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In Neo Tokyo there was an
incident revolving around a being called
the Sotie, or as she was named: Galatia.
Galatia along with Sylia’s brother
Mackey, were both artificial creations of
Sylia’s father Dr. Stingray to create an
artificial being to usher in a new era for
man kind. The experiment revolved
around a techno-organic object being
placed into Sylia’s head, were it would
map her brain, and though patterns. The
first experiment resulted in Mackey’s
creation, however he was far to human in many if not all respects and as such he was deemed a failure.
However it was the second experiment that proved the success. Galatia appeared in every was as Sylia,
almost as if she were her twin sister. However Galatia was more techno-organic than organic, and her
mind was much more like that of a computer in some ways than a normal persons.

Eventually Galatia went rogue sometime after

her creation. Even as a child sized being she had the
power to control machines, casing anything with metal
in it to go rogue and bend to her will. Galatia
slaughtered everyone at the complex, until Dr. Stingray
was able to get her to return to her stasis cell, however
Galatia was more evolved than the doctor had though
and she mercilessly killed him as well. But the doctor
was right about one thing, she was not yet ready, her
mind was not as evolved as it needed to be. And so she
slept for several years only to reawaken through an ill-
fated effort to destroy her by Sylia using a microwave
cannon and the power from the skyhook.

Sylia however underestimated the events, and she had unwittingly awakened Galatia. With
Galatia awakened every boomer in the room went rogue and attacked every one except for the Knight
Sabers, Mackey (who had been unwittingly drawn to the location and acted as a second catalyst for
Galatia’s awakening), as well as Brian Mason, the mastermind of the whole thing. Mason had once
been a lab assistant to Dr. Stingray and every since Galatia’s creation he has been obsessed with making
her his to raise up as a god. So when Galatia first went rogue, Mason convinced the head of Genom to
use an experimental earthquake generator to level the entire lab, knowing full well that Galatia would
survive. However he did not anticipate on all of Tokyo being affected and the lab actually moving to a
different location because of this.

So with Galatia reawakened, and all of the Knight Sabers unable to stop him since their own
hardsuits had gone rogue and fused with the labs floor, they were unable to stop Mason from taking
Galatia away. Mason quickly teached Galatia about her purpose as a god to bring man and boomers
together, all but literally. Mason only wanted to stand watch over the fall of man kind and the rise of a
new race of being. Galatia however was maturing quickly, not just physically but mentally as well.
Galatia sensed a boomer with in Mason, an artificial heart. Galatia awakened the boomer causing it and
Mason to fuse into a pillar of sorts from which he would live and look out over Galatia’s changed world.
Galatia was also constantly testing her powers and even caused dead boomers kept in the storage area of
the AD Police headquarters to awaken in a zombie like fashion and slowly to take over the building and
its powerful communications tower.

This was all but a test for Galatia to see just how far her power could reach on its own. She
learned that she could affect all of Neo Tokyo, and subsequently exorcised that power. The few people
remaining in the AD Police HQ did survive thanks in part to Priss and Leon, as well as several hundreds
of gallons of liquid nitrogen that froze the techno-organic mass of fused boomers that had fused with the
building. After this Nigel had finished constructing the Knight Sabers first 2nd type hardsuit, which was
worn by Linna who easily destroyed a Gargantuan boomer fused with a massive power line called the
Dragon Line. After this each of the Knight Sabers had a new hardsuit built, with Priss being last.

Shortly after this Galatia caused every

boomer in the city to go rogue, and the city
became a techno-organic mess. The Knight
Sabers were forced to abandon their HQ and left
with their mobile command unit only. When it
came time for a confrontation with Galatia,
Sylia planed to go at it alone, but the rest of the
team refused to let her do so. The team fought
their way into the Genom central office tower
and eventually confronted Galatia. Sylia tried to
kill her by jabbing her sword through Galatia’s
gut, but she only began to fuse with Sylia’s
hardsuit. In the end the Knight Sabers were
forced to retreat as Galatia fused with the entire
tower, transforming it into a giant ship in her
own image. Sylia was devastated, not only by her failure, but by other events revolving around her
brother, Mackey. Sylia took a leave from the group at this point to take Mackey some place safe, and to
keep Galatia from trying to use her as a pawn in her game.

Priss took charge after this and lead the

Knight Sabers on a rather foolhardy stunt.
Initially they had planed to get aboard a cargo
container to be picked up by the Skyhook and
taken into space, thus reach a space station
called the Umbrella (it’s a massive space station
designed to collect solar energy, convert it and
amplify it, then beam it down to the dragon line
to be used by the city. Galatia however could
use the Umbrella as a giant transmission tower,
allowing her to cause every machine in the
world to go rogue. When Nene’s plan to use the
cargo containers fails (the ship that picks them
up was not on time and all of the containers
were flying off the track), Priss decided that the
Motoslave was the best option. With a plead for more speed to the Motoslave, Priss was able to match
speed with the ship, and with some help form Linna, & Nene’s hardsuit boosters, they were able to get
onboard the ship, although the Motoslave was damaged.

The group made it to the station, but unfortunately Galatia’s influence was at a point that it
could now reach the station even though she was not there. Each of the Knight Sabers were forced to
due battle with their own doppelgangers, who were able to match them blow for blow since Galatia had
seen into their minds thanks to their first hardsuits. Linna was the first to quickly take out her
doppelganger, then so did the others. Unfortunately they were too late because of this and Galatia had
landed, and was beginning to fuse with the station. Linna and Nene tried to take out the Umbrella’s
energy projector that she had used moments before to “finish off” Neo Tokyo. They succeeded after a
fashion, but were blown into space, traveling at the speed of the explosion back toward the earth.

Priss was left alone to fight Galatia, and

unfortunately her suit was running low on power and
oxygen. After 1 failed attempt to strike at Galatia,
Priss was thrown into space herself. As she floated
she heard an odd voice asking her if she needed
power. Priss then noticed her Motoslave not far off
but still out of her reach. It asked her to remove its
restraints and it would save her. Priss said she would
if she could, which turned out to be all that was
needed. The Motoslave transformed into its battle
mode and flew out and joined with Priss. Priss then
took off back to finish the fight, Galatia at the same to
defending her self also began her final count down to
awakening every thing on earth to her will. The Motoslave fused with all of the Umbrella’s collector
dishes turning into a massive mech piloted by Priss. Mean while Linna and Nene also had discovered
the ability to release their hardsuits from their restraints, the suits in turn saved the girl’s lives.

In the end the Knight Sabers won, and Galatia

came to a sort of realization about the humanities
purpose, or possibly her own. As such she before her
consciousness died she restored Mackey to his proper
self, and took what parts of herself she had already
spread across the world back.

This however does not mean that this is the end

of the Knight Sabers, or the end of all rogue boomer
incidents. Neo Tokyo is in ruins however, and Genom
has lost face because of this, and may very well have
gone bankrupt do to this incident.

Campaign settings
The world is a big place and there are many different settings that cam be used, Neo Tokyo
however should be reserved for games involving the Knight Sabers however since this is their turf.
Game time lines can occur during the Galatia incident, afterwards or before. Other places that can be
used do include other countries and cities. Since this is a Cyberpunk setting and generally occurs after
some natural disasters have occurred, feel free to change some cities names to even maps. Having
actual maps of cities can be a helpful prop to use for characters to make their way to a destination.
The players and the GM should also work out where the characters HQ is located, and just what
sort of starting equipment they have at their disposal. Characters made for this particular game setting
should have a starting level of 5 or 6. This allows players some leeway in how their characters will
perform, at the same time it means that they won’t necessarily be over powered when fighting some
boomers. The hardsuits require no special training to use, they in a sense guide its user’s actions to a
degree, enhancing upon their normal capabilities. Thus a hardsuit does not have a non-proficiency
penalty when used. However hardsuits do require a person to have a certain, personality or mind type in
order to be used properly. Thus if a person has a Charisma of 13+ they may make use of a Hardsuits full
capabilities, however if their Charisma is below 13, they can use all of the suits weapons and systems
but the ability score augmentations are reduced by 2, and speed is reduced by 5.

Motoslaves do require a specific feat in order to use the Motoslaves battle mode. This feat is:
Armor Proficiency: Powered Armor. This feat is basically like any other armor proficiency feat only
this one allows a person to use powered armor. This feat is also needed in order for a person to operate
a K-Suit. Another feat: Pilot Robotic Unit, is needed to pilot powered armors larger than a K-Suit. With
out these feats a person is at a -4 to any actions take while piloting the suit/robotic unit. Additionally
using the suits weapons also require the user to be proficient in them, Knuckle Bombs are used with
unarmed fighting (the person must take either the Brawl feat, or Combat Martial Arts). The
monofilament whips are exotic weapons, the rail gun is personal firearm (until it is upgraded to
improved in which case the person must get the Advanced Firearms feat). The vibro swords are
considered Archaic weapons, and the beam cannon is an exotic weapon. Lastly the Starting age for
occupations in this setting is reduced by 3 depending on the field that the character is working in, for
example, Nene is in Law Enforcement however she is not old enough for it, however she is not an actual
police officer, she works in the communications center, she is qualified with a personal side arm, but is
not authorized to carry one, nor can she make arrests. Linna is works a White Collar job even though
she is not 23, she is at the bottom rung of the latter and handles paper work for accountants, she is a desk
jockey, but her age is not really relevant for what she has to do. Also the setting also means that people
are a bit smarter than they were 20 years ago, as such the starting age for some jobs is lower than usual.

Since normal d20 Modern games take place in or around the year 2000 to 2003 of modern times
its safe to assume that the starting ages listed are decent for the times, but take it 40 years into the future
there are now different jobs available, and more of them at that. Standards are lowered for some jobs,
and education is probably a bit more advanced as well. It’s also safe to assume that almost everyone can
speak 2 languages for this setting, those would be the countries national language and English which has
become something of a universal language. GM’s should feel free to bend the rules a bit here and there
to fit a setting.

The Knight Sabers, Defenders

of Neo Tokyo
Aside from certain AD Police characters, the Knight Sabers are really the main characters of
Bubble Crisis, Tokyo 2040. Below are each of the Knight Sabers along with both versions of their
Hardsuits. Also included are Nigel and Mackey since they are team members. All of the Sabers are
able to speak Japanese and English.
Sylia Stingray
Her Hardsuit: Since Sylia does not engage in
actual combat as often as the other Knight
Sabers, her hardsuit is not seen as often. Her
Suit is a Silver/gray color with teal and pink
accents, and it has a set of wing like thrusters
that imply she may be capable of greater flight
range than the other Sabers. It has a form of
stealth mode that makes her practically
undetectable and is also equipped with a
retractable blades that she uses to inflict fatal
damage to any boomer who makes the mistake
of getting too close to her.

Sylia is loyal to everyone on her team,

but she is also very harsh on anyone who can
not cut it, or does something wrong. Sylia is
also prone to mood swings, primarily when no one is around. One second she can be very calm, and
then the next she can be dangerously violent. Sylia has gained control over this but certain situations
involving boomers, and lies from Genom tend to fluster her easily. Sylia is very wealthy and has several
high connections in the government and informants in Genom. Sylia is a genius, as well as the owner of
her own women’s clothing shop called the Silky Doll. Sylia is very fashionable and is quick to take
notice of a pretty face/figure weather female of male. Sylia also has an intimate relationship with Nigel.
Sylia is the tallest and oldest member of the group.

AGE 24 GENDER Female

HEIGHT 5’ 8” WIEGHT 120lbs
EYES Grey HAIR Silver
SKIN White CLASS(s) 12
5, Smart 3,
Negotiator 4)
CON 14 BAB +6/+1
WIS 16 MELEE +7/+2
CHA 20 RANGED +8/+3
SKILLS Bluff: +12, Computer Use: +10, Craft
(Hardsuit): +10, Craft (Visual Art): +11,
Diplomacy: +14, Gamble:+7, Gather Info:
+14, Intimidate: +12, Investigate: +12,
Knowledge (Boomers): +10, Knowledge
(Fashion [Art]): +11, Knowledge
(Business): +13, Knowledge (Popular
Culture): +11, Knowledge (Current Events):
+13, Knowledge (Boomers): +11,
Knowledge (Technology): +11, Profession:
+19, Repair: +8, Research: +7, Search: +7,
Sense Motive: +8, Spot: +8, Swim: +3,
Tumble: +7
FEATS Alertness, Two Weapon Fighting, Dodge, Mobility, Improved Initiative, Archaic
Weapons Proficiency
CLASS Charismatic Hero: Talents: Fast Talk, Dazzle, Coordinate; Bonus Feats: Windfall,
Smart Hero: Talents: Exploit Weakness, Plan; Bonus Feats: Educated (Business,
Current Events)
Negotiator: Conceal Motive, React First, Talk Down 1 Opponent; Bonus Feats: Trust
SAVES Fortitude: +8, Reflex: +7, Will: +10
PROFESSION Starting Profession is Dilettante: Skills: Speak Language (English), Current
Profession is Entrepreneur; Wealth Bonus: +31; Reputation: +7

Type 1 Hardsuit
DEX 19 MELEE +10/+5, RANGED BAB +10/+5
BAB (+8/+6/+3)
SPEED 70 WEAPON 1d6+5 JUMP JET 600ft;
UPGRADES +1 to Strength & Dexterity, Improved Weapons (+2), Increase Jump Jet Range
ENHANCMENTS Flight System, Optic Camouflage
WEAPONS 2 Vibro Blades: 1d6+2 points of damage, and has critical of 19-20. The weapon
however completely ignores Hardness/DR.

Type 2 Hardsuit
DEX 19 MELEE +11/+6, RANGED BAB +10/+5
BAB (+9/+7/+4)
SPEED 90 WEAPON 1d6+6 JUMP JET 200mph
UPGRADES +1 to Strength & Dexterity, Improved Weapons (+2), Increase Jump Jet Range
ENHANCMENTS Flight System, Optic Camouflage, Enhanced Abilities
WEAPONS 2 Improved Vibro Blades: 1d8+2 points of damage, and has critical of 19-20.
The weapon however completely ignores Hardness/DR. Treated as a light

Nene Romanova
Her Hardsuit: Designed more for field support and data acquisition than for combat, Nene’s hardsuit is
an unusual pinkish-red and purple. Her limited weaponry includes a rail gun that can shoot metal
spikes, but has an incredibly powerful computer system and scanner array that handles almost any field
intelligence operation required of her. Eventually her suit is upgraded with several automatic functions
that greatly increase her abilities as a fighter.

Nene is the youngest and most spirited

of the group, she is also possibly the smartest
one of the group. Nene is an incredibly
skilled computer hacker, and can hack into
virtually anything that has a computer
connection. While spirited Nene is not that
good of a fighter, although she tries hard to
hold her own, she is still not near Priss’s or
Linna’s level. Nene was recruited by Sylia
first when she caught Sylia trying to hack into
Genom, Nene offered Sylia some advice on
how to do it and was offered a position after
that. Nene is a bit juvenal in her actions,
something that has gotten her in trouble on
different occasions. Nene works for the AD
Police as on of their computer operator and
communications officers working in the
information center of the AD Police. Nene carries no weapons since she is not a normal police officer.
Nene also eats a lot, but seems to never gain anything due to her high metabolism. Nene and Linna are
good friends and do a lot of things together. Nene also enjoys harassing Leon, a detective in the AD
Police whom she calls different things such as Leon-poo, or Leon the pee-on, or Leonardo, (his full

Nene also has feelings for Mackey, Sylia’s brother. In their first meeting Mackey accidentally
walked into the girls changing room, Linna and Priss were already dressed and Nene was just starting to
pull off her shirt when he walked in. This first encounter started their relationship. Nene was devastated
when Galatia hurt Mackey, but recovered when her team mates needed her help. No one would have
held it against her if she stayed behind to be with Mackey, but she pressed on. Nene is also quit resilient
and tends to get up quickly when knocked down. Nene lives in a small apartment that looks like it was
ransacked by looters, this is just how it always looks, (computer stuff litter the place along with empty
food boxes here and there.)
AGE 18 GENDER Female
HEIGHT 5’ 1” WIEGHT 90lbs
EYES Green HAIR Blonde
SKIN White CLASS(s) 9 (Smart 5,
Fast 1, Field
Scientist 3)
CON 16 BAB +4
SKILLS Balance: +4, Computer Use: +24, Craft
(Electronics): +17, Craft (Visual Arts
[computer]): +13, Drive: +4, Diplomacy:
+13, Decipher Script: +24, Disable Devise:
+17, Gather Information: +13, Hide: +5,
Investigate: +13, Knowledge (Current
Events): +13, Knowledge (Physical
Sciences): +13, Knowledge (Technology):
+19, Profession: +7, Repair: +13, Research:
+19, Search: +14, Swim: +1 (-1), Tumble:
FEATS Gearhead, Point Blank Shot, Weapon Focus (Hardsuit Rail Gun), Trustworthy,
Advanced Fire Arms Proficiency
CLASS Smart Hero: Talents: Savent (Computer Use, Decipher Script), Exploit Weakness,
FEATURES Plan; Bonus Feats: Educated (Physical Sciences, Technology), Studious
Fast Hero: Talents: Evasion
Field Scientist: Smart Defense, Scientific Improvisation; Bonus Feat: Combat
SAVES Fortitude: +6, Reflex: +6, Will: +4
PROFESSION Starting Profession is Law Enforcement: Skills: Diplomacy, Gather Information;
Bonus Feat: Personal Fire Arms; Wealth Bonus: +12; Reputation: +3

Type 1 Hardsuit
UPGRADES +2 to Strength & Dexterity, Improve Sensors (+30ft)
ENHANCMENTS Computer System,
WEAPONS 2 Rail Guns: fires 4 spikes that do a total of 4d4+4 points of damage (or 1d4+1
per spike), and has a critical of 20, Range is 40ft, 1 minute of power for every
volley of 4 shots fired. Reduces a targets Hardness/DR against the shot by ½.
20 shots per gun.

Type 2 Hardsuit
SPEED 90 WEAPON 4d4+4 JUMP JET 180mph
DAMAGE (1d4+1 each) SPEED
UPGRADES +1 to Strength & Dexterity, Improve Sensors (+30ft)
ENHANCMENTS Computer System, Improved Computer System
WEAPONS 2 Improved Rail Guns: fires 4 spikes that do a total of 4d4+4 points of damage
(or 1d4+1 per spike), and has a critical of 20, Range is 40ft, 1 minute of power
for every volley of 4 shots fired. Reduces a targets Hardness/DR against the shot
by ½. 40 shots per gun.

Priss S.
Her Hardsuit: Priss’s armor is specifically
designed for her alley style hit and run
fighting tactics. Her suits main weapon is a
set of “concussion gloves,” focused grenades
or landmines on the ends of her arms and
legs. Its cobalt blue, with a distinctive
winged helmet antenna and blood red accents.
As one can see, Priss is the brawler of the
group. Priss enjoys fighting and riding her
motorcycles, both of which seem to be stress
relievers for her, along with her singing.

For Priss, destroying rogue boomers is

something of a personal vendetta. Priss
seems to almost hate boomers with a passion,
she also has no love for the AD Police, who she views as just another one of Genom’s lies, and that they
are nothing more than tools and puppets, which they are. Priss is practically the exact opposite of Nene.
Priss is quit and withdrawn. She prefers to do things on her own and in her won way. While Priss is the
acting field leader when Sylia is not with the Sabers, Priss is a loner. Priss works as a lead vocalist for a
techno-grunge-style rock band called Sekiria which often plays at a tavern called Hot Legs. Priss is not
use to having people care about her, so when Linna joined the group Priss became more stand offish at
times. Eventually Priss admitted that she looked at both Linna and Nene as sisters in a way.

While Priss is a loner she is loyal to her friends and does care about them even though she won’t
say it. Priss was the first person found to join the Knight Sabers after she had an altercation with a
Police officer for speeding. Priss and the others eventually did find out that their hardsuits and the
Motoslave were all boomers. Priss was enraged and promptly left. However after being attacked by
rogue boomers and being saved by Leon she slowly started to accept things. Finally when her friends
were in danger Priss asked Nigel t make her a hardsuit as well. During the final battle with Galatia,
Priss finally let’s go of her hate for boomers and at an earlier point even thanks the damaged Motoslave
for helping them, an act that probably was the reason behind the Motoslave contacting her later on and
offering to help her is she removed its restraints.

Priss has also slowly developed a romantic interest with Leon of the AD Police, who’s own
personality is similar to hers on some levels, especially his temper. Additionally both of them are night
owls, especially Priss who’s pale skin stands in contrast to the other Saber’s. Even though she may not
look it or act like it, Priss is only 1 year older than Nene, and is much more mature than her and even
Sylia at times. Priss is an action junky and loves moving at high speeds on her motorcycle. Priss
initially fights with the Knight Sabers for money, (each job probably pays about 5,000 to 10,000 dollars
US money, I’m not sure what that would be in yen though.) Priss lives alone in a large run down trailer
home (a big-rig [semi-truck] mobile home in the more run down and abandoned part of Neo Tokyo. No
one bothers her and anyone looking for trouble tend to find more than they bargained for. Priss has a
definite biker look and feel to her, she hates dresses , but was forced to wear one after loosing a bet with

AGE 19 GENDER Female

HEIGHT 5’ 6” WIEGHT 115lbs
EYES Brownish HAIR Brown
SKIN White CLASS(s) 13 (Strong 4,
Tough 4,
Charismatic 1,
Daredevil 4,
CON 16 BAB +9/+4
WIS 14 MELEE +12/+7
CHA 18 RANGED +11/+6
SKILLS Climb: +5, Concentration: +10,
Demolitions: +5, Drive: +14, Jump: +6,
Intimidate: +7, Knowledge (Popular
Culture): +2, Knowledge (Tactics): +4,
Perform (Sing): +15, Profession: +12,
Repair: +3, Swim: +3, Survival: +2,
Tumble: +6
FEATS Combat Martial Arts, Creative (Perform [Sing]), Vehicle Dodge, Heroic Surge, Drive-
By Attack, Armor Proficiency: Powered Armor
CLASS Strong Hero: Talents: Extreme Effort, Melee Smash; Bonus Feats: Brawl, Improved
Tough Hero: Talents: Remain Conscious, Robust; Bonus Feats: Endurance, Vehicle
Charismatic Hero: Talents: Coordinate
Daredevil: Fearless, Nip-Up, Action Boost; Bonus Feats: Force Stop
SAVES Fortitude: +12, Reflex: +6, Will: +5
PROFESSION Starting Profession is Celebrity (Singer): Skills: Perform (Sing); Wealth Bonus: +24;
Reputation: +5
Type 1 Hardsuit
DEX 20 MELEE +17/+12 RANGED BAB +14/+9
SPEED 70 WEAPONPunch: 1d4 JUMP JET 500ft;
DAMAGE+1d6 +8 RANGE/SPEED 140mph
Max Knuckle
Bomb: 1d4
+8 +5d6
UPGRADES +2 to Strength & Dexterity, Improve Sensors (+10ft), Additional Enhancements
ENHANCMENTS Boosted Strength x2 (+4)
WEAPONS 2 Placements of Knuckle Bombs, (Fists, & Feet): single bomb +4d6 to the
characters unarmed damage, reduce the effectiveness of Hardness/DR by ½. 5
bombs on the hands, 6 on the feet.

Type 2 Hardsuit
DEX 20 MELEE +17/+12 RANGED BAB +14/+9
SPEED 90 WEAPONPunch: 1d4 JUMP JET 180mph
Max Knuckle
Bomb: 1d4
+8 +6d6
UPGRADES +2 to Strength & Dexterity, Improve Sensors (+10ft), Additional Enhancements
ENHANCMENTS Boosted Strength x2 (+4), Replenish Ammo
WEAPONS 2 Placements of Improved Knuckle Bombs, (Fists, & Feet): single bomb +4d6
to the characters unarmed damage, reduce the effectiveness of Hardness/DR by
½. 7 bombs on the hands, 8 on the feet.

Her Hardsuit: Linna’s hardsuit is a military
green color accented with red and orange trim
and is extremely maneuverable. As the newest
suit of the group, it has some of the most
advanced features including armored gauntlets
and a pair of long ribbon-like cutters that can
slice through almost anything.

Linna is the second oldest member of the

group. Linna was recruited by Priss after she
clipped Linna on her motorcycle and Linna,
gave chase in a business dress and high heals,
she was able to actually catch up to Priss when
Priss took off through a parking garage, Lina made her way to the lower level exit. Linna later on was
attacked by a rogue boomer and subsequently saved by Priss, who through a simple gesture revealed
who she was in the hardsuit. Linna became even more obsessed with the Knight Sabers than before, she
had read about them online but after seeing them she was driven to become one. After an encounter
with Nene in hacking into the AD Polices files on the Knight Sabers, and after following Priss to a night
club, she eventually tracked Priss back to Sylia’s store & home. She was allowed in and was tested by
Sylia using a virtual reality devise that she was strapped into and had her enacting out one of the Knight
Sabers missions.

Linna could hardly believe what she had gone through, but Sylia saw potential in her as her body
was able to handle the stress of enacting Priss’s fight against a boomer. Linna’s hardsuit was
constructed shortly after that. In her first mission, Linna was still not use to her hardsuit and it still had
some glitches to work out as well. Although Sylia had no choice but to send her in since it was Priss
this time in danger. Additionally Linna’s power cell was running lower than Nene’s (the glitch was in
the suits power regulation, it was using too much power, but this would be corrected later.) Linna
quickly proved a quick learner and became better support for Priss than Nene when it came to one on
one confrontations with boomers. Additionally Linna’s suit was a bit more advanced than the others and
had some features that the other 3 did not have.

Linna’s only issue unlike Nene’s wanting to prove herself a capable fighter, and Priss’s need for
vengeance, hers was for a place to belong. Even though she quickly proved a capable member of the
Knight Sabers, she was unsure if she really was needed or wanted. She resolved this issue when the
team was faced with a rogue boomer in a colossal military battle robot, Priss was in trouble, Nene was
stuck at the AD Police HQ and Sylia couldn’t get there. Linna was out of town at the time but had only
told Priss, who had forgotten to tell everyone else. Linna however borrowed money form a guy that her
parents were trying to hooker her up with (something that has happened on several occasions and is
something that Linna hates, not to mention their sternness with her in terms of tradition.) Linna made it
back in time to give Priss a new power cell and to help destroy the boomer pilot of the robot.

When Galatia surfaced Linna was the only one who didn’t abandon Syia. Nene almost was
ready to if not for Linna. Linna proved to be the teams anchor in many ways. She was the one who
helped to keep them together at times. Unfortunately Linna is the odd girl out in terms of relationships
in the team. At work she is constantly the target of different advances of men in management. At one
point in time with one rather sleazy manager she made the off hand comment of wanting to rip out his
core. Linna is also a heavy drinker if she gets going, she’s not a nice one at that. During the Galatia
incident, after the team lost their HQ they took refuge in the woods along with some other survivors, all
men. Linna started to drink and got pretty drunk, especially after out drinking everyone else there.
Linna started to go into a drunken rant about how men just want to use women and how she would rip a
guy up if they ever did that to her. Least to say anyone who had any ideas of trying to do something
with her was quickly shot down.

Linna is also one of the only members of the team who shows some degree of respect for
boomers. If she is in a hurry and tosses something on the ground she apologizes for it, or if she bumps
into a boomer she again apologizes for it. This may be the reason why Linna was able to get more out
of her hardsuit, because she has some respect for boomers. Linna is the most normal one of the entire
group. Linna has a job working as a Hugh-Geit office worker (a subsidiary company of Genom). Linna
is also one of the most athletic of the group. In school Linna was into track and field sports, which she
often placed first in. Linna and Nene become good friends rather quickly. Linna tries to become friends
with Priss and in the end succeeds, even though Priss still would rather not join her and Nene for a
“sleep over.”
Linna’s fighting style is very different than Priss’s. Linna tends to go for a more
acrobatic/martial arts style of fighting. While her hardsuit is not as well suited for up-close fights as
Priss’s is, her suit is more adapt for her acrobatic fighting, and is just as capable at fighting up close as
Priss’s is, only a bit less so. Linna is very attractive but not in the exotic was Sylia is. Linna has a sort
of “girl next door” look to her which is what causes her a lot of guy troubles at the office.

AGE 20 GENDER Female

HEIGHT 5’ 5” WIEGHT 115lbs
EYES Brown HAIR Brown /
SKIN White CLASS(s) 10 (Fast 4,
Strong 1,
Tough 2,
Dedicated 3)
CON 18 BAB +7/+2
WIS 14 MELEE +9/+4
CHA 17 RANGED +11/+6
SKILLS Balance: +11, Climb: +9, Computer Use:
+8, Concentration: +8, Drive: +9, Gamble:
+8, Hide: +9, Investigate: +8, Jump: +10,
Knowledge (Business): +9, Profession: +9,
Sense Motive: +5, Spot: +4, Survival: +5,
Swim: +7, Tumble: +13
FEATS Elusive Target, Athletic, Combat Martial Arts, Run, Exotic Weapon Proficiency:
(Hardsuit Monofilament Whips)
CLASS Fast Hero: Talents: Increased Speed, Evasion; Bonus Feats: Acrobatic, Defensive
FEATURES Martial Arts
Tough Hero: Talents: Remain Conscious; Bonus Feats: Endurance
Strong Hero: Talents: Extreme Effort
Dedicated Hero: Talents: Empathy, Intuition; Bonus Feats: Iron Will
SAVES Fortitude: +10, Reflex: +7, Will: +7
PROFESSION Starting Profession is White Collar: Skills: Computer Use, Knowledge (Business);
Wealth Bonus: +14; Reputation: +2

Type 1 Hardsuit
DEX 26 MELEE +11/+6 RANGED BAB +15/+10
SPEED 75 WEAPON Punch: 2d4 JUMP JET 550ft;
DAMAGE +1d6 +5 RANGE/SPEED 150mph
Whip: 1d6 +2
UPGRADES Improved Weapons (+2), Additional Enhancement (x2), Increase Strength &
Dexterity (+1)
ENHANCMENTS Boosted Agility (x2), Advanced Jump Jets, Gauntleted
WEAPONS 2 Monofilament Whips: 1d6 points of damage and has a critical of 19-20, and
reduces a target’s Hardness/DR against the attack by ½. Range is 15ft.

Type 2 Hardsuit
DEX 27 MELEE +12/+7 RANGED BAB +15/+10
Punch: 2d4 JUMP JET 190mph
+1d6 +5 SPEED
Whip: 1d6 +4
UPGRADES Improved Weapons (+2), Additional Enhancement (x2)
ENHANCMENTS Boosted Agility (x2), Advanced Jump Jets, Gauntleted, Enhanced Abilities
WEAPONS 2 Improved Monofilament Whips: 1d6 +2 points of damage and has a critical of
19-20, and reduces a target’s Hardness/DR against the attack by ½. Range is
15ft. As a full round action can make use of the Double Tap feat for free.

Nigel Kirkland
Nigel is a mechanical genius who aids
Sylia in designing and fabricating the Knight
Sabers gear and hardsuits. A quiet,
uncommunicative individual, Nigel obviously
doesn’t agree with all of Sylia’s methods, but he
has his own reasons for aiding the Knight
Sabers. Nigel and Sylia have a “relationship,”
but it doesn’t seem to be romantic. Nigel also
shares a different kind of relationship with Priss,
who sees in him a kindred spirit.

Nigel is the only one on the team that

knows the ins and outs of all of the hardsuits.
He also owns his own garage which can double
as a work shop for building hardsuits, but it’s
mainly were he makes his normal living.

In contrast to how it may appear, Nigel

and Sylia’s relationship is romantic. Nigel isn’t good at expressing his feelings, but is able to let Sylia
know that he cares about her. Nigel also has developed a bond with Mackey, Sylia’s brother. Mackey
looks at Nigel as a sort of older brother, and he spends most, if not all of his time helping Nigel around
his shop. Nigel is in hiding from Genom, but is doing so in the open as a mechanic.


HEIGHT 6’ 1” WIEGHT 195lbs
EYES Brown HAIR Brown
SKIN White CLASS(s) 15 (Smart 6, Strong 3, Tough 2,
Techie 4)
CON 16 BAB +9/+4
WIS 14 MELEE +12/+7
CHA 13 RANGED +11/+6
SKILLS Computer Use: +22, Craft (Electronic): +30, Craft (Mechanical): +30, Craft (Boomer):
+28, Craft (Hardsuit): +32, Drive: +6, Disable Devise: +18, Knowledge (Boomers):
+22, Knowledge (Physical Sciences): +22, Knowledge (Technology): +24, Knowledge
(Earth & Life Sciences): +21, Profession: +17, Repair: +30, Research: +21, Swim: +7
FEATS Studious, Educated (Knowledge: Physical Sciences, Technology), Simple Weapons
Prof., Build Boomer, Build Hardsuit, Low Profile, Builder (Craft: Boomer, Hardsuit)
CLASS Smart Hero: Talents (Savant: Craft [Mechanical], Craft [Electronics], Craft
FEATURES [Boomers], Craft [Hardsuit], Knowledge [Boomers], Repair), Bonus Feat (Builder
[Electronic, Mechanical], Combat Expertise, Gearhead, Iron Will)
Strong Hero: Talents (Extreme Effort, Improved Effort), Bonus Feat (Brawl)
Tough Hero: Talents (Electricity Resistance), Bonus Feat: (Endurance)
Techie: Jury-rig +2, Extreme Machine, Build Robot, Bonus Feat (Educated: Earth &
Life Sciences, Boomers)
SAVES Fortitude: +8, Reflex: +5, Will: +7
PROFESSION Starting Profession was Technician: Skills: Craft (Electronic, & Mechanical) +1
Current Profession is Blue Collar: Wealth Bonus: +15; Reputation: +0 (Low Profile:

New Feats
Build Boomer
You are able to construct the techno-organic beings known as Boomers and Voomers.
Prerequisite: Computer Use 6 ranks, Craft (Electronic) 6 ranks, Craft (Mechanical): 6, Knowledge
(Physical Sciences): 6 Ranks, Knowledge (Technology): 6 ranks.
Benefit: You gain the use of the specialized Craft (Boomers) skill. This skill is considered a Class skill
for the Smart Hero and the Techie so long as the character has this feat. The character can construct
either Boomers or Voomers. The builder feat can be applied to this skill as well, also the Smart Heroes
Savant ability can be applied to the skill.
Normal: With out this feat a person can not construct Boomers or Voomers.
Special: The character gains a +2 synergy bonus if they have 6 ranks in Knowledge (Boomers).

Build Hardsuit
You are able to apply your knowledge of Boomer Technology to use in constructing an advanced power
Prerequisite: Build Boomer Feat.
Benefit: You gain use of the specialized Craft (Hardsuit) skill. This skill is considered a Class skill for
the Smart Hero and the Techie so long as the character has this feat. The character can build any grade
hardsuit so long as they have the time and resources. The builder feat can be applied to this skill as well,
also the Smart Heroes Savant ability can be applied to the skill.
Normal: With out this feat a person can not build hardsuits, but they could still construct K-Suits and
other forms of power armor.
Special: The character gains a +2 synergy bonus if they have 6 ranks in Craft (Boomers).
Mackey Stingray
Mackey is the supposed younger brother of
Sylia. Light hearted and easy going, he is the complete
opposite of Sylia. Mackey has an innate affinity for
machines, and can even find ways of improving on
machines with out even having to know anything about
them. Mackey physically appears to be 15-17 years
old, this is an oddity considering there are pictures of
him with Sylia as a little girl, and him only appearing a
bit taller and most likely older than her. Mackey is
most likely 20 years old, just 3 years younger than

Mackey’s secret is that he is not entirely human.

He was created through the same experiment that
created Galatia, only he was the first one created from
Sylia’s brain tissue. His growth was accelerated to a
degree, and then slowed to that of a normal human. Mackey is much smarter and wiser than most
people would give him credit for. He can repair a broken computer in a matter of seconds and can
almost sense machinery on his own, with out Galatia using him. Even though Mackey is what could be
considered a techno-organic being he is far too human in every way, when compared to Galatia, who is
more techno-organic than human. Mackey is capable of feeling emotions and is just as human as
anyone else except for his unusual abilities.

When Mackey was first introduced he stumbled across the Knight Saber Staging area where he
encountered Nigel. Mackey quickly took an interest in Nigel’s work on Nene’s hardsuit and sat and
watched him quietly. Eventually Nigel decided to be nice and asked Mackey to get a part for him from
the storage room. Eager to help, Mackey went to the first door in the room, which happened to be the
girls changing area. Priss and Lina were already dressed, while Nene was in only a T-Shirt and her
underwear. All eye’s were on Mackey the second the door opened, the only one who said anything was
Nene who stated, “I think I’m going to scream,” which she did. Through out the series there are several
other sexual jokes that pop up between Nene and Mackey. After this first incident Nene constantly has
Mackey calling her Ms. Nene.

It quickly be comes apparent after a few more encounters that Mackey has developed a bit of a
crush on Nene, she in term has one on him as well but won’t admit it right away. While Mackey is
highly intelligent, he can be controlled easily by Galatia, who exercises this ability on several occasions
after her awakening. Eventually when the Knight sabers decide to assault Galatia’s tower they find
them selves up against a nano-machine cloud that they can’t get through. Mackey had been controlled
earlier by Galatia, and was still weak from the encounter, since Galatia had decided to download his
conscious into her, the link was not completely severed. Mackey exercised his strength of will, and was
able to distract Galatia long enough for the Knight Sabers to by pass the out defenses of the tower.

However Mackey’s actions rendered his body comatose, as his consciousness was completely
absorbed by Galatia. Nene was devastated by the loss of Mackey, much more so than even Sylia.
However when Galatia was defeated she released Mackey’s consciousness, returning it back to his body,
thus restoring him. Its easy to assume that after all of this he and Nene were reunited and have
developed a much closer relationship.
HEIGHT 5’ 2” WIEGHT 105lbs
EYES Gray HAIR Brown
SKIN White CLASS(s) 6 (Smart Hero 5, +1 adjusment)
CON 13 BAB +2
SKILLS Computer Use: +8, Craft (Electronic): +8, Craft (Mechanical): +8, Craft (Boomer): +8,
Decipher Script: +8, Disable Devise: +6, Investigate: +5, Knowledge (Physical
Sciences): +7, Knowledge (Boomers): +8, Knowledge (Technology): +8, Profession:
+5, Repair: +8, Research: +6, Search: +8
FEATS Meticulous, Educated (Knowledge: Physical Sciences, Technology), Windfall
CLASS Smart Hero: Talents (Savant: Repair; Plan; Trick), Bonus Feat (Gearhead, Iron Will)
SAVES Fortitude: +1, Reflex: +1, Will: +5
PROFESSION Starting Profession is Dilettante: Skills: Speak Language (Binary Code); Wealth
Bonus: +10; Reputation: +3
Special Machey has the ability to understand machines, far better than any normal human.
Abilities When dealing with any machines, Mackey may take 10 or 20 even under conditions
that would normally not allow it. Mackey also has a +5 insight bonus into any
Computer Use, Craft and Repair checks made to a machine. Mackey can sense any
machinery with in 50ft of him. Lastly, Mackey can not be attacked by Boomers or
Voomers due to his nature, they ignore him. Mackey however can attempt to assert
his will over any Boomers/Voomers that are with in 100ft of him, this requires a Will
check vs. the Boomer/Voomer’s Charisma check. If Mackey is successful, all
Boomers/Voomers with in his area will do as he commands. Mackey however is not
overly aware of this ability and would only using as a last resort. Due to all of this
abilities Mackey is considered to be 1 level higher than normal.

Leon is the tough as nails, bad attitude detective
of the AD Police. (Leon is short for Leonardo.) Leon
is constantly the butt of many of Nene’s jokes, but he’s
able to get back at her. Leon has a short temper to
match Priss’s; he’s also something of a braggart, and a
lunk-head. Leon has a tendency of spouting things off
with out thinking things through first. He is a man of
action which works well for the detective. Leon at one
time was a normal police officer but disliked the job for
various reasons, which is why he became an AD police

Leon quickly develops a romantic interest in

Priss, almost as soon as he meets her. His partner,
Daley Wong, was the first to notice that Leon was
actually serious about his affection toward Priss, since normally he tends to brag about hooking up with
a woman. Leon is a bit player in the grand scheme of things, but he plays a vital roll in helping Priss to
come out of her shell. Leon has saved Priss’s life twice during the series, both times when she was with
out her hardsuit. It takes Leon a lot longer to figure out who the Knight Sabers are, than it took Lina
too. Even though Leon can be a bit pig headed and egotistic at times, he does have a soft side that he’s
only shown to Priss. After the defeat of Galatia it’s uncertain if the two decided to start a relationship,
or if it lasted. Leon’s only weapon is his custom magnum, he seems unwilling to use anything else.


HEIGHT 6’ 1” WIEGHT 195lbs
EYES Brown HAIR Brown
SKIN White CLASS(s) 13 (Fast 6, Tough 2, Dedicated 2,
Gunslinger 3)
CON 16 BAB +8/+3
WIS 13 MELEE +11/+6
CHA 15 RANGED +13/+8
SKILLS Drive: +10, Hide: +6, Gamble: +5, Intimidate: +6, Investigate: +9, Knowledge
(Streetwise): +6, Listen: +5, Move Silently: +6, Profession: +6, Search: +5, Sleight of
Hand: +6, Sense Motive: +5, Spot: +6, Tumble: +8
FEATS Precise Shot, Quick Draw, Quick Reload, Armor Proficiency (Light), Brawl, Combat
CLASS Fast Hero: Talents (Evasion, Uncanny Dodge 1, Defensive Roll), Bonus Feats
FEATURES (Combat Expertise, Point Blank Shot, Double Tap)
Tough Hero: Talents (Damage Reduction 1/--), Bonus Feat (Vehicle Expert)
Dedicated Hero: Talents (Skill Emphasis [Investigate]), Bonus Feat (Advanced Fire
Arms Prof.)
Gunslinger: Close Combat, Weapon Focus (45 Magnum), Bonus Feat (Far Shot)
SAVES Fortitude: +7, Reflex: +5, Will: +6
PROFESSION Starting Profession is Investigative: Skills: Investigate & Search, Bonus Feat:
Personal Firearms; Wealth Bonus: +8; Reputation: +4
EQUIPMENT AD Police Cruiser (Car, use the stats for a Lamborghini Diablo), Custom S&W
M29 (Built in Laser Sight [+1 to hit with in 30ft], Master Craft Weapon +1 to hit,
Damage: 2d8, Range: 30ft, Rate of Fire: S, Ammo: 6 cycle .44 magnum), 8 Speed
Loaders, Concealed Holster, License (access to AD Police arsenal & vehicles).
Daley Wong
Daley is Leon’s partner. Daley is something of
the complete opposite of Leon. He is highly intelligent,
as well as highly trained. He is in just as good of
physical condition as Leon, but is more averse to using
heavier weapons than Leon. Daley has a collage
education, he is also a capable computer expert, not on
par with Nene though. Daley is also the only gay
character in the series.

This however is never shown at all. Daley’s

relationship with Leon is purely professional, although
the two are friends out side of the office.

Daley’s combat abilities are on par with Leon’s.

For Daley’s character sheet use Leon’s, but make the
following changes: Take away the 2 levels as a Tough
Hero and give him 2 levels as a Smart Hero. Give him some ranks in Computer Use, Craft
(Electronics), Diplomacy, Decipher Script, Disable Devise, Gather Information, Pilot, and Repair. Feat
wise Daley has the Feat Power Armor Operation (Sort of like Air craft operations but deals with piloting
powered armors like the K-Suit, but not Hardsuits), Aircraft Operation (Helicopters). Aside from these
both men have the same over all skills and feats. Ability score wise Daley has a high Dexterity,
Intelligence, and Wisdom, his other ability scores are on par with Leon’s.

Brian J. Mason
The Vice President of Genom, Mason, as he is
often referred to as, is a man with his own agendas and
projects. Years ago Mason was in an accident that
caused him to undergo an operation where he had
implanted in his chest an artificial voomer heart.
Mason has sense then developed a twisted need for
voomer companionship. The fact that he is heartless is
true in both contexts.

Mason is the main cause of the Tokyo

earthquake. When Galatia got free, Mason brought the
idea of testing an earthquake weapon to Quincy Adams,
Genom’s President, as a way of covering up the Galatia
phenomena. His proposition was the cause of the
deaths of thousands of people. Mason has no remorse
toward the people her hurts. He is also able to maintain his secret activities under the Presidents nose by
only depending on people who are completely loyal to him. Eventually though his own plans back fire
on him when Galatia decides to awaken the voomer heart with in him, causing it to fuse with his body
turning him into a techno-organic being who can do nothing but watch the world change, exactly what
he had desired in the first place. Of course this wasn’t what he had meant to have happen. Mason is
extremely manipulative and highly intelligent. He is in decent physical shape but he is no athlete.
Mason does not live after Galatia goes into space.
Quincy Adams
President of Genom, Quincy Adams is a man
well over 80 years old. His life is sustained through the
use of machines. These machines could possibly keep
him alive for well over a 100 years. Quincy has a
dream of unifying mankind with boomers in some sort
of grand utopia. He is completely aware of the rogue
boomers, but just continues to cover up the incidents.
Quincy is often just as twisted as Mason, but not nearly
as much as him. Quincy has full control over the
media, and is the primary funder of the AD Police.

Quincy is aware of anything that happens inside

his tower as information is fed directly to his brain. He
is no longer capable of much physical movement but
has plenty of boomers and voomers at his disposal to do
his beckoning at a single thought. Quincy is highly
intelligent, more so than Mason or Nene. He lives in a protective room in the tower. This room is
nothing more than 1 giant machine built to sustain his life. He does not need to eat or drink, his blood is
constantly purified and screen of any harmful bacteria and diseases. Eventually he is murdered by a
voomer who was controlled by Galatia.

That’s it for all of the major players in the series. There are others, but they are nothing more
than support characters and play no real vital roll. Keep in mind that there are 3 other anime’s out there
that revolve around the Bubblegum Crisis setting. The first 2 being the Original Bubblegum Crisis
Tokyo 2033. In this series thing happen much differently, characters appear different as well. The other
series is one based after the AD Police and is called the same. The era is very cyberpunkish so
cybernetics can be allowed, with some restrictions here and there. I won’t go through and list any
cybernetics since there are plenty of other folks out there that have already gone and covered this issue.
But if you really want cybernetics and don’t want to hunt around for it, check out my Megaman X d20
RPG setting. One of the sections covers cybernetics. The information can easily be adapted to be used
for d20 Modern.

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