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One of the countries with the oldest and richest civilizations is China. Hsia, was the first dynasty in China, founded by
Emperor Yu in 1105 BC., the period around which the Chinese were already civilized and had their government, society,
philosophy, music, literature and industries
-The largest land area with biggest population, known to be the “Sleeping Giant”, because of its slow movement when it
comes to economy.
-More powerful than Japan, because of their strict discipline.
-Powerful as a country, because they are the one who started on Dynasties, in their form of government
-existed more than 3,000 yrs., more when it comes to Literature
-the only country in Asia that uses one language in their literature, and that is Mandarin.
-they are focusing on their culture
Lao Tzu-Taoism - Chinese mystical philosophy traditionally founded by Lao-Tzu in the sixth century B.C., that teaches
conformity to the Tao by unassertive action and simplicity; concerned with obtaining long life and good fortune often by
magical means.
I. CHIN DYNASTY (221 B.C.) - books that are against him will be burned, because of Shih Huang Ti (Leader) “Burning
of books” (Old were disappeared)
Chou Dynasty (112-256 BC)- the blossoming of Chinese philosophy and considered to be its Golden Age, because of the
emergence of the three great philosophers, namely; Lau Tzu, Mencius and Confucius.
Shih-Huang Ti- China’s first emperor
207 BC- The Chin rulers had first completed the Great Wall, which extended along the northern frontier, giving stalwart
protection and preserving what truly were Chinese and warding off intruders and foreign ideas as well.

II. HAN DYNASTY- Restoration of the Classics

-Confucianism (Analects of Confucius), because of him Civil Service Examination started to be
taken especially for person who would like to work in a government.
-became the basis of Chinese education
Han Period- the most inspiring epoch in the history of China; the Chinese call themselves Sons of Han. Chinese
literature became prominently richer in both form and content; with Confucius on the fore, the Chinese mind was
conquered and the first standard historical documents and literary manuscript with a truly Chinese mind were collected in
the archives of an imperial library.
*Yueh Fu- ( Music Bureau)- collect traditional songs
* Shih-Chi- (Historical Records-published in Han Dynasty)
-masterpiece of the period; records of Chinese History
- Actually just smaller dynasty, but didn’t last that long; period or time of individuality and rejection (hermit- and go to
mountainous area)
Significant Person:
-Tao Chien- 1st great nature poet
IV. TANG DYNASTY - greatest/rich in terms of Chinese literature (2,000 poets produced)
-this period witnessed the flourishing of Chinese poetry with Tu Fu- god of Poetry, as its title.
Li Po- friend of Tu Fu, also rose into fame with his romantic lyrical poems, and was called “plot fairy.”
Tu Fu- was the “poet sage” who was known more as an intellectual poet with much restraint and refinement.
Other poets who contributed to the period’s great age of poetry were Po Chiu, Wang Wei, and Wei Ying Wu.
-Golden Age of Literature
Tang Dynasty- this dynasty rose into greatness after four centuries that the Han Dynasty fallen down, which was founded
by Li Yuan.
- Chinese literature extensively includes all forms of writings such as historical books, political,
sociological and philosophical treatises, tales, letters, lyric poetry and plays.
-rulers of this dynasty, manifested God-given talents, and had strong political consciousness. Buddhism and
other religions were subjected to the State.
Shin Ching or Book of Odes- can be contributed to Confucius.

1. Li Po/ Li Bai and To Fu- two greatest poets and are curious of what they saw, they will write it in the leaves of the
trees, make a paper boat and let it swim, and because of that they experienced solitary “ Happiness of being alone”,
nature is with his shadow.”
Li Po- worked as a government employee and was accused by his emperor so he went to the mountainous area.
- appreciation of nature
To Fu- a hermit also, he is a satirist/ satirical , mean to criticize the government.
- are certainly like a panorama of Chinese rural paintings having subjects such as cherry, bushes like sentinels, soldiers
marching to war, all put artistically in picture-painting words with vivid imagery and clarity of expression.
-Lu Shih- regulated verse (8 lines) with 10 meter
- Chueh Chu- truncated verse (4 lines)
- shorter version of lu shih, if your using Chueh chu
-Tzu (song)- poems meant to be sung

HAN YU- brought major change (writer)

-wanted to go back to the Classics and when he died he was called as Prince of Letters/ Literature

V. SUNG DYNASTY- Tzu brought to greatest heights

- local dialects in story telling
-Li Ching Chao- China’s best woman poet

VI. YUAN DYNASTY- period of ruler Kublai Khan

-Kublai Khan- Greek ruler in Mongol and father of Genghis Khan
-Kuan Han Ching- 1st and greatest playwright of Classical Theater

VII. MING DYNASTY- scholars said that literature should change into something nes
-Chuan Chi/Chuan Chi- (Tales of Marvels)- became popular

VIII. CHING/MANCHU DYNASTY- emperors would go back to old- fashioned. They have contacts with the Europeans
-Travels of Lau Tsan- literary works produced on the last and dying part
-problems of weakening dynasty


-China’s turmoil- Communist (1949)
-Great Leap Forward-similar with civil war (Chinese vs. Chinese)
-Sun Yat Sen- politician and was also known as the Father of Modern China
-Chiang Kai Shek- Nationalist China
-Mao Zedong- Founder of Communist China/Father of Communism
-Ting Ling (The Sun Shines Over Sang Kan River)
- land reform
-Lu Xun- revolutionary heroes, he praised/ hailed communism in unifying China
-Lin Yu Tang- philosopher and writer
-sarcastic but humorous interpretation
A. ) Classical- inscription of bones, bark of trees

The Bible of Confucius consists of Five Classics include:

1. I-Ching -The Book of Changes ( Divination Texts)
2. Shu Ching- (2400-619) -The Book of History
3. Shih Ching- The Book of Poetry ( Three hundred poems of the Chou Period)
4. Li Chi- The Book of Rites
5. Chun Chiu- Spring and Autumn Annals ( a history of the state of Lu)

* Analects of Confucius- sayings (Base)

*Tao Te Ching- Classic of Way and It’s Virtue- Lao Tzu

B. ) MEDIEVAL- invaded of Tatar tribes

-warring states
-drama existed
*Tzu Yeh- woman poet who write the Ballad of Mullan
*Tao Chien- greatest poet of Medieval period
-Pien-Wen- marked the beginning of pop fiction in China

C. ) MODERN PERIOD- 1980’s up to present time

-drama and fiction
- flute- instrument existed
-writers have more freedom of expression
* Hu Shih- initiated Chinese Renaissance
*Lu Xun- Socialist Revolution


-Wang Wei
- Wei Ying Wu
Generally, Chinese literature extensively includes all forms of writing such as Historical books, political, sociological and
philosophical treatises, tales, letters, lyric poetry and plays.
Shin Ching ( Book of Odes)- a collection of ancient lyrics, can be attributed to Confucius
Chinese Ancient Poetry- the largest and oldest collection of poetry in the world, offering a wide anthology of verse which
can be compared with Chinese paintings.
The poems are certainly like a panorama of Chinese rural paintings having subjects such as cherry, bushes like sentinels,
soldiers marching to war, all put artistically in picture-painting words with vivid imagery and clarity of expression.


1. Analects or Dialogues of Confucius with his disciples
2. The Book of Mencius-sayings of the sages
3. The Great Learning-Confucian ethics
4. Doctrine of the Mean

Confucianism presented Chinese humanistic philosophy, an indigenous material for lyrical and didactic literature;
and emphasized that the true bases of society are not just social, but mundane and divine as well.

CONFUCIUS (551-478 B.C)

-His doctrines had molded Chinese thinking gor twenty-four hundred years, yet he was not an original thinker or
an inspired poet. Confucianism, is not a religion, for it is silent on the subject of God and immortality; rather it is
a philosophy of living, an ethical code, and a political doctrine.
-He was the person by whom the conceptions and standards of conduct developed by the Chinese through
preceding centuries were assembled and put into concrete form
-He was the Founder of Chinese Literature. His teachings were largely by word of mouth and were recorded after
his death.
He had no belief in supernatural and refused to discuss immortality of the soul, but he created an earthly
immortality for the dead through the ancestor worship which perpetuates their names and influence.
-Humanity -wisdom and
-uprightness -truth
* His great ideal was the prosperity of the state and its government in such a way as to serve the best interest of all
its citizens. The desires of the individual were completely subservient to the standards of the family and state.
* Ancient emotion had no place in a philosophy based on calm deliberation. Society was poured into a
ceremonial mold and left to cool for centuries.

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