Some of The Early Warning Signs of Liver Cancer Include

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The most common form of liver cancer begins in cells called hepatocytes and is

called hepatocellular carcinoma. Liver cancer is cancer that begins in the cells of your liver.
Your liver is a football-sized organ that sits in the upper right portion of your abdomen, beneath
your diaphragm and above your stomach.

What is the survival rate for liver cancer?

If the liver cancer is localized (confined to the liver), the 5-year survival rate is 28%. If
the liver cancer is regional (has grown into nearby organs), the 5-year survival rate is
7%. Once the liver cancer is distant (spread to distant organs or tissues), the survival
time is as low as 2 years.

What are the early warning signs of liver cancer?

Some of the early warning signs of liver cancer include:

 Unexplainable weight loss.

 Hepatomegaly (enlarged liver under the ribs on the right side)
 Pain in the abdomen or near the right shoulder blade.
 Ascites (abdominal swelling)
 Fluid build-up in the abdomen.
 Jaundice (yellowing of skin and eyes)

 What is the main cause of liver cancer?

 Worldwide, the most common risk factor for liver cancer is chronic (long-term)
infection with hepatitis B virus (HBV) or hepatitis C virus (HCV). These
infections lead to cirrhosis of the liver and are responsible for making liver cancer
the most common cancer in many parts of the world.
 What is the first stage of liver cancer?
 Stage 1 liver cancer: The single primary tumor (any size) hasn't grown into
any blood vessels. The cancer hasn't spread to nearby lymph nodes nor distant
sites. Stage 2 liver cancer: A single primary tumor (any size) has grown into
blood vessels, or several tumors are present (all smaller than 5 cm).
 Does liver cancer spread fast?
 These cancers start in the cells lining the blood vessels of the liver. They often
grow quickly.

Does anyone survive liver cancer?

Without treatment, the median survival for stage A liver cancer is 3 years. With
treatment, between 50 and 70 out of 100 people (between 50 – 70%) will survive for 5
years or more.
How do you feel when you have liver cancer?
Symptoms of liver cancer can include: your skin or the whites of your eyes turn
yellow (jaundice), you may also have itchy skin, darker pee and paler poo than usual.
loss of appetite or losing weight without trying to. feeling tired or having no energy.

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