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Module V

Issues, Trends and Promises in Information Technology

Scope of the Module

This module consists of three lessons, namely:

Lesson 1. Issues, Trends and Promises in Information Technology

Lesson 2. Challenges of Information Technology

Lesson 3. National Information Technology Plan

Overview of the Module

This module discusses the various issues, trends, promises and challenges in
Information Technology. It also presents the action agenda of National Information
Technology for the 21 st century, and the Philippine situation in terms of IT development. The
resolution for the fourth and fifth IT Professionals’ Congress was also discussed in relation to
the vision of our country within the 21 st century.

Objectives of the Module

After completion of this module, you should be able to:

1. Identify the promises, trends and challenges in Information Technology
2. Describe the Philippine situation in terms of IT development
3. Forecast the IT picture of our country in the 21 st century

Suggested Reading

Crisostomo, Conchita. Information Technology Perspectives. Manila: 3K-IT Educational

Services, 1999

Introduction to Information Technology
Module V


Lesson Objectives:

After completing this lesson, you should be able to:

1. Enumerate and discuss the trends of Information Technology
2. Identify the main areas of Artificial Intelligence
3. Describe the services offered by Information Superhighway
4. Discuss the emerging technology applied in the field of education today

Lesson 1.1 Introduction

Information Technology is a way of making our lives easier. The digital revolution is
whipping through our lives turning this era as the dawn of ecological computing. There are
new things that happen in the fields of computing and communications that make the future
become uncertain but vastly interesting. In this chapter, it addresses the promises of
computer in relation to different issues, trends and challenges of Information Technology, and
the future thrust of the Philippine government in terms of IT development.

Lesson 1.2 Issues, Trends and Promises in IT

Information Technology offers two important trends today and in the future. They are
Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Information Superhighway (I-way).

1. Artificial Intelligence - It is a group of related technologies designed to develop

machines in emulating human-like qualities such as learning, reasoning, communicating,
seeing and hearing. The five main areas of AI are as follows:

• Robotics - It is concerned with developing machines that can perform work like
human being. The machines are called “robots” and these are automatic devices that
perform functions like humans operating almost similar to human intelligence. These
robots are used in dangerous environment. For example: Robots use to explore an
active volcano, satellite-linked robots, B.O.B. or Brains On Board that speak
prerecorded phrases and maneuvers around objects using ultrasonic sensors.

• Perception Systems - These are sensing devices that emulate human senses of
seeing, hearing, touch and smell. Example of perception system is Vision System
which is used to inspect products for quality control in factory assembly lines.
• Expert System - It is an interactive computer program that can apply rules to input in
order to generate conclusions. The software stimulates the reasoning process.

Examples of these are: Mycin for diagnosing infections diseases; Prospector for
assessing geological data in locating mineral products; Dendral for identifying
chemical compounds; Residential Burglary Expert System (REBES) for investigating
crime scenes; Computer Assisted Risk Evaluation System (CARES) for assessing
families for risk of child abuse, etc.

• Natural Language Processing and Logic - Using this technology, computer can
understand human language, and fuzzy logic deals with problems of uncertainty

• Neural Networks - Use physical devices or software to mimic the neurological

structure of the human being. Some of the essential characteristics of neural
networks are: Learning (can be trained to learn having its mistakes corrected; and
Pattern Recognition (can assimilate two or three variables at once or can link
hundreds of variables simultaneously.

• Artificial Life and the Turing Test - Artificial life or A-Life is concerned with creatures
consisting of computer instructions or pure information that are created, replicate,
evolve and die like living organisms. The Turing test is a test or game for determining
whether a computer possesses intelligence or self awareness.

2. Information Superhighway (I-Way) - It refers to the fusion of networks and technologies.

Its services are delivered by several information providers such as telecommunication
networks, cable television networks and the internet. Applications include home
services, education, health care, research and libraries, entertainment,
video-on-demand, mobile communication and commerce that helps business
competitiveness. Other applications include multimedia, teleconferencing, distance
learning, research databases, and teleshopping services.

Lesson 1.3 Services Offered by I-Way

Information Superhighway gives us the electronic democracy to connect us through

various networks and hook up our “information appliances” in order to access numerous
services. Specifically, these services include the following:

• Education - Information Technology has been employed to enhance the educational

process. In the Philippines, majority of the schools from pre-school level to college integrate
computer subjects in their curricula. For basic education, computer is offered as
independent subject, others as elective, while other schools integrate it in Mathematics,
Practical Arts, and in Technology and Home Economics. Other schools use computer as an
instructional tool in the form of Computer Assisted Instruction (CAI) in Language, Arts,
Music, and Science subjects.

Separate / Independent subject

Integration in other subjects


Instructional tool

Computer Offering in Basic Education

Some of the emerging technologies applied in education are as follows:

∗ Virtual Classroom - extending lectures to other areas aside from traditional classroom
and not limited by scheduled class time; replaces lecture room with forms of learning
technologies featuring multimedia programs, workstations, and television courses

∗ Virtual Library - enable the students to scan and research various books from
different libraries; students could take video field trips to distant places and to get
information from remote museums and libraries.

∗ Distance Learning / Borderless Classroom - Uses computer and/or video networks to

teach courses to students outside the conventional classroom.

∗ Computer Assisted Instruction (CAI) - It is a software/program used by teachers for

lectures. Features of CAI include interactive capability, storage for future use,
flexibility, logical control, and display features. Uses of CAI include “drill and
practice”, It is a progressive and workable supplement to traditional education, and
becomes increasingly attractive as cost effective educational tool for shortage of

∗ Computer-Managed Instruction (CMI) - It manages the educational process by

providing an initial test to students to determine their level of preparation and to
assign the appropriate level of instruction. It maintains records on the progress of the
students as well as the problem areas.

∗ Other applications include interactive learning process, for lectures, multi-media for
classroom discussion, internet for research, collaborative learning and electronic data
interchange, and e-knowledge.

• Health - Application of IT in improving health is “telemedicine”. This uses

telecommunications to link health care providers and researchers enabling them to share
medical images, patient records, and research. It allows long distance patient examinations
using video cameras, virtual reality kinds of globes that would transmit and receive tactile
sensations, and the use of networks for “teleradiology” (the exchange of x-rays, CT scans,
etc.) Another application is the translation of human anatomy into billions of bytes of
computer memory. Such models would help medical students with their training, surgeons,
and preoperation planning.

• Electronic Commerce (E-Commerce) - Information Superhighway enhances business
productivity and competitiveness. With information flowing faster, goods can be sent to
market easily, new products can be tested on time and can be easily reached in remote
locations. In effect, small companies could afford to act like big ones, and people in a wide
variety of professions could collaborate in diverse ways.

• Home Services - Applications include the use of interactive cable television,

video/movies-on-demand (allows viewers to browse through a menu of hundreds of movies,
select and start it when they want), “electronic mall” (home shopping and allowing viewers
to review menus on the display screen that lead to a variety of stores), video games,
“telegambling”, money handling, bill paying and banking.

• Mobile Telecommunications - Applications include E-mail, fax, voice mail, and video
message - exchange.

Introduction to Information Technology
Module V
Lesson 1


Test I. Identify the following:

_______________ 1. Today, the two most important trends

_______________ 2. of Information Technology

_______________ 3. Refers to the fusion of networks and technologies

_______________ 4. Interactive computer program that can apply rules to input in order to
generate conclusions

_______________ 5. Test or game for determining whether a computer possesses

intelligence or self awareness

_______________ 6. Sensing devices that emulate human senses of seeing, hearing, touch
and smell.

_______________ 7. It is concerned with developing machines that can perform much like
human being.

_______________ 8. It can assimilate two or three variables at once or can link hundreds of
variables simultaneously

_______________ 9. Uses physical devices or software to mimic the neurological structure

of the human being.

_______________ 10. Software or program used by teachers for lecture which include
interactive capability, storage, flexibility, logical control and display

Test II. Give examples of the following:

1. Perception System _________________________________________

2. Neural Networks _________________________________________

3. Expert System _________________________________________

4. Information Technology _________________________________________

5. E-Commerce _________________________________________

6. Mobile Telecommunication _________________________________________

7. Artificial Intelligence _________________________________________

8. Robotics _________________________________________

9. E-Learning _________________________________________

10. IT in Health _________________________________________

Introduction to Information Technology
Module V


Lesson Objectives:

After completing this lesson, you should be able to:

1. Identify the challenges in Information Technology
2. Determine the adverse effect of IT in our health and on the environment
3. Understand ethics, privacy and property right in the field of Information Technology
4. Describe the threats of Information Technology

Lesson 2.1 Challenges of Information Technology

With the rapid changes in technology as well as the broadening of the area of
communications, problems and uncertainty in IT are here to stay. Some of the challenges in IT
are as follows:

• Technological Challenges - For the Information Superhighway to be fully utilized,

technological challenges must be overcome. These include the following:

∗ Channels and Protocols - The kind of transmission protocols, the method of sending
signals, and the future of wireless technology are considered some of the issues and

∗ Storage Capacity - Offering video-on-demand requires large storage capacity. A

single movie contains about 100 GB of data adding to the thousands of TV shows,
encyclopedias, and other information sources. Compression/decompression is one
way of reducing the PC’s storage capacity, but the video servers should still have
large capacity to serve the millions of consumers.

∗ Hardware and Software - The kind of user interface as well as the software that
would handle the tracking and billing system should be considered.

• Health and Environment - The use of IT has an adverse on our health and on the
environment. Some of these are as follows:

∗ Health Effects - People who use computer and IT related business devices may
suffer repetitive strain injuries (RSI) such as wrist, hand, arm, eyestrain, back and
neck pains resulting when muscle groups are forced through fast and repetitive
motions. The possible explanations for these injuries include stress level, job pace,
length of workday, exercise routine, workplace furniture, faulty lighting, screen glare,
poor resolution of monitor, and job security. There were stories that computers, cell

phones, kitchen appliances, and some communication devices might be harmful
resulting to miscarriages, birth defects, cancer, etc. There is no evidence yet that
proves the validity of the adverse effect. In fact, these devices generate low-level
electromagnetic field emissions. CRT monitors produce very low emissions. The
strongest fields are emitted from the sides and backs of terminals. Liquid Crystal
Display (LCD) screen of the computer notebook emits negligible radiation.

∗ Environmental Effects - It affects the environment in the form of energy consumption,

paper consumption and environmental pollution. Since computers generate a lot of
heat, additional air conditioning system is required to keep people comfortable. The
use of computers increase paper consumption due to printouts but as we go along
with the trends in technology, business becomes paperless. For example: the use of
e-mail cuts paperworks and costs. The chemicals used in the manufacturing process
of semiconductor chips pollute air, soil and water. Also, the obsolete machines and
cell phone batteries are being junked in garbage dump although some are being

• Ethics, Privacy and Property Rights - With the convergence of computers and
communications, we are confronted with some ethical aspects such as:

Net manners, free speech, explicit materials and censorship

Privacy - Particular concern for privacy matters includes finances, health, employment,
commerce and communications

Intellectual Property Rights - The three methods of protecting intellectual property are
patents for invention, trade secrets for formula in doing business, and copyrights for
protecting computer software, books, music, are, drawing, movies and other ideas. The
three copyright - related aspects include software piracy, plagiarism and ownership of
sounds and images. Software piracy is the unauthorized copying of copyrighted
software. Plagiarism is the expropriation of another writer’s findings as their own.

Lesson 2.2 Threats to IT

Information Technology may be harmed by people, procedures, software errors,

hardware problems, wrong data, natural hazards, viruses, hackers and professional criminals.
These threats could disable computer and communication systems anytime. To overcome
these threats, it requires vigilance in security, thereby safeguarding computers and
communications. To minimize these threats and challenges, the four areas of concern are as
• Identification and Access - Personal Identification Number (PIN), use of password, and
digital signature are some security measures to prevent and minimize illegitimate right of
access to any information.

• Encryption - It is the altering of data using a secret code for the user to have an access of
information. It is useful for organizations concerned with trade secrets, military matters and
other sensitive data. The common program written for encrypting messages in known as
Pretty Good Privacy (PGP).

• Software and Data Protection - Includes educating employees to make back-up copies,
control of access, audit controls and people controls.

Introduction to Information Technology
Module V
Lesson 2


Test I. True or False

Directions: On the blank before each number, write TRUE if the statement is correct and
write FALSE if the statement is wrong.

________ 1. Offering Video-on-Demand requires large storage capacity.

________ 2. We do not have problems in IT as far as technology is concerned.

________ 3. With the convergence of computers and communications we are confronted

with some ethical issues.

________ 4. There is no evidence yet that proves the validity of the adverse effect of
computer in our health.

________ 5. CRT monitors produce very low emissions of radiation.

________ 6. Since computers generate a lot of heat, additional air conditioning system is
required to keep people comfortable.

________ 7. The chemicals used in the manufacturing process of semiconductor chips

pollute air, soil and water.

________ 8. There were stories that computers, cell phones, kitchen appliances and some
communication devices might cause miscarriages, birth defects, cancer, etc.

________ 9. The future of wireless technology is considered an IT issue and challenge.

________ 10. With the rapid changes in technology, problems and uncertainty in IT are here
to stay.

________ 11. Use of password and PIN are some security measures to prevent illegitimate
right of access to information.

________ 12. Privacy is the altering of data using a secret code for the user to have an

________ 13. For data protection, it is always advisable to make back-up copies of

________ 14. Encryption is not threat to IT.

________ 15. The Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) screen of the computer notebook emits large
degree of radiation.

Introduction to Information Technology
Module V


Lesson Objectives:

After completing this lesson, you should be able to:

1. Know the vision of our government in terms of Information Technology
2. Familiarize with the contents of IT Professionals’ Congress
3. Identify the strategies of the government to achieve its vision of being the
Knowledge Center of Asia

Lesson 3.1 National Information Technology Plan

The National Information Technology Plan documented their vision for the 21st century.
Their plans and agenda were prepared in cooperation and close coordination with various
government agencies concerned and the IT and related sectors and organizations in the
country. It was approved by the cabinet-NEDA Board on October 28, 1997 adopted and
launched during the multi-sectoral IT Forum held on February 23, 1998.

The IT21 has the following vision and goals:

Year Vision/Goals

2000 Philippines will have an access to IT

2005 IT use will be pervasive in daily life. Philippine

companies will be producing competitive IT products
for world market

First Decade 21 st Century Philippines will be a Knowledge Center in Asia:

Leader in IT Education, IT assisted training, and in the
application of information and knowledge to business,
professional services, and the arts

21st Century Philippines will have laid the infrastructure for every
business, every agency of government, every school,
and every home in the Philippines to have access to
information technology.

The Philippines has adopted strategies to achieve its vision of becoming the Knowledge
Center in Asia. Some of the action agenda of IT21 are enumerated below:

1. Provide Policy Environment

2. Enhance the Physical Infrastructure
3. Develop the IT Manpower base
4. Pump-prime IT industry development
5. Organize for action: institutional reforms
6. Marketing the National IT Plan for the 21 st Century

Lesson 3.2 Fourth IT Professional Congress: A Resolution

The Fourth IT Professionals’ Congress held at Hotel Intercontinental in Makati last June
29-30, 1999 drafted the resolution declaring the urgency on the adoption of information
technology as a principal strategy in the Medium Term Philippine Plan.

It was further resolved the urgency of adopting IT for its developmental potential and
fostering its use by both the public and private sectors for attaining sustainable and globally
nation. The industry and organizations be made aware of the necessity to upgrade their
facilities and infrastructure with the latest technologies. On the other hand, the government
adopt policies that will foster more investment in telecommunications and infrastructures as
well as research and development.

The resolution will be forwarded to the Office of the President of the Republic of the
Philippines before the year 2000 for approval.

Lesson 3.3 Fifth IT Professional Congress

The Resolution for the Fifth IT Professionals’ Congress was signed on the 30 th of May
2000 at the Grand Ballroom of Hotel Intercon in Makati City. The congress was initiated by the
Philippine Computer Society. The resolution is written on the next page:

The 5th Information Technology Professionals’ Congress


Whereas, the Philippines envisions to be a Knowledge Center in Asia within the first decade of
the 21 st century, as embodied in the National Information Technology Plan for the 21 st century;

Whereas, Information and Communication Technology (ICT) has been adopted as a principal
strategy in the Angat Pinoy 2004 or the Medium Term Philippine Development Plan, thereby
fostering its use as an essential means for national development;

Whereas, the advent of the knowledge economy has drastically changed the way
organizations do business and has placed us on equal footing with the advanced countries,
thereby creating a myriad of challenges and opportunities for the Philippines;

Whereas, there is a need to identify the niches which the Philippines should focus on in the
area of e-business or e-commerce;


That the Philippines should adopt as the driving niche area, “e-services”, particularly the
higher-level ICT and ICT-enabled services, in order to harness the creativity and versality of
the Filipino IT professionals and knowledge workers;

That the government should adopt the necessary policies that would catalyze the development
of the knowledge economy and make the enabling technologies of e-commerce and
e-business as the main vehicle for economic progress;

That the private and government sectors should coordinate their efforts and work together
productively, so that the country can move in one direction and fully realize the gains from
e-commerce and e-business;

That as an initial project, a Philippine Information and Communications Depository (PICD) shall
be set up to contain all ICT-related information about the Philippines, including projects and
initiatives from both the government and the private sectors; and

That the battlecry of the Filipino IT professionals shall be: THINK BIG, START SMALL. GROW

Signed on the 30th day of May 2000 at the Grand Ballroom of Hotel Intercon, Makati City.

Introduction to Information Technology
Module V
Lesson 3


Test: Enumeration

1. Enumerate the issues of the Fifth IT Professionals’ Congress

2. Identify action agenda of the National Information Technology 21

3. List down the resolution made in the Fourth IT Professionals’ Congress

4. Enumerate the strategies of the government to achieve its IT vision for the 21 st century

5. List down the accomplishments of the government in terms of propagating IT in our country

Introduction to Information Technology
Module V


Lesson 1

Test I
1. Artificial Intelligence
2. Information Superhighway
3. Information Superhighway
4. Expert Systems
5. Turing Test
6. Perception Systems
7. Robotics
8. Pattern Recognition
9. Neural Networks
10. Computer Aided Instruction

Lesson 2

Test I
1. True
2. False
3. True
4. True
5. True
6. True
7. True
8. True
9. True
10. True
11. True
12. False
13. True
14. False
15. False

Lesson 3

1. Issues of the 5th IT Professionals’ Congress

a. Philippines should adapt ‘e-service’ of Filipino IT Professionals
b. The government should adopt ‘e-commerce’ and ‘e-business’ as the main vehicle
for economic progress
c. Philippines envisions to be ‘Knowledge Center in Asia’ within the first decade of
the 21 st century
d. Information and communication technology is the principal strategy for the ‘Angat
Pinoy 2004’

2. Action Agenda of NIT21

a. Provide Policy Environment
b. Enhance Physical Infrastructure
c. Develop IT Manpower base
d. Pump-prime IT Industry Development
e. Organize action for institutional reforms
f. Marketing the NITP for the 21 st century

3. Resolution of 4th IT Congress

a. Adoption of IT as a principal strategy in the Medium Term Philippine Plan
b. Adoption of IT for its development potential by both private and public sectors
c. Adoption of policies for more investments in telecommunication and infrastructure

4. Strategies of the government

a. Laid the infrastructure for every sectors of society for have access in IT
b. Produce competitive IT products for the world market

5. Accomplishments of the government

a. Pursuing NIT Plan
b. Adoption of IT in all sectors of business
c. Resolving IT issues on a yearly IT Professional Congress

Name : _____________________________________ Date : ________________
Address : ____________________________________ Student No.: ____________

Introduction to Information Technology

Module V
A. MULTIPLE CHOICE: On the blank before each number, write the letter
representing your answer.

______ 1. Vision System is an example of

a. Neural Networks
b. Artificial Life
c. Perception System
d. Robotics

______ 2. Unauthorized copying of software

a. Plagiarism
b. Piracy
c. Computer Virus
d. Privacy

______ 3. Expropriation of another writer’s findings as their own

a. Censorship
b. Ethics
c. Privacy
d. Plagiarism

______ 4. Altering of data using secret code for the user to have an access of information
a. Data Protection
b. Encryption
c. Privacy
d. Property Rights

______ 5. One of the action agenda of IT 21

a. Develop IT Manpower base
b. Develop software and hardware
c. Maintain computer ethics and manners
d. Minimize health and environmental effects of computer

______ 6. Not classified as Artificial Intelligence

a. Natural Language
b. Expert System
c. Human Brain
d. Neural Networks
______ 7. Gives us the electronic democracy to connect through various networks in order to
access numerous services
a. I-way
b. Internet
c. Robotics
d. Artificial Intelligence

______ 8. Test or game used to determine whether a computer possesses intelligence or self
a. E-learning
b. Expert System Test
c. Artificial Intelligence Test
d. Turing Test

______ 9. Emerging technology in education

a. Virtual Classroom
b. Instructional Tool
c. Expert Computer Teacher
d. All of the above

______10. Automatic devices that perform functions like human intelligence

a. Neural System
b. Expert System
c. Robots
d. Artificial Life

B. Answer the following questions

1. Enumerate the benefits and threats of IT in the Philippines

2. What is Information Superhighway? How do you differentiate this with Information


3. What does the private and public sectors doing in order to achieve its vision to be a
Knowledge Center in Asia?

4. Enumerate at least ten adverse effect of using computer.

6. How do you describe the IT situation of our country today?


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