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Speak English With Vanessa

Free PDF Worksheet

Dear English Learner,

Get ready to speak confidently with these electronics English expressions. I recommend reading
these sample sentences out loud and using the blank space on the last page to answer my
challenge question using the vocabulary. Thanks so much for learning English with me!

Your teacher,

Electronics Vocabulary
Computer: I do a lot of my work on the computer.

Laptop: Sometimes I take my laptop to the cafe to get my work done.

Tablet: A lot of people like to to play games on the tablet.

(smart/cell) Phone: I rely on my smartphone way too much sometimes!

(smart) TV: We have a smart TV so that we can stream shows and movies.

(smart) watch: He tracks his physical activity and other alerts on his smart watch.

Game console / Video game: The teenager thinks that he really needs the latest model of his
favorite game console so that he can play new video games.

Phone Vocabulary
Turn on/ Turn off: If you’re going into a meeting, don’t forget to turn off your phone. Turn it
on again after the meeting is over.

Power button: The power button is usually located on the side of the phone.

Volume button: If you need to change the volume, hit the volume button.

Charging port: The charging port connects the phone to the power source to recharge the
battery. 1
Charger: The charger refills the battery of the phone (or any electronic), usually by plugging it
into an electrical outlet or an external battery pack.

To plug in: I plug in my phone and tablet so that they are fully charged when I need them.

Headphone jack: I use the headphone jack to connect my phone to the headphones so that I can
play music.

Screen protector: I use a screen protector because I am always dropping my phone.

Notifications: Too many notifications on the phone are stressful!

Headphones: I sometimes use noise-cancelling headphones when I need to focus.

Earbuds: I like using wireless earbuds to listen to music when I am exercising.

Computer Vocabulary
Laptop: A laptop is a portable computer that folds.

Desktop: A desktop is a bigger, non-portable computer.

Screen: You may want to adjust the brightness on the screen so it doesn’t hurt your eyes.

Keyboard: You can type using the keys on the keyboard.

Mouse: You can right click or left click or scroll with a mouse.

Mouse pad: A mouse pad goes under the mouse and helps it work smoother.

Microphone: Most devices have a built-in microphone, but for better quality, you should buy
an external microphone.

TV Vocabulary
TV screen: The TV screen is much bigger and easier to watch than a phone or tablet screen.

Remote (sometimes called “a clicker”): Use the remote to change channels on the TV.

Channels: There are so many channels to choose from--how do you decide what to watch?!

Station: What station should we turn to for local news and weather updates? 2
Common Electronics Phrases
Tech-savvy: a tech-savvy person is someone who is well-informed and skilled with modern

Sometimes I think my 7 year old niece is more tech-savvy than I am.

Screen time: the amount of time spent using a device that has a screen, like a smartphone,
tablet, computer or TV.

I am trying to limit my screen time and spend more time enjoying nature and reading

Addicted/ Can’t live without: when you can’t stop yourself from doing something; in this
context, addicted to or unwilling to live without modern technology

I realized I was addicted to my phone when I kept looking at it every 5 minutes.

Scroll on social media/FB/Instagram/etc.: moving through pictures or text in your “feed”,

especially on social media

I just wasted ten minutes scrolling through cat videos when I should have been studying.

Double-edged sword: when something can have both favorable and unfavorable consequences

Modern technology can be a double-edged sword--we have access to more information

than ever before, but we’re losing our ability to solve problems without relying on

Binge-watching: watching hours of content on the internet at one time

We binge-watched that entire show in one day.

Unplug/disconnect: to intentionally spend time away from technology and/or the internet

My favorite part of camping is unplugging and spending more time in nature.

Go off the grid: to not rely on a modern power grid for electricity (to be solar or battery-
powered) or to take a break from technology or social media

We went off the grid for our vacation--our cabin in the woods didn’t have internet! 3
Vanessa’s Challenge Question
Use the space below to write a few sentences answering this question: How often do you use
your phone? What about your TV?

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