa.r; am.I came the PCs alertly, ready to use its poison·
summon the creature whose name it here to seek treasure. The group saw no ous breath. It will refuse to be lured
is-a hellcat (see FIEND FOLIO® Turne, life on the way down, turning left down away from this spot, and will not flee
p. 50) of 50hp, who can be made to the main hallway and straight to the iron from any foe.
serve the holder of its talisman for nine gate, which Dahvro picked open. He does 17. Holding Cells: In these small com-
days. The hellcat will seek to subvert not know how he met his end, which partments creatures were held prior to
commands given to it, and lead the occurred almost two years ago. The half·
introduction into the arena (#16), or
talisman-holder into misfortune and ling is clad in black-gloves, pants, and after study in the arena. All are stone-
death, unless the holder is Lawful Evil shirt, all of leather. He is barefoot. At his walled cubicles, with stone floors cov·
in alignment. belt is an empty dagger-sheath-the ered with sand (and in some places,
In the W wall of the room, a secret weapon is gone-a black silk mask, and a
rotten straw, too); all have an iron-
door of greater-than-average width piv- bag containing a small purse of 12 gp and barred front wall with lockable doors.
ots outward, to allow access to 114. a set of thieves' picks and tools. A 40-foot All except D, J, and K are locked.
coil of waxed cord is wound around his A is empty.
14. This 20'x20' room contains only a
waist at belt-level. His corpse is infested B contains three shriekers (see MON·
xorn (see MONSTER MANUAL, p. 102)
with 34 rot grubs (cf. MONSTER MAN· STER MANUAL p. 87) of 22, 16, and 9
of 48 hp, surrounded by a flickering
UAL, p.83) which will swarm to attack hp. They will shriek the instant PCs
white aura. This is fading rapidly as the
immediately upon the body being touch- introduce any light into the area. This
PCs observe it, for it was a separate sta-
ed. will alert all living creatures in this
sis field maintained by a unique spell
that was broken by the opening of the 16. This large room is entered by mas- end of the Halls, and all creatures
door. The xom was not pleased by its sive, iron-barred wooden doors, each immersed in water anywhere in the
capture and imprisonment, and will twelve feet high, the one from the hall- Halls, by the vibrations.
attack any living things it sees when way being two sets of double doors C is empty.
able to do so (on the second round after opening inward. All of these doors pres- D is open and empty; the gorgon (see
the PCs open the secret door the xorn ently have their bars thrown aside, and #16) came from here.
will be free to move). The xom will hang ajar. This room was a viewing and E contains the nearly skeletal, shriv-
phase into the floor to escape if brought training arena where the Naturalists eled corpse of an owlbear.
to 114 of its hit points of less. Closing the watched creatures stalk prey, react Fis empty.
door of this room will not renew the socially to others of their own kind, fly G is empty.
stasis; it is gone forever. if aerial in nature, and build nests or H contains the feathers and bones of a
dens if the materials were provided. It hippogriff, and a faint smell of death.
15. Here a side passage leads off the long
is presently simply an open, empty I is empty.
main hallway of the complex. This pas-
chamber. The floor is covered with two J is empty.
sage is separated from the main hall by
feet of damp, mold-splotched sand; the K is empty.
an iron gate and arch that stretch from
ceiling is 40 feet above that and has L contains the bones of a humanoid,
floor to ceiling. Although this barrier is with two skulls (an ettin).
crumbled and fallen in some places, but
ornamented by floral scrollwork, and is
is stable and will not fall unless a fireball Mis empty.
of iron dark with rust, its bars are thick
or similar explosion occurs in the cham- N is the Keeper's Room; a corroded
and solidly embedded in the walls; it will
ber. The room ends on the south with a ring of brass keys hangs on the S wall
stop most beasts if closed and locked. It is
4-tier viewing gallery of bare stone of this area-keys to all of the cells
presently ajar, having been picked open

and all doors of the arena. Peepholes the many beasts in the halls over the which are placed at least six gems
in the N, W, and s walls allow views centuries. (any type) of 500 gp value. This is the
into the surrounding areas (the W Phezult's Sleep of Ages
spell-focus referred to above. When
wall is stone, not bars, in which is a the spellcasting is complete, four of
(Alteration) Reversible
locked secret door into the corridor Level: 9 these gems vanish, consumed in the
of the cells). Components: V,S,M act of releasing the spell's power. The
18. This 20'x40' chamber was once a Range: 1" /level of caster rest fuel the stasis field and thus
robing room for Naturalists preparing Casting Time: 3 rounds dwindle slowly as time passes. Rough-
to leave by one of the gates in the Halls, Duration: Permanent ly one year of stasis is yielded per 10
and its South and East walls are stud- Saving Throw: Negates gp of gem value. Removal of any gem-
ded with pegs, on which hang the rot· Area of Effect: All living creatures in stone from the circle, or the breaking
of the ring itself, will instantly end the
ting wisps of garments. There is range
nothing of value here, and the gar- Explanation/Description: By means of stasis effect as will using up all of the
ments will disintegrate if handled. On this spell, a stasis field is created gems. However, any number of gems
its eastern side, this room is separated about the spell focus, radiating out- can be added to the inside of the ring
ward in an expanding sphere to increase the period of efficacy, by
from the hallway by rotting curtains
through solid rock and other physical "refueling" it.
which will also disintegrate into dust if
disturbed. A narrow secret door on the or magical barriers. (Only an anti- The stasis can be lifted from individ-
N wall of this room leads to an office magic shell, prismatic sphere, or ual creatures without harm (and
(#19) by means of a steep flight of stairs. closed cube- or spherically-shaped without releasing other creatures
wall of force will stop its effects.) It under the same stasis) by casting tem-
19. This 20'x20' office has no door, but
expands 2" /round until it reaches a poral reinstatment (cf. temporal sta-
opens directly out from the stairs. It
maximum spherical volume of 1" sis in the PLAYERS HANDBOOK"') or
contains two unsafe wooden chairs
drawn up at a circular table. On the radius/level of the caster. All living Phezult's Awakening (the reverse of
creatures within this field, except the this spell) upon the creature(s)
table is a crystal ball. On the floor near
caster and any protected as noted desired. If Phezult's Awakening is cast
the N wall of the room is a copper-
above, must save vs. spells or be upon the spell focus, rather than on
sheathed wooden chest (the sheaths
now green due to the damp), which is placed in suspended animation individual creatures, the stasis field
(whether they wish to be or not). shrinks gradually to not at the same
locked and missing its key.
Creatures of level or hit dice equal to, rate at which it originally expanded,
A round after the first PC enters this
greater than, or up to three levels or freeing any creatures as it does so,
room a tiny light will appear in the
depths of the crystal globe which ·will dice less than the spellcaster save nor- and no further gemstone material is
mally. Creatures of 4 to 7 hit dice or lost. (The awakening does not require
begin to grow. 1\.vo rounds later the
levels save at an additional -1 penal- any gems or blood, but merely drops
ball, blinding in its brightness, will
ty for every level less than seven of pure or holy water.)
explode, showering the PCs in the room
with fragments (anyone in the room below the caster's. The body func- Creatures entering the field after it
tions of affected creatures virtually has reached its full extent (even dec-
must save vs. spells or take 1 hp damage
cease, but they do not die as a result ades or centuries after the spell was
from the flying glass). Released from
of this state-nor will they grow older cast) must save vs. spells to avoid fall-
this shattered prison, a xeg-yi (see
MONSTER MANUAL II, p. 128) of 5 HD as the years pass. If the creature in ing into stasis. The penalties for their
stasis is slain by another means (phys· level or hit dice apply as described
and 33 hp will attack any living thing it
ical attack, crushing or burial or above, but so does a + 3 bonus to the
sees in the halls, and pursue until slain
drowning due to environmental save for any creature arriving in the
or until it has slain all such quarry. If
the crystal ball is attacked before it changes around their body, and the field after it has stabilized at full
like), stasis ends instantly, and the extent. Such a save must be made
explodes, such attacks will have no
body will decay normally, for the each time a creature enters the stasis
effect upon it, or upon the xeg-yi with·
assaulted creature only, not all others field, even if it has entered and been
In the chest is a ring of warmth (q.v., caught in the stasis. unaffected before, but each creature
DMG), a ring of water walking (q.v., The spell requires at least nine drops need save only once per exposure to a
DMG), and a bone tube corked at both of the caster's own blood smeared particular Sleep of Ages stasis field
ends and sealed with wax. Within the into an unbroken ring of a radius not (i.e. not per each round of a single
tube is a scroll with a single unique spell more than the overall length of the exposure).
on it; the same spell that has preserved caster's hand (wrist to fingertips), into

Phezult's circle, which places a stasis glow with a faint white radiance, and to move horizontally, as well as down-
over the entire hall complex (consider begin to levitate upward very slowly wards, with ease.
what Phezult's level must have been!), (1" /round). It will halt when stepped off Four doors in this chamber (identical
was drawn on the floor where the two of, but will continue to rise whenever to those of #6) are all locked and the
large corridors of the Halls meet; its touched, unless willed to go down. keys missing.
gems were only recently exhausted, (This requires constant and firm con- 21. This ZO'x20' room is empty.
breaking the stasis. centration which precludes spellcast·
ing, intricate handiwork or other 22. This 20'x20' room is empty.
20. This chamber contains yet another
mental activity, or heavy fighting.) The 23. This 20'x 30' room contains a gorgi-
mosaic sigil of the Naturalists set into mosaic can levitate any weight or num-
the floor, and another mirror-gate. (For mera (see MONSTER MANUAL II, p 70)
ber of things that can be placed upon it, of 61 hp. Before charging PCs can reach
details of the gate refer to #11). This and will easily fit up the entry shaft as a
mirror-gate may lead to any location in it, it can breathe down the corridor
sort of elevator. It has a permanent levi- leading into its dark prison, whichIt do
the Realms at the DM's choice. Alterna-
tation placed on it, and could well be without hesitation the moment the
tives include the dust desert of Haurin
(13-5), the Moonshaes (FR-2), the edge of inadvertently lost skyward if someone door into its prison is opened.
falls asleep on it or carries a wounded
the desert of Anauroch, or any other or unconscious person onto it, since it 24. This 20'x30' chamber is home to a
location as the DM sees fit. This mirror female tabaxi (see the FIEND FOLIO®
will rise as long as a living being is
may also be used as an arrival point for Turne, p. 86) of 14 hp; it is naked and
touching it and cannot be willed down-
high-level characters from other cam- weaponless, and will attack if menaced,
ward by someone asleep or uncon-
paigns. (In either case, the mirror-gate scious. If several living persons try to but will cooperate with the party if
is one-way.) will it in different directions, it will rise offered food and freedom. It does not
The mosaic, like that in the council instead. If all persons aboard unite to speak common, but its name sounds
chamber (#8), is actually affixed to a sin- will it in one direction, or one person like "Miiyeriial" if voiced or announced
gle oval stone which, if stepped on, will telepathically.
directs and none oppose, it can be made

Lasban·s FaJJ In all the hurly-burly of war, the his power again. An ancient map
(first appeared as "Into the Forgotten elves, who for centuries barred men supplied to you by the sage Elmin-
Realms" in DRAGON® Magazine #95) from entering their vast woods, sud- ster leads you through the ruined,
denly vanished. The Elven Court for- overgrown city of Myth Drannor to
PlayeRs' iol=ORTT.lacioa merly adjoined the Dales on the an empty, high-ceilinged hall whose
north and east. Rumor has it that all doors are fallen and whose spired
The following text should be read to the of the elves have traveled west over- towers are no more. Within lies a
players. seas to Evermeet, the island kingdom stair leading down to the School of
of the elves, to be quit of men for- Wizardry. Time is running out, and
The Dalelands of the Forgotten ever. Their disappearance leaves the you need to gather all of the magic
Realms have been your homes, as well Elven Court open to exploration- you can and destroy the rest, to pre·
as your adventuring grounds, for and deep within it lies the lost, fabled vent Lashan's return to power. The
many years. The following events are city of Myth Drannor, once a center adventure has begun.
common knowledge among you and of magical knowledge where men
have weighed heavily upon your and elves worked together. It is
thoughts for months. Lord Lashan, thought to still contain much mighty DM's loFoRrr.lacioo
recently made ruler of the tiny coastal magic in the surviving, underground
land of Scardale (so named because it halls of the School of Wizardry Unknown to the party, Lashan has
lies within a long river gorge, or there. Lashan was known to have already beaten them to Myth Drannor's
"scar"), raised armies to conquer the sent two expeditions (their fates School of Wizardry-and he has paid a
surrounding Dales, and he nearly suc- unknown) into the woods during the high price for it, too. Lashan and a
ceeded. It has been a long, bloody year past year to reach it. The Dalesfolk hand-picked group of bodyguards
of battles up and down the Dales, and fear he is hurrying to Myth Drannor entered the underground school and
most of them - Harrowdale, Battle- now with the last of his warriors, discovered that it was inhabited by the
dale, Deepingdale, Tusseldale, and seeking magic to defeat his foes and former head of the School of Wizardry
Featherdale - have felt Lashan's rule conquer the Dales once again. until it was abandoned three hundred
during it, while the remainder have You are a diverse band of adventur- years ago when the city above it was
had to fight off warriors in their very ers hastily assembled from taverns, taken in a war. The archmage was left
streets. temples, and gaming houses of Sha- in the school at his own request, to pur-
In the end, Lashan's military dowdale and Mistledale. Shadowdale sue his own increasingly evil experi-
power was broken by the combined lies nearest to the lost city, and its lord, ments and summonings.
might of the kingdoms of Sembia to Mourngrym (for Doust Sulwood and At Jong last the archmage, named Azi-
the south and Cormyr to the west his friends have left Shadowdale to
mer, became a lich. He has also become
(both of whom preferred a cluster of gradually more and more insane, and
seek adventure), has gathered you to
peaceful, independent Dales as even now as a lich he has but a tenuous
get to Myth Drannor before Lashan
neighbors to a tyrant's warrior king- does, and destroy, bear away, or bury grasp on reality. Azimer believes he is
dom), the remaining Dales and the forever any magic there, to keep it still a living human being and has con-
magical powers they could muster, from the conqueror. You will be well tinuous hallucinations and delusions
and by Lashan's heavy reliance upon rewarded by all the Dales, Mourngrym that the school is active, that he is its
mercenary troops. The tide turned promises (and you know him for a man leader, and that the world is his to com-
at the battle of Mistledale, where the of his word, a cavalier of courtly man- mand. He also believes there are unseen
Lord of Shadowdale, Doust Sul- ners and true honorl-but he warns "enemies" constantly trying to get into
wood, and his companions held off the school, though he has done little to
you not to covet much magic for your-
Lashan's forces until the other arm- selves, for some of it is fey and danger- fortify the school over the years.
ies attacked his holdings in the ous. He would hate to have to battle When Lashan discovered Azimer, the
south, and thereby prevented all the lich at first believed that the warrior
you, instead of Lashan, come spring.
Dales from being swept by Lashan's You set out hurriedly and travel was one of his sorcerous pupils and
troops. Relentlessly have Lashan's through that vast wood for two days asked Lashan to perform some errands.
foes pressed him these last two without meeting or seeing a Jiving Though Lashan's terrified bodyguards
months, and the empire he carved fled, attempting to escape the dreadful
creature. Frost is in the air; winter is
has melted away to nothing. Lashan almost come-a winter in which apparition of the lich, the hot-tempered
himself has not been captured. Lashan, if successful, \-vill try to build and foolhardy Lashan elected to attack,
and he easily wounded Azimer with his


~ ~ ~ ~

~~00·- •:·i i•·: · '····:i~~~

magical sword. Azimer became instant· piece. The "statue" is a stone guardian with garments hanging on the walls.
ly convinced that Lashan was one of the (AC 2, MV 10'', 4 +4 HD, 36 hp, 2 attacks Stone benches are placed in the center
"enemies" who wanted to slay him, and for 2-9/2-9, size M). It can detect invisi- of the room and run all around the
he quickly destroyed the ex-tyrant and bility, it is immune to poison, cold, walls of the room beneath the clothing.
all of his followers. charms, holds, normal missiles, and Small cracks are visible in the walls, and
Azimer has calmed down since then fear; it takes one-quarter damage from something may be seen moving under a
and will, if carefully treated, prove rela- edged weapons, half damage from cold, bench in the far corner. The moving
tively harmless to an adventuring party fire, and electricity. The guardian can being is a small, gray, harmless lizard
unless provoked. He will not automati- be slain instantly by dig, stone to flesh, (AC 6, MV 12", 1 hp). If disturbed, it will
cally attack anyone unless he is transmute rock to mud, or stone shape. blunder straight out at the party and
attacked first. See area 28 for more The stone guardian will attack anyone then run for the safety of a wide crack
details on his current personality. forcing open the door to area 16. (All in the wall. The room is a former ward-
doors open outward, into this room.) robe; the benches are rotten, with rot-
Tbe Scbool Of Wi.zaR.()R.y If the door to area 16 is touched, a ten boots beneath them, and hanging
magic mouth will appear on it and say, from wooden pegs are rotting cloaks
1. In the center of the high-ceilinged,
"You dare disturb the one who rules and hats. A small brass ring (non·
dusty hall is a spiral stairway with no
Myth Drannor? Give his name, or you magical) can be found sewn into the
rail, the stone steps corkscrewing down shall not pass:• The answer is "Azimer" hem of one cloak.
into darkness. The stairs are littered (see area 28). Anyone calling out this
with dust, cobwebs, tiny skeletons of 5. The door from area 2 is already open,
word will find the door easily opened; it
rats that crunch underfoot, and frag- leading into a featureless 30-foot-long
will be locked (non-magically). Forcing
ments of stone fallen from the ceiling stone passage which leads to another
the door open (requiring a bend bars
far above. The stairs are dry, cold, and open stone door. This last door opens
roll, as the lock cannot be picked) will
smooth, sculpted of single blocks of into a 30' x 70' room with a 50' ceiling
wake the stone guardian. If the door
stone. They descend for 60 feet. As the that was once a feasting hall. Rotting,
leading to area 16 is not molested, the
characters descend the stairs, the first long, wooden tables march in two lines
stone guardian will remain motionless
character carrying a light source will down the room, with fifteen wooden
unless attacked. chairs on either side and a high-backed
notice that someone else has come Lashan and several soldiers from his
down these steps within the last day, seat at the far end. Archways open in
fallen army entered the Myth Drannor
probably a group of several men judg- the middle of the walls on the right and
complex less than a day ago. Having
ing by the number of boot prints visible left, blocked by cobweb-shrouded cur·
heard that the last known ruler of the
on the dusty stone steps. tains. At the far end of the room hangs a
mages' school was an archmage named
Unless otherwise stated, all doors in rusty iron bar high up on wall brackets;
Azimer, Lashan gave the correct
this dungeon complex require a normal from the bar hang long tatters of mil-
response and was allowed to pass
door-opening roll. (Azimer routinely dewed, black fabric-once some sort of
through, unaware that Azimer was still
bypasses all doors with his dimension vast tapestry covering most of the wall.
around (see area 28). Lashan stationed
door, knock, and wizar d lock spells.) Not enough is left to tell what it depict-
two guards here (see area 5). Anyone
2. The stairs end in an octagonal room, can tell from looking at the floor that a 1\vo bodies (slain within the last day)
apparently carved out of solid rock. number of men recently walked
will be discovered in this room. Both of
Four closed, featureless stone doors through this area, some going to area
the bodies are human males, wearing
with brass pull-rings are visible, one in 16 and some to area 5. chain mail armor and carrying broad
each of the diagonal walls of the room. 3. This door opens to reveal a solid wall swords. Their military dress identifies
In the center of the room is a circular, of stone rubble, which will spill into the them as followers of Lashan, from Scar-
moated pool that looks as if it was once room with a roar and a cloud of dust. dale. One of the men has a dagger +2
a fountain, now dry and choked with The more rubble dug away by the par- on his belt in a plain sheath; the other
stony rubble. All is dark, silent, and still. ty, the more rubble will fall into the has no extra equipment. Each of them
Against the wall between the doors space cleared. This formerly led to the was apparently struck by something on
leading to areas 3 and 16 stands a 9· living quarters of the mages and the face, arms, and chest that produced
foot-tall stone humanoid statue, facing apprentices. (This area may be cleared frostbite and killed them; they bear
the center of the room. The statue is and expanded for non-tournament scars that resemble bony hand marks.
motionless, its eyes closed and its hands campaign play if the Dungeon Master They were apparently trying to flee
at its sides. In the rubble in the fountain desires.) from something coming from area 2
is a brass key (which fits no lock in this (see areas 2 and 15).
complex) and a tarnished, green silver 4. This door opens into a smaller room

What struck each of these formerly hooks overhead. All utensils are gone. A for 2·5 hp damage). The larva escaped
2nd-level fighters was, of course, Azi- large, sooty stone hearth and chimney from Azimer a week ago when brought
mer, who was in a killing frenzy due to are also present. In the end wall on the over to the kitchen (area 9), and Azimer,
Lashan's successful attack upon him characters' left is a low, arched opening in his addled state, never thought to
(see area 28). If speak with dead is used that begins two feet up the wall. 'IWo look for it again. If discovered, the larva
on either of the two men, he will shriek heavy wooden doors (with diagonal will plead for mercy, spewing forth any
in terror, crying out about "The cok!J framing) face the characters on the wall number of lies and false promises to
The cold!" If asked who slew him, the ahead. If anyone inspects the chimney help the party. It only wishes to escape
man will answer, "The bones! The walk· closely, a shrieking, yellow-eyed bat will the dungeon. It will claim to be a pala-
ing, cold bones!" The DM should play fly out of the chimney right at the char- din cursed by Azimer to look like a
this up for the maximum horrific effect acters. It's an ordinary bat (AC 8, MY worm, but will not say anything more
on the party. 111 IZ4 11 1 114 HD, 2 hp, bites for 1 hp dam· about Azimer except that the mage is
6. The archway on the left opens into a age plus disease, as per cause disease, if crazy. The larva will make no reference
smaller (20' x 30') room, with a single a save vs. poison is not made). A charac- to Azimer's lichhood.
long table and five chairs drawn up ter may climb up the chimney if he pos-
11. The door to this room is latched but
around it. This was once an exclusive sesses any climbing ability; otherwise, a
not locked. It creaks loudly when
dining area for the teaching wizards, character has a 40% chance of success· opened to reveal a long, bare room that
fully climbing the chimney passage. smells faintly of herbs, apples, onions,
the Masters. A passage leads off to the
The chimney exits into the ruins of
south. If the furniture is examined care· and the like. The floor is strewn with
Myth Drannor overhead, serving as an
fully, a 1-foot-long, tapering wand of damp, rotting rushes, from among
wood (stained to match the table) might emergency escape route (though it is a which comes a phosphorescent glow at
filthy one, too). If the chopping-block
be found slipped into ring-like holders the far end of the room. The glow is
on the underside of the table. It is a table is closely inspected, it will be from a small (one foot long), harmless
wand of wonder, with its command found to be covered with a peculiar, glowworm. Nothing of value is here.
word ("Zamper") engraved on the butt. gummy ichor. A large meat cleaver is
lying on the tabletop, its blade also cov- 12. A room identical to 11 (another pan·
The wand will only be noticed by a
ered with the ichor. This is the place try), but without the glowworm. If the
detect magic spell, or if anyone search·
where Azimer has been killing larvae chamber is searched thoroughly, a nar-
ing the table rolls a 1on1d6.
brought to him by summoned demons row gap may be found in the walls at
7. Garderobe (toilet). This room con- and night hags, which helps him to the back Oeading to area 13). The gap
tains only a wooden seat with a hole in maintain his lichhood (though he no \-vill be found by a character on a roll of
it, a torch bracket above and a shelf longer sees himself as a lich at all). 1-3 on a d6 if the room is searched for at
beside it, and a peg in the wall for coats. least 5 rounds.
The hole leads down into a stream far 10. This 10-foot-wide, 20-foot-deep root
cellar has a low, arched stone-block 13. A dark, rough-walled, natural stone
below; if one lifts the seat from its ledg-
ceiling and a fairly level solid stone passage with uneven footing, slick with
es, one can get down into the stream damp and harmless molds and lichens,
using a rope. 'frying to climb down the floor. In it are bunches of old, moulder·
ing onions, a spongy, pungent-smelling leads to a natural cavern. The cavern
narrow tunnel to the stream without a smells of wine and some unidentifiable
rope leaves a 40% chance for anyone keg of beer (now spoiled), a large pile of
straw, and a row of six empty earthen· rotting substance. The floor has a
(except a thief) to slip and fall, doing 2· secret door in it (detected on a 1 on 1d6
12 hp damage to himself. If any charac- ware jugs. A seventh jug has rolled into
a corner and still has its stopper in by any character searching for it; roll
ters drop into the stream below, which once per turn of searching). If the door
flows to the south, see area 24 for fur- place. It is heavy, and sloshing noises
come from inside when it is picked up. is opened, a small pit will be discovered
ther information. in which the mouldering remains of
The jug once contained potent root
8. Garderobe, identical to area 7 except wine; however, it and the beer have several larvae and some minor treasure
that anyone trying to climb down into both spoiled and are now poisonous are stored. A potion of fire giant
the stream below will become stuck. A (loss of 2 hp, plus wracking pains and strength, 120 gp, and a wand of magic
thief has a chance equal to his climb nausea for one turn if any amount of missiles (with 3 charges) are here.
walls roll (one attempt only allowed) to these is consumed; no spellcasting, 14. The door to this room is made of
get free and continue on down the attacks, or defense possible during this stone and locked (it must be picked or
shaft. time), though neither tastes bad. forced open with a bend bars roll to get
9. This was a kitchen, with a chopping- Hiding under the straw in the cellar is in). Within is a 20' x 20' empty room,
block table and a beam ceiling with iron a larva (AC 7, MY 6", 1 HD, 8 hp, bites once a storeroom.

15. Another storeroom with a stone indicating a depth of about 60 feet.) The it from attacking) will attack by swoop·
door, but this door's lock has been chasm is crossed by a row of seven ing past the party, biting and tail-lashing
picked. Opening this door will still glowing, pearly-white squares, appar· as it shrieks for five rounds. The doom-
require a bend bars roll, since material ently made up only of light, each 7' x 7' bat, after it finishes the 5-round shriek·
has been shoved against the other side and separated from the next square by ing attack, will then start attacking
of the door to jam it shut. Inside the a 3-foot gap (or 1 1/2 feet from the tunnel characters by snatching at them with
room is the body of another of Lashan's floors on either side). All is silent. Far to its feet (roll to hit as a 6 HD monster to
men, an elf fighter/thief in leather the left, 90 feet away, some sort of grab victim) and dropping them into
armor who was probably the last of arched bridge or viaduct can be seen the chasm. Once someone has fallen
Lashan's men to die inside the mages' paralleling the squares of light (see area into the chasm, the doombat will fly
school. The elf escaped from Azimer as 24); the sound of rushing water comes down and attack him there continu-
the lich chased and killed the rest of the from the bridge. ously until the victim is slain and
men in the northern end of the The chasm is 60 feet deep, measuring another victim can be caught and
dungeon across the chasm (area 16); from the level of the squares; any char· dropped.
having made it across the chasm, the elf acter falling into it takes 6d6 points of The doombat cannot enter the tun-
discovered that Azimer had used damage and must make a system shock nels leading out of the chasm. It is fam-
dimension door to arrive in area 2 roll in order to escape becoming lame ished from lack of food and will never
(judging from the screams of the guards (move at 3" speed permanently). Roll retreat once its attacks have started.
there). The elf took refuge in area 15 percentile dice whenever a character Anyone hearing the doombat's cries has
after picking the lock, but Azimer moves from one square to the next, a 5% greater chance of falling when
found him anyway with another dimen· with a result of 00 indicating that the moving from square to square.
sion door. Azimer, still enraged from character has slipped on a square's When the foremost member of the
Lashan's successful attack on him (see slightly slick surface and fallen. Do not party reaches the square closest to the
area 28), immediately slew the elf with roll when a character crosses from a northern tunnel entrance, a piercer
his freezing touch. Frostbitten scars in tunnel to a square, or from a square to a (AC 3, MV 1", 4 HD, 20 hp, 4·24 hp dam-
the shape of skeletal hands appear over tunnel mouth. A running character has age from drop, 95% likely to surprise)
the elf's face, arms, and chest. a 10% chance of slipping off when will fall on him or her (normal hit roll
If searched, the elf will be found to jumping from square to square. A char- required).
have a set of thieves' tools, a pouch acter will normally cross the chasm in 3 17. The chasm is dark, with a rocky
inside his armor with two gems (both rounds, taking half a round (5 seg- floor strewn with sand (there was once
worth 100 gp), a pass identifying the ments) to cross from one square to an underground lake here), bones from
bearer as an agent of Lashan's army, another; crossing from a tunnel to a the doombat's and piercer's victims,
and a ring of water breathing (as per square or vice versa is considered to be and some minor treasure. Glowing
the druid spell, with indefinite dura· automatic. Running across the chasm molds and fungi can be found here, and
tion). A speak with dead spell will reveal successfully takes only half a round. harmless crickets and cave snakes nest
the elf's spirit to be rational, but very If struck solidly by a monster (see in the shadows. The shell of a long-dead
calculating and angry that he has been below) while on one of the squares, a giant scorpion rises ship-like at the east·
slain. He knows it was a lich that killed character has a 5% chance of falling off ern end of the chasm floor, and the
him, but will not tell this to the party per hit point of damage inflicted on remains of several humans litter the
out of sheer maliciousness (he was a him. The light squares will solidly sup· ground under the light squares. (All fell
neutral evil elf). If he can mislead the port characters without dipping or from the walkway above.) Only the
party, he will do so. moving, regardless of how much most recently dead human may be con-
weight is put on them. A dispel magic tacted using a speak with dead spell; he
16. The corridor ends on the lip of a
cast on a square will cause it to wink out will prove cooperative, but only if his
vast, dark chasm: a natural under·
of existence instantly, dropping what· body is given a proper burial (his reli·
ground rift lit here and there by glow·
ever is on it to the chasm floor. gion requires his body to be immolat·
ing patches of yellow fungi. Some 70
When the foremost member of the ed). He knows about Azimer's lichhood,
feet away, on the other side of the
party reaches the center square over having been in area 28 when Lashan
cavern and slightly lower, the corridor
the chasm, a doombat (kept as a guard· attacked the former archmage, but he
opens out again. The rough, stalactite· ian by Azimer; AC 4, MV 18" , 6 + 3 HD,
studded ceiling of the cavern is visible ran before he knew of Lashan's fate.
33 hp, bites for 1·6 hp and lashes for 1·4
overhead; the bottom is shrouded in One skeleton wears rotten leather
hp, shriek ruins all spellcasting armor, with a short sword + 1, + 2 vs.
darkness. (A pebble or other item
attempts and causes all hit attempts to magic-using and enchanted creatures,
dropped will take two seconds to hit, have a -1 penalty; light spells will keep

and two normal silvered daggers (one floor. The mosaic pattern is that of the less.
at belt, one in left boot). It wears a gold wizard's school that once flourished 22. This large (60' high x 170' long x 40'
ring (worth 10 gpl and has 60 feet of here. A roll of 1 on ld6 indicates that wide at its widest) irregular, natural
waxed cable looped around its waist as anyone searching this area for one turn
cavern has a sandy floor, and a clear·
a belt. Beside this one is a skeleton in will successfully detect the trap on the watered, cold, swift-flowing stream at
rusty but usable chain mail, with a sigil. The two doors are wizard Jocked its west end. The water falls down the
crumpled metal shield under it, a long (19th level). If the sigil is stepped on or
rock face from clefts high up, collects in
sword belted to it, and a handaxe fallen disturbed in any way, a hole will slently
a tiny pool, and flows swiftly to the
nearby. It has a tinder box, two large open in the ceiling above it and an iron southwest where the cavern narrows.
empty sacks, and a broken lantern. cobra (AC O, MV 12", 1 HD, 8 hp, bites
It is large enough for characters to
A skeleton in tattered robes is close for 1·3 plus poison (sleep for 1·2 hours), swim across. The room is lit by a faint
by, wearing a brass ring (a ring of pro· saves as 12th·level magic-user, immune
faerie fire radiance cast on the ceiling
tection + 3) and clutching a broken to all will-force spells and webs, takes
above the stream. 1\vo of Lashan's men
staff. In its backpack are a stoppered half damage from normal weapons,
escaped as far as this cavern when Azi·
stainless steel vial (a potion of healing, 49% chance to hide in shadows, moves
mer becmae enraged, but their bodies
restores 2d4 + 2 hp), three broken can- silently) will strike down out of it at any-
lie in the northeast end of the cavern,
dles, two quills, a bottle of ink, and a one and everyone in area 18. The actual
slain by magic missiles. Each man is
spellbook with 16 pages in it. The last lair of the iron cobra is a 5' square dressed in chain mail and carries a
three are blank; the others contain alcove above area 18.
broad sword; neither possesses any
burning hands, enlarge, identify, jump, 19. This 20' x 30' room is lined with equipment of consequence. If contact-
read magic, shield, spider climb, write, deep, floor·to·ceiling shelves covering ed by a speak with dead spell, either
continual light, invisibility, knock, all four walls (except for the door). In man will prove talkative, but neither
locate object, and dispel magic. Material
the center of the room is.a sturdy tres· knows of Lashan's fate.
components packaged in cloth bags, for
tie table and two high stools. The
the castings of all of these spells, can be .23. The stream rushes rapidly along a
shelves are crammed with stored mate-
found in the pockets of the robes. natural passage, a rough-walled chute
rial components for spells and equip· with 4·6 inches of dank airspace
Near the northern end of the chasm is ment, including 16 brass braziers, a pot
a skeleton in red robes, with studded between the stone ceiling and the
of pitch, eight intact turtle shells, and a water. Characters swimming the icy
leather armor underneath and an iron wide assortment of jars containing eve-
helm. A sha~tered wooden pendant, stream will become numb almost imme-
rything from coal to crystals to human diately; they will find it hard to hold
probably once a holy symbol, hangs
eyelashes. If the shelves are examined things, their coordination becoming
from its neck, and a smashed lantern is
closely, a doorway-wide section in the slow, imprecise, and weak (reduce dex-
gripped in one hand. 1\vo shattered south-east corner will be found to have
glass flasks are in a pack on its back, terity by half, dropping fractions). This
joints in it (breaks or seams in all the
and a hammer hangs from its left wrist effect will last for 5·10 rounds after a
shelves). If pulled, this section will
by a looped strap. A mace + 1 is in a character leaves the stream. Between
swing out to reveal a dark passageway the cavern (area .22) and the viaduct
wrapped sheath at its belt; this glows as
behind it. (area 24), the swimmers will be swept
a crimson faerie fire when grasped.
A freshly dead human in plate mail, 20. This 30' x 30' room has an unlocked, into a skeleton lodged against an old
with intact metal shield, helm, and open stone door; it contains only a iron grating (which is twisted to one
armored boots, lies on top of the cleric's wooden armchair and circular · table, side, allowing easy passage). Examina-
remains. A dagger is at its feet, a broad with a ring of eight stools around it. All tion of the skeleton, which is that of a
sword in its hand, and a (broken) javelin are rotting and somewhat rickety. magic-user, will reveal a brass ring of
slung across its back. The human's feather falling and a silvered dagger in a
21. This area is similar to area 20,
shield has the insignia of Lashan's army belt sheath. The skeleton has a single
except that the door is closed and wiz.
upon it. His belt purse contains 15 gp, 2 ard locked (19th level). The walls of this pearl on a chain about its neck, a pearl
ep, and 5 cp. of power which recalls a 3rd-level spell
room are covered in illegible scrawl,
if worn by a magic-user.
18. 1\vo featureless stone doors (to written with a charcoal stick. Azimer, in
areas 19 and 27) and a corridor open his madness, believes he is creating a 24. The stream is carried across the
out from this chamber, which contains new potion formula that will give him chasm here by a 4-foot-high walled via·
an empty torch bracket set into the wall immortality and godlike powers; in duct, before it plunges once more into a
in one corner and a sigil in red mosaic truth, as any magic-user of 8th level or rocky tunnel. If the stream is followed
tiles inlaid in the center of the pale gray higher will be able to tell, it is meaning- further, the party will find it passes

underneath two shafts or holes-the same manner as the dead in areas 5 and in this way for apprentices to "wake"
garderobes of areas 7 and 8-before 15. They were former warriors of them in times of need.)
sweeping on for miles under the earth Lashan. 1\vo closed, wizard locked (19th level)
to join the River Ashaba just north of 'lreasure is scattered about the room, stone doors are set in the walls of this
Mistledale. The cold water will quickly and consists of a short sword, three hallway, one at the east end, and one at
paralyze any unprotected character daggers, four iron spikes, a wooden the south wall (leading to areas 27 and
who is even partially immersed in it, mallet, a 60' rope, a bullseye lantern, a 28, respectively).
with this effect beginning as soon as a wand of enemy detection (four charges 27. This 20' x 60' room was once the
character passes the shaft leading up to left), a purse with 6 gp, a broad sword library of the School of Wizardry; now
area 8. Any paralyzed character who + 2, a hammer, a spear, three sets of it is a fire-scarred ruin. Ashes and
does not have some means of breathing chain mail, two blankets, two darts, a crumbling, charred shelves line the
underwater will drovvn; those who sur- scroll of two magic missile spells (at 6th walls and litter the floor in the center of
vive will be swept along in the stream level of ability), and five flasks of flam· the room, where remnants show that
until they are deposited in the river mable oil. Azimer had no use for such three tables, with four chairs at each,
after some five hours of travel. It is pos· items (or so he believed). stood here. Dust lies thick on the ashes;
sible for a character to walk against the Floating just above the grell are four the fire was not a recent thing, and sur-
current, but only if some sort of protec- ioun stones. The first is a pale green prisingly few ashes are on the shelves.
tion from cold is employed (such as a prism (adds one level of experience), Close examination will reveal that the
cube of frost resistance, a ring of the second a pearly white spindle books and scrolls of the library were
warmth, or a resist cold spell). (regenerates 1 hp of damage per turn), almost all gone or removed before the
the third a pale lavender ellipsoid fire occurred . Walls, floor; and ceiling
25. The door to this room is made of are all blackened by smoke, and if these
(absorbs spells of up to 4th level, burns
stone and is wizard locked (19th level). are looked at, the outlines of a narrow
out to dull gray after absorbing IO spell
Within lies a 50' x 65' chamber carved door can be seen on the south wall, in
levels), and finally a dull gray ellipsoid
from solid rock, containing a huge the corner where it meets the west
(burned out). The second and third
crescent-shaped table fashioned of wall. If this area is pushed, it will slide
stones function normally when whirl-
black wood, with thirty-three straight· noiselessly away to reveal a dark, silent
ing around the grell.
backed chairs of the same material passage.
The three floating items in the globes
drawn up around it. Three globes of
of light are trophies. The glowing 28. This room is 30' x 30', and furnished
glowing, immaterial light hang in mid-
globes of air are merely permanent sta- with a massive carved wooden arm-
air on the far (east) side of the room,
sis fields; they hold any object placed in chair, an oval side-table ·with a large
and each has an item hanging suspend·
them motionless, levitated, and protect· book on it, and a purple tapestry on the
ed in it: a staff, a large egg-shaped
ed from decay. Characters reaching south wall adorned with a golden sigil
spheroid, and a crown. Three freshly
into the globes of light will not be identical to the one on the floor of the
slain human bodies lie on the floor
harmed. The items are a staff of curing central hallway (area 18). The room is
around the table, each badly mauled
(four charges left), a red dragon's egg illuminated by a brightly glowing ball of
and partially eaten. Overhead floats a
(fertile and hatchable within two green fungus that sits in a bowl full of
huge brainlike monster with a parrot- weeks, value 1500 gp), and a crown of
like beak and ten tentacles, each as long what looks like water and old, black
silver (worth 550 gp) set with six black blood. A skeletal hand, still blotched
as a man is tall. Four gemlike stones cir- sapphires (value 5000 gp each) and a
cle about its head, out of reach of the with scraps of rotting flesh, is visible,
5000-gp-value clear red ruby, set in a projecting half out of the bowl; the fun·
characters. It floats toward the charac-
spire in the center front of the crown. gus is growing on the carrion. The bowl
ters, writhing its tentacles. The mon-
This ruby is actually a gem of seeing. is under the table. Sitting in the chair is
ster is a grell (AC 4, MV 12", HD 5, 35
hp, 10 tentacle attacks for 1-4 (plus save 26. This hallway is lined on both sides a skeleton with shriveled skin still
vs. paralyzation at +4) and bite for t-6, with a total of fifteen life-sized stone adhering to it; it is wearing rotting
flies by levitation, immune to lightning) statues, standing on 1-foot-tall blocks of robes, and its eyes are two cold, twin-
that will attack anyone entering the stone. They are all extremely lifelike kling white points of light. It gestures at
room. It did not kill the three humans and all radiate a faint dweomer, but are the characters to approach.
who lie about, having been fed them merely well-sculpted statues of famous This is Azimer (AC O, MV 6 11 , HO 19,
instead by Azimer (who keeps the mon· magic-users, nothing more. (OMs may 76 hp, attacks for 1·10 (plus save vs.
ster as a "pet"). The condition of the consider having a few of these statues paralyzation), causes fear in all crea-
bodies indicates that they were slain be petrified, powerful mages who tures below 5th level or 5 HD, struck
only within the last few days, in the taught at the school and elected to wait only by magical weapons or attacks,

immune to charm, sleep, enfeeblement, at the school is. He will then get up and 29. Here all the secret passages meet. A
polymorph, cold, electricity, insanity become more friendly and patronizing, 1-inch-diameter hole is in the ceiling of
(see below), or death spells/symbols). continuing to treat the characters as this chamber, and within it is a slightly
Though as a lich he is immune to fur- favored pupils in his "magic school" and smaller keyhole. A 2-inch-diameter
ther attacks causing insanity, Azimer's calling them by the names of magic- round hole is in the floor, extending
mental illness predated his conversion users long dead who lived at the school. down three feet. At the bottom of the
to a lich, and his insanity cannot now be He will avoid touching the characters hole in the floor can be seen a long, gold
cured by any means. unless one of them appears to be bellig- key, if a light is directed into the hole.
Azimer is still well equipped with erent or talks back to him; then he If the party figures out a way to get
spells, and his condition still allows him might gently rap the character once the key up out of the hole (various spells
to cast them (though he has a 1% (doing normal damage from his cold will work, or some sticky substance-
chance per level of a spell attempted of touch) and continue with his business. pitch from a burning torch, for
blowing the spell so that it does not" go Azimer believes he is a living human example-can be applied to the end of a
off"). His current spells are as follows: being, and cannot be convinced that he staff, a stick of wood, or a rope) and
magic missile (x3), read magic, shield, is really a lich. He will treat any com- inserts it into the keyhole in the ceiling,
continual light, ESP, levitate, magic ments to the contrary as some sort of the door leading into area 30 will open.
mouth, wizard lock, dispel magic, gust joke or insult, depending on how such The lich will flee here if pressed, using a
of wind, hold person (x2), suggestion, comments are framed. If attacked, he reverse gravity spell to get at the key,
dimension door (x2), fire trap, wall of will defend himself as described above. which is the only unfixed object here.
fire, wall of ice, cloudkill, feeblemind, Though he still summons night hags 30. The passage here is guarded by a
hold monster (x2), wall of force, anti- and demons to collect larvae, enabling piercer (1 HD, 7 hp, does 1-6 hp dam-
magic shell, death spell, repulsion, caco- him to maintain his existence as a lich, age) that hangs directly over the secret
daemon, power word stun, reverse he now believes he is doing this in order door entrance. This last irregular, natu-
gravity, Otto's irresistible dance, power to achieve godhood (which will never ral passage apparently leads to a dead
word blind (x2), and imprisonment. occur). end; but shortly before its end, on the
Note that Azimer's magic missile No sign of Lashan will be seen in the east wall, is a secret door (see area 29)
spells (each firing ten missiles that do 2· room, and there are no signs of a scuf- leading into a natural rock cavern, once
5 hp damage apiece) may be directed at fle. If Lashan's description is given to the quarters of the Master of the
separate targets if the lich so wishes. the lich (he was 6' tall, dark haired with School. This cavern room is lined with
Azimer will employ these first, inter- a heavy beard, very muscular, and had books; most are light reading in rather
spersing them with any defensive spells green eyes), or if he is named, Azimer archaic common and elven tongues, but
he deems necessary (e.g., feeblemind will become agitated and curse Lashan
spellbooks (one book per spell level)
on spellcasters, hold person or hold as a traitor, backstabber, thief, liar, and may be found, containing all known
monster on charging attackers, or cheat. The lich will heap abuse upon magic-user spells except for those
reverse gravity on a group of attackers, Lashan, eventually stopping to give out named spells (like the Bigby's hand
anti-magic shell if he faces many spell- a horrifying giggle and admit that spells).
casters, and so forth). Azimer will use Lashan now "sleeps at the center of the Also present are two wooden arm-
dimension door to get into area 29 if world:' After stunning (with a power chairs, a wide cot with cotton sheets
seriously threatened. word stun) and paralyzing Lashan with and a wool blanket, a rug, a table, a
All of Azirner's spells are written in his touch, Azimer used an ESP on the chamber pot, two (empty) wooden
the book on the table. (This is his final unfortunate tyrant, learned about his kegs, two pewter tankards, an oil lamp
spellbook, which he no longer needs life, and then cast an imprisonment and sixteen flasks of oil (on a bottom
but which he keeps for sentimental rea- spell on him. bookshelf to one side), a silver horn of
sons.) The book has a fire trap cast on it The Dungeon Master may have Azi- Valhalla, an alchemy jug, a wand of
(5' radius explosion doing 19 + ld4 mer perform any number of bizarre negation (six charges left, command
damage when opened, unless the behaviors and say nonsensical and "cra- word "Arbraer'' engraved on the butt),
proper saving throw is made). zy" things when interacting with the a helm of comprehending languages
Azimer will at first greet the charac- party. Azimer has no desire to leave his and reading magic, four potions ofheal-
ters in a brusque manner, demanding underground home, and if left alone he ing (each restores 2d4 + 2 hp), and a
(in a ghastly whisper) to know where will eventually waste away and his spir- necklace of adaptation. None of these
the characters have been, why they it will perish within a few hundred items is labeled or in any way identified,
haven't been studying their spellbooks, more years. Though he is evil and may and all are usable by any character
and scolding them for not seeming to certainly be dangerous, he is for the class.
care about how important their work most part harmless-unless angered.

Books o.,: t:be ance Nchaser wandered the Realms, is to preserve dead comrades for plac-
working and seeking after magic, and ing atop a bier in a sepulcher, or in
FoR.gotten Realms upon two occasions served as an advi- hopes that they may be raised. The
Hereafter follow descriptions of some sor to a local ruler. On the second of magic-user requires fresh blood from a
of the major magical tomes of the these occasions, while serving the High creature of the same race/species as the
Realms. They are defined in terms of Captains of the city of Luskan, Nchaser spell subject, and the dust or powder
appearance, history, and contents. In wrote the Eiyromancia and gave it to resulting from the crushing of a moon-
cases wherein the tome contains new the High Captain Tuer!. Some time after stone of not less than 7 gp value. As the
or unique spells, those are also listed in Nchaser's departure, the tome was words of the spell are spoken, the most
standard Players Handbook format. stolen, and like its author it has wander- vital areas of the body (chest cavity,
ed the Realms ever since. Alustriel, the head and neck, joints of extremities) are
Nchaser's Eiyromancia High Lady of Silverymoon, had it brief· sprinkled with a small amount of blood,
Appearance: This tome is thin, ly, gifting it to a dwarf of the Citadel and the whole body is then sprinkled
bound in black leather, and bears the Adbar. The dwarf never returned with the moonstone dust. The closing
title Eiyromancia on the cover, stamped home, and the book was lost again-and gesture of the spell is the touching of
and inlaid with mother-of·pearl. The so it has gone through the years. the corpse, whereupon the spell will
edges of the tome have all about been Contents: The wizard Arbane, who take immediate effect. Note that this
protected with beaten copper strips, saw the book briefly while it was at spell does not heal wounds or stanch
and these are fitted with two clasps. Luskan (he was friend to the High Cap· bleeding.
The clasps are unlatched by twisting a tain Suljack), reports that it contains Nchaser's Glowing Globe
silver knob on each; if the bottom knob four magic·user spells: Nulat.hoe's Nine- Level: 4
is twisted without first twisting and men (pronounced Nin-em-en), a unique Range:Tuuch
removing the top one, a poisoned nee· spell of the fifth level used to protect Duration: Permanent
dle springs up the side of the knob. The and preserve a dead body; Nchaser's Area of Effect: Special
assassin Nathode says it is coated with glowing globe, a unique spell of the Components: V,S,M
Type D (or equivalent intensity) insinu· fourth level which is used in the crea· Casting Time:
ative poison, apparently renewed from tion of luminous globes, and the rare Saving Throw: None
a reservoir under the binding. Nathode spells part water and statue. Explanation/Description: This spell
did not handle the tome himself, but A unique spell is a spell not commonly requires a globe of blown glass of the
observed its effect upon another. His available, found only in the text in ques· finest quality, and a spark. By the use of
testimony verifies a folk legend which tion or else believed to have been first this spell the caster creates an effect
says that all who try to open Nchaser's set down therein. In some cases it identical to a continual light spell cen-
Eiyromancia die. means only that the text in question is tered within a transparent object, but
Nathode's recollection dates back sev· the earliest surviving source of the with the brightness of the light under
en winters, when the book was brought spell. The first of the unique spells was the caster's mental control. Continuous
to the court of Lord Nasher by a mer- devised by Nchaser's tutor Nulathoe, control need not be maintained; the
chant, one Furjur the Flippant, who and the second is of Nchaser's inven- caster can merely exert concentration
told the Lord that the tome was sold to tion. By the kindness of Arbane the to change the current luminosity of the
him by a band of adventuring dwarves Mighty, both are reproduced below. globe, and it will continue to emit the
he encountered in a clearing deep in desired amount of light until a new
the northern forests. One of the mem- Nulathoe's Ninemen
Level: 5 mental command is received (unless, of
bers of Nasher's court attempted to course, it should be destroyed). Mental
open the book, with fatal results (this is Range:Tuuch
Duration: Permanent control may be maintained over a globe
what Nathode observed), and it was from a distance of 9" per level of the
placed unopened in the Lord's library Area of Effect: One corpse
Components: V,S,M caster (plus 4" per point of intelligence
(Furjur had gifted it to the Lord in over 15). Control of a globe cannot be
return for a charter). It was subse· Casting Time: 5 segments
Saving Throw: None wrested from another except by means
quently stolen during the riots of the of a wish or limited wish-or upon the
Five Fires Rising, and its present where- Explanation/Description: This spell
serves to protect dead creatures of all death of the owner, whereupon the
abouts are unknown. expectant owner must touch the globe
sorts against normal decay, magically
History and Description: The mage strengthening the joints of corpses or to take mastery over it.
Nchaser has not been seen for nearly corpse limbs to keep them supple and
twenty winters. Before his disappear- usable. Its most prevalent practical use

The Book of the Silver 'Thlon ic Steeleye. book: read magic, burning hands, com-
The adventurer Steeleye confirms prehend languages, detect magic,
Appearance: This book comprises this incident, and adds that the gar- erase, write, identify, message, shock·
26 papyrus leaves sewn into a leather ing grasp, shield, darkness 15' radius,
goyles were slain with a shower of sil-
binding. The leather has been dyed ver arrows by the elves of the High detect invisibility, knock, ray of enfee·
black with some thick, durable dye that Forest as the creatures swooped low blement, web, wizard lock, blink, dispel
remains supple and covers the hide magic, gust of wind, infravision, phan·
over the treetops, looking for a place to
deeply, preserving the tome somewhat. tasmal force, and protection from nor·
Into the front cover is inset a silver claw The gargoyles were flying east at the mal missiles.
or talon (held by means of its nails, lime, and Asmiak is rumored to live in Peculiar to the work are slight varia·
which pass through the hide and have that direction, far across deserts and lions in the spells that appear to be
been folded under shrewdly with a mountains. The book fell into the forest Asmiak's own. The magician Phandal,
hammer so as to close the grip), from and was not recovered by the elves, but who copied from the work spells he
which the book has gained its name. somehow found its way to a bazaar needed and noted the changes in those
The edges of the leaves have been paint· some winters later where it was pur· he already knew, notes that the burn-
ed red, rather unevenly, mottling the chased by the astonished magician ing hands spell developed by Asmiak (or
border of each page. Phandal. He in turn exchanged it for taught to him by the wizard Thurl} took
History and Description: This book other spells with the theurgist Alphon, four segments to cast because of its
is believed to have been the workbook who fled with the book into a forest to longer verbal component, and took the
of the famous and much-feared arch- escape repeated goblin raids agajnst his form of a thin beam of flame like a rod
mage Asmiak, the "One Without Fear:· property. It is not known how Alphon or staff extending from the caster's
when he was but an apprentice to the fared after that, but the druid Rairun forefinger. This beam can be varied in
wizard Thur!. The strongest proof for "Blackbro\v'' was the next known to length from two feet to eight feet by
this belief comes from the talon device have possessed the book. He tried to force of will, but is stopped (and deflect·
set in the cover (the book is untitled and send it overland to a colleague, but the ed, at possible hazard to the caster) by
unsigned), which Asmiak used at the caravan vanished in the moorlands en stone, thick wood, earth, and the like.
time. This does not mean the book was route to its destination. Casimur, who retains this spell in his
necessarily his, but a study of Asmiak's Although no trace of the caravan books, notes that it can be fanned back
deeds reveals his recurring attempts to itself was ever found, an adventurer and forth rapidly by merely waving
obtain the book (or re-obtain it, assum- named Shoon later came across the one's finger, and is therefore far more
ing he once possessed it). This indicates book in the dungeons of a deserted cas· than a parlor trick for cutting ropes or
he knows the book exists, but its con- tie and brought it to the city of Water· lighting candles.
tents would be so superfluous to him deep. There he sold it to the merchant The twenty-third page of the book,
now, at the height of his power, that his Deragus, who never had a chance to which was beyond Casimur's mastery
attempts seem to be evidence of an sell it, since his shop was robbed later when he possessed it, contains notes on
emotional attachment to the tome. the same night. The master thief Ounas how to strengthen the spell's flame into
Asmiak's attempts to possess the book is known to have had the book one win- a more potent weapon. This improved
have never been carried out personally, ter later, and he traded it to an version is of the second level of spells,
always by agents. At least eight former unknown magic-user for three magical and the theurgist Alphon is thought to
owners of the book, all of them magic weapons. The book's whereabouts at have employed it when battling trolls
users of low level, have met death present are unknown. Dunas has been on the Evermoors. It takes six segments
because of Asmiak's servants, and other heard to say he's glad to be rid of the to cast, lasts for two rounds, and con·
owners of relatively higher levels have Book of The Silver Thlon, and any who sists of a cone of flame extending 20
narrowly escaped the same fate . Their find it would do well to conceal it, or feet from the forefinger, six feet in
reports indicate that Asmiak employs a risk attack from the servants of Asmiak. diameter at its farthest extent. The into-
varied complement of servants, many nation of the verbal component dictates
Contents: The first twenty-two
of them not human. One survivor by how hot the flames will be; they may be
leaves of the book contain spells, all
the name of Casimur, an ex-magic user so hot as to create a breeze and cause
written in magical inks upon the papy- target creatures to fall back from the
who now runs the Whistling Wizard rus in a slanted, beautiful hand, includ-
Inn, relates that he was slain by three heat. The flame does + 1 damage (cast·
ing the necessary runes, glyphs, and
gargoyles, who fled with nothing but er's level + 1, expressed in hit points) in
symbols and notes on necessary condi·
that one book from among those in his the first round after being cast, and
lions and components. The spells are, damage equal to one-half the caster's
library, and that he found this out when
in order of their appearance in the
he was subsequently raised by the cler- level (rounded up) in the second round.

Thus, a 7th-level caster does 8 points of script has been etched and runes, tained spells. From his notes, he gives
damage to those struck in the first glyphs, symbols and characters are us this list: water breathing, fly, light-
round, and 4 points to each victim in embossed or raised from the surface. ning bolt, fire shield (cold flame version
the second round. Phandal dubbed this The Chambeeleon (pronounced Kam· only), ice storm, airy water, cone of
spell the flame ray BEE·Iee-on) is probably worth 4,000 gp cold, conjure elemental (see below), dis-
Other spell variations are minor. in materials alone. It is worth far more integrate, glassee, part water,
Asrniak's darkness 15' radius uses a tiny to a magic-user, however, because of its spiritwrack, cacodemon, Drawmij's
vial of ink smashed to the ground, serv· contents. instant summons, reverse gravity, and
ing as the center of the spell effect, as vanish. "From the Mad mage's casual
History and Description: The ori·
well as bat fur. Thus, the spell cannot be gin of this tome is unknown, but it is
comments:' writes Arbane, he believes
moved once cast, and the ink seems less the book also contains the spells impris-
certainly of great antiquity. Many leg·
effective than pitch or coal, because the ends exist ascribing its authorship to onment and prismatic sphere, but at
spell lasts onJy eight rounds, plus one the time lacked any means to verify
various sea gods and powerful beings,
per level of the caster. Asmiak specifies but nothing of the book's whereabouts this. If the book is entirely full of spells,
giant octopus ink, but Casimur has sub· and each stands alone on one page (as
is verifiable until Alaer, holder of the
sequently experimented with giant did those Arbane studied), then there
Dolphin Throne an age ago, mentions it
squid sepia, and reports that it also pro· may be as many as fifty spells in the
in an inventory of the sea elves' court at
duces darkness, although of but six Thunderfoam. It was borne away from work not on Arbane's list. One suspects,
rounds (plus one per level of the caster) however, that there are far fewer, and
that city at some later time, and reap-
duration. Asmiak's version of the ray of pears in the memoirs of the hero Gala- most of the unknown pages contain
enfeeblement has a different verbal daunt, who found it on the deck of an records or other writing. Only the pos-
component than the accepted norm, abandoned, drifting "ghost ship" which sessor of the work knows for sure.
and takes three segments to cast. It has he boarded off the Emerald Isles. He Arbane mentions one important dif-
a fixed range of 6" , and a fixed duration sold it to a magic-user whose name was ference from the norm in the spells
of eight rounds. Similiarly, Asmiak's contained in the book: the conjure ele-
not recorded, who we know to have mental spell as it is written therein will
blink spell has a fixed duration of four been the tutor of one called "The Mad
rounds, caused by the differences in summon only water elementals, but
Mage;• who in turn was master to the
both verbal and somatic somponents wizard Arbane. It is likely that the these will be friendly to the caster and
(the level and casting time remain the will never attack him or her.
Chambeeleon came into the Mad Mage's Such an elemental may (5% chance)
same). possession, but it did not pass into the
Asmiak's gust of wind spell is an return to its own plane before the spell
hands of Arbane, so we have only has expired, rather than attacking, and
improved version; it emanates from a Arbane's recollections to rely on for its
self-chosen extremity of the caster, and although friendly, it will act only upon
contents. The present location of the
is thus directional-and the caster can Chambeeleon, or even if it still exists, is the commands of the spellcaster, not
rapidly change this direction. Its somat· helping independently.
ic component differs from the norm, If one may trust the more doubtful
and its material component is a syca· Contents: Arbane said that he often source of religious teachings, it must be
more seed cluster or milkweed seed (or read from the Chambeeleon as he was noted that the priesthoods of at least
similar seed, of the type having hairlike trained, but was only allowed to peruse seven aquatic gods worshipped by vari·
fibers that enable it to be borne aloft on certain pages. Many he glimpsed were ous creatures claim the Chambeeleon
a breeze). beyond his understanding, but he as their own, and assert that the bulk of
The last three pages of the book are remembers that the demon who guard- its pages contain "the" record of the
careful notes on the preparation of ed the book told him it had 66 pages in Creation associated with their deity. If
magical inks for all the first-level spells all and none but Arbane's master had this is so, none have proved it.
in the book. Users of the art will notice ever mastered them aJI. 'Ibe sage Elminster has recorded dozens
that these are not the onJy known ink (Arbane's rather brief description of of powerful spell books and magical docu·
formulas for these spells. the demon suggests that it was a succu- ments of all descriptions; the preceding
bus. There is no mention of a guardian are but a sample. He writes teasingly of
The Chambeeleon demon in the legends concerned with scores of new spells, hitherto unknown to
Appearance: This tome is truly the book, so it is likely that the Mad magic users "at large;' and now-lost
resplendent. Its covers are sheets of Mage bound the demon to guard it, per· powers cryptically held within the lost vol·
polished, iridescent abalone edged and haps only for as Jong as Arbane was wnes. Adventurers may bring word of
cornered with beaten gold; its pages are allowed access to its pages.) more any day, he says, puffing con-
of burnished electrum, into which All of the pages Arbane studied con- tendedly on his clay pipe...

Seven Fingers (The Life of Thorstag) Void, from a deck of many things, so adventurers or historians will surely
Appearance: This memoir is a thick complete that anyone who reads this find it a source of inspiration, if not a
bundle of vellum sheets bound about section could immediately recognize path to wealth.
with two leather straps and enclosed in the same effects if they occurred in his The present whereabouts of the
a leather bag. A recent owner, the mer- or her presence. memoir is unknown. It was last seen in
chant Zephrum Nelagul, noted in his The second is a recipe or description the hands of an unidentified man "with
ledgers that ''Seven Fingers" had 278 of the making of Keoghtom's ointment, the clothes and manner of a southern
sheets, but also noted that it ended pre- which may or may not be correct. Curi· merchant;• according to Zephrum Nela-
cipitously and seemed to have gaps in ously, no owner of the memoir has gul, who sold it to said merchant at a
the narrative, which suggests that some made any mention of the accuracy of bazaar in Waterdeep for nine hundred
pages have been lost or deliberately the recipe, but only of its inclusion; this pieces of gold. Zephrum attests that he
removed. hints that they have not attempted the obtained the book from an ignorant bai-
process because it is obviously incom- liff in Longsaddle, who sold it as part of
History and Description: The book plete, or too difficult in execution or the the contents of a dead man's house. The
was written by (or at least under the procurement of the ingredients, or the dead man, one Borwyn, was a trader in
supervision of) the adventurer Thor- writing itself contains some magical hides and leather goods who covered
stag "Seven Fingers" Amareh, a fighting trap or guardian they would prefer not much of the north in his trade, and had
man who rose to take the lordship of a to disturb. acquired, in Zephrum's words, "an odd
tiny northern dale, where he died some The third is a detailed inventory of assortment of keepsakes and valu-
seventy winters ago. Thorstag's nick- the dowries of the princesses Elmyra ables:• One can only conjecture that
name and the main title of this volume and Hlassela of Cormyr, which Thor- somehow Borwyn the trader visited the
come from his habit of severing the fin· stag took part in guarding on an over- dale where Thorstag had ruled and was
gers of important enemies whom he land journey from Suzail, the capital of buried, or got the book from another
slew, and storing these in an iron box. Cormyr, to Arabel, a city some distance person who was given it by Thorstag
There were seven such enemies, and to the north and east. The journey was for safekeeping, or who took it after
Thorstag evidently put the fingers to safe, the princesses married, and set Thorstag's death. If any reports come to
some sort of magical use, but their out forthwith eastward with their royal light of the possible missing pages,
present location is unknown. (but not identified by Thorstag) hus- more might be said of how Borwyn got
Contents: The volume recounts bands. Neither Thorstag nor this writer the memoir, and of its original, com-
Thorstag's reportedly boring and trivial (the sage Elminster) has heard of their plete contents.
life ("wearisome pages of dreams, fate, but in some eastern tomb or trea-
underhanded schemes, and malicious sury the greater part of these dowries The Nath/um
violence:· Zephrum records), but con- must now lie. Thorstag's list includes Appearance: A nondescript volume
tains three passages of special note. weights and identifying marks of jew- of brown, curling parchment leaves
The first is a detailed and exacting elry (since he had to guard against for- sewn to a grey canvas cover.
description of the selection of a card, gery and substitution of the pieces), and

History and Description: The made known by Elminster; in his hit, + 2 (worse) on AC if having only
Nathlum is wholly and strongly evil; its words, "They are largely simple to normal (distorted) vision, or -1 to hit
protective magics cannot be dispelled make, and recipes will undoubtedly fall and + 2 on AC if endowed with infravis-
(at least, not by the spell commonly into the wrong hands, given your some- ion or heightened visual senses. At the
known as dispel magic), and these pro- times too efficient communications:' same time the victim endures 1-2 points
tections cause all creatures of align- For adventurers, however, he has pro- of damage per round as surface blood
ment and instinct deemed "good" to vided the means of identifying the sub- vessels burst all over the body (giving a
suffer blinding, burning pain in the stances. blotched, reddened appearance to the
eyes and head. (Elminster offers a con- Lhurdas (also known as "the yellow skin). Each round a successful saving
fusing description of the symptoms death" and "Beltyn's Last Drink") is a throw will avoid such damage, but if
which need not be detailed here but wine-based poison. It has a sharp, dry the victim suffers an injury through
can be interpreted thus: Anyone of white-grape wine taste, and will readily combat or misadventure during the
good alignment will suffer 2-4 points of mix with such wine. lt reacts with the round, no saving throw is allowed (the
damage per round that the book is held digestive acids in the stomach (and is cause and shock of the injury aggra-
or perused.) Its origin and the reason effective in human, ore, and elvish body vates the sudden fluctuations in blood
for its name are unknown; its first defi- chemistry) to eat away internal organ flow and pressure prespra causes; it
nite identification is in the catalog of tissues. Ingestion produces rapid (with- works by alternately and erratically
Tymor Threeshields, the inventory of in two rounds) nausea, convulsions, constricting and expanding blood ves-
the booty he brought back from the and terrific internal cramps and burn- sels throughout the victim's body).
Orcfastings war, but hints of it can be ing pain, doing 1-6 points of damage in Belpren is a luminescent blue, acidic
traced through the scanty written its first effective round, 2-12 in the sec- substance that does 1-12 points of dam-
records of the ores under the leader- ond, and 1-4 in the third. Thereafter it age instantly upon contact with skin or
ship of Wund, and Orfidel writes almost will do no more damage, regardless of internal tissues. (No save.) Further
four hundred years ago of his meeting dose, and further exposure to lhurdas applications of belpren to affected
with the evil mage Lethchauntos the will cause discomfort and inhibit heal- areas will not cause any further harm,
Black, who went to dwell among the ing, but cause no greater damage to the but the damage given above is for a
ores, and describes what could well be body for a period of 3-24 days. It is inef- roughly hand-sized area of body expo-
the Nathlum in Lethchauntos's posses- fective if applied externally. (Save for sure; for each additional such area of
sion. From Tymor's hall, the volume half damage.) skin affected, an additional 1-12 points
went to Neverwinter as part of the Varrakas is a black, thick syrup. Tu of damage will be suffered. However,
dowry of Tymor's daughter Nulauznee avoid detection, single drops are usu- no additional damage from ingestion is
(Elminster suspects that Tymor wished ally added to gravy or dark sauces, but possible; immediate and involuntary
to be rid of it), and nothing more is the effects increase with the dose vomiting will be induced by any further
heard of it until the Nathlum passes ingested. Varrakas has a slightly oily belpren applied to affected internal
unexpectedly into the hands of Phrand- taste, but no strong flavor. Every drop areas. Belpren will not corrode metal,
jas of Port Llast (a northern town), a of varrakas does 1-4 points of damage nor will it harm cloth or cured leather.
thaumaturge whose careful and exact- when it enters the bloodstream (it It dries and becomes ineffective in just
ing studies enabled him to subsequent- passes the digestive system masquerad- over one round when exposed to air,
ly rise quickly in the ranks of the Art. ing as a nutrient), and does not act for a and so cannot be used on weapons.
period of 18-24 turns after ingestion. Belpren can be neutralized by the appli-
Contents: Phrandjas takes character-
istic pains over his notes regarding the Varrakas is harmless if applied exter- cation of lamp oil. It is effective on all
nally, and is effective in all mammals. creatures.
Nathlum; we learn that it appeared to
(Save for half damage.) Orvas is a translucent liquid with a
be complete when he received it, and
Prespra (also known as "Mother's green cast and a bittersweet taste. It
held sixteen recipes for poisons, four
glyphs of warding set down nowhere Bane") is an odorless, colorless liquid does 1-6 points of damage upon enter-
that mixes readily with all drinkables ing the bloodstream (immediately if by
else, and the formula of the spell maze.
Phrandjas, despite the pain caused him except milks and products made from insinuation, which must be through a
them, from which it separates. Effec- scrape or wound, or in 18-24 turns if by
by perusing the book (because he was
good), copied certain of the recipes for tive only in humans and only when ingestion), and 1-4 points of damage
later sale to the alchemists of the town, ingested, it causes sudden dizzy spells each round for the following two
and all of the glyphs, and Elminster has and visual distortion, beginning 1·3 rounds. A successful saving throw
rounds after contact and lasting for 1- means that orvas is ineffective against
passed on some of this information.
12 rounds. During this time the victim the target creature. Orvas is an antidote
The poison recipes have not been
moves unsteadily and fights at - 2 to to varrakas (see above) if introduced

into the bloodstream before varrakas weakening and softening tendons, liga· inflicting 7 points of damage on it (as
has run its course. Orvas works in alJ ments, bones, and cartilage. On the fol· long as at least the seventh point is
mammaJs. lowing round it causes 1·12 points of caused by an edged weapon), or by the
Huld (also called "Leap" or "Death· damage, and 1-4 points on the round victim pulling free of its grasp. All are
dance") is an odorless oil that is effective thereafter, whereupon its effects pass. AC7. Any character with a Strength of
on non-humanoid creatures-except for Until healing processes (natural or mag· 16 or more is allowed to attempt saving
demi-humans and humans-and works ical) counter its effects, the creature throws against three of the mouths
only by insinuation. Its effects are the affected will have Jost 1-4 points of each round-if a particular save is suc-
same regardJess of dosage, and appear 1· Strength and one point of Dexterity. cessful, the mouth's grip breaks, it does
4 rounds after the application. (Save for Dwarfbane is a rare, gummy oil that not drain blood on that round, and it
no damage.) Huld causes severe muscle is poisonous only to dwarves. lnsinua· shrinks back into the wall or hangs life·
spasms involving nausea and the loss of tive, it is commonly smeared on weap· less. This glyph does not vanish after
motor control, balance, and speech, last· ons. It does not dry out, but prolonged one activation; it will retract its surviv-
ing for 1·6 rounds. During this time a vie· exposure to air lessens its potency; it is ing mouths and wait for the next victim,
tim is helpless but by no means an easy effective only for 26·31 days. Upon con· until all the mouths have been
target for physical attack, since he or she tact, dwarfbane does 1·8 points of dam· destroyed.
is usually thrashing and moving about age with a pain "like blazing skewers:' Hlack can be cast only by a cleric of
rapidJy and wildJy. Mental processes are and a further 1·6 points on each of the 9th or higher level. This functions as a
entirely unaffected (i.e., psionic or other following three rounds. (A successful magical barrier preventing those of
communication can be initiated or will saving throw will halve all damage suf· good aJignment from passing. This bar-
continue, and in some cases can be used fered.) rier of force will stand until the actual
by the victim, as well as others, to control area on which the glyph was cast is
the poison's effects). A particular individ· The glyphs of warding found in The destroyed, thus breaking the glyph, or
uaJ will be 95% resistant to huld for a per· Nathlum reflect its evil nature. All may until a knock, erase, or similar spell is
iod of 10·21 days after an exposure to it, be used only by those of evil align- employed. Anyone of good alignment
and thus repeated dosages in a single ments, and will harm only those of good will strike an invisible wall and suffer 1·
encounter will almost always not be alignments. Anyone of good alignment 6 points of electrical damage. Further
effective. Huld is generally thought to may pass a glyph's location unharmed contact with the barrier will cause 1·6
affect all individuals, but some apparent by speaking its name or by destroying points of electrical damage per round
immunities are reported and conjec· the glyph. The passage of neutral or evil (no save).
tu red. characters will not trigger any of these Curtal can be cast only by a cleric of
Jeteyeis a glossy (i.e., reflective) black glyphs. They are as follows. 10th or higher level. Attempts to pass
liquid that affects all mammals upon Zuth can be cast only by a cleric of this glyph will cause arms of fire to
ingestion. (Ineffective if insinuative con· 6th or higher level. It is cast upon a door burst from its three pointed ends and
tact only; save for half damage.) It or the frame of an opening; anyone of strike the creature or creatures
causes the pupils of the eyes to go black good alignment passing through or attempting to pass, each arm doing 4·16
(although this does not affect vision) under the portal will suffer 2· 12 points points of damage. Each arm of fire will
and causes 1·8 points of neural damage of electrical damage arcing from side to strike a different target if there are
immediately. No pain is felt by the vie· side of the frame at many points around three or more targets available; other-
tim, however, for Jeteye kills all pain it, across the opening. wise two will strike the nearest target
and tactiJe sensation for a period of 9· 16 Ya mmas can be cast only by a cleric of and one another, or all three will strike
rounds (the "black eyes" sign will be of 8th or higher level. When activated, at a solitary target. (Save for half dam-
the same duration as this anesthetic from 11·18 screaming, chittering age.) Activation of this glyph always
effect). Jeteye is sometimes voluntarily mouths will appear all about the glyph, alerts a guardian, sometimes summon-
used before torture or immediately and shoot forth on long (up to twenty ing a demon or devil to the spot instant·
after battle injuries (preventing a sys· feet) snakelike necks to bite at the crea- ly, but more often warning spellcasters
tern shock survival roll). It has a bitter, ture activating the glyph. The victim or beast-keepers to ready their charges.
black walnut-like taste and is hard to must save against each manifestation or The glyph remains until erased, strik·
conceal in food or drink. be struck by it, suffering 1·4 points of ing out with its arms of flame every
Ulcrun is a milky-white, viscous liquid damage. The fangs dig in, much as a time it is activated. Dispel magic will
that is effective on all warm-blooded lamprey attacks, and the mouths drain cause one of the arms of fire to shrink
creatures, by insinuation only. (No sav- 1 hit point of blood each per round back and not strike for that activation.
ing throw.) 1Wo rounds after contact, it thereafter until they or the victim are In each round that creatures stand
causes 1·4 points of muscular damage, destroyed. Each can be severed by before the glyph but do not speak its

name (i.e., not having passed it, but Flamsterd's personal diaries, the Moon· will not have any subtractions either.)
within 15 feet), curtal will activate- so shae Chronicles, were sent regularly The material component of this spell is
slow-moving creatures could be struck from the sage's isle to his friend Elmin· a drop of holy water, touched to the
several times. ster, and in one was set dO\·VTI the entire tongue or skin of the recipient (the spell
text of the Workbook. The purchased may be cast on oneself).
The Workbook records of individual spells still exist, of
Caligarde's Claw
Appearance: Details of the appear- course, scattered throughout the
ance of the \'\"orkl>ook are unknown, Realms. It is from Elminster's library
Level: 4
but it is said to be a bound volume with that we learn the spells below; the
present contents of the Workbook may
no inscriptions on the covers. Duration: t round/level of caster
well vary slightly. Dismindis thought by
Area of Effect: One creature
History and Descrlplion: Once in some to be the work of Khelben "Black·
Components: V,S,M
the elven city of Myth Drannor there staff" Arunsun, and by others to be the Casting Time: 4 segments
was a school of magic. Its teachers were work of Mentor himself. The other
Saving Throw: Neg.
known as the Seven Wizards, and spells bear the names of their creators.
Explanation/Description: Use of
included the one known only as Men·
tor. Its founding and objectives are for· Contents: this spell requir es the claw or foot of a
Spendelard's Chaser creature, which is consumed in the
gotten, for Myth Drannor has long been
(Necromantic) casting, and brings into existence an
a ruin, and the Seven Wizards disap·
Level: 4 invisible claw of force. The spellcaster
peared even before Myth Orannor's
destruction. Range: Tuuch indicates (by pointing toward a loca·
Duration: t turn/level of caster tion, sight is not necessary) a target
Many of the mages who:.e names are
now known all across the Realms were Area of Effect: (One creature within 6". If the target saves, the claw
tutored at the Wizards' school. and it is Components: V,S,M will not come into existence. If the tar·
common knowledge that Mentor Casting Time: 8 segments get does not save, the claw must locate
Saving Throw: None the target (with a hit roll as if it were a
caused spells of his pupils' devising to
Explanation/Description: This spell weapon wielded by the caster). If it
be collected in a book. once he had test·
negates the adverse effects of all drugs does so successfully, it 'viii immediately
ed and approved their dweomercraft.
Accounts of the Workbook's contents (including alcohol) in the recipient crea· do 1-4 points of damage. Thereafter,
ture. Dexterity and mental impair- until the spell expires, the claw is
vary; it is quite possible that more than
ments are instantly "cured:' leaving the destroyed, or the target escapes pursuit
one such book was collected, although
recipient clear-headed and free of pain, by becoming ethereal or otherwise
the existence of only this one book is
certain. able to undertake complex tasks requir- physically leaving the plane of the cast·
ing intense concentration, such as er, it will strike infallibly once per
The sage Flamsterd, of the Moonshae
spellcasting. The pain of even mortal round for ld4 damage.
Isles, purchased the tome known as
wounds will be removed, although the Although the claw never misses, the
The Wizards' Workbook from a band of
chaser in no way heals any damage damage done by its strike can be
adventurers, and carefully copied its
contents. He later sold the secrets of extant in mind or body. If the condition negated by an anti-magic shell, shield,
several of the Workbook's spells for has not righted itself by the time the Bigby's interposing hand, or similar
spell wears off, its effects will return. magical barrier. It can be destroyed by
very great sums of wealth, and pur-
chased the entire island that now bears But natural body processes continue dispel magic, but cannot be controlled
\vhile a creature is under the influence or physicaJly harmed. It is not a living
his name. His enjoyment of the isle was
of the chaser; so that a hangover or oth- thing. is not intelligent, and cannot per-
short. It is thought that one of his cli·
er temporary discomfort may well van· form any task other than its slashing,
ents guessed what the sage possessed,
ish before the spell expires. The chaser tearing attack. It can be dispelled at will
for one night the sage and his entire
will have no effect on insanity or magi· by the caster, but does not require con·
Tuwer, on the seaward end of the isle,
cal conditions (such as feeblemind), but tinued concentration for its mainte-
simply vanished. Others believe the
does give a + 4 saving throw versus any nance, and will not vanish of the caster
sage came to grief while practicing his
poisons present in the recipient at any is killed or rendered unconscious. (The
magic. Still others hold that he left this
time while the spell is in effect. (If a sav· spellcaster can engage, of course, in
plane of existence.
ing throw versus the poison has already further spellcasting while the claw
Xo sudden rise in power was noted
been failed. application of the chaser operates.) Its attacks do not necessarily
among those of the Art. however, and it
will permit a second, unmodified saving physically interfere with the action's
is thought that the Workbook may have
throw; it will not be at a +4 bonus, but and movements of the target, who may
been lost or destroyed . Installments of

well cast spells or engage in physical ous, luminescent pathway akin to a tracer is intangible and cannot be
combat. light spell-comes into being within a walked upon. It may be passed through
The claw will remain with its target 1" radius of the caster. It shows the or traveled within without harm and
unshakably, regardless of distance trav- most recent path of any single creature does not activate magic upon contact or
eled, physical barriers, or aerial or whose path the caster wishes to trace, distort magic or physical phenomena
underwater travel. It will never change described verbally by the caster over passing through it.
targets, but will vanish at the death or the material component (a pinch of Thsirin's Haunted Sleep (Enchantment/
disappearance (see below) of its target. phosphorus or a glowing life-form such Charm)
If it fails to initially locate its target, it as a fungus or glowworm). The crea- Level: 3
will remain within a 1" distance from ture must have been present in the 1" Range: Tuuch
the intended target's initial location, an radius area about the caster within a
Duration: Special
invisible presence (use Grenade-Like period of 1 day per level of the caster Area of Effect: One creature
Missiles: Misses Location Thble, DMG p. for the tracer to appear. The tracer will Components: V,S
64, for the claw's precise location), until show the route of the creature within
Casting Time: 1 round
the spell expires. If any creature the 111 area, and then expand (at a rate Saving Throw: Neg.
approaches within 1" of its location of 60" /round) along the route taken by
Explanation/Description: This spell
after the missed target withdraws, the the creature, moving in that direction can only be cast successfully upon a
claw will automatically strike (hit roll for the duration of the spell. Once
sleeping creature. The slumber must be
required) without any attention or act beyond the 1 11 initial radius, it will only
normal- unconsciousness, coma, or
of will on the part of the caster. The show the path of the creature-who similar states of mental injury, such as
claw can thus be cast at a door to pre- need not have been seen by, or be concussion, drugs, astral or psionic
vent unharried future entrance or known to, the spellcaster-as long as it activity, and charm-related spells will all
egress. Note also that a careless or for- remains in physical contact with the cause the spell to be ineffective.
getful spellcaster could well be attacked ground. Pass without trace and similar Thsirin's haunted sleep puts the recipi-
by his or her own claw if it is magics will not confuse the tracer, and ent into a deep sleep for one turn per
approached too closely after missing its it will follow the creature's route level of the caster, and early awakening
intended target. A spellcaster does nto through physical barriers (i.e., doors)
from this state can only be accom-
know if a claw is active, once cast, and across gaps (i.e., the results of a
plished by a OimitedJ wish, dispel magic,
except by observing the behavior of the jump or dimension door, to purely
the infliction of acute pain (i.e., wound·
target-or, in the case described above, physical acrobatics) of up to 14" . It will
ing) upon the recipient, or at the cast-
by suffering a surprise attack. The claw not otherwise show aerial travel, but
er's will. The target creature is allowed
can then of course be immediately dis- will shine in and under water.
a saving throw, which if successful will
pelled by the caster. If unsuccessful in a The path will end when the target negate the effects of the spell.
second attack against a different target creature is reached, when the spell
The caster is never directly aware of
than the initial one, the claw will con- expires, or at any place to which the
the target's thoughts or mental state, or
tinue to attack any target within a 1" target creature teleported, left the
ofthesuccessofthespell.Whilein such
radius of it until the spell expires, and plane of the caster, or embarked upon a a deep sleep, the creature is open to the
may attack the target it originally mount or conveyance such as a cart,
influence of subconscious visions or
missed if said target leaves and then re- ship, or carpet of flying. In the latter
dreams. The spellcaster can project one
enters the claw's area. The claw can case, an individual reaching the path's
specific scene or vision into natural
only locate and affect targets having a end will receive a clear mental picture mental activity, and this will come into
tangible existence on the plane in which of the destination traveled to, even if on the victim's consciousness soon after
it is cast. another plane. If the target creature awakening. The vision's clarity, detail,
took a mount or conveyance, the men-
1Wrun's Tracer (Divination, Alteration) and accuracy depend upon the caster's
tal picture will be of the destination
Level: 4 concentration, for the scene must be
reached. Portions of the tracer can be
Range:1" held in mind during the casting. Such
negated by dispel magic, continual
Duration: 4 roundsnevel of caster visions can masquerade as divine com-
darkness, and the like, but it cannot be
Area of Effect: Special munications or memories, and can be
Components: V,S,M physically disturbed (i.e., a gust of wind used to influence decisions, goad the
would not shift it). When the spell
Casting Time: 8 segments recipient into a certain course of action,
expires, the tracer will have slowly fad-
Saving Throw: None trouble the recipient, or, conversely, to
ed into nothingness; no one not having
Explanation/Description: When calm and rest the recipient at a time of
this spell is cast, the traceI'-a continu- reached its end will receive any mental mental anguish or troubles. A spellcast-
picture of the target's destination. The

er skilled in the use of this spell can quart z, or cut glass - of at least an inch allow formation of the bolt is instantly
boost morale, joy, or enthu siasm -or in length. The spellcaster throw s the rende red harmless.
crush it. cryst al at a targe t creat ure or area
Dism ind (Enchantment/Charm) Revers·
Durin g the "haun ted sleep;• the recip· while speaking the final word s of ~he
ient is especially susceptible to any one spell. and its path creat es a glowing ible
suggestion spell, whic h can be cast by "bolt ' in the air similar in appea rance to Level: 9
the caste r of the haun ted sleep or Tulrun's trace r (q. v ) The bolt is four Range:Tuuch
anoth er spellcaster, and is saved against feet in diameter, begins 1" from the Duration: Special
at - 3 by the creat ure in "haun ted Area of Effect: One creat ure
caste r and exten ds onwa rd to a maxi-
sleep." Such a suggestion will be "hear d" mum length of 1 11 per level of the caster. Components: V
by the recipient as an inner mental Casting Time: 2 segments
The bolt will not materialize unde rwa·
voice, and must of cours e be in a Ian· ter, and ends wher e the crystal strikes Saving Throw : Neg.
Expl anati on/D escri ption : Th~s spell
guage whic h the recipient unde rstan ds wate r, strikes any barri er, or passes
consists of a phras e spoken while the
to be successful. This spell canno t be beyo nd the caste r's range. (The cry_st~l
caste r touch es the recipient (the spell
cast on oneself. is consu med instantly, in a burst, if 1t
may be cast on oneself, serving as a "last
passes beyon d the caste r's maximum
Laera l's Danc ing Dweo mer rt:so1·t" t:scap e from ct:rla in dt:ath , tor·
range , and is other wise consum~d. at ture, or ment al damage), causing the
Level: 3 the expir ation of the spell.) Any hvmg
Range: 2" + 1" /level of caste r recipient's mind to fly from his ~Y·
thing coming into contact with the bolt
Duration: 1 turn/level of caste r The body instantly under goes a curiou_s
will suffe r 1-4 hit points of shock dam·
Area of Effect: 4" diam eter spher e transformation: it remains in the pos1·
age per level or hit dice i~ P?ssesses lion it was when the spell was cast, sur·
Components: V,S,M
(ignoring additions; a 5 + 5 hit dice mo~­
Casting Time: 6 segm ents round ed by a glowing aura of force that
ster would take 5·20 just as one of 5 hit
Saving Throw : Neg. allows nothi ng to touch the body, stop·
Expl anati on/D escri ption : This s_Pell dice would). A hit roll, with any modifi·
ping all physical attacks, crushing, or
requi res a pinch of dust throw n mto cations for missile-weapon ranges, is
probe s. The limbs of the bod~ c~n. be
the air abou t the caste r and any object made when the spell is cast; refer to
shifte d by pushi ng on the mv1S1ble
(which will not be chang ed in any way Grenade-Like Missiles: Misses Location
armo r of force, but when released will
Tuble, DMG p. 64, if a miss is indicated a
bv the spell) radia ting a dweo mer at the slowlv drift back to the original posi·
time. When cast, the spell causes many creat ure struc k by the crystal suffe rs 1· lion. Magical attacks, fire, poisons, and
6 points of damage per level or hit dice
magical auras to flick~r a~d da~ce cor"osive and disease-producing sub·
abou t from object to obiect (Including it possesses. The creat ure may grasp stanc es (including ochre jelly, green
the crystal and hurl it back at the caster.
creat ures and areas with large surfa c· slime, rot grubs , and the like) canno t
es, such as wells). The auras are not visi- and the bolt will conti nue to form to the reach the body to do it harm. The
limit of the caster's range (so that a cast·
ble to the unaid ed eye (i.e., detect magic bodily processes of a disminded perso n
or similar mean s must be used) , and er may be struc k by his or h~r own are totally suspended, so that the body
will not be seen by a creat ure saving bolt), but when directly grasp ing the
does not age or breat he. Disminded
against the spell or having true sight). If crystal, any creat ure will suffe r a fur· perso ns have a vacant stare. They can·
ther 1-6 hit points of damage per level
the spell is not saved against, the a~ras not use any of the senses of the body
will totally confu se a detect magic or or hit dice it possesses and must make a
they have abandoned, nor can they
the like for the spell durat ion. The system shock survival roll.
retur n to it witho ut aid.
auras will not disap pear when touch ed, A skybo lt lasts for two round s after The freed mind wand ers behin d
but dispel magic will destr oy all auras its casting. It can be destr oyed in ·whole
mental defenses of its own making,
or in part by conta ct with an anti-magic
within its area of effect. immu ne to all forms of magical, psionic,
shell, wall of force, shield. or similar
Archveult's Skybolt (Alteration) and other mental contact or attack. A
spells, dispel magic, or gust of wi~d. It
wand ering mind is not detectable by
Level: 4 cannot be deflected, groun ded, or msu·
any know n mean s, and never leaves the
Range: 1 "/level lated again st. It will not cond uct
Prime Material Plane. It canno t control
Duration: 2 round s throu gh metallic substances, but note
wher e it goes and what it observes, '":1d
Area of Effect: Special that armo r that is not airtig ht will not
typically retain s little mem ory of its
Components: V,S,M negat e the effects of a skybolt. Cr~a­
Casting Time: 4 segm ents visions and speculations. (A OM shoul d
tures and nonmagical objects enter ing
descr ibe 1·6 scene s or phras es of
Saving Thro w: •.2 the skybo lt will not deflect, negate, or
Expl anati on/D escri ption : This spell thoug ht \vithout giving any expla~a­
sever it. A cryst al enter ing an area of
requi res a crys tal-a facet ed gem, tions.) A wand ering mind canno t delib·
magical prote ction whic h does not

erately pray, study, or research spells, known as "Bowgentle's Rune;• thus: teased (and enraged) by gouting flame
or choose to observe any particular back at it, before he vanquished the
event, locale, or individual. A~ beast.
A wandering mind can be fully History and Description: Bowgen- The book did not remain at the School
restored to its body by an alter reality, tle of Silverymoon was a mage of gentle for long, however-demons slew its
(limited) wish, or restore mind, the speech and manners, loved and revered Masters and most of the apprentices,
reverse of this spell. The reverse can in the North and the Sword Coast cities and set the towers ablaze one crisp win-
also be used to cure insanity and all in his day, for he believed that magic ter night (demons, some whispered,
mental disorders, feeblemindedness, belonged to all, and all should benefit summoned by careless or jealous and
and physical brain damage. It will end from it. Many good works were vengeful novices who lost control of
any mental controls (including quest, ascribed to his name over the years he their servitors). The School was no
geas, and magical charms cast by spell wandered the Realms, and legend has more. Thieves were the first bold
or by creatures such as nudes or vam- rounded out his deeds. Always Bowgen- enough to venture into the smoking
pires) of any form upon a recipient tle sought new spells-and he ruin, and one must have found and
mind, totally freeing the mind from the embarked on reckless ventures to gain safely borne away Bowgentle's Book,
influence(s) without causing the indi· them, such as the plundering of for it surfaced some years later in
vidual any harm-but it cannot restore Raurgoch the black dragon's hoard Scornubel, identified by the sage Laerti·
lost psionic powers. A delirious, drunk· (slaying that monster with the very lus as amongst the treasures he
en, exhausted, or drugged creature can magic found in the treasure) and the appraised for Vaerum, the Master
become clearheaded and mentally alert breaking open of the Wizard-King's Thief. Vaerum, head of a local thieves'
by means of this spell. A saving throw tomb, where that legendary mage, now guild, soon fell victim to a "grey war"
applies to both spells, and if successful living in lichdom, guarded his (one of the oft-occurring skirmishes
against a restore mind (regardless of spellbooks as fervently as the crum· between rival guilds), and the book van-
the wishes of the disminded recipient bling bones of his mistresses and his ished. Its present fate and whereabouts
creature), the spell will have no effect. dogs. are unknown, but it is thought by most
Such a failure does not mean the mind And ever Bowgentle gave of his sages to still exist.
cannot be restored, but only that the knowledge to all who had the ability,
and wrote out spells tirelessly for those Contents: The book's contents are all
particular spell cast at that time did not spells and cantrips in "standard" form
work. who were too young, too sick, or yet
unborn. He paid for the hospitality (as per the rules in the PLAYERS
given him on his travels with spells, cast HANDBOOK and in UNEARTHED
Bowgentle's Book ARCANA) set down one to a page, save
for good ends, and his name is yet
Appearance: This slim, black vol- remembered with affection and awe. It for the two unique spells described
ume is most expertly bound in glossy, is often said of a gentle, shy, and well- herein. They appear in the following
tooled, black leather-the best yox· favored babe that it "has Bowgentle's order: the cantrips clean, dry, and
enhide, from the yoke-oxen, or "yoxen;' eyes;' and an act of selfless kindness is bluelight, and the spells affect normal
of the plains of Arnn-which has been oftentimes agreed to be properly "of fires, hold portal, identify, mending,
stitched into a full-fitted cover encasing Bowgentle's way:• push, read magic, sleep, continual light,
two slabs of slate, and worked on the darkness 15' radius, detect evil, detect
When he grew old, Bowgentle came
outside into a repeating pattern of a to the School of Wonder, founded some invisibility, dispel silence (unique spell),
human and a dragon confronting each years earlier by the mages Myrdon and ESP, forget, knock, levitate, locate
other, each spouting flame at the other. Salasker, and wrote down his spells for object, magic mouth, rope trick,
Within are fifty-three sheets of the fin· strength, wizard Jock, blink, dispel
the apprentices there. He passed on his
est white vellum, all sewn to a spine- magic, fireball, fly, hold person, infra·
way, and when word came shortly
cord strip of black leather with spun thereafter of his death in a snowstorm vision, Leomund's tiny hut, lightning
silk thread, the whole being of the most bolt, protection from evil 10' radius,
in the high forests, the Masters com·
delicate workmanship. (Several addi· protection from normal missiles, slow,
manded that Bowgentle's written spells
tional pages seem to have been torn tongues, water breathing, Bowgentle's
be collected from the apprentices and
out.) The pattern of the covers extends fleeting journey (unique spell), charm
close-guarded in the library there, for
without a break over front, back, and monster, confusion, dimension door,
all to see and use. This was done, the
spine, leaving only a lip or border all enchanted weapon, fire shield (both
book being constructed by elven crafts.·
about the edges of the tome, and an oval versions), minor globe of invulnerabili·
men, and the cover depicting a famous
plate or raised area in the center of the scene of Bowgentle's youth: his fiery ty, polymorph other, polymorph self,
front cover, which bears the character battle with a red dragon, whom he remove curse, wizard eye, Bigby's inter·

posing hand, cone of cold, hold mon· to negate the spell) is enabled to tele- er's range, the spell will not work; one
ster; passwall, and wall of force. port to a specific destination - viewed segment is wasted, and a second desti·
The two unique spells in Bowgentle's and pointed at during spell casting. The nation may be pointed at If it, too, is out
Book are these: location may be up to 111 per level of the of range, nothing occurs, and the spelJ
Dispel silence (Abjuration, Alteration)
caster vertically and 2n per level of the is wasted.
Level: 2 caster horizontaJly away from the cast·
Range:O er's or spell recipient's initial position. The Spellbook of Daimos
Duration: Special The shift in position takes one segment,
Appearance: This tome bears no
Area of Effect: Sphere of 1n radius per and the caster or speU recipient may
title or inscription, and is fashioned of
remain at the new location for a round
level of caster fine, heavy parchment pages sewn to a
(or less, if the spell caster wills) before
Components: S,M waxed cord binding, which is stretched
being teleported back to his or her ini-
Casting Time: 2 segments and nailed to an oaken spine, to which
Saving Throw: None tial location.
in turn are bolted covers of fine bronze,
Explanation/Description: By means During the time spent in the location
the whole covered with stretched silver
journeyed to, the caster or recipient
of a hand gesture and the casting into "dragonscale" The Spellbook weighs
can make physical attacks, mo\·e about,
the air of a pinch of powdered diamond heavily and is three hand-lengths broad
(at least 50 gp worth of the crushed pick up or leave behind objects, manip·
by four in height. It is as thick as two
gemstone), the spell caster creates a ulate items, or cast any spell for which
fingers , bearing within thirty-six page:..
powerful dweomer that negates exist· components are at hand and which
A permanent magic mouth has been
ing magical silence within the area of requires a round or less to cast. ;\lote
cast upon it: whenever the tome is first
effect, and dispels any silence created that it is possible for a spell to take touched by any land e\'ery) creature,
by spell casting or magical-item power effect after the caster journeys back to
the mouth will appear on the front cov-
within the area of effect for one round his or her initial position: this, however,
er, and a cold, level male voice will
per level of the spell caster after the cannot happen if the spell cast has an
speak in Common. "Put me down, or
round of casting. Thus, a dispel silence instantaneous duration (such as a fire·
die:• There are presenlly no magical
ball). If not made earlier, the return
cast by a 12th-level wizard would safeguards on the volume to back up
journey always occurs at the end of the
negate (no saving throws allowed) and this threat, however. The book shows
round regardless of the caster's or
silence cast on him or about his person, no signs of age or ill use.
and prevent such silence from occur· recipient's wishes or state of conscious-
ness (even if dead). History and Description: This vol·
ring or returning for twelve consecu·
l\o possibility of error e:o.ists in tele· ume first come:. to light in Rea.lmslore
live rounds after casting. Dispel magic
portation. If the journey is made into an some three hundred winters ago, when
will in turn destroy a dispel silence
area already occupied by a solid body the caravan-master ~tuirhar Duskbrow:'
dweomer, but silence will not return
(unlikely, as the destination must be an Easterner, crossed Anauroch IThe
unJess cast anew, or if of a permanent
within the caster's view), or if the area Great Desert) al the head of a caravan
(i.e., magical-item function} sort. The
of return is similarly blocked, the jour· sixty-seven wagons long. The perilous
dweomer created by this spell is always
neyer is stunned (unable to cast spells) crossing was made safely, but gnoll bands
a sphere centered upon the spell caster,
and displaced into the astral plane Note raided the caravan in Bleached Bones
extending through walls and doors,
that the journey is a form of teleporta· Pass. Many were slain before Muirhar's
around intervening objects, and so
tion- neither physical nor magical barri· guards overcame the attackers. The gnoll
ers can stop it or the return trip, and a corpses were stripped of weapons and
Bowgentle's Fleeting Journey (Altera· journeyer who is pinned down, con· goods before the caravan mo\·ed on. and
lion) stricted or otherwise physically strapped to one such <.'Orpse was found a
Level: 4 encumbered will simply vanish from battered leather satchel, obviously looted
Range:O such constraints on the return trip. All from an earlier victim. Within it was a
Duration: Special that the journeyer carries (save other note written in Common that said simply,
Area of Effect: One being living creatures, who will simply be left "I have no further use for this or other
Components: V,S,M behind) will be teleported with him or things of this world. You are my most able
Casting Time: 4 segments her, up to a maximum weight equal to apprentice, so it is yours. Use the Shout
Saving Throw: Special 5,000 gold pieces. The material compo· only in last resort. Daimos:·
Explanation/Description: By the nent of this speU is a small ball of rub· Muirhar took book and note to the
use of this spell, the caster or another ber (which may be uncured, just as it mage Ulthorn of Waterdeep, who kept
creature touched by the caster (an comes from the tree). Note that if the the tome secret for many years and
unwilling creature gains a saving throw de:.tination chosen is beyond the cast· apparently never used its powers until

the night of his death. His apprentice, nation, repulsion, Bigby's grasping being as normal, that for the 6th at + 1 ,
RendergaJlis, who studied the tome hand, duo-dimension, power word and continuing until a successful saving
under Ulthorn's tutelage, reports that stun, vanish. great shout (unique spell), throw is made, whereupon the shroud
Ulthorn died in a sorcerous duel with a incendiary cloud, mind blank, astral instantly vanishes, and the spell is done.
vastly more powerful foe, the Arch· spell, gate, and imprisonment. All com· For each round enveloped by a flame
mage Ahrabose, but, in defeat, slew his monly known spells are in the "stand- shroud, the target suffers 2·12 hit
enemy by bringing the Tuwer of Yintros ard" form (as noted above), save for points of fire damage. If flammable oil is
down upon them both with a great monster summoning I, which Oaimos carried by the creature, its damage is
shout. Rendergallis and many other (or another being) developed so that the added to this if the container of oil fails
young apprentices and prestidigitators caster can, by effort of well, determine its own saving throw. The material
of Waterdeep searched the wreckage of the type of monsters summoned (75% components for this speH are a pinch of
the Tuwer that night, seeking items of chance of success at this). Casting time saltpeter (powdered or in a naturaJ sub·
power and written spells. The blasted is increased to a full round (as the crea· stance such as dung), a small piece of
corpse of Ulthorn was found, with his tures desired must be mentally pie· phosphorus, and a tiny scrap of lace,
shattered staff and emerald sigil ring, tured and this image concentrated on), cloth, or thick spiderweb.
but the Spellbook was gone. In the and the number of creatures that Watchware (Evocation)
ashes that had been Ulthorn, some appear is still 2·8, random. Level: 5
being had scratched in Common: The three unique spells in the Range:Tuuch
"Daimos reclaims his own." Spellbook of Daimos are as follows: Duration: Special
The whereabouts of the tome there· Flame shroud (Alteration) Area of Effect
after are uncertain, but confused tales Level: 5 Components: V,S,M
have come to the northern Realms from Range: l" Casting Time: 1 round
Ankhapur far to the south, and from Duration: Special Saving Throw: None
1\vostar:.. a trailsmeet and well-stop on Area of Effect: Aura about one creature Explanation/Description: When a
the Golden Way trade road east of the Components: V,S,M watchware is cast upon an item, the
Inner Sea, of two separate skirmishes in Casting Time: 5 segments caster is warned thereafter at the
which magic-users have employed Saving Throw: Special moment that the item moves or is
great shouts. One of these two is known Explanation/Description: By means moved from the place or position it was
to a sage, Thantos of Selgaunt, who of this spell, a magic-user causes an in at the time of spell casting, or when-
states that she is too young to have aura of crackling flame to come into ever the item is touched by any living
known the spell before, or immediately being about an unwilling target. Unless creature. A watchware may be cast on
after, the death of Ulthorn in Water- adequately protected against fire, the any non-living item of any size, but is
deep and. thus, must have learned it target takes fiery damage, all Oamma· usually cast upon a spell book, lock,
since. Perhaps she gleaned it from ble objects upon his or her person (e.g., door, wand, staff, or item of treasure.
another source, but Thantos, the aged clothing or papers such as scrolls or On the first occasion after completion
Rendergallis, and Elrninster all agree spell books) must save vs. magical fire of casting a watchware the the item is
that the Spellbook of Daimos is the only or be destroyed, and other creatures disturbed, the caster-even if asleep,
known source. Who or what "Daimos" within 1 11 of the target may also suffer charmed, or unconscious, and even if
is and the present location, aims, and damage. The flame shroud envelops the years have passed or the caster is a
powers (or even existence) of such a victim and rages, throwing off small great distance or even several planes
being are presently unknown. gouts of flame up to 1" distant onto eve· distant-will receive mental images of
Contents: The last two of the ry creature within range. Each gout the item and its surroundings. If living
Spellbook's thirty-six pages are blank, does 1-4 hp of damage to any creature it creatures are within 1" of the item or
but all others bear magic-user spells, as strikes, and may possibly endanger oth· have touched it, the caster will receive
follows (in order of appearance): iden· er flammable objects carried by such clear images of them and of their doings
tify, magic missile, indsibllif.l~ ledtate, creatures. The target creature is for 1 round per level of the caster when
web, fireball, monster summoning I, allowed a saving throw each round he or she cast the watchware after they
slow, suggestion, confusion, fear. lzre against the flame shroud. The first save disturb the item. This is not an ESP or a
trap, po{vmorph self, animate dead, is vs. spells at -4; if successful, the wizard eye spell; the caster hears noth·
cloudkill, feeblemind, flame shroud shroud will not form, the target is ing, knows nothing of what such crea·
(unique spell), watchware (unique unharmed, and the spell is lost. The sec· lure say or think, and cannot see their
spell), anti-magic shell, disintegrate. ond save (on the second round) is at - 3, surroundings or gain any hint of direc·
geas, globe of invulnerability. reincar- and so on, the save for the 5th round tion of travel after they leave the imme·

diate vicinity of the disturbed item. The and 1-10 (plus 2 rounds of stunning and druids alike, and it was many years
caster may touch or move an item upon 4 of deafness) if they successfully save. before raiding ores under Gorth gained
which he or she has cast a watchware The material component for this spell is Num's prayer book, stealing it away to
without setting off the spell. Note that some minor item upon which a unknown hands. Num was not mad,
earth tremors and the like will set off dweomer has been cast (or failing that, but had strange manners of speech and
the spell, even if no creature or deliber- a scroll or magical item), which is held thought, and was popularly believed
ate intent to take or move the item is by the caster and consumed by the spell among men to be so, hence his nick·
involved. Items upon which a wat- in the casting. Artifacts cannot be used name. His prayers are finely written in
chware has been cast radiate a faint to power a great shout. a flowing hand, and are well thought of
dweomer; if a dispel magic is cast upon by elves and druids alike.
an item under watchware, the wat- Book of Num "the Mad"
Contents: It is from the writings of
chware will immediately be activated, Appearance: This tome is a slim vol· the elf Ruven Mithalvarin that we have
not dispelled. Note that a watchware ume of rough slabs of ironwood, tied a record of the Book contents. Each
works once only and is not a permanent together by leathern thongs in a "sand· page contains a single prayer. The first
or continual protection. Death of the wich" around twenty-four loose, is a general giving of thanks (a non·
spellcaster ends the magic, even if the magical ritual) to Silvanus. The other
unbound sheets of fine parchment.
watchware was not activated or the twenty-three are specific instructions
spellcaster is subsequently raised from History and Description: Num "the
Mad'' (no relation to "Lum the Mad") and litanies on how to pray to the
the dead. The material components of Father for specific spells, as follows:
this spell are a strand of spiderweb, a was crippled from birth and grew up,
ridiculed and teased all the while, in the faerie fire, invisibility to animals, pass
tiny brass or silver bell, and an eyeglass without trace, purify water, fire trap,
or speculum of glass or crystal. alleys of Selgaunt port. His only place of
refuge was the splendid Hunting Gar- obscurement, hold animal, snare, tree,
Great shout (Evocation) den of the Hulorn of Selgaunt, a vast, water breathing, briartangle (unique
Level: 8 high-walled preserve within the city prayer, described below), call woodland
Range: Self forbidden to all save the Hulorn's guests beings, plant door, thorn spray (unique
Duration: Instantaneous (Num found an old sewer that led into prayer, described below), commune
Area of Effect: 2" by 9" cone its grounds). Able only to crawl, Num with nature, control winds, pass plant,
Components: V,M was seen one day and easily chased turn wood, weather summoning, ani·
Casting Time: 1 segment down by one of the Hulorn's huntsmen, mate rock, confusion, death chariot
Saving Throw: Special who rode over him and unrested a (unique prayer, described below), and
Explanation/Description: The lance to slay the intruder- and was transmute metal to wood.
unleashing of a great shout instantly himself slain by the fall of a dead tree. The special prayers devised by Num
drains the caster of 2-8 (2d4) hit points, (or inspired in him by Silvanus) are as
Num hastily left the Garden and made
which can be regained by rest and cura· follows:
for the inland forests.
tive magic; a system shock survival roll Although hitherto cynical and god- Briartangle (Alteration)
must also be made. The caster releases derisive, he saw the tree's fall not as Level: 4
a wave of sound of stunning force akin chance but as the direct work of Range: 1" /level (distance from caster to
to a horn of blasting; 18 structural Silvanus, and he began to worship the chosen spell focus)
points of damage dealt in a 1'-wide, 8' - Father with devotion. Seeking out a Duration: 1 round/level
long path-sufficient to smash a draw- druid of the Circle nigh Shadowdale, he Area of Effect: Special
bridge, split a boulder, or flatten a learned the basics of woodlore and Components: V,S,M
normal cottage. All creatures in the worship, and soon became a hermit, Casting Time: 6 segments
cone of sound must save vs. magic; holding himself apart from men and Saving Throw: 1/2
those saving are stunned into inactivity working tirelessly to improve the for- Explanation/Description: A briar-
for 1 round and deafened for 2 rounds. est. At length he was healed of his dis- tangle spell causes living shrubbery or
Those failing the save are deafened for abilities by grateful sylvan elves, and he undergrowth of any type to be instant-
4 rounds, stunned for 2, and suffer 1-10 lived long in solitude and serenity, ly changed to densely tangled briars of
hit points of physical damage. All magi- developing special prayers to the thorniest sort, growing to 6' in
cal and non-magical items in the "nar· Silvanus-for which, and for his works, height and increasing in horizontal vol·
row path" described above must save he was rewarded with special powers ume to a 1" circular radius, plus 1 11
vs. crushing blow or be destroyed. from the Father. Upon his death, the additional radius for every 2 levels of
Creatures in the "narrow path" take elves kept his grove and cave-home experience of the caster (thus, a 2nd·
double (2-20) damage if they fail to save, from fortune hunters and searching level druid would cause a briartangle of

Z" radius). The briars can be readily of this spell, a druid can cause barbs, to approach, and merely touching one
forced through, but will snag and halt spikes, thorns, or spines, either natu- of the horses will do 3-2.4 points of fiery
missiles, thrown objects, or flying crea- rally growing or magically created (i.e., damage, but boarding or touching the
tures within their confines; all crea- by use of a spike growth, wall of thorns, chariot will do no damage. Anyone in
tures trapped within a briartangle or briartangle spell), to spring with the chariot may control the path of the
when it forms, or those that enter it force from his or her hand, or from chariot by verbal command, causing
thereafter, will suffer 3-6 points of bushes or resting places (which must be the flaming steeds to stop or go, walk,
piercing and scratching damage per within 1" of the druid), and serve as trot, run or fly, turn left or right, rise,
round, or portion thereof, that they missiles. The thorns will do 1 hit point or descend. The vehicle and steeds can
remain in contact with the spell. Beings of damage each, and can fly up to 12" be harmed by water (one quart will
clad in banded, scale, or plate mail have away, within the round of casting, strik- cause 1 hit point of damage) or by magi-
all damage thus done lessened to 1-3 ing as many targets as the druid wishes cal weapons. The steeds are ACZ, and
points per round. This also applies to and the spell allows for (see below). The can be dispelled by inflicting 30 hit
creatures made of rock or with skin of druid may direct the thorns in any com- points of damage each upon them. The
comparable hardness, but creatures bination at any living or non-living (i.e., steeds and chariot can be forcibly
with lesser armor, such as chain, take a scroll, lantern, or wineskin) target(s) returned to the Elemental Plane of Fire
full damage, with or without a shield. In that he or she can see. The thorns strike by use of such spells as dispel magic,
all cases, a successful save vs. spells only if a successful "to hit" roll is made holy/unholy word, etc. Fire or electrici-
equals half damage. Spell casting (at +4) for each, as though they were ty will not harm the chariot or steeds,
requiring a somatic component is directly wielded by the druid (i.e., no but cold-, ice-, or water-based magic
impossible within a briartangle, and range penalties apply). will do them double damage.
cloth raiment and items must save vs. Sleep-venomed wooden darts are A death chariot closely resembles a
acid once per round (or portion there- sometimes carried by druids who use Chariot of Sustarre, save that its
of) that they are within the briartangle's this spell often. The missiles of a thorn enchantments are less stable and more
confines or be rent and torn. A briar- spray twist and turn in flight to follow temporary; at the end of 1 turn after
tangle will vanish instantly if the caster moving targets and avoid obstructions, casting (or at any time previous to that,
so wills, · but otherwise exists for 1 and are fast enough to catch most birds if the caster wishes), the death chariot
round per experience level of the cast- on the wing (moving approximately 120 will suddenly explode in a gigantic ball
er, the plants afterwards reverting to yards/segment). A maximum of four of fire and vanish (along with its steeds).
their former state. thorns per experience level of the druid All in the chariot or within 3" will take
The material components of the spell can be animated by means of this spell. 10-40 points of fiery damage (save
are living plants of any type (which are This spell will work underwater, but equals half damage); passengers will
transformed into the briartangle), mis- the thorns roll to hit at normal odds to suffer a further Z hp of blast shock (as
tletoe, a thorn from any plant, and a hit, and the range is lessened to 9" . oxygen is consumed in the blast, and air
bud, petal, or leaf from a briar (wild Death chariot (Evocation, Conjuration/ rushes back in to fill the void), and-if
rose). Fire will destroy a briartangle in a the chariot vanishes in midair - falling
round, but creatures within it take 2-12 Level: 7 damage applies unless magical items or
hit points of fiery damage (no saving Range: 1" spells afford escape. Readily combusti-
throw). The area where a briartangle ble materials such as cloth, wood,
Duration: Special
was cast radiates a faint dweomer for 2· paper, and oil will be consumed in the
Area of Effect: Special
6 turns after the spell has expired, and Components: V,S,M blast (add flaming oil damage to any
can be used to confuse creatures fol- chariot passenger carrying it upon
Casting Time: 1 turn
lowing a pass without trace trail by Saving Throw: Special their person). All other items (including
detecting a dweomer. scrolls and spell books) gain a saving
Explanation/Description: When
this spell is cast, a clap of thunder throw vs. fireball. If items also suffer a
Thorn spray (Alteration)
sounds and a billowing cloud of smoke fall (i.e., from a midair death chariot
Level: 4
Range:l" erupts from the caster. Within this blast), they must also save against its
effects. The bringing of an alchemy jug
Duration: 1 round cloud appears a flaming chariot pulled
Area of Effect: Special by two fiery horses. This vehicle moves or decanter of endless water into or
Components: V,S,M 2.4" on the ground, 48" flying and can onto the chariot will cause it to immedi-
Casting Time: 3 segments carry up to nine man-sized creatures ately explode. The material compo-
Saving Throw: None (the caster need not be among them). nents of the spell are a small piece of
Explanation/Description: By means The chariot will feel uncomfortably hot wood, bark, or handful of shavings, two
holly berries, and a fire source at least

equal to a torch. Note that a druid could are rambling, and the pages are much (save equals half damage, round
well deceive others into thinking the stained with various liquids and pow· upwards); small-sized creatures take 1·
death chariot is a Chariot of Sustarre by ders used as ingredients in spells, spell 6 points (successful saves halving dam-
touching them before they enter the inks, and in the making of a homoncu- age); and large-sized creatures are
chariot and accompanying them. The lous. Its useful contents are as follows: unharmed. The material components
druid causes the chariot to explode by - Complete descriptions and instruc- for the scatterspray are the missiles (at
act of will, not verbal command, so he tions for the cantrips exterminate, tie, least six egg-sized or nine coin-sized
or she could "bail out" before igniting wilt. and smokepuff (all in "standard" objects are required, but the spell will
the trap or, alternatively, ride the form, as described above). affect up to four do.ten of either), anu d
chariot in safety for a short trip (i.e ., flint and steel or tinder-box (not con·
- The complete spells affect normal
across a chasm, down from a cliff, tow- sumed in spell casting), with which a
fires, scatterspray (a unique spell),
er, battlement, etc.) and then leave it as spark must be stuck. The caster can
shield, and write.
a fiery trap, or even send it back at a choose the spell focus (center of the 1 11
pursuing enemy before causing it to - The magical and medicinal uses of radius area of effect, and 2 11 radius
explode. Attempts to charm, sleep, or unicorn horns. blast areal by act of will, determining
hold the fiery steeds will be unsuccess- - A recipe, copied from another direction and distance (the intended
ful. The maximum duration of exist· source, for the making of a homoncu· focal area need not be seen). It can be
ence of a death chariot (if not exploded lous (cf. Monster Manual). distant from the caster by 1" per expe·
earlier) is 1 round per level of the cast· rience level of the caster. The spell cast·
er; if kept until maximum duration, the Specifics of some of these contents er is never harmed by the missiles of his
chariot will fade away harmlessly, and follow: or her own scatterspray. Other crea-
• not explode. Scatterspray (Alteration) tures protected by forcecubes and the
Level: 1 like will be unaffected; shield spells and
Briel's Book of Shadows Range: Spell focus 1" distant per level similar one-sided defenses will reduce
Appearance: This untitled volume is of caster damage suffered by 1 hit point. If a scat·
a large, leather-bound folio with Duration: 1 round terspray is cast with insufficient mis·
twenty-one wrinkled, dogeared sheets Area of Effect: Special siles (see above) present, nothing will
of parchment sewn in place. It has Components: V,S,M occur, and the magic will be lost.
received heavy (though careful) han- Casting Time: 1 segment Sprites, insects of all types, and other
dling, and is ob\'iously a workbook, full Explanation/Description: By means flying creatures with delicate wings
of scribbled notes and thoughts, rather of this spell, the magic-user causes any must save vs. spell when caught in a
than a formal compendium of spells. unconfined or untethered objects of scatterspray, or be unable to fly (wings
chicken-egg size or less within a 1" radi- pierced and bruised, or torn, and
History and Description: This unti· us spherical area of effect to spray vio- numb) for 1-4 turns; large-sized crea-
tied, ancient volume has traditionally lently outward in all directions, as tures and those with powerful wings
been known as Briel's Book of Shadows, though thrown by an explosion. The (such as perytons and pseudodragons)
as it is thought to be the work of the missiles are not created by the spell; the of sturdy construction are immune to
Archrnage Briel when he was but an magic-user must employ objects at this effect.
apprentice under the tutelage of the hand or on his own person. Typically
great Aumvor the Undying (now coins, marbles, gems, dice, sling bullets, Tbe ases Of: c.u:JicoRf'.l boRDs
believed to be a lich whose lair is some- and the like are employed. The scatter-
where in the vast mountain ranges of The horns of unicorns are rare and
spray plucks all such objects (except precious things, seldom gained by a
the North). The sage Ubergast of Arnn those actually within the robes, pock-
points out that the informal handwrit· user of magic, so it behooves one not to
ets, pouches, and pack of the caster) waste or misuse any such gained. Often
ing found in the Book closely resembles within the 1" radius area of effect up
that preserved in a Jetter in the archives the horns of other creatures will be
and hurls them 1" outward in all direc- sold or offered as those of unicorns; the
of Baldur's Gate, wherein Briel wrote of tions. Upon reaching the limits of this
his intention to found a school of wiz· powers and properties below are
thrust, the objects rebound back unique to the true items, and testing
ardry there. Certainly no other claim- inwards and ricochet about within the
ant to authorship has declared himself, will avoid successful deceptions.
2" radius total area for the entire round When a unicorn lives, its intact horn
nor has been advanced as more than following the round of casting. All man·
speculation by sages. has strong magical powers, notably the
sized creatures within this greater (2") ability to call upon Silverymoon (the
Contents: The book's inscriptions area take 1-4 points of shrapnel damage " divine unicorn," mentioned in

DRAGON® Magazine issue #54 in the not the caster's palm, and the horn can blood from his own body into a vessel
Forgotten Realms pantheon, under be released by the caster and the caster by means of an incision, and one pint
"CUlts of the Beast'') for one clerical and horn separated by any distance exactly must be added to the pot.
spell of any sort per day, something sel- without the light failing-until the cast- The alchemist then must tend the
dom done (some say Silvanus grants er ceases to concentrate on it. mixture constantly, allo\.ving the bra-
such magics). Unicorns cannot be Other powers of unicorn horns are zier to burn out and the mixture slowly
coerced into such use of their horns- rumored, but no more as yet have been cool. When the side of the cauldron is
nor do the horns retain this power if verified. Powdered horn is known to be no warmer than the room, the mixture
removed from the host, or if the uni- a possible ingredient (there are herbal may be covered (tightly, with stretched
corn is slain. alternatives) in the making of a sweet and tarred hide sealed with wax, to
Other powers do continue after the water potion. keep the air out) and left undisturbed
separation from the living beast, and for 1·4 weeks. When it is adjudged
these should be carefully noted; most Hornoocaloas cReacioo ready (by the smell of the seal, which
importantly, they are sovereign reme- should be sharply spicy) by the alche·
Being A Recipe, Most Complete And mist, the mixture shall be uncovered
dies against poison.
Upon direct contact with any Correct, Prepared By The Willing And and put once more over a brazier with
Allied Hands Of The Grand Alchemist charcoal and incense. As it heats, the
poison-liquid, solid, or vapor-a uni-
Of Neverwinter, Askrim " the Bold," And magic-user must cast a mending spell
corn's horn turns from its usual ivory
The Wizard Dauntus, Seneschal of upon the fluid, then a mirror image,
hue to purple, the intensity of the color
Silverymoon: The Making Of A Homon- and then a wizard eye. He must then
(mauve through black) deepening
culous. remain within the presence of the caul-
according to the efficacy of the poison.
(This effect fades in 1-4 rounds after the Firstly, an acidic base of water into dron, or at least within the future radi·
cessation of contact.) Some very rare which is crushed a thousand thousand us of control of the creature (48"), as
horns are naturally of a hue other than ants, and out of which is strained the the mixture is heated to a boil. The
ivory, but they are never purple, and insect remains, is prepared in a black alchemist shalJ then stoke the fires hot·
turn to such hues only when poison is iron cauldron. ter, and when much of the fluid is
present. Powdered unicorn horn, taken Secondly, the following herbs must boiled away, the completed homoncu-
internally (washed down with water or be crushed and powdered together in a lous will be revealed in the cauldron.
wine) is an antidote to all ingested poi- separate vessel: an acorn, and a whole When it has cooled (the vapors from the
sons, neutrali.zing such immediately, to plant or large leaf each of balmony, cauldron passing away), the magic-user
prevent any further damage. Rubbing birthwort, fennel, and ginseng. must touch it. It will then be animate,
an envenomed blade, spearhead or Thirdly, a brass brazier must be lit, and will survive (barring physical
arrow-tip with powdered or whole stoked with charcoal, and over the flames attack or misfortune) until the death of
horn will remove and negate the poison must be cast a handful of rose petals, the magic-user, whereupon it will dis·
(so effectively that the process of incense, and a pinch of fine sand. solve into boiling vapor and pass into
removal itself is not dangerous). A uni- The cauldron of acid must now be nothingness. If it should die first and
corn horn carried next to the skin of placed on the brazier and heated. the magic-user survive its death, he
any creature confers upon that crea· Straightaway, ere it comes to the boil, must guard and hide its corpse well, for
ture a + 7 bonus in all saving throws of the powdered herbs must be stirred whatever is done to the carcass shall
any sort. into it (mind that a dipper or ladle of happen also to the spell caster-the
Druids have found that a faerie fire wood and not metal is used), and the remains should not be burned save the
spell cast upon a whole horn or piece of following ingredients must also be caster has magics to protect against
one will last for 44 rounds. The efficacy introduced into it, in the order given: fire. Remember too, that it can see in
of a mending spell is increased by the whole skin of any reptile (size is the darkness where one cannot, and
touching a part of the item to be mend- unimportant, so long as the skin is can guard while one sleeps, waking one
ed with a unicorn horn during casting; whole), a human eye, the brain of a at the approach of any creature.
magical items can be made whole- mind flayer, the wings of a bat, and the
although their dweomer is not mouthparts or whole head of a vampir- Sabirine's Specular
restored-and shattered items with ic bat. These may be agitated and Appearance: A large, heavy tome
many fractures (such as broken earth- stirred as necessary-they must be (five bandwidths across by ten
enware pots or crystal flasks) can be wholly dissolved ere the mixture comes bandwidths high, two fingers thick) of
completely restored. If the cantrip to a boil. twenty-eight fine vellum pages with
bluelight is cast with a unicorn horn in As the mixture begins to bubble in stamped brass corner-pieces, and cov-
hand, the glow centers upon the horn, earnest, the magic-user shall let fresh

ers of thin black marble affixed to the IJUages, enlarge, light, Nystul's magic affecte d by normal weapon s (which
thinnes t of suth·w ood sheets by large aura, sleep, bladethirst (a unique spell, pass throug h it as though it does not
brass corner caps. detaile d hereaft er), detect evil, ESP, exisO. A wish, limited wish, or alter
Histor y and Descri ption: Sabirin e
clairaudience, gust of wind, tongues, reality spell, proper ly worded , will
was a mage of long ago, instrum ental in charm monste r, dig, fire charm , ?esti:oy it, as will. contac t with any mag-
the explora tion of the North; her adven· Mera/d's murde rous mist (a unique ical item or artifac t-whic h causes a
s~ell taught to Sabirin e by her tutor, the magical explosion doing 1-20 points of
tures are a part of the fireside lore of
traders and travele rs there yet. She mighty archma ge Merald; the spell is damag e to all within 1" Cl-8 to those
detaile d hereaft er), polymo rph other, fro~ 1" .+ to 2 away), and destroy s a

compiled and conceaJed spellbooks in

various caches and favorit e haunts Bigby's interposing hand, disinte{fl'ate, magical item; an artifact must make a
about the wilderl ands, and the one
geas, and phase door. saving throw. If such an artifact is not
known as The Specul ar has survive d, Spell Engine (Abjuration/Alteration) destroy ed, there is a 75% chance that it
for it is known to have been in the Level: 8 will be shifted (with or withou t any
library of the sage Eiron the Old in Range: 0 creatur e wielding ill into anothe r plane
of existen ce.
l'\everw inter until his death- and the Duratio n: Special
subseq uent pillaging of his house by A of Effect: Sphere about caster, of 1
11 Magic mouths, glyphs, symbols, and
thieves of the Red Hand guild-o nly radius per level protect ive circles or other runic magics
four winter s ago. Compo nents: V,S,M will not be affecte d by a spell engine;
Sabirin e learned the secrets of lich· Casting Time: 1 turn thus, a doorwa y can be guarde d by a
dom but chose to die a natural death Saving Throw : None symbol, and a spell engine cast in front
of the doorwa y will preven t the symbo l
instead . She was a mage with an espe· Explan ation/D escript ion: This rare
cial interes t in cantrip s, and was an and powerf ul magic does not come into from being dispelled. Detect magic will
operati on until anothe r spell is cast reveal the presen ce and shape of an
enthusi astic advoca te of the continu ed
use and refinem ent of cantrip s by within its area of effect. When that unactiv ated spell engine; the wheel is
magic-users of long career and high occurs, a huge, shining wheel or verti- typically 12' in diamet er and 2' thick,
standin g uprigh t on edge, aJthough it
level. The Specular; for instanc e, con· ?aJ disc of glowin g white light will
tains three unique cantrip s develo ped mstant ly appear (some inches above will grow margin ally larger if charge d
by Sabirine: catfeet, snatch, and spark. any ground or floor that was there at by m:my spells and the surroun dings
the time of casting, or is there at the permit such growth (its area of effect
Contents: Each cantrip and spell in remain ing unchanged). It is often cast
the Specular is set forth aJone on a time of activation) where the caster
stood while casting the engine (even if in a narrow passag eway before a door.
page, and there are two additio nal pag· Un~J activat ed, the wheel of a spell
es at either end of the book; that at the that spellca sting occurr ed centuri es
before) . It will begin to turn, with a gen- engme has no physical existence and
?eginn ing being an inscrip tion identify . cannot be touched . A disinte{fl'ate spell
tle rushing noise, and will absorb the
~ the tome as belong ing to Sabirine, will have no effect on an unactiv ated
With her rune (an "S" depicte d as a energy of all spells cast within its area
of effect- so that they are wasted and spell engine, but it will destroy an acti·
swan), and that at the end bearing a vated spell engine, with an explosion
curious piece of black felt in the shape do not work, but serve instead to
power the turning wheel. The wheel identic al in effect to that caused by con·
of a vial. The frontis piece page is actu· tact betwee n a spell engine and a magi·
ally a unique spell, spell engine (detailed does nothing except turn, light up an
area, and benefit magic- user and illu- caJ item or artifact . Note that a spell
he~eafter) of unkno wn author ship, engine's area of effect extend s throug h
sionists with a curious side·effect: Its
which has been concea led by use of a rock and void alike in a perfect sphere ;
sound and energie s and magical con·
secret page spell. The comma nd word it cannot be easily avoided by use of a
centrat ion, and spell memor izing times
of the secret page is not known . The passwall, dig, or phase door. Living
last page is though t to be an unused for spellca sters who study within its
area of effect are halved. Once acti- creatur es not possess ing magical items
magical useful item (see robe of useful can pass throug h the area of effect of
items descrip tion in the Dungeon Mas· vated, an engine will not disapp ear until
dispelled; if starved for magical energy, an active spell engine withou t effect; it
ters Guide) - a potion of extra healing, does not "drain" spells from minds.
Elmins ter believes. it will merely turn more and more slow-
ly, and gradua lly grow dim, until it Inactive spell engines cannot be con·
The pages betwee n bear six cantrip s: tacted by a living creatur e, magical
catfee t (detail ed hereaf ter), clean, hangs motion less, translu cent and
ghostly. item, or artifact, and thus cannot be so
freshen, snatch (detaile d hereaft er), activat ed; nor will the presen ce of a
spark (detailed hereaft er), and unlock, .A spell e~e cannot be dispelled by
dispel magic (which it will absorb ), nor functio ning spell, psionic effect, or
and spells as follows: compr ehend Ian- magical item functio n activate a spell

engine-it is only the actual casting of a This force has little strength, but may Explanation/Description: By means
spell that activates the engine. serve to cause a running being to stum- of a pinch of powdered silver, adaman-
The material components for this ble or turn about, or cause someone to tite, or mithral, and at least a drop of
spell are a small disc of fine, polished fumble or drop small objects such as (human) blood, the caster endows the
ivory, bone, shell, or marble; a drop of keys, material components, gems, blade (or blades) of an edged weapon
water or one of the caster's tears; and a coins, and the like. A saving throw (of with a + 3 bonus to hit on the following
gem (any type) of at least 1,000 gp value. the subject, vs. spell) determines round only. This temporary magic is
whether such objects are actually visible as a blue-white glow about the
Catfeel (Alteration)
dropped, or a fall or mishap actually weapon, and fades when the blade
A of E: 1 pair of feet (self)
occurs-or whether the snatch merely strikes a creature or the spell expires,
er. 116 segment delays the subject for 1-3 segments. In whichever first occurs. The weapon
Explanation/Description: This per-
no case can successfully snatched must be touched by the caster, and can
sonal cantrip, enacted by making a
objects be animated or conveyed magi- be wielded by the caster or any crea-
stroking motion with the fingers of one
cally by the caster; the snatch is a brief ture - but if it is thrown, cast, or
hand, acts upon the caster (and cannot
tug, not an unseen servant. The caster launched (i.e., a fired missile weapon
be made to affect another person) for
hisses softly at the subject being (who such as an arrow), the + 3 bonus will
one round (plus one additional round
must be within 4 11 of the caster-within not apply. (Note that an arrow held to
per experience level of the caster, above
1" if the caster is a 0-level apprentice), stab like a dagger would gain the
the first level). Movements or the
and simultaneously makes a jerking bonus.) The weapon does not gain a + 3
weight (tread) of the caster's feet,
motion with a hooked finger, visualiz- bonus on damage, but is considered
regardless of the surface being walked
upon or climbed, are rendered silent. ing the location and precise direction of magical for hit purposes on the round
the desired snatching, to enact the can- following spellcasting, and if it must
This does not cloak any other sounds
trip. make a saving throw during that
made by the caster, such as breathing,
round, it gains a + 3 bonus on the save.
the swish of clothing, sounds made Spark (Evocation)
(Polearms such as spears and halberds
with the hands grasping or moving, etc. A of E: Special
are edged weapons, but spiked weap-
Anything dislodged or broken by the CT. 1/2 segment
ons such as a flail or a morning star are
caster's feet will make whatever noise it Explanation/Description: This per-
normally would, and traps or other sonal cantrip is enacted by the caster
devices triggered by a footstep will also snapping his or her fingers and making Merald's Murderous Mist (Evocation)
function normally. In addition, the cast- a popping verbal noise simultaneously; Level: 4
er will land, balanced and unwinded, this causes a large, powerful blue spark Range:O
on his or her feet, from a fall of any to come into being at any precise loca- Duration: 2. rounds
height suffered while the cantrip is in tion (familiar, or unseen and merely Area of Effect: 2." radius sphere
effect (and a modifier of - 1 from each chosen by direction and distance) with- Components: V,S,M
die of falling damage suffered applies). in a range of 1" per level of the caster. Casting Time: 4 segments
The dweomer also lends some surety The energy of the spark will be trans- Saving throw: Neg.
of traction and movement; a -15% mitted by any conducting materials it Explanation/Description: A billow-
chance of slipping or falling in damp, contacts, but the spark does not require ing cloud of misty vapors is created by
greasy, or otherwise slightly slippery the presence of electrical (or any other) the use of this spell; it radiates out-
conditions underfoot. Note that this energy, and is not affected by dampness wards from the caster to fill a 2.11 radius
does not enable the caster to climb or or other atmospheric conditions. If the spherical area above and below the
walk upon walls or ceilings unless other caster is of 6th level or higher, the can- caster's ground level, penetrating all
magic is employed (such as a spider trip will produce 2.-5 (1d4 + 1) sparks in obstructions in only two segments; at
climb spell), but will reinforce all such the same spot, in rapid (successive seg- the end of the round of casting the mag-
magics to lend increased safety in haz- ments) succession. ic takes effect, and the mist changes in
ardous conditions. hue from blue-gray to green, becoming
Bladethirst (Alteration)
poisonous. All breathing creatures
Snatch (Evocation) Level: 2.
within the area of effect not possessing
A of E: 1 person Range:Tuuch
a (magical) separate air supply - except
er. 1;6 segment Duration: 1 round
the caster, who is immune to the effects
Explanation/Description: This Area of Effect: Blade(s) of one weapon
of his or her own murderous mist-
person-affecting cantrip causes a brief, Components: V,S,M
must immediately save vs. spell. Those
violent jerking force to act upon a body Casting Time: 1 round
Saving Throw: None who save are unharmed. Those who do
portion or limb of a subject creature.

not take 2.·8 points of damage from the shortly thereafter, and his son lresk the fingers (which flare open to
vapor, which is corrosive to flesh but took the Workbook to Waterdeep, increase volume, and pinch shut to
does not affect clothing or items. Crea· where he sold it to a conjurer, one mute it) and can be shaken to give a
tures which can't move out of the area Braszetor. This new owner disappeared tremulous note. A caster practiced in
of effect within the round take a fur· shortly thereafter, and his rooms were the use of this cantrip can imitate horn
ther 14 points of damage on the follow· rifled by the Master Thief Nighteye-or blasts perfectly.
ing round, as the vapors begin to someone else who dared to use his
combine with the air and disappear.
Listen (Alteration)
mark. The whereabouts of the Work-
A of E: 1 creature
The globe of murderous mist is a magi· book at present are unknown; Nighteye
CT. 1/ 20 segment
cally bound, precise area unaffected by has probably traded or sold it, but he
Explanation/Description: A
natural or magical winds. Dispel magic could have done either of these things
person·affecting listen cantrip enables
or part water will cause it to disappear with almost anyone, anywhere.
before expiration of the spell, and vari· the caster to attract the attention of a
Contents: From Bendulphin's notes,
target creature within 6" . The cantrip
ous magics or items (such as rope trick we learn that the Workbook's twelve
is activated by the caster's pointing at
or a portable hole) will protect an indi· pages bear the following spells and
the target and then at himself, while
vidual by providing escape from the writings: the unique cantrips horn, lis·
simultaneously saying, "Ahem:• The tar·
mist, but it is otherwise unaffected by ten, and scorch (all described hereaf·
get will then be a.l erted to the message
natural or magical forces. ter), set forth one to a page, and the
subsequently (beginning within one
spells write, detect magic, Leomund's
segment of the casting) spoken by the
Glanvyl's Workbook trap, and Nystul's magic aura, one to a
caster-Le., across a wide street or
Appearance: A small (one handspan page, in the order given. These are fol·
crowded room, etc. The cantrip does
in height, seven fingers wide, and two lowed by a page of notes on the intensi·
not act as a message spell; there must be
thick) volume constructed from two ties and hues of various dweomers
no barriers to sound between caster
leather-covered boards held together viewed by detect magic (confused and
and target, and the cantrip does not
by brass triangular·head nails, through subjective-of little practical use), and
improve the target's hearing or the vol·
a central spine of heavy hide to which then a unique druid spell, smoke ghost
ume of the caster's voice-nor does it
are sewn a dozen parchment sheets. (presumably copied by Glanvyl through
capture the target's full concentration,
The outside front cover bears a person· use of a write spell, and then found to
so it will not ruin or delay spellcasting.
be an untranslatable druidic prayer -
al rune, thus: c:;,:;J If the message is spoken in a language
or perhaps never identified by him at
Beneath it, an inscription in Common: not understood by the target, the can·
all). Particulars of this spell are given
•GJanvyl-his \'\brkbook.'.' Both rune and trip does not translate it. The cantrip is
below. The last two pages of the work·
inscription are burned into the leather, ideal for alerting a friend to the pres·
book contain spell-ink formulae for
and the grooves filled with molten cop- ence of the caster A listen cantrip will
writing the spells haste and lightning
per, which has hardened into rainbow· never be cast upon the wrong target
bolt, respectively.
scarred, predominantly orange metal due to movement during the caster's
traceries. Horn (Evocation) pointing; the caster's view of the target
History and Description: Glanvyl is A of E: Special determines the target.
an unknown magic-user who assem· CT. Special
Scorch (Alteration)
bled this Workbook-probably under Explanation/Description: A horn
A of E: 1 object
the tutelage of one or more magic users cantrip causes the haunting sound of a
CT. 1/3 segment
of greater power-in the caravan· non·existent horn or trumpet being
Explanation/Description: This
winded to be heard within 2" (6" if
crossroads city of Scornubel some reversed cantrip, despite its name, cre-
three hundred years ago. It was hidden loud). The pitch, volume, apparent dis-
ates neither flame nor heat. Instead, by
in a chest of silk gowns, behind a loose tance (echo and muffling), and length of
magically exciting the molecules of any
stone, in a cellar wall of a house owned note Conly a single call is permitted) are
non·living object (of up to 100 gp
by the merchant Pentle, and before him all controllable by the caster. The caster
weight), it causes the object to char
by the illusionist and adventurer Alkun· faintly or inaudibly hums a tone to set
without noise, smell, or smoke. The
da Gar. After Pentle's house was the pitch, and then opens his or her
caster must touch the object Chit roll
destroyed by a fire, one of the rebuild· mouth into an O·shape while cupping
required if another creature is attempt·
ers found it, and took it with stealth to the fingers of one hand over it. The
ing to protect the object or keep the
the sage Bendulphin, who gave him five trumpet call will last as long as the
caster from it), and the object is allowed
hundred pieces of gold for it. mouth is open in an 0 . The volume and
a saving throw vs. magical fire. If the
BenduJphin died of natural causes, steadiness of the note are controlled by
save fails, the object is consumed. This

cantrip will readily destroy magical to utter item command words, power lished in the more lawless and troubled
writings such as spellbooks and scrolls. words, or cast some other spells and lands of the Realms, and a numerous,
The verbal component is a hissing cantrips that require only a single spo· well-organized priesthood has come
noise; the somatic component is merely ken word; doing so usually wracks into being over the years. The Red Book
touching the object to be affected. them with uncontrollable coughing fits of War is one of half a dozen or so simi-
for the following round. A smoke ghost lar volumes, temple tomes containing
Smoke Ghost (Alteration)
is a cloud of thick, billowing grey smoke prayers for use by the priests of Tum·
Level: 4 approximately 9' high by 2' in diameter, pus. However, the Red Book, unlike its
Range: 1" /level fellows, has gone missing-lost to
and cannot achieve a greater stable vol·
Duration: 1 round/level thieves in Tulflamm when the great
ume, but its precise form is variable, in
Area of Effect: Special Tuwer of Tumpus there was robbed one
accordance with the caster's wishes. A
Components: V,S,M night three winters ago by representa·
smoke ghost can rise up into the air 1"
Casting Time: 4 segments tives of the local thieves' guild. It seems
Saving Throw: itz per level of the druid, or be made to
sink to the ground, flowing along the that Theron, High Priest and Champion
Explanation/Description: By means Rampant of Tempus in Tulflamm,
earth like some sort of living blanket,
of a pinch of dust and mistletoe, cast refused to render unto Volludan, Guild-
and can swoop and maneuver through
into an existing fire or cloud of smoke master of the Shadowmasters of
(of magical or natural origin), a druid cracks and crevices precisely as the
druid wills. It can shift into a globe· Tulflamm, certain protective monies-
can affect smoke, drawing it into a
form or wall-form in 1-4 segments. A and so the Shadowmasters relieved the
wraith-like cowled form which will fly temple of several of its greatest trea-
or glide, drifting up to 14" per round in druid who cannot see his or her smoke
ghost cannot direct it, nor can a druid sures, including two great magical
the direction he or she wishes. The blades, a helm of br illiance, and the Red
whose concentration is turned else·
smoke ghost is not a living creature or
where (i.e., in casting another spell) do Book.
sentient force, and cannot wear cloth- The Shadowmasters promptly quar-
so. In both cases, the smoke ghost will
ing, carry things, or be made to speak. reled over their booty (aided by venge-
It is merely an apparition with one
hang motionless until it is dispelled or
the spell expires (a ghost that reaches ful priests and worshipers of Tumpus -
attack ability: it can envelop an oppo· i.e., most of the mercenaries in the city),
the caster's maximum range will also
nent and suffocate it with thick, chok- and Volludan and several of his lieuten-
stop and remain in place until disap·
ing smoke and ash. This causes 1 hp of ants perished. All of the temple trea-
pearing, or until directed elsewhere by
damage per round the victim is within sures were recovered except the Red
the caster. The caster can will the ghost
the ghost (the druid can cause the Book, which is still actively sought by all
to disappear into nothingness at any
smoke ghost to move with an opponent)
time (which will take 1·6 segments). It priests of Tumpus; a reward of 25,000
and blinds the victim so that all attacks pieces of gold (plus, if the finder is a
can also be destroyed by a gust of wind,
are at - 2 to hit, spellcasting and even faithful of Tumpus, a promotion of one
dispel magic, or strong natural winds.
normal speech are impossible for the rank in the priesthood) can be claimed
victim (violent retching and coughing
The Red Book of War at any temple of the Wargod in return
will occur when these are tried). The for the complete Red Book of War. The
victim will be rendered unconscious Appearance: A massive two-volume,
Red Book will be recognized on sight by
through suffocation in 4-9 (ld6 + 3) suc- two cubits wide by three high (a cubit
all canons and higher-ranking priests of
cessive rounds of envelopment. being the length from the elbow to the
end of the middle finger). Its covers are Tumpus, and they will do anything-
A successful saving throw vs. the including mounting an ambush or
ghost (one, against breath weapon, made of armor plates beaten flat, care-
pitched battle with all the armed men
must be made each time a creature is fully shaped, and hinged at the spine of
the book to form a very strong binding, they can muster - necessary to regain
enveloped, even if the same creature it. Its present whereabouts are
has escaped from within the ghost once containing fifty-one thin pages of bur-
unknown, but it is thought that thieves
or several times before) causes the vic- nished copper, carefully stamped with conveyed it far from Tulflamm, and that
tim's attacks to be only at - 1, damage letters and sigils, each page containing
it may have changed hands several
to be -1 hp only at the end of each two one prayer or clerical spell on one side
times since its theft.
successive rounds of envelopment (no only. No sigil or title is visible on the out·
damage for lesser time periods, or frac- er covers. A permanent, pale-red flick· Contents: The Red Book contains the
tions) and means suffocation will occur ering faerie fire emanates from the following clerical spells, one to a page,
only at the end of nine successive book's pages. appearing in the order mentioned (all
rounds of envelopment. Beings who are in standard Players Handbook form
History and Description: Worship
have thus saved vs. a ghost can manage except for some unique spells, which
of the war-god Tumpus is well estab·

are described hereafter-these unique age per strike to all undead, and to any can all be scrutinized in detail and
prayers being special to the priests of creature of a greatly different align- might well be identified by someone
Tumpus; they may or may not be heard, ment than that of the cleric (see below). familiar with them, or recorded for lat·
and answered identically, by other dei· If a holy flail spell is cast upon a blad- er study.
ties): bless, command, cure light ed weapon, nothing will happen and Reveal will show the presence of
wounds, detect magic, remove fear, the spell will be lost. If it is cast upon a gates (or other links between planes,
augury, chant, hold person, know align- weapon held by a creature of a greatly including the presence of an astral sil-
ment, resist fire, slow poison, spiritual different alignment than that of the very cord), inactive or not, but will not
hammer, animate dead, continual light, casting cleric (i.e., good vs. evil; lawful, reveal astral, ethereal, or invisible crea-
cure blindness, cure disease, dispel chaotic, and neutral considerations do tures or things. Unlike true seeing, the
magic, feign death, holy flail (special not matter in this case), the flailwill not auras of creatures are not shown; nor
prayer, see below), locate object, pray- form. A holy flail will always vanish if it are polymorphed or magically changed
er, remove curse, speak with dead, cure is transferred from one creature to things shown for what they truly are
serious wounds, detect lie, divination, another, unless the being receiving it is (although the dweomer of an illusion,
exorcise, neutralize poison, protection the spellcaster or another cleric of the for example, would be seen) or former-
from evil 10' radius, reveal (special same deity. A holy flail does not need ly were.
prayer, see below), tongues, atonement, continued concentration on the part of The spell requires an ointment com-
commune, dispel evil, flame strike, the cleric to maintain it, and can be posed of four drops of the cleric's (or
quest, raise dead, true seeing, blade dropped to enable spellcasting (or spell recipient's) blood; two drops of
barrier, heal, speak with monsters, thrown as a weapon) without vanish· water; two drops of giant squid sepia; a
stone tell, word of recall, bladebless ing. A holy flail created from a holy pinch of the powdered herb eyebright;
(special prayer; see below), gate, regen- symbol can only be wielded by a cleric and two powdered gemstones, a large
erate, restoration, resurrection, sacred of the same deity as the symbol, or it blue sapphire and a carbuncle of at
link (special prayer; see below), symbol, will vanish. The material components least medium size. The cleric mixes
and wind walk. The special prayers to of this spell are the holy symbol or these in a bowl or depression of stone,
Tumpus contained in the Red Book are weapon (which is not consumed or china, or earthenware (not wood or
as follows: damaged in any way by the spell) and a metal) with his or her finger, speaks the
Holy Flail (Invocation/Alteration) pinch of powdered gemstone (of any words of the spell while holding his or
Level: 3 type). her holy symbol over the paste, and
Range:Tuuch Reveal (Divination) Reversible then applies it to the eyes.
Duration: 1 round/level Level: 4 The reverse of the spell, conceal, will
Area of Effect: Special Range:Tuuch mask all the above things from any
Components: V,S,M Duration: 4 rounds creature to whom the ointment (com-
Casting Time: 6 segments Area of Effect: 12" sight range posed in this case of a pinch of pow-
Saving Throw: None Components: V,S,M dered monkshood (aconite); six drops
Explanation/Description: By call· Casting Time: 7 segments of onion juice; a pinch of dust; and sev-
ing upon his or her deity, the cleric cast- Saving Throw: None en drops of water, mixed and enspelled
ing a holy flail spell temporarily Explanation/Description: This spell as above) is applied for one turn per
transforms his or her own holy symbol, is cast upon the cleric or another (will- level of the cleric casting the conceal,
or any non-bladed weapon which the ing) creature into whose eyes the cleric and if during this time the affected
cleric touches wielded by another induces the material component of the being employs true seeing or detect
being, into a magical holy flail. For one spell. It allows the affected being to see magic or equivalent magics, these spells
will appear to work, but the phenom·
round per experience level of the cleric, clearly the location and outline of sym·
the holy symbol or transformed weap· bols, glyphs of warding, magically con· ena listed above will simply not be seen
on becomes a snakelike, flexible field of cealed inscriptions, and dweomers by the affected creature. Awake,
force attached to a rigid hand-hold; an existing upon surfaces viewed, even if mobile creatures unwilling to have the
invisible, crackling spectral flail that is these are not yet activated (such as mag- ointment for either version of the spell
+ 2 to hit when wielded in battle, and is ic mouth, Mordenkainen's faithful applied to their eyes must be contacted
considered a magical weapon for hit· hound, Leomund's trap, Nystul's magic by the cleric twice (two successful hit
ting purposes. A strike from a holy flail aura, hallucinatory terrain, wall of rolls required), but washing or any
does 2-7 points of damage and, if wield· force). No clue as to the precise nature means short of dispel magic, exorcise,
ed by a cleric, an additional 1 hit point of the magic is given by the spell, but or a limited wish will not prevent the
per experience level of the cleric dam- protective circles, symbols, and glyphs ointment from working.

Bladebless (Necromantic) material(s) and be roughly the same The Alcaister
Level: 7 size; they cannot be living creatures; Appearance: A large, russet-colored
Range: Special and ideally they will be nearly identical volume constructed of metal plates cov-
Duration: Permanent (i.e., matching swords, scrolls, statu· ered with burlap or hessian, tied
Area of Effect: Special ettes, etc.) The sacred link spell causes together with a spine of waxed, intri·
Components: V,S,M an invisible magical bond to be created cately interwoven leather thongs ("like
Casting Time: 1 round between the two items; both will radi- the lacings on a lady's high leather rid·
Saving Throw: Special ate a very faint dweomer, and although ing boots;' according to the sage Norna-
Explanation/Description; By use of the link is not a tangible pathway or grym). Tu the weavings are sewn
this spell, a cleric heals a specific wound thread that one can follow, what hap· forty-six pages of the finest thick parch·
by bestowing a blessing on the weapon pens to one item will also happen to the ment, each containing a simple magical
that caused it. This magic works only other, even if they are separated by spell or cantrip-except the last, which
upon a non-magic bladed weapon, myriad planes or any distance. bears a curious rune, thus:
which the cleric must touch and hold as The link lasts until one of the items is
he or she intones the blessing. Immedi· destroyed (or until a dispel magic is cast ~
ately upon this being done, the last upon one of the items, which negates and in Common, the word "Kuhoralmin-
wound caused by that blade (if any the link). For instance, if a map or scroll thannas" written in a circle around it. The
wound has been so caused, to any living is sold to an enemy and the match for it outer covers bear only the inscription
thing, within one turn per experience is retained by the cleric, his or her tern· "The Alcaister" burned in small, fine flow-
level of the cleric) will instantly be fully pie, or even another being, several days ing letters in Common, picked out in
and completely healed, even if the blade after the sale this being could burn his paints of silver. The book shows only light
was poisoned, a disease conferred, or a or her copy-and the enemy's copy weathering, but its appearance gives the
limb or head was severed. Such healing would also be consumed, regardless of impression of some age.
occurs even if the affected creature is its location or situation. (If the map was History and Description: The
several planes distant at the casting of buried or underwater, no flames would Alcaister is of great antiquity but
the b/adebless - and if death occurred occur, but the map or scroll would still unknown origin; it was written some-
due to a failed system shock roll or poi· turn to ashes and be destroyed, in uni- where in the North by a mage of good
son saving throw, then life is restored. son with its burning twin; on the other penmanship and some powers at least
(If death was due to cumulative hit hand, if the enemy's copy is in a back· six hundred years ago, when it appears
point loss, life is not restored; nor will pack or on a desk with other papers, its in a merchant's catalogue-of-cargo as
this magic heal other wounds upon the immolation could well ignite other, adja- declared before the plague-masters
victim's body.) The healed creature cent flammable materials.) (quarantine officers) of the time, of
need not ever be seen, touched, or even By means of this spell a weapon can Waterdeep. It was passed into the city,
known to the cleric. If such a wound be damaged or destroyed by affecting and presumably sold, but does not sur-
has already healed or been magically its twin-or conversely, any item could face again until brought to the sage
healed, it is unaffected, and the bladeb- be improved by plating with gold, Ardagundus in Baldur's Gate by an
less magic is lost. The material compo· adornjng with gems, or careful carving. adventurer, named Wilund, in payment
nents for this spell are the weapon in This spell can be used to link magic for information as to the whereabouts
question, the cleric's holy symbol, and a items, and thus, re-charging or activat· and uses of the Magical Chessmen of
drop of the cleric's own blood. ing one would identically affect the Ultham-Urre. Argandus gave the book
Sacred Link (Evocation/Alteration) other-but there is a 3% cumulative to his apprentice Nornagrym for cata-
Level: 7 chance per use of the link (which is loguing and study, and it is from Norna-
involuntary and not under the control grym's exacting catalogue that precise
Duration: Special of the cleric or another being; one can- details of The Alcaister come.
Area of Effect: Special not choose to have one action dupli· Nornagrym is believed to have
cated in the twin item, and another not) brought the book with him to Water-
Components: V,S,M
that one of the items will shatter or deep upon his master's death, where it
Casting Time: 2 rounds
explode, discharging all of its functions reposed in his library until his own
Saving Throw: None
or charges and ending the link. The death, whereupon it vanished again. It
Explanation/Description: Tu bring
material components for this spell are was observed by the sorcerer Zemloth
about a sacred link, a cleric must hold in
the two items, the cleric's holy symbol, of Arnn to be in the library of his one-
his or her hands the two objects to be
and a strand of fine wire, human hair, time tutor, Orgoth the Thinted (the same
linked, and then cast the spell. The two
items must be fashioned of the same or spiderweb. who was later destroyed by three

demons he had summoned), but was gold, locate object, magic mouth, mir- unwilling, lame, or exhausted creatures
not found when the party of the adven· ror image, rope trick, wizard Jock, clair· alike. The enspelled beast cannot pull a
turer Malahuke searched the hidden, audience, dispel magic, flame arrow, laden cart or wagon without incurring
untouched tunnels of Orgoth's ruined gust of wind, haste, hold person, infra- a half-movement-rate penalty, and
fortress. Its present whereabouts are a vision, slow, water breathing, charm although this cantrip can be used on
complete mystery, but Zemloth asserts monster, dimension door, ice storm, exhausted creatures, they can be per-
that it must still exist, because he remove curse, wizard eye, Bigby's inter- manently damaged or even slain by the
encountered a prestidigitator in a tav· posing hand, cone of cold, feeblemind, effort (system shock roll applies in
em in Zazesspur who employed a sting anti-magic shell, death spell, geas, many cases). The caster can ride the
cantrip (set forth only, as far as Zemloth reconstruction (unique spell, described enspelled creature, and in any case can
knows, in The Alcaisten. The prestidigi· below), reverse gravity, simulacrum, halt a gallop before its expiration by act
tator, one Mavrhune, was involved in a and body sympathy (unique spell, of will, whenever he or she wishes, if
tavern brawl at the time and did not described below). the gallop is of his or her own casting.
survive it, so Zemloth was unable to The cantrip is cast by touching the tar·
Cut (Alteration)
inquire where and from whom the can- get creature, making a soft kissing or
A of E: 1 object
trip had been learned. clucking noise with the lips as contact is
CT. 1/10 segment
The Alcaister has a tradition of slay- Explanation/Description: By means made, and continuing this noise as the
ing those who read it; as more and caster points in the desired direction of
of this useful cantrip, thin objects such
more of the book is perused, the reader travel (impossibilities, such as straight
as rope, cord, delicate chain, wire,
grows weaker and weaker, and finally up into the air or straight down into the
cloth, wax candles, sausages, and the
slips into slumber from which he or she ground, will have no effect and will
like, up to one inch thick per level of the
does not wake. Nornagrym found the merely waste the magic); effects are
caster, can be instantly severed. The
cause of this regrettable side-effect; the immediate.
caster must be able to see the object to
edges of The Alcaister's metal pages are
be cut, and it must be within 2". The Sting (Alteration)
coated with a colorless, transparent
verbal component is a soft "snikt" A of E: One creature
gummy substance of unknown origin- sound, and the somatic component is a CT. 1/z segment
a contact poison as yet unidentified and
scissoring motion made with two Explanation/Description: This
seemingly unique. This substance
adjoining fingers. Magical (even tempo· person-affecting cantrip enables the
works through skin (a cut is not neces- rarily enspelled) objects are unaffected caster to harm a single creature up to
sary) and it numbs the senses subtly, so
by this cantrip. 4 11 distant in a minor way: by making a
that the victim is not likely to notice its
Gallop (Alteration) buzzing noise and pointing an extended
effects. Each contact with (or turning
A of E: One quadruped creature finger at an area of his or her own anat·
of) a page drains 1 hp; the body recov-
CT. 1/z segment
omy, the caster causes a brief (2 seg-
ers from such damage at normal heal· ment) but intense pain in the
ing rate. There is also a temporary (2·5 Explanation/Description: When
this useful cantrip is used, the caster corresponding area of the target crea·
turns) loss of one point of strength (18/
ture (unless the latter saves vs. spell).
percentage to 18, 18 to 17, and so on) may cause one four-legged creature (if
This pain causes no permanent damage
for every 5 hp of damage so suffered. intelligent, it gains a saving throw vs.
(i.e., loss of hit points), but if applied to
This substance retains its efficacy after spell-which, if successful, negates the
the eyes it can blind for 1 round, or it
many years and resists attempts to cantrip) to move at its maximum move-
can silence coherent speech by afflict-
remove it, but Nornagrym found that ment rate for one round, plus one addi·
ing the tongue, or cause delicate manip·
its efforts can be simply avoided by tional round per level of the caster. The
ulation of tiny objects (jewelry, or
wearing gloves or by turning the pages beast may be ridden or not; direction
material components in spellcastingl to
with a knife or other aid. traveled is arrow-straight (regardless of
mount's, rider's, or caster's wishes) in be ruined, and the handled item(s)
dropped or fumbled. Thus, spellcasting
Contents: The Alcaister's forty-six the direction pointed at by the caster (if
this leads into a snare, pit, or precipice can be ruined by successful use of a
pages contain the following inscrip·
known to the beast or any rider on it, a
sting. The cantrip is a once-only magic,
lions, one to a page: the unique cantrips
causing but one pain if successful. It is
cut, gallop, and sting (all described saving throw vs. spell at + 3 is allowed;
if successful, the beast will turn aside at often used to warn or cow ignorant
below), and the spells affect normal
creatures who threaten the spellcaster.
fires, charm person, dancing lights, the last moment and continue in a new
erase, hold portal, identify, magic mis· course, detouring freely as terrain Reconstruction (Alteration/Phantasm)
sile, protection from evil, read magic, demands, until the cantrip expires). Gal· Level: 6
spider climb, audible glamer, ESP, fools lop has the same effect on unfamiliar, Range:Tuuch

Duration: 1 round + 1 round/level from. The caster need not know the work across any distance and despite
Area of Effect: Special original appearance of the whole item magical protections such as anti·magic
Components: V,S,M to duplicate it. A maximum volume of shell, prismatic sphere or lesser barri·
Casting Time: 1 round one·cubic foot of actual item per level of ers, but will not work from one plane to
Saving Throw: None the caster can be reconstructed another (so if either caster or victim
Explanation/Description: By means (although the reconstructed whole may plane shift, become astral, or employ oil
of this spell, the caster temporarily be far larger than this maximum, and of etherealness or another such item,
restores or makes whole a broken item, will still appear in its entirety). The the link is instantly broken). Movement
even if it is badly shattered and/or por· material components of this spell are of target or spellcaster within a given
tions are missing. The object is restored the item (or fragment) to be recon· plane will not affect the link, regardless
to its appearance before being structed, a pinch of fine sand, and a of distances moved, speed of travel, or
broken-even to smell, weight, solidity, pinch (of at least thumbnail size) of how often movement occurs. This spell
sound when struck, and texture, and sticky sap or gum. is sometimes called "Death Link" by
will appear whole and unbroken to nor. sages in the Realms.
Body Sympathy (Necromantic)
ma! scrutiny. Detect magic will show Level: 8 T h e "gate page"
the spell's dweomer, and a gem of see· Range: Special This last page of The Alcaister (that
ing or true seeing spell will reveal the Duration: 1 turn/level which bears the rune shown earlier) is
illusion for what it is, but the item can Area of Effect: Special a gate that will shift any creature stand·
be touched and used-i.e., a rope or bar Components: V,S ing on the rune (or at least touching it),
to hold things or support weight, a Casting Time: 8 segments with the book open, while the word
weapon to strike with, etc. - normally, Saving Throw: Special written around the rune is spoken
without dispelling the illusion, and with Explanation/Description: This is a aloud by the creature touching the
results as though the item were whole. "description" spell cast by a magic·user rune or another. This plane shifting
Thus, the hilt of a rusted long sword at an enemy who must be within sight occurs regardless of the wishes of the
found in a tomb could be temporarily of the magic·user and concentrated creature touching the rune, and will
transformed into a brand·new long upon, or if not within view, visualized transport only one living creature (plus
sword, doing the same damage in battle by the caster, who must speak the tar· all items worn or carried by that crea·
as the original did. Magical weapons get being's true name (see truename ture) at a time to one of the follo\ving
can be temporarily mended by this spell, Unearthed Arcana) during the destinations:
spell, and due to the spell, will be magi· casting. It links the magic·user and his
cal for hitting purposes, but will not chosen victim (who must save vs. spell 0148 Prime Material Plane (if used
regain any bonuses or special proper· at -4 to avoid the spell's effects), so that while on the Prime Material,
ties; a silver or gold coin can be tempo· whatever happens to the magic·user's the destination will be an alter·
rarily remade into a whole coin by body (i.e., drowning, burning, whip· nate Prime Material Plane)
means of this spell; and crushed gem· ping, wounding, strangulation, charm· 49·66 Avernus (uppermost layer of
stones restored to their previous, ing, or feeblemindedness, insanity, the Nine Hells)
whole, form. If a reconstructed item is unconsciousness, etc.) happens to the 67·76 Concordant Opposition
subjected to prolonged heat and victim; if the caster dies, so too does the 77·88 Nirvana
impacts, however (e.g., a blade being victim. This is not similar to the ESP 89·92 The demi·plane of Shadow
reforged), or if a permanency or spell (neither being gains any hint of the 93·98 Any one of the five planes of
enchanted weapon spell is cast upon other's thoughts), nor does it make the Limbo
one, the magic will be ended, and the victim mimic the movements and 99·00 Other (DM's choice)
item will revert instantly to its real, speech of the caster. It is a two·way link;
damaged form. A reconstructed item damage occurring separately to the vie· The creature being gated must be
will not revert to its true form if its illu· tim (or curative spells applied to the vie· holding The Alcaister with his or her
sion is merely revealed, and it cannot be tim!) will also occur to the body of the bare hand as the word of activation is
"disbelieved" out of existence by an caster. Once cast, the spell operates intoned to bring the tome along; other·
onlooker. regardless of the caster's wishes or lack \vise it remains behind on the Prime
Living things cannot be affected by a of concentration-he or she cannot Material Plane. (If the gate is used on a
reconstruction spell, nor can unbroken willingly break the link before expira· plane other than the Prime Material,
items be altered to the prior forms of tion of the spell, and can engage in oth· the book will always accompany the
their component materials; thus, a er spell casting or activities without creature back.)
stone statue cannot be made to look like ending the body sympathy. The link ·will
the boulder or mountain it was carved

Aubayreer's Workbook that Aubayreer taught him the Art. Duration: 1 round/level of caster
Appearance: This book is fashioned Contents: There are (or were) 18 Area of Effect: One creature
of a long strip of green hiexel bark, fold· faces of folded bark in Aubayreer's Components: V,S,M
ed and refolded upon itself accordion- Workbook. The foremost is usually Casting Time: 3 segments
fashion. It is bound, protected, between blank; it served as a surface for various Saving Throw: Neg.
two rectangular pieces of oiled wood protective magics (explosive runes, Explanation/Descr iption: With a
held together with hempen cord. Upon symbols, and the like) when desired. word, a gesture, and the casting of a
one of the boards is carved a rune, thus: The next 14 surfaces contain the spells small transparent colorless gem of not
read magic, burning hands, dancing less than 50 gp value into the air (where
lights, enlarge, identify, light, message, it is consumed), the spellcaster affects
and by this rune the work can be identi- write, ESP, wizard lock, dispel magic, any one target creature possessing the
fied as that of the mage Aubayreer. explosive runes, fireball, and extension ability to phase-shift-become astral or
I. Then follow three special spells -
ethereal, that is-within a 2" radius. (If
History and Description: Aubay- no such creature is present, nothing
reer was a mage of the Dalelands in the hailcone (Aubayreer's version of ice
storm), and two unique spells, Aubay- will happen and the spell and gem are
first days of settlement, and later sailed lost.) If the creature fails to save vs.
east to what is now Aglarond, where he reer's phase trap and thunder/ance.
spells, it is forced into its opposite phase
founded a sorcerous ruling dynasty Hai/cone (Evocation) and magically held there for the dura-
that continues to this day. The many Level: 4 tion of the spell. An encountered phase
works Aubayreer made while High Range: 1" /level of caster spider, for example, that was "in phase;•
Mage of Aglarond, and later Mage-King, Duration: 1 round physically attacking, at the instant of
are kept securely in the libraries of the Area of Effect: 3" diameter cone the caster's completing the casting of a
palace there, but the original workbook Components: V,S,M phase trap, would be forced "out of
Aubayreer developed as an apprentice Casting Time: 6 segments phase," and thereby be rendered
to the mages of the Covenant (see Saving Throw: None unable to attack. until the expiration of
below) has been lost. Explanation/Desc ription: The the spell. If it were out of phase (ethere-
F.arly in the reign of Lurskas, grandson spellcaster, by use of a pinch of dust (a al) when affected, it would be forced
of Aubayreer, thieves broke into the royaJ grain or two of sand will suffice) and a back into phase, and be vulnerable to
hbraries. SeveraJ were slain by the guard- few drops of water, causes large (two- physical attack at normal hit odds, until
ians and protective magics of the place, inch and greater diameter) hailstones to the spell was exhausted.
and these indeed kept the more powerful rain down in a conical area, from a This spell will affect creatures employ-
tomes safe, but the workbook was stolen. focus 3" above a surface or desired tar- ing spells or natural powers, and is effec·
It vanished into the debatable lands east get downward in a cone opening to 3" tive against blink and dimension door;
and south of Aglarond, and no definite base diameter. Creatures within the halting creatures employing either com-
trace of it has been found since, aJthough area of effect suffer 3-30 hit points of pletely and forcing them "into phase'' on
reports of the activities of severaJ mages damage, and exposed items must save the Prime Material Plane. Creatures who
(notably Nuzar of the Seven CUrses) have versus a crushing blow to remain can adjust the molccuJes of their bodies
hinted that they have perused Aubay- undamaged. If the spell is cast in midair, lose all such powers while phase trapped.
reer's \'\lorkbook, or at least copies of the creatures that fly as close as 6" below These powers include the xorn's and
two spells Aubayreer developed which the focus and within the 3" -diameter xaren's pass through stone ability, plus
end the work. area of effect will take 1-10 points of the psionic powers of body weaponry,
That the book still exists is attested to damage. Only fragile items within this etherealness, and dimension doo~but
by the unceasing efforts of the royal area (from 3" + to 6" beneath), such as not dimension walk or abilities that affect
house of Aglarond to recover it. The glass or parchment, must make a saving the molecules of other things, such as
present ruler, the shapeshifting Mage- throw. Creatures that fly more than 6 11 molecular agitation and molecular rear-
Queen known as " The Simbul;' is beneath the focus in the area of effect rangement. After the expiration of a
known to have slain the wizard Thana- may be struck by hailstones and there- phase trap spell, such powers will return,
tus and to have ransacked the libraries by made aware of the spell effect, but unless their own duration had elapsed
of the school of magic at Mirrorstar in these stones \viii have no appreciable while the p~ trap was in effect.
her attempts to seize the workbook. force and \viii do no damage. A target creature that is plane shift·
Aubayreer's Jone apprentice, the now- ing, te/eporting, or using transport via
dead mage Nytholops, set down in his Phase Trap (Alteration)
Level: 4 plants, phase door; or pass plant spells
Chronicles the contents of the workbook, is unaffected, but a creature in an
for it was from this book (and no other) Range:2"
extra-dimensional space of lesser, Jim.

ited extent (such as someone embodied ble, but if any creature touches or Anyone wielding a thunderlance (i.e.
in a rope trick spell or a portable hole), passes through any part of it, the lance spellcasting is complete, but the lance
will be forced to appear and remain on vanishes with a loud clap of thunder, has not yet discharged) cannot be
the caster's plane for the duration of and the creature struck is dealt 4-24 hit har med by magic missile spells, regard-
the spell. points of damage. The lance may be less of what direction these strike
Xorn and xaren, and any such crea- willed out of existence by its caster at from- their force passes harmlessly
tures that can "phase" their way any time without any discharge or through the lance wielder to be
through solid matter, save versus this harm to the caster (although the spell is absorbed by the lance, increasing the
spell at - .z. Note that the spellcaster lost), and disappears in any event if the damage it does (by 2·5 hp per missile)
need not know or have seen the precise caster dies, loses consciousness, or when it discharges. This will not occur
location of a creature, or even be cer- begins to cast another spell. if the lance wielder has some other
tain of its presence, to affect it. If more The caster can employ the thunder- magical protection against magic mis-
than one eligible target is within 2 fl , the lance in many ways-held steady, as a siles. A lance does not confer any pro-
phase trap will affect one of them at barrier against some creature's passage tection against other forms of magical
random-unless the caster perceives or as a tripwire, at ankle height, to stop attack, nor can it be passed to any other
only one such creat ure before or while a pursuer. It is also highly effective creature without discharging it-an ally
casting, in which case that creature will when wielded as a weapon; the caster of the caster cannot wield the lance on
be affected. can move his arm and finger about to the caster's behalf.
A creature possessing the potential to strike with the lance. In any combat sit-
become astral or ethereal can be affect- uation against a thunderlance, potential Orjalun's Arbatel
ed by a phase trap if in range when it is victims are regarded as having a base App earance: This volume consists
cast. The affected creature will be armor class of 10 (before any Dexterity
of nine plates of beaten and polished
unable to effectively exercise such adjustments); the blow of the lance is
mithril, stamped by the elvish smiths of
powers until the spell wears off- transmitted through armor and shields,
Silverymoon with letters of the High
regardless of how far the creature and the presence of such protection Tungue, graven on small dies that are
might move away from the caster. If the does not benefit the target of a thun- positioned on the page and then struck
affected creature is a spellcaster with derlance attack. However, the bonuses sharply with a hammer so as to leave
an astral spell, for instance, the spell of magical armor and shields are not their distinct impressions. The plates
cannot be used while the victim is phase negated, and will improve a target's are pierced at the top and bottoms of
trapped-and any attempt to do so will effective AC by the amount of the their left sides (as they are read), and
ruin and waste the spell. If the affected bonus. fastened together with bronze rings.
creature tries to use oil of etherealness The damage of the lance is a physical The wor k once had an ornate case of
or any other phase-shifting magical blow, as opposed to (for instance) a dis- stained wood, and was carried
item, the magic will have no effect until charge of electricity. It is fully effective wrapped in canvas, but these may well
the duration of the phase trap expires. against creatures that are resistant or have perished.
A creature on the Astral Plane when immune to either blunt weapons or
the phase trap is cast saves ver sus this edged weapons (since the lance is actu- History and Descrip tion : Orjalun,
spell at + 1; a creature on the Ethereal ally neither of those). the white-haired High Mage of Silvery-
Plane or the Prime Material Plane saves The touch of a thunderlance destroys moon in the early days of the North
at normal odds. a shield spell, wall of force, or minor (now believed dead), oversaw and took
globe of invulnerability, but the lance a large part in the construction of this
Thunderlance (Evocation) work, designed to be a permanent
itself discharges (vanishes, without
Level: 4 repository for the most useful defen-
damaging anyone) upon such contact.
Range: 1buch sive spells he could provide for the con-
Stronger protective spells (such as anti-
Duration: See below tinued safety and security of his
magic shell) will also cause the lance to
Area of Effect: One creature beloved city in the years to come. But it
discharge, but will themselves with-
Components: V,S never served so, for when Orjalun gave
stand the shock of its strike and remain
Casting Time: 4 segments his staff of office to his chosen succes-
in existence. A lance penetrates fire,
Saving Throw: None sor, Sepur, and left the city, Sepur
water (including ice and snow), and
Explanation/Description : Casting revealed his true nature-taking the
electrical discharges of natural or magi-
this spell brings into being a thin shaft Arbatel and staff as his own, he also left
cal (e.g. wall of fire, wall of ice) origin
of faint grey, shimmering force extend- that fair city.
without discharging, and thus the cast-
ing 2 fl from the caster's pointing finger. Sepu r's fate is unknown, ahhough the
er may strike through such phenomena
This "lance" is weightless and intangi- sage Alphontras recounts the finding of
at an enemy.

a broken staff atop a lonely, scorched the commonly known spells in the encrypted in a language not known to
tor in the 'Il-ollmoors. The Arbatel is Arbatel appear in the standard (Players the intended recipient is not made
first identified in the village of Longsad- Handbook) form, and the two unique understandable by means of this magic;
dle by Alphontras's colleague Eelombur spells therein are reproduced below, nor will it magnify script too small for
the Learned, who observed it in the from the books of Vauth, another the recipient to read. The text of a spell
possession of the sorcerer Arathur Har- apprentice of The Masked. may not be encryptically concealed, but
pell. Arathur was later slain in a magical Encrypt (Illusion/Phantasm) writing related to magic such as spell
duel by the necromancer Marune, who Level: 4 ink formulae, magic-item command
held the Arbatel only briefly. Marune Range: l" plus 1 11 /level of caster words, and directions for magical proc-
lost it somewhere in the winter snows Duration: Permanent esses such as enchanting a certain item
when fleeing from the Lords of Water- Area of Effect: See below or constructing a golem may be so con-
deep, and it must have changed hands Components: V,S,M cealed.
several times in the following decade, Casting Time: 4 segments (plus writing No part of any message longer than
for many hints of it are found in various time) the first 66 characters will be obscured
records of the North. Saving Throw: None or protected by this magic-attempting
It is mentioned once in this period by
Explanation/Description: By means to encrypt such an overlong message
the sage Maerlus, who is represented in of this spell, a normal message contain· would result in wastage of the spell; the
the Letters to the Court of Elfrin ("Col- ing up to 66 characters or letters (about entire message could be read (or
lected by the King's Own Hand, being a fifteen words) written on parchment, destroyed) normally. Additional writing
record and discourse most fascinating stone, or the like can be made unreada- in the same area after the spell is cast
upon our lands and times") by a letter ble (even to magics such as compre- will not affect an encrypted message,
he penned to the monarch, King Elfrin, hend languages, read magic, and true thus, a second message can be written
wherein the sorcerer-sage described a seein8' to all but the spellcaster, any on top of an encrypted one to further
number of items of power known to be conceal the former, without rendering
being or beings named in the message
within Elfrin's realm. In the letter, (regardless of the caster's wishes in this the original message unreadable by
Maerlus describes several works and regard) and a specific recipient being, those for whom it is intended. Morever,
speculates on their locations; the Arba- who must be named aloud and pictured adding words or characters to a mes-
tel, he says, is in the hands of the reclu- mentally by the caster at the time of sage known to be encrypted will not
sive wizard Lios-unless Marune has casting. Such a message will appear to cause it to appear; the additions will
overcome him and regained it. all others as an illegible, smudged area remain clearly visible and the original
Elminster believes that Marune did radiating a dweomer. will remain concealed. Multiple encrypt
slay Lios, but says that the activities of A cryptic message will remain until spells cast on the same or adjacent
Marune from that time to the present erased magically, willed to disappear by areas will not allow messages longer
reveal that he has not recovered the the caster (who may be at any distance, than 66 characters to be concealed -
Arbatel, despite his repeated attempts but must be on the same plane to do so), rather, when a second encrypt spell is
to do so. Its recent and present where- or a dispel magic is cast so that the mes- cast, the concealed message of the first
abouts are unknown. sage is within its area of effect. Weath· encrypt spell will vanish forever,
Contents: Otjalun was tutored by ering and other physical effects such as replaced by the second message. "Adja-
The Masked, most mysterious of the burning, scrubbing, or defacing the cent" in this case extends to areas of
effect that are up to 10 feet distant, so
Seven Wizards of Myth Drannor, and smudged area will not destroy the mes-
two of the spells in the book are sage as long as the actual surface it was that different walls in a small room can-
believed to be of his tutor's personal written on survives (encrypt can be not be used to encrypt multiple mes·
crafting: encrypt and secure (an safely cast on any reasonably stable sur- sages. Different sides of a wall or object
cannot be used, either, unless the dis-
improved version of wizard Jock). face, such as stone, wood, or paper, but
The first and last plates of the Arbatel not usually with success on messages tance separating them is more than 10
are featureless, so as to reveal nothing scrawled in soot, dust, or snow); il will feet. Writing used in encrypted mes-
still be clearly legible to those identified sages can be very large or very small,
of the contents within, but the seven
written on walls, mountainsides, or
interior plates bear one spell each (the above.
The message does not glow or in any even small bones or slivers of wood,
method of scripting allows only one
side of a plate to be used). These are, in way attract attention to itself-an and still be concealed so long as the
intended recipient may welJ not see it if maximum of 66 characters is not
order of appearance, mending, charm
person, encrypt, dispel magic, identify, not looking for a message or not chanc-
ing to look in the right place. A message Encrypt may be used to conceal mes-
guards and wards, and secure. All of
sages written by others, regardless of

time elapsed since the writing, and will achieve the same effect). Unlike one tied to saving throws if a save is normal-
be effective in obscuring even runes affected by a wizard lock, a portal that ly allowed against the type of magic in
deeply graven in stone, or letters is secured cannot be passed through by question.
formed by patterns of colored mosaic magic-users of any level (including the Light magics, magic mouth, Nystul's
tiles. In such a case, the surface will spellcaster), and can be passed other- magic aura, and Leomund's trap cannot
appear faded, stained, and/or discol- wise only by avoiding it through astral, successfully be cast within, or upon any
ored, or even covered with a smoky, ethereal, or dimension-altering means surface of, a secured area. Any glyph
sooty deposit so that the message is con- such as blink and dimension door. The (of warding), explosive runes, or sym-
cealed. As aforementioned, no amount dweomer will resist fire, cold, and elec- bol written upon any surface within a
of physical cleaning will reveal the con- trical attacks of natural or magical ori- secured area will discharge immedi-
cealed message. The figure given for gin without allowing any damage to the ately upon completion, possibly harm-
range in the above text is the distance at secured item or area. Thus, a closed ing the writer and/or companions or
which the caster can obscure a message and secured door will deflect a magical other nearby creatures. A disintegrate
with the encrypt spell. lightning bolt back upon its caster, and spell that destroys a secured area will
A true seeing spell will reveal clearly will escape unscathed from a fireball have the effect of negating the secure
the outlines of an encrypt spell's blast. Physical attacks upon a secured spell. A g/asseespell will have its normal
dweomer, but will not allow the mes- area will be ineffective-totally effect on a secured area. Find traps will
sage to be read, unless the viewer can negated- for one round per level of the not reveal the presence of a secure
deduce by the shape of the dweomer caster (beginning with the round after spell, but detect magic will reveal the
what is concealed. Written or graven casting). At the end of this time, the extent of its dweomer. Illusions and oth-
symbols can be encrypted, but magical secure spell remains, but no longer er spells of concealment can be success-
symbols or glyphs will be unaffected. affords any protection from physical fully cast upon a secured area.
And encrypt will conceal, but not harm, attack.
the efficacy of protective pentagrams, When a secured area is touched, test- The Scalamagdrion
thaumaturgic triangles, and the like. ed, or attacked in any way, it will flash Appearance: A large volume fash-
If the caster of encrypt writes the with a white radiance on all sides and ioned of parchment bound between
message to be concealed himself or her- surfaces of the area. A knock spell is slabs of wood and sewn to the black
self, this writing must be done directly; ineffective against a secured portal. hide of an unknown creature, which
the spell cannot cause it to be magically Any spell, spell-like natural power, or has been stretched over the boards to
written from afar. The material compo- magical item effect that attempts to form a cover. It bears no external leg-
nents for this spell are a pinch of dust alter the shape and nature of a secured end or markings of any kind. Its covers
or grey lint "fluff;' and a feather, and area will be reflected back upon the are edged with beaten copper, now dis-
are consumed in the casting. caster/user with full effects. If the colored to a vivid green by the ele-
power affects an area rather than an ments. There are 26 yellowed and
Secure (Alteration)
individual, the user of the power will curling pages within, and some owners
Level: 4
immediately become the central point report a binding strip or tie of black
of the area of effect. Magical powers hide which the book now apparently
Duration: See below
Area of Effect: 30 sq. ft. per level that are "reversed" in this fashion lacks.
include, but are not limited to: enlarge, The size and weight of the tome pre-
of caster
reduce, levitate, shatter, dig, passwall, cludes its easy transportation by hand,
Components: V,S,M
stone shape, transmute rock to mud, under arm, or in satchel, and indeed it
Casting Time: 6 segments
move earth, stone to flesh, vanish, turn does not show the wear (scratched cov-
Saving Throw: None
wood, and animate rock. If the magic er or corners, blotched or warped
Explanation/Description: By means
does not affect living creatures (such as parchment due to wetn~ss) typical of
of this spell, and a smaU piece of iron (or
filings) and a tiny gem (or a like amount animate rock or move earth), the usage books that have seen much traveling
of that magic is simply wasted. Powers out-of-doors.
of gem fragments or powdered rem-
nants), the spellcaster can make a door, that are directly under the control of
the user (such as psionics or spell-like History and Description: The true
chest, or portal secure. An object or origin of The Scalamagdrion is not
area that is secured cannot be opened natural powers, but not spell casting)
will have no effect on a secured area or known. It is first mentioned in the writ-
or passed through by any means except ings of the mage Hethcanter, who
physical destruction of the object or object, but the power is counted as hav-
ing been used. In all cases where magic owned the book in his youth. He does
area, or by dispel magic (or a limited not mention how he acquired it, but
wish, alter reality, etc., so worded as to can be "reversed" back upon the user,
all those who could be affected are enti- does record that he gave the book to

Hym Kraaven (one of the Seven Wiz- contains only a curious illustration. The Scalmagdrion ("Guardian of the
ards of Myth Drannor) in payment for contents of the pages are as follows, in Turne," "Nungulfim'1
magical training. Shortly thereafter his order of appearance from the front of FREQUENCY: Very rare
writings end; Hethcanter is remem- the book: (blank), write, erase, tongues, NO. APPEARING: 1
bered today chiefly for his spectacular message, unseen servant, wizard lock, ARMOR CLASS: 6
suicide, hurling himself to his death identify, enchant an item, permanency, MOVE: 13H18"
from the highest pinnacle of the crag blink, disintegration, (illustration), HIT DICE: 6 + 6
now known as Hethcanter's Leap. He feeblemind, fly, death spell, flame % IN LAIR: 100%
did this when chased by almost a score arrow, delayed blast fireball, invisibili- TREASURE TYPE: S,Q, Vx3 (in lair)
of illithids; the sage Orfidel believes that ty, levitate, conjure elemental, minor NO. OF ATTACKS: 4
these hated creatures sought The Scala- globe of invulnerability, wall of force, DAMAGFlATTACK: 2-1211-611-613-12
magdrion itself-an opinion shared remove curse, dispel magic, and SPECIAL ATTACKS: Nil
with the sage Elminster. (blank). All spells appear in the stand- SPECIAL DEFENSES: See below
Hym Kraaven never revealed or used ard (Players Handbook) form. The MAGIC RESISTANCE: See below
the work in his teachings at the school irregular order of the spells suggests INTELLIGENCE: Average
in Myth Drannor (see "The Workbook:') that the book was created with its spells ALIGNMENT. Neutral
possibly because of the contents of one arranged according to the creator's SIZE: L (20' long)
of its pages. Of Hym Kraaven's fate or wishes, and thus was not the workbook PSIONIC ABILITY: Nil
the means by which the book passed of a magic-user progressing slowly in Attack/Defense Modes: Nil
into the hands of its next known owner, magical ability under tutelage. LEVEUX.P. VALUE: VU525 + 8/HP
nothing is recorded, but the sages Orfi- The unique feature of the work is the The scalamagdrion resembles a grey-
del and Maerlus of the North were both illustration found on the page between scaled, green-eyed dragon with stubby
present on Watcher's Tur when a hith- disintegration and feeblemind. It is of wings and a long, bone-spiked prehen-
erto unknown magic-user named "warm, velvety texture:' according to sile tail. If it pounces upon a victim from
Valathond used its spells to destroy the Hethcanter's notes, and is a strikingly above, it can rake with all four of its
mage Gaerlammon in a formal duel. realistic painting of some unknown, claws (each do 1-6 damage), or pin the
Valathond was later slain by the Com- seemingly endless caverns (perhaps on victim with its great bulk and use its
pany of the Raven, but they did not find some other plane), in which crouches a foreclaws to attack. The scala-
The Scalamagdrion amidst the treasure dimly visible, winged, reptilian monster magdrion's tail does 3-12 points of dam-
in his keep, nor does an examination of on a bed of whitened bones. A word or age. It is fearless, enjoys human flesh,
their tales of encounters and skirmish- name has been spelled out clearly in and is cunning enough to take a victim's
es with the mage over an entire season Common across the bottom of the page, body, fallen items and all, back to its lair
ere his fall suggest that he still pos- by the arrangement of bones: to avoid being caught eating.
sessed it. Auvidarus, sage of Hillsfar, "Nungulfim!' Hethcanter notes that if The scalamagdrion radiates silence,
and Laeral, wizardess and leader of the this word is spoken over the open page, 15' radius about itself, and has a natural
adventurers known as The Nine-two or the illustration is stared at for too spell turning ability (as in a ring of spell
observers almost a world apart-have long, the monster depicted therein will turning, including gaining a saving
both recorded rumors ascribing own- move. throw for spells for which there is nor-
ership of the book to this or that mage. From other sources he has not mally none). This makes it a deadly foe
One of Laeral's collected rumors, inter- divulged, Elminster states with certain- for magic-users; and indeed, none have
estingly, again mentions a group of ty that the page is a gate or portal to yet prevailed against it.
illithids. But the veracity of these some unidentified plane or extra- Several wands and rings can be seen
rumors is untested; the present where- dimensional space of endless caverns, amid the bones upon which the scala-
abouts of the work are a matter of con- and can be passed through both ways. magdrion crouches. The monster and
jecture. Once the gate is activated, the monster the gate to and from its abode cannot be
will emerge from the page into the destroyed or harmed by tearing out or
Contents: Elminster described the
Prime Material Plane and attack all destroying the page on which it
tome's contents, drawing upon his
creatures nearby, seeking to slay and appears, although any attempt at such
study of Hethcanter's careful notes, as
carry its prey back into the caverns to activities will certainly cause it to issue
devour. Its true nature is a mystery, but forth.
The Scalamagdrion's first and last
what is known of it can be summarized
pages are blank. The remainder bear 23
as follows:
spells, one to a page and with each page
having a blank (rear) face, and one page

The 7bme of the Coven ant The sage does say that they did not regeneration will resum e functio ning
Appe aranc e: This book is large, coope rate as their master s had, but proper ly when the mantle disapp ears,
split in dissension, one of them presum - and a creatu re that regene rates will
square, and (judging from Elminster's
ably bearin g the Tbme. Its presen t own- retain the ability to do so. However, the
description) approx imatel y two feet on
er, and where abouts, are uncert ain. victim of the mantle will get no benefi t
a side. It is fashioned or" cured white
Elminster knows the precise spells set from a potion of healin g drunk while
elkhid e stretc hed over finger -thick
down on its pages from perusi ng the the spelJ is in effect, and any usage of a
boards of black wood, and both outsid e
workb ooks of the Four and certain of staff of curing on the victim is fruitless
~overs bear a rune in the center, depict ·
their appren tices, and has consen ted to since those types of magic must tak~
mg four arrow s meetin g in a circle,
thus: 53( reprod uce them, below .
GI'imwald's Greymantle (Necromantic)
effect upon their application or not take
effect at all. In such a case, the applica-
Le\'el: 5 tion of the magic (dose, charge, etc.) is
wasted .
Four white vellum pages are sewn to Range :Tuuch
the hide "spine" within . Durati on: 1 round/level of caster If the caster does not successfully
Area of Effect. One creatu re touch a target creatu re in the round of
Histor y and Descr iption : The Tbme casting or the round immediately fol-
Comp onents: V,S,M
is the creatio n of the four most power - lowing, the mantle spread s from the
ful (of their time) mages of the North, Casting Time: 6 segme nts
Saving Throw : Neg. compo nent into (and onto) the speUcast-
who forme d the Covenant, an alliance er, and remain s in effect upon the cast-
(basicaJly neutra l good) found ed to Expla nation /Desc riptio n: When a
er for the full durati on. There is no
e~orce a peace betwe en warrin g tribal
magic-user casts this spell, a silvery.
grey radian ce is produ ced about the saving throw against this "backfire;· but
kingdoms, and to build the collective a dispel magic spell may be successfully
power and prospe rity of the North- materi al compo nent. If the compo nent
(a bone or small animal skeleton) is emplo yed by the caster or a compa nion
lands against the comin g confro ntatio n to bring the bad effect to a halt.
with the ores and their kin. The Cove- touche d to a target creatu re- success-
ful hit roll requir ed, as though wielding Once the spell is cast and the mantle
nant has long been inactive: Grimwald has CO\'ered a target, the durati on and
and Prespe r disapp eared on a journe y a dagge r or club- the radian ce leaves
effects of the mantle are not under the
of explor ation into other world s than the compo nent (which vanishes harm-
caster' s control. Creatu res of any size
Jesslyl and expan ds to envelo p the tar-
~; ~gannazar is believed to have per· may be affected. Note that use of the
1shed m the destru ction of the School of get in an aura, or mantl e. This
mantle is not basically a good act, and
Wizar dry at Never winter bv the Red shimm ering radian ce takes effect on
the spell must be used with due consid·
Wizards of Thay; and Ilyyku~ is known the round following the touch, and lasts
eratio n of the circum stance s and nat·
to have sacrificed himse lf in the Green for 1 round per experi ence level of the
caster. While it is in effect, curativ e ure of the target by magic-users of good
Tuwer of Thuln ath to destro y the arch· alignment.
lich Ruelve. spells, healing, and regene ration of nat-
The Tbme was made to commemo- ural or magical nature will not be effec- Agannazar's Scorch er (Evocation)
rate the foundi ng of the Covenant, and tive within the confines of the mantle; Level: 2
as a source of power and a worsh ip thus, a troll could not regene rate, a ring Range: 7"
symbol for the appren tices who were of regeneration would not operat e, a Durati on: 2 round s
intend ed to follow in the Four Found · potion of healin g or extra- healin g Area of Effect: Special
ers' footsteps and becom e new mem- would have no effect. and so forth. Comp onents : V.S
bers of the pact (none did). Each of the The mantle may be magically dispelled, Casting Time: 3 segme nts
Four Found ers contri buted one unique and will fade away withou t effect if Saving Throw: See below
spell to the work, and each of these magic resista nce or a saving throw Expla nation /Desc riptio n: With this
spells appea rs alone on its own page. (only one allowed) triump hs over it. At spell a magic-user calls into existence a
The spells appea r with no names; they the expira tion of the spell, curativ e jet of flame which bursts from his fin-
have acquir ed colloq uial names forces still active will take effect gertip s toward a specific creatu re. If
throug h descri ption of the book by var- imme diatel y-but any such power s that the target creatu re is within 7" of the
ious writer s in the North, and by use of were expen ded upon the victim while caster, it suffer s 3·18 (3d6) points of
the speJls by the original appren tices of the mantle was in effect are foreve r damage, with no saving throw (assum-
the_ Four (and _subsequently, in turn, by lost. A cure wound s or heal spell, for
ing it is not immun e to the effects of
the!I' appren tices). These appren tices, ~st~nce, will take effect upon the recip·
heat and flame) . The flame-jet assum es
now themselves power ful worke rs of 1ent 1f the mantle expire s before the vie· the form of a 2-foot diame ter cylind er
magic, are not identified by Elminster. tim does; simila rly, a ring of
of fire, up to 7" long, with the caster at

one end and the target at the other. This shielded by the mantle, and in no case hang spinning in the air in front of the
jet remains in existence for two rounds will it protect any such creature (famil· caster, within 1", and if struck by a
following casting, moving as the target iar or otherwise) larger than a pseudo- lightning bolt or similar electrical dis-
or caster move, shifting so as to always dragon. charge while thus waiting, will explode
point at the target, even if the target Presper's Moonbow (Evocation) -doing full damage to all within 1 11 ,
creature remains, or passes beyond, 7" Level: 4 including the caster.
distant from the caster. Any creatures Range: Special On the round after the first mote has
touched by the jet as it leaps toward the Duration: Special been fired, the caster can cast another
target or moves sideways following a Area of Effect: Special spell and direct any motes still left, and
moving target will suffer 2-16 (2d8) Components: V,S,M continue doing both so long as motes
points of damage (save vs. spells for half Casting Time: 9 segments are left and spell casting times permit
damage). The touch of the scorcher will Saving Throw: None (directing a mote requires one segment
set alight all readily flammable materi- Explanation/Description: This each round, so spells that take one
als (such as parchment and dry cloth· round or longer to cast cannot be used).
magic is usable only under a night sky
ing). It may well even damage sturdier in which a moon is present and cloud Using this tactic, a caster with muJtiple
objects. conditions allow moonlight to reach the moonbow spells could gather a waiting
llyykur's Mantle (Abjuration) ground. Presper's moonbow allows the arsenal of many motes. If a round
caster to cause from one to four glow- passes without the caster firing a mote
Level: 4
ing motes, a form of ball lightning, to at a target, all motes will dissipate. Note
Range: O"
gather above the caster's outstretched that a caster under the influence of a
Duration: 1 round/level of caster
Area of Effect: Aura about caster hand. These grow in size and intensity, hold spell could shoot a mote at a target
spinning slowly, during the round in in his present field of vision; that act is a
Components: V,S,M
which casting takes place. At this time function of vision and intellect, not of
Casting Time: 4 segments
they resemble dancing lights. movement.
Saving Throw: None
On the following round, the caster A mote that is deliberately struck by a
Explanation/Description: When
creature or object will discharge, doing
mykur's Mantle is called into being, the can elect one or more of the moon
full damage to all within 1 11 • The mote
caster is surrounded by a faintly lumi- motes at a target, which must be within
has AC - 6 for hit purposes. Metal, it
nescent aura following the contours his view. Such direction is by concen-
must be noted, will conduct the full
(and conforming to the movements) of tration of will, requiring no speech or
effects of a mote to anyone in contact
the caster's body. Spells can be cast out gesture. Moon motes directed at a tar-
with it, regardless of distance.
of this field without it having any effect, get will shoot off after it, flying up to
.26 11 per round, and will pursue the tar-
Although no saving throw is allowed,
but spells impinging upon the mantle
note that creatures immune to electri-
from without are affected as follows: get around corners, through obstacles
cal damage or without tangible exist·
the protected caster gains + 3 on saving (but not closed portals or the like), and
despite confusion spells like invisibility, ence on the plane of casting (e.g.
throws versus all EnchantmentJCharm
ethereal) will suffer no damage from a
spells, + 1 on saving throws versus all mirror image, illusion, etc., striking at
other spells for which there is normally + 3 to hit upon reaching the target. The material components for this
a saving throw, and suffers only half Each striking moon-mote does 2-8
points of electrical damage (if cast as spell are a wisp of cobweb, an amber,
damage when an electricity-related
one of four), 2-12 damage (if cast as one glass, or crystal rod, and a scrap of fur.
spell (e.g. shocking grasp, lightning bolt)
does affect him. The mantle flares to a of three), 3-18 damage (if cast as one of
The Turne of the Unicorn
vivid (not blinding) white glow when two), or 4·24 damage (if cast as a soli-
the caster's mind is contacted by the tary missile), and is considered to be Appearance: The 1bme of the Uni·
psionic powers of another being, but magical for hit purposes. Moon-motes corn is a large book, two feet broad by
does not protect against any psionic which miss an intended target or are three feet in height, and over four inch·
attacks or effects. blocked by barriers dwindle harmlessly es thick. Its covers and pages are pol-
The material component for the spell away to nothingness. ished plates of electrum, each
is a natural (not cut) crystal of gem- The spellcaster can direct the motes appearing blank to causal observation.
stone. Note that a small familiar or pet produced by a moonbow at different If any page is concentrated upon, how-
clinging to the spellcaster-there must targets in a round, and must "shoot" at ever (precludes other study, spellcast·
be physical contact-can be protected least one per round (but may shoot as ing, reading, or similar reasoning
by the mantle, but no creature the cast· many as desired, time permitting) until tasks), its contents, written in Thorass,
er does not wish protected will be all the motes are gone. Unused motes will begin to appear on the "blank" pag-

es in 3-8 (2 + 1D6) rounds, and remain attacker. anti-magic shell, mind bar, or similar
for at least three rounds after study The gate spell on page 21 includes magical or psionic protections. 'fransfer
ceases. The book bears no Litle or iden- instructions on how to make such a takes one segment. The stolen spell is
tifying marks. gate permanent, involving permanen- chosen randomly, not by Shoon.
cy, a dust compounded of several rare Like a powerful incantatrix (which he
History and Description: Sages and may have been in life, for all others know)
ingredients including certain rare
bards of the Realms know that The crushed gemstones and oil of ethereal- Shoon can use the energy of such spells
Tume of the Unicorn is the Jong-lost gri- to replace lost hit points (2-8 hp per spell
ness, and the blood of at least six crea-
moire of the Mage-King of vanished level) or cast them, with the effects they
tures: three native to each plane the
lltkazar (a vanished realm that Jay in would have had if cast by the original
gate reaches.
eastern Calimshan some nine hundred caster, by effort of will alone, one at a
The imprisonment and power
years ago), the Lord-most-mighty time and once per round. Shoon pres-
word- kill spells on pages 22 and 23
Shoon. Shoon is said by some to survive ently retains the following stolen spells
are part of the book's curse. Every time
today as a lich; the Turne is said to con- (he can "hold" only an equal number of
either of these pages is perused, there is
tain many spells found nowhere else, spells to those he could carry upon attain·
a 7% non-cumulative chance that the
including means of creating a perma- ing lichdom, although these may be of
reader will suffer imprisonment as per
nent gate between the planes of exist- any class and level; Shoon is at least a 26th
ence, and the means to create golem the spell.
The back cover contains an extra- level magic user): hold person x2, dispel
armies. magic (clerical) x3, lightning bolt (8D6),
dimensional space: the lair of the demi-
The Turne was said to either be stolen cone of cold, Bigby's forceful hand, and
lich himself. Each time the book is
by adventurers who slayed Shoon, or to
opened, there is a 9% non-cumulative volley.
have been taken by the lich-mage when
chance that the demi-lich's skull will Stea/spell (Enchantment/Charm)
he retreated to the bowels of the earth
emerge (e.g., rise up) and attack as Level: 7
to flee the retribution of the elven
detailed in the Monster Manual II). If Range: 1" /Level of caster
nations (see below). It has been
the back cover, inside or out, is deliber- Duration: Special
revealed to have found its way into
ately concentrated upon, this chance is Area of Effect: One creature
Ruathyn, where it was held in their
100%. Shoon wil appear as a skull (not a Components: V,S
most hidden library until recently.
wraith or ghost); stolen spells have Casting Time: 7 segments
Within the ast year, person or persons
served as energy factors sufficient to Saving Throw: Neg.
unknown have broken into the vault
keep him in this state. Shoon will not Explanation/Description: This
and stolen the book, which precipitated
howl; instead, he will hover, levitating powerful magical spell is rarely known
the most recent war between Ruathyn
in midair, and drain a soul on the third beyond the circles of the Witches of
and Luskan. The book is still missing at
round of his appearance, using his Rasheman, and how it came into the
this time. spells to attack and defend until then. hands of Shoon is unknown. By means
Contents: The contents are 23 speJJs, Shoon is interested in draining souls, of this incantation, any single being
one to a page, in the following order: not slaying. He will try to drain a soul indicated by the caster (within range)
charm person, darkness 15' radius, ESP, every three rounds until successful. must save versus spelJs at -1 or suffer
scare, dispel magic, charm monster, Upon draining a soul, Shoon vanishes the theft of any one memorized spell or
fear, fire trap, polymorph other, wizard back into the book. He will emerge spell-like ability from his or her mind
eye, animate dead, death spells, duo- again to steal souls only if the back cov- (creatures from planes other than the
dimension, phase door, statue, clone, er is concentrated upon, or if the book Prime Material save at no penalty, and if
glassteel, permanency, power word- suffers over 13 points of damage in any there are no spells available, then the
blind, trap the soul, gate, imprison- single round or is destroyed. It should spell has no effect.) The stolen spell is
menr, and power word-kill. The be noted that destruction of the Turne determined randomly. The magic of the
remaining six pages function as a will free Shoon, not destroy him. stealspell works even against a victim
magic-user's Manual of Go/ems Cq.v. Enchantments placed by the evil who is unconscious or insane; psionic
Dungeon Masters Guide), for the mak- undead mage allow him to Stealspell protections, anti-magic shell, and all
ing of stone and iron golems only; nor- (see below) one spell from the mind of similiar shielding spells, and mind bar
mal costs and study times apply. any one person who touches the Turne and the like, are not effective protec-
The inside front cover contains no in any round. If a target has no spells, or tion against this spell.
spell; a protective spell turning magic successfulJy saves Cat -1) versus spell, A stolen spell may be "cast" immedi·
has been cast upon it. If the book saves the attempt fails and the round is wast- ately by the user of this spell, or held in
against any magical or physical attack, ed for Shoon. Such spell theft is not mind for later use. This casting may be
its damage is reflected 100% onto the blocked by unconsciousness, insanity,

made without material components or derives his sustenance from stolen cated with by speak with the dead, psio·
even understanding or sufficient level spells. nics, or magical ESP or telepathy, wUl
to cast the spell. The identity of the The 1bme gains its name from its con· prove dryly cynical, cold-blooded,
stolen spell is not revealed by its cap· struction; the enchantments Shoon uncaring, but quite knowledgeable of
ture. Any spell cast in this fashion is placed on it to preserve it and maintain long-ago doings and of magical lore-
cast as if by the level of being the spell the extra-dimensional space that pro- and is lonely; he will converse calmly
was stolen from. Psionic powers cannot tects himself involved the blood (and and willingly even as he attacks those
be stolen in the fashion. necessary slaughter) of no less than he's speaking to. Note that Shoon can-
A stolen spell is transferred at the end twelve unicorns. This act alone earned not study and memorize spells as he
of a round. If a spell is begin cast by the Shoon the revolt of the elves in his own once used to (although he could steal a
target, that spell will not be stolen. realm, which he crushed only by slay· spell from the mind of one who had
The stolen spell may be retained as ing them all. Druids of Faerun still memorized that spell from the Turne, if
opposed to immediately expelled, and lat- speak in derision with the phrase, "spill fortune favored him), and cannot tutor
er recorded by a write spell, which will the blood of the unicorn, would you?", others in the arts of magic save by
erase the spell from the stealer's mind referring to this evil deed. For his part, imparting brief advice; he cannot raise
without discharging its power. Such a Shoon is unrepentant; long ago when another's powers by a level through
written spell is useless to the caster if of a confronted about slaying the unicorns teaching. (Note to DMs: this is an
different class or higher level. the then-Lich shrugged his shoulders extremely powerful item, linked to a
The stolen spell may be retained for and said hollowly, "I still exist. They do powerful monster; much consideration
up to 24 hours before discharged or not!' should be given its potential effects
fades from view. The being Shoon Shoon will not speak, but if comrnuni· before any use of it in a campaign.)

This is a combined index for the Cyclopedia of the Realms and the DM's Sourcebook of the Realms. Entries and/or page numbers printed in bold type refer to the
DM's Sourcebook of the Realms. Entries in bold italics refer to new spells.

Ab eir-'Il:>ril ...••••...••.•••..•..• 19 Cut •••.•...•...•••.•...•..••..•• 8 4 Gond ..................... 11, 18, 4.2 , 55, 86
Adve n t uring COmpanles .•...•. . . 10, 19 Daerlun .. . ............ • ............ 35, 76 Gondegal ........................... 23, 32
Agan auar's Scorcher ..•••• • ••.•. 9 1 ·92 Daggerdale ....... . .............. 35, 36, 37 Great Shout ...•..••.......•.•• . .. 74
Aglarond . . .................... . •....... 22 Daggerford ........ • .................... 35 Green Ring s Thading • ...•.•••... . . 26
Akadi .......................... . ... 16, 18 Dalelands, Dales ..... • ........ 35, 37, 38, 40 Greycloak ...................•. • .. .. .... 47
T h e Alcais te r •.•..•••.••..•.•••.• 83 Damara ............................. 37, 86 Greycloak Hills ................. . ........ 42
Alusar Na caci a •...•.••••..•.•. 3 9 , 4 4 Oarkhold ............... ... ......... 37, 52 Grey Ve il •• . .•.•. . ••. .. ...•.••..• 4 3
Alustriel . . . . . . . . .... . .......... . ...... 49 D eat11 Charlot ...•.•...••.••••.... 75 Grimwald's Grey mantle •...•.•.. . . . 91
Arnn ....... . .. . . ... .... . .... 22, 3 7 , 38, 42 Oeepingdale ............... • ... ... ... 36, 37 Grumbar ........................ 16, 18, 39
Anauroch ...... .... . . ... . .............. 23 Deneir ... .. ....... .... .............. 11, 18 Hal/cone • •.••••.••••.•• . ••.••..• 8 6
Arabel ............... . ........... 23, 32, 38 Desertsedge . • •...•...•..•..•••• • 37 Half·elves .............................. 4 7
Archendale . . ....... . ......... 26, 36, 4 0 , 42 Dethek ................................ 9 Halfaxe "Trail ... ••• ...... . ........... 3 9 , 47
Arch veult's Sk y b o l t .......•••.•..•.70 Dhedluk ... .. ....................... 32, 38 Halfling, lnc..... • ....................... 19
Asbravn ...... . ..................... 26, 41 Dlsmind ••..•.....••••... . ..•••. 70 Halllings ....................... 7, 17, 31, 48
Ascore ........ . ........................ 49 Dispel Sllen ce ...•.•..•.....•.•... 72 Hammer Hall ........................ 40, 48
Assassins ............. . . . ............... 85 Doust Sulwood .......... .... ..... 20, 3 7, 77 Harpers ........ . ... 2 5, 27·29, 3 1, 29, 49, 71
Aubayreer's Wo r k book ••.••. . •..•.•86 Dove Falconhand .................. 20, 49, 77 Harrowdale ......................... 36, 49
Auril .... . .................... . ..... 10, 18 Dragoneye Dealing Coster ................ 62 Haunted Hall ........................... 49
Azoun IV .......... 18 , 26, 32, 3 7, 38, 4 3, 81 Dragon Reac h ••.•.•••.••..••..•.• 45 Helm ............................ 11, 18, 43
Azuth ........ • ..................... 10, 18 Dragons ......................... 15·16, 38 Hex g rids, using .••....•.••.•..•.. 11
Baldur's Gate ................. 26, 38, 41, 42 Dragonspear ....... .. .......... . 3 7, 39, 4 1 High Dale ....................... 36, 37, 39
Bane ......................... 10, 18, 87, 93 Drow .•.•.•......•.•.•.. . . 37, 40, 4 1 High Horn ....................... 33, 3 8 , 50
Barbarians . ........................... . 27 Druids ............... • ............ .. 39, 79 High Moor ............................. 50
Barroch 's Hold ••...•...••. . .•.•.• 40 Dur lag's Tuwer .......................... 40 Highmoon "Trading ............... .• ...... 73
Battle of the Bones . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Dwarves .... . ................ • . ... 7, 16, 40 Hill of Lost Souls ........ . ............... 50
Battledale ................... . ....... 27, 36 Easting ................................ 41 Hill's Edge .............................. 51
BATTLBSYST BM"' rules ....•• • ...••• 9 Eldath .....................• • .... 11, 18, 39 Hillsfar . . . . .. ........ •• ...... 3 7, 38, 44, 51
Beast Cults .......... . .................. 16 Elemental Lords ......... . ........ 16, 18, 39 Hilp ................................ 33, 52
Beast Lord ••• • ••• • •...••••.....•• 41 Elminster ........................ 49, 77, 95 Hlintar ................................ 52
Beregost ............................... 28 Elturel ........ • ........................ 41 Hluthvar ............................... 52
Beshaba . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10, 18 Elven Court ... . ........... 35, 3 9 , 40, 42, 45 Hobgoblins ............................. 46
Bhaal . . . . . ......................... 10, 18 Elversult ............................... 44 Holy Flail •...•..••••.•... • .••... 82
Blacktalons ............................. 60 Elves ..................... .. 7, 16, 41, 43, 44 Homonc ulous Creation . • . • . • • • . • . . 77
B l ad e bless .•••.••...••..••...•... 83 En counte r d e te rminatio n •.•....• 13·14 Hooknose Crag . • •••••..••. • •.•••. 3 7
Bladethlrst ...•••••.•••••••...••. 79 Bn cr y pt ••.••••.•..••••••••••. 88·89 Horn • •••...•••.•...•.••..•••.. • 80
Bloodaxe ............................... 60 Espar .............................. 32, 43 Huddagh ... . .................. . ..... 52, 76
Boareskyr Bridge ........................ 28 Es1>ruar ..... . ........... ... ............. 8 Hullack Forest •••. • ••.••.•.•••. . • 44
Body Sympathy •. • .......•••....• 86 Bs sembra ..•..••...•....••••. 39, 42 Hunt, the ........................... 19, 4 2
Boo k o f Num "The Ma d " .•••••....•.74 Eveningstar .............. . ....... 33, 38, 43 Illykur's Mantle ...••. . .•.••••..•• 92
Book of the S live r Tulo n . . . . • • . • • . • 63 Evereska .................. . ......... 42, 43 Ilmater ............................. 11, 18
Bo w gentle's Book •.••..• • ...••..•• 71 Evermeet ........................... 42, 44 lmmersea ........................... 33, 52
B owgentle's Fl eeting Jo u r n ey •..•••• 72 Faerun ................... •• ........... 19 lmpiltur ................... . .... . ...... 52
B rlart ang l e .••..•••••.•.••. . •••.. 74 Feathcrdale ......................... 36, 44 Inne r Sea •.•..•••.••.••••• • • • • 40, 42
B riel's Bo ok of S hado w s • • • • • • . • • • • 76 Fields of the Dead ....................... 45 lriaebor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
Calantar·s Way .......................... 29 Fighters ......................... . ..... 45 Iron House .... . .... .. .................. 54
Calaunt ................................ 30 Fi reh a nds Group • .. .••... . . . .•••. 43 Iron Throne •.•.•...••...•.... . .• 37
Calendar ................. . ............. 6 Fir e rnaste r •...•.••...•.....•..•. 4 3 lstishia ............................. 16, 18
Ca.llgarde's Cl aw •..•••...•...•..•• 68 Fl amesb roud . . .....•••.•....•••. 73 Jhessail Silvertree ....................... 20
Calimshan ....................... 29, 38, 42 Flaming Fist ................... 27, 3 4 ·35, 60 Kara·Tur ........................... . ... 54
Campaig n in g ••... • ..••....•..•• 7 · 10 Five Wiz ards ..•...•.•• • .••.•••.. • 45 Khelben Arunsun ................. 3 7, 49, 88
Candlekeep ............................. 29 Florin Falconhand ................. 20, 49, 77 Knights of Myth Drannor ............. 20, 20,
Ca.tfeet .•...••••••..••••••. . ••••• 79 Forgotten Forest, the .. . ................. .45 22, 24·27, 2 9, 30, 66, 77
Cavaliers .. ............................. 30 Four, the ............................... 19 Knights of the North ..................... 54
T h e Cbambeeleon .•••..•..•..•••. 6 4 Fzoul Chembryl ......................... 93 Knights of the Shield ............ . ........55
Chauntea ..................... 11, 18, 39, 87 Gallop .••...••.•.•... . •.••••.••. 8 4 Kobolds ... . .................... . ....... 46
Chessenta ............................. 30 The gate p age •..•••.•..•... . • . •.. 8 5 Kossuth ......................... 16, 18, 39
Circle, the .............................. 79 Gauntlgrym ..••..•..••..••. . .. . • . 41 Kulla ............................... 55, 76
Citadel of the Raven ........ 30, 38, 39, 4 5, 55 Gharri •... • ..••....•.••••• .. •.• • 44 Laeral's Dancing Dweomer •. • .•.•• • 70
Clerics ............................... 7, 31 Glacier of the White Worm ................45 Languages ....... . ...................... 8
Cloak Wood . . .......................... 31 Gl a n vyl 's Workbook .••.••.•••.•••• 80 L.antan ................................ 55
Common ................................ 8 Glister ................................. 46 Lashan •.•..•••••..•.•• • ..• 39, 40, 42
Com pan y or the C loak ... . ..••..... 44 Gly phs of Warding L.athander ....................... 11, 18. 28
Compa n y of the Dragon . • . . • . • . . • • 39 C urta l ..••..••.....••. . • . .....• 67 Laughing Hollow ......•................. 56
Company of the Wolf . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Hlac k .••..•. . ........... . ..••. 67 Leira . .......... ..... ....... .. ...... ll , 18
Corellon Larethian ..... . ........... .. 16, 18 Ya mmas ••.•...•.•.•.... . .•..•. 67 Lhaeo ............. ... ................. 95
Corm Orp .. . ........................ . .. 31 Zuth ..•...•• . ...•.•. . .• . .•.... 67 Listen .• . ••..•...•. . ••....•..••• 80
Cormyr ................... 32, 3 7· 40, 42·44 Gnomes .......................... 7, 17, 46 Living City, the .......................... 56
Cult of t he Dragon ..•. . ... .. .•.... 26 Goblin Races .................. • ......... 46 Llira ..... . ......................... 12, 18
Currency . .............................. 9 Goblins ............................... 46 Lonely Moor ............... • • . .......... 56

Lord's Alliance .. . ..... . ............. . ... 57 Procampur ...... . ........... . . . ... . .... 70 Thsseldale . ......... . .......• • ..•.... 36, 84
Lords Who Sleep ...•••.•....•..••• 21 Pros ................. . ......•.... . ..... 70 Tumpus . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . 15, 18
Lothchas ...•••..•••....•.•••..•. 44 Proskur ................................ 70 Terrain and movement ......•... 12·13
Loviatar ...................... . ..... 12, 18 Purple Flame, the ....................... 20 Tushendale . . . . . . . . . . ....... • ....... 36, 84
Lurkan the Reaver .••.••.••••••.••44 Randal Moro .••..•...•..•..•.•.•• 43 Teshwave •..••.•.•••.•.•••••..•• 43
Luskan .•••••.••••••.••••• 42, 43, 45 Rangers .......... . ......... . ........... 70 Tuthyr ................................. 84
Magic-User s . . . . . . . . . . . . • . • . .... .. ... 7, 57 Rashemen . . .... . ...• . . . ..•............. 71 Tuziir . ..... .. .. . .............. . ........ 84
Malar .............................. 12, 18 Raurin .. . ... . . . ..... . ............. . . . .. 73 Tbaalim Turchtower .......••..•.. 44
Mane's Band ........... . ...... 20, 37, 77, 79 Reconstruction •.••...•••....•• 84·85 Thar ..... . ............. • . . . . .. . .... 39, 84
Mankind ...................... .. .. ..... 58 The Red Book of War •••••....•..81·82 Thay . . . . . . . . . . . .............. 22, 42, 85
l\taps, using .••••••.•••••.••..•.•. 11 Red Cloaks ..•.•••..••.•......•.. 41 Thieves .... . . ....................... 85
Marsembe r .............. • ........... 33, 58 Red Shields .. . ....................... . .. 74 Thond of l'Vyvernwater .••..••..•.• 37
Marsh of Chelimber ............ .. ....... 59 Red Wizards .•.•.••..••. 27, 37, 44, 45 Thorass ......................... • ..... 8
Mask .............. . ...... . ......... 12, 18 Reddansyr . .. .. ......... . .. . ... .. . . . . . . 73 Thorn Spray .••••••....••••••.••• 75
Masky r's Eye .......•. . .............. . .. 60 Religion ... . ....... . ............... . . 10, 31 Thousandheads 'Irading .................. 63
Melvaunt ................ 37, 38, 39, 44, 60 Reveal •.••...•..•...•.......•..• 82 Thunderlance ••.•.•.••••••••••..• 87
Men of the Basilisk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Ring of Winter •.••..•.•.•......•. 45 Tilver's Gap . . . . . . . ....... . ..... 37, 38, 85
Mera/d's Murderous Mist • • • • . • • • 79·80 Ruathlek ...... . .. . ............. . .... . .. 8 Turi! ................................... 19
Mercenary Companies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . 60 Ruathyna •.••••. ••• .....••• 4.2, 43, 45 The Tome of the Covenant ...•..•••. 91
Merchant Companies ......... • ....... 62, 73 Sablrlne's Specular .••...•••..•. 77·78 Tume of the Unicorn •......•.... 41, 42
Merchants' League ...••..••.••...•.42 Sacred Link ..•.••••.•••••.••.•••• 83 Turm . .......................... 15, 18, 32
Merith Strongbow ............... . . . ... 20 Saerb . . .... . .. . ...... . .......... . . . .... 76 Turn .................................. 20
Mielikki ...................... . ..... 12, 18 Saerloon ................ . .......... . 73, 76 Tuwer of Ashaba . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....... 77
\1ilil ..........•.• • .................. 13, 18 Savage Seven, the ....... . .............. 21 'Irail Lords . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
Mindulgulph .......... . ............. 19, 61 The Sealamagdrlon ...•.......•• 89·90 Triboar .. .. .•.•••• ..• •.... .•. ... 38
Mintarn ............ . .......... . . . .... 63 SCardale ........... . ......... 36, 39, 40, 73 'Iriel . ........ . .............. . . . . . . .. 86
l'ttirabar •..............•.•..•...• 40 Scatterspray ........•..•.•••..... 76 Troll \\foods •..••........• .....•.. 38
Mistledale . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...... 36, 37, 39, 64 Sceptanar ..••.•....•...••..•...• 43 lrollclaw Ford . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86
Moonsea . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........... 38, 64 Scorch ..••.••..•• •••...•••••. 80-81 'Irueshield 'Irading . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 62
Moonshae Islands ...................... 64 SCornubel .................. . ....... 44, 73 Tsurlagol . . . .................. . ....... 86
Moradin ............... • ............ 16, 18 sea of Swords .......................... 74 Tulbegh . . ......................... . . 76, 86
Mourngr ym ..... • ...... • . ....... 43, 49, 77 Secomber ...•...•...•....••••••• 41 Tulrun's Tracer ...•...... • ........ 69
Mulhessen .......................... 65, 76 Secure •••......•........•...•... 89 Turmish .. . ........................... 86
Mulhorand .... • .......•.......• . ....... 65 Selgaunt .............. . ...... 42, 45, 74, 76 Tymora . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15, 18, 21
Mulmaster . . . ......•............... 37, 65 Selune . . . . . . . ..........•........... 13, 18 Tyr ................ •. . • . • ..•.. .. 15, 18
My rkul ......•..... • ............. . 13, 18 Sembia . . ................. . ..... 37, 40, 74 Tyrluk . . . . . . . . . ................... 3 3, 86
Mystra . . . .....•.......•........ . .. 13, 18 Seven Suns 'Irading . . ............. . ...... 63 Umberlee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..... 16, 18
Myth Drannor .................. 39, 45, 65 Shaar ........................ . ...... . .. 76 Unicorn horns, the uses of •...... 76·77
Names ....................... . ........ . . 7 Shadow Thieves ............ . ........ . ... 80 Unther ............. . ................. 86
The Nathlum .••..•••...••••••.•.• 65 Shadowdale ........... 36, 37, 38, 39, 44, 77 Urmlaspyr .......................... 76, 86
Nchaser's Eiyromancia ••.••••.•• ••. 6Z Shalrksah •...•..•.•..••.•••.•..• 44 Utter Bast ..••.•...•..••.•.•...•• 45
Nchaser's Glowing Globe •.•••••.••• 6Z Shar ......... . ............... . ..... 14, 18 Vaasa .. . . . .......................... 3 7. 86
Nentyarch •....•.•....•.....•.... 43 Sharanalee ............ • ........... .. ... 49 Vale of Lost Voices . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . 87
Neverwinter .................... . ....... 66 Sharantyr .....................•..... .. . 20 Valiant Warriors, the . . . . • . . . . . . . . .....21
Night Masks ......... . ............. . .... 89 Sheela Pe ryroyal .. .. ... . ............. 17, 32 Vangerdahast . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33, 38 , 81
Nimbrat ............................... 67 Silvanus ................. . .......... 14, 18 Vilhon Reach ......... ~., ............... 87
Nine, the .. . ....... . .... . . . ...••. . ...... 20 Simbul, the ............ . ......... 22, 37, 49 Voonlar ............ . .................. 87
Nobles ................................. . 7 Six Coffers Market ......... . .. . ......... 62 Warrior's Crypt ..•.•......•.. . .... 43
North, the ........................ . .. . . 68 Skull Gorge ............... .. ............ 80 Watchware •••. .•. ...•... ..•....• 73
NPC level modification table .•.••...• 17 Smoke Ghost .•..••..•••.•..••..•. 81 Waterdeep . . . . . . . . ....... 38, 5 7, 80, 85, 87
Nulatboe's Ninemen •..•...•.•• .••• 6Z Sossal ... . ...... . ............ ... .... . .. 80 Waukeen ........................... 16, 18
Oghma . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....... . .... . 13, 18 Soubar ........................... .. ... 80 Way Inn ............ . .............. . 29, 88
Ores ....................... . ...... . 17, 46 South ... . ......... ... ................. 80 Waymoot ......... • .............. 33, 43, 88
Order of the Blue Boar ................. . . 61 The Spellbook of Dalmos ••••••....•72 Westgate ........................ 43, 44, 89
Ordulin . . . . . . . .............. .. 38, 67, 76 Spell Bngine ......••..•...... •... 78 \.Vheloon ....................... . .... 33, 89
Orjalun's Arbatel ...• •. ..•••..•. 87·88 Spendelard's Chaser . . • . . . • . . • • . . • 68 Windriders lrading ............ • ......... 74
Or lumbor . . . . . . . . . . ................ .. 68 Snatch ••••••...•••••..••.••.•••• 79 Witches ...... . ......................... 71
Paladins . . . ... . ........•........... . .. 30 Spark .•..•••.•••.••..••••••••••. 79 Wood of Sharp Tueth .................... 89
Phase Trap •.•••..••••....••..• 86·87 Stags Caravan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74 \'Vyvernwater ..•.••...•..••••..•. 37
Pheszeltan ....... . ........... . ...... 45, 51 Standing Stone .................. . .... 35, 81 Yellow Snake Pass ...................... 92
Phlan ................. . ... ... ........ . . 38 StealspeU •.....•••..•...•.•.••.• 93 Yhaunn ...... . ...................... 76, 92
Piergeirion Paladinson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88 Sting ..•.•.••.....••...•.••...•• 84 Ylraphon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............. 92
Pirate Isles ..... . .................... 42, 68 Storm Silverhand ..... . .. .. ....... 49, 77, 95 Yuirwood •••......•.....•.•.•... 42
Poisons Sune . . .... . ......... . . .. ......... . 14, 18 Yulash . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 38, 92
Belpren ••.•.•....• ...••••••••• 66 Surd ............... .. ............. 76, 81 Zhentarim ..... . 26, 27, 30, 32, 33, 37, 55, 92
Dwarfbane ...•....•..•..•.•••.. 67 Surefeet 'Irademasters .... . ...............74 Zhentil Keep ....... 28, 32, 33, 30. 37, 38 , 39
Hufd •••.•. .•••.....•••..•..••• 67 Suzail . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33, 38, 451 81 42·45, 55. 84, 93
Jeteye . .. ••...••• .. •••. ....•... 67 Sword Coast .. ........ . ............. 44, 81
Lhurdas ...•. •.••...••• ..••...• 66 Swords of Leilon, the . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Orvas ••.•..••.•....•.•...••.•. 66 Sylune ....... . ............... 38, 49, 77, 96
Prespra ...••.......••....••..• 66 Thlona . . ............................ 14, 18
Varrakas •..•.••...••......•... 66 Thlos .......................... . .. . . 15, 18
Presper's Moonbow .••.••• •..••••• 92 Thrkhaldale ............................ 81
Priapur l . . . . ......................... 70 Tusirln's Haunte<fSleep ••.......•.. 69


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